Broken Family Court
The Family Court is broken beyond repair says Kerry Bevin, spokesman for the Republic of New Zealand party. “It must be totally replaced with mediation services.”
Legally Kidnapped
Monday, October 31, 2011
Foster mom loses appeal of child-murder conviction
Foster mom loses appeal of child-murder conviction
A Las Vegas woman convicted of first-degree murder in the death of a 7-month-old-foster child in her care, lost an appeal to the Nevada Supreme Court.
A Las Vegas woman convicted of first-degree murder in the death of a 7-month-old-foster child in her care, lost an appeal to the Nevada Supreme Court.
Families say they are being torn apart and blame the privatization of Michigan's foster care system
Families say they are being torn apart and blame the privatization of Michigan's foster care system
Michigan families are being torn apart--and critics blame the privitization of the foster care system. Families desperate to care for loved ones say they are spending thousands of dollars to fight a hostile bureaucracy to get children out of state hands.
Michigan families are being torn apart--and critics blame the privitization of the foster care system. Families desperate to care for loved ones say they are spending thousands of dollars to fight a hostile bureaucracy to get children out of state hands.
Experts: Half of foster kids quit high school
Experts: Half of foster kids quit high school
When Carey Sommer entered foster care in California, he left his mom, his high school and his friends. Bounced from home to home, he changed high schools nine times until the disheartened teen finally dropped out.
When Carey Sommer entered foster care in California, he left his mom, his high school and his friends. Bounced from home to home, he changed high schools nine times until the disheartened teen finally dropped out.
From Denise
Our boy, who has Autism and is non verbal has been in a group home now for 16 months and the only reason he was taken away from his loving, safe home and caring, loving mother and aunt, is because he missed some school 2 years ago.
He has suffered so much pain and misery at the group home, and he can't even speak about it. We are his voice.
They have neglected him to the point of him getting a severe infection called Cellulitis and that's only one of the many times he's been hurt, now they won't allow his own mother into the group home, to medical appointments, to contact them to ask how he is, nothing. She still has her parental rights but the caseworker, magistrate and even her own lawyer is going right along with this group home.
Here is our story:
Our CPS story shortened:
Denver County Juvenile Court Magistrate sided with DDHS caseworker, and Permanently Placed our son, who has non verbal Autism, SID, ( sensory integration disorder), among other Autism related disorders, into a loud, chaotic, crowded, unloving, unsanitary and understaffed group home with 10 other boys/men ranging in ages from 8-21, simply because he missed some school two years ago. He's been away from his loving home and parents for 16 months and now permanently placed out of home in a group home, for no reason but their own profit, who is also drugging him unnecessarily with an antipsychotic drug, Risperdal, that he does not need to be on! Along with Xanax and Trazadone 300 mg.
We have one short visit a week and that is an unfathomable injustice. He needs to be home permanently!
This is an OUTRAGE!
He belongs at home where he receives the most love, care and affection any child could ever receive as well as a safe, peaceful home environment where he has all his special needs met, like augmentative speech therapy for example, as well as his basic needs. Where he has his OWN BEDROOM and all of his belongings. Currently he shares a bedroom with 4 other boys. He's not sleeping well at all.
Also, all the things he loves in the world, his TV/VCR and movies, his catalogs, magazines, books, toys, swing, etc. are unavailable to him there.
not to mention the group home is full of flies landing on everything including on OUR child's mouth , mice, bees, mosquitoes.
Please spread the word about this OUTRAGEOUS judgment made by DDHS and the Magistrate, who in fact did not give us a fair hearing and would not let his own mother speak her side before ruling with the Department of human services. This is after we have completed the entire service plan and every court order we've been ordered for the last,over, THREE years since they have been in our lives, ALL because of false allegations, lies and missing some school.
They have ALL done the most EXTREME INJUSTICE to our family but especially to our sweet, innocent, boy who longs to be home with us!
Thank you for your help, in advance, in getting our boy home where he belongs.
Denise and Donna
For Christopher as we ARE HIS VOICE!
Please help us get our story out.
Thank you!
Prayers would be greatly appreciated also.
He has suffered so much pain and misery at the group home, and he can't even speak about it. We are his voice.
They have neglected him to the point of him getting a severe infection called Cellulitis and that's only one of the many times he's been hurt, now they won't allow his own mother into the group home, to medical appointments, to contact them to ask how he is, nothing. She still has her parental rights but the caseworker, magistrate and even her own lawyer is going right along with this group home.
Here is our story:
Our CPS story shortened:
Denver County Juvenile Court Magistrate sided with DDHS caseworker, and Permanently Placed our son, who has non verbal Autism, SID, ( sensory integration disorder), among other Autism related disorders, into a loud, chaotic, crowded, unloving, unsanitary and understaffed group home with 10 other boys/men ranging in ages from 8-21, simply because he missed some school two years ago. He's been away from his loving home and parents for 16 months and now permanently placed out of home in a group home, for no reason but their own profit, who is also drugging him unnecessarily with an antipsychotic drug, Risperdal, that he does not need to be on! Along with Xanax and Trazadone 300 mg.
We have one short visit a week and that is an unfathomable injustice. He needs to be home permanently!
This is an OUTRAGE!
He belongs at home where he receives the most love, care and affection any child could ever receive as well as a safe, peaceful home environment where he has all his special needs met, like augmentative speech therapy for example, as well as his basic needs. Where he has his OWN BEDROOM and all of his belongings. Currently he shares a bedroom with 4 other boys. He's not sleeping well at all.
Also, all the things he loves in the world, his TV/VCR and movies, his catalogs, magazines, books, toys, swing, etc. are unavailable to him there.
not to mention the group home is full of flies landing on everything including on OUR child's mouth , mice, bees, mosquitoes.
Please spread the word about this OUTRAGEOUS judgment made by DDHS and the Magistrate, who in fact did not give us a fair hearing and would not let his own mother speak her side before ruling with the Department of human services. This is after we have completed the entire service plan and every court order we've been ordered for the last,over, THREE years since they have been in our lives, ALL because of false allegations, lies and missing some school.
They have ALL done the most EXTREME INJUSTICE to our family but especially to our sweet, innocent, boy who longs to be home with us!
Thank you for your help, in advance, in getting our boy home where he belongs.
Denise and Donna
For Christopher as we ARE HIS VOICE!
Please help us get our story out.
Thank you!
Prayers would be greatly appreciated also.
From Vickie
I wanted to tell you briefly about a horrible tragedy that my family is experiencing with the Department of Family Services in Las Vegas Nevada. I have been an foster/adoptive resource for over three years now.
In June 2008 two sibling boys... Two and five years old at the time were placed with me! Neither was potty trained, both were under weight and had developmental delays. Both had deep seated scars and fears related to abandonment and neglect.
Early into it I feared maybe I was in over my head. Maybe the damage done was too great and I was not equipped. I shared this with the biological mothers therapist outside the courtroom one day. She admonished me to hang in there and to just be consistent. Children are resilient and just want to be loved. She confided to me that she had been fighting for this placement for over a year and was so relieved that I had them.
I was struck with the fact that I did not have the instant bond of mother child as I had with my birth son. I prayed to God every night to give me a mothers heart for these boys because I knew they deserved that. He gave it to me and I was determined to remain committed to the children as I was horrified at the revolving door of placements that children have to endure.
So I clung to her admonishment and prayer and yes she was right...... I saw tremendous progress and nothing short of miracles over time with the boys. They went from being unable to function to normal busy active boys!! I became extremely busy with the demands of so called "special needs" boys and with all the requirements of the DFS, doctor appointments, counseling, tutoring, reliable babysitting, and a working single mom! Whew! But live was full and good.
It took one year to terminate parental rights. At the 11th hour of moms parental rights being terminated I offered an open adoption agreement and she agreed. Her rights were technically relinquished.
I thought of a live in nanny and one was recommended from an agency that works with foster children. We agreed to a trial training period with the understanding if it worked out she would be a live in nanny help. After a very short period of training with pay I felt uncomfortable with her presence around the children and I told her it was not going to work out. She stayed in my home for three weeks until she could arrange for another place to stay. I did not leave her alone with the children. Being vindictive she turned me in to CPS with many false and outlandish allegations against me on or about March 17th.
March 17th my presence was requested at the children's status hearing check and my adoption packet being done I had been ready for quite some time. I was waiting on the DFS to move. The Hearing Master Femiano stated that the adoption had to take place by June of this year or multiple ASFA fines would incur against the DFS. After that hearing we began picking out our new last names and planning for an adoption party. The therapist was also preparing the children for adoption.
Friday March 18th CPS investigator Deo called me at work and wanted to know where the children were. I cooperated. He took the little one from his preschool and took him to his office. I called the caseworker and told her I am getting mixed messages here. She reassured me I had nothing to worry about. Every allegation has to be investigated. The little one told me later that he was scared to leave his preschool with this strange man but he was nice because he gave him candy and then had him pee in a cup!
March 24th, one week after the last status hearing CPS removed the children from my home with out any explanation to me! I was so traumatized I did not work or go home for three weeks. After the initial blow I slowly regained strength to fight back. They had not even done an investigation and refused me any contact with the children!
I pushed for an investigation and on May 11 a month and a half later although most of the allegations were found not substantiated they substantiated child abuse "substance misuse" and I was registered as an offender threatening my nursing license. I had one week to apply for an appeal or would forever forfeit that right to appeal and would remain a registered child abuser. I got my appeal in and then waited for the hearing date to be set.
Originally it was set for July 20th but I believe at my obnoxious pushing I had my hearing pushed to an earlier date on June 15th.
On June 14th one day before my hearing I was given a copy of their supposed evidence and charges against me! June 15th I sat in at my Hearing and I defended myself and provided my evidence.
(Our three year anniversary was June 16th.)
June 21st the child abuse charges were overturned by Hearing Master Heather Kemp and the DFS was ordered to remove me from the offender data base immediately!
June 23rd I showed up children's next Hearing Status check and Hearing Master Femiano allowed me in the court room. I sat opposite the DFS/DA and I was allowed to speak. I told her that it had been a very rough three months and that the children and I were denied and contact with each other for the first time in three years.
She agreed indeed because the children had been separated from each other and filtered through five different placements in a three month period!! I was horrified!
The caseworker, did not show and had a stand in with her written notes stating that she was happy to report that the children were doing extremely well! (really?) And that I was to be contacted for therapeutic visits and a safety plan was to be placed and the children were to be returned to me. The Hearing Master inquired as to why visitation and safety plan....? The stand in stated because of the allegations made against me. The Hearing Master stated....I don't want to hear that.....those were overturned....why not just place them back???
The D.A. then spoke and said that the DFS communicated to her that there was uncertainty if they could re-instate my Foster License. I clarified to the Hearing Master that my Foster License was not suspended or revoked but the renewal was put on hold pending the outcome of the investigation and appeal! I also stated that I disagreed with the DFS decision to remove the children and that I would like get back to our lives and proceed with our original plans of adoption. Hearing Master Femiano told me that she could not force the DFS to return the children to me but that she could put pressure on them to place them in an adoptive resource as they have not been in one since they were removed from me. (There was no more mention of "ASFE" fines!) She set the next status check hearing for six months later in December.
On June 19th a friend and I went to the Commissioners meeting and sat there from 9am to 3:30pm until comments from the public were allowed. I thought my heart was gonna beat out of my chest but I briefly told them of my experience with the DFS and the children being filtered through five different foster homes. The Commissioners Stated that they would look into it.
July 21st we were granted a "therapeutic good bye visit"! Our first contact in over four months! I refused to say goodbye and stated that for the record to the DFS, the therapist, and my attorney and that I disagree with the D.F.S. decision to remove the children and not to place them back in my home and that I am refusing to say goodbye to the children. They also told those poor babies to say goodbye to the only person they consider mommy!
July 21st I was also informed that they now they were re-investigation my foster license. I called Patricia Peal to inquire why are they re-investigating my license? I was told that I was misinformed by Richard Nelson the original investigator because he is just a "very nice person"! Ms. Peal stated that this is a continuation of the original investigation put on hold pending the outcome of CPS investigation and my appeal. She stated they would have a decision for me in two weeks. (I believed that they were just looking for another way to disqualify me in order to justify their removal of the children).
I was re traumatized after seeing the children and hearing the horror of their experience. They were separated from every thing that they had come to know and expect as home and family. The older one was labeled a sexual predator stemming from the false allegation against him and I. He was separated from his younger brother. Kicked out of multiple homes and sent to St. Judes Ranch with other labeled offenders. His medication and bowel training that we worked so hard on for three years went all together ignored and Matthew began to soil his paints again! He was ridiculed and humiliated for soiling his pants and ran away to find me! He was caught and sent back to Child Haven. He told me that his life has been ruined! ( He is only 8 years old!) He also told me that his heart feels like a toilet that is plugged up. While he was in my presence he said it has gone down but when he leaves me it will be plugged again. He stated that he began cursing again because he is so angry at what has happened! Me too baby...I told him. He asked me “How are we going to stay connected as a family mom?” I pointed to my heart and then told him I was banging on the gates of heaven!! He described the removal of his brother and he from me and our separation from each other right before our adoption as a bomb that blew us all up!!! .....It does feel like an act of terrorism!
Tuesday July 26th Janice Ridondo Community Liason for Commissioners had set up a meeting for me to meet with the Director of the DFS Tom Morton on Friday July 29th. It was then overturned by the Assistant County Manager Jeff Wells stating that since I am in the midst of a "best interest determination" it would be inappropriate for the county to step in at this time. Jeff Wells then communicated to me that he told the DFS that they could not investigate my foster license until they had done a best interest determination.
Tuesday August 2nd went to Commissioners Meeting and I spoke again to request a “Special Meeting” concerning the DFS. I was told yes by the Commissioners I was told to get with Jeff Wells again to set that up.
August 4th an "Emergency Hearing" for the boys was set. Amy Jaffe and Patricia Peal stood in for the DFS. Also Tamiko Carter Henderson case worker and Richard Nelson Foster License Investigators, Darcy Spears Chief Investigative Reporter for channel 13, Anita Stephens former president of CCFAAPA. Sylvia liberty and Shelly Alfaro, long time friends on mine. The biological grandmother was also there in the audience.
This time The DFS stated in court that they are planning on placing the children back with biological grandmother before school starts this year. (They removed the children from the the biological grandmother three years ago and placed with me for adoption). They also stated that they are investigation my foster license again. And that the Investigation was not complete at that time but Patricia Peals stated that she would have to say they are probably moving towards revocation. (of course!) Amy Jaffe stated that they would grant me visitation if the children were to ask for me. (They have been asking for their mommie since their removal!)
This hearing in no way resembled a "Best Interest Determination" but was placed on calendar as and specifically called a “status check”. Biological grandmother told the hearing master that I disobeyed court ordered visitation with bio mother. (I have an open adoption agreement giving me discretion with visitation so that I could act in children’s best interest). Also there was still no more mention of "ASFE" fines promised if the children were not adopted by June of this year!
Friday August 5th Darcy Spears Chief Investigative Reporter for Channel 13 interviewed me in our home.
Tuesday August 9th I email-ed and called DFS administration and my attorney that I had no intentions of ever having a Foster License again! That I would have it and did have it only to adopt those boys.
Friday August 12 I email-ed and called the County Managers Office about the DFS refusing to speak with me. I was told Jeff Wells was on vacation and Rose who answered the phone called the DFS for me she was told that DFS would not speak with me if I had council so immediately I released my attorney and cc’d that release email to DFS administration.
Monday August 15th I Called DFS for visitation again and was told that they could not speak with me because I had an attorney and I clarified that I released him and had forwarded that release notification to their office! I also spoke briefly with Donna Coleman Child Welfare Advocate about getting CAP Attorney for the children. Email-ed Tabitha Fiddyment Child Welfare Attorney and I spoke and faxed all documents pertaining to my boys and their case to Bill Grimm Lead Council for National Youth Law....he is looking into it.
August 16th I spoke again at the Commissioners Meeting. I was told by Don Burnette Clark County Manager that the new interim director Lisa Ruiz-Lee would speak with me now as he had directly spoke to her office about it.
August 17th Lisa Ruiz-Lee did email me back and stated that she would be in contact with me shortly to schedule a meeting for the week of the 21st. I requested more visitation with the children since their was no transition and the children are still very traumatized. She stated that she would discuss that issue with me at our meeting! (In other words...NO.....and still no transition for the children or me).
The children and I have been used and then discarded like trash by a corrupt system paramount to human trafficking and slavery. Millions of dollars are at stake and the children pay the price! I can no longer remain silent to this evil system that betrays the children entrusted in their care!
Please see my petition and contact me about this case and be a voice for the voiceless!
“Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” And he took them in his arms and blessed them, laying his hands on them.
—Mark 10:13-16
In June 2008 two sibling boys... Two and five years old at the time were placed with me! Neither was potty trained, both were under weight and had developmental delays. Both had deep seated scars and fears related to abandonment and neglect.
Early into it I feared maybe I was in over my head. Maybe the damage done was too great and I was not equipped. I shared this with the biological mothers therapist outside the courtroom one day. She admonished me to hang in there and to just be consistent. Children are resilient and just want to be loved. She confided to me that she had been fighting for this placement for over a year and was so relieved that I had them.
I was struck with the fact that I did not have the instant bond of mother child as I had with my birth son. I prayed to God every night to give me a mothers heart for these boys because I knew they deserved that. He gave it to me and I was determined to remain committed to the children as I was horrified at the revolving door of placements that children have to endure.
So I clung to her admonishment and prayer and yes she was right...... I saw tremendous progress and nothing short of miracles over time with the boys. They went from being unable to function to normal busy active boys!! I became extremely busy with the demands of so called "special needs" boys and with all the requirements of the DFS, doctor appointments, counseling, tutoring, reliable babysitting, and a working single mom! Whew! But live was full and good.
It took one year to terminate parental rights. At the 11th hour of moms parental rights being terminated I offered an open adoption agreement and she agreed. Her rights were technically relinquished.
I thought of a live in nanny and one was recommended from an agency that works with foster children. We agreed to a trial training period with the understanding if it worked out she would be a live in nanny help. After a very short period of training with pay I felt uncomfortable with her presence around the children and I told her it was not going to work out. She stayed in my home for three weeks until she could arrange for another place to stay. I did not leave her alone with the children. Being vindictive she turned me in to CPS with many false and outlandish allegations against me on or about March 17th.
March 17th my presence was requested at the children's status hearing check and my adoption packet being done I had been ready for quite some time. I was waiting on the DFS to move. The Hearing Master Femiano stated that the adoption had to take place by June of this year or multiple ASFA fines would incur against the DFS. After that hearing we began picking out our new last names and planning for an adoption party. The therapist was also preparing the children for adoption.
Friday March 18th CPS investigator Deo called me at work and wanted to know where the children were. I cooperated. He took the little one from his preschool and took him to his office. I called the caseworker and told her I am getting mixed messages here. She reassured me I had nothing to worry about. Every allegation has to be investigated. The little one told me later that he was scared to leave his preschool with this strange man but he was nice because he gave him candy and then had him pee in a cup!
March 24th, one week after the last status hearing CPS removed the children from my home with out any explanation to me! I was so traumatized I did not work or go home for three weeks. After the initial blow I slowly regained strength to fight back. They had not even done an investigation and refused me any contact with the children!
I pushed for an investigation and on May 11 a month and a half later although most of the allegations were found not substantiated they substantiated child abuse "substance misuse" and I was registered as an offender threatening my nursing license. I had one week to apply for an appeal or would forever forfeit that right to appeal and would remain a registered child abuser. I got my appeal in and then waited for the hearing date to be set.
Originally it was set for July 20th but I believe at my obnoxious pushing I had my hearing pushed to an earlier date on June 15th.
On June 14th one day before my hearing I was given a copy of their supposed evidence and charges against me! June 15th I sat in at my Hearing and I defended myself and provided my evidence.
(Our three year anniversary was June 16th.)
June 21st the child abuse charges were overturned by Hearing Master Heather Kemp and the DFS was ordered to remove me from the offender data base immediately!
June 23rd I showed up children's next Hearing Status check and Hearing Master Femiano allowed me in the court room. I sat opposite the DFS/DA and I was allowed to speak. I told her that it had been a very rough three months and that the children and I were denied and contact with each other for the first time in three years.
She agreed indeed because the children had been separated from each other and filtered through five different placements in a three month period!! I was horrified!
The caseworker, did not show and had a stand in with her written notes stating that she was happy to report that the children were doing extremely well! (really?) And that I was to be contacted for therapeutic visits and a safety plan was to be placed and the children were to be returned to me. The Hearing Master inquired as to why visitation and safety plan....? The stand in stated because of the allegations made against me. The Hearing Master stated....I don't want to hear that.....those were overturned....why not just place them back???
The D.A. then spoke and said that the DFS communicated to her that there was uncertainty if they could re-instate my Foster License. I clarified to the Hearing Master that my Foster License was not suspended or revoked but the renewal was put on hold pending the outcome of the investigation and appeal! I also stated that I disagreed with the DFS decision to remove the children and that I would like get back to our lives and proceed with our original plans of adoption. Hearing Master Femiano told me that she could not force the DFS to return the children to me but that she could put pressure on them to place them in an adoptive resource as they have not been in one since they were removed from me. (There was no more mention of "ASFE" fines!) She set the next status check hearing for six months later in December.
On June 19th a friend and I went to the Commissioners meeting and sat there from 9am to 3:30pm until comments from the public were allowed. I thought my heart was gonna beat out of my chest but I briefly told them of my experience with the DFS and the children being filtered through five different foster homes. The Commissioners Stated that they would look into it.
July 21st we were granted a "therapeutic good bye visit"! Our first contact in over four months! I refused to say goodbye and stated that for the record to the DFS, the therapist, and my attorney and that I disagree with the D.F.S. decision to remove the children and not to place them back in my home and that I am refusing to say goodbye to the children. They also told those poor babies to say goodbye to the only person they consider mommy!
July 21st I was also informed that they now they were re-investigation my foster license. I called Patricia Peal to inquire why are they re-investigating my license? I was told that I was misinformed by Richard Nelson the original investigator because he is just a "very nice person"! Ms. Peal stated that this is a continuation of the original investigation put on hold pending the outcome of CPS investigation and my appeal. She stated they would have a decision for me in two weeks. (I believed that they were just looking for another way to disqualify me in order to justify their removal of the children).
I was re traumatized after seeing the children and hearing the horror of their experience. They were separated from every thing that they had come to know and expect as home and family. The older one was labeled a sexual predator stemming from the false allegation against him and I. He was separated from his younger brother. Kicked out of multiple homes and sent to St. Judes Ranch with other labeled offenders. His medication and bowel training that we worked so hard on for three years went all together ignored and Matthew began to soil his paints again! He was ridiculed and humiliated for soiling his pants and ran away to find me! He was caught and sent back to Child Haven. He told me that his life has been ruined! ( He is only 8 years old!) He also told me that his heart feels like a toilet that is plugged up. While he was in my presence he said it has gone down but when he leaves me it will be plugged again. He stated that he began cursing again because he is so angry at what has happened! Me too baby...I told him. He asked me “How are we going to stay connected as a family mom?” I pointed to my heart and then told him I was banging on the gates of heaven!! He described the removal of his brother and he from me and our separation from each other right before our adoption as a bomb that blew us all up!!! .....It does feel like an act of terrorism!
Tuesday July 26th Janice Ridondo Community Liason for Commissioners had set up a meeting for me to meet with the Director of the DFS Tom Morton on Friday July 29th. It was then overturned by the Assistant County Manager Jeff Wells stating that since I am in the midst of a "best interest determination" it would be inappropriate for the county to step in at this time. Jeff Wells then communicated to me that he told the DFS that they could not investigate my foster license until they had done a best interest determination.
Tuesday August 2nd went to Commissioners Meeting and I spoke again to request a “Special Meeting” concerning the DFS. I was told yes by the Commissioners I was told to get with Jeff Wells again to set that up.
August 4th an "Emergency Hearing" for the boys was set. Amy Jaffe and Patricia Peal stood in for the DFS. Also Tamiko Carter Henderson case worker and Richard Nelson Foster License Investigators, Darcy Spears Chief Investigative Reporter for channel 13, Anita Stephens former president of CCFAAPA. Sylvia liberty and Shelly Alfaro, long time friends on mine. The biological grandmother was also there in the audience.
This time The DFS stated in court that they are planning on placing the children back with biological grandmother before school starts this year. (They removed the children from the the biological grandmother three years ago and placed with me for adoption). They also stated that they are investigation my foster license again. And that the Investigation was not complete at that time but Patricia Peals stated that she would have to say they are probably moving towards revocation. (of course!) Amy Jaffe stated that they would grant me visitation if the children were to ask for me. (They have been asking for their mommie since their removal!)
This hearing in no way resembled a "Best Interest Determination" but was placed on calendar as and specifically called a “status check”. Biological grandmother told the hearing master that I disobeyed court ordered visitation with bio mother. (I have an open adoption agreement giving me discretion with visitation so that I could act in children’s best interest). Also there was still no more mention of "ASFE" fines promised if the children were not adopted by June of this year!
Friday August 5th Darcy Spears Chief Investigative Reporter for Channel 13 interviewed me in our home.
Tuesday August 9th I email-ed and called DFS administration and my attorney that I had no intentions of ever having a Foster License again! That I would have it and did have it only to adopt those boys.
Friday August 12 I email-ed and called the County Managers Office about the DFS refusing to speak with me. I was told Jeff Wells was on vacation and Rose who answered the phone called the DFS for me she was told that DFS would not speak with me if I had council so immediately I released my attorney and cc’d that release email to DFS administration.
Monday August 15th I Called DFS for visitation again and was told that they could not speak with me because I had an attorney and I clarified that I released him and had forwarded that release notification to their office! I also spoke briefly with Donna Coleman Child Welfare Advocate about getting CAP Attorney for the children. Email-ed Tabitha Fiddyment Child Welfare Attorney and I spoke and faxed all documents pertaining to my boys and their case to Bill Grimm Lead Council for National Youth Law....he is looking into it.
August 16th I spoke again at the Commissioners Meeting. I was told by Don Burnette Clark County Manager that the new interim director Lisa Ruiz-Lee would speak with me now as he had directly spoke to her office about it.
August 17th Lisa Ruiz-Lee did email me back and stated that she would be in contact with me shortly to schedule a meeting for the week of the 21st. I requested more visitation with the children since their was no transition and the children are still very traumatized. She stated that she would discuss that issue with me at our meeting! (In other words...NO.....and still no transition for the children or me).
The children and I have been used and then discarded like trash by a corrupt system paramount to human trafficking and slavery. Millions of dollars are at stake and the children pay the price! I can no longer remain silent to this evil system that betrays the children entrusted in their care!
Please see my petition and contact me about this case and be a voice for the voiceless!
“Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” And he took them in his arms and blessed them, laying his hands on them.
—Mark 10:13-16
From Janice
I am Janice Crifaci, in several cases they site my case as Crifaci vs Crifaci. My son was taken when he was almost 7. I helped move my Mother out to NM then went on a vacation. My friend "K" and I gave his daughters Mother , my other sons Fathers phone # as well as Michaels phone number to each parent. We alternatly called each child every night since on the road we didn't know where we would be. That way if there was an emergency, or a "need to move in a 2 day period?" we would know what was going on. I spoke to Michael on a Sat. night.That next Mon. he was removed from school, and that Thurs they had Thanksgiving in PA. We all had been living in Fl. It was a miricle that Michaels Father claimed he couldn't find a job in Fl (I have 6 weeks of newspapers proving there were jobs available to him siince he had a great reputation in hid field) and had been offered one in PA,(however the first time we went to trial, the judge asked where he was working and he said it didn't work out, now thats a responsible Father to move w/o being sure the job would work out first) so with a wife that had just Miscarried a baby and 2 boys 6 yrs old, they managed to move to Pa in time for Thanksgiving in the house Michaels Grandfather gave to his father. It's amazing how quickly these things can happen...B.S., sorry. When I went up to Pa a couple years later I went to the school and they said they were given the impression I didn't have anything to do with Michael, I showed them my court papers and they copied and filed them. Since I didn't want his Father to know I had been to the school I waited a half hour and picked up Michael at home.
Now if you look on the site Lawyers reviews and ratings you will need to look for Ralph Mabie, West Palm Beach, Fl. The 3rd item down in the comments is where someone posted that Mr. Mabie and the social worker were bought and thats why I lost the case.(I really would love to know who wrote that and what the evidence is) I knew in my heart that was true, Mr. Mabie wouldn't present evidence at the first trial, and would not present it at the apeal either, he wouldn't let me on the stand to defend acusations and I begged him to ask Michaels father questions under oath, not that he wouldn't have lied anyway, but he refused again. It is over 20years later and it is still affecting my son and I. Michael is getting married and has paid over $8K for the wedding so far, has a new truck and a new motor cycle. He had the money because he is in the Army and bless him, has been to Iraq 3 times. Thank you God he came home safe and is now training to go into recruiting, which should keep him a bit safer. He is paying to fly from Pa to Co his best man and his step brother. With all this I have not been offered any help to go to the wedding, althought he knows how important as the Mother of the Groom it would be for me to get to be at the wedding. Michael and I use to be pretty close when I got to see him on his short visits, but his Father has done a great job of alienating him from me. Also when I was going through the 2 1/2 years of court I was expected to pay child support since in Fl thats the law, and 1/2 of airfares. It was very difficult. Now I am on disability for a physical problem, and for PTSD, Anxiety, and depression. All agrivated by the things Vince Crifaci has put me and my son through. All I could do is worry when Michael was away from me.
Sorry if this is a bit long, but I wanted to show how Parental Alieation affects a family for years and the rest of our lives. There is no trying to explain this to my son because he has been fed so many lies and was just plain brainwashed. He doesn't even try to understand. Thank you, Janice Crifaci
Now if you look on the site Lawyers reviews and ratings you will need to look for Ralph Mabie, West Palm Beach, Fl. The 3rd item down in the comments is where someone posted that Mr. Mabie and the social worker were bought and thats why I lost the case.(I really would love to know who wrote that and what the evidence is) I knew in my heart that was true, Mr. Mabie wouldn't present evidence at the first trial, and would not present it at the apeal either, he wouldn't let me on the stand to defend acusations and I begged him to ask Michaels father questions under oath, not that he wouldn't have lied anyway, but he refused again. It is over 20years later and it is still affecting my son and I. Michael is getting married and has paid over $8K for the wedding so far, has a new truck and a new motor cycle. He had the money because he is in the Army and bless him, has been to Iraq 3 times. Thank you God he came home safe and is now training to go into recruiting, which should keep him a bit safer. He is paying to fly from Pa to Co his best man and his step brother. With all this I have not been offered any help to go to the wedding, althought he knows how important as the Mother of the Groom it would be for me to get to be at the wedding. Michael and I use to be pretty close when I got to see him on his short visits, but his Father has done a great job of alienating him from me. Also when I was going through the 2 1/2 years of court I was expected to pay child support since in Fl thats the law, and 1/2 of airfares. It was very difficult. Now I am on disability for a physical problem, and for PTSD, Anxiety, and depression. All agrivated by the things Vince Crifaci has put me and my son through. All I could do is worry when Michael was away from me.
Sorry if this is a bit long, but I wanted to show how Parental Alieation affects a family for years and the rest of our lives. There is no trying to explain this to my son because he has been fed so many lies and was just plain brainwashed. He doesn't even try to understand. Thank you, Janice Crifaci
From Ronald
Hi my name is Ronald Garrett.I had an open DYFS case for a year and a half then my case got closed.I ended up having another baby by another woman and my daughter got taken from her out of daycare with out a court order.She had the same caseworker that I had Jennifer Knecht.The DYFS caseworker never came to notify me that they had my daughter they took her when she was 10 months old.They knew my family and never notified them either.I had to do all kinds of programs to get her back.It took me a year and a half.I didn't get her back until she was 2 and a half years old.They tried to take her when the mother was living with me but she took the mother to court and the case got dismissed.She still kept coming around with the police so I had to show them the court papers and they told her she could not come back out to my house.So 3 or 4 days latter she took her from the daycare.I missed her first walk and talk.Then the DYFS worker tried to say I was a drug dealer and a car theif.Thats why I had to do the programs.The DYFS case worker knew what type of man I was because the case with my other 2 daughter was all false statements by my ex wife and that case should of never been open.My girlfriend got pregnant again when my other daughter was in foster care and we had to hide it the whole pregnancy because we thought DYFS was going to take her from us.She was in labor for 2 days before she could go to the hospital because she had court.After court I took her to the hospital.Ended up she had to get an emergency secession because the baby was breach.She never went to the doctors the whole nine months because we didn't want DYFS to find out and take her like she did my other daughter.We knew if we got the baby home they couldn't take her from me. They tried but I stood my grounds so what they did was make her a DYFS case when she shouldn't been but they did let me keep her home.So why didn't they give me my other daughter because Jennifer Knechet, Linda in the adoption unit and supervisor abused there authority and tried to adopt my daughter out and I won the case.Bellas law wanted to take the case but I didn't have the money to pay them.I found out that there is a new law president Bush put out that by any means they are supposed to give the baby to a family member and my family was willing to take her.She tried to say she couldn't find me or the family but how is that she was my old case worker.I been at the same address for four years plus she knew where my family lived and she knew all of our phone numbers.Please someone help me.
From Viorica
Hello everybody. My name is Viorica Lungu, originally from Romania, but Canadian citizen since 1991. I cannot imagine, but what happened it is 100% a real story. On March 24, 2009, I drove as usual far enough from my place where I live, to Maple Ridge, BC, for the father to have visitation for 3 hours with our children. I left them at the social worker's place thinking they will be safe, but after an hour social worker's called me to say that they have removed my children from me, without even a court order!! The father lied that I alienate my children against him. Every time my children came back from their father they were upset, crying, that the father twisted my older daughter's wrist, yelled at them, shook her vigorously in parking lot, etc. It was never ending. Instead of looking into situation for the best interest of the children, social workers decided to remove my children from me and give them directly to the father whom they feared the most!! I have asked social worker Maria Miem Swart, why she didn’t come to my place before kidnapping my children at least once to investigate and see how happy my children were with me? She said: "There was no need to go to your place Viorica, we know you are an excellent mother"! So why did you steal my children from me if I am an excellent mother? She said: "Because you don't get along with the father"! I have never heard of the perfect society after divorcing and he does not get along with me either!
Who are these social workers in Canada and why televisions and newspapers refuse to publish this criminal act of separating children from their mother for almost 2 and half years? I never drank alcohol in my life, never took drugs, I have never left my children alone, I never emotionally or physically harmed my children. I am a mother and I need to take care of my children who were only 3 and 6 years old at the time of removal on March 24, 2009. The father was born in Canada and I was born in Romania. I used to talk to my children in Romanian language and they used to speak it flawlessly with no accent, and that was the only language I talk to them at home. Social workers in their reports said that they were assuming when the mother was talking to her children in Romanian she must have coached her children against their father, but they did not speak Romanian themselves to understand what I was exactly saying was actually the opposite of what they were thinking and they refused to bring a Romanian translator for them to understand what I was saying. They found excuses that the government does not have enough funds to pay for a translator, the mother talk very well in English and she should speak to her children only in English; On August 16, 2010 I took social workers to the Human Rights Tribunal for 9 days and they found an excuse to say that they were looking to find a Romanian translator, but Romanian is such a rare language and that’s why they couldn’t find one. (Romania has been there for more than 2000 years. At first under the name of Dacia and when the Romans came they have changed it with Romania). I couldn’t believe this discrimination in Canada where it supposed to have Human Rights. Since August 16, 2010, until now, almost a year since we had a trial at Human Rights Tribunal, I did not get any response. Why? I do not understand, but I told the chairman (judge) at the Human Rights tribunal, that if there is no Human Rights, at the Human Rights Tribunal, there is no Human Rights in Canada!!!
Social workers said in their report that alienation is not part of their removal Act, but in this case they are doing it anyways because of the high conflict between the parents! Social worker Diane Keegan in her cross examination at Supreme Court has testified that if the mother will be awarded with sole custody, we will keep her in supervised access until the children will be 18, and if the father will be awarded with sole custody, we will drop the case against the mother at the Provincial court. What does it mean this? In my opinion 100% discrimination. There was no need to remove my children from me. I did all my best to take care of them on my own before the removal. Julianna has finished Montessori day care and Kindergarten where she has graduated. Then I have sent her to the best Catholic private school where she was in her first grade, and my youngest Loretta to the Montessori, before they kidnaped my children from me and placed them in public school because the father refused to pay. Before the removal of my children, the Japanese Judge who got seized of our custody case since 2007 and refuses to unseaze has given social workers a hint: What would be the procedure to remove the children from a parent. I understood the allusion, but since I was not at fault with anything, as the social worker Mariam Miem Swart said that I was an excellent mother, I did not believe my children will ever be removed from me without reason, barbaric and without a court order? I have all the documents to prove.
I want to get my children back as soon as possible. This revenge it is not doing any good to my children to live far away from their mother. No children in this world should be put in this situation to suffer without their mother who loves them unconditionally. I love to spoil my children and they really knew what loves mean being close to their mother, grandparents, Romanian community, God mothers. My children they were kept away from everything that is called Romanian. The father lied that all the Romanian community is emotionally harming my children and they are prohibited to go to the Romanian Orthodox Church. The way they ignore you to silence you by not give you any Human Rights, and tortures you psychologically and make you wait forever for an answer, it is indescribable!! Since the Japanese judge has given sole custody to the father based on hearsay and assumption on April 19, 2010, the father had all the power to revenge and in 480 days I saw my children only 9 times for 36 hours in total. Can you imagine the pain of my children not being able to see their mother in Canada...? Is this normal? A lawyer in court told me that judges are immune to the Human Rights and the Constitution of Canada, they are private. I have asked social workers to answer all my questions in writing and they refuse. I am still waiting. I have made a complaint about social workers to Ombudsman and they are waiting for the social workers to answer them in writing, still no answer to me and Ombudsman! To justify their criminal Act of removing my children, social workers labeled me that I emotionally harm them, but they are not doctors Psychologist to accuse me of such calumny! Social workers and the Japanese Judge has refused to send my children to see a Psychologist at Children's Hospital, because of this emotional harm done caused to my children from removing them from their mother! They refuse to give us the section 15 for a Psychologist to assess all of us inclusive our children. We are not in the 3rd world country to have our children removed barbaric from their mother in 2009.
Who are these social workers in Canada and why televisions and newspapers refuse to publish this criminal act of separating children from their mother for almost 2 and half years? I never drank alcohol in my life, never took drugs, I have never left my children alone, I never emotionally or physically harmed my children. I am a mother and I need to take care of my children who were only 3 and 6 years old at the time of removal on March 24, 2009. The father was born in Canada and I was born in Romania. I used to talk to my children in Romanian language and they used to speak it flawlessly with no accent, and that was the only language I talk to them at home. Social workers in their reports said that they were assuming when the mother was talking to her children in Romanian she must have coached her children against their father, but they did not speak Romanian themselves to understand what I was exactly saying was actually the opposite of what they were thinking and they refused to bring a Romanian translator for them to understand what I was saying. They found excuses that the government does not have enough funds to pay for a translator, the mother talk very well in English and she should speak to her children only in English; On August 16, 2010 I took social workers to the Human Rights Tribunal for 9 days and they found an excuse to say that they were looking to find a Romanian translator, but Romanian is such a rare language and that’s why they couldn’t find one. (Romania has been there for more than 2000 years. At first under the name of Dacia and when the Romans came they have changed it with Romania). I couldn’t believe this discrimination in Canada where it supposed to have Human Rights. Since August 16, 2010, until now, almost a year since we had a trial at Human Rights Tribunal, I did not get any response. Why? I do not understand, but I told the chairman (judge) at the Human Rights tribunal, that if there is no Human Rights, at the Human Rights Tribunal, there is no Human Rights in Canada!!!
Social workers said in their report that alienation is not part of their removal Act, but in this case they are doing it anyways because of the high conflict between the parents! Social worker Diane Keegan in her cross examination at Supreme Court has testified that if the mother will be awarded with sole custody, we will keep her in supervised access until the children will be 18, and if the father will be awarded with sole custody, we will drop the case against the mother at the Provincial court. What does it mean this? In my opinion 100% discrimination. There was no need to remove my children from me. I did all my best to take care of them on my own before the removal. Julianna has finished Montessori day care and Kindergarten where she has graduated. Then I have sent her to the best Catholic private school where she was in her first grade, and my youngest Loretta to the Montessori, before they kidnaped my children from me and placed them in public school because the father refused to pay. Before the removal of my children, the Japanese Judge who got seized of our custody case since 2007 and refuses to unseaze has given social workers a hint: What would be the procedure to remove the children from a parent. I understood the allusion, but since I was not at fault with anything, as the social worker Mariam Miem Swart said that I was an excellent mother, I did not believe my children will ever be removed from me without reason, barbaric and without a court order? I have all the documents to prove.
I want to get my children back as soon as possible. This revenge it is not doing any good to my children to live far away from their mother. No children in this world should be put in this situation to suffer without their mother who loves them unconditionally. I love to spoil my children and they really knew what loves mean being close to their mother, grandparents, Romanian community, God mothers. My children they were kept away from everything that is called Romanian. The father lied that all the Romanian community is emotionally harming my children and they are prohibited to go to the Romanian Orthodox Church. The way they ignore you to silence you by not give you any Human Rights, and tortures you psychologically and make you wait forever for an answer, it is indescribable!! Since the Japanese judge has given sole custody to the father based on hearsay and assumption on April 19, 2010, the father had all the power to revenge and in 480 days I saw my children only 9 times for 36 hours in total. Can you imagine the pain of my children not being able to see their mother in Canada...? Is this normal? A lawyer in court told me that judges are immune to the Human Rights and the Constitution of Canada, they are private. I have asked social workers to answer all my questions in writing and they refuse. I am still waiting. I have made a complaint about social workers to Ombudsman and they are waiting for the social workers to answer them in writing, still no answer to me and Ombudsman! To justify their criminal Act of removing my children, social workers labeled me that I emotionally harm them, but they are not doctors Psychologist to accuse me of such calumny! Social workers and the Japanese Judge has refused to send my children to see a Psychologist at Children's Hospital, because of this emotional harm done caused to my children from removing them from their mother! They refuse to give us the section 15 for a Psychologist to assess all of us inclusive our children. We are not in the 3rd world country to have our children removed barbaric from their mother in 2009.
From Jessica
In November my nine year old daughter went to school and told her teacher that she had to do all the cooking and cleaning. She had to look after her brother and sister. I don't have the space to write the whole statement she gave, but it was clearly unbelievable. She doesn't know how to turn on a stove.
For the first six months I wasn't allowed to say at home in court or to my friends that she didn't tell the truth. My lawyer told me to agree that my children were children in need of care, because it would speed up the process of bringing them home. If I have advice for anyone, it is not to agree that your children are children in need of care. If they have a case against you make them bring it to court. If you have not been charged with abuse, to NOT agree to anything.
My children were placed with strangers in foster care. The foster mother was verbally abusive to my son, and the other girls there threatened my girls with knives. I've been informed that this foster home is no longer allowed to take children. Now my children are with their grandparents. Here they are told daily that they are just like their father. Their father finally passed a drug test and was allowed visitation with the children, supervised. The counselor brought him to my house for the visit they took the kids for an hour and came back. The counselor left before my husband did. He said he left me in the dangerous situation to test me. I passed, because I called the counselor back to have him removed.
I want my children back home were they are not abused and are loved.
For the first six months I wasn't allowed to say at home in court or to my friends that she didn't tell the truth. My lawyer told me to agree that my children were children in need of care, because it would speed up the process of bringing them home. If I have advice for anyone, it is not to agree that your children are children in need of care. If they have a case against you make them bring it to court. If you have not been charged with abuse, to NOT agree to anything.
My children were placed with strangers in foster care. The foster mother was verbally abusive to my son, and the other girls there threatened my girls with knives. I've been informed that this foster home is no longer allowed to take children. Now my children are with their grandparents. Here they are told daily that they are just like their father. Their father finally passed a drug test and was allowed visitation with the children, supervised. The counselor brought him to my house for the visit they took the kids for an hour and came back. The counselor left before my husband did. He said he left me in the dangerous situation to test me. I passed, because I called the counselor back to have him removed.
I want my children back home were they are not abused and are loved.
From Shantell
I wish that I could stand at the doors in Juvenile court, and personally guide parents through the ridiculous court process. The "system" has it mastered!! By the time a parent finds out the truth it's too late...My story is so twisted...It's extremely long, and its crammed full of all the same tricks the courts have always used. It makes me literally sick to my stomach. I am positive I have post traumatic stress syndrome from the experience, I can only imagine what my poor baby girls are going through. I need to help make a difference. I need to...
From Tara
Wow! I don't even know if i could fit EVERYTHING I NEED TO SAY HERE, but ill try to condense it. I am a 29 yr old mother of three beautiful kids, of which i was forced to sign over parental rights to a family member of my oldest, and am currently fighting in court to save my other two children from foster care. WHY? Because it appears that in the state of florida you or anyone that gets pissed off for ANY reason can call on the next person AND SAY ANYTHING THEY WANT true or not and then they will be at your house in a heartbeat. They ask you the most intimate details of your life, analyze and scrutinize it and come in and steal your children. When i called my caseworker around CHRISTMAS time last year, she actually made the comment that "they were really busy because they were removing 1,500 children from their homes" I was sick to my stomach because you can bet that maybe 10 percent of those children were REALLY in danger, and the rest got caught up in the firestorm because the parents didnt make enough money, smoked pot (which is legal in some places) or didnt meet "their" standards of what a parent is. This is sad. My children lived in a 4 bedroom house, always fed, well dressed and clean and above all happy, but were still taken from me, because i hadnt completed parenting classes and make it to all my drug screens. I never thought in a million years they could do that. So, now im fighting for them and i will win back my rights. I wish the system would change because to know that some young mother struggling to take care of her child and wilt all the love in the world to give....... isnt good enough anymoreI It blows my mind that i am struggling to regain custody of my children in the same state as a twisted girl that was acquitted of murdering her baby! Go figure, Florida! Thanx, for letting me vent! Tara
From Randa
My family was drug into the DCF/ Juvinelle Dependency Court System in September 2010 after an (un)alleged hotline call and a "family violence" (with no arrest) involving myself (Mom) and my Mother In Law, while my son was in my hands, but not injured. CPI held a Shelter hearing which was denied, the children had not been removed at that point. The end of September they direct filed and we went to mediation adn entered into a voluntary case plan with ECA "the department". In December my husband and I were having maritial issues and subsequently I was court ordered (thru dependency court) out of the home, Dad and kids remained at home. We both completed tasks of 12 week individual counseling, Safe Start, I attended 26 weeks of Domestic Intervention Classes, my husband completed 12 weeks of ADR, we both did random UA's, pill counts We are currently in the middle of our Couples Counseling and voluntary,non task plan, Parenting Classes.ect ect... My husband and I mended our issues in March 2011 and case was set for closure August 2011. Our Judge is and has been on vacation since June 2011 and won't be returning until September 2011. When I brought our 4 and 2 year old home last Tuesday my 2 year old had a bad diaper, which I changed on a changing pad on my back seat but needed to wash my hands so I went into the kitchen and did so. The case manager was at the house and called in a CPI Report of Violating a Court Order (the Dec Shelter Order Court Ordering me from residing in the home). The following morning we had a 830am shelter hearing, my husband and I were 5 minutes late, my attorney was not notified until after the hearing by the ASA and the hearing had been held adn our 2 children ordered into shelter essentially because we were not in court on time, but the shelter hearing being on Violating a Court Order, not any sort of harm, abuse or neglect to our children. We return to court Wednesday for a Shelter Review. In the meantime the kids are residing with my parents whom dislike my husband greatly, as well as myself for choosing to continue my marriage, and have suddenly decided they don't think the children should be returned to us. We have no substance problems, the Court found on March 2, 2011 that the circumstances that brought court intervention have been remedied yet my children were removed this week for violating a court order due to my walking in the home to wash my hands.
From Anonymous 4
Nearly 4 years ago my daughter, who lives in El Dorado County, had left her abusive boyfriend but tried to be equitable about allowing him to see their daughter. He in turn left the child alone to find her and attempt suicide in her presence.
My daughter was asked by CPS if she used drugs. She answered that she smoked pot.
Long story short, CPS turned the child over to the mother of the abuser.Mydaughter was ordered to attend rehab, to attend parenting classes, to attend counselling-all of which she did.
The Other Grandma, as I have come to call her, has slung false allegations-which were proved false-has perjured herself on the witness stand and was proved to be doing so-has twisted the child's head so that the 5 year old is now parroting her lies and is a candidate for P.A.S. and is cheerfully marching towards adoption of the child.
She has never recieved any consequence, not even a reprimand from the judge for perjuring herself in court.
My daughter, as you might well guess, is distraught beyond repair. Every time we had our hopes up because it could be proved that OG was lying,those hopes have been dashed. I wonder if she is paying someone off.
Now she has alleged the Big One- child molestation. I know in my heart that this did not happen. My daughter would never do that or allow someone to do that. It is interesting to note that this scenario could have very well been borrowed from a recent Dr. Phil show entitled ":Accused of the Unthinkable."
My daughter was asked by CPS if she used drugs. She answered that she smoked pot.
Long story short, CPS turned the child over to the mother of the abuser.Mydaughter was ordered to attend rehab, to attend parenting classes, to attend counselling-all of which she did.
The Other Grandma, as I have come to call her, has slung false allegations-which were proved false-has perjured herself on the witness stand and was proved to be doing so-has twisted the child's head so that the 5 year old is now parroting her lies and is a candidate for P.A.S. and is cheerfully marching towards adoption of the child.
She has never recieved any consequence, not even a reprimand from the judge for perjuring herself in court.
My daughter, as you might well guess, is distraught beyond repair. Every time we had our hopes up because it could be proved that OG was lying,those hopes have been dashed. I wonder if she is paying someone off.
Now she has alleged the Big One- child molestation. I know in my heart that this did not happen. My daughter would never do that or allow someone to do that. It is interesting to note that this scenario could have very well been borrowed from a recent Dr. Phil show entitled ":Accused of the Unthinkable."
From Judy
In March 2011, CYFD removed my grandchldren from their mother's home and placed them with their other grandparents. I was in Mexico at the time but returned in 4 days and was prepared to take the kids.
Instead CYFD New Mexico gave the kids to their father who had a no contact court order in New Mexico and allowed him to transport the kids across the US. CYFD would not believe my daughter about the no contact order and the "investigator" Benny Placencio did not ever investigate that fact. He gave the father a letter permitting him to take the kids to North Carolina. In addition, my daughter (the mother) never lost her full legal custody rights. When he realized that he was going to get into trouble, CYFD just closed the case to avoid being held liable.
Because of that letter, it has taken us until July 5 and about $12000 in legal and transportation costs to recover the children who were illegally taken. I believe there should be some way to recover some of that money spent as it was the fault of CYFD, the other grandparents, and the father (who knew he had a no contact order).
I don't believe that CYFD did its job as outlined in their policies and I also believe that this has happened many times before our case. This agency is over-worked and it needs better hiring practices and more supervision.
Instead CYFD New Mexico gave the kids to their father who had a no contact court order in New Mexico and allowed him to transport the kids across the US. CYFD would not believe my daughter about the no contact order and the "investigator" Benny Placencio did not ever investigate that fact. He gave the father a letter permitting him to take the kids to North Carolina. In addition, my daughter (the mother) never lost her full legal custody rights. When he realized that he was going to get into trouble, CYFD just closed the case to avoid being held liable.
Because of that letter, it has taken us until July 5 and about $12000 in legal and transportation costs to recover the children who were illegally taken. I believe there should be some way to recover some of that money spent as it was the fault of CYFD, the other grandparents, and the father (who knew he had a no contact order).
I don't believe that CYFD did its job as outlined in their policies and I also believe that this has happened many times before our case. This agency is over-worked and it needs better hiring practices and more supervision.
From Diane
On June 18, 2009 two (2) gang members came looking for a kid whom was residing in one of the rented rooms that I was living at, They called an innocent man out and shot him in the garage of the residence and he later died at a nearby hosipital. My children and I were sleeping and we were awoken by loud screams. We were transported down to the homicide division, while the detectives conducted a search and gathered evidence at the residence. That day social services were called in and they did an emergency removal of my two (2) daughters. I cooperated with them and was asked to do an on demand drug test on 6/19/2009 which tested negative for all alcohol and drugs as well as no drugs, weapons, etc were found anywhere in the house, quite different from what the Department and Children Services were saying about me. On 7/14/2011 I went back to court confident that I would get my girls back because I did test clean and I moved into another heome and maintained employment.
My drug results never showed up in court ( I have evidence of this). Plus I was slapped with additional accusations that I put my daughter in harms way to be molested by her uncle (which is a lie). In 2007 I left my daughters with my mother in law while I took care of something I needed to take care of, My girls were stable and in school. On November 16, 2008 Joseph came and picked Stephanie up with the Palmdale Sheriffs at his side and he proceeded to dissapear out of the state of california. On July 21, 2008 I filed for sole custody and parental kidnapping and hired an investigator to look for my daughter. On September 15, 2008 I received a telephone call stating that my daughter was found in Oregon and could I please take a trip right away., with the help of my mother in law giving me the money I drove up to Oregon. My daughter came home with me and over the next few months up until June 18, 2009 I experienced some behavioral problems I addressed the school and was put on the waiting list for counseling for her. When CPS removed my children it came out that Stephanie was molested in Oregon the whole time she was gone by her paternal uncle, when I was faced with these new allegations I was floored., it devestated me to know that this happened to my little girl and how could CPS hold me accountable for something that I did not do? Nevertheless, even though I was falling apart inside I brought all the proof to show that I looked out for my daughters best interest. I won sole physical custody of her. I had proof of everything and that never showed up in court. Also, they are mandated reporters and they never reported the molestation charges. I filed charges this past May for Molestation. I have done everything these people have asked me. Now they terminated my family reunification and the foster mother put in a petition to adopt my children and all of this is based on lies and withholding evidence. I will never stop fighting.
My drug results never showed up in court ( I have evidence of this). Plus I was slapped with additional accusations that I put my daughter in harms way to be molested by her uncle (which is a lie). In 2007 I left my daughters with my mother in law while I took care of something I needed to take care of, My girls were stable and in school. On November 16, 2008 Joseph came and picked Stephanie up with the Palmdale Sheriffs at his side and he proceeded to dissapear out of the state of california. On July 21, 2008 I filed for sole custody and parental kidnapping and hired an investigator to look for my daughter. On September 15, 2008 I received a telephone call stating that my daughter was found in Oregon and could I please take a trip right away., with the help of my mother in law giving me the money I drove up to Oregon. My daughter came home with me and over the next few months up until June 18, 2009 I experienced some behavioral problems I addressed the school and was put on the waiting list for counseling for her. When CPS removed my children it came out that Stephanie was molested in Oregon the whole time she was gone by her paternal uncle, when I was faced with these new allegations I was floored., it devestated me to know that this happened to my little girl and how could CPS hold me accountable for something that I did not do? Nevertheless, even though I was falling apart inside I brought all the proof to show that I looked out for my daughters best interest. I won sole physical custody of her. I had proof of everything and that never showed up in court. Also, they are mandated reporters and they never reported the molestation charges. I filed charges this past May for Molestation. I have done everything these people have asked me. Now they terminated my family reunification and the foster mother put in a petition to adopt my children and all of this is based on lies and withholding evidence. I will never stop fighting.
From Anonymous 3
I was a single parent. I had 2 children that lived with their father and came to visit on weekends, and I had one little girl 23 months old, who lived with me. She never had a father involved, but I gave her all the love of 2 parents and more. She is a very special little girl, closer to me than any child with any parent I have ever met. 2 times in her young life I had gone out with friends and left her with a sitter, and both times I was home in 2 hours because I would rather spend the time with her. when she was 2 weeks old, my landlord lost the house I was renting, so with a weeks notice I was out. We drifted after that, I had stayed with my mom, and rented a room from a friend. I finally found a nice stable environment for her when she was about 6 months. we lived there just after her first birthday we left one day to visit their grandparents, and about 3 hours later my house burned to the ground. I lost everything but what was in my car, and I was unemployed to boot. So we started over trying to find a place. The waiting lists for housing assistance were years long. so after a month or two, a friend offered me a room a few hours away, off we went. When I got there, I found out the house was not exactly livable. The hot water heater was broken there was no stove and no toilet. Off we went again. Luckily within a few days of heading back home, I received a job offer. It wasn't much but I took it. as soon as I started I lost all my state assistance as I was making too much. They didn't take into account at all that I was paying 170/wk for child support on my older 2 or that I paid 60 a week for childcare and 40 for a ride to and from work. all in all I was left with around 50 a week to buy food, pay my bills, and buy anything my little girl needed. I didn't receive child support for her. That is when the problems started. I was making so little that my bills all got behind. My gas was turned off, but since it was June, we didn't need it anyway. I had a crazy landlord, who made life very difficult. As a matter of fact, I came home one day with my little girl to find half of her kitten. I pulled her behind me to protect her and covered it quickly so I could dispose of it without her seeing. She looked all over for her "buddy" calling his name all over the apartment while I packed a bag for each of us. I told her buddy was gone and we had to go stay with grandma for a little while. I found a new apartment right away but it would be 3 weeks before I could move in. 2 weeks after the incident with the cat, I get a call from CPS telling me to meet them at the old apartment. I explained to her that I don't live there, even though some of my belongings are there. She said that that isn't important, and told me I needed to meet her there. Stupidly I went. They immediately removed her for "environmental neglect" citing the condition of the home. I again told them that I didn't live there, and that I was staying with my mom until my new place was ready. They literally ripped her from my arms and left. During the whole 18 months the case drug on, I was never offered any kind of program to address housing issues. I was forced into non confidential counseling, and parenting classes, even though neither of those things were cited as issues in the petition. a couple months after my daughter was in foster care, they gave her a psych eval which showed significant trauma and attachment issues. Even though she had been in foster care at this time, the issues they stated she had were pinned on me. I never saw any of the things they said about her. She didn't throw fits for me, she loved to be cuddled, she was the greatest toddler in the world. I had another child during this case, which they also removed from me and placed with his sister in foster care. My little girl turned 6 two weeks ago, the last time I saw her was her 3rd birthday. They quit letting me see her even before they terminated my rights. and I have not seen the rest of them since November of 2008. I miss them everyday and I want to fight for them,I just don't know how. I had a son in 2009 and they tried to remove him too. Thankfully I had moved to a different county and I won that battle. He is now a happy healthy 19 month old tornado. Next year I can try for reinstatement of parental rights, but everyone I have talked to told me it will be a waste of time and money. I worry that it will put my son who lives with me at risk. I am so torn. I wish someone could help me.
From Kiren
my babies were stolen by docs in grafton nsw i had been taken too jail for a couple of warents on 23/04/2010 the next day they aproched my kids mother who was in a state haveing too deal with 5 kids and me gone and tricked her too sining a temp care realse form and had stated they would return the kidsaftter the weekend now 1 year and a half later we are getting no were with the department of child stealing also my kids have been torched and abused in foster care what can we do???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
From Anonymous 2
Our DDHS caseworker and Guardian Ad Litem will not give our boy back to us and there is no reason for them to keep him from us at all. It's all because they want money. The Magistrate on our case always sides with them also and we cannot figure out why in the world she would. Our case has been open for three years and he has been away from us for over a year now. It's time for him to come home now. We have done and completed their treatment plans and jumped through all their hoops with 100% on everything. The magistrate, caseworker and GAL as well as the City Attorney ALL know this.
It's time to expose Denver County CPS for what they are really about, which is NOT to help children and parents with anything. They seek and destroy children and their parents all for the sake of bonuses and money.
There is documented information and studies all over the internet about Autism but Annette, our caseworker and GAL still decided to cut off our transition and home visits completely and cut way down our visits in the group home as well. After our child is used to and happy with the home visits, for six weeks at three home visits a week and five hours each visit plus a two hour visit at the group home on Saturdays. Now we have 2 days at the group home at 2 1/2 hours supervised.
Every visit we have had at the group home, he constantly grabs his bag, coat, shoes and heads to and out of their unlocked front door to go home for a home visit. We had to keep trying to explain to him that this was not a home visit day. He wants to go home.
How can a caseworker do something like this to ANY child, let alone a non-verbal child with Autism??? Simply because of ignorance about Autism and Transition behaviors? Now she is causing our child to suffer immensely.
Even more now, more anxiety, wondering where his mother is and why he has not seen her or his home.
Children blame themselves as though THEY did something wrong or bad to deserve this.
This transition was in place and happening all with agreement and praise from the caseworker.
She totally changed into a different person. She went from "We need to get this child home now!" to stopping the home visits cold and stopping the transition and now she talks EXACTLY like the GAL, who has ALWAYS been against us and wants to keep Chris away from us forever because he missed some school???
It's insane. This behavior she is showing is extremely disturbing, unprofessional and inappropriate.
Our family is torn completely apart by Denver CPS and the Denver court system.
We did nothing wrong, especially our child, the most innocent of all.
It's time to expose Denver County CPS for what they are really about, which is NOT to help children and parents with anything. They seek and destroy children and their parents all for the sake of bonuses and money.
There is documented information and studies all over the internet about Autism but Annette, our caseworker and GAL still decided to cut off our transition and home visits completely and cut way down our visits in the group home as well. After our child is used to and happy with the home visits, for six weeks at three home visits a week and five hours each visit plus a two hour visit at the group home on Saturdays. Now we have 2 days at the group home at 2 1/2 hours supervised.
Every visit we have had at the group home, he constantly grabs his bag, coat, shoes and heads to and out of their unlocked front door to go home for a home visit. We had to keep trying to explain to him that this was not a home visit day. He wants to go home.
How can a caseworker do something like this to ANY child, let alone a non-verbal child with Autism??? Simply because of ignorance about Autism and Transition behaviors? Now she is causing our child to suffer immensely.
Even more now, more anxiety, wondering where his mother is and why he has not seen her or his home.
Children blame themselves as though THEY did something wrong or bad to deserve this.
This transition was in place and happening all with agreement and praise from the caseworker.
She totally changed into a different person. She went from "We need to get this child home now!" to stopping the home visits cold and stopping the transition and now she talks EXACTLY like the GAL, who has ALWAYS been against us and wants to keep Chris away from us forever because he missed some school???
It's insane. This behavior she is showing is extremely disturbing, unprofessional and inappropriate.
Our family is torn completely apart by Denver CPS and the Denver court system.
We did nothing wrong, especially our child, the most innocent of all.
From Anonymous
CPS in WV Morgan & Berkeley County. This is a story about a Granmother(me) whom has been a Mom to her oldest granson. My son is the father-in Feb.of 2010 I let my granson go live w/his Dad & step mom.big mistake! Ok when Christopher was 2 yrs old his Biological Mother asked him who he wanted to live with-he said me we went through all the legal stuff I got permanent custody & guardianship in 1997. Now for 6 months he has been in a 3 foster homes in WV.,A problem w/him & Dad. ok well CPS has refused to let him come home to me,because I am his Biological granmother,in WV a granmother has no rights. Now in a couple of weeks they are going to let him go back w/Dad,but I found out today that he told his lawyer that he does not want to go w/Dad& step Mom because they have their own family & don't really consider him their family..Ok lets sum this up,now I am finding out that it will probably be 3 or 4 months before he gets to come home to me -Please can someone help me,I am in Illinois,this is where he grew up at & his real family is here.Please help me.
From Barbara
my grandaughter was removed from her moms care and placed in foster home then was placed back with mom then removed again placed with me then removed the next day to be placed with granparents moms parents then placed with my bio brother n his wife who beat on each other and pulled guns and knives and tried hanging himself and ect ..he abused his own children tried killing them by placing arosol cans on bed post and was gonna blow them up he beat his ex which is our first cousin he has three children with.. he took a base ball bat to his son i told the worker and she talked to his youngest son the son asked the worker what are you gonna do lady when he trys killing the baby or his wife the worker hung up on him she asked him what he would do if he seen his dad on the street he said kill him..and child protective handed them my grandaughter but gave me three children non blood payed a lawyer for me to get guardianship of but wouldnt give me my own grandaughter ..please some one help these children
From Carmela
I don't want to get into the whole story but I am mortified how corrupt CPS is. They have falsified documents, falsified statements from my children and I, verbally attacked me and the list goes on. They took my 10 year old son from me after interviewing him privately MANY times and EACH time he said he was NOT being abused. My 16 year old Daughter knows the system and how CPS works and told them she was being mentally abused after I told her she would not be staying at her friend's house during the summer and I cancelled her sweet 16 cruise due to the fact she had 3 F's on her report card. So now I "mentally abuse"my children and its "detrimental"to their safety that they be removed from my home. My Son was distraught and crying in the court room when he found out he would be taken away. I am disgusted, frustrated and above all the mourning is unbearable. These sickos are beyond flawed.
From Shenetta
I need immediate help! How do you stop open adoption when I'm the blood relative?
I've been fighting a long battle to get custody of my sister's children out of foster care. I'm the only relative that have step-ed forward from the beginning. After my sister's children were taken our Mother passed away. To make matter's worse the social worker put on the case had some type of dealings with our mother, so from the beginning the odds were against us. I immediately filed for custody but instead of me fighting for custody they had me fighting to keep one of the children I had already had. After the long battle of obtaining custody of the child I already had and trying to figure out how we were going to pay for our Mother's funeral, I decided to leave the state and still fight for the other children. In the mean time the social worker on the case did everything she could to keep me from seeing the children or even allowing me into the court room at times. Now they threatened my sister that they could take her parental rights or she can agree to an open adoption. What happened to family? Why can't my sister give her parental rights to me? I can't afford a lawyer but I even moved my children into a five bedroom home just so I could prove I have the space for them. I can't understand why the system is so hard to get children out of the system. I love them and I would like to keep all the children together. What's wrong with that?
I've been fighting a long battle to get custody of my sister's children out of foster care. I'm the only relative that have step-ed forward from the beginning. After my sister's children were taken our Mother passed away. To make matter's worse the social worker put on the case had some type of dealings with our mother, so from the beginning the odds were against us. I immediately filed for custody but instead of me fighting for custody they had me fighting to keep one of the children I had already had. After the long battle of obtaining custody of the child I already had and trying to figure out how we were going to pay for our Mother's funeral, I decided to leave the state and still fight for the other children. In the mean time the social worker on the case did everything she could to keep me from seeing the children or even allowing me into the court room at times. Now they threatened my sister that they could take her parental rights or she can agree to an open adoption. What happened to family? Why can't my sister give her parental rights to me? I can't afford a lawyer but I even moved my children into a five bedroom home just so I could prove I have the space for them. I can't understand why the system is so hard to get children out of the system. I love them and I would like to keep all the children together. What's wrong with that?
EXPERIENCED Birmingham foster parents are quitting because they can’t face completing a government-imposed exam, it has been revealed.
EXPERIENCED Birmingham foster parents are quitting because they can’t face completing a government-imposed exam, it has been revealed.
City council social care officials are concerned at the number of carers giving up after many years of service rather than follow a training regime laid down by a quango.
City council social care officials are concerned at the number of carers giving up after many years of service rather than follow a training regime laid down by a quango.
A child is born and world population hits 7 billion
A child is born and world population hits 7 billion
Doctor wonders 'whether there will be food, clean water, shelter, education and a decent life for every child'
Doctor wonders 'whether there will be food, clean water, shelter, education and a decent life for every child'
Councils face adoptions ultimatum
Councils face adoptions ultimatum
Give a Child a Home launch accompanied by warning that poorly performing councils could lose responsibilities
Give a Child a Home launch accompanied by warning that poorly performing councils could lose responsibilities
Teen Death Sparks DCS Investigation
Teen Death Sparks DCS Investigation
A father buried his 18-year-old son nine days after he left a New Life Rehabilitation Center.
A father buried his 18-year-old son nine days after he left a New Life Rehabilitation Center.
Child-support ruling another victory for Alaska tribes
Child-support ruling another victory for Alaska tribes
A Southeast Alaska tribal group is declaring a court victory against the state in the realm of child-support services, another legal decision that could chip away at the state's efforts to limit tribal powers in Alaska.
A Southeast Alaska tribal group is declaring a court victory against the state in the realm of child-support services, another legal decision that could chip away at the state's efforts to limit tribal powers in Alaska.
Milton Keynes Council ordered to pay £319,000 to victims of child abuse
Milton Keynes Council ordered to pay £319,000 to victims of child abuse
Milton Keynes Council has been ordered to pay more than £300,000 in damages to four claimants who suffered "the most appalling" abuse from their father, after it was held to have been vicariously liable for the negligence of social workers employed by Buckinghamshire County Council, its predecessor authority.
Milton Keynes Council has been ordered to pay more than £300,000 in damages to four claimants who suffered "the most appalling" abuse from their father, after it was held to have been vicariously liable for the negligence of social workers employed by Buckinghamshire County Council, its predecessor authority.
Pa. cuts off aid to thousands
Pa. cuts off aid to thousands
The Welfare Department said their paperwork was incomplete. Advocates decry the decision.
The Welfare Department said their paperwork was incomplete. Advocates decry the decision.
Report: Children services in Cincinnati stretched
Report: Children services in Cincinnati stretched
A newspaper reports that $30 million in funding cuts and a 48 percent reduction in staff in recent years have led to case overloads and other problems at the Cincinnati-area children's services agency that has seen three toddlers die in 10 months.
A newspaper reports that $30 million in funding cuts and a 48 percent reduction in staff in recent years have led to case overloads and other problems at the Cincinnati-area children's services agency that has seen three toddlers die in 10 months.
'Jon and Kate' Editor Arrested for Child Porn Possession
'Jon and Kate' Editor Arrested for Child Porn Possession
A former editor for the TLC reality show 'Jon and Kate Plus 8' has been arrested for possessing child pornography.
A former editor for the TLC reality show 'Jon and Kate Plus 8' has been arrested for possessing child pornography.
Hawaii Couple's Daughter Taken Away for 18 Hours Over Alleged Sandwich Theft
Hawaii Couple's Daughter Taken Away for 18 Hours Over Alleged Sandwich Theft
A Hawaii couple’s 3-year-old daughter was taken away from them for 18 hours after they were arrested for forgetting to a pay for two $5 sandwiches.
A Hawaii couple’s 3-year-old daughter was taken away from them for 18 hours after they were arrested for forgetting to a pay for two $5 sandwiches.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Couple jailed, lose custody of daughter, over stolen sandwiches
Couple jailed, lose custody of daughter, over stolen sandwiches
A pregnant woman and her husband were arrested for allegedly stealing two sandwiches at a supermarket in Honolulu, resulting in their 3-year-old daughter being put into state care for 18 hours, officials said on Saturday.
A pregnant woman and her husband were arrested for allegedly stealing two sandwiches at a supermarket in Honolulu, resulting in their 3-year-old daughter being put into state care for 18 hours, officials said on Saturday.
Councils with poor adoption rates to be named and shamed Read more:
Councils with poor adoption rates to be named and shamed
Control over adoption and fostering services will be removed from councils that are failing in their duty to find parents for children in care, David Cameron will announce today.
Control over adoption and fostering services will be removed from councils that are failing in their duty to find parents for children in care, David Cameron will announce today.
The Boogie Man Is A CPS Worker - Baby LK Report For October 30th 2011
The Boogie Man Is A CPS Worker - Baby LK Report For October 30th 2011
for these stories and all the latest dirt on the child protective industry visit
Foster mother denies abusing child, says her brother did it
Foster mother denies abusing child, says her brother did it
A Vermont woman accused of severely beating her foster child in 2010 testified Friday that “it must have been” her brother who committed the act, because she did not.
A Vermont woman accused of severely beating her foster child in 2010 testified Friday that “it must have been” her brother who committed the act, because she did not.
State foster care system: Still taking our children from us
State foster care system: Still taking our children from us
We have a long history of our children being taken from us. Residential boarding schools & coerced adoptions were attempts at breaking the link to our heritage and culture. Today this continues with social services. State and federal agencies interfere in our familial lives, allegedly for our own good. Really its a paternalistic system that tells us we don’t know what’s best for our own children.
We have a long history of our children being taken from us. Residential boarding schools & coerced adoptions were attempts at breaking the link to our heritage and culture. Today this continues with social services. State and federal agencies interfere in our familial lives, allegedly for our own good. Really its a paternalistic system that tells us we don’t know what’s best for our own children.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Families' testimony evokes tears and applause
Families' testimony evokes tears and applause
Learning about mother's death at hands of serial killer Robert Pickton 'like a punch in the face,' daughter of Brenda Wolfe says
Learning about mother's death at hands of serial killer Robert Pickton 'like a punch in the face,' daughter of Brenda Wolfe says
Tech-Savvy Occupy Protesters Use Cellphone Video, Social Networking To Publicize Police Abuse
The world has certainly changed.
Tech-Savvy Occupy Protesters Use Cellphone Video, Social Networking To Publicize Police Abuse
George Orwell once wrote that if you want a vision of the future, "imagine a boot stamping on a human face -- forever." Governments have suppressed citizen dissent for as long as there have been governments and citizens to dissent against them. But over the last decade, it has become increasingly likely that someone will be there to document Orwell's predicted face-stamping with a cellphone and then post it to YouTube for the world to see. It's getting increasingly difficult for governments to get away with suppressing dissent.
Note: I know this is slightly off topic, but it's a really interesting article. They haven't shut me up yet.
Besides, cops are CPS cronies too.
Tech-Savvy Occupy Protesters Use Cellphone Video, Social Networking To Publicize Police Abuse
George Orwell once wrote that if you want a vision of the future, "imagine a boot stamping on a human face -- forever." Governments have suppressed citizen dissent for as long as there have been governments and citizens to dissent against them. But over the last decade, it has become increasingly likely that someone will be there to document Orwell's predicted face-stamping with a cellphone and then post it to YouTube for the world to see. It's getting increasingly difficult for governments to get away with suppressing dissent.
Note: I know this is slightly off topic, but it's a really interesting article. They haven't shut me up yet.
Besides, cops are CPS cronies too.
Mass confiscation of Native American children hasn't gone away
Mass confiscation of Native American children hasn't gone away
In South Dakota, 700 Native American children a year are taken from their families. Federal funding for foster care is the incentive behind the practice
In South Dakota, 700 Native American children a year are taken from their families. Federal funding for foster care is the incentive behind the practice
CPS Director Blames Child Deaths on Lack of Communication
CPS Director Blames Child Deaths on Lack of Communication
"I don't think there's anything that any organization can do to guarantee that there will never be a child death or child situation," Himes said.
Note: I actually agree with that statement. And from the mouth of a CPS director. Wow.
"I don't think there's anything that any organization can do to guarantee that there will never be a child death or child situation," Himes said.
Note: I actually agree with that statement. And from the mouth of a CPS director. Wow.
Video prompts investigation of child abuse at youth boot camp
Video prompts investigation of child abuse at youth boot camp
Police will investigate whether a crime occurred at a youth boot camp after videos surfaced showing instructors shouting at a boy wearing a tire around his neck and children being told to drink water until some vomited.
Police will investigate whether a crime occurred at a youth boot camp after videos surfaced showing instructors shouting at a boy wearing a tire around his neck and children being told to drink water until some vomited.
Grandmother outraged advocacy group using her deceased granddaughter's name
Grandmother outraged advocacy group using her deceased granddaughter's name
A mother and daughter were murdered, and their home set on fire. It happened last month, possibly the tragic result of domestic violence. Now, a small group of protesters is using 10-year old Sammy Ochoa's death to send a message that they think there's a problem with Child Protective Services, not just here, but nationwide.
Note: This is one of those groups that demands that child protective services do more to try to save every kid who ever comes under their radar. Why they would call themselves "Parental Rights USA is beyond me. Kind of an oxi-moronic name for a group of "do more to take parental rights away" system sucks. Wouldn't you think?
A mother and daughter were murdered, and their home set on fire. It happened last month, possibly the tragic result of domestic violence. Now, a small group of protesters is using 10-year old Sammy Ochoa's death to send a message that they think there's a problem with Child Protective Services, not just here, but nationwide.
Note: This is one of those groups that demands that child protective services do more to try to save every kid who ever comes under their radar. Why they would call themselves "Parental Rights USA is beyond me. Kind of an oxi-moronic name for a group of "do more to take parental rights away" system sucks. Wouldn't you think?
Social worker says she falsified records
Social worker says she falsified records
A former Kentucky state social worker indicted by an Anderson County grand jury in August has told investigators that she falsified records in abuse and neglect cases, according to a court document recently filed.
A former Kentucky state social worker indicted by an Anderson County grand jury in August has told investigators that she falsified records in abuse and neglect cases, according to a court document recently filed.
Lord Justice Wall takes on an alarming child-snatching case
Lord Justice Wall takes on an alarming child-snatching case
This seems to be a classic instance of the way social workers make a crashing initial mistake, then add ever more questionable allegations to defend their blunder.
This seems to be a classic instance of the way social workers make a crashing initial mistake, then add ever more questionable allegations to defend their blunder.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Social worker admits to sex
Social worker admits to sex
A former social worker at an exclusive private school for special-needs students in Washington, Conn., told police her supervisory relationship with a 16-year-old boy turned sexual.
Brittany Larson, 27, of New Milford was pregnant and married when the sexual relationship began. Now eight months pregnant, Larson is free on $25,000 bond and awaiting prosecution on second-degree sexual assault charges.
A former social worker at an exclusive private school for special-needs students in Washington, Conn., told police her supervisory relationship with a 16-year-old boy turned sexual.
Brittany Larson, 27, of New Milford was pregnant and married when the sexual relationship began. Now eight months pregnant, Larson is free on $25,000 bond and awaiting prosecution on second-degree sexual assault charges.
Abused boy’s father fighting for custody
Abused boy’s father fighting for custody
A little boy who police say was abused is in the center of a legal battle. Now his biological dad is fighting to get him back.
Note: He shouldn't have to fight. He should have been the first choice.
A little boy who police say was abused is in the center of a legal battle. Now his biological dad is fighting to get him back.
Note: He shouldn't have to fight. He should have been the first choice.
Philadelphia judge says DHS advised him to place child with Weston
Philadelphia judge says DHS advised him to place child with Weston
Judge Kevin Dougherty, head of the city's Juvenile and Family Courts, acknowledged Thursday that in 2002 he placed a young girl in the custody of her aunt, convicted murderer Linda Ann Weston - and added that he did so at the recommendation of the Department of Human Services, a child advocate, and the girl's mother.
Judge Kevin Dougherty, head of the city's Juvenile and Family Courts, acknowledged Thursday that in 2002 he placed a young girl in the custody of her aunt, convicted murderer Linda Ann Weston - and added that he did so at the recommendation of the Department of Human Services, a child advocate, and the girl's mother.
Dameron Man Arrested for Sexually Assaulting Foster Kids
Dameron Man Arrested for Sexually Assaulting Foster Kids
On October 25, 2011, detectives from the St. Mary's County Bureau of Criminal Investigations, Special Victim's Unit, initiated an investigation into allegations George Leonard Frye, age 63, of Dameron, Maryland, sexually assaulted two female children, under the age of 13, who were in his care and custody in 2005 serving as a foster parent. Frye was subsequently charged with two counts of Child Sexual Abuse and two counts of 4th Degree Sex Offense. Frye was transported to the St. Mary's County Detention Center where he is being held on $25,000 bond.
On October 25, 2011, detectives from the St. Mary's County Bureau of Criminal Investigations, Special Victim's Unit, initiated an investigation into allegations George Leonard Frye, age 63, of Dameron, Maryland, sexually assaulted two female children, under the age of 13, who were in his care and custody in 2005 serving as a foster parent. Frye was subsequently charged with two counts of Child Sexual Abuse and two counts of 4th Degree Sex Offense. Frye was transported to the St. Mary's County Detention Center where he is being held on $25,000 bond.
Grandparents get free legal advice on custody
Grandparents get free legal advice on custody
Grandparents taking care of their children's children received a bit of free legal advice on Thursday.
Grandparents taking care of their children's children received a bit of free legal advice on Thursday.
Report: South Dakota Removes Hundreds Of Native American Children From Their Homes, Collects Millions In Federal Funds
Report: South Dakota Removes Hundreds Of Native American Children From Their Homes, Collects Millions In Federal Funds
There was a time in this country when thousands of Native American children were forced from their homes by public and private agencies, then sent to boarding schools where the school founder’s motto was “Kill the Indian, Save the Man.” This practice wiped out cultural ties and traditions from an entire generation on which tribes depended to carry on their legacies. In 1978, Congress passed the Indian Child Welfare Act, a law meant to ensure that Native American children stay with Native American families, especially when placed in foster care.
There was a time in this country when thousands of Native American children were forced from their homes by public and private agencies, then sent to boarding schools where the school founder’s motto was “Kill the Indian, Save the Man.” This practice wiped out cultural ties and traditions from an entire generation on which tribes depended to carry on their legacies. In 1978, Congress passed the Indian Child Welfare Act, a law meant to ensure that Native American children stay with Native American families, especially when placed in foster care.
State Audit Says CPS Can and Must Improve
State Audit Says CPS Can and Must Improve
A state audit is revealing ways Child Protective Services can better serve children who may be in danger. The findings have some in Fresno rallying to make changes to the department.
A state audit is revealing ways Child Protective Services can better serve children who may be in danger. The findings have some in Fresno rallying to make changes to the department.
Federal Government Wants To Test Anthrax Vaccine On Children
Federal Government Wants To Test Anthrax Vaccine On Children
Terrorists could use the potentially deadly Anthrax bacteria on an attack against the United States, and there is plenty of vaccine stockpiled for use against this and other possible biological agents of warfare. However they have never been tested on children so the effectiveness and possible side effects of the vaccines are unknown in children.
Test anthrax vaccine in kids? Feds mull thorny question
Terrorists could use the potentially deadly Anthrax bacteria on an attack against the United States, and there is plenty of vaccine stockpiled for use against this and other possible biological agents of warfare. However they have never been tested on children so the effectiveness and possible side effects of the vaccines are unknown in children.
Test anthrax vaccine in kids? Feds mull thorny question
Father Of Dog’s Grandson Threatens Neighbors ‘Are Gonna Get Their Ass Kicked!’
Father Of Dog’s Grandson Threatens Neighbors ‘Are Gonna Get Their Ass Kicked!’
New audio adds an explosive dimension to the custody battle between the Duane “Dog the Bounty Hunter” Chapman and the father of his grandson.
New audio adds an explosive dimension to the custody battle between the Duane “Dog the Bounty Hunter” Chapman and the father of his grandson.
Dameron Man Arrested for Sexually Assaulting Foster Kids
Dameron Man Arrested for Sexually Assaulting Foster Kids
On October 25, 2011, detectives from the St. Mary's County Bureau of Criminal Investigations, Special Victim's Unit, initiated an investigation into allegations George Leonard Frye, age 63, of Dameron, Maryland, sexually assaulted two female children, under the age of 13, who were in his care and custody in 2005 serving as a foster parent. Frye was subsequently charged with two counts of Child Sexual Abuse and two counts of 4th Degree Sex Offense. Frye was transported to the St. Mary's County Detention Center where he is being held on $25,000 bond.
On October 25, 2011, detectives from the St. Mary's County Bureau of Criminal Investigations, Special Victim's Unit, initiated an investigation into allegations George Leonard Frye, age 63, of Dameron, Maryland, sexually assaulted two female children, under the age of 13, who were in his care and custody in 2005 serving as a foster parent. Frye was subsequently charged with two counts of Child Sexual Abuse and two counts of 4th Degree Sex Offense. Frye was transported to the St. Mary's County Detention Center where he is being held on $25,000 bond.
Fuck You CPS Your Victims Love Me!!!
As I announced earlier, Legally Kidnapped has reached 2 major milestones in one day. Not only, upon waking up at 10 AM this morning (stayed up late last night), turning on my computer, did I discover that I had reached the grand total of 4000 friends on Facebook, which I love every single one of you, but....
Today is also, coincidentally, the 19th birthday of my step son, who was stolen by Maine CPS Agents on November 4th 1994. (I met her a couple years later)
Oh, and 2 days ago was my 15th wedding anniversary to my beautiful wife who I love today even more than I did on the day I married her.
So this has been a rather intensive and emotional week.
After seeing this magical 4000 number, I kind of did a little audit. Here are the results.
I have reached 4000 Facebook friends.
599 Likes on my Facebook Fan Page.
650 Twitter followers.
543 people signed up for my daily email. (get it in the sidebar)
155 following me through Google Reader. (RSS)
121 members to the Yahoo News Group. (which is not active but I still love you anyway)
325 Subscribers to my YouTube channel.
And 132 following me through blogger.
Now, because of Facebook's limits, I have room for only 1000 more Facebook friends. From there, everybody will have to simply like the Fan Page, which I share with several other fantastic activists and advocates who are also working hard to help families and expose fraud in Child Welfare, making it a very informative feed to follow.
And with that said, I love every single one of you. Thank you all for making this a success, I couldn't have done it without you. And we will only get better from here.
Peace Love and Flowers
This is officially the 20,000th post to Legally Kidnapped!
Today is also, coincidentally, the 19th birthday of my step son, who was stolen by Maine CPS Agents on November 4th 1994. (I met her a couple years later)
Oh, and 2 days ago was my 15th wedding anniversary to my beautiful wife who I love today even more than I did on the day I married her.
So this has been a rather intensive and emotional week.
After seeing this magical 4000 number, I kind of did a little audit. Here are the results.
I have reached 4000 Facebook friends.
599 Likes on my Facebook Fan Page.
650 Twitter followers.
543 people signed up for my daily email. (get it in the sidebar)
155 following me through Google Reader. (RSS)
121 members to the Yahoo News Group. (which is not active but I still love you anyway)
325 Subscribers to my YouTube channel.
And 132 following me through blogger.
Now, because of Facebook's limits, I have room for only 1000 more Facebook friends. From there, everybody will have to simply like the Fan Page, which I share with several other fantastic activists and advocates who are also working hard to help families and expose fraud in Child Welfare, making it a very informative feed to follow.
And with that said, I love every single one of you. Thank you all for making this a success, I couldn't have done it without you. And we will only get better from here.
Peace Love and Flowers
Child abuse claim against Stuart Walker was ‘malicious lie’
Child abuse claim against Stuart Walker was ‘malicious lie’
An allegation of child abuse against murdered gay barman Stuart Walker was a malicious claim by a 44-year-old convicted rapist, reports say.
An allegation of child abuse against murdered gay barman Stuart Walker was a malicious claim by a 44-year-old convicted rapist, reports say.
Alleged child abuse victims to sue at High Court
Alleged child abuse victims to sue at High Court
A group of people who claim to be victims of mental and physical abuse at the Haut de la Garenne children's home in Jersey are to sue the States at the High Court in London.
A group of people who claim to be victims of mental and physical abuse at the Haut de la Garenne children's home in Jersey are to sue the States at the High Court in London.
DCF warns of fake 'investigators'
DCF warns of fake 'investigators'
Note: And LK warns of real ones.
The Bay County and Santa Rosa County Sheriff's Offices are investigating two separate instances of unknown persons impersonating Department of Children and Families' child protective investigators this week. DCF reminds parents and anyone involved with children that its investigators always carry proper
Note: And LK warns of real ones.
The Bay County and Santa Rosa County Sheriff's Offices are investigating two separate instances of unknown persons impersonating Department of Children and Families' child protective investigators this week. DCF reminds parents and anyone involved with children that its investigators always carry proper
Rescuing the Lakota Children: The Lakota People's Law Project Responds to NPR Story with Three Ways You Can Help
Rescuing the Lakota Children: The Lakota People's Law Project Responds to NPR Story with Three Ways You Can Help
"Native Foster Care: Lost Children, Shattered Families," NPR's story by Laura Sullivan about the unjustified taking of Native children from their homes, causes anguished listeners to speak out and ask for ways to help rescue the Lakota children. The Lakota People's Law Project responds with three immediate ways to take action.
"Native Foster Care: Lost Children, Shattered Families," NPR's story by Laura Sullivan about the unjustified taking of Native children from their homes, causes anguished listeners to speak out and ask for ways to help rescue the Lakota children. The Lakota People's Law Project responds with three immediate ways to take action.
Mother takes issue with DHS abuse determination
Mother takes issue with DHS abuse determination
Ruling made despite doctor saying that child's injuries likely accidental
Ruling made despite doctor saying that child's injuries likely accidental
Dog Chapman Tells ET: I Wanted To Strangle My Grandson's Father
Dog Chapman Tells ET: I Wanted To Strangle My Grandson's Father
In the wake of Star's exclusive audio that helped gain Duane "Dog the Bounty Hunter" Chapman temporary custody of his grandson "Little" Travis, the TV star opens up to Thursday's edition of Entertainment Tonight about the child abuse accusations he’s lobbed against the boy’s father, “Big” Travis Mimms.
In the wake of Star's exclusive audio that helped gain Duane "Dog the Bounty Hunter" Chapman temporary custody of his grandson "Little" Travis, the TV star opens up to Thursday's edition of Entertainment Tonight about the child abuse accusations he’s lobbed against the boy’s father, “Big” Travis Mimms.
Children Services helps fathers play active roles
Children Services helps fathers play active roles
All children have two biological parents. Through its Fatherhood Initiative, Lucas County Children Services (LCCS) aims to ensure those with the Y chromosome play a significant role in their children’s lives.
All children have two biological parents. Through its Fatherhood Initiative, Lucas County Children Services (LCCS) aims to ensure those with the Y chromosome play a significant role in their children’s lives.
CPS Audit Finds Cracks in the System
CPS Audit Finds Cracks in the System
A report released today by the state recommends several changes to child protective services. An audit was requested by Assemblyman Henry Perea, who was touched by a local child that slipped through the cracks and was tragically killed. Perea wants the entire state to learn from mistakes identified in the audit.
A report released today by the state recommends several changes to child protective services. An audit was requested by Assemblyman Henry Perea, who was touched by a local child that slipped through the cracks and was tragically killed. Perea wants the entire state to learn from mistakes identified in the audit.
Audit report: Sex offenders are living or working in foster-care homes
Audit report: Sex offenders are living or working in foster-care homes
Sex offenders are living or working in foster-care facilities and homes, according to a report released by the California State Auditor this morning.
Note: These assholes make me sick.
I was also tagged in a comment on Facebook in regards to this story. I will paste it in here.
Sex offenders are living or working in foster-care facilities and homes, according to a report released by the California State Auditor this morning.
Note: These assholes make me sick.
I was also tagged in a comment on Facebook in regards to this story. I will paste it in here.
Hey Legally Kidnapped - I hope that you pick this story up in next week's Bably LK's report. California state and county government suck. Let me say it again - L.A. County & the State of Calfornia is corrupt and IT SUCKS! Did you hear that Zev Yaroslavsky and Mike Feuer?
"Los Angeles County was also selected for investigation, according to the LA Times, but the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors said no to subpoenas and later hired outside lawyers to fight the investigation. However, the auditor's office continues to press the county for information." Comment: FUCK YOU L.A. COUNTY SUPERVISORS!
And of course, our L.A. County taxpayers will be flipping the bill for the corrupt L.A. County Supervisors attorneys! OMG - Time to protest. Time to relocate "Wall Street L.A. right smack in front of the Board of Supervisors building! Am I a bit pissed off? You betcha.
Our L.A. County Supervisors are 100% complicit with the crimes being committed upon our children - under the color of law. Ahhhhhhhh--- the time has come to take each one of them out. Hey Leslie Dutton, this is your call!
Janette M. Isaacs
California auditor: 1,000 state-licensed facilities match sex offenders' addresses
California auditor: 1,000 state-licensed facilities match sex offenders' addresses
The California state auditor has found that more than 1,000 state-licensed facilities -- including more than 600 for kids -- matched addresses in the sex-offender registry, saying oversight mechanisms lag behind state requirements.
The California state auditor has found that more than 1,000 state-licensed facilities -- including more than 600 for kids -- matched addresses in the sex-offender registry, saying oversight mechanisms lag behind state requirements.
Man Given Wrong Child By Daycare
The wrong child was mistakenly given to a father at a Philadelphia daycare on Thursday.
Why foster children are put back with parents
Hamilton County Jobs and Family Services expert speaks about the process of when a foster child is put back with biological parents.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Incredible: California child-welfare offices deliver children directly to sex offenders
Incredible: California child-welfare offices deliver children directly to sex offenders
The addresses for more than 1,000 state-licensed care facilities for vulnerable people in California matched addresses on the state sex offender registry, according to a newly released audit.
The addresses for more than 1,000 state-licensed care facilities for vulnerable people in California matched addresses on the state sex offender registry, according to a newly released audit.
Toddler taken by CPS over $5.00 sandwiches
Toddler taken by CPS over $5.00 sandwiches
Have you ever eaten something in a store, planning to pay on the way out? Would you ever imagine forgetting to pay would result in your arrest and CPS taking your child?
Have you ever eaten something in a store, planning to pay on the way out? Would you ever imagine forgetting to pay would result in your arrest and CPS taking your child?
Foster youth face unique obstacles getting through higher education
Foster youth face unique obstacles getting through higher education
Former foster youth who attend institutes of higher education require more assistance in their college career, Superior Court Judge Zeke Zeidler said in a presentation to CSUN students Wednesday.
Note: I'm surprised they're not blaming the parents, like they do with everything else.
Former foster youth who attend institutes of higher education require more assistance in their college career, Superior Court Judge Zeke Zeidler said in a presentation to CSUN students Wednesday.
Note: I'm surprised they're not blaming the parents, like they do with everything else.
Investigation into placement of murdered 2-year-old ordered
Investigation into placement of murdered 2-year-old ordered
An independent investigation has been ordered into the case that resulted in 2-year-old DeMarcus Jackson being placed out of foster care and returned to his biological father. His father has since been charged with his murder.
An independent investigation has been ordered into the case that resulted in 2-year-old DeMarcus Jackson being placed out of foster care and returned to his biological father. His father has since been charged with his murder.
An alliance of lawyers and organisations which represent the rights and needs of women, children, families and victims of domestic abuse, has published a Manifesto for Family Justice, ahead of the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill moving into Report Stage in the House of Commons.
An alliance of lawyers and organisations which represent the rights and needs of women, children, families and victims of domestic abuse, has published a Manifesto for Family Justice, ahead of the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill moving into Report Stage in the House of Commons.
Arizonans Redefining the Meaning of Family
Arizonans Redefining the Meaning of Family
The concept of what constitutes a "family" continues to evolve throughout the country, and the changes in Arizona family identities became abundantly clear during the 2010 census. While married couples without children still make up nearly half of homes in Arizona, the number of so-called "traditional" families -- where a married couple lives with their minor-age children -- has decreased in the last ten years. Increases have been seen in households with just one adult living alone and in multi-generational homes where adult children and their parents share a home.
The concept of what constitutes a "family" continues to evolve throughout the country, and the changes in Arizona family identities became abundantly clear during the 2010 census. While married couples without children still make up nearly half of homes in Arizona, the number of so-called "traditional" families -- where a married couple lives with their minor-age children -- has decreased in the last ten years. Increases have been seen in households with just one adult living alone and in multi-generational homes where adult children and their parents share a home.
I am writing this in response to my Constitutional Rights that were violated, and the justice that my family never got. These rights that we never got are supposed to be guaranteed to us according to the Constitution of the United States.
I am writing this in response to my Constitutional Rights that were violated, and the justice that my family never got. These rights that we never got are supposed to be guaranteed to us according to the Constitution of the United States.
I am not sure what all you want so I am trying to cover all bases so I am only sending stuff that you can verify for you own purposes.
Here is a copy of my Sworn Affidavit that was filed in court I sent it as an attachment because it is not on a web site that has a link.
This is the original story that is posted on AFRA
This is the press release I made up after the gag order expired
Here is the link to the story that was on the front page of the paper on 10-26-2011There
Here is the link to the story that was on the front page of the paper on 10-26-2011There
There are also 2 videos that the media did just this last week.
I have No Respect For A Government That Allows it's employees to let children be Abused, Raped and Murdered all so they can make money off of them.
God Bless,
Schools and child welfare authorities at odds over truancy
Schools and child welfare authorities at odds over truancy
WAYS OF tackling school truancy in Finland vary greatly, with little evidence of any coherent approach to the problem. In some municipalities, kids who skip school are in effect ignored, whereas in other areas the welfare services are quick to intervene.
WAYS OF tackling school truancy in Finland vary greatly, with little evidence of any coherent approach to the problem. In some municipalities, kids who skip school are in effect ignored, whereas in other areas the welfare services are quick to intervene.
Japanese ex-wife arrested in U.S. on accusation of making off with child
Japanese ex-wife arrested in U.S. on accusation of making off with child
A Japanese woman has been arrested in Hawaii on accusations she took her 9-year-old daughter with a Nicaraguan ex-husband back to Japan without permission, it has been learned.
A Japanese woman has been arrested in Hawaii on accusations she took her 9-year-old daughter with a Nicaraguan ex-husband back to Japan without permission, it has been learned.
Adams Center man testifies his sister, not him, severely beat foster child
Adams Center man testifies his sister, not him, severely beat foster child
An Adams Center man, on whom defense attorneys are trying to pin a foster child’s assault, took the witness stand Tuesday in Jefferson County Court and said his sister did it.
An Adams Center man, on whom defense attorneys are trying to pin a foster child’s assault, took the witness stand Tuesday in Jefferson County Court and said his sister did it.
Native Survivors Of Foster Care Return Home
Native Survivors Of Foster Care Return Home
Most social services departments would look at him and say he's a success story.
"The problem," Stenstrom says, "is that that's a fallacy."
He says he didn't make a life for himself "until I came back to the reservation."
Most social services departments would look at him and say he's a success story.
"The problem," Stenstrom says, "is that that's a fallacy."
He says he didn't make a life for himself "until I came back to the reservation."
Montgomery’s proposal stirs debate over child welfare
Montgomery’s proposal stirs debate over child welfare
Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery’s proposal to require police, not Child Protective Services, to investigate child-abuse allegations spotlights a key dispute over how to improve the state’s child-welfare system.
Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery’s proposal to require police, not Child Protective Services, to investigate child-abuse allegations spotlights a key dispute over how to improve the state’s child-welfare system.
Occupy Oakland
Whether you agree with them or not, the American people should not be treated this way when exercising their constitutional right to protest. Besides the # 1 excuse for child stealing by social worker in the USA is Poverty being confused with or labeled as Neglect.
The increase in poverty is no thanks to the banks and corporate sector. And the very large company that I have worked for for years, has eliminated most full time positions just so they don't have to pay benefits.
Perhaps the police should start doing this to Tea Party Protesters.
The increase in poverty is no thanks to the banks and corporate sector. And the very large company that I have worked for for years, has eliminated most full time positions just so they don't have to pay benefits.
Perhaps the police should start doing this to Tea Party Protesters.
NPR: South Dakota Foster Care Uses Native American Children as Cash Crop?
NPR: South Dakota Foster Care Uses Native American Children as Cash Crop?
Last week Governor Dennis Daugaard pre-emptively rebutted an investigative report from National Public Radio on South Dakota’s foster care system and our state’s failure to comply with the Indian Child Welfare Act. He issued a press release blasting NPR reporter Laura Sullivan for clear bias and shoddy reporting. Daugaard’s attack focused on charges of conflict of interest in his position as Lieutenant Governor and executive director of the Children’s Home Society, which draws millions in federal funds for the foster care services it provides.
Last week Governor Dennis Daugaard pre-emptively rebutted an investigative report from National Public Radio on South Dakota’s foster care system and our state’s failure to comply with the Indian Child Welfare Act. He issued a press release blasting NPR reporter Laura Sullivan for clear bias and shoddy reporting. Daugaard’s attack focused on charges of conflict of interest in his position as Lieutenant Governor and executive director of the Children’s Home Society, which draws millions in federal funds for the foster care services it provides.
Jury awards former foster child $2 million from state of Oregon over abuse suffered at hands of foster parents
Jury awards former foster child $2 million from state of Oregon over abuse suffered at hands of foster parents
A Multnomah County jury unanimously awarded $2 million Wednesday to a former foster child who was abused and starved for two years while under the watch of state child welfare workers.
A Multnomah County jury unanimously awarded $2 million Wednesday to a former foster child who was abused and starved for two years while under the watch of state child welfare workers.
Officers seek suspects who impersonated child protective service investigators
Officers seek suspects who impersonated child protective service investigators
The Santa Rosa County Sheriff's Office is investigating a report of an unknown person impersonating a state child protective services official last week, according to a release issued by the Department of Children and Family Services Wednesday.
The Santa Rosa County Sheriff's Office is investigating a report of an unknown person impersonating a state child protective services official last week, according to a release issued by the Department of Children and Family Services Wednesday.
Convict's Dad Didn't Get Help for Son After Abuse
Convict's Dad Didn't Get Help for Son After Abuse
The father of a man facing a possible death sentence for killing a woman and her two daughters in a brutal Connecticut home invasion told jurors Wednesday he didn't get his son psychological counseling after the boy was sexually molested by a foster teen he had taken into his house.
The father of a man facing a possible death sentence for killing a woman and her two daughters in a brutal Connecticut home invasion told jurors Wednesday he didn't get his son psychological counseling after the boy was sexually molested by a foster teen he had taken into his house.
DCF impersonator alarms parent
DCF impersonator alarms parent
The Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office is investigating a report that a man impersonated an officer with the state Department of Children and Families.
Note: The real ones are often frauds too.
The Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office is investigating a report that a man impersonated an officer with the state Department of Children and Families.
Note: The real ones are often frauds too.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Families Broken Up As Immigrants Flee Alabama
Families Broken Up As Immigrants Flee Alabama
Some immigrant families say Alabama's tough new immigration law is forcing them to split up, at least temporarily.
Some immigrant families say Alabama's tough new immigration law is forcing them to split up, at least temporarily.
Families fear U.S. will deport parents, leave kids home alone
Families fear U.S. will deport parents, leave kids home alone
Parents who entered the United States illegally so fear for their future in Alabama that many are drawing up legal custody papers in case they have to leave their children behind following deportation.
Parents who entered the United States illegally so fear for their future in Alabama that many are drawing up legal custody papers in case they have to leave their children behind following deportation.
Guatemalan court sentences 2 women for trafficking baby adopted by US family
Guatemalan court sentences 2 women for trafficking baby adopted by US family
A Guatemalan court has sentenced two women to 16 and 21 years in prison for trafficking a stolen baby who was given for adoption to a U.S. family.
A Guatemalan court has sentenced two women to 16 and 21 years in prison for trafficking a stolen baby who was given for adoption to a U.S. family.
“High Court judge’s blast for four gay parents fighting over two little sisters”
“High Court judge’s blast for four gay parents fighting over two little sisters”
Gay man and his lover took lesbian mother and her partner to court over access Social worker said at least one girl suffered significant emotional harm Four feuding adults became parents through IVF
Gay man and his lover took lesbian mother and her partner to court over access Social worker said at least one girl suffered significant emotional harm Four feuding adults became parents through IVF
Gay couples' kids more likely to be poor
Gay couples' kids more likely to be poor
Children growing up in lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender families in the US are more likely to live in poverty and may be denied legal ties to one of their parents, a report showed.
Children growing up in lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender families in the US are more likely to live in poverty and may be denied legal ties to one of their parents, a report showed.
Lawmakers accused of politicizing DHS problems
Lawmakers accused of politicizing DHS problems
The outgoing chairman of the panel that oversees the Department of Human Services on Tuesday accused lawmakers of politicizing problems within the agency.
The outgoing chairman of the panel that oversees the Department of Human Services on Tuesday accused lawmakers of politicizing problems within the agency.
Man admits he threatened to kill social worker
Man admits he threatened to kill social worker
A BOMB threat was made against staff at a social services office in Keynsham, a court heard.
Note: Before some System Suck gets her panties in a bunch, Legally Kidnapped does not condone this sort of behavior. Never make threats. You will loose the element of surprise.
A BOMB threat was made against staff at a social services office in Keynsham, a court heard.
Note: Before some System Suck gets her panties in a bunch, Legally Kidnapped does not condone this sort of behavior. Never make threats. You will loose the element of surprise.
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