Legally Kidnapped

Shattering Your Child Welfare Delusions Since 2007

Saturday, January 17, 2009

How the government handles complaints against CPS

Yes friends! Complain and they'll report you! They want your children! Especially the cute little adoptable ones.


  1. I have written Colorado's Governor, Denver's Mayor, the attorney general for Colorado any anyone else who will listen but I received the same letter as this from the Governor and Mayor, saying they forwarded my complaint to Denver Human Services . It's a joke, why in the bleep do they think I wrote to them? As for the attorney general, they said they couldn't help us.

  2. Anonymous8:21 AM

    You are absolutely correct. I have written so many people. Congressmen, senators, and GOD knows how many other public officials. I always get the exact same response and practically the same letter. It disgusts me that the corruption runs so damn deep that you can't even get a decent response.
    Children are our future, yet it appears they are being alienated, used, abused, discarded, maimed, exploited and even murdered all in the name of power and money! I will do whatever I can to stop the abuse of innocent children, including my own, who are being emotionally and possibly physically abused, thanks to our wonderful system!
    Please help me in my fight to reform CPS. They MUST be brought in line with lawful investigation practices, to maintain civil and Constitutional Rights. Stop the war against Americas families NOW! Injustice against one American is injustice against ALL Americans.

    1. I am just beginning my fight with a system that is so bad, it had to change its name! We need to make a national me!

  3. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Pat, thanks for publishing this letter. This letter is reply from UNCARING Strickland. I sent an email to Strickland with the link to this site. I told him thousands of people are reading about how much he DOESN'T care about the children and families of our state.
    We'll see if I get a reply. =)

  4. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Elected officials DO NOT personally respond to emails. Their offices act as liaisons between you and the offending agency. They attempt to resolve the issue via the agency liaisons. Unfortunately not every issue can be solved in this manner and you may have to end up speaking to an attorney. Don't be discouraged. Public offices are trying to help you. Because of the sheer number of inquiries into their offices, elected officials will never respond personally. Don't take it to heart.

  5. Well, I realize that they cannot reply to everyone personally but I don't think it's logical to send a complaint sent to them over to the very place that thew complainer is complaining about or against. Why do they think people like us make pleas to THEM to help instead or in addition to the person or place being complained against. DHS is all the same and their investigative division is only out for them not the person with the complaint.
    Someone with more power and authority than DHS needs to help in anyway they can and you would think that, considering the economic crisis we're ALL in, they would care how the states' and country's money is being spent.

  6. Anonymous10:00 PM

    2/22/12 HELP anyone please I need your help we my daughter and I are up against this Agency as we speak and they are not nice. I am trying to reform a law in the state of California where we reside I advocated for my Grandson before he was born my daughter unfortuneately got addicted to heroin was on the streets and called me and told me she was three months pregnant I told her to go get help she did and then didn't as many addicts do so I then called CPS for their help and was told there was nothing they could do because the baby wasn't born yet, I then contacted a child avocacy group called CASA and was told the same thing, I then and all along went to my local law enforcement to try to get them to help they said they would look out for her and if found her under the influence they would arrest her that never happened either. So I contacted my local news station and they agreed to air my story and my plight and we took it to the Capital in Sacramento. Long story short my Grandson was born 1/3/12 two weeks early and had substance in his little body. CPS was notified as that is what the hospital has to do, my daughter was released got into a treament outpatient program and clean and visiting her son everyday, along with myself and his God Mother. Today he was released to a stranger in the Foster System, not to me or the God Mother which were my Daughters request she is going to an inpatient treatment Monday where she could have her son but I would have agreed to keep him safe or the God Mother agreed to keep him safe and be in full compliance with CPS they denied me because they said I wasn't level headed because there was an inaccurate report made and I said it was inaccurate they deemed me not level headed... I am a Federal Employee a Public Servant for eleven years no criminal history not even a speeding ticket they then started to see if they would accept the God Mother licsened day care provider for over fifteen years husbands a figher fighter cps showed up lated to meetings cancelled meetings at the last minute and then all of a sudden the Baby was released today and they gave him to a stranger. They treated me the God Mother as if we were the addict too they treated my daughter as she was the DEVIL she is a young bright mother that made a terrible choice and is remorseful for what she has done but not even GOD TREATS A SINNER LIKE THAT HE SAYS COME AND HE HEALS this agency abuses their authority and definately did not display their mission statement. Help me and I will help you would love to have you view my story that aired.... Thank you Respectfully Kathrine
    please respond to

    1. im going through a simaliar situtaion myself \. thrown in front of a judge who has already made her mind up my beautiful little girl remains in the home of strangers..... there has got ttttttto be something i can do i cant go on like this a year or more .... i will keep ur family in my thoughts and hope a miracle comes to relief of our families soon

  7. Anonymous3:15 PM

    The shocking thing is that they pop n without a warning and pronounce fear all around just like 'Nazi Germany they leave that fear trail and it make's you suspect everyone when you never did anything wrong to have to go through such unrighteous damaging acts first one is there at your door because some jerk weed wants your baby or they think they can raise the child better than you!
    "fuel is the answer"

  8. Anonymous9:25 AM

    We also wrote letters to the Alaska Governor and they say the same thing. What can we do?

  9. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Get the Office of Civil Rights involved! If you feel there is any discrimination at all also you can tell them about it and they should get something going by speaking to CPS. The Civil rights office of Colorado helped in our case and I think that is finally why they decided to change the goal back to return home after three long torturous years of constant letter and complaint writing. All government officials are in it with CPS as a huge money making machine. That is why all our letters go right back to the place we are complaining about. I kept on all of them and the state reps and senators as well. Some look into it and some don't but you have to try every single solitary person, even the media that you can think of. CPS=satan period. As long as satan is ruling this earth, CPS will be destroying families and children. That's how I feel. There is an EXCELLENT book that tells everything what CPS is all about REALLY. It is written by a doctor. The book is called- Child Protection/Abduction Services: The Modern Mafia: Federally Financed Perjury, Fraud, Kidnapping, and Child Drugging for Profit (Volume 1) Paperback

    by Dr. Eric D. Keefer D.D.

    Corruption abounds, the system created to protect, assist, and enable children and families is now their worst enemy. Bribery has been legalized. Kick-backs and pay-offs don't create conflict of interests, they they take the children from innocent families and the pay-offs with impunity. They act and take actions with no regard for the constitutions of the states or the nation. "All Men are equal before the law" was written for a reason, decided for a reason, and part of our legal system for a reason. It is time that "we the people" and the workers inside the CPS-DFCS and "Family Court" system are again...equal before the law.

    EVERYONE needs to read and own this book. It is not expensive and it is THE BEST book ever written in my opinion.

    1. Its tyranny and human rights violations

  10. Denise12:28 PM

    Get the Office of Civil Rights involved! If you feel there is any discrimination at all also you can tell them about it and they should get something going by speaking to CPS. The Civil rights office of Colorado helped in our case and I think that is finally why they decided to change the goal back to return home after three long torturous years of constant letter and complaint writing. All government officials are in it with CPS as a huge money making machine. That is why all our letters go right back to the place we are complaining about. I kept on all of them and the state reps and senators as well. Some look into it and some don't but you have to try every single solitary person, even the media that you can think of. CPS=satan period. As long as satan is ruling this earth, CPS will be destroying families and children. That's how I feel. There is an EXCELLENT book that tells everything what CPS is all about REALLY. It is written by a doctor. The book is called- Child Protection/Abduction Services: The Modern Mafia: Federally Financed Perjury, Fraud, Kidnapping, and Child Drugging for Profit (Volume 1) Paperback

    by Dr. Eric D. Keefer D.D.

    Corruption abounds, the system created to protect, assist, and enable children and families is now their worst enemy. Bribery has been legalized. Kick-backs and pay-offs don't create conflict of interests, they they take the children from innocent families and the pay-offs with impunity. They act and take actions with no regard for the constitutions of the states or the nation. "All Men are equal before the law" was written for a reason, decided for a reason, and part of our legal system for a reason. It is time that "we the people" and the workers inside the CPS-DFCS and "Family Court" system are again...equal before the law.

    EVERYONE needs to read and own this book. It is not expensive and it is THE BEST book ever written in my opinion.

  11. Sad to say I am still on this site, after my case in Adams County, Colorado. I never got a chance to get my children back, never once. I could prove everything, recorded every conversation, but they are always right and even the state, civil right and child protection ombudsman don't do anything.

  12. I to have written and called the Heads of DCS and my State Attorney General only to hear they are not case workers and that I would heveto contact them Damn They are the problem,My daughter failed a drug test due to teh fact that her boyfrind shook their 5 week old baby half to death,she lost all visiting rights and has been subjected to parental classe drus classes and therapy,Her boyfriend sits in ajil waiting for trial,The child has 4 grandparents 6 aunts and numerous uncles and auntrs to care for him of which none have been conmtacterd,,This department is pure corruption,,Al Capone would be vry proud,,,Plus with the job situation as it is in this country practically anyone can become a foster parent !!!! DAMN

  13. Anonymous10:29 PM

    1st this goes to : Respectfully Kathrine
    please respond to

    Kathrine-YOU have to research the laws,the CA CPS manual and CITE THE VIOLATIONS-
    get the truth ON RECORD-type up the violations,get it notarized and get that on the record and present it to the judge-
    Notify the media again ,notify your politicians etc all via certified/return and call them as well.
    keep a notebook for mail receipts. keep a notebook for all contacts etc-
    send out the listing of violations to all and any FAMILY ASSOC nationwide and requests for HELP .
    now regarding freekin CPS and reporting them, the 1st thing to do IF YOUR CHILD/CHILDREN HAVE BEEN RETURNED IS POST NOTICES and thoroughly LEARN YOUR RIGHTS-
    1st notice is "return with a warrant"
    2nd IS the posting "warning-violation of rights under color or law"--see here please-

    yes I KNOW IT SAYS ""JESUS IS LORD" aamen and this is the pdf suitable for PRINTING and making copies-
    I am going to check on the LEGALITY of myself running a few lines in the newspaper for THREE DAYS regarding the SAME that ANYONE INTERFERING IN OUR LIVES....due to ME PURSUING A RIGHTEOUS LAWSUIT regarding the ILLEGAL ACTIONS that took place, regarding my DISABLED SON--any interference WITH OUR RIGHTS WILL ALSO LEAD TO MORE LEGAL ACTIONS.
    THEY ARE ALL CORRUPT and a part of the problem.
    MY KID is A DISABLED ADULT--THINK THE DOJ gives a damn he was literally kidnapped the same way CPS kidnaps your kids ? think the DOJ gives a shit he WAS exploited,ABUSED and isolated and HELD AGAINST HIS WILL ? there are NO charges or crimes, no APS visits, no APS INVOLVEMENT BEYOND ME CALLING THEM REPEATEDLY REPORTING THE SITUATION-
    the DOJ HAS the jurisdiction and does NOTHING--same for the bs ADA, same for APS, same for the social security adm going after REPORTED FRAUDULENT ACTIVITIES on and on-samr for disability rights, national disability rights-a freeekin CURB CUTOUT or a sink HAS MORE MEANING THAN SOMEONE KIDNAPPED, held against their will, isolated, abused,DENIED THEIR RIGHTS-
    so AS A RESULT OF REPORTING THESE SUBHUMAN , as a RESULT of FILING a sworn affadavit of TRUTH, as a result of filing grievance with the bar assoc, filing complaints over and over-
    we are STALKED AND HARASSED, my son's SSI and mediciad HAVE BEEN STOPPED due to "unknowns" filing FALSE REPORTS on and on.

  14. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Yes. My cps case started in texas because i went to jail and the cps lady didn't have a warrant to remove my baby from home and now i moved to limon Colorado if i transfer my baby to Colorado what's the chance i get her back i have a stable place and a job if texas transfer her here do y'all think i get her back faster this is my first time being in the cps case please help me what to do

  15. Join us - we are networking out to anyone and everyone that actually cares about children.

  16. Why can they be getting away with this.Cps just lie about you and its blanten lies,never ask for help of them ever again

  17. Disgusting cps the lies they can blantly make up about you,never trust any of them especially sw.there out to get your children and dont give a crap about your child feelings in the long run.out to score points


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