Legally Kidnapped

Shattering Your Child Welfare Delusions Since 2007

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

CHILD ‘PROTECTIVE’ SERVICES DESTROYED MY FAMILY (sent in an email by the author)

Each child in your family has a 1 in 25 chance of being the subject of a child abuse/neglect investigation this year. The chance of getting a flat tire on the family car is 1 in 70 (including Firestones).

Many children are taken from fit and loving parents solely based upon false allegations reported anonymously to a hotline, or as a result of a caseworker’s own personal judgment, or even by someone with a vendetta as in our case.

The State gains entry into private homes following the filing of a report of suspected child maltreatment. This report may be filed anonymously by anyone: a vindictive neighbor, a teacher, a day care provider, or an unstable busybody. You can lose your children from an anonymous phone call, with NO involvement from law enforcement, and NO charges of any wrong-doing. CPS controls the courtroom and employs the tactic of delay and “hide the ball” to keep families separated. This can go on for months and even years while children are separated from their families.

Actual acts of child abuse or severe neglect are not the primary allegations used to seize children from their families, meaning deliberate acts, willfully committed with the intent to harm - contrary to public assumption. CPS employs a method known as the "Clinical Model", in which the behaviors of the child are used to claim that there is some sort of obscure psychological abuse in the home that has traumatized the child.

“Child protection is one of the biggest businesses in the country. We spend $12 billion a year on it. The money goes to tens of thousands of state employees, collateral professionals such as lawyers, court personnel, court investigators, evaluators and guardians, judges, and CPS contracted vendors such as counselors, therapists, more evaluators, junk psychologists, residential facilities, foster parents, adoptive parents, MSPCC, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, YMCA, etc.”

Nev Moore, Founder of Justice for Families.

Service providers, called vendors, hold multi-million dollar contracts with CPS. Families are ordered to engage in "services" with these contracted vendors, all of whom bill Medicaid at enormously inflated rates for "services" that are often inappropriate, unnecessary, and completely irrelevant to the families situation, or to child maltreatment.

Behind the money is the socialist ideology that children should be raised by the state. This agenda was promoted by Dr. C. Henry Kempe (author of the Battered Child Syndrome) in the 1970's. An open supporter of the Communist party, he stated "We must remove children from the crude influence of their families and, frankly, nationalize them." Dr. Kempe emphasized the need for a "stealthy, incremental approach" to implementing the agenda to make families obsolete.

Families are coerced into participating by intimidation and the threat of losing their children. In return for fraudulently collected profits, the contracted vendors provide manufactured "evidence" of child maltreatment to support the claim that they need to keep the child in foster care. In return for this they receive more federal funding. Now this is truly job security.

Nothing in our life experience is more devastating than the abrupt, brutal, and
unwarranted forced separation by strangers. The parent-child bond is our strongest instinct, superceding all else. To have this bond severed by state agents who possess unhindered power, and give no thought or consideration to the fear, anxiety, and trauma that their actions cause, is a crime against humanity. This is happening to 4,600 children per day, right here in the United States of America.

The law states that a child can only be removed from their home as a last resort, and only when the child is at imminent risk of serious harm, but CPS does not follow established law and policy, and nobody makes them.

I home schooled 7 children and raised them in the Christian faith. My middle daughter (then 19 years old) walked across the street in January 2006 and told the neighbors that she was sexually molested with power tools, beaten with crow bars and burned alive. This all supposedly took place between the ages of 8 to 16 years. Never mind that there is no physical evidence of any of this (because it never happened). Not one of these neighbors bothered to come to my door to ask me if these things were true. My husband was arrested but subsequently released on bond.

The “protective” order drafted by this daughter disarmed us for 2 years. We live out in the country where predators threaten our livestock. None of us has ever pointed a gun at a human being, yet, this daughter “dreamed” that her father pointed a shotgun at the family and told them to get on the floor or he would kill us all. She later mentioned that the dream seemed “so real”. Yes, it was real enough to make sure we wouldn’t even be allowed to have ONE bullet in the home without fear of arrest.

My 2 youngest were taken away from me without a court order. CPS just walked in…and took them—NOTHING was done to keep them in the home. REMOVAL was the first and only choice of CPS. The law states that a child can only be removed from their home as a LAST resort, and only when the child is at imminent risk of serious harm. Removal of my two daughters, non-abused children, from their home was perceived by them to be an act of emotional and psychological terrorism. CPS does not follow established law and policy. They face no consequences for their illegal behavior. Law enforcement routinely submits to the whims of social workers as they did in our case as they accompanied CPS into the home and told everyone to get out of the house so CPS could “interview” me.

State and federally funded Child Protective Service agencies are seizing children from non-abusive homes in the absence of evidence or realistic cause to believe that the child is in danger of harm, an act of emotional and psychological terrorism, and CPS does not follow established law and policy. State and Federal regulations, and the Constitution of the United States. Children failed by the system have died while in the protective custody of the State, in the care of CPS and in foster care.

Normal, innocent people do not tend to be suspicious and defensive, so they usually cooperate when social workers knock on their door. This mother offered no resistance believing that truth and justice would prevail and that we had done nothing illegal and therefore had nothing to hide. Citizens should NOT be removed from their homes and family members based on nothing more than hearsay.

Federal statistics say that there are approximately 3 million reports of suspected child abuse and neglect each year. The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services documents 900,000 as "substantiated", leaving over 2 million families per year FALSELY ACCUSED. Of the "substantiated" cases, 68% do NOT involve child maltreatment, according to the federal authorities. This figure is escalating at an alarming rate each year as over zealous reporting and frivolous intervention by CPS spins out of control.

Here in Texas, we have a similar rate of unsubstantiated cases of child abuse. “In 76.4 percent of investigations, investigative caseworkers either rule out abuse or neglect, or are unable to determine whether it occurred.” (Protecting Texas Children, Health and Human Services Commission, CPS Reform Recommendations 1.5 Screen Out Unnecessary 22 January 6, 2005)

The case dragged on with my 19 year old feeding CPS all kinds of lies...and they believed her. I asked this daughter HOW did she come up with these horrifying events that she told the authorities about. She responded that she did research on the internet and read case histories of sexual abuse. Then she said she “fantasized about it” to “make it more real…more believable”. Well, her lies, fantasies and dreams destroyed our lives. And she has been rewarded for it as well. She is going to school to become a social worker so she can join the ranks of CPS and “save abused children”: her words, not mine.

This daughter even perjured herself multiple times during our trial but there were NO consequences. There were also NO consequences when she failed to show up for the final day of our trial, even though she was under a subpoena. A legal system that tolerates perjury and the subornation of perjury can NOT produce justice.

Judges should not blindly go along with CPS and allow them to control court process, but fulfill their judicial canons by insisting that due process is followed, laws adhered to, and that procedural error is not tolerated. Parents are subjected to a highly irregular "civil" proceeding that makes a complete mockery of our judicial system. They are often told they may not speak or present exculpatory evidence as we tried to at the June 21, 2006 hearing regarding anonymous e-mails sent to our CPS caseworker.

The case degenerated into an exercise in character assassination and slander by neighbors who we have never met. Actual acts of child abuse or neglect that place the child at "imminent risk of serious harm" were not even discussed. Vague, obscure, and distorted allegations about our personalities and hearsay comprised the bulk of the “evidence”, including our "being in denial" and "anger problems".

Our family was put under a powerful, and distorted, microscope. Social workers asked bizarre and invasive questions. We were asked whether or not we had “explosives and missile launchers”, whether I intended to “run the pick up truck thru the public school, kidnap my daughters and take them to New Mexico and drink poisoned Kool-Aid and commit suicide”. One neighbor that we’ve never met, even wrote on a police statement that I come from a long line of devil worshippers. Perhaps this is why I was asked by the prosecuting attorney for CPS during the trial on the merits in June 2007, “did you ever drink blood?” I’d laugh my head off if this weren’t so serious…but unfortunately TRUE!

Under the CPS microscope every word, inflection, and action is attributed with the most bizarre and outlandish "meanings." If you have ever bounced a check, you have a "criminal record"; if your child is shy, they are "fearful and withdrawn"; if they are outgoing and active, they are "acting out due to the trauma."

Do the parents ever argue? Do they ever raise their voices? This is then documented as "domestic violence." The majority of the funding for domestic violence programs is channeled through CPS so this was no revelation to us. If parents deny domestic abuse or child abuse, they are told that they are "in denial", and this is all "part of the syndrome." Admitting - confessing - is one of the requirements. Truth and reality are not important. Saying the right things to keep federal funding flowing, is.

Federal law gives CPS 15 months to seek Termination of Parental Rights and have the child adopted out (and collect hefty adoption incentive bonuses—did we mention the money?) So, children are being put up for adoption based on the timeline, even when parents have not had a chance to answer the initial allegations, and in the absence of any evidence or charges that they have harmed their child. Social workers routinely perjure themselves under oath without ever facing any penalties or admonishment.

Meanwhile, children who have been removed from their grieving families are placed in state contracted foster homes and institutions which receive federal benefits. Residentials and other institutions hold multi-million dollar contracts with the social service agencies. Children are drugged, restrained, put in straight-jackets, some are sexually, physically, and emotionally abused. In Texas, 12,000 foster youth received psychotropic drugs in 2004. Each child averaged 21 psychotropic drug prescriptions a year. ALL are tormented by a system out of control.

One of my daughters CPS took from me "aged out" and returned home in April 2007. At one minute after midnight on her 18th birthday, we gratefully received her back into our arms. No one from CPS came out to our house to make sure it was “safe” for her to return. The day before she turned 18, she wasn’t even allowed to receive a phone call from us. The day after she turned 18, none of them cared. They don’t care because the Federal funding ceased when she turned 18. My 15 year old is not allowed to receive or make phone calls to us either. I am “allowed” a one hour a week, heavily supervised (by CPS) visit. She is not allowed contact with her brothers and sisters at all with the exception of the sister that was abducted along with her (the one that returned home to us recently) back in January 2006.

If social workers “care” so much for children, I have 2 questions for them:
1. Would you work without pay and sacrifice for the child? I did. No one paid me to be a mother, to carry the child for 9 months under my heart, to be there many sleepless nights when they had teething pain or were sick, prayed for them, taught them right from wrong, fed them, clothed them, educated them, gave up my time, and put off buying things for myself because I always put them first, just to name a few things that come to mind.

2. If a life-or- death situation arose, would you give your life for the child? I would. No questions asked.

Which of us REALLY has the “best interests of the child” at heart: parents or Social Services?

The financial incentives for shredding families, warehousing children until the barriers to adoption (parents) can be eliminated and children adopted out, are lucrative. CPS is part of a $12. billion dollar a year, tax payer fueled, child abuse industrial complex which provides jobs for caseworkers, judges, lawyers, bailiffs, various court personnel, psychotherapists, foster homes, pharmaceutical vendors and a host of others.

This is a HUGE growth industry that provides private profit through Medicaid. Service providers (vendors) hold multi-million dollar contracts with the social service agencies. Families are ordered to engage in "services" with the contracted vendors, all of whom bill Medicaid at inflated rates for "services" that are often inappropriate, unnecessary, onerous, and completely irrelevant (not to mention unconstitutional) to the families situation, or to child maltreatment.
This writer is 57 years old and has been married to the same man (the biological father of our 7 children) for 32 years. I am a registered nurse, do not drink, smoke, never did drugs, don’t even have a traffic ticket. I have never abused my children nor has my husband sexually molested any of my children. My husband has worked for the State of Texas since 1979. WHY is this happening to us?

Do you, dear reader, have any idea WHAT it feels like to have a child taken away for NO reason? Can you imagine the pain and anguish that comes in unrelenting waves as you try to figure out why this is happening? How would you like to be falsely accused of child abuse with your name smeared all over public records for horrific events that NEVER OCCURRED? What would it feel like to have your reputation destroyed? How would you like it if neighbors driving by your house slowed down and stared…and took pictures of your house? And every time you walk in the gas station or the feed store where the ranchers gather for coffee, they suddenly stop talking and stare at you? Did it ever occur to any of you to come to my door and ASK me if these things were true? Or was it more fun to gossip and believe the madness because it’s more exciting than reality? Now, we’re just collateral damage in the war against children, just another family chewed up and spit out by the State.

Families are coerced into participating by intimidation and the threat of losing their children. In return for these fraudulently collected profits, the contracted vendors provide manufactured "evidence" of child maltreatment to support CPS claims that they need to keep the child in foster care. In return for this they receive more federal funding. Now this is truly job security.

On May 21, 2007 the CPS trial on the merits began in the Caldwell County Judicial Center in Lockhart, Texas. It consisted of 6 days of persecution and mockery of my lifestyle and personal beliefs and made a complete travesty of our judicial system. Their “evidence” consisted of hearsay and e-mails allegedly authored by my 19 year old daughter. Constitutional violations were rampant throughout this ordeal.

The Guardian Ad Litem testified that it wasn’t “safe” for my 15 year old to return home “(even if the father were removed)” because she would “suffer thru abuse rather than report it”—“even if she continued going to public school because when she got back home, her mother would deprogram her.” WHAT abuse? “DEPROGRAM”? Does CPS normally “deprogram” it’s victims by telling them—as they told my daughters-- “your mother doesn’t love you”, “she abandoned you”, “your mother chose her husband over you”, “it’s all because of your parents that you are here in this emergency shelter now”, “your parents aren’t cooperating, it’s not our fault you are here”, “why don’t you pray to your God—see if He will answer your prayers and get you out of this place.” Your tax dollars at work. . .

Harvard psychiatrist Chester M. Pierce stated that "Every child in America entering school at the age of 5 is mentally ill because he comes to school with certain allegiances to our founding fathers, toward our elected officials, toward his parents, toward a belief in a supernatural being, and toward the sovereignty of this nation as a separate entity. It's up to you as teachers to make all these sick children well by creating the international child of the future." I guess the State of Texas and the public schools are just “making my sick daughter well”.

We USED to be Christian home schoolers. Evidently, the State of Texas has a resocialization program underway to destroy my daughter’s belief system since it’s a crime to be a Christian and to home school. It is socialist ideology that children should be raised by the State. Dr. C. Henry Kempe, author of the Battered Child Syndrome and an open supporter of the Communist party stated: "We must remove children from the crude influence of their families and, frankly, nationalize them."

On June 26, 2007, after 6 days of "trial", I was adjudicated as an unfit mother in spite of NO evidence of abuse and with the civil court’s full knowledge that “the criminal charges against my husband (which were fabricated by my 19 year old daughter) would be dismissed any day now because of lack of evidence”. Indeed, criminal charges WERE conveniently dismissed June 28, 2007--2 days AFTER CPS court rendered their decision. This is CYA (cover your afterburner) in operation. As of this writing, we are appealing to the Third District Court in Austin, Texas. SOMEBODY in this universe needs to investigate the corruption going on in CPS.

My youngest child (who will be 16 years old in February 2008) will remain in permanent managing conservatorship of the State and continue to reside in foster care against her will and despite her telling the judge, Guardian Ad Litem and all the rest of these people--on multiple occasions since her wrongful abduction by State actors known as CPS on January 11, 2006, --that she was never abused and just wants to return home. It doesn't matter how many times you tell CPS there was no abuse, they just tell you that you are in "denial" and "not cooperating". Children should NOT be held as indentured servants or held in thrall to others for acts they have not committed.

My daughter in CPS custody has not been allowed to see her brothers and sisters since their visits were cut off during a court hearing in February 2007. Before that, they were allowed a one hour a week visit. No phone calls were ever permitted and still are not to this day. We tried to get permission to have some phone contact with her but the Judge denied it again as recently as August 1, 2007. The reason the siblings’ visits were cut off was that the CPS caseworker told the court that 2 of the siblings were passing notes to my daughter. Yes, my son passed her a $20. Federal Reserve note because she needed money to buy school supplies and clothes for school. Evidently, Caldwell County doesn’t have enough money to buy what she needs. When we home schooled, there was always food, clothes and supplies for the children.

My husband is not allowed to have a visit with our daughter (in CPS custody) because he refuses to take sex offender therapy. He refuses to take it because he is not a sex offender. In retaliation for not cooperating with the court, the Judge is punishing him by cutting off his visits. CPS has gone above and beyond to punish us. The weekly one hour visit is held at CiCi’s Pizza, a highly public area next to the Army, Navy and Air Force Recruiting Stations. Apparently, the Judge thinks that my husband may leap over the pepperonis and molest our daughter, with a CPS agent sitting right next to us and 3 branches of America’s finest next door. He is however, allowed to be around my 15 year old grandson (same age as my daughter). The only difference between them is…my grandson was not incarcerated by CPS and pimped out to obtain federal funds.
After our trial, the Judge said that “REGARDLESS of the outcome of the criminal case, my husband has to take sex offender therapy” and our daughter can’t come back home unless recommended by THEIR CPS contracted, bought and paid for, psychologist. We tried to offer another expert opinion to testify that it was safe for her to come home, but the Judge practically RAN him out of the court room. They don’t want to hear anything that doesn’t agree with their paradigm. They certainly aren’t interested in the truth. Citizens should NOT be censured by public officials for crimes they have not committed.

I’d like to know how Caldwell County even GOT an indictment in the first place. All the so called “evidence” is whatever my daughter told them. There is no physical evidence of “sexual molesting with power tools, beatings with crowbars and burning in the fireplace”…. BECAUSE IT NEVER HAPPENED. My husband’s criminal lawyer told us the “grand jury rubber stamps indictments presented to them by the District Attorney”. Maybe that’s why this D.A. was voted out of office and replaced in January 2007. This former D.A. indicted several people during the same time span (that my husband was indicted) that also never should have been indicted. One particular, well known individual that comes to mind, put an ad in the Luling Newsboy newspaper apprising the people of Caldwell County that his charges were dropped by the D.A.’s office.

My husband and I took all the court ordered parenting classes required by the State of Texas and attended weekly psychotherapy sessions thru CPS contracted vendors. These sessions consist of nothing more than coercive persuasion designed to interrogate, break down your will and cause you to believe the unbelievable. In the end, it’s all for nothing. CPS tells you that you’re “in denial” and being “uncooperative”. It feels more like Nazi Germany and the Soviet gulags every day.

Think I’m being too harsh comparing CPS to Nazis? Homeschooling was a basis for child endangerment charges under Hitler. The German High Court (Hamburg) ruled in 1936 that "Custody rights shall be terminated for parents who, as fanatical Bible students, cannot rear their children in accordance with today's State and because this endangers the mental wellbeing of the children, who are thereby prevented from participating in the national community."

CPS routinely employs unconstitutional actions, fraud, extortion, deceit, kidnapping, and conspiracy in an ongoing criminal enterprise designed to cheat the public and destroy families of the United States of America for profit, for agrandizement and to delude the public into thinking their actions are for the general welfare of this nation. Unconstitutional summary judicial proceedings designed to perpetrate for-profit crimes against humanity, family dismemberment and human trafficking, and to defraud the Federal Government for Social Services Agency operational funds have been perpetrated upon many families in America.

Child Protective Services, in taking children who do not meet the statutory definition of abuse or neglect from loving homes is creating more throwaway children than they are legitimately saving. CPS actors merely decide that children are “at risk” and that abuse or neglect may occur in the FUTURE. These are POLICE STATE TACTICS that are routinely deployed against citizens of totalitarian regimes. What happened to due process? What happened to the Constitution of the United States of America? Where is the Bill of Rights? Dismembering families and creating artificial orphans by means of fraud and/or deceptive trade practices is NOT legitimate government business.

CPS engages in for-profit crimes against humanity consequent to the unlawful dismemberment of families to create human trafficking victims from which the County earns Federal funds with which to fund it’s operations. The exploitation of men, women and children for financial gain is the definition of human trafficking, which the U.S. Secretary of State Condolleza Rice states is a modern day form of slavery.

Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, in Fiscal 2003, 30 foster children died in our state's care; in Fiscal 2004, 38 foster children died; and in Fiscal 2005, 48 foster children died. Data shows that while the number of foster children in our state's care increased 24 percent from 26,133 in Fiscal 2003 to 32,474 in Fiscal 2005, the number of deaths increased 60 percent.
Comptroller Carole Keeton Strayhorn Statement On Foster Care Abuse given Friday, June 23, 2006 in Austin, Texas

DFPS statistics themselves underscore the fact that my 15 year old daughter is in FAR GREATER DANGER in the custody of CPS than she is in the care of her falsely accused biological parents. The State of California published the following statement: called the “perverse incentive factor,” States and counties earn more revenue by having more children in the system – whether it is opening a case to investigate a report of child abuse and neglect or placing a child in foster care.” Facts-at-a-Glance, Child Welfare in California, 09-09-2003

At the end of FY 2003, Texas DFPS had legal responsibility for 22,346 children. Of that total, 15,414 children resided in foster care. In the same time period, there were 6,932 children in the Department’s legal custody who were not residing in foster care. Texas, as does California, PROFITS FROM HUMAN TRAFFICKING, which is a deplorable manner by which to fund County operations.

Some statistics from the State and County where I live:

In FY 2003, CPS conducted 131,130 investigations of abuse and/or neglect in Texas and confirmed abuse and/or neglect in 32,792 cases. In FY 2004, the number of child abuse and/or neglect investigations is expected to increase by 10 percent over FY 2003. In FY 2005, the percentage is expected to increase by four percent over FY 2004.

In 2005, the child population in Caldwell County was 10, 258. There were 510 intakes alleging abuse/neglect, 448 cases were assigned to CPS caseworkers, 329 completed cases alleging abuse/neglect, 539 alleged victims in completed cases, 101 confirmed cases, 153 confirmed victims, and 131 cases opened for in home services. (Source: The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services)

In 2006, the number of child sexual abuse clients served at Roxanne’s House (a program of the Hays-Caldwell Women’s Center) was 73. 30 were from Lockhart, 17 from Luling, 4 from Maxwell, 5 from Martindale and 17 from other Caldwell County areas. 26% of the child abuse clients served at Roxanne’s House were from Caldwell County in that year. (Source: Hays-Caldwell Women’s Center 2006 Annual Report).

Two of my daughters are statistics in the 2006 report. NEITHER were EVER abused in any way, shape or fashion until they were abducted by the State of Texas. This was emotional TERRORISM and TORTURE of the highest magnitude, conducted under the pretense of keeping my daughters “safe” from imaginary “risk”.

It’s all about the money. And there’s no money in family reunification and returning my daughter home. For information about CPS, drugging foster children for profit, and the social engineering of our nation’s children, please check out my site at:
Citizens should NOT be more afraid of social workers than they are of criminals. To this end, I have uploaded over 1,000 documents in PDF format for your edification and enlightenment in the Public Folders section of my site (scroll down to the bottom of the page and you’ll see them).

My CPS horror story can also be read on MySpace at: Knowledge is power. Empower yourself so you don’t become the next victim of America’s SS (social services).
Thank you for your time,
Carmen Rodriguez B.S.N., R.N.


  1. Anonymous1:37 AM

    I am a volunteer at CPS. When I began there I had no idea what to expect. I thought that all CPS did was take children away from families but what I learned is that they truly do help and protect children. CPS does its best to keep the children with their families. They offer programs to help the parents because they want the parents to be able to keep their children. The agency gains nothing from taking the children away from their parents and I am sorry that there are people that feel that way. During my volunteer hours I work with a wonderful caseworker. She genuinely loves every child that is in her care. She works long hours for little pay and she does it gladly because she loves to help these kids. I honestly dont see how someone can think that this is a buisness and that these people work for the money when there really isnt much money to be made. I am truley sorry that this happened to you but without CPS there would be thousands of kids with no where to go. Kids that would be forced to live in abusive homes. I know because i have seen it. I have seen the damage that some parents have done to their kids and i thank God that there are people with the heart to help these kids. I am currently going towards a degree in social work and even though i know it is not the best paying degree I wish to get this degree because I care.

    1. Anonymous6:52 PM

      I dint know sbiut where you live but here in msssachusettrs the depsrtment of children and families by thier own admisdion will take an unabusef child before one thst is abused becausrthey are worth more money often times with social workers recieving upwards of $100,000in bonusrs for children that are not abusrd versus only $75,000if the child is abused proof that most of these so called social workers are only in the buisness for the money they get for kidnapping and stealing peoples children

    2. Anonymous2:13 AM

      To the volunteer for CPS they aren't goin to tell u much cause you DON'T actually work for them. But their job is to make you the parent look as Bad as possible. Not all case workers are the same, some more Professional than others. And the funny thing is while the case workers act so much better then the next. An the only difference between them an us is their degrees. Cuz everyone meaning couple's an families goes thru things no one is Perfect. An the sad thing is alot of these state workers DON'T even have kids. An Unfortunately u have no idea what ur getting urself into nor what u are really talking about.. Since u have never been on the other side of the stick. Them taking my kids on a what if and placing them in a foster home where they was burned all over their bodies with cigarettes an being lied to about it.. CPS. DESTROYS FAMILIES AND DOES MORE DAMAGE AN TRAUMA THEN MOST FAMILIES DO. THEY ARE TWISTED AN ASS BACKWARDS.... U DON'T KNOW EVEN A SMALL FRACTION OF THE CRAP THEY DO AN PULL.. BUT GOOD LUCK.. MAY GOD HELP U OPEN UR EYES TO THE CRAP THEY REALLY DO..

    3. Anonymous10:01 AM

      You're a lier. My children were seized illegally from my home with no proof or imminent danger. The HCDSS and the local CPS have ruined my family's lives AND I WILL SUE after I get my children back in my home. It's been one year since they've kidnapped my children and I didn't do anything wrong. To this day, no one can give a legitimate answer as to why my children were take. When pressed for answers, their response implies "the more you ask, the longer it will be!" I truly hope they all go to hell, which I'm sure they will!!!

    4. Anonymous4:08 AM

      The volunteer should know more about the business she wants to go into, honestly do you think there is this many bad parents, if so you don't need a degree you need a physch evaluation, and everyone knows they make money on these children so you might just want to shut the hell up and listen, you are a fool and I feel sorry for the likes of you.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Anonymous6:34 PM

      I too have been a victim of CPS. They have destroyed my family, and me, until now. After 5 years of losing my mind unable to protect my daughter from the monster they put her with because my ex and his family have so much money.My heart goes out to all of you....I have just started a profile on Facebook under a different name because if he finds out before I accomplish what I have set up to do, it would be bad.My profile is set up to tell my own horror story. I have attached a page "Fight CPS Florida" with the goal of creating a place where we can all share our horror stories, much like this one and I am inviting as many of you as possible to please check it out, "friend" me. Visit my page "Fight CPS Florida" If we can get enough exposure someone will have to do something. I will also be providing resources and hopefully everyone will share there own resources. We HAVE to band together and do something, They HAVE to be held accountable. BUT I need your help. I need this to go as viral as possible as quickly as possible. I do not know if you know this or not, but when Charlie Christ was Governor he had put together an Executive order making them no longer having immunity. They use to have immunity. They no longer do, meaning that all personnel and people attached to our cases can now be personally sued for their actions. There are cases in other states where millions of dollars have been awarded through the courts for their actions. The CPIs, the worthless Guardian Ad whatever they are were pesonally court ordered to may millions for thir misconduct etc. I will be posting about this once I have all the facts perfected etc. Anyways, I am inviting you to please join my pursuit to make them accountable. Here is the link to my page: >>>PLEASE KEEP IN MIND I JUST STARTED IT YESTERDAY

    7. U have got to be on drugs r blind n deaf if u can't see that cps kidnaps n sell 1000s of kids all over the USA I hope one day u have kids and cps kidnaps ur babys and I get to feel the hurt that parents all over the USA people like u is whats going to take what was the greatest country to live to a 3th world country

    8. U have got to be on drugs r blind n deaf if u can't see that cps kidnaps n sell 1000s of kids all over the USA I hope one day u have kids and cps kidnaps ur babys and I get to feel the hurt that parents all over the USA people like u is whats going to take what was the greatest country to live to a 3th world country

    9. sure maybe sometimes it is helpfull in some cases but not every case and not everyworker. i think what shes geting at here has absolutley nothing to do with what youre saying!i had my child taken from me when he was five days old and we were in the hospital recovering!he never even left the nursery!so the nurses were thier the entier time my ex accused me of being a terible person and they took my infant!my four day old infant! so tell me where the justice system is doing justice in my situation

    10. My developm3ntally-disabled(ex)wife n' I(physically disabled) were reported to CPS by my own mother!!!! My parents' told me when my (ex)wife was pregnant with our son, that my (ex)wife should have an abortion. My parents' never wanted me to have kids. They have repeatedly tried over the last twenty years. To get me to have a vasectomy. They told my (ex)wife to leave me. When she was the one constantly screaming at the kids. I was the one doing all the childcare, grocery shopping, cleaning, home maintenance, and finances. Because my (ex)wife didn't want to any of it. I tried to leave my (ex)wife with the kids. But no one in the family would help. But they had no problem helping my abusive (ex)wife. They refused to help me. I have thought about suicide many times and still do. Even though it happened twenty years ago. When my son was 2yrs.-old, and my daughter was 6mos.-old.

    11. That is a down right lie!! CPS does not help and protect children. They remove children for no legal reason from loving and caring parent(s), and then threaten the parent and even the child/ren. You can not tell me I am wrong about that because my brother and I where one of those children from TX that was taken by cps from our dad after he was given temporary custody after we where taken from my stepdad, who killed our little brother and our mother. Our dad was then given temporary custody after fighting to get custody of us which was supposed to be changed to full custody. He brought us back to AR where he lived and TX sent agents and told him he had to bring us back to TX other wise they would have him arrested for kidnapping. He was told also that if he brought us back that in a couple months he could go to court and get us back. 2 months later when they finally set the court date he showed up and they told him that my brother and I had been adopted and showed him a paper that he signed saying he gave up his rights, the signature was later found to be a forgery. He started imediatly trying to find us and even tried to get the court to order cps to tell him where we where but instead of the court helping him the judged threatened to take his new wife our step mom's daughter and even told him that if he ever wanted to see my brother and me alive again he would stop trying to find us. Even tho lawyers would say they would take his case but days later call and tell him to drop it he never gave up looking for us, and when my brothe and I where old enough we started looking for him and just recently found him. So don't ever tell me that cps does not illegally remove a child from there home because they do. They should have removed us from our mom and stepdad's home because they knew we where being abused by them but no they left us there till our little brother was killed, but then removed us from a loving and stable home with our dad. I have 2 younger sisters that I never got to now one stepsister and one half sister because of cps.

    12. I am truly sorry for your pain. I am a grandma who has two precious grandsons in Buncombe County NC DSS custody. They have lied and destroyed our family. In NC grandparents have no rights. They have placed my grandsons in neglecting foster care homes. The youngest has gotten his baby shots twice. They have placed them in homes which had no home study done. Took 4 yrs of social security payments off the oldest grandson. It's nothing but a money racquet. We can not see our grandsons but yet strangers can adopt them.

    13. Someone was done wrong8:48 PM

      We'll just an odd question then for you volunteer.... How is it possible that my daughter was given custody of to someone else while I was incarcerated and I had no clue not once Did they inform me

    14. Anonymous3:50 PM

      Colorado Springs DHS will take your child no matter what the circumstance. They will fight you,bring you down accuse you of anything they possibly can,ruin the relationship between you and your child,threaten and belittle you until you want to give up!!! All Colorado Springs mom's keep fighting!!!! These people are worthless prices of shit. My son was taken because I am anorexic! No drug or alcohol problems, I spent months at John's Hopkins hospital and finally released. Not good enough. I have been through hell the 11 months since I have been home. I'm currently looking looking for new help on this case but to sum it up these people suck, will try to destroy your will,and would rather see you 6 feet under!!! DO NOT GIVE UP

  2. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Nobody ever said that all caseworkers were bad. Lots of them are, but not all. Nobody ever said that there wasn't a need to protect children. There is. However, lots of cronies get state contracts and make lots of money. Lots of foster children have their lives destroyed. Lots end up homeless, in jail, on drugs, pregnant, medicated, abused in foster care. Lots of kids are taken because they are poor. Lots of kids are taken for no real reason because of overzealous caseworkers who like to jump the gun, panic because of what happened to some other kid that caused a public outcry which the state uses to plead for more money to hire more workers, put more kids into care, then on the market.

    If you're one of the good ones then good for you. You'll be corrupted soon enough. Just wait til your supervisor tells you to do something unethical.

    Anybody reading this comment, please remember that workers are master liars. Anybody who has ever dealt with them knows this.

    The foster care system is no better or safer than an abusive home.

    1. Anonymous10:23 PM

      My son has lost he 6 kids in Feb 2013 they took them from school the charges were from the 2 oldest girls they wanted to return to Louisiana with there grandparents and mom my son took a lie detector test and pass every questions then they had there last child in march they took the wife and baby saying that the 2 oldest girls said the my son would get drunk and get mean and hit them and the wife all lies said thing about this too is I have cancer since 2009 so what if I never see them again my son never whipped his kids are every hit his wife I no because I see them every day they live in my back yard the people that reported this is the grandparents the lives in Louisiana what the 2 older girls didn't like was rules they to go out and do what they want like drinking with there mom and other stuff now my other moved here 2 weeks ago and already cos Todd has gone to school to talk to my sons only daughter but said everything was good so where are our rights they can do what ever the want we need to do something about thisy son has never been in trouble it all started here wheny husband pass guess they don't like outsider because we are from Louisiana we have been here nd for 2 years no one we chase us out we will fight back there is so much more I could say but I think you get the message I really want my family back

    2. Anonymous10:26 PM

      My son has lost he 6 kids in Feb 2013 they took them from school the charges were from the 2 oldest girls they wanted to return to Louisiana with there grandparents and mom my son took a lie detector test and pass every questions then they had there last child in march they took the wife and baby saying that the 2 oldest girls said the my son would get drunk and get mean and hit them and the wife all lies said thing about this too is I have cancer since 2009 so what if I never see them again my son never whipped his kids are every hit his wife I no because I see them every day they live in my back yard the people that reported this is the grandparents the lives in Louisiana what the 2 older girls didn't like was rules they to go out and do what they want like drinking with there mom and other stuff now my other moved here 2 weeks ago and already cos Todd has gone to school to talk to my sons only daughter but said everything was good so where are our rights they can do what ever the want we need to do something about thisy son has never been in trouble it all started here wheny husband pass guess they don't like outsider because we are from Louisiana we have been here nd for 2 years no one we chase us out we will fight back there is so much more I could say but I think you get the message I really want my family back

    3. Anonymous2:54 PM

      I at one time did believe in the system but like the cops and the courts, they have become corrupt. I'm sure that there is still some honest people out there. They are just harder to come by. What do we do? They are untouchable... They lie and get away with it. Why? What do WE DO?

    4. Someone was done wrong8:58 PM

      LJ I know what you mean. I agree with you completely. I did 19 months of incarceration and I had no clue that my rights were taken away I was not informed so now my 15 yr old daughter isn't mine CPS did it

    5. Cps workers are suppose to help with the family's and they do not,they have do idea what the child is doing that they have taken, they come and get the child on false accusations, and drop the child off a foster care and maybe once in while they will go check up on the child. When a parent ask the cps worker how is my child they will lie and say oh your child is great. That is a lie, they have no Idea. They do not go see how the child or children are doing, they do not make sure the children are safe, they don't care where they put the children. When they leave the children at foster care, that will be the last time they will see them until court. They are liars and monsters. Isn't the job of a cps worker to protect the children. My friends kids were put in a spainsh speaking home, and this kids spoke american, and they got raped, abused and didn't get fed, and they let a 15 year old boy rape them to. Where was Adell when this was going, on, and when the children told, she said oh honey no that didn't happened. Adell was a monster and she still gets to work, she never once went to see the children that were getting abused. They lie in family court. The judges go along with the cps workers, for the money. That is what this is all about. My friend sued for 16 million dollars and won. No child should be taken out of a good parents life. The cps workers need to be accountable for all the wrong they do for blood money. There are millions of parents just in the usa that there kids taken on false accusations. It need to stop right here and now, let the children go home. They get drugged in the foster care because cps tells them they have to drug the children, the children get abused way worse by foster parents, and it is all wrong. And it is just for blood money. A cps worker job is to protect the children, and all they do is collect the blood money. And none of us are protected from the monsters of CPS.

  3. Anonymous8:27 PM

    You guys are so full of shit.

    1. Anonymous9:13 PM

      Really,full of shit aye? The one who is full of shit here,is the one who knows NOTHING of having there child taken,not once,but twice from CPS..You have no place saying this.Do you know what its like to have you child taken,and kept for 17 dam years,and even though she ages out in a few months,goes back to the foster family,that hit her,yelled at her,lied to her,about myself,and continues to mess with her,because I have fought so hard to have my child reakon we are full of shit...reality have nooo idea so shut the hell up

    2. Anonymous9:26 AM

      I just had my daughter i was finishing up adopting, taken from me right before the finalizing papers were signed. . I have no record, no drugs or drug abuse history. . And dss is the one who gave me guardianship 7 years ago. . I'm so sad and miss her so very much! I might have some tips but i don't know how much they'll help. .
      Life if is nothing with out her. .
      I can email if you'd like me to. .

    3. Full of shit?? I got news for your ass my brother and I where 2 children taken away from a non abusive hard working loving father and placed in the system to be adopted out. So telling people they are full of shit when you know nothing.

  4. Anonymous9:33 PM

    A friend of mine just had her kids essentially stolen from her and given to her parents. She has no history of abuse or drug use. She doesn't know where to turn and I am very worried for her. Do you have any ideas on any next steps to help her get her kids back? Please email me if so @

    1. Im in the same bout my son was legally stolen fron me april of 2012, by my adoptive mother who stole me from my mother ive done everything the courts said but cant get my son back. If you learned anything help ful please contact me at

  5. Anonymous12:36 AM

    My 11 yr old daughter has said that my husband (her step-father) molested her and CYFD came in and was real nice when I belived her...but as her stories changed depending on the person she told it to...My husband came home and I took my daughter to her father's house to "keep her safe" till the whole investigation was done...CYFD now turned on me and states I am an unfit mother a danger to my children and myself...even though I haven't done anything wrong...Now I am fighting for both of my daughters to come home to be with their brothers, their mother, and to the only man that stepped up as their ex now is using all these lies told to gain full custody and supervised visits...When he wasn't even there for years...I am being punished for being a mother and a wife nothing else...

  6. Anonymous11:38 PM

    Maybe the one you should be looking to to blame is your daughter. If she had not fabricated the lies you woud not ever have been in this mess. I guess the key lies in teaching your children not to lie, and teach them to value family. Perhaps you did try to do this with your daughter...perhaps she is just in need of mental health services, which you could have caught on to early on and referred her there, then she might have had a history of being a story teller.
    Trust me, it all started with her lie, had she never made up the story, "fantasized" about it then reported it, cps would never have entered your lives.
    I realize that the system can be flawed...but the flaws are not intentional. Social workers don't go into practice wielding a pitch fork, we go in with empowerment and empathy. If a child tells a detailed story of abuse then of course we HAVE to take a second glance...and if their story is as horrific as this one sounds, then we HAVE to remove...suppose the allegations are true? Which I am not suggesting that they are.
    I really feel bad for you, I'm sorry that you have had to endure all of this pain but please don't blame the system, we didn't go hunting for your daughter, she came looking for us and a call for help must be answered. We only hope that a child wouldn't be vile enough to fabricate something that would break up their family. Honestly, your daughter is the only one who could have turned this around...why she did not recant her story after seeing all the hell she put you through is beyond me.

    1. Anonymous9:35 PM

      Wait a minute...a child in today's society,gets mad at its mum and dad,when they tell them off,set boundaries..its called parenting..but enter Govt who flips rules,changes legislation..its called "In the Best Interest of the Child", spose fair enough,cause it is about the Child,right...well I cast my mind back to when I was a child,there was respect for your elders,don't back chat,go outside and play,see you before dark for dinner..and do as you dam well told...and today...the Child tells you how it will be,what they want,cause its all about them, have the best interests,and a very angry child cause mum and dad give or try to add boundaries,then bam,child lies about anything so the Child is in control,then the Child is removed,the Child is filled with DID THIS HAPPEN..Yeh why not the Child adds,they don't realize what they are doing..and because of all this,the parents lose ALL rights to the Child they loved and raised the correct way..once your child is in the system,that's it,the system will mess your child do I know...cause my child is 17 and still in the system,and I'm fighting just to see my child..why won't she see me,cause THE Foster parents,lied all these years,and can't afford to be found out,because they have 6 other foster girls in that family,and are using my child as a babysitter now,and my child is so brainwashed,she believes been hit by her foster father is love..the foster parents foster ALL girls,my child was the first,after she couldn't have children,the foster mother..there is Parental Alienation Syndrome involved,I will never get my child back,I never saw her in 8 story will come out soon..I'm writing it...I'm in Australia..if you want help I can only offer experience and what to do,how to challenge the dept..if I had all the net and more 18 years ago,I would have my I didn't,and I lost my child,and any future grandchildren...but I can stop that from.happening to you...I am NOT a lawyer,but I am familiar with my way around the courts..

    2. Anonymous4:31 AM

      I'm from Canada.
      Last year my niece lied about me and my mom. She told her teacher that we would beat her with a cane and would hit her with are fists.
      I'm disabled with rheumatoid arthiritis and I have a hard time to move around, my mom has trouble with walking due to her age. We never would do those things to her.
      Her mother worked nights so we watched over her daughter for her.
      Long story short after getting two lawyers. My niece told the courts that she made it all up because she didn't like it when we would discipline her. Take her stuff away when she did not listen.
      The courts dropped the cases but I still had to go for anger management since it was court ordered.

    3. Wow, so you the worker blames bad patenting to justify destroying a family because a child told stories. So cps can do no wrong? How about you get corroborating evidence instead of saying a family"deserves" to be destroyed by you because one girl lied. What absolute apologist rationalization.typical cps worker.

    4. So your. Telling me a person who btw spent 13 years in a cyfd prescribed drug coma that the system isn't purposefully flawed please feel free to explain. How the system wasnt designed to indoctrinate kids I'll. Wait

  7. Anonymous9:52 AM

    I sincerly symperthise with your story 100% because the same thing is happeneing to me... and every thing you have said about finances ect is exactly what ive been saying for the last 8 yrs. Its a jobs worth issue not whats right.Social services perspectives are the biggest lies going and the poor children that genuinly need there support are being murdered or abused because social services are putting so much more energie in making examples of good perants out to be bad ones the bad one get away with litualy murder.

    Children who lie to get their own way are heard... but YOU try to tell the truth of the matter and defend yourself they class you as agressive and angry but YOU wernt agressive or angry in the first place and they cant see what they are doing is more abusive to the children than what ever was said about you in the first place...

    One rule for one... another rulle for them.

    I better stop now coz im getting wound up again..

    I wish you all the love in the world and hope that you like me will be able to move on fron this distructive situation...

    im glad im not the only person to think the same way and your in the USA ... im in the UK.

    xxx Krissy ENGLAND.
    mother to 6 children 5 of whom live with me .
    2 have neverbeen in care or had social services intervention.
    3 of whom have run away form the placement and returned home to me (not to anyone else)
    and 1 that im fighting a court case just to see and who is terrified of the placement and speaking her mind in fear of being told of by the carer.

  8. Anonymous10:15 AM

    As for Anonymous's comment that "You guys are full of shit" if this person is a socialworker.
    then im sorry its you thats full of it.. this is happenenig the world over and every poxy worker i have had the displeasure of speaking to are either children them selves with no life experiance other than sitting behind a desk reading or having a placement in a nursey with no practical 24/7/52 get up in the middle of the night with a screaming child coz of nightmares/illnesses/nosebleeds ect. Having to raise children on a pittance and making a budget work, going with out food and clothes so that your child doesnt have to. getting no sleep because of running your self ragged looking after demanding children. Putting up with the lies they tell to get their own way and having them rip you heart out because they can because of all the b*****s they are being fed by the goverment saying if this .. fone this. (AND its not the way they were) brought up to behave.

    How the HELL can a worker with no experiance have the ordasity to question or judge any person who like myself and this lady HAs DONE NOTHING to warrent this.

    Social services need (sod political/sexual correctness)a big kick up the backside and only employ people who have actualy lived and experanced what others have been through . Coz i can tell you now i have more experiance in my little finger on how children behave i can read lies like a book and know when some one is telling the truth. WHY!! because ive lived it as a child and an adult.

    A social worker should be a mother/grandmother whos divorced and been in an abusive relationship (b it emotional or physical) then they can tell you how to deal with situations and understand the bigger picture.

    If Anonymouse was a perant who is going through the same situation then the comment was a just one.


  9. Anonymous6:59 AM

    The CPS is very corrupt. I had to place my daughter in a Group Home for severe mental health issues. Now they are trying to keep her until 18. Well they definitely will not be doing that. They steal children out of non-abusive homes and place them into abusive homes. They sit around the office and talk about children and their families on a daily basis. They to play hard ball. I will play by the rules. Legally they cannot keep children. I will get my back in May. Fight this corrupt department. Our children are our future. They care nothing about these children's future. I had to get a worker fired. Because she was messing over my daughter and other children. The new one i have i will get her fired. I donot feel she is for the children either. If you are successful and doing well. They and others will try things to tear your family apart.

  10. Anonymous7:04 AM

    I want you all to know alot of the workers, supervisors and department heads, are very dysfunctional. I am going to fight for every child illegally taken by CPS. If you need help dealing with CPS, please send me an email.
    LK i have only known one person who wanted to have children home with their families. The rest are committing a crime everyday. We should be arresting them. God takes care of babies and fools. This corrupt group God will expose and so will the people.

    1. Anonymous9:35 PM

      I need help my kids were taken with lies and its killing me and my kids. My oldest is in therapy because cps ripped her out of the only home she has ever had and is now not the same girl. None of my kids are. And my youngest was only two months old who is now 9ms and Donno her 4 sisters and barely knows me. It ain't right on what they do to families and I hate them. I never abused my children I would die for them.

    2. brenda8883, I tried to contact you; but the email didn't go through.

  11. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Hello, I am going through this as well. My family is gone and I am told if my daughter changes her story that I will lose her forever. My daughter has told the truth but we are afraid to tell them. My daughter lives with my sister, my son lives with a friend under house arrest(he is innocent). I am just a scared mother wishing this nightmare would end.

    1. SOMEBODY HAS TO PAY FOR THIS FAKE CLAIMS,ASK NAMEs of these so called concerned callers. NO MORE PERJURY NO MORE .Hold them accountable this would stop.

  12. I am the original author of this post and would like to update the readers on what has happened to my CPS case:

    On September 11, 2008, Beau ran away to escape CPS custody after being incarcerated for 974 days.
    On September 4, 2009, Mark and I were divorced after 33 years of marriage.
    On September 16, 2009, Mark and I appeared before CPS Judge Bonicoro again. She noted that it had been over a year since Beau had run away and since CPS had no idea where she was, she was taking them off the case. She then turned to us and stated “but YOUR status remains the same”…meaning her final orders are still in effect, so if Beau should come back to us, Mark won’t be allowed to be around her until she turns 18, and I can’t be around her until one of THEIR CPS contracted vendor shrinks says it’s okay to have unsupervised visits again—that’s visits, not live with her.
    Both Beau and her sister Colette (CPS abducted them both on 1-11-06) are now Satanists since God didn’t answer their prayers and get them out of CPS custody.

    Did I mention that CPS destroyed my family?
    Carmen Middleton (formerly Rodriguez, now divorced) BSN, RN

    1. My family has been destroyed by cps in ny state.In 2004 my children were abducted by cps false reports phoned in anonymously because ppl are mad at you not really thinking your kids are abused or negelcted just because they know thats how they can hurt you the most. my 2yr old was molested and got genital warts my sons leg was broken my oldest daughters noe broken.My sweet babies were filthy wearing stained smelly clothes at every visit i would bathe them and hold them and complain to the hillside workers that my kids looked horrible and that i always took care of them.It was heart wrenching i love my babies .eventually a year later they put my kids in another foster home saying it was due to my concerns about their hygene .In this home everything seemed ok even though all i want is my kids to be home. on sept.16,2013 i was allowed by their adopted mom (aka the second foster mom ) to have them for weekends and holidays it was the best day of my life except the days the were born. Everything was going great until my kids start telling how the adopted father was beating them on a regular basis . on jan 18,2014 my 15yr old daughter got dropped off and she was screaming sayin mike punched me in the ribs so i take pics and she starts having trouble breathing so i call an ambulance and we go to hospital where of course cps gets called and i have to tell them what happened . they determine that my kids will be safe with me considering i called the ambulance. i speak with cps they tell me that my kids will be safe at my house i am so happy as are they all we have wanted was to be together again as a family so then on jan24,2014 they take my kids to the child advocacy center (a joke) and when they come back they tell me we gotta take your kidswe cant be sure they are safe here with you wtf they were always safe with me the almost ten yrs in ny state custody the were molested beat verbally abused they keep sayin my kids are disposable wtf my kids are not disposable someone plz help me if you can i need my children they need me

  13. Anonymous12:33 PM

    in the State of KY, the had a handout about how people can touch you"in a bad way" discussed it in class, my Daughter was 7. I think that was GROSSLY inappropriate. I am her Mom, I should be allowed to talk to my child/children about things like that, especially when you take into consideration the sheer number of "EDUCATORS" brought up on rape charges!

    And as for the "DEVOTED" caseworkers. The majority of them are Educated in THEORIES of how to parent, have no idea about how SOME divorcing parents lie & involve CPS in order to get out of Child Support. They may have the best of intentions, but fail to find what is in the best interest of the child.

    If you look back at our own childhoods, NONE of us would have been raised by our NATURAL parents! There was no widespread use of carseats, people smoked & drank while expectant, my parents spanked me when I deserved it (with hand, belt, switch, whatever they could reach) but I was not abused for the times, because it was NORMAL to discipline kids.

    I have a stepchild now that I locked out of the house while she was playing on the slip & slide in the back-yard, I had just mopped and was allowing the floor to dry & keep the wet kids from knocking thier BRAINS out! She started screaming it was "child abuse to lock a child outside"

    we are talking FIVE minutes, they were in OUR yard, and it was dangerous for them to run in & out on lineoleum while sopping wet!

    Wonder where she heard THAT one?

  14. Anonymous5:20 AM

    Here is a thought...just a thought...did anyone ask for a lie detector test? seriously, if these issues keep coming up...and I know CPS has the best of intentions and they do try to do what is best for the child but everyone knows someone is lieing in each case be it the parent or the child or the nosy bored neighbor. Just start using measures of a lie detector test. Parents and children can be tested and behold the truth will set you free. A lot easier and cheaper than all the investigating, etc. It would save millions of tax payers and government money and prevent the trauma that this woman says happened to her and her family.

  15. Anonymous11:51 PM

    CPS didn't destroy your family, your daughter destroyed your family.

    1. Anonymous4:07 PM

      No CPS did because they didn't investigate properly. If there was no evidence the case shouldn't have gone as far as it did. The CPS went by hear say which is not a proper way to investigate.

  16. Anonymous11:16 PM

    ha!i can say that all the caseworkers that my daugther an son-n-law has dealt with are no good!a lady told my daugther an i about this webpage.and my heart goes out to everyone that figthing for thier babies!we are also figthing for our babies cps came into our lives and took our babies aways over lies!lots of people have told us,jus go with the flow tell cps what they want to hear and you'll get your babies back,ha!f@#$ that.we been telling the truth and god will set us all free.our figth with cps will be goin on a year now the judge has made it clear that the babies have to be in my Daugthers care by june.cps been doin everything they can to delay things..i thank god that our nitemare is almost all of you out there keep figthing,an praying god hears all prayers.and dont truth cps!THEY LIE AN LOVE TO PLAY MIND GAMES!AN THE CPS AGENCY DOES MAKE ALOT OF MONEY OFF OF OUR BABIES,I KNOW THAT FIRST HAND.

  17. Anonymous4:31 PM

    My son too was taken from my home and the same day placed with a family member who have left him on CPS's door step just 3 months before. The same person who set my hands on fire at the age of 6. I'm 49 years old now. My son was 2 when he was taken from me. I have not been aloud to see him or know where he lives. I have gone back to court but they believe I'm the bad one here and Its been so long now since I've seen him, He wants to stay with her. I miss my son every day and pray that someday he will chose to know the truth of all of this.

  18. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Yes I do Know this. My little girl was taken by my wife and took her away. She is a drunk, drove with them drunk in the car with them. Left them alone in a house on more times then i care to remember and has beat her son from someone else. and they gave her the children. And I am fighting right now for my little girl.

  19. Anonymous10:09 AM

    I made the horrible mistake of contacting Job and Family Services myself in order to get help, we were being evicted and I felt like I was caving under the strain of raising 3 children on my own. I was only reaching out for help... what followed was 3 years of pure hell. They took my own words and twisted them, the hoops they wanted me to jump through were so numerous and time consuming that I didn't have time left over to work... it was a vicious cycle that took me to the brink of madness.. When I refused to admit that lies were the truth I was labeled as being in "denial". I know that many abused kids are helped by CPS... however in my case the charges against me were "instability" because we had to move frequently and "substance abuse" because I took doctor prescribed anti-anxiety meds and happened to mention to a caseworker (I was so STUPID!!) that I was afraid I might be addicted to them. I was NEVER charged with hitting a child, or neglecting a child, never with not feeding or clothing a child... Nothing that you could call child abuse. Yet my children, under CPS protection, were moved around from foster home to foster home, ugh... I have to stop now, all this makes me sick...

  20. Chrissy Love4:35 AM

    My heart goes out to your family and i cried when i read your story. It is the same here in Australia it is a very lucrative business and they feed off lies fabricated by there own writers as they verbal the children and do it smiling...I am in court on the 15Th Nov 2010 my beautiful little indigenous girl Markitah Rose was taken from my home by 4 police offices because of false allegations made by who knows and was going to be placed into foster care but i made sure she went to family. My father is now 71 and his partner. i have been taken falsely to a hospital twice where they thought i should be so as they could give me drugs and try and give me shock treatment to make me better...OMG don't these imbecile's now by taking my daughter that was enough shock treatment for me...i am horrified that these people have the power to take our human rights away from us due to a phone call... I am a strong woman and my daughter i just like mother she will speak up like and in a loud voice...We will be heard and i will not stop talking even to media till she is returned home...Markitah will not be part of the STOLEN GENERATION she is to be brought back home... The Australian Government said SORRY to the Indigenous people of this country,that has to mean something...I so wish that you and your family get your children back and then make them accountable of there crimes as i am in the process of doing...30 years of being a mother and no one has ever crossed that and come for one of my children...I will make sure they never do it again...I AM GOING CLASS ACTION against these PARACITES and then civilly suing the Indian migrate that has no children to court as well...Stay strong and never give up hope you are such a brave and wonderful woman/mother ..stay proud... i told the DEPT and the worker these words and i stick by them...
    TO YOUR LIE...

  21. Anonymous9:38 AM

    The CPS and judges have been given to much power. CPS lies, twist and pad their own defence and a person never gets to tell the truth. The Bullitt County Family Court in Kentucky is run by a Judge who could care less about children's rights. Something has to be done about the abuse of biased power, poor personal judgement and special treatment of CPS workers by a Judge. Just try and get a lawyer in a small town who makes his/her living off the judge's grace to them. They will not fight for you because of fear it will upset the Judge and cost them money on their next case with the same judge.

  22. Anonymous2:04 AM

    my child was taken at 7days old polenty x govener from mn .passed a law.if you lost a child bin the past the welfare has the right to take another.we never harmed our new born and people do change.but i dont need to change i never harmed the first child that was taken that was a set wife has a clean record.we been maried for 24years.they told here to leave me that she wouldent get the child.they said that to here in court.thats what i call child kidnapping by the state of mn.and polenty wants to be president.i dont think so kid snatcher.some one should take your child and see how it feels

  23. Anonymous10:59 AM

    My 16 year old and her boyfriend called the CPI and said I was drinking and driving with my 2 younger children and I was taking ecstasy.

    The CPI came the next day to my suprise and tested me ror drugs and alcohol both were negative. She asked me if I drink a lot, I told her I used to drink a lot until 1986, but rarely ever drink and for 12 years never even touched it.

    Her report said I drink a lot by my own admlsslon.She also checked off on her report everything was done to keep the family together. I had never even seen her before then she took my kids. It was that simple.

  24. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Everyone that has had their children wrongfully removed by CPS needs to write the Office of the Inspector General.. They WILL investigate their lies.

  25. Anonymous2:30 PM

    I'm sorry to say but ALL caseworkers are bad! They all make up and fabricate lies. Some of them may have gone in with good intentions but turned evil.

  26. Anonymous9:55 AM

    I have driven down the road and seen a mother coming out of a trailer holding her length of rope she was bringing outside around her baby's neck (who had a abusively full diaper)chasing down her drunken husband with a beer at 9am.. These are the type of people that never get investigated by these agencies and their children get abused until they mysteriously turn up dead. I have had cps show up to my home at 7 am with drug testing kits ready to inspect every inch of my child and home because they got an "anonymous" tip from 1200 miles away with a 2 page list of completely outrageous, false claims. I still had to run in their circles and it was INSANE. Supposedly there is a fine for frauding such agencies, but there is NO way to prove it... I am outraged and have to live in fear of what crazy, fake stuff is brewing up to sabotage my family. My mother in law simply doesn't want her 32 year old son to live away from her (although she neglected and abused him growing up) and so I have been set up and framed many times since. What does it take to stop wasting 90% of the tax money going to cpf from being wasted on cases of obvious fraud? There are SO MANY abused children that NEVER get helped because these people are too busy hassling innocent people and great parents!


  28. It breaks my heart to hear so many stories of heartless social workers.
    My good friend Vicky is a victim of the corrupt DCF system in Florida.

    “Absolute POWER corrupts absolutely”

    American Dream is not for illegal immigrants.

    Victoria’s story is one of heartbreak, she thought the American Dream was to come here and work hard, make money to help her family and have a family of her own. Yes, both her and Jennifer are illegal; however, this does not mean that they are not human beings. Instead of the “American Dream” they have gotten the “American Nightmare”. Victoria has been bullied, DCF stole her sister and her nieces, she wants her family but they say because she is illegal she can not have them, she can not even see them. This is not true and we have asked for this law and it has not been produced. She wants her family. And Ms. Jensen, lawyer for DCF, has taken both of these children and her sister and removed them not only from their family but their culture to give them to the “American” family she feels is more appropriate, the legal, white family. These children are wanted by family. Because she is illegal and Hispanic her civil liberties are worth nothing. I guess this is one way to stop illegal immigration, steal their children.

  29. This is all so true. And my children as well have been stolen from me, while on vacation to CALIFORNIA, I call it my Califrnia vacation from hell. If anybody knows an attorney who CARES and will work pro-bono(ouch) they hate to hear that, but seriously I am in need of immediate help asap, because I am going to take my kids back, I have no contract with these cps agents and they can kiss my ass, my soveriegn integrity is not worth one date in hell with the devil. My case is huge & I want everyone to get their justice & retribution. This is going to be a win-win when Im done proving how corrupt this system really is. Let's all stick together for a class action law suit!!! It only takes one to make a difference. We TOGETHER can STOP them, destroying the "ties that bind." See my petition to the Whitehouse as well, "L.A. DCF Illegal Kidnapping Exposed." feel free to email me with any news/updates/attorneys or if you need an ear.... GOD BLESS ALL OUR HEARTS & OUR BABIES

    1. I have been in this for a long time my dad even committed suicide leaving only my caseworkers number o finally got kids back now taken again I've been clean over two years my kids got Head lice now I'm getting charges pressed on me for contributing to minors I'm appauled I so upset this is wrong and my situation is very messed up I keep thinking there's got to be an answer or someone that can help me but I don't have thousands to pay a attorney so its a never ending battle now they want my baby I will not allow that to happen does anyone know what a cops order is

  30. Well I for one am not full of shit, since I have a copy of the falsified and fabricated documents that the social worker forged my husband's signature to!!! I also have a copy of this social workers arrest record before she was hired and after she was fired...drugs and forgery, drugs and more drugs. CPS across this nation is corrupt and children are dying because of it.

  31. Lawdoll is not full of shit. She's right dead on.

    I just refuse to sink to the levels of the system sucks by denying them their say. That's what they do with my comments.

  32. Anonymous1:37 AM

    One rule never trust any cps worker, do not spend time trying to defend yourself, they are the enemy and they did not give a damn about your children. A victim myself had my son kidnapped at birth over a c-section which I had accused of refusing the c-section. Call them liers and use the same intimations. They will rape and kill your kids without regret, my cousins 21 month old daughter was burned to death in her play pen while in their care and they still have her twin till this day a mia or pow. I got my son back and ran. I moved every year till he turned 18, thet are a nightmare.

  33. Anonymous8:37 PM

    CPS was called on my husband and I by the Baptist church across the street from our home. We don't attend church, the only family in our new neighborhood who doesn't attend the neighborhood Baptist church. We know it was them as we have no other close neighbors but the preacher's home and the church itself. Someone called and said I was leaving in the middle of the night leaving my children unattended and giving them alcohol. They even told CPS what kind of beer we were giving the kids. Well, I was leaving alone late at nights as it was December and I could shop the toy section of the 24 dept. store alone. And, the minister saw my husband working on the mower with that brand of beer but none EVER for the kids. One anonymous call, the kid's school was notified, our home searched and we were all interviewed. The man even told me if he came back, I better not have a dog in my house and my home is very clean dog included. I should go to church too and avoid such problems. Our name is dirt. I know CPS has a tough job but they are used to abuse people and should keep religion out of it. They didn't get my kids but I've never felt safe again.

  34. This article is very informative and interesting. I praise your work. I have never seen such a fantastic article before. Thanks for posting.

  35. Great article.
    Cps took my newborn baby girl at birth right out of the hospital without warning or anything. My mother, who hated the idea of me having a baby and being unmarried, called CPS along with my psychiatrist brother, Richard E. Repass. They made false claims that I was "mentally ill" MY brother told CPS I had "narcissistic personalisty disorder" and my mother gave them a different diagnosis that I was "scizofrenic." Cps believed their lies, or wanted to, so they could collect federal funding and they put my baby in a foster home for 5 and a half mos. where she suffered severe sexual abuse by an 8 year old boy and she also suffered from failure to thrive. I was able to get her back because social services' own psychiatric report stated that I "had no major mental illness" and another agency stepped in because my daughter had a failure to thrive and forced cps to give her back to me. That agency was the COmmunity infant project. I was able to get a settlement out of the County this happened in, and sued the foster home and got a small settlement. I am angry to this day, but especially my brother, a psychiatrist, working to this day in Hutchinson, Minnesota, his name is Richard E. Repass. He has never apologized for the damages done to his niece by his actions. He is pure evil. CPS is evil and does take children away for monetary gain through federal funding but the people that call CPS are evil as well. In this case, my brother Richard E. Repass.

  36. I want to say one thing that you have good command on the topic. Your website in very informative. I will keep on coming here to read new articles. Thanks.
    essay help

  37. All o no is this Ll is Not full Of S***. I stand behind them 100%u. And who don't like it I could careless

    1. Anonymous3:38 PM

      Good for you. I hope life deals you a perfect hand. There is some unspeakable abuse and neglect out there. I just as you are 100% behind the case workers that are dealing with them. The ones that are doing there jobs right. Then there are the few that we are not. Maybe it's time to take off the rose colored glasses. Someone needs to listen to what is being said. Just because they hold the magic wand don't make them always right.

  38. Sorry I ment to say Lk is not full of sh** I stand behind them 100% . And I could careless if u don't like it. I love and support them.

  39. Anonymous12:29 AM

    No fan of the foster system here, but some of Carmen's rantings about child abuse experts being commies, the state wanting to take our kids for profit (Dude, you live in Texas, they love homeschooling and church!) and equating communism, socialism and Nazism as one and the same (please stop listening to Glenn Beck, 'kay?) set off my BS o'meter.

    The internet makes it oh so easy to find's the actual case:

    There's a lot of testimony against Mark in this by all the kids AND Carmen herself.

  40. Anonymous3:47 AM

    CFS as thier now called here in San Bernardino just recently took my kids. I just found out that the social worker who got the court order was the one who made the allegations of sexual abuse because she tried to hide it from my new social worker. She took my kids because i told my mother she couldnt see my kids so she got my brothers boyfriend and my own cousin to call cps on me. All because me an my fiance argue and fight but guess what we do it in another room behind closed doors. Now im a supposed drug abuser with mental issues. And now that they basically had a rape kit done on my seven year old daughter and found nothing thier still fishing for information. Im going to sue cfs big time for this and if i dont get my kids back on the eighteenth im taking this to a higher court because its BS. All i have to say to the good mothers and fathers out there is fight and keep fighting!

    1. Hey I have a case in San Bernardino too. My whole case was based on lies from a family member and I complied and did their stupid case plan. They still terminated my rights because I spoke out publicly against them and nothing more! I personally know of about over a hundred cases that got closed and children reunified even though the parents tested dirty,had no home, or did partial case plans. I was told that the only way to secure your reunification regardless of what your accused of or have done is to kiss ass to the social worker! I wouldn't do that so I lost my children. If I could give advice to anyone I would say do exactly that if you can morally. I refused to lie and agree with their allegations because as a Christian I just could not do it. It's a hard decision that only you can make. I personally think these social workers don't have a soul and enjoy taking children because their own lives are out of control so they get power hungry and money hungry. San Bernardino has corrupt judges that side with every worker and don't make any judgements using their own brains. May God forgive me for my bitterness but NO ONE should have a child ripped away from them and these people who post about how Cps does good for the children I hope they too someday get a case and lose their children. Funny how NO SOCIAL WORKERS EVER LOSE THEIR CHILDREN , RIGHT? They have lives just like us and get away with murder. God will prevail and their judgement day will come.

  41. Anonymous12:34 AM

    The cps pigs don't need to be jailed, NO, they should be tried for the crime of MURDER. You see, to forcibly rip apart a family is just like killing a living being or entity. This is because a family as a whole fits the definition of a conscious living organism. ERGO 1).A family autonomously declares its own creation. 2).It has its own collective immune defense system that allows it to ward off and defend itself against outside attack, and then to repair and heal itself afterward and to even refine glitches within its own body politic to solidify family loyalty and further fortify itself from learned enemies. 3).It develops and grows in stages and is self-aware, with the mature family becoming independent and needing NO external governance, with the family assembly more resembling a micro nation-state, if you will. 4).Its distinct heartbeat is detected in the 'what shall WE do' motive force mapping the family's course of direction during its times of togetherness. - - Gee, I'd say that fits the definition of a living being, true? So to all of you PETTY LOCAL TYRANTS AND CPS BUREAUCRATS - YOU HEAR ME NOW ! ! KEEP YOUR FILTHY SOCIALIST HANDS OFF OUR CHILDREN ! IS THAT CLEAR? Whether you are directly esponsible for butchering one family or a thousand, or whether you merely held the theater ropes, YOU ARE ALL CULPABLE. You all have blood on your hands. We the people WILL DELIVER JUSTICE. Yes indeed, the nuclear family is greater than the individual. Greater than its sums in fact. To dismember a family is thus a greater crime than the murder of a mere individual. We THE PEOPLE must cry out 'TRY THEM FOR MURDER' - 'TRY THEM FOR MURDER' - 'TRY THEM FOR MURDER'. May the message ring across our land, from sea to shining sea, that the murderers BE GONE and that THE ALMIGHTY FAMILY LIVES ! !

  42. The sad thing is, while DOCS (the Aussie CPS) steal much loved children from families based on false accusations (even when they have conclusive proof that the allegations were false) they still steal the children.

    While those of those who are going through family court with a violent, narcisstic convicted child abuser, cannot even get DOCS to look into the abuse their child is reporting. Even sexual abuse reported to independent third parties is not investigated. Just told "it's a matter for the family cour to investigate" who in turn say "no, it's up to DOCS to investigate.

    constantly passing the buck back and forth while children are bashed, raped and some even murdered.

    When a child is murdered, they use the excuses of "we don't have enough funding and staff to investigate every complaint" yet thousands of children are stolen from loving homes, and when (IF) the children are finally returned then DOCS workers visit for a couple of hours, a couple of times a week for months or years.

    So to turn around and say they don't have a work to send out for a maximum of an hour to investigate a child who has been molested where the father is a convicted repeat offender for assault and drug use, living with a diagnosed sociopath whose own child was removed for sickening violence against the poor child...

    It's total utter BS. My daughter deserved better. She is only alive today because her father chose to stop seeing her because his diagnosed psychopathic mistress was jealous of the few hours he saw her each week.

    DOCS wouldn't lift a finger to protect my daughter - but they had no problem stealing children from two of my friends who are happily married, and they are loving mums, and their husbands loving dad/stepdad. DOCS took months after the allegations were proven to have been made falsely before their children were returned, in one case the relative who made the false allegations was given temporary custody, filling the child's head with lies about how much his mother didn't want him etc.

    Both kids are back with their parents now, but they are emotionally scarred even now, years later.

    Yes there are some good social workers (they aren't all bad) but the good ones are few and far between.

    And for the volunteer... Abusers aren't stupid. In organisations where there are abusers, the abusers don't show their true colours to volunteers. They wait til they are completely sure that you support their abuse before they show their true nature. It's no different from paedophile teachers and priests - most people think these men are wonderful until they see their true nature. That is the nature of abuse.

    I see the same thing happening in hospitals (I'm a nurse). As a student, abusive doctors and nurses hid their true colours - their true nature only comes out when they think you either support them or that they can victimise you. I've been a victim of horrific abuse at the hands of a doctor and a nurse while a patient - they thought I'd be the perfect victim and wouldn't speak out. They were wrong. But abusers rarely get it wrong - they target families who they think make good victims. They only show their true nature to their supporters and their victims.

    Be glad anonymous, that you got paried with a good caseworker. They are few and far between.

    Yes there are terrible abusers - my ex husband is a psychotic, drug addict and the mistress that became wife number 2, is a genuine sociopath who abuses children terribly. DOCS would not do a thing to protect my daughter from these monsters.

    Yes children need protecting from genuine abusers, but working in healthcare (and seeing the fallout) I can guarantee - where there is real, serious abuse, DOCS does nothing. Where there are false allegations and good parenting, DOCS steals the children.

  43. Anonymous9:11 PM

    C.P.S in Kansas took my children all because i asked for help with shelter. My children was 13 and 10 at the time.My kids was not talked to bye the c.p.s worker,she had no grounds to take my kids so they (the court and cps) decided to use cases that my childrens dad had opened on him aginste me in court and it was allowed!!! I was never married to there dad so I dont see how they could use cases on him on me???The attourny I had was court appointed and would not tell me what was going on..I was scared into signing over my rights bye the judge and my attourney...All I wanted was help...I did what I was supost to do as a mom I turned for help.instead of neglecting my kids and keeping use under a bridge(ect,) for example!!! thank you J>J a single mom in need

  44. Anonymous11:46 AM

    to the obvious cps worker that commented that you have to investigate and the problem is that the child lied to get cps involvement, let me enlighten you. you are as an agency, the most corrupt, immorral, lying, manipulating, unconstitutional agency ever put into existence. i know this because after your agency put my family through your "services" three of the people that worked/contracted with you found their morals and ratted you out. the first of which was the original investigator who stated that they knowingly built their case on lies. the second a cps contracted psycologist who stated i did nothing wrong and then told me how to present the information to the judge. the third was the licensed counselor who was cps contracted pulled me into her office looked around to make sure noone in the cps office could hear her, closed the door and informed me that the information she was about to give me could cost her a very lucrative contract with cps but she could not look the other way any longer because of the mental trauma cps was causing my children. the information that was passed to me, i passed to my attorney who knew just the right way to ask the social worker in front of the judge a very important question. the result: CPS HAD TO ADMIT TO THE JUDGE THEY WERE LYING FROM THE BEGINNING. THAT'S RIGHT FOLKS! CPS CAUGHT IN COURT LYING. and they recieved no punishment. so much for your theory that cps protects children.

  45. Anonymous4:48 PM

    I am so sorry our justice system and all that is corrupt. It shouldnt be but just like with everything it all boils down to money. I have never liked anything govt. This is exactly why. I am and have been a low income family. My childrens father and I arre not married but we have been together for 12 years. My mother is a god freak. Now please dont go all crazy on me for my choice of words but i believe their is a difference in believing in god and being a follower and being brain washed by your church to the point you dont even acknowledge free will anymore. Which is what she is. My daughter has come home talking about it doesnt matter what she does god will protect her. She almost stuck her finger in an outlet socket she broke off by her bed and when i saw that i explained to her that it could kill her, and her answer to me was no it wont god will protect me grandma says so. She doesnt ever take my son unless i throw it in her face that shes plays favortisim. I have gotten to a point where I do not want my kids around her at all. So i have decided to keep them from going to her room. See right now me and my family are stuck living in a hotel room until we can pay off an eviction that happened due to my fiance being laid off after signing a new apartment lease. Well my mother also has a room here with my brother. She is constantly calling me trying to get me to get her food. Which its tight enough with a family of 4 without adding 2 more mouths. She doesnt have any money because she goes shopping for crap she doesnt need. Now she knows that i plan on not letting her keep my kids overnight or see them anymore and shes out to get me however she can. She has already told me she will call whoever she has to in order to keep me from keeping the kids from her. My mother has mental issues although she has never been diagnosed with anything she clearly has issues and anyone who meets her and sees how she acts when she doesnt get her way has said the same thing. I do not want to deal with CPS because I know I will go to jail because the minute they try to touch my kids I will hurt them. NOONE will take my kids from me. I as the parent have every right to decide I dont want anymore of my mothers influence on my kids, mostly my daughter luckily she hasnt been around my son enough to influence him about anything. I already know she plans on telling them I do drugs and dont keep house well. I swear I might end up in jail for killing her should things go down like I fear. I cant stand her which is sad as she is my mother. What can I do to beat her basically,like let someone know she is threatening to lie about me and my fiance and our character?

  46. A former Polk County detention deputy was sentenced Monday to 20 years in prison, followed by 20 years of sex-offender probation, for spanking two naked girls and transmitting video of the abuse to her online boyfriend in Australia, is reporting.

    Robin Pagoria, 47, pleaded no contest to two counts of aggravated child abuse by torture/malicious punishment, two counts of using a child in a sexual performance and two counts of lewd or lascivious battery, for the acts committed at her home in Auburndale, according to the website.

    She resigned after her arrest in May 2011.

    To read the article, go to

  47. This is horrible
    I know
    It is happening to me.
    Bad social worker. Power hungry and she was manipulated by my exhusband.... wouldn't contested custody/divorce raise red flags? Not to this woman....but now she has disappeared thank God. but left her 'notes' and mess behind... and still DCF wants to give the girls to him (he is their 'foster' parent) DCF is unstoppable.... they are evil... I am not afraid to name names.... the case workers name was Amy Miller DCF plymouth MA.

    1. Mine was Allison Rhemlin dcf florida. She has dissappeared since.

    2. Thea Philips, now in FL but Adu the time she was NC. Ann Odom of NC, and Cathy Dinner NC, then there was the whole beaurocrisy of ignorant satanist, secretive lying home wrecking ugly country.deceitful bunch of prick I've ever met in Newberry, South Carolina. They ruined my life!

    3. Its happening to me and im not letting them get away with it they need to be stoped in Jesús name they need to be punished for ruining lives

  48. Thanks for writing this... I survived having my newborn girl taken from my breast by CPS... My story is horrifying to any loving mother or father... My baby girl was taken for a no good reason and I still after five and a half years have PTSD... We got her back after 9 months, but all that important bonding time was lost.. WE got to see her one hour a week!!! While she was in care she went to the emergency room because she had an alergic reaction to her immunizations that we told them we didn't want her to have, at-least until she was five and her immune system could handle such an invasion. Well we didn't here about her ER visit till four days later at our visit.. I was outraged to say the least. My step daughter contacted autism after her 18 month shot and that was another reason we did not want her immunized, and they knew this.. What they did to us is criminal, and I know they make the same mistakes all the time and take kids who don't have any business being in state care.. No child comes out of state care unscathed, even if the foster parents are good people, the children still want their real families and feel neglected and become emotionally scarred... This can't go on for much longer, something must be done..

    And for that volunteer worker.. It's been years and you probably won't read this, but why if you thought "all CPS did was take children away from families" why would you want to work for such an organization??!!?? It's takes a hardened person and many times a mentally sick person to take children away from their families!! People with power trips take kids away from loving families when there has been no evidence of abuse.. And there is a big money incentive to take kids, maybe not for you because you volunteered, but for everyone else under the CPS umbrella there are bucks to be made and quotas to be filled. Our kids might be dollar signs to CPS workers, but our kids are priceless to us.. CPS is destroying innocent souls for monetary gain.. Now I know there are reasons for CPS to be in business, but they have to get a better screening process for both taking children and who they let become foster parents.. These people need hardcore psych evaluations, lie detector test, background checks and an open door policy to check on kids anytime 24 hours a day.. And this still won't be enough, child molesters and abusers will slip through the cracks, that's why we must listen to every child in foster care and if they say abuse has happened then remove that child, don't give foster parents the benefit of the doubt, because 97% of the time they're in it for the money and don't give a damn about the precious life they have in their grimy greedy hands..... Okay, I'm ranting I'd better go... May God bless all the innocent parents who've had the misfortune of having to deal with CPS.. And most of all God bless the children who go into CPS custody mentally sound and very happy and come out traumatized and scarred for life...............

  49. Anonymous11:38 PM

    i am a retired DoD special Agent, the top of the law enforcement ladder a neighbor called on my now ex wife and i in florida,they saw our daughter "playing" with herself in her bedroom, which was on the second floor with no view of ANY homes, that's why we gave her the room, for privacy for a 8 year old girl, yet that did not matter

    it turned into a nightmare, see most if not all DHS workers enjoy sovereign immunity, which means when you let them into your home they can do what they want, include exert moral and legal superiority

    i finally got to the point, i almost resigned, and they were threatening molestation charges, and more, until i contacted an attorney in NYC that specialized in these cases, amazingly in a week it was over, but not after casting a shadow on my character in the DoD

    my best advice NEVER EVER let DhS into your home without a warrant, they will do anything and everything to "save" the child for everyone but themselves, the county or the state

  50. Anonymous7:48 PM

    I read your story. I am in the process of becoming a foster parent. I'm trying to see both sides of the fence. I am shocked that your eldest daughter did that to you. She is either a sociopath or she's telling the truth. You have to be pretty evil to destroy your family for spite, or attention. No loving person could do that.

    On the other hand if abuse took place maybe your in denial. One of my friends was raped by her father and her family dishoned her when she testified against him. Her siblings said she was a liar, her mother returned everything she ever gave her and cursed her name. You have no idea what my friend went through. She was singled out and abused. None of the other siblings knew anything about it or the mother.
    So like I said either your daughter is evil or something happened....

  51. Anonymous4:13 AM

    CPS is the biggest crock of crap there is. I personally have not had a case against me. Back in February of 2013 my friends daughters were taken from her by CPS on allegations of drug use and domestic violence. She had tried to seek help for the domestic violence for approximately a month before cps got invoked. Everyone including the police turned her away. She submitted a drug test which she told them she had take half an Adorall(?). She failed the test. About a week later they did a hair follicle test and she passed it. She has been given 8 test since then and all have been negative. They placed her children in separate homes but both have been place with family. One of the girls is in a home with her father who has never cared for her. He was caught taking her to a bar (she is only 13) and he got drunk and drove her home and tried to choke her. She is very close with me and my daughter and she tells me everything. I had the police sent there and she told them she wad fine. She said she lied because she was scared of her dad. We have tried to get her out of his home and place with her sister but cps just won't let it happen. There is lots more I can say. Does anyone have advice or someone my friend can talk to and get help to get her kids back?

  52. Anonymous7:47 AM

    "it did happen to me". Just had my three kids taken from me for my neighbor abusing my daughter. in this case it was the GAL that was corroupt, not DSS.... if you want my option, don't trust anyone.... going back now after spending almost $8,000 on lawyer fees to appeal. I've had my kids since the divorce (8 years), I did everything right! It happened to me and it can happen to you too!

  53. Anonymous11:06 PM

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  54. Anonymous10:44 PM

    myy children were taken from me nine years ago reports said I haf no water food or electricity. That I was seen in a car doing drugs. That they had been to my apts several times the addresses were my daughters she had two kids also. I said my kids weren't even here they were in ohio visiting dad. I had a good job home sstraight a students. I repeated to cps I never lived there its my daughter. When cps came I was asleep in report she said I appeared on drugs. They took my kids the next day. I wanted to die. I did all I was suppose to do and when I went to court I thought I was getting them back they had plane tickets sent them to dad who abused my kids for three years when drinking. I wrote letters to govern in arizona never received a reply I've asked for my records never have gotten them. I still live in pain. They are 20 and 21 now. I want those records not once did cps come to my house they said ten times it was my daughter. They said they went to neighbors the school all lies. I had letters stating I was a good parent. I live in pain every day. Lawyers wouldn't take the case against cps. I was jailed for life with no proof. God help those evil people. I just want my records.please I'm 58 yrs old before I die I want the state of arizona to make it rght. Please if antone can helpp

  55. Anonymous1:29 AM

    blaming others on this blog really helps huh.

  56. Anonymous2:49 AM

    you sure are a busy bee aren't you Carmen middleton.

    what kind of pathetic parent does this to their child?

    here is another.

    and again


    if you didn't have so many fake profiles and weren't so blatantly abusive with the posts and pics posted about your daughter people like me just may have believed you.

  57. Anonymous2:52 AM

  58. Anonymous8:07 PM

    I have 3 beautiful daughters one 17, 15, and 13 soon. My 17 yr old is in the Navy in fact. We had a visit from cps and they made me choose my husband or kids and made me file an EPO against him. Well before he could get served he checked in at a mental hospital and has been diagnosed with Bipolar. My thoughts was OMG WHAT ??? Well he has stayed away from me and the kids and cps shows up at my house and ask to see the inside of my home and check to see if he was here. I allowed them in and said sure I have nothing to hide. She finds noone here but me and one of my daughters. Now tell me why she is wanting me to do a piss test for drugs and they are tryin to get me for neglect on my children??? I have nothing to do with my husband not being found and im being punished?? How? and Why? because i ticked them off because he was not in the home like she hoped he would be? I cant trust them she has lied 3 times to me already I talked to his mental hospital social worker they knew he had court and she tells me they say they had no ideal.. WHATEVER

  59. Anonymous10:30 AM

    CPS doesn't want to help parents or families. No matter what they say, their goal is not reunification. They get PAID to get your kids adopted to someone else.

  60. Allie and Billy10:20 PM

    As I read all these stories they bring sadness and relief. My name is Allie. My husband and I live in Rochester Vermont. 3 years ago our the loss of my babies began. We are not bad parents and love our children and would stand in front of a car for them if thats what had to be done. My mother has my 3 children and not by choice I was bullied by the courts and manipulated by my mother. All it took was a bunch of lies and allegations from my mother. We cant afford any lawyers because they want atleaast four grand to even look at our case. no luck with pro-Bono. DCF backed out after a year saying the kids were safe. the truth is they are not. About a year ago my mother made an outrageous allegation and all communication and visitations have been stopped. My mother only has guardianship but with the state giving the kids a lawyer and my mother managed to surface with one as well. we had no chance. They did an investigation and found nothing but for no sense that I can come up with the judge stopped everything. we hadnt seen our kids in a year until a few days ago we ran into them in the store they ran up to us I couldnt help but to cry, hold them as close as I could, and smell them. I asked my 8 year old daughter if she was scared and she said no mommy I have been so worried about you and daddy. then my youngest son 4 years old said daddy you an mommy been in jail?? We reassured all of them that we have done everything we can to be with them and no we were not in jail but working and getting better. As we brought them to the parking lot my mother started yelling 2 years of f**king therapy down the drain. look at my car its falling apart because you 2 cant get you s**t together. Mind you our kids heard this all. We went to buckle them in and I could see tears forming in their precious eyes. We hugged them and kissed them and told them to be brave and that we are figuring things out. they looked scared and I dont blame them. My mother was very mentally and physically abusive to me and still tries to be. she told the courts the kids didnt want to see us that they were afraid of us. Our middle boy has been acting out and he failed kindergarten but instead of normally adding this up to they are struggling because they worry and miss us. they need us as much as we need them. My step father spanks my children and I was just recently told that he picks on my boys because they are not circumcised. I could go on and on but because my husnad and I struggled a little with alcohol and some minor drug use everyone treats like we dont matter or exist. we have done everything the courts have asked and still here we are trying everything and anything to get our story out. I have hope and I will never give up. one thought I have is why dont we all come together and help not only our children but other children. notify Dr.Phil, legislators, the president anything,something. thanks for reading and I am happy to see other people reaching out this is and epidemic that can continue to spread. ~~Allie~~

  61. Anonymous11:43 AM

    I'm going through something like this now, thankfully not quite as heinous. My ex-husband made false allegations in order to get custody of my son who is only 4 years old. I expect to get TPRed at some point even though I work in law enforcement with no criminal history. I never thought something like this could happen to someone like me!

  62. Nobody understands until it happens to you.

  63. Shaun Ellsworth11:54 AM

    Hi my name is Shaun, Me and my poor wife have been going through hell for the last couple of years thanks to out lovely dcf program! to make a long story short Me and my wife broke up for a year and she had a kid with this kid Dave and he was psycho, I mean he raped my wife in front of my oldest son and I helped her get away from this scumbag, well she when to a women shelter with my kids to get away from him and he has a sister who works for DCF and is a foster mother well he called DCF on her and they made up lies to take the kids which I thought ok we did nothing wrong they won't do nothing WRONG! Well my wife had surgery on her tailbone which is really painful and she got pain meds for it, well DCF tried to say she got 600 pain pills in less than 6 weeks which is impossible no doctor would write that much as well as masshealth won't cover that much!! so they came took my kids and the kid she had with that kid who called, well again to make a long story short the baby girl they had together ended up in his sister's care because she is a foster parent and she quit DCF just so she can get her, I mean it’s got personal written all over it but some reason the court went in DCF's favor not ours!! When the report on us is just insane! and they somehow got our rights taken away trying to say we abuse drugs, now I'll be honest we used to have a drug problem after they took the kids because we were so upset they were gone and that we couldn't win to get em back this whole thing ripped our family apart!! We never used anything when we had our kids and they were spoiled and had a great life and now they have emotional problems from being taken away they messed our poor kids up and this is the most helpless feeling I ever had! I can't protect em or take their pain away and its killing me and all because it’s a personal case where a kid that raped my wife in front my oldest son which my son told em he did called DCF to get his daughter which he blamed the baby for her leaving him so when the baby was in his sister's care he grabbed the poor baby and shook her and threw her at the wall which now the poor baby has brain damage and can barely walk and do things breaks my heart! but he called to do all that and his family worked for DCF so we lost our whole life because of this and the area I live in seems so crooked that I can't get anywhere I can't believe the courts always go on DCF's side, I mean they caught the worker making false drug tests and everything no way we should of lost our rights and I don't know what to do, can someone please help me! And has for our addiction problem we got into a program and its now under control and we are clean, we just want our life back we would never hurt them kids we love them too much! Please someone help me I don't know what to do! And also we went to Boston and told em about this and they talked to the dcf worker and believe her for some reason! Seriously please help me!

  64. Anonymous6:05 PM

    I realize that this post is several years old but I need to get this off of my chest.
    I am currently 44 years old but what happened to me and 2 of my children happened 26 years ago.

    I was booted out of foster care at 18 with a handicapped 16 month old and a 6 week old. I had no where to go except a shelter they had found for us. I was told by the group home that the shelter would provide the prescription formula that my 16 month old needed to survive because of multiple severe food allergies. This lasted a week and I was told I had to wean him off of the formula which the doctor said he needed. Alone, with no experience, with no where else to go, and not knowing where to go for help, I called my case worker who I had trusted all those years while in the system. I asked her if I could place them in TEMPORARY foster care and she had me sign the paperwork. Little did I know that they would be assigned a different caseworker who battled me for 2 years. I ended up losing them both and they were adopted out. A year in a half ago the youngest of the two contacted me. I learned that they had not been placed together and we both learned from his adoptive mother that his elder brother had killed himself while being held in a youth detention facility in California that punished the kids by putting them in cages. In one day I found one son and learned of the death of another. I was in a very dark place for several weeks. I had to send my youngest daughter to my mothers house for a while because I could not function from the grief. The pain in my soul was so unbearable... To know that this woman basically sold my children because of whatever chip she had on her shoulder left me angry and depressed. Still after all this time her actions affect me in a way that I would not wish for another human being. My children were sold in my opinion. There were other family members willing, able (Physically, emotionally, and financially) to take them but she refused. As a result, one of my sons is now dead. Our imaginations can be a dark thing and for me that darkness was imagining him wrapping that sheet around his neck and believing no one cared about him. Even now the pain rips at me when I think about it and my body shakes. I don't know what or if there is anything I can do about it. But I go on, one day at a time and pray that he is in a place of no suffering and knows how very much I love him. As for the state of California, I will never go back there to live as long as I have minor children in my care.

  65. Anonymous12:02 PM

    To Anonymous about taking a lie detector test.. I took one and passed it but did that matter? No! It did not set me or my children free. My story is somewhat similar to the original authors, I haven'y seen my babies in 18 yrs! Now my kids are old enough to learn the truth, they don't want to hear it. They have been so brainwashed into believing what DHS and the courts put on paper... they think that's the truth! DHS is destroying families by the millions across the world, these children are all of our futures, but what kind of future are any of us going to have with all these children being destroyed by the system?? DHS should not have the power to play judge, jury and executioner! We all need to wake up, stand together and demand this to stop.. Enough is Enough!!!

  66. Anonymous3:25 PM

    same thing happened to me! My children was removed from my house for absolutly no reason at all..Yes it seems odd...After 15yrs I finally Found my Children and the Same questions I had then was also n thier minds..They had the report papers and couldnt understand why were they removed..No Abuse No HArmful environment no nothing..I tell U what I do Know..They Lied to us all..On the Very Last Court Day,I remember it clearly when the worker Bowed dwn to the lady who had them in thier home and told her "Your Wish is my Command" So Under that very Statement I realized that My children Was Tooken Kidnapped from me Ligally to Make someone else Happy..Ruined our lives forever. I wanted to tell My sonthe whole Story but then again I just couldnt hurt him that way..Not sure what to do!

  67. "The agency gains nothing from taking the children away from their parents and I am sorry that there are people that feel that way."

    I'm sorry - but that's an outright lie. My 2 oldest were stolen from me because my half-sister called them and lied that I'd abandoned them and nobody knew where I was. She had agreed to take them for a couple weeks while I was looking for new housing and knew exactly where I was and I'd been in constant contact with her. My youngest was stolen from me by a 3rd party CPS agency after DCFS worker had already said the allegations were false but had turned it over to another agency to help me financially because I was struggling to make ends meet. Instead of helping they lied to the judge and seized my son - then intentionally did not pick me up for court like they were supposed to so that they could terminate my rights without my presence and put him up for adoption.

  68. Anonymous5:20 PM

    i want to thanks DR, OKPOKO. for the good work he don in my life over 9years now i married. but no child because of that my husband was planing to married another woman. and i don’t no what to do i was going to one place to another i contact so many spell casters and pastors steel yet no solution especially all the spell caster i contact they scam me and take all my money. so i was confuse. later on friend of my told me about DR, OKPOKO. i contact him and told him about my problems.he told me not to worry that my problem is a spiritual problems that he will help. me later on he told me what to do i respond to all he said after that he told me to come to his village called urohi village and i went there and see things by my self he told me that it was a woman from my husband familly that block my womb that he has solve my problems that he only give me a year to come and visit him with a boy and girl i never believe. but rite now all he said come to pass after 9moths plus i delivered twins boy and girl wen it was a year plus me and my lovely husband and my two kids will went to the urohi village and visit him and he blessed and my lovely husband are so happy. i don’t no how to thank DR, OKPOKO. for his great work he has don in my family am very great full. he is a great man and so truth full if you have any problem just try email him. DR.OKPOKOSPELLHOME@GMAIL.COM

  69. Anonymous2:59 PM

    maybe some of them r good and go by the book,but i agree with legally kidnap because same thing happened to me and my famiy.they say they r for the children but their not how can u take a small child out of the home of someone who they have allways known and put them with strangers and think that's good for them,take them out of a house that they have no evidents of abuse im a grown women and miss my family wen im gone for the weekend just imagine how a child feels.but i say to those who r doing it out of love thank you and the ones not just know there is a GOD AND YOU DONT MESS WITH HIS CHILDREN.

  70. I bet Anonymous is a real cps case worker.

    1. Ur probably right. .a Wolfe disguised add a sheep. .. appearing to help but really gathering our info to destroy

  71. Anonymous9:33 AM

    It's very sad when you know you have Donne anything wrong to your child and somebody is trying to take him way because the power they may have. I my self went to an emergency home in Boston and my son which was 14yo was cold and he was complain about the freezer place and I took my jone I give to him and I put my clothes on and he was so warm near me and those crew from a emergence room made a anonymous phone call to CPS and they come and took my kid way just for being warm on is dad. They have accusing me for child molested and they evaluated my kid even on his anus to see if he was really been molested by is own father. What a trauma they put my kid to go true? I was despaired and hope less and I think they the one that was abusing of my child with no respect for him. Thanks god my son was a big kid and he spook to his self and they had no chance to take him way from me. I WILL AlWAYS LOVE MY CHILD.

  72. Anonymous5:57 PM

    My name is joy and I base in USA...“My life is back!!! After 1 years of Broken marriage, my husband left me with two kids . I felt like my life was about to end i almost committed suicide, i was emotionally down for a very long time. Thanks to a spell caster called High Priest ADODO which i met online. On one faithful day, as I was browsing through the internet,I came across allot of testimonies about this particular spell caster. Some people testified that he brought their Ex lover back, some testified that he restores womb,cure cancer,and other sickness, some testified that he can cast a spell to stop divorce and so on. i also come across one particular testimony,it was about a woman called Sonia,she testified about how he brought back her Ex lover in less than 7 days, and at the end of her testimony she dropped High Priest ADODO 's e-mail address. After reading all these,I decided to give it a try. I contacted him via email and explained my problem to him. In just 3 days, my husband came back to me. We solved our issues, and we are even happier than before. High Priest ADODO is really a gifted man and i will not stop publishing him because he is a wonderful man... If you have a problem and you are looking for a real and genuine spell caster to solve all your problems for you. Try High Priest ADODO anytime, he might be the answer to your problems. Here's his contact:{}.

  73. There are still thousands of mothers losing their children every day to CPS/SS/FAMILY COURT CORRUPTION. PLEASE share our location and join us in our quest for the return of our children to us, around the world. We are MOTHERS WHO WANT OUR CHILDREN BACK, and we will NEVER give up!

  74. There are thousands of mothers losing their children every day due to the corruption and organized crime that runs and ruins CPS/SS/FAMILY COURT worldwide.

    Please share and join us in the quest to have our children returned to us around the world!

    We are MOTHERS WHO WANT OUR CHILDREN BACK, and we will NEVER give up!

  75. Please join us, we are MOTHERS WHO WANT OUR CHILDREN BACK and we will NEVER give up!

  76. Please join us, we are MOTHERS WHO WANT OUR CHILDREN BACK and we will NEVER give up!


  77. My name is Nomsa Ranganai from London and I’m here to let you know that with what people say, it may seem impossible, but with what you believe, nothing is impossible. I made a promise to Dr. okoko and to myself that when he restored my marriage, I would testify and tell the world, I would share every single detail no matter how shameful and embarrassing it would be, in the hope and knowledge that I would someday be able to bring some kind of hope for a hurting wife or husband who would’ve been going through what I once was. I don’t want to apportion blame too much here but suffice it to say we had some in-law issues which contributed greatly to our demise before I contacted Dr. okoko from a post I read on a blog. Dr. okoko showed up in the mist of my situation and calmed every storm, he brought peace to everybody. We are all happy and eat together in the same table today. God bless you Dr. okoko . Please contact him immediately for help via:

  78. Anonymous11:39 PM

    What is wrong with everyone ???? We all have our own stories to tell about how our children or grandchildren were taken away from us for no real reason at all.... I am a very loving grandmother who had three of my beautiful little grandchildren taken away from my daughter because of one accident....that could have happened to anyone.
    I suggest to the none believers of this horrific do your home work, on this matter before you reply with its all B..L...SH.T. It's people who say things like that...that have know real reasoning, compassion, empathy for anyone but themselves....because to them, they believe it would never happen to them because they are better than everyone else. How sad to have such a very small and closed mind, to the real facts in life.
    Before the story broke about this Pedafile ring a few weeks ago....I can guarantee that if someone told you that this was happening with, police officers, judges, social workers, priests, teachers, carers, etc, you wouldn't have believed that either......
    And we are talking about people that have a roll in protecting our children....we....tell them that it ok to trust these people...because that is what society tells us to do and how many children were harmed by these so called people that have jobs that should be protecting our children....not abusing them and treating them worse than animals ?
    Oh you... you may think what you like....because we as parents and grandparents know the see... we are living this nightmare..and how can millions of women all over the world suffering the same fate as one WRONG.....and you right ?????

    1. Anonymous3:05 AM

      I agree. Sometimes they take kids who purely have no signs of abuse, put them in their system, and the children suffer far more in their care and have a lifetime of traumatization over it. Along with parents after some that get their kids back forever fearing cps can take them again any time. And often times they take the kids under false stories. Someone has to lie and take the blame and both parents are forced to accept the blame true or not and submit to whatever they are told to do in order to get the kids back. Often at least one year. And then the parents have to pay the foster care back. They took my babies when they were four months and three years old and I did what I was told. Got them back one year later. One visit my daughter's face was all scratched up from another child attacking her in their care. Nightmare! They were afraid of the dark and being left alone for even a minute. Then the years that followed cps kept on my tail investigating me every so often. Yet my kids were healthy and did well for years in my care. Recsently my daughter has become a rebellious teen. I was doing everything I could to get her on the right course. Trying to use correct parenting skills they taught me as always. Never hit my children. I got Counselling for her and myself. She quit hers. Every time I tried to say she was grounded she would throw a ballistic fit. She would threaten to report me to cps. Well she is 16 and two months pregnant now. I tried to fround her and she began hitting me. Then when I tried to stop her by holding her arm and trying to walk her back to her room telling her to calm down or she may hurt her baby while she was hitting me. Then she said her belly hurt. She called the police and told cps pushed on her belly sat on her and squashed her belly. Cps took her away and four days later took my younger boy away. They never take one child. They take em all sayn the others are at risk. My daughter admitted as partially a lie in what she said sayn I didn't sit on her and squash her belly. But cps went on to say oh but look at tour parents history. They pointed out that I have PTSD. (Raped in the service). And are trying to prove a billion other reasons why they can't return my kids to me. Such a nihhtmare. And having being this is the second time I know you can't fight them no matter truths lies whatever. I will do everything they tell me to get them back or they won't give them back. But I know this will traumatize my younger child so horribly. My daughter is just trying to het them to let her move in w her boyfriends family. So selfish not to consider her brother. I can only pray and do my best to get them back. But this is horrible. I wish someone could make them come up with a more thorough and fair system. And make a safer and comfortable place for the kids and allow more parent contact when not finding any actual physical abuse. My son has straight As and was happy with me. This is horrible and he left in tears and I in tears. Just as I cried every night the first time I will again now. Because I know my babies are sufferring. I can forgive my daughter, because I love her. I hate to know my kids are out there with them crying scared sufferring. I know this because my daughter is allowed to call my Mom. And my Mom tells my she calls crying and telling her how horrible it is where she is. My poor babies! How can they do this to people? I hope I get my kids back soon. Its sad they have to spend Christmas in their crazy assessment homes and foster homes. It makes me sick. And my sweet loving boy will not get his 14th bday at chuck e cheese like he wanted. Has to spend it without family. Oh my Lord how can you let this happen again? I SURE HOPE THEY REALIZE MY DAUGHTER LIED AND JUST NEEDS TO LEARN THATS WRONG and that they return my babies soon before they do far more damage in their system.

    2. This happened to my family! How can we stop it?

  79. Anonymous2:27 AM

    Today I spoke with my daughter. They are in foster care together since friday. She's the 16 year old. She says my son isn't sleeping nor eating right there. He is special ed and needs more attention than most kids. This is a nightmare. I'm gonna complain about this in the intake hearing tomorrow. I hope to God they return my babirs home. The hospital found no abuse nor neglect signs. My daughter admit I didnt sit on her nor her pregnant belly. So why do they have to be there especially for Christmas and my son's 14th birthday? This is so horrible.

  80. Anonymous2:28 AM

    God help our families.

  81. Anonymous2:30 AM

    Its not like I didn't give her therapists and doctor care to help guide my 16 yr daughter.

  82. Document document document i have won 5 wrongful cases only because i turn on the video camera when they come , they run like cock roaches email me if u need help

  83. Turn on the video camera and they will run like cock roaches email me if u need help,beating them.
    Lippernoah@yahoo. Com ( take space out near .com

  84. Anonymous10:59 PM

    I read you'r blog mostly in shock, near tears, and at the same time understanding. In 2007 a set of events began that have sent my life and my two oldest childrens lives into a tail spin that we still have not been able to recover from or correct. I will try to keep this short and to the point as it is confusing. On feb 6th 2007 my son was borne 6 weeks permature. He was in the NICU for over a month. After his realeace we had to say below a certan elevation because even with oxygen he could not breath. We spent close to two months at my mothers home. By the time we finaly went home I knew something was wrong. Within a month I had discovered what myself the doctors, and psychologists could only explane as sexual assault. This new sent me spiraling into a case of postpartum depression that scared me to death, and i therefor saught medical help. After my realeace maybe a six months my children where handed to CPS my my own father. Even tho he handed them over they took and made allegations against me of drug use, neglect, lying about the sexual abuse which I had many documents on, and even made a complaint to the police. The body of proof never seen a court room. There was never a drug screen done on me during this case. I was willing to do the drug screen, hair focal testing ( they never did ether), took the same parenting class twice once alone and once with my father and kids. In Jan of 2009 my father was grated full custody of my older children. In March 2009 my youngest daughter was borne. As a result of the case worker from the case which was closed in January made a false report against myself and my youngest child's father. Needles to say CPS came the day of our release and took her. Leaving us for five days without our new borne baby. fortunately we found a rare worker who truly cared. She found the allegations to be unfounded, and found the case which closed in January 2009 to also be unfounded. My youngest still resides with us, and my older children are with my father who will refuse to allow any contact for months on end. I understand you'r pain as I feel it each day. You never really recover, and there is often no real resolution. I have tried to reach out to the news, friends, family, CPS, and a number of other avenues yet I am still without my older two children. It makes being a mother hard when you are graving for children who have been taken from you in such a way.

    I am truly sanded to know my family is not the only one suffering such a way

  85. A special petition is developed in order to help the families whose children have been taken away due to falsified accusation by the SPC (Child Protective Services) employees. As more and more families become victims of false accusations against them, we believe that such a petition is necessary in order bring justice in the country. In order to have working material, social service employees need more children to show the government that they need money. Following that goal, they falsify the accusations and take children from normal families. This may happen to any family. The petition will require the corrections in the law so that families and their children can be protected from the crime committed by social service employees.

  86. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Actually when someone doesn't understand afterward
    its up to otther people that they will assist, so here it happens.

    my web blog: Anoka County Child Support Forms Mn

  87. Christopher11:45 AM

    I just wanted to say that sadly, I agree with all of this. I watched my best friend loose her three kids and couldn't do anything to help her. None of us could, and when we told CPS we'd adopt her children so she could still see them constantly, they told us WE weren't good enough. They tried to make some claims like we had to have some huge house just to fit her three kids.

    People please, there are tribes out there healthily paid, that have ten people to a living room and that's okay. What just because we're white, and under 30 we can't keep them? People please.

    What's worse is they tried to call her "mentally unfit" with almost no evidence other than finding out the mother had been raped by one of the children's fathers, who was thrown out of the house well before CPS even got there. I know, I was there. CPS promised the mom, who was a stay-at-home with 3 children and a working husband(not the ex but another man who took care of all those babies even though only one was his), that if she fought for the kids, she'd have them back in months.

    Several months went by and CPS kept changing their tune. Interviewing all of us, though none of us spoke ill of the mother because she is a great person. We all loved her. And we all know that the ANON's that reported, were trouble-makers. One of them was jealous because her "boyfriend" (who left her later go figure), wanted to be with the mother of the 3 kids (and she told him hell no and to get out of her house). Drama started this.

  88. I am in the same exact situation as you, looking for other's out there that have experienced the same nightmare of CPS workers coming in our home and kidnapping our grandbabies.

    I did some research as I have been for the last few months and I have found that 43 babies and children died alone in 2013, due to this Illegal removal of children from their loving homes, and they all range from the ages of 3 months to 7 years old. They completely tore these families apart, and in the end these poor families suffered a major loss, they will never be able to see, hear, hold, and hug their children again. That is something no parent should ever have to face and do, is bury their own babies and children. Its the other way around, children are suppose to outlive and bury their parents. But loosing a child is far more devastating, hurtful and scarring, then loosing a parent. These are poor innocent children that never had a chance to grow up and become someone because that right was taken away from them the moment that Social Services/Child Protective services stepped foot into their home and illegally removed these children from innocent families. Shouldn't they be facing murder charges? I think they should, along with kidnapping and other criminal charges that rage from conspiracy to capital murder. Why should these people be free to walk and continue with their families while everyone else's families are being torn apart and in lot's of cases beyond that, due to the fact of these innocent children dying at the hands of what suppose to be for the protection of children. I am one family that's suing and know there are other families out there. I am getting together a class action lawsuit against them as well, but it all starts with finding people in the same situation and signing petitions. Help us keep our children safe because truth is, until this happens none of us are, especially them, and our children and families are continuing to fall prey to these predators. Let's put an end to this crime, punishment, and injustice. Please contact me @ so we can begin to make a difference and this world a better and safer place for our children.

  89. Anonymous6:02 PM

    I did some research as I have been for the last few months and I have found that 43 babies and children died alone in 2013, due to this Illegal removal of children from their loving homes, and they all range from the ages of 3 months to 7 years old. They completely tore these families apart, and in the end these poor families suffered a major loss, they will never be able to see, hear, hold, and hug their children again. That is something no parent should ever have to face and do, is bury their own babies and children. Its the other way around, children are suppose to outlive and bury their parents. But loosing a child is far more devastating, hurtful and scarring, then loosing a parent. These are poor innocent children that never had a chance to grow up and become someone because that right was taken away from them the moment that Social Services/Child Protective services stepped foot into their home and illegally removed these children from innocent families. Shouldn't they be facing murder charges? I think they should, along with kidnapping and other criminal charges that rage from conspiracy to capital murder. Why should these people be free to walk and continue with their families while everyone else's families are being torn apart and in lot's of cases beyond that, due to the fact of these innocent children dying at the hands of what suppose to be for the protection of children. I am one family that's suing and know there are other families out there. I am getting together a class action lawsuit against them as well, but it all starts with finding people in the same situation and signing petitions. Help us keep our children safe because truth is, until this happens none of us are, especially them, and our children and families are continuing to fall prey to these predators. Let's put an end to this crime, punishment, and injustice. Please contact me @ so we can begin to make a difference and this world a better and safer place for our children.

  90. Anonymous6:59 PM

    I believe you and your story. CPS and the youth services police form an initial opinion about you and then they only see you through that distorted lens. The question now is - what can we do about it? How can this system be changed? It is not just about the children coming home - the system is wrong. CPS, police and the school system have too much unchecked power. They can destroy your life and your family on personal opinion, misinterpretation of data or of what someone said or did, false accusations, etc. The state should not be able to do anything without absolute proof of severe abuse or harm. Secret, anonymous informants (like living under Stalin or living in Orwell's 1984), always believing children and villainizing parents (like the Salem witch trials), no way of parents being able to defend themselves, irrational fears, beliefs and ideologies over statistics, facts or proof, always guilty until proven innocent (when it comes to children), destruction of families, destruction of reputation and careers (just so they can be right). This is not a free America. Something must be done. The problem is that people who have not experienced it do not believe the horror stories or do not believe it will happen to them and think CPS is good. They do some good things, but because they cause SO much harm they all need to be strongly regulated. Something must be done. I wish someone would make a documentary to shine a light on what is really going on.

  91. Hennepin County CPS took my 14 year old daughter because I doubted her story. My 14 year old was having some behavior problems and running away from home. She ran away while on probation and made up a story of abuse not against me but someone else. She was taken from me because I said I didn't know if here story was true or not but I doubted it because I was monitoring her accounts at the time and she never told her friends. I know my daughter well and she always chats with her friends about stuff. I have gone through a two year battle with CPS to return her and she is still in their custody despite writing an 8 page letter stating everything I had been telling CPS was true and she had lied. CPS retaliated against me because I insisted I didn't do anything wrong. There was never an initial investigation and CPS repeatedly ignored reports from psychologist that showed my daughter lied about almost everything. While under their protective care she was mugged in a park very late at night. She ran away to Texas. She hitched hiked there with a couple of friends. CPS actually blamed me for her running away in their care. I didn't have any access or visitation with her at the time so how could it be my fault. Hennepin County Child Protection is a joke. My daughter was placed in foster care because I doubted her claims and anyone who wants to see that paperwork I am happy to show it to them. They took her out of a safe home and put her in some very unsafe situations.

    1. Anonymous6:09 PM

      So is st. Louis county! Doesn't get any better up north

  92. My case is so daughters father HAS been abusing her and she has reported it, school reported it and friends and even her counselor. She has had bruising on her bottom,arm, black eye marks on her side from a belt....just to name a few. Copes come and do nothing. Father uses that he is an ex navy seal and I believe that's what saves his butt. The cops have said awful things to my should be grateful that you have a nice home and lots of things, your stepmom can slam your head into the counter and that would be disapline, if I take you to Juvenal hall your will get beat up because the whites won't except you and the black won't either because you are mixed and no one would help you. Now this is only some of what has been said to her. I talked to CPS, who have been there many many times, and one even said she sees thru him and the police should have arrested him long ago but since they didn't there is nothing we can do. ARE YOU KIDDING ME. I know you can spank your child but can't leave marks.....this man leaves them and he even tells our daughter when CPS leaves" I see CPS is really working for you" and laughs his monster laugh. She started cutting and talks about wanting to die. She has given up asking for help because it doesn't help and when they all leave she has to deal with her father and his wife. They even blamed her for the loss of the child the wife was carrying...omgosh how can you put that on a child....she has always been so excited to become a vet and that's all she has talked about for years and years. Not anymore because her father and his wife tell her she can't and how stupid she is. They buy her clothes 5 sizes too big and tell her she is fat, if she gets into trouble at home her father takes all her things away and locks her out of her room. He then makes her wear this awful outfit to school where the kids all laugh at her. I told him it's wrong and that will stick with her until she's out of school. Kids are so mean and you are making this happen. He says to me " and your points is". Why on earth would any parent do that to there child? This is just a game to him. His wife always tells her how she doesn't want her there and they even tell her that I don't love or want her, that I'm such a bad mom, she is damaged because of her mom and on and on. Mother point to all of this is my daughter has cried out for help and nothing....I've called and made reports and nothing. I've always told my kids that if your ever hurt or touched by anyone tell the police , a teacher anyone and you will be helped and not hurt any longer. When I was married to him the very night of our wedding is when he started hitting me. He abounded me for quite some time and even forced himself on my while I begged him to stop with tears coming down my face and nothing. He got away with all of that too. He would wear his navy uniform to court, that shouldn't be that way but it is. He can make anyone beleive him and he knows it. He even wears his uniform to court and gets out of his speeding tickets. Mproblem is he is no long in and hasn't been for a good 8 years now and knows his not supposed to wear it.
    Anyone out there that has ideas or can help please email me.
    As of right now she is with me. He is trying to get me for kid napping and not following a court order and is telling her she is getting me into trouble. She is now 17 and refuses to go back, I'm in idaho and he is in victorville california. I'm scared to death but my daughter doesn't need to be hurt any longer. No one would help her.......we need help if anyone has ideas or info to help me help her

  93. Cps stole my daughter 3 years ago without a warrant from school. I thought it would be best if I could get my sister to accept placement of her. At first she my sister said no I talked to her some more she then said yes. Well that was 2 months after CPS stole her and I still do not have my daughter back. I didnt realize my sister was such a control freakin monster!I only had one visit a week until this past March 2014 I was suddenly given overnights . We did about 5 weeks of sat-sun visits I then had to do 30 days in jail on an unrelated nonviolent misdemeanor when I got out this sister had an attitude we had agreed I could visit my daughter no one said to me anything about when to bring her back and I planned to bring her back before dark but this sister called we argued I hung up and did not return my daughter who by the way is 13 not 3 and now I am facing 2nd degree kidnapping charges. BY the way this sister 3 days after calling the cops on me called my 27 year old son to see if he would take custody of my daughter!!!

  94. Anonymous6:04 PM

    What you have endured shakes me beyond belief!! My husband and I are going through the same battle! It's identical to hat we've been enduring for almost 2 years!!! We're beyond heartbroken and struggling to understand why! I completely agree with you on ALL aspects! Not only does it happen in Texas, it happens in minnesota!!! :'(

  95. Anonymous11:18 AM

    I had a horrifying foster experience only one caring foster family out of 4 and my siblings had it worse we were split up and abused and starved and beaten... I was places with a sex offender at one point and up until the placement happened because my parents were running scared I had a happy childhood it destroyed my family and created monsters out of my brothers both spent most of their childhoods in foster care and in jail and on my and on of my little sisters talk and its on a needed basis out of 7 kids only 2 of us really talk and we barley have relationships with our parents because of it and we have no family relationship what so ever because of foster care and CPS we are torn, after foster care my mom and dad eventually got a divorce leaving us in torn situation especially me i was adopted by me step dad at around age 4, I never thought that an adoption could ever ruin a childs chances at life but mine was not done right and to make matters worse i cant get an id card i can get a job my birth certificate does not match my ss card i cant even go back to school as a young mom because of this Identity crisis not to mention i cant help my kids with getting an ID early because i cant get mine and to just add to the mess i married my oldest sons dad and now i have been in a 7 year battle with the state to get my life back...Child Protective Services thinks that they mean well but i have read story upon story in the paper about them destroying good families and leaving many abused children to die over prescription over doses because their parents dont want to deal with their ADHD or Their Bipolar disorders and then what do they tell the press "we were checking into it." one in particular that i remember reading about was a 6 year old girl! i have nothing good to say about child prospective services i have met social workers that seem to mean well and seem to be good parent but always in the end they are worse then they appear i changed a social workers life showed here the other side of the peoples life when they get involved she is currently in school to be an attorney...

  96. Anonymous9:54 AM

    bucks county cps is running me around and making threats towards my wife... My kids are out of my house volountarily cooperating with cps since there is no court order. They say if you do this and this that the kids can return home. I do both and say I'm bringing my kids home and they say that they "reassessed" the situation and they can't return. When I say they lied to me and I was bringing them home they say they need to talk to their attorney to see if they have enough to take it to the judge for a court order. Obviously they didn't have enough because they call back and threaten with if I bring the kids home they will push on the DA and police to have my wife arrested and a no contact order placed. The agency makes up their own rules and doesn't follow their protocols, and continuously lies to you and calls it a "reassessment" when I did more than what they asked for and they had no other reasons for prolonging my childrens time away from home, but they didn't like the fact that I knew they didn't have enough reasoning to get a court order so they follow up with other threats.

  97. Anonymous4:05 PM

    I used to be a CPS worker. At the time I thought I was doing some good, and that CPS needed to be restructured. I worked in an office that ma have been somewhat misguided but not totally corrupt. Since then I moved to California and I am appalled. A child in my family was removed for no other reason than that a couple was seeking a healthy baby to adopt. These so-called social workers do not have social work degrees, they have not been trained, they are corrupt, vicious, slanderous, and singly focused on their agenda-in our case to find a cute healthy babies for their foster to adopt family. CPS does not need to be restructured. It needs to be disintegrated. They destroy families. They don't help. And this truly is a human trafficking money making system that has completely lost any of the value that may have once driven them. Even bad families are better than the system. Outcome stats for foster kids is proof of that. After hiring a lawyer and winning our case, they came after our baby again, with the most incredulous lies. We had to quit our jobs, break our leases,and leave the state because they were pursuing him again. Just days before we went to court, the social worker and foster parent had colluded to take him across the country. Thankfully, a substitute judge put quash on that. We are not sure if being out of the state will keep him safe or if we will need to take him out of the country to keep him safe from these monsters.

  98. Anonymous: You evidently are nieve to what really goes on with CPS, because they took all three of my children many years ago, and the things that were allowed to happen in the foster homes were horrible. All of this started because I was a single mother, and decided to sign my children up for Big Brothers, Big Sisters. The people I got happened to be the Librarian at my son's school. Well she got it in her head to try to take my oldest son from me with false accusations that My late husband had abused him. She told me years later that the first time she saw him, she said she was going to get him one way or another, so she convinced my son to accuse his stepfather of abuse. He was arrested and charged with of all things cruel and unusual horseplay, meaning that they used to get out in the yard and wrestle with each other. He was fined 200 dollars and put on probation. Then they came after my other 2 children and the accusations were sexual abuse and mental abuse. These people put me through hell during that time. My youngest son was beaten by another foster brother on a daily basis. I had to go through parenting classes, among other things. I eventually had to put my youngest son in a boys home in order to keep him alive, because he was breaking into places and stealing pornography. The man who owned the place was going to wire his building up to a 220 to keep him out. He escalated to worse crimes,so I sent him away. The Social worker then had me charged with abandonment, because of this. I blame all of the liars of these perpetrated crimes for a lot of my sons mental issues. If I hadn't of sent him away he would be dead today. I believe that these Social Workers have an agenda, because they do lie, and I've been reading lately that 40 some children have disappeared from one state under the so called care of the workers. I do believe that these children are being sold in the black market, and are also being used for Satanic rituals. I don't believe these children that are being kidnapped by the thousands are alive today. I believe that the majority of these Social Workers are corrupt. There are a few good ones, because I've dealt with I know one, and there are more, but for the most part no. Don't believe everything you're told and little of what they let you see.It's gotten a whole lot worse today than when this woman who wrote the above article went through it. My daughter accused her step father of sexual abuse, then when we went to court she recanted her story and said she did it because she didn't like where we were living at, so she believed that if she had my husband locked up that I would have to move away. She was 12 at the time and didn't understand that he was facing 20 years. She got scared and admitted to the judge that she lied. My husband has since died, and I believe that this incident broke his heart. He died of cancer at only age 46. Because of this my family has been torn apart.

  99. Anonymous11:39 PM

    CPS IS at most times a horrible waste of taxpayer money. They are corrupt & need to be stopped.

  100. My CPS caseworker has a salary of almost $70,000 per year. My child was kidnapped by them for something myself and his father did not do. We completed our "service plan" and have clean drug tests. The psych evaluation we had to take by someone on contract with CPS was full of lies. Our caseworker never once tried to help us with shelter when we became homeless months after our child was taken. She was only concerned about hygiene. Now that the foster mother wants to adopt OUR CHILD,they are terminating our rights after we did all the work to finish our service plan,are free from drugs,and have a 4 bedroom house. Doesn't seem right to me. And this is in Illinois. Every state seems to have a screwed up system. They tear families apart and punish the child for things they never did. My child has had bruises in odd places since being in foster care. Is always sick when he never was before he was taken. He thinks he has two mommies. All CPS does is kidnap children,lie about the parents and ruin lives.

  101. Has anyone ever been in a same-sex relationship and had CPS, DSS, DHS, etc. remove your child? Saying it was unhealthy, unbalanced, all that discriminatory stuff?
    How about the state of SC? Anyone ever had dealings with that DSS? NC?
    Any help, helps

  102. Anonymous10:32 AM

    I have to say...your story is what could have been for my brother and I. An ex-family friend who was/is obsessed with our family reported to CPS that I was being sexually molested by my step father turned adoptive father after a rumor was started in my old church (nice, huh?) by some of the kids in the youth group, including the pastor's kids. CPS showed up at my school (I was a sophomore in high school) and started grilling me, where I subsequently lost my crap and started screaming at the woman. I was so, so tired of everyone talking about this stupid rumor and there CPS was, feeding off of it.

    After screaming at her, I told her that the conversation was over and called my mom, who immediately sent my grandparents to pick me up because the CPS woman talked to her in the meantime and set up a meeting with her and my adoptive father to talk about the allegations.

    My grandparents took me out to eat, and we got a call mid meal from my mom. The same woman had gone to my brother's school (who was 8 at the time) and asked him leading questions like "does your dad tickle you or your sister? Does he wrestle with you or your sister?" Keeping in mind that we had shielded my brother from the rumor at the church, he had no knowledge of what was happening and answered the questions truthfully with a "Yes." Because, guess what? That's what families do! They play, they rough house!

    So me and my grandparents went and immediately picked up my brother from his school because the woman had terrified him so badly by telling him that he was probably going to end up in foster care and he'd better tell the truth. By that time the woman had met with my parents, decided the allegations were just that (that I was very adamant the abuse had not happened), and " let my parents off with a 2 year probation". Both parents. A 2 year probation for a crime that was not committed but for a rumor started by a handful of psycho mean girls. Their 2 year probation ended in 2007, and they got letters to tell them so.

    I came this close to being pulled from my home, or having my brother removed or both. I would've gone kicking and screaming and made their life a living hell, but my brother was too little too fight.

    While I understand the comments of "without CPS a lot of children would suffer", you have to see it from a victim of CPS's point of view. I stand here a victim of their system. The things the woman said to me shortly before I lost my crap, the things she said to my brother, the way she treated my victimized us all. At the same time, I sit back and see hundreds of parents living off the system and mistreating their children, and when CPS is called to investigate, the children "aren't in any danger" despite being filthy and having a mother who is so bad of a drunk her oldest (7 year old) takes care of the baby. So the ones that need help don't get it, and the ones that don't are taken from their homes, family put under scrutiny and traumatized by the agency. Who is CPS really trying to "help"?

    I'm in agreement. CPS is corrupt and needs either a serious reform or to be closed up all together - it's not like they're doing their job anyhow.....


  103. wow...I truly believe you when you say the system is corrupt and based on lies, gossip and deceptions. I also believe the whole CPS system is a well oiled money machine.

    This can happen to anyone. I have seen it first hand in Sweden where the unprofessional and unethical conduct hurts children.

    I mean that these unprofessional and inexperienced social workers, teachers, judges and even create great harm in not doing their best to protect a child. Instead parental gossip and no facts are used to create an illusion of a child social environment leading to their removal from a loving parent.

    It can happen in any country. Even in Sweden.

    Ill trained people in positions of great power have nothing to loose in relating gossipy things about a single mom with multiple boyfriends...which isn't true but spread from faculty members and then related to cps as truth.

    This is all wrong and the system is corrupt. Ultimately, great harm that will never be undone to an innocent child put in misery all caused at the hands of these unprofessional employed workers that are paid to serve families.

    So sorry this is happening but it is and it can happen to anyone. As I said...The whole system is a well oiled money machine and your child is needed to fund it.

  104. read about CPS corruption...

    it's happening in all countries and every parent is at risk

    Senator Nancy Schaefer was murdered in her home along with her a questionable murder suicide after she exposed CPS

    "money money money in a rich man's world"

  105. Anonymous10:53 PM

    to the first anonymous responder whatever your direction of your statement to defend a corrupted and ignorant system is flawed beyon comprehention. Your severily wrong. Im not a mother, father, grandma nor grandpa, ima a 19 teen who has been victimized by CPS on numorous occasions . to say that any of what has happened in the article above is an opinion you lie to yourself. i was put in the car of CPS at age 13 for terroristic threats. i wont lie this is true what i did but the following is what is not true. I was accused of a sexual assault that was False and had no evidense of anykind to back it up. i went to trial. CPS called in a doctor who did the elegid victims physical exam. She reported there was scar tissue forming. and that i caused it. when my attorny asked if that could have been caused by any other activity such as falling from a bike or falling down. the dr. was hushed by a I object froma CPS officer hiding any other possible evidence. so i sat away in a treatment facility for 23 months. the last 50 days i sat in that facility my appeal was in motion. i won the appeal and went home only to be taken away from my family the next day saying i was selling drugs. This is not true. i got 14 hours with my mother and father. then they took me away. i sat in a detention center for 3 months for a crime i could have no way of committed due to pror incarceration. i was let out after those 3 months. when i came home i had to go to counceling. for 4 months i did councling then when my check up hearing came along DR.ALLen smith reccomended i go to YRTC-k in kearney nebraska. i sat there for 12 months because a Therapist said i wasnt telling him everying he needed to know. i got out went to live with my grandmother then a foster home then my mother who didnt want me in the first place back to my grandmothers . I tried tried to commit scuicide would have died if were not for the ambulence getting there. CPS stated that i tried to commit scuicide to get out of alligations i knew nothing about. i sat in NRC for Rapists and Child molesters for another false allegation. i was there for 7 months . CPS submitted a request for sexual predator eval and mental health eval and stated in the court document that the said juvenile is not exspected to leave the care of NRC for the rest of his life. CPS screwed themselves not knowing the NRC allready knew that there was no way i even had the nerve to do such a crime and that there was no possible way i had any mental illness. i passed both exams. CPS was outside the day of my release tying to tell me i had to go with them. I flipped CPS OFF and went home to my only two carrying family members i had left that were not turned against me by CPS. and went home. Iv been on my own since.i am unemployed, no home, no life, no happiness. i dont get to have any hollidays with the family i once had. i dont get to wach my siblings grow up. i dont get a life for things i never did to deserve that punishment. so i say fuck you CPS and all the bullshit you try to portray. if you anonamys user wish to protect families and there children then join the abundsment agancey and investigate these corrupt agencies tearing families apart peice by peice.

    1. Hey dude just ignore the ignorant pricks here I am currently filing a lawsuit against cps as we speak. I know their corruption I got Intel on the inside after I left their custody I got word from a friend that my uncle received a job for cyfd so I got in contact he is now filing to quit and help me because he has seen the corruption first hand

    2. Hey dude just ignore the ignorant pricks here I am currently filing a lawsuit against cps as we speak. I know their corruption I got Intel on the inside after I left their custody I got word from a friend that my uncle received a job for cyfd so I got in contact he is now filing to quit and help me because he has seen the corruption first hand

  106. I totally agree. There needs to be an investigation done on these kinds of cases. Best of luck!

  107. To the idiot who is working on her "social worker degree", you are the one who's full of shit. Are you the head of the agency? No. I know this post is older, but you have NO RIGHT to sit there behind your computer screen,of course staying anonymous,like a coward,giving justification for all caseworkers. Do not sit there and badger this woman. Social workers are extremely deceptive, and very malicious, and they do get paid to steal your kids. I have dealt with, and beat the bastards at their own game. It took time, but I came out on top. It was all over nothing,just like the sad pathetic vultures act upon. But, when I press the issue of my child being molested by her dad's brother, they shrug me off, for FOUR YEARS NOW, and I've seen no fucking justice yet. But, someone lies on me, and they're all over it. Save your bullshit for someone who will believe it, because you are nothing more than a mere fucking puppet. To the author, my heart is with you, and although it may be some time later, I can relate. It's a wound that'll never heal, and I hope you got your daughter back. I am fighting an unfair judge myself, that no matter how much I prove my case, she still allows my kid to go into a home where her uncle sexually abuses her. The judge hates women, and she will not care, even if the act happened in front of her.... God Bless your family.

  108. Anonymous7:00 AM

    you know I read all these horror stories about the "Criminal Protective Services" (CPS)i can't help but to think you guys are from the "Woodstock" era in which your parents consumed too much drugs resulting in brains going DUHH!!! or you like the attention of being victimized. Hello! people these assholes work for government which them a government official. Now the last time i checked recordings DO NOT LIE, Only people do lie.It's pathetically obvious that you are overwhelmed with grief that it prohibits your brain from functioning or performing any kind of rational thinking on your part. So i will share with you people a very use full tool that you can use to protect your self from these cowards that hide behind the LAW and try to(as you say destroy your family) with malicious lies that make you look inept and many other derogatory forms of slandering your person. Now believe this or not but I recently had these same criminals scrambling with despair when they were informed that every little thing that was written against as well the conversations in which they are notorious for putting words in your mouth but when these idiots submit these fabricated lies as genuine and true, it becomes their worst nightmare because by their own admission/declaration they will be exposing their inability to perform in the actual protection of children because as you are reading along with the unedited recorded audio of a conversation that the social worker and you had , almost immediately the presiding judicial officer will turn several shades of red (embarrassed)over the integrity deficient soon to be fired social worker is openly committing perjury on so many different levels, then you begin to count the violations of your civil rights and so much more. the point is this, if this group of supposed do gooders starts to have your family as the next on the list. be advised they are and they will take your little one at all cost. regardless. your only protection is to allow the kidnappers to speak and say as they will and do not argue or be aggressive be polite and curtious to these hostage takers. because in the end when it is found that you have recordings of everything this duplicitous liar has said. not only will you get your children returned but you will get the satisfaction of having that pieces fecal matter charged with whatever you were facing and you and maybe you will be added to the list of new millionaires that were government created. you people (we the people) have the 1st amendment right to record these government/public official performing their supposed official duties publicly. for example the agency is public place, buy a digital recorder and DO NOT tell that you are recording their lies, you want that to be a big surprise . That's how i had my social worker on the run and he avoided me like if I was bubonic plague. i kid you not that person would hide from me and not answer my calls and when he grew a pair(only because the police were present)did he all of the sudden want to address me and i obliged him that as i recorded everything everyone said and you know what it was found to be LEGAL, I TURNED THE CASE UPSIDE DOWN reversing everything that was illegally done for a year and half. i got the satisfaction of putting the true criminals that had been posing law abiding social workers. i even recorded one of these DOLTS saying that she could no longer speak to because according to her she needed to go out to the field and detain children. and when i asked "legally or illegally" her response was "Illegally of course,we will be going through their open windows to get them" and she hung up. hey blog author you want to help these people allow my entire comment through this is the only way to fight back, by their own mouths they will be judged

  109. yes I myself went thru the same thing my wife and I was married for 3yrs it was a shaky one we argued over bills and how we could live better now we have moved 3 times now bout to be my 4th cause the state of Indiana help my wife kidnap my daughter now its me and my son I called to have her arrested for kidnapping she came back but to my surprise she made an accusation against him and said my son touch but waited to 3 to 6 months to have her checked when I told my cousin who helped us here said she was planning this and I never listened to them now she's gone her mother is in a cult and she said her brother used to beat her till she moved out I fear for my daughter's life my wife is unstable s she been off her meds for six months she also has a psychopath husband who wants her dead I don't know what to do I need help im scared for them both but nothing can be done till I go back to ny state just to make her come back cause its where my daughter was born but because of the accusation I can trust what may happen I miss my lil girl I even tried the steve wilko's show but with no help im ready to give and say goodbye to my daughter im goona fight till I have no strength left but I need help what do I do?

  110. yes I myself went thru the same thing my wife and I was married for 3yrs it was a shaky one we argued over bills and how we could live better now we have moved 3 times now bout to be my 4th cause the state of Indiana help my wife kidnap my daughter now its me and my son I called to have her arrested for kidnapping she came back but to my surprise she made an accusation against him and said my son touch but waited to 3 to 6 months to have her checked when I told my cousin who helped us here said she was planning this and I never listened to them now she's gone her mother is in a cult and she said her brother used to beat her till she moved out I fear for my daughter's life my wife is unstable s she been off her meds for six months she also has a psychopath husband who wants her dead I don't know what to do I need help im scared for them both but nothing can be done till I go back to ny state just to make her come back cause its where my daughter was born but because of the accusation I can trust what may happen I miss my lil girl I even tried the steve wilko's show but with no help im ready to give and say goodbye to my daughter im goona fight till I have no strength left but I need help what do I do?

  111. I noticed several responses where people blamed the manipulative or dishonest daughter for starting the CPS mess which destroyed a family.

    My family's case (2001) was started by the child's grandmother.
    The investigative caseworker was OLD as well and naturally BONDED with her and sided with her against us. When we explained that the grandma was mentally ill, took her prescribed Prozac only when she FELT like it, and was suffering from Early Alzheimers Vascular Dementia, they ignored those mere details and placed the child in her home.
    She was OBSESSED with her granddaughter and CPS rewarded her lies and mental illness by setting her up as a HOSTILE kinship caretaker of the child.

    The agency was technically guilty of kidnapping because for three weeks they withheld the child
    WITHOUT the required legal authority.

    I asked if I could take the child's school books to her at school, and the caseworker Maggie said that I could, but secretly plotted to try to set me up to violate a no contact order.

    When I got to the school the school people acted STRANGE, like I was a mass murderer or something.

    She had asked them to call the Police if I showed up, violating a no-contact order.

    But she had made a big mistake.

    Not only was there no such NCO, but we investigated and discovered that there was no case giving the agency ANY authority about anything!

    We went to the agency and pointed out that we knew we could legally take the child home but didn't want to cause more trauma.

    A caseworker called me up and told me not to go get the child, that he would go get the initial removal order at court on Monday morning, and that he had instructed the local Police that if we took the child home, they were to return the child to the grandparents home.

    I pointed out to Kevin R.S. that what he was doing was called a priori enforcement of a court order and that it was a big no no. I said he was like Wimpy on the old Popeye Cartoons, saying "I'll gladly pay you Tuesday, for a hamburger today!". I told him that this is a "one party" state for recording and that I had recorded his rediculous call. He went silent for about 45 seconds.

    I cursed him out, telling him what a corrupt bunch of sickos him and his coworkers really are.

    To get back to the part about blaming the sicko relative who started the CPS mess for your family....

    1. The CPS a-holes very commonly know and do not give one fig that their STAR informant is an evil liar or outright actual mental case.

    2. CPS Caseworkers routinely and INTENTIONALLY LIE THEMSELVES (commit perjury) to make cases.
    One lied about me having a sex abuse history, claimed I had been tried but not convicted, all fiction. None of the dozen or so caseworkers who rotated into the case ever spoke up to correct the lie, despite the paper proof from their own agency that it was a lie. They were "just following orders". Do good caseworkers just "play along" with such horrific lies told by a previous caseworker?

  112. Anonymous8:55 AM

    You can read a very similar story to this in the book "Stolen Honor and a Mans Life Destroyed" by Mark Wilmot - if you have £400 to spare. Looks like someone doesn't want you to read it.

  113. Bridget4:41 PM

    I have a CPS case against me that began 2 wks after I let my daughter stay with my step sis based on lies she told them about me. CPS did not follow agency guidelines or laws for the investigation. They and my step sis constantly tell lies about me and I was not able to argue my case in court with the last lawyer I had that did not do his job. I'd like to get the case moved because the county it is in is biased and I am not getting a fair trial with due process. If anyone can help me, please email me at louisianaracegirl at yahoo dot com. Thanks.

  114. Anonymous11:27 PM

    cps is nothing but evil.. i hope to leave this nasty country. i was making plans for my son and i to relocate because of domestic abuse by relatives and the relatives found out plans and now my son is place with them because they said I was an endangerment to his well being by trying to relocate him to another state with the help of agencies who help family with disaster relief. They ruined my childs life. Every cps worker deserves to be shot in the head to death.

  115. Lady in Cal1:39 AM

    I absolutely understand and agree with the description of CPS by the original writer. As I read it, our own experience is very much echoed here. In our case, a family I know extremely well had their 5-month old have trouble breathing. We called 911 and got him/her to the hospital immediately. They suspected that this baby was "shaken." Yet, I am absolutely certain that he was not. The medical information was more than ample to show that the baby had a medical cause for his/her symptoms.

    The young couple was wonderful. No drugs. No smoking. No alcohol. Hard workers. Not on welfare. No family violence. Great extended family. I knew and was closely connected with the entire extended family, as well as with the couple under discussion.

    Just as in the case of the writer, CPS made up lies and did things which were wrong, yet got NO punishment or reprimand. The lawyers I hired seemed to all be in cahoots with the Court, because they kept trying to get the parents to "admit" to something they DID NOT DO! The parents went to parenting classes, counseling, and jumped through various other hoops.

    They were allowed to see their precious baby twice a week for 90 minutes UNDER supervision, lest they "hurt" their son. How totally ridiculous! Then the social workers complained that the parents didn't know how to put the child to bed or do other things which could not all be done in their 90-minute visit at McDonald's or another public location.

    Furthermore, they refused to allow the Grandparents to visit.

  116. Lady in Cal1:40 AM

    In our case, the mythology of the "science" of shaken baby prevailed over the very clear scientific, fact-based reports of our expert witnesses, and the Court believed that the baby had, in fact, been shaken. However, because of my extensive training in science and my thorough study, research and cross reference of the medical records and the reports compiled by the expert witnesses on both sides, in addition to attendance at no less than 5 conferences dealing scientifically with the issue of shaken baby, again from both sides of the argument, I can say with absolute certainty that the baby was NOT shaken.

    Nevertheless, given this assessment by the judge, which was so full of holes that I wrote a 45-page refutation of his conclusion and his basis for so deciding, we decided to deal with the science later and work on proving that the parents were good parents and help them get their baby back.

    I NEVER expected to see the total baloney and BS I saw and experienced in documents, in the courtroom, in the system, in the counselors, in the very lawyers hired on their behalf! But I know it, I saw it and it is documented. After playing games of "jump through the hoops" for two years, the time was up, the parents didn't "admit" to doing what I knew they did not do, and CPS decided that the parents had "anger management issues" and were "in denial." By this time we were all living in the same house, so I knew intimately their everyday activities. There was NO family violence or issues of any kind! CPS' characterization of these people was so totally removed from reality that my jaw dropped. I just didn't know enough about how to fight them.

  117. Lady in Cal1:41 AM

    Having their precious first child ripped away from them for no good reason at all, and also having him kept away from the absolute angel grandparents, even though the grandparents expressed desires to have him until the Court could resolve its problems, .... having their child and grandchild ripped away from them ripped a gigantic hole in their souls. It also ripped a hole in mine.

    After "legal time was up," and the parents continued to "not deal with the reason the child came to the attention of CPS," i.e., not admit that they "shook" the child, he/she just had to be given up for adoption for the child's "safety." The child was taken at 5 months. He/She will now soon be 4 years old. The child is fortunately being well cared for by extended family, albeit antagonistic extended family, and the parents and grandparents are not allowed to see even a photograph of their child, or hear the child's voice on the phone or anything. The child has literally been legally kidnapped!

    Yet, we have not given up the fight. Parental rights have been terminated, but the grandparents by law were supposed to be considered for placement before anyone else. They were PURPOSELY passed over and ignored by CPS and the Court. It looked to me as if the Court bowed down to the young, probably single and still wet-behind-the-ears social workers.

    It is completely terrifying that some young snip can take a child away from perfectly good parents based on lies and falsehoods. This is cruel and unusual punishment to the Nth degree. Isn't having your child taken unjustly a punishment worse than death? If a criminal cannot be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law, how can a child be taken from a loving family by administrative courts without due process of law?

    Juvenile Courts follow different rules. They HIDE behind "confidentiality for the protection of the child." BS! This "confidentiality" allows them to exercise their power in an evil, abusive way and get away with it.

  118. Lady in Cal1:42 AM

    Strangely, in dependency court, the standard of proof is ONLY preponderance of evidence, meaning that a judge has to flip a coin. 51% versus 49%. And no perpetrator even has to be identified! In our case, since the judge decided that the baby was shaken, and since no one confessed, that was enough for the judge to take the child completely away. He didn't need to prove abuse or who did it. He just had to believe ever so slightly more than not believe that abuse happened, and he got to take the baby.

    Is that crazy? Again, in all "criminal" prosecutions, according to the 5th amendment of the US Constitution, "no person shall be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law." Yet, in a NON-criminal prosecution, because CPS cases are considered civil cases, you CAN be deprived of your very own baby without due process of law! And you can't tell anyone about it, because it's all "confidential." REALLY?

    Wake up! CPS and the Juvenile Courts are WAY, WAY, WAY out of control, and people, MANY innocent people, are suffering greatly for it. It is domestic terrorism of the worst kind. The fact that some young snip can take your kids away just because! And then you have to try to PROVE your INNOCENCE to get them back, but of course the court is never wrong, so you CAN'T be innocent. It will make the Court look bad, so you HAVE to admit you did what they say you did. But if you do, you only strengthen them. And they WON'T give you your kids back.

    No, this system MUST be brought down!

  119. Today I received yet another saddening call from my 12 yr old daughter.she was assumed into care when she was 7.And Buckland and Sonia Baxtor,two CPS workers from N.S.W said I raped my daughter and my partner at the time.and she was in danger of us...they never could substantiate their claims.but kept my baby any way.these two same workers who let a 3yr old die at Wyong in the Donna Deeves case,stole my daughter in order to save their own asses and place her in the care of a man who is not her father and regularly bashes my daughter.they with the help of none biological father made a shit load of bull shit allogations and won without none biological father punched my daughter in the mouth and split her lip.....I rang the police and because there are current court orders in place stating Bella is to reside with him until she turns 18 they won't to a damn thing....he asulted a minor and yet the police officer said oh you know how 12 yr old girls are.she is just emotionally manipulating you that's all,but yes I saw her here last week.she seemed fine.although she did tell our female officer Dawn at Narooma police station she wants to go back to foster care and not back to Kevin... But we made arrangements for her to stay at a friends house that night instead..... What will it take for some one to save my better bloody not take a body bag like so many other sad cases....I wouldn't survive that....can any body help?

  120. to the Anonymous person who thinks that these comments are full of shit and that CPS helps people and that the reason children are wrongfully taken is that they tell lies...Well I have news for you, My nephew and nieces are all under the age of five, they are too young to fabricate stories, they were coaxed into saying what CPS wanted them to say. and now they are in foster care when there was not a shred of evidence that anything bad had happened to them, no bruises, no signs of trauma, but now they are traumatized because they rarely get to see their parents. So get off you're fucking high horse and listen to actual stories of what CPS is doing to families, rather than wearing rose colored glasses and being blind to the world around you

  121. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Crazy if your kids wants to come home let them. If there is no danger in the house let the kids go home to their parent and family. The fact that they give a time limit to get your kids back or loose them is crap. My kids have been in foster for 0ver 18 months they both want to come home. I took all the classes and yet they say I didn't make enough of a change and keep my kids in foster. Clearly they don't care what my kids wishes are. Why all because I texted their dad who had been convicted of something and he wanted to help me with money. Uhh, they got pissed and said I was still in a relationship and acted as if I was moving him back in. The judge think she's psychic by saying "Im just waiting for cps to get off my back then I am going to move him back" That is a load of crap and I have never ever hurt my kids. Cps makes up the worse case actions in their minds and always think the sickest most dangerous of situations. CPS causes the kids more pain and trauma with their own sicko thoughts. I am a good parent and they have no right labeling a parent as unfit unless you beat a kid starved them or something of that nature. I am not in reunification no longer but I will never ever give up on my babies and yes you bet they will come home!!!

  122. its all about money. these places would not exist if they didn't kidnap kids. they have a quota to fill every month. I haven't figured out where they get caseworkers but its obvious they have no kids of their own.

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  124. CPS came to our door and we would not let them in. They came back with a judges order to remove the child no reason. We were later told since we didn't allow them in they had to make sure the child was alright. The little boy was home three months and thriving, healthy and happy. Yes CPS illegally kidnapped my son. And yes caseworkers purge themselves, they blocked my dad from entering the court because he knew the judge and was trying to expose these frauds as the criminals they are. Kosciusko county, Warsaw, Indiana for sure needs investigated and all children taken away illegally should be immediately returned to their parents. This is really human trafficking and the U.S. needs to stop this abusive corrupt system.

  125. Carmen I am going through a very similar three kids we're from 2,8 and 10.I believe every word you have written.I'm so sorry this happened to our children and to us.Good luck in Texas.the system is just as corrupt here in California.

  126. Carmen I am going through a very similar three kids we're from 2,8 and 10.I believe every word you have written.I'm so sorry this happened to our children and to us.Good luck in Texas.the system is just as corrupt here in California.

  127. Carmen I am going through a very similar three kids we're from 2,8 and 10.I believe every word you have written.I'm so sorry this happened to our children and to us.Good luck in Texas.the system is just as corrupt here in California.

  128. Anonymous9:42 PM

    I'm so sick of you caseworkers, knowing what happened to me as a single mom with a son that i loved so much, he changed my life. I was a drug user , my dad was a drug dealer and my life wasn't great but when i was 32 years old i quit doing drugs for 3 months when i found out i was going to have a baby, i was the happiest person in the world i left my city just in case i was tempted , but i wasn't.
    My boy was born , i moved back home to the city , i was going to college and my life was good. Then i saw this old friend that knew me from the old days on the bus told her i had a boy , going to school and i was happy. After that bus ride my life changed cps was at my door they took my son and i never knew where he was or what i had to do who to call for 2 weeks , if i didn't go to the court house to ask what i have to do to find my boy, i wouldn't of known that i had court that next day. When they came and stole my son , it was because of my past and who my dad use to be, i never have done drugs since i quit , but i never got my son back either and i will fight tooth and nail to agree with the fact that they are not there for families , they are there to make money only. They told me if i wanted my son home i had to quit school to do their programs and then i would get him home ... Lies Lies 16 years later he came home to me and they are still trying to take him away from me and i have had a bad life before , but i grew up when he was growing in my belly and i thank god today we are together and you workers are the worst people ever how could you lie or treat people badly because of the parents past, the past is in the past like you never done something wrong in your life but you changed should i punish u for that and never give you that chance god gave me. I hate you people and i can't for give you for taking my frists away with my son it's unforgivable.

    from a mother that never had a chance

  129. Anonymous1:29 AM

    My Daughter got approached by DHS Child protection 3 weeks ago around the end of January 2016 at her Dads house, when the DHS worker walked in the house my ex husbands dogs sniffed her and growled at her only her, my granddaughter was nearby, and the worker said these dogs are dangerous remove them from the house, and later on she said there was 11 complaints bout the dogs, well the fact is if the dogs were dangerous or a nuisance dogs the dogs would have been removed by three complaints not 11 complaints, she is making her own rules as times goes on and emotionally my daughter who has two small children, my ex husband went to the council and there was no complaints of his dogs, those dogs are as sweet as pie and they love my daughter kids and they are protective of them, my daughter and her kids were exited out of her family home and put into a friends house her own Mother is well known by DHS abusing her kids when they were young, so that is shrewd. The reason why they came to my daughters house was because her ex boyfriend "The father of her baby son" murdered a 3 month old baby boy, his and Natalie son at that time when that happened he was in my daughter care, so my daughter did not know that her ex boyfriend murdered a baby boy. Now my daughter is at risk of loosing her kids in foster care, my daughter is a great mother, she looks after her kids very well, in health, clothing, food, and loving and caring for them, so how dare DHS do this to my daughter when there are real bad parents out there! This DHS worker has no kids herself and she is looking for an promotion by destroying my daughter and my grandkids life, and she is cold as they come.

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  131. Anonymous11:14 PM

    This is the most idiotic blog I've ever read. It reminds me of everyone in prison being innocent. To portray all CPS workers as evil murderers shows how nuts all of you are. I'm sure the state of Texas never wanted your lying, dysfunctional kids or to deal with your mental health issues.

    1. From experience, these people go through great lengths to destroy good families. Out of all this we have met only one good CPS worker, but then again she is new. I pray you never find pit how real this nightmare is!

  132. I agree with this person for one reason and one reason only I am a former cyfd client when I turned 18 last year I threatened to sue them because I had not received any of my Social security deposit and they had me on many meds not meant for a person of my age and I have friends who have used them for similar reasons as mine right now I have several documents I can use against them right now they take good children and turn them bad to all those who don't believe cyfd and cps to be a criminal group you're wrong I've got several former employees who quit because they saw the corruption. Cyfd currently owes me $23500 and I also have pics from before I entered their custody to 2 yrs after you wouldn't even recognize the child in the first pic to the one in the second

  133. Our daughter was given an antibuotic in 2009, it altered her. We took her to doctor after doctor. They made her worse. We believed the antibiotic caused an imbalance of intestinal yeast. We changed her diet. She was manageable until 2013. She got sick. Had a bad episode. We took her to the ER. She was asmitted. Agust 2014 went to two very corrupted yet recorded hearings. She stated in both hearings she wanted to come home. State lawyer said maybe doctors don't know what is wrong. Her lawyer cried. State got custody. They do not allow anyone to visit. We told her worker the more they deny her the worse she will get. She now believes she is a boy, threatened to kill her craregiver who was hitting her etc.....Now, because the doctors cannot figure out why she is getting worse, they have denied her phone calls aince November, 2015. And....they want us all to do a psych evaluation. Just more good for them to try to destroy. Isn't there anyone who cares?!!!

  134. Our case workers are liers and have manipulated our daughter and fostered and nurtured her illness making her fears and lies into actual statements. They have reported that she did not need the medicine that helped her anxiety and then in another report, cited that her anxiety is dangerously high. They have taken a child that had the been diagnosed with DMDD and the onset of BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER and turned her into a full blown BPD sufferer. They have fought every request from us and her doctors to be evaluated and treated with a higher level of care, or let us enroll her into a program that could help her learn coping skills and to recognize her triggers. She will be 18 in 2 years. Our time is limited to prepare her for life as an adult and they are only increasing her anger and rage. They lie to us and say she doesn't want to see us and then lie to her and say we don't want to see her. She ran away from a foster home and claimed abuse and neglect and when she was found, they placed her back in the home and forbid her to speak to us. The courts do not want to see our proof and actually demanded that we turn over 3 years of journals that she had written documenting all of her drug use, stories of sex with boys and girls, entries about sneaking out and buying and selling drugs. BUT NOT ONE ENTRY IN ANY JOURNAL CONTAINED ANY REPORT OF US EVER HURTING HER! She complains about being grounded, her phone taken away, having to do chores, but NO ABUSE! We were ordered to hand over these journals and destroy any copies we had or had made.
    This is Boise CPS. This is not a violation of our rights? This is abuse of power! During the time that our daughters outbursts and rage worsened, we had a part-time nanny that helped us with our younger child. She had seen everything. Our arguements, our attempts to find a way to discipline our teen that worked. Our constant reach for help through the community, our dedication to trying to help our teen get better. She had seen our teens rage and manipulation, her lack of respect and verbal abuse toward us, her sibling, and herself. She moved out 2 weeks prior to the allegations our teen had made about us after an argument about her tablet being taken away. She still has not been questioned. When we asked why, we were told that prosecutor believed we had relations with her! I mean sexual relations with our 19 year old part time Nanny. This Completely untrue and Horrific idea is disgusting and perverted! How this could ever be the cause of suppressing evidence from the court is beyond me! This mendacious lie told by the prosecutor to our attorney has absolutely no basis or reason, except to discredit her as an eye witness to our falsely accused abuse! This is the type of lie and slander that can ruin lives!
    We need to all fight back! This needs to stop. We are being bullied and harassed and while we try to fight back our children, our legacy, our bloodlines are being stolen from us. We are being erased from their lives and punished for fighting back!

  135. Our case workers are liers and have manipulated our daughter and fostered and nurtured her illness making her fears and lies into actual statements. They have reported that she did not need the medicine that helped her then in another report, cited that her anxiety is dangerously high. They have taken a child that had the been diagnosed with DMDD and the onset of BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER and turned her into a full blown BPD sufferer. They have fought every request from us and her doctors to be evaluated and treated with a higher level of care, or let us enroll her into a program that could help her learn coping skills and to recognize her triggers. She will be 18 in 2 years. Our time is limited to prepare her for life as an adult and they are only increasing her anger and rage. They lie to us and say she doesn't want to see us and then lie to her and say we don't want to see her. She ran away from a foster home and claimed abuse and neglect and when she was found, they placed her back in the home and forbid her to speak to us. The courts do not want to see our proof and actually demanded that we turn over 3 years of journals that she had written documenting all of her drug use, stories of sex with boys and girls, entries about sneaking out and buying and selling drugs. BUT NOT ONE ENTRY IN ANY JOURNAL CONTAINED ANY REPORT OF US EVER HURTING HER! She complains about being grounded, her phone taken away, having to do chores, but NO ABUSE! We were ordered to hand over these journals and destroy any copies we had or had made.
    This is Boise CPS. This is not a violation of our rights? This is abuse of power! During the time that our daughters outbursts and rage worsened, we had a part-time nanny that helped us with our younger child. She had seen everything. Our arguements, our attempts to find a way to discipline our teen that worked. Our constant reach for help through the community, our dedication to trying to help our teen get better. She had seen our teens rage and manipulation, her lack of respect and verbal abuse toward us, her sibling, and herself. She moved out 2 weeks prior to the allegations our teen had made about us after an argument about her tablet being taken away. She still has not been questioned. When we asked why, we were told that prosecutor believed we had relations with her! I mean sexual relations with our 19 year old part time Nanny. This Completely untrue and Horrific idea is disgusting and perverted! How this could ever be the cause of suppressing evidence from the court is beyond me! This mendacious lie told by the prosecutor to our attorney has absolutely no basis or reason, except to discredit her as an eye witness to our falsely accused abuse! This is the type of lie and slander that can ruin lives!
    We need to all fight back! This needs to stop. We are being bullied and harassed and while we try to fight back our children, our legacy, our bloodlines are being stolen from us. We are being erased from their lives and punished for fighting back!

  136. Caprice N. Manos3:08 AM

    I was kidnapped by hospital who falsified my pregnancy records to make it appear that I was not pregnant while I am pregnant. No doubt they wanted to kidnap my babies out of me. They called me delusional and kidnapped me to a psych ward falsifying all kinds of records. Horrifying it was! I was a trained intern investigator and paralegal. I'm military and I eventually was set free by doctors who did not want to participate in the kidnapping. Seven hospitals interstate participated. My quints were due for c sec a week ago and water broke. The justice dept has done nothing after I called and asked for victim assistance to provide me a US Marshal at my side to give birth. I'm in pain daily but cannot go to any hospital at this time because I fear I and my babies will be kidnapped again...obviously if no one is helping the situation.

  137. I need someone's help my son is fixing to be 3 he has been in an out of home safety plan for a year now I've done everything they have asked me to and still they refuse to give me at least unsupervised visits I don't care if I have to sign a consent form for all my information I just want my child back

    1. stop referring to him as a child.. child and children is a legal term.

      Your son is your property.

      Write a note and have a picture of your son on it. like the following,

      "I require the immediate restoration of my property known as "name".

      submit it to the judge and do not refer to your property as child or children.
      When they do rebut them.

      I do not consent to the jurisdiction of this court and require the immediate restoration of my property (James Name)

      Stand fast.

  138. go to youtube: Craig Lynch channel Karl Lentz there is another way. Karl has fought 2x against cps and won. Look up anything Karl Lentz CPS.

  139. gina sladkovskyi6:44 AM

    my son was 7 months old and they took him away from my husband and i. we have no criminal record. my mother use to work for cps and they refused to put her with my mother. its been over 6 months since he was with us. we did drug test, counseling, and a whole lot of other stuff they made us do to get him back. were still hurting

  140. My family just became the latest victim. We were blind to the threat, and now both our children have been stolen, I am being charged with emotional, mental, physical, and sexual abuse, and all without any evidence. I am the father of a 15 year old girl with autism and a 13 year old son with autism. A school social worker coerced my daughter into agreeing with them that I had inappropriately touched my daughter, her boobies to be specific. My daughter later stated the social worker would not let her leave the office until my daughter agreed with what the social worker was trying to fabricate. From there, our lives have been completely destroyed and I fear for the mental health of my children. My daughter had to be taken to the hospital after being interrogated by Kansas DCF; she was hysterical because of what they did to me and to the family as a whole. My wife and I are physically separated to to a restraining order against me. My family knows that DCF created a false scenario, but there is no stopping this crazy train from going off the rails at this point. God help us all.

  141. My family just became the latest victim. We were blind to the threat, and now both our children have been stolen, I am being charged with emotional, mental, physical, and sexual abuse, and all without any evidence. I am the father of a 15 year old girl with autism and a 13 year old son with autism. A school social worker coerced my daughter into agreeing with them that I had inappropriately touched my daughter, her boobies to be specific. My daughter later stated the social worker would not let her leave the office until my daughter agreed with what the social worker was trying to fabricate. From there, our lives have been completely destroyed and I fear for the mental health of my children. My daughter had to be taken to the hospital after being interrogated by Kansas DCF; she was hysterical because of what they did to me and to the family as a whole. My wife and I are physically separated to to a restraining order against me. My family knows that DCF created a false scenario, but there is no stopping this crazy train from going off the rails at this point. God help us all.

  142. This is no joke, this is no game, this is an industry. And not a do-good, social worker to the rescue industry. I am talking about something else, something way beyond daily wrongs and mis judgements that take place in the cps and foster systems. Im speaking of a billion dollar industry particularly affluent throughout the southwest region. This extrememly profitable , no overhead cost business can be boiled down to two things. Human trafficking, ultimately slavery in majority of cases. As well as the sale of newborn infants that just seem to vanish into thin air over night. False testimonies, brain washing, defamation of character...are all miniscule pieces of this puzzle that when the big picture becomes clearer over time you and your spouses will come to realize were just the cornerstones or so called starting point building blocks of multiple government officials, law enforcement officers,and sick power drunk puppet masters that are less then conspicous when putting a price on your 9 year old son and 6 year old niece. I speak from experience , from research, from delving down as deep as possible into the sick underbelly of Phoenix ,Arizona. Where rules dont apply to those who have titles in front of there names. Attorney General, Sherriff, Deputy, Detective, Dr. I feel like Ive spoke to assertively maybe got a lil amped up.I stepped over that imaginary line in the Sonoroa Desert however, that line that draws attention....too much attention for someone like me who has been scrubbing his memory every single day for 5 years. Hiding from the law man, the lobbyist, the friendly councilwoman. Trying to desperately erase the unbearable acts taking place all over the valley of the sun , down to serene, quiet desert land between the Avondale raceway and mexico border. I pray for all your loved ones, all your children, may they never be subjected to the heinous acts of the sick evil indescriable scum who stealthly go by the affiliation midnight productions. May the Lord show no mercy upon you. May you hurt from deep inside your soul, and may it radiate all the way to the to the edges of your skin. I know I neednt pray for your lack of serenity, for i know that the scarce sleep gnaws away at the small grains of sanity you have left. Your conscious cold and numbing, your heart too froze to ever thaw. But just remember this gentleman, while each child walks with the Messiah,Lord,Savior, Jesus Christ. Through there short and tragically no longer puritan life. Your end comes creepying CLOSER, and your terrified, i know im right, because cowards prey on children, and for the evil sins of the flesh divide. All saintly children and repentant sinners will soon sit by the Lord in eternal light

  143. Anonymous2:09 PM

    few things that need to be done
    1st, Understand that Child, Children, are legal definitions. they are written into the acts and statutes. they are when talked about from the court are legally defined. your "children" are considered of the state by definition and name that you agree and place them in with any of the documents you sign with CPS or the court.


    DO NOT refer to them as child or children in court .


    Your offspring are your property. They take your name you created them you and your partner .. they belong to you until they are old enough to make there own decisions and choices. some countries say this is 16. others say its 18. eitherway they are your PROPERTY until this time.

    My car my boat my kids etc(get the picture?)

    now it is a property rights issue and is necessary for you to obtain your property back. the only legal hold the government has is when you refer to your offspring as legal entities thus the state takes control and removes your right to them legally.

    Understand property rights. Black laws dictionary.

    Print a picture or your offspring, if have multiple then print all the pictures of the number that have been legally kidnapped.

    Write the following note.

    I do not consent to the jurustiction of this court and waive the benefits, I require of you to immediately restore my property known as (short name),

    When they refer to the kid as a child Rebut them and refer to him/her as Property.

    The paper printed with the note is handed up to the Judge. have it put in the court file.

    no mater what stop refering to them as children or child in the kangaroo courts.

    you are the property rights holders of your kids, you created them you named them .. only the legalese can trap you.. and if you remove consent of the court and stop jumping through there hoops.. and require the property returned, then what power have they..

    Believe this when i say..

    The Kids are removed by your Consent. Stop giving it to them.

    1. Anonymous4:43 PM

      It did happen to me, I allowed a former friend to be my child's (Godmother), she wanted to babysat right away after he was born, but I told her NO! he was to young and I would call her, if I needed her when he is little older, so by 19 months old I gave her a call, so she could babysat; while I went to an orientation abut going back to work, she wouldn't return my child, I went to her home, she wouldn't answer the door, I called her phone she wouldn't answer, so I called the police dept. to report kidnapping case, but the officer said it was legal the way she gotten my child, by this time the following Monday she took my child to (CPS)and lied and said I had giving her my child, from what the social worker said, when he called me to let me know my child was in foster care, so I had to work that off for the return of my child I completed all of the classes in three months, but my child wasn't return until a year later, then two year later my child is 5yrs. old he told me that his dad and three other family members was molesting him, he didn't know that word, so he told me everything in details now (CPS) took my child again saying he is never coming home, they don't believe any of the details, so they flipped the script on me his mother using my disability against me

  144. Anonymous4:48 PM

    I would like too know is there any kind of help for parents like us that get taking advantage of!

  145. I would like to speak to that author. My child was removed absent any imminent anything 3 years. I am looking for guidance on how to file a color of law lawsuit etc and one for warrantless seizure.

  146. Anonymous9:22 PM

    Fuck dcfs im going thru depression and i can take this anymore i had my job for 5 years my boys where the only thing pushing me to do better i love them with all my heart i miss them so much ever since they took them i fell in to a black hole i dont know what to do i feel lost im about to do something dumb im sorry nathan joevany bustamante cabellon age 6 june5 rowyn guillermo bustamante sep 14 age 4 and adrian jayden bustamante age 2 march 3

  147. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Who do I call for help getting my son out of foster care.

  148. Anonymous4:09 PM

    All I know is it's a Big Business taking away kids...

  149. Anonymous4:26 AM

    Never sign anything from DCF without the direct advice of a PAID lawyer, Many court-appointed lawyers are part of this gov't "cash for kids" child trafficking ring. If you sign a safety plan, you are admitting that your home and/or your children are not safe.
    when you sign a service plan, you are admitting that you are guilty of abuse and/or neglect. YOU ARE SIGNING NOT ONLY A CONTRACT, BUT YOU ARE SIGNING AN ADMISSION OF GUILT, even though there is no indication on their paperwork that you are actually signing a contract. If DCF has custody of your child, always refer to your children as your "real property" wich was stolen from you and you demand that your property be returned to you immediately and without delay.
    Never let dcf in your home unless warranted. By letting them in your home you give them an opportunity to say that your home is a mess, untidy, that they saw alcohol, and medications visible and within reach of child, no child locks on cabinets, open windows where a child could fall out, etc. DCF shows up at your door for only one reason, to find evidence that you are an unfit parent and that your home is not safe for a child, that you dont speak appropriately to your child, etc.
    If your home is neat and tidy and you are an excellent mom then many DCF investigators and social workers will simply fabricate evidence to use against you in court. 90% of DCF workers and investigators are corrupt-rotten to the core. They live in their own matrix and choose to ignore the spiritual realm in which we all truly live. Yes there are some DCF employees who care about children and families. Do you really want to play Russian roulette with your children and family by letting a DCF employee into your home? If they had enough evidence to kidnap your child, they would have shown up with a court order and police. the fact that the social worker showed up alone indicates they don't have enough evidence to commit a court ordered kidnapping of your child.
    Whenever DCF shows up at your door without a warrant, give them your lawyers business card and tell The dcf worker to contact your lawyer. If you are low income, jobless, on disability, or live in low income housing or a poor neighborhood, DCF will prey on you upon the first complaint they receive. once DCF has custody of your child, it is highly possible that your child will suffer irrepairable
    emotional and psychological harm of which no amount of intensive trauma therapy can fix.
    Once DCF obtains custody , they will attempt to alienate you from your child, and say nasty things about you to your child.
    My investigation of DCF employees in Worcester, MA. office indicates that some of these workers had suffered traumatic childhoods including rape and incest and therefore prey on children in vengeance for their own destroyed childhood.
    A high percentage of Worcester, MA. DCF workers are not married, have no children and haven't got the slightest clue about childcare and what it takes to be a good parent.
    Be relentless in continuously contacting your state representatives, state Senators and governor by telephone. Only use email and U.S. mail as a last option.Also Write a letter to President Trump via Certified U.S. Mail with return receipt.
    Don't ever give up fighting for your child. You are your childs lifeline.
    Corrupt Worcester, MA. DCF workers have sold their soul to the Devil.
    There is nothing worse that a human can do than to hurt a child or to make a decision that results in the harm of a child.
    In the words of Jesus, it would be better if that person would hang a millstone around their own neck and be tossed into the ocean than for that person to hurt a child.
    Please pray for the conversion of all D.C.F. workers in the United States.

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