Legally Kidnapped
Friday, April 30, 2010
Homeless mom of 12 still won't answer judge, remains in jail
Angel Adams, the homeless mother of 12 dependent children who was jailed Thursday because she refused to testify whether she is pregnant with her 16th child, again refused to answer the question today and was ordered back to her cell.
Windsor CAS sued after mom charged with having sex with foster son
Birth mother wants $450,000 in damages for teen son
Michigan's Surrogacy Laws Compared
After years of infertility, Amy Kehoe and her husband decided to construct her own child using reproductive technology. She handpicked a gestational carrier, an egg donor and sperm donor, all the pieces needed for her and her husband to have a baby of their own. During this process, the Kehoe's paid for all the medical procedures because "under Michigan's law, commercial surrogacy is punishable by five years in prison and a $50,000 fine" (Michigan HRC).
More lawsuits fly in foster-mom sex abuse case
The Windsor-Essex Children's Aid Society has been slapped with yet another lawsuit related to allegations that a foster mother had a sexual relationship with a 14-year-old boy placed in her care.
Medication cocktails: Suicide of 7 year-old foster boy, was Wayne Treacy prescribed meds?
Medication cocktails prescribed by psychicans are coming into question recently through legislation proposed by Senator Ronda Storms. Senator Storms, who has been extremely vocal about her concern that doctors are relying far too heavily on drugs to manage troubled foster kids, said doctors still will have to seek consent from a judge, and the bill will better protect children.
Texas Senate examining schools' use of discipline
The father of a 14-year-old Klein student who was handcuffed to a bench and booked on criminal charges after being accused of drawing on a bathroom wall is scheduled to testify in Austin Thursday before a Senate committee examining school disciplinary practices.
Fired investigator: withhold judgment until all facts available
The fired child abuse investigator accused of falsifying reports has asked people withhold judgment until all the facts are available.
York County couple going to trial for adopted son's death
Forensic pathologist: "He looked like he was starved to me"
Battle For Hannah
Jeff and Carols Tomlinson's dream was to adopt and give a child loving home. Unfortunately, their dream turned into a nightmare when they discovered the adoption they thought was legitimate was illegal.
Note: Awww, they won their black market baby.
Eagan student testifies in Washington, D.C. on foster care
U.S. Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) invited Eagan High School senior Kayla VanDyke to testify before the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee hearing today (Thursday, April 29) regarding special populations and education reform.
Burleson attorney gets 90 days of jail in plea deal
A Burleson attorney was sentenced to 90 days in jail and five years' probation Thursday for falsifying court documents in a Johnson County divorce case and in an unrelated breach-of-contract lawsuit.
Preventing failed adoptions: Prospective parents need more info on childhood trauma
Note: The best way to prevent failed adoptions is to stop stealing our children!
There were days, Jodi Bean admits, when she imagined doing far worse things to her adopted daughter than buying her a one-way ticket back to Belarus.
Foster Care: Do You Have a Little Love to Share?
This is the one month of the year, where the Child Protective Industry honors it's warehousing division and focuses on recruitment and child liquidation campaigns by promoting the wrong message of "Love" and "Happily Ever After" to desperate infertile's, child loving loony tune's and parent bashing, self-righteous hypocrites of all shapes and sizes.
And we here at Legally Kidnapped will join right in on the fun and festivities and continue exposing the child protective industry for what it really is.
Thanks to our System Suck friends over at Families Supporting Adoption who have generously provided us with a great list of System Sucks to mess with in a post entitled, Foster Care: Do You Have a Little Love to Share?
And you can make a little money too!
Investigators: Starved to Death in State Care
For several months, the Action News Investigators dug deep into Michigan’s tragically-flawed foster care system. During our investigation, we uncovered the heartbreaking story of a 10-year-old boy who starved to death while a facility banked cash to care for him.
Foster Kid Jokes
On the heals of Child Abuse Propaganda Month comes National Foster Contractor Glorification Month.
Florida gets to continue drugging their foster children.
Note: Of course! These assholes are making so much money off of the Medicaid Fraud that they'll do whatever it takes to keep the cash coming in.
The product of state child welfare administrators' half-year of soul-searching, a bill to protect foster kids from powerful mental health drugs is killed by doctors.
'Abuse and violence' of foster dad
A MAN spoke out in a court this week about how he was allegedly abused, both sexually and physically, by his former foster father in Hucknall 20 years ago.
Troubled Adoptions: Why? What to do?
In recent weeks there has been a fair amount of attention given to troubled adoptions. This has, in turn, been unsettling to individuals with infertility who ultimately are considering adoption as an option for future parenthood. The media's attention to the mid-April return to Russia of 7 year old Artem Saveliev by his Tennessee adoptive mother has ballooned beyond this one situation to a host of articles and TV coverage on "adoptions gone sour." The formal term for the ending of a legal adoption is "disruption," but the stories behind these unanticipated family sorrows are causing many readers to think more carefully about the possible risks associated with adoption. So why might an adoption become problematic? And when it does, what resources do adoptive parents have?
Note: It's a new child marketing angle. Step right up! Get a kid! Satisfaction guaranteed. If it don't work out, return them.
Of course, that would be a much more complicated process for real parents.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Child Starves as Foster Home Banks Cash
All she wanted was help caring for her wheel-chair bound son Johnny. The state’s answer was to put him in a foster care facility. Johnny’s mom would have preferred to have someone help her at home, but the state offers limited home-care services. A year after Johnny was in foster care, the 10-year-old boy starved to death.
Foster children left in dangerous home: advocate
Two boys were left behind in a foster home where there was mounting evidence of physical abuse, Saskatchewan's Children's Advocate says.
Windsor teen to testify at foster mother's sex assault hearing
A foster mother charged with having sex with a 14-year-old boy placed in her home intends to have the boy testify at her preliminary hearing.
Fight The New World Order with Global Non Compliance
Understand your enemy, and understand the weapons they use. Then use those same weapons against them. The money system is the head of the snake. Cut the head off the snake and the rest of it will whither and die. There need be No violence, no guns, no banners, no slogans, no group think, just a united act of global non compliance. Remember that it is much easier to fight for principles than to live up to them and it takes a far braver man to stand up for what is right and spit in the face of authority than it does to blindly follow orders due to fear of the consequences. Understand that we are all one and the key to real change and unity in this world lies with love. It is time for the people of the world to stop and realise that the divisions that supposedly exist amongst us are an illusion. There IS NO division and its time for everyone to understand the truth of this. It is through the constantly promoted illusion of division that the system is able to function but in order for it to do so, it needs public compliance. Stop complying with it and you will shut it down. Its time for us all to collectively stand together and address the root cause of the problems. Everyone.
Note: Happy Child Abuse Propaganda Month.
Homeless mom of 12 held in contempt; kids put in foster care
A homeless mother of 12, whose comments about family welfare agencies not doing enough to help her polarized the community, was held in contempt of court at a hearing today and her children were put into foster care.
Harris County judge charged with family violence
A Harris County probable cause court magistrate has been charged with family violence after being accused of hitting a woman he was dating Tuesday.
Three-year-old boy arrested as suspected terrorist in France
A three-year-old was arrested as a suspected terrorist and held at a French police station for more than two hours, it emerged today.
S.C. DSS Fails Federal Child Welfare Standards
The S.C. Department of Social Services failed to meet all seven federal benchmarks measuring the agency’s ability to serve abused and neglected children, according to a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services report.
Soliman: After DCF, teens need greater assistance
AS LAW students serving in the legal clinics of the Rutgers School of Law, my wife and I had the opportunity to represent clients in the foster care program of the Department of Children and Families (formerly known as the Division of Youth and Family Services). I learned that there are many caring people who are sincerely committed to the well-being of children who need their help. I had one such client like that, an elderly woman who has helped out dozens of children over the years.
Russia and US discuss adoptions
Russia and the US have held talks in Moscow over the adoption of Russian orphans by American families, which were suspended this month.
Manitoba child welfare system should shoulder blame for child's death: lawyer
A Manitoba woman should be given house arrest for the death of her great-nephew and the province's child welfare system should be held responsible, her lawyer said Wednesday.
Adoption dream unlikely at Russian orphanage
Though Oksana is 4 years old, she is much shorter than other children who are a year younger. She barely talks, and yet doesn't hesitate to climb up in her puffy dress to sit next to a visitor on a couch, after flashing an impish smile.
Racine Social Worker Fired for Allegedly Filing False Abuse Reports
Authorities are investigating a former Racine County Human Services Department employee accused of filing false reports on child abuse cases he never investigated.
The Baby P blame game reveals that social work reform has taken a turn for the worse
The tragedy of Baby Peter led to a much-needed rethink of child protection: it's important we don't lose sight of what good social work involves, says Sue White
'Chaotic' child protection worker struck off
A social worker who exposed children to "extended risk of harm" by failing to follow child protection procedures has been struck off by the General Social Care Council.
Adopting a child in Russia takes 40 minutes
Timur giggled as he held on to his playpen to hold himself up. He looked like the healthy babies common in TV ads. "The doctor said his muscles need exercise," his mother, Yulia Kolesnichenko (31) explained. "In the orphanage he did nothing but lie in bed all day for the first four months of his life. He barely moved."
Why Bullock's Baby is a Public Relations Blessing
News of Sandra Bullock's adoption of Louis Bardo Bullock, a black baby boy from New Orleans, may just be rolling out, but Bullock has had little Louis, named for Louis Armstrong, since January. Actually, Bullock and soon to be ex-husband Jesse James began adoption proceedings together well before tabloids exposed his numerous extramarital exploits. Now, Bullock, who also announced that she has filed for divorce in a People exclusive, is moving forward with raising 3 ½-month-old Louis on her own.
Irish grandparents must wait to adopt their abandoned grandchild
Irish grandparents must wait to adopt their abandoned grandchild.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Jon Gosselin to drop bitter custody and child support lawsuit against ex-wife Kate Gosselin
In a shocking twist of events, Jon Gosselin is playing nice with his ex-wife.
Sandra Bullock On Keeping Adoption A Secret: "It Was Like A CIA Mission"
Sandra Bullock is ready to tell the world about her new baby boy, Louis Bardo Bullock, but until now the entire adoption process has flown under the radar. The Oscar-winning actress reveals to People Magazine:
Marengo woman charged with hitting foster child

Marengo woman charged with hitting foster child
A McHenry County woman is facing a felony battery charge alleging she struck her 11-year-old foster daughter last week, leaving the child with a black eye.
Andrew Klavan: The New York Times Answer Man
From high in the New York Times newsroom, Andrew Klavan indulges the reading public with answers to their silly, silly questions. Watch and comment here.
Note: Happy Child Abuse Propaganda Month!!!
Defendants want SD abuse case dismissed
Those accused of putting a South Dakota foster child in a situation where she was likely to be sexually abused have denied being responsible for any alleged mistreatment.
Former Regina youth worker sent to prison for sexually assaulting children
A former Regina youth worker has been sentenced to 4 1/2 years in prison for what a judge called the "deplorable" act of sexually assaulting young boys.
Identity fraud scheme targeting foster care and adoptive parents
In a new incident proving – as if more evidence was needed – that one of the biggest data security threats comes from the inside, an administrative tech of the Texas Child Protective Services in Houston decided to steal data on potential foster care and adoptive parents and use it to apply for credit cards. Together with an outside accomplice, they had used the stolen information to apply for said credit cards at various stores.
Ed's Balls will be judged by the sad legacy of the Baby P case
The hysteria in Haringey that culminated in the removal of Sharon Shoesmith helped to trigger an unplanned explosion in the number of children on child protection registers and taken into care
Sandra Bullock: I Secretly Adopted a Son, Filed for Divorce
Sandra Bullock has dropped a different kind of bombshell than her estranged husband, Jesse James.
Michael Lohan: Dina Has 2 Weeks To Talk
Michael Lohan's issuing a deadline to his ex-wife Dina Lohan -- giving her just over two weeks to sit down and talk about Lindsay and Ali -- before he drags New York State into the war of the Lohans.
End the gravy train for the poster child of welfare reform
She's everything wrong with the system. She's fodder for anyone wanting to yank government aid from people who truly are needy. She's exactly the problem and she's here in Florida.
Note: I post what's there. This demonstrates the universal mentality.
Foster care provider charged
A 71-year-old Manitowoc man has admitted molesting a 4-year-old girl for whom he had provided respite foster care, according to a criminal complaint.
Correction: Children overdosed during Pfizer drug study; FDA issues warning
Legal news for drug-related injury attorneys. FDA issues warning to Pfizer for faulty testing procedures in drug trials.
Judge: Boy abandoned in NYC to return to Florida in care of child services
A 3-year-old boy abandoned at St. Patrick's Cathedral will return to Florida but must remain in the care of child-welfare officials because the case needs further investigation, a family court judge in New York City ruled Tuesday.
25% of Convicted Child Sex Offenders Worked With Children
Over two million indecent images of children have been recovered in the last 20 months, and 100 offenders convicted of possessing and distributing them.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
The hidden damage of psychiatric drugs
An award-winning science reporter looks at the history of mental illness in America -- with disturbing results
Dad who tried to take kids from Japan sues judge
A Tennessee man who was arrested in Japan when he tried to take his children back from his ex-wife is suing the local judge and an attorney who handled the divorce.
Boy's Grandfather: N.YC. Reunion Was 'fantastic'
The grandparents of a 3-year-old Florida boy abandoned at St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York inched closer to gaining temporary custody Monday as they attended a family court hearing in the city.
Dr. Kevin Leman
Ever think about your child's attitude, behavior or charater? Well in FIVE days, Dr. Kevin Leman can help you change your kid's attitude, behavior and character just by reading his book.
Adoptive father pleads not guilty to molestation
A former hospital director accused of sexually molesting his adopted son for 10 years pleaded not guilty Tuesday to the charges, according to published reports.
Judge: Grandparents can't take boy left in NYC
A family court judge has ruled that a toddler abandoned at St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City will return to Florida in the care of child services - not with his grandparents.
Report: Jailed Moms Lose Custody Of Kids
A new report by the University of Kentucky says mothers who receive a jail or prison sentence in this state stand a good chance of losing custody of a child.
Gosselin kids get permits to work on mom's new show
Kate Gosselin's eight children are cleared to work on their mom's newest reality TV show, "Kate Plus 8," according to a spokesman for the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry.
In Lawsuit on Adoption, Focus Is on Disclosure
Scores of complaints have been made in recent years against agencies that broker adoptions by people claiming they were inadequately informed or ill-prepared for problems their children turned out to have.
LA judge says parents of disabled woman can seek ruling for her to visit her children
A mother who is unable to move or speak — and possibly to understand — is the focus of an unusual, emotional court case to decide if she has visitation rights with her 3-year-old triplets.
Michael Lohan Threatens To Report Dina To Child Protective Services
M.L. is responding to Dina’s claim that he’s trying to “save” Lindsay because he wants to leech off his daughter’s bank account. On this one, Dina is missing the boat … because Lindsay is broke. Dina isn’t acknowledging it, but multiple sources involved in her finances say it’s so.
A question asked on Yahoo Answers
My Dr recommended I leave the job due to my health.I filed for unemployment while i look for another job. My phone interview is scheduled for next week, what should i expect during the interview?
It's none of Europe's business whether we smack our children
On a list of words and phrases that have mutated beyond all meaning in recent years, “human rights” must come near the top. Originating out of various strands of thinking which emerged from antiquity, Christianity and the Anglo-American politics of the 17th and 18th century, it has come to mean almost the opposite – total state control over people’s lives.
Children taken because of mentally ill brother
A couple in Kamloops had their three youngest children removed by the B.C. government after they gave shelter to their violent, mentally ill adult son, who had been turned away from government care.
Calgarian fears for son's safety in U.S. foster care
The Calgary mother of a boy in foster care in Oregon is organizing a protest outside Calgary's downtown federal building as well the U.S. Consulate for Mother's Day to pressure officials on both sides of the border to take action in the case.
Children of divorced parents sometimes taken unnecessarily into foster care
Many fathers around Finland are fighting to keep children who are in foster care, even though they have joint custody agreements with the mothers.
Dead boy's neighbor: 'I called CPS ... Nothing happened.'
Sheriff's deputies are still investigating the suspicious death of a 4-year-old Bakersfield boy.
Meanwhile, several people who say they knew the little boy had been worried about his safety and even went as far as calling Child Protective Services.
Note: Now here's one of my favorite tricks that the media and the Child Protective Industry is able to spin-doctor and utilize to their advantage. The good old, "I called CPS and they didn't do anything" trick. This reduces to, "CPS didn't do enough to protect that one child." Which in many cases is impossible for them to do, but the sheep expects otherwise and cry out against the agencies, which in the end becomes financially beneficial to the agencies and to the System Sucks.
Workers typically have their own response to such a claim against them. The old faithful, "We're damned if we do and damned if we don't," argument. A few have even uttered these very words in the comments section of Legally Kidnapped. And still my answer is the same...
These idiots can't get it right either way.
You know, it's not our fault that workers are incompetent, it's not our fault that truly abusive parents are able to fool them into believing that nothing is wrong, when in fact there is, and it's certainly not my fault that these reporters can't seem to say the right things on their phone call to the hotline so that they get screened out. And perhaps with the proper eduLKtion, someday the world will come to realize that not every child will be saved. The truth is not always easy to accept. But it is the truth. So you do what you can, right?
CPS will eventually respond to the public outcry by saying that they don't have enough resources and the great broke state of California or the county, whatever will be forced to pump in more money.
Thus they will be able to take more kids into foster care.
Happy Child Abuse Propaganda Month.
Girl, 14, accused of murdering 'sex attacker' days after charges against him were dropped
A girl of 14 has been charged over the suspected 'vigilante' murder of a man she had accused of a sex assault.
Filipino Family Wins Montreal Court Case Over Son's Use Of Utensils
A Filipino migrant family in Canada won a Montreal court case over the son’s use of utensils. Luc Gagadoc, who is a student of the Margeurite Bourgeoys School Board in Pierrefonds-Roxboro, was reprimanded by the lunch hall monitor in 2006 for eating his lunch using a spoon and fork.
The monitor described the way Gagadoc used his utensils – which is the traditional way Filipinos eat – as “eating like a pig.” The school principal advised Gagadoc’s mother, Maria Theresa Gallardo, to teach him how to eat like a Canadian, by using a fork and knife instead.
Note: You see folks, when political correctness crosses that line it becomes Chronic Anal-Retentivity Disorder. This case is a classic example. (What are the chances of getting my new diagnosis into the DSM-V?).
CPS worker accused of stealing personal info
They wanted to start families and be mothers and fathers to children in need of a loving home. Now dozens of people who wanted to adopt have had their trust broken. Those potential foster parents have become victims of identity theft and the source of the crime came from the last place they expected.
Hold on to your lunch!
Local mom says foster parenting very rewardingYes, I've often wondered that myself. Just what is it that makes one want to be a foster parent?
What would make a person who worked with kids all day long want to become a foster parent, some might wonder.
Caputa didn’t find the question at all baffling. She said that most people become foster parents because of love.And you can make a little bit of money doing it too.
“People become foster parents because they have so much love to give and the children who come into foster care need so much love. It’s such a good match,” she said.
She goes on to say...
It’s not easy being a foster parent. Caputa said, adding that there are challenges around every corner, but love overpowers the negative.
This certainly isn't normal.
Happy Child Abuse Propaganda Month.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Foster mother target of lawsuit amid sex charges
A mother who says she turned her teenage son over to the Children's Aid Society to get him needed help is suing after his foster mother was charged with having a sexual relationship with him.
Romanian Foster Mother Requests Annulment Of Autistic Child Adoption
A Romanian woman, who in 1999 became the foster mother of a girl she thought healthy, asked Monday that the Romanian Office for Adoptions (ORA) help her annul the adoption of the autistic child, while adoption authorities say this is not possible.
Children Who Watch R-rated Movies More Likely to Drink Alcohol
If your kids are going out to see R-rated movies, they might also be prone to drinking alcohol, according to a study from Dartmouth Medical School in Hanover, N.H.
Ont. foster mother target of lawsuit amid charges of sexual impropriety
A mother who says she turned her teenage son over to the Children's Aid Society to get him needed help is suing after his foster mother was charged with having a sexual relationship with him.
Houston CPS worker accused in ID theft scam
Potential foster care and adoptive parents are the latest victims in an identity fraud scheme, organized in part by a Texas Child Protective Services worker in Houston, according to prosecutors.
“Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act”
The Nebraska legislature has given final approval to a new law banning abortion after 20 weeks gestation on the basis that an unborn child feels pain at that age...."
Child Protection Services to Go After Lindsay
The Lohan family drama continues! Lindsay Lohan’s father Michael Lohan is convinced (and he’s probably right!) that Lindsay is a bad influence on his younger daughter Ali Lohan and is planning on getting child protection services involved if his ex wife Dina Lohan doesn’t step in.
Lawyer in child protection case asks for time
The lawyer representing a woman in a central Newfoundland child protection case asked a court Monday for time to analyze evidence put forward by the Crown.
The Supreme Court on Wednesday made it a little harder for civil rights lawyers to be paid extra for exceptional results.
Number of Children Torn From Their Parents in LA County Soars, Child Advocacy Group Says
The number of children taken from their families in Los Angeles County has soared in the wake of news coverage of high-profile tragedies, a national child advocacy organization reported today.
Girl Gets OK to Have Sex Operation
An Australian court has given permission for a sexually confused teenage girl to have her testicles surgically removed.
Grandparents of St. Patrick's Tot Nervously Await Custody Hearing
Guardians of 3-year-old left at cathedral want to take him back to Florida
Note: So give him back.
State let danger linger after foster kid’s drug death
Denis Maltez, a 67-pound wisp confined to a state-licensed group home, suffered the debilitating effects of his startling drug cocktail.
Best Buy And the Providence Journal Team Up To Support and Promote Child Welfare Fraud!
Well let me state this as clearly and directly as I can. I have no problem with one persons or organizations efforts to raise awareness for a good cause such as the prevention of child abuse and neglect.
What I take issue with is the Child Protective Industries practice of presenting faulty data in effort to misrepresent the numbers so that the problem appears to be much worse then it actually is. So on one hand I applaud the efforts of anybody who actually wants to keep kids safe, but since the presented information promotes a lie, I am required to expose.
So here's a Child Abuse Propaganda Month article that I just came across from Rhode Island...
Wii tournament at Best Buy raises money for Prevent Child Abuse Rhode IslandAnd what a long winded, buttering you up for the bullshit, type of introduction that was for a single paragraph of bullshit...
WARWICK –– A bag of popcorn in his left hand and a nervous smile on his face, Caden Paiva took aim at the bull’s-eye.
The 6-year-old Cranston boy swung his right arm forward, launching the ball toward the dunk tank on the 52-inch television screen. It missed the target by inches.
Without a word, he shrugged off the errant throw, knowing that Sunday night’s Wii carnival would offer many more opportunities for fun.
“We haven’t done anything like this before,” said Steven Faison, general manager for the Bald Hill Road Best Buy that hosted the event, where children and store employees alike competed in a video game carnival to help stop child abuse.
The Wii tournament offered Paiva the chance to win gift certificates to local restaurants and spas. But its primary purpose was to help raise awareness and money for the local nonprofit organization Prevent Child Abuse Rhode Island.
“People are tired of golf tournaments and wine tastings,” said Katherine M. Begin, the nonprofit’s executive director. “I said, ‘We have to do something different.’ ”
Different indeed. A dozen contestants took turns throwing darts and balls at carnival stands that existed only on the massive television screens arranged near the front of the store, which stayed open more than two hours late to host the event. Fifteen employees volunteered their time to offer face painting, free popcorn, and to help run the games.
“We were blown away by their generosity,” Begin said of Best Buy, which also donated $1,000 to her organization.
State and federal lawmakers have designated April as “National Child Abuse Prevention Month.”
In 2009, Rhode Island officials investigated 2,075 child abuse or neglect allegations involving 2,962 children, according to the advocacy group Rhode Island Kids Count. Nearly half the victims were under 6 years old, while a third were 3 or younger.Now, not to beat a dead horse or anything, but the numbers presented here are not representative to the actual number of victims of child abuse or neglect. What this article states is the number of child abuse allegations that were investigated, the number of children involved in such investigations, and the general ages of the children who were investigated. The article fails to state how many of these investigations were actually substantiated, where child abuse or neglect had in fact occurred. The article gives no indication whatsoever that approximately 70% of child abuse investigations in the United States are closed as unsubstantiated, enabling you, the sheep, to presume that if Rhode Island follows the same trends as the rest of the country, that the actual child abuse rates are much less then what is presented here.
Therefore Best Buy and the Providence Journal provides you with faulty data to promote Child Welfare Fraud by not so much fluffing the numbers, but instead presenting the wrong numbers as indicators of the actual rate of child abuse and neglect in the tiny state of Rhode Island.
And once again the presentations blows the issue out of proportion, by presenting a single paragraph of bullshit in what would otherwise be an article about good people having a good time and supporting a good cause.
Back at the carnival, Paiva focused on the balloons on the screen and fired a dart. Missed again.Happy Child Abuse Propaganda Month.
Smiling, he shrugged again. The carnival was far from over.
ADCS survey reveals extent of pressure on child protection
Last week's survey of referrals by the Association of Directors of Children's Services showed the extent to which child protection is under pressure. It revealed a 21% rise in safeguarding social work activities, a 22% increase in child protection plans and a 25% rise in the number of initial contacts.
Order bars dad from discussing polygamy
A Utah father is fighting an order that bars him from sharing his Fundamentalist Mormon views with his children -- or even taking them to this small town he now calls home, where most residents hold a religious belief in polygamy that a judge deemed "harmful."
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Del. Family Services Worker Arrested In Child Rape
An employee with the Delaware Division of Family Services Information Technology department has been arrested after allegedly raping a 12-year-old girl he met online.
Divorced woman studying abroad loses son’s custody
Jawaher was divorced following a turbulent three-year marriage. She was, in line with Shariah, given custody of her son, a ruling that was accepted by the boy’s father.
Flaws found in state child-abuse registries
Combatting child abuse is a cause with universal support. Yet a push to create a national database of abusers, as authorized by Congress in 2006, is barely progressing as serious flaws come to light in the state-level registries that would be the basis for a national list.
IN TODAY'S PRESS: Food stamps, federal assistance a way of life for some local residents
The number of low-income Monmouth and Ocean counties residents using food stamps and seeking assistance for medical bills hit a 10-year high last year, and new applications continued to pour in during 2010's first quarter, officials said.
Pasco schools, state sued over abuse reporting
A Franklin County family is suing the Pasco School District and the state, claiming both failed to respond appropriately when a 12-year-old girl reported she had been sexually abused.
Texas program gives kids a say in picking foster home
On 6 acres just off Interstate 35 in Denton live 60 of the state's most troubled children.
A lifetime of severe abuse, neglect and rejection has made them suicidal, assaultive, even hypersexual.
They are too broken -- and in many cases, too dangerous -- to live in a foster home right now.
Note: But they don't tell you that being bounced around from foster home to institutional setting has a pretty negative effect on these kids as well.
A verdict that clears Ed Balls, but still leaves a nasty taste
An insidious constitutional change in Britain over recent years is the increased power given over to the court of public opinion. This peculiar judicial institution has no basis in law. Its verdicts are declared in tabloid newspapers. The justice it dispenses is summary and often cruel.
Abuse cases push Fresno Co. CPS to breaking point
The following article is no exception.
Abuse cases push Fresno Co. CPS to breaking pointThat is the first line in this article. And as it suggests, the Child Protective Industry is ready to do their part to make an already bad situation even worse.
A bad economy has created a dangerous environment for many Fresno County children.
The article continues on as many others would, by presenting a tidbit of factual information which includes a few numbers hardly presenting a big picture view.
Social workers received a record number of crisis calls alleging child neglect or abuse in Fresno County last year -- including one for a 1-year-old girl who died. Child Protective Services workers responded to 3,800 emergency referrals in 2009 -- a 15% jump over the previous year and the highest total in five years. Non-emergency referrals for child mistreatment were up last year, too.
The jump in Fresno County far exceeded the statewide trend. In the first 10 months of last year, the most recent period available, emergency referrals for child mistreatment across California were up 4% compared to the same period the year before.
- "Social workers received a record number of crisis calls alleging child neglect or abuse in Fresno County last year"
- "including one for a 1-year-old girl who died."
- Child Protective Services workers responded to 3,800 emergency referrals in 2009 -- a 15% jump over the previous year and the highest total in five years.
- The jump in Fresno County far exceeded the statewide trend.
Point 1 suggests that calls to the hotline are up. Thus the crisis is stated.
Point 2 is an emotional trigger, thrown in to ad a sense of urgency and crisis.
Point 3 leaves out the fact that typically around 70% of such investigations are closed as unsubstantiated. Yet the article fails to state how many of these investigations are in fact substantiated, thus the problem of Child Abuse and Neglect APPEARS to be much worse then it actually is, and simple omission of such a fact blows the whole thing out of proportion leading the sheep to believe that there is a lot more child abuse in the world then there actually is.
Point 4 we will cover later in this analysis, as it brings about an interesting point, very similar to what is going on in jolly old England with what is being known as the Baby P Effect.
The number of calls to the child abuse hotline is not an accurate indicator of anything but the rise of Big Brothers Nanny State. Thus the information presented is biased and unfair and the idiots who buy into it don't even realize that it could just as easily happen to them.
The next line in the article is this.
The increase in Fresno County is related to the recession and greater concern about child abuse, county officials say.
And where does this greater concern about child abuse come from? Skipping ahead a bit, we receive somewhat of an explanation...
Abuse and neglect referrals have gone up for two reasons, according to Huerta and Andrea Sobrado, head of CPS. One factor is the January 2009 death of Seth Ireland, which created greater concern in the community about child abuse, they said. Seth was allegedly beaten to death by his mother's boyfriend, Lebaron Vaughn, after CPS and other agencies received earlier reports about alleged abuse. Vaughn and Seth's mother, Rena Ireland, face criminal charges in Superior Court and are scheduled for a hearing Thursday.
Step 1 - There is a horrible and newsworthy case of child abuse where a kid dies at the hands of a parent or step parent, who is in fact abusive or neglectful.
Step 2 - The For-Profit Corporate Media, which regularly uses emotional triggers to keep you interested enough to have your attention when the next commercial comes on, thereby increasing the value of their advertising slots, exploits the hell out of that one case because the sheep are addicted to emotion and will continue to watch in effort go quench their blood thirsty need for gossip.
Step 3 - Some group is so moved or pissed by what happened that they start screaming out. "You don't do enough about child abuse! More needs to be done! A recent case in Kentucky is a good example of the sheep acting on emotionally charged and biased misinformation.
Step 5 - The government pumps more money into the Child Protective Industry.
Step 6 - Repeat. Grow the business.
Please see:
The other reason for the increase is the recession, Huerta and Sobrado said.
In Fresno County, unemployment rose from 10.5% in 2008 to 15.1% last year -- one of the highest rates in the state.
"We're in hard economic times and we've got unemployed parents," Huerta said. "People aren't able to meet the bills. The stress level is huge."
Losing a job is a traumatic event that can become a trigger for child abuse, Sobrado said.
And here is where you should really be concerned. The economy is a very real problem. Good and hard working people have fallen on hard times and there aren't enough resources allocated to help them make it through. Good and hardworking people have been loosing their homes to foreclose. Good and hardworking people can't make the bills. And this bitch is Goddamn right when she says that, "The stress level is huge," and rightly so. But does the Child Protective Industry make it any better for them? No! They come along, accuse you of abuse or neglect, and take the kids away forcing them to get lawyers, and shrinks who suck them dry. So according to this bitch...
Poverty and Hard Times = Child Abuse and Neglect.
So I really hope all of these Self-Righteous Hypocrites loose their own jobs someday so that they can be put into the same position.
After 10 years, Elian custody case fades
When federal agents stormed a home in the Little Havana community, snatched Elian Gonzalez from his father's relatives and put him on a path back to his father in Cuba, thousands of Cuban-Americans took to Miami's streets. Their anger helped elect George W. Bush months later and simmered long after that.

Saturday, April 24, 2010
Brazilian judge orders boy returned to US father
For the second time in four months, a judge has ordered a Brazilian to relinquish custody of a child to his U.S. father.
Foster care provider: Neb. owes more than $1M
An Omaha-based foster care provider that closed last week amid financial problems can't pay its employees for their last weeks of work, saying it's owed more than $1 million from the state.
Social worker files 'whistleblower' suit against state
A state social worker filed a "whistle-blower" lawsuit Friday alleging that Kentucky officials disciplined him because he reported violations by fellow social workers, including the placement of children in the homes of registered sex offenders.
Social worker's suit charges retaliation
A state social worker from Madison County has filed a lawsuit alleging that he was suspended from his job in retaliation for attempting to report wrongdoing by child protection officials that endangered children — including cases in which children were placed in the custody of known sex offenders.
All from the same state that is going through this just yesterday...
W. Ky. city organizes child abuse protest
So why aren't they bitching about how the Child Protective Industry abuses and endangers children?
Happy Child Abuse Propaganda Month people.
Mentally ill mom can choose son's meds, D.C. appellate court rules
The District's foster care officials were right to refuse to give a mentally ill boy his medication after the boy's biological mother objected, the District's Court of Appeals has ruled.
False accusations of Munchausen by Proxy, The Truth Behind the Label: Part 1 – Diagnosing Munchausen by Proxy
Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy or MSBP is a diagnosis given to a mother or care giver to describe aspects of their behaviour. This behaviour usually includes subjecting what appears to be a previously healthy child to unnecessary and often painful tests or medical interventions i.e.: scans, x-rays and even surgical procedures to gain attention from the medical profession.
The Indiana Child Liquidation Method
And be it Child Abuse Propaganda Month, I am somewhat obligated to celebrate by continuing to point out the bullshit that they present so carefully in an effort to manufacture public support for their cause.
Also, before I give you the link to this article, I would like you to watch a quick video and keep it in mind when reading the article below, because I once again have uncovered a very special kind of foster parent which I would like to point out to you, which I like to call the Loony Tune.
I trust you found that entertaining.
Now I present to you the article which brings about another child liquidation method which I must translate into reality point by point.
Local mother to talk about Indiana Adoption Program
Oh, the life of the only child. Days filled with parental attentions basking your way at the drop of a hat, having your own bedroom and never having to worry about anyone else messing with your toys.Translation to Reality: Ok now this one starts off a little weird. But it is one of the methods they use to butter you up for the punchline.
Is this a sign of heaven on earth, or what?Translation to Reality: Remember what your childhood was like?
"Man, it was boring," said Chandra Ford, an only child. "There was no one else to play with, I was lonely and I was just bored. I would have loved to have another brother or sister. That's part of the reason I became a foster parent. I didn't want my son to have to go through all that boredom."Translation to Reality: I'm an infertile who so desperately wants a large family. I'm using my son as an excuse.
Ford's son, Joshua, 10, doesn't have to worry about all the potential alone time now that the Fords haven't only fostered area children, but are in the processing of adopting one.Translation to Reality: Foster Parenting gives potential adopters the ability to pick and choose.
Unable to have any more children biologically, the Fords decided to focus their enthusiasm toward finding the right siblings for their son and opening their home to children in need.Translation to Reality: See? Infertile and desperate for more children to have and to hold and to hug and to love and to call George.
And they encourage other families to do the same.Translation to Reality: And here we get to the point of such a dramatic presentation of the desperation of this particular infertile who wants your kid of her own to (as stated above). Now I don't mean to be hard on women who are unable to have children of their own. Just those who make a point of using their own stories of being suckered into the Child Protective Industries warehousing to liquidation program so that they can sell the same line of bullshit to other Looney Tunes to have your kids of their own to...
Therefore this person's story is fair and open game.
Chandra is the Delaware County representative for the Indiana Foster Care and Adoption Association, an organization that serves adoptive and foster families throughout the state.Translation to Reality: These people want to sell your children who they have failed in the foster care system.
With the help of her connection with the Indiana Department of Children, Ford has organized a presentation in Muncie to encourage families to adopt children in the Indiana Adoption Program, the state's public adoption program for children in the foster care system.Translation to Reality: Alongside the Product Acquisition Team (Dept. of Children) who provides a steady flow of incoming product...
Currently, 300 children are in the adoption program, 80 percent of whom are older than 7 years old. Traditionally, couples interested in adoption, whether with the help of public state-funded programs or through private attorneys, prefer infants and toddlers.Translation to Reality: Sold out of babies, these are the leftovers.
Presentations like Ford's can go a long way toward educating the public about loving older children and teenagers who are still in a need of a safe, caring home.Translation to Reality: Presentations like Fords help to sucker in people like you.
"People sometimes think that the longer a child stays in foster care, the greater the emotional problems they have and that's not true," said Angela Kiste from IFCAA. "It doesn't mean they come with more emotional baggage. They simply need a family that loves them as they are."Translation to Reality: Lie and sucker them in with a guilt trip. What they want though, is their real families.
The Ford family has long loved their foster brothers and sister as they are, welcoming them into their family at any age.Translation to Reality:
But in terms of adoption, the family was looking more for school-aged children.Translation to Reality: She's lazy.
The 3 a.m. feedings, the constant crying and the regular diaper changes don't interest Chandra Ford one bit.She's been there, done that, and hopes to never do it again.
That doesn't mean she doesn't want another child, though. And it doesn't mean she's not interested in a little more love to spread in her home.
"I love children, I really do," Ford said. "And there are so many children of different ages out there that can add so much to our lives."
Translation to Reality:
'Systemic' failures in social services
Reports into the deaths of two teenagers in State care have highlighted "tragic systemic failures" by social services.
Jon Gosselin Pays $22,000 a Month in Child Support
Jay Leno recently asked Kate Gosselin if her ex-husband, Jon, had a job. She said she wasn't sure, but Jon has confirmed that he's looking for work, and New York Daily News culled over recent interviews to get to get the big picture.
Note: That bitch is sucking him dry.
Grandparents hope to take boy home
The grandparents of a toddler who was found wandering alone at St. Patrick’s Cathedral reunited with the 3-year-old yesterday and hoped to take him home.
Official: DHS changes enacted despite mistakes
After legislators raised concerns about the lack of focus for a committee designed to examine and help reform the Department of Human Services, which has seen 35 child deaths in the past three years, the panel's final meeting Friday garnered answers from state officials about the reviews of child fatalities.
Adopted boy's return highlights problems in Russian orphanages
"I no longer wish to parent this child."
Daddy's Song by Martyn's Voice
"A WAKE UP CALL TO PARENTS EVERYWHERE" . Irish singer's powerfully touching nostalgic song dedicated to Dads and kids Worldwide. Written and performed by Martyn's Voice ( Martin Byrne )
A Special Message from the Michigan Child Liquidation team.
Michigan Heart Gallery Features Faces of Foster Kids
Lets take a look at this article point by point.
Hundreds of Michigan children have a simple wish. All they want is a family that they can call their own.Translation to reality: They want their real families. Dreams of forever homes being pumped into their heads.
Friday marked the grand opening of the Michigan Heart Gallery. It offers a chance to be introduced to some of Michigan's children who are waiting and hoping for a home.
Translation to reality: The Heart Gallery is the Showroom Floor of the Adoption Industry. Picture displays of children stuck in the system. Don't let em fool ya. It's all about the incoming cash and the ability to present what is often misinterpreted as a positive outcome.
Smiling, laughing, serious, siblings, daughters, sons -- what these children all have in common is the need for a forever family.
Translation to reality: What these children all have in common is that they were screwed out of their family ties by the all wise and knowing babystealers of Michigan's Child Protective Industry.
"To have a family is one of the most important things," said Heidi Raubenolt with Michigan Adoption Resource Exchange. "Kids need support in their lives."
Translation to reality: "Although having ties to their family is important, we over at the Child Protective Industry thought it best to screw these kids out of their real families and fail them even further by bouncing them around through the foster care system and screwing them up so bad that nobody wants them anymore. Now we're making one last desperate attempt to present our work as a positive effort in these kids lives."
The Michigan Heart Gallery pairs professional photographers with waiting kids.Translation to reality: So we're gonna pretty the kids up for the day and take their pictures.
More than 4,000 Michigan children are in the foster system. 500 are waiting to be adopted. Many of them are ten and older and harder to place. They may have siblings or special needs, but they have so much to give.
Translation to reality: Then we gonna throw in the fluffed numbers, and present all the challenges that the sucker parents are gonna face, and top it off with the heartwarming love giving bullshit that you're gonna get from a RAD child every time!
"A lot of love, a great sense of humor, energy. They're amazing kids. They really are," Raubenolt said.Translation to reality: We fucked them up pretty bad, but they're all better now and ready to move into your home as soon as we can preform our process on you.
Each year, 500 children age out of Michigan's foster care system when they turn 18. On their own with little support, some end up homeless or in jail. That is just one of the reasons it is so important to get them out of the system and into loving homes.
Translation to reality: The Guilt Trip Tactic employed. And you can make all the difference in the world.
"There is a new generation coming that... aren't paid attention to that will become problematic. So, why not pay attention to our future now and not have to pay a price for it later on," said Edd Snyder with the Charles H. Wright Museum.Translation to reality: Guilt Trip Tactic Shot 2 employed.
The Heart Gallery will travel the state showcasing some of the many Michigan children who may just be waiting to join your family. The exhibit will be at the Charles H. Wright Museum of African-American History until May first.Translation to reality: So we're gonna put them on display and hope to liquidate. Coming to a town near you.
Failures highlighted in child death reports
Provision of care by health and social services is strongly criticised in the reports into the deaths of two young people in care, which have now been published.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Boy Scouts Ordered to Pay $18.5 Million in Abuse Case
The Boy Scouts of America were ordered Friday to pay $18.5 million in a lawsuit that has focused new attention on the secret files the Scouts keep to document claims of sexual abuse by troop leaders and volunteers.
In hiding, the mother accused of abuse for cuddling her child
A mother alleged to have 'emotionally abused' her daughter by telling her she was born by caesarean has fled to Ireland with the child.
Innocence Destroyed - Part 3 - WARNING: Graphic Content
WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT - Investigating the deaths of over 1000 children per year in the custody of various states.
CYF admits foster child had 17 carers in two years
One child had 17 caregivers in two years despite a policy of not shifting children around foster homes, information from Child Youth and Family shows.
Note: Boing boing boing boing boing boing boing boing
State struggles with foster home shortage
A shortage of foster homes in Michigan has forced agencies to institutionalize children and separate thousands of siblings, state officials and child advocates say.
And the resulting behavior of the sheep who buy into the bullshit such as what was mentioned in the last post
A children's community organization in a western Kentucky city is hoping to raise awareness of the problem of child abuse by organizing a protest.
Note: You see people, these numbers are often fluffed in an effort to make the problem seem worse then it actually is. So if you were all out there protesting all of these fun activities as put on and supported by the All Mighty Child Protective Industry itself...
Child Abuse Doubles in Potter County
The rate of child abuse in Potter County is over three times the state average according to new information.
Note: What they mean to say is: "The rate of over-zealousness of social workers as well as the likelihood that one would be falsely accused or substantiated for abuse or neglect in Potter County is over three times the state average according to new information."
Just a quickie lesson in how to spot bullshit people.
This from the quick research of our beloved Beverly Tran
Beverly: The median income for a household in the county was $29,492, and the median income for a family was $35,321. Males had a median income of $26,123 versus $20,275 for females. The per capita income for the county was $14,947. About 15.20% of families and 19.20% of the population were below the poverty line, including 25.30% of those under age 18 and 12.30% of those age 65 or over.
correlates with poverty. duh!
Baby P social workers face GSCC misconduct charges
The two social workers at the centre of the baby Peter case in Haringey are being charged with misconduct, Community Care can reveal.
Legislators worry DHS panel is missing point
State legislators from Larimer County adamantly expressed concerns this week that a joint House-Senate panel attempting to reform the state's Department of Human Services, which has seen a rash of child deaths in recent years, is not doing what it was designed to do: vet issues surrounding child deaths.
Battle Over Kids With Nazi-Themed Names Continues
A custody battle continued Thursday for a New Jersey couple who gave their children Nazi-inspired names.
Foster care overhaul planned
Changes to the foster-care system will begin in the next several months, with the goal of reducing the number of children entering foster care.
Note: They're gonna go after the more marketable children now, you know the cute little blond hair and blue eyed ones that everybody wants to adopt.
Child Welfare In Jeopardy
A report released last month by a court-appointed monitor of Michigan's child-welfare system said there were 7,442 siblings in foster care placed in separate foster homes and 1,312 children in institutions.
Overhaul could take years
Nebraska's effort to overhaul child welfare services by privatizing them could take as long as five years, a top state official said Thursday.
Government, social workers get course on polygamous culture
Child welfare protection workers, family crisis shelter workers, police officers and other government employees got a lesson in polygamous culture on Thursday. A group that works with people in fundamentalist Mormon communities is teaching them how to better respond to a situation involving someone from a polygamous community.
Neb. officials ask foster parents to call managers
Nebraska foster parents caught up in early problems with reforms of the state ward system are being asked to call their case managers to help determine how much money they're owed.
Michael Lohan's Ultimatum to Lindsay
Lindsday Lohan's dad tells TMZ he will back off trying to get his daughter placed in a conservatorship if ... and only if ... she agrees to a sit down, and stat.
Social Worker Gets 7-1/2 Year Sentence
Thursday was sentencing day for one of the suspects in the starvation death of a disabled Philadelphia girl.
Michigan's Rules for Relocating with Your Child
In Michigan, when parents share legal custody, one parent may not change the child's legal residence by more than 100 miles without the other parent's consent or permission of the court.
Barry L. Zimmerman is director of Ventura County’s Human Services Agency Lies His Ass Off In A Letter to the Editor.
Confidentiality creates a shelter of safety for the innocent and abused, not a cloak for the agency to hide behind.
Note: That, my friends, is a big fat lie! These babystealers hide behind their confidentiality laws. It enables them to cover their tracks.
Police: Child Sex Abuse Suspect is Foster Parent, Pastor
A licensed foster parent and pastor in Chestertown is behind bars on multiple charges after being accused of sodomizing a boy several times.
Note: The Chestertown Foster Molester gets busted.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Mom of baby left at fire station seeks custody
The mother of a baby dropped off at a southwest Houston fire station Tuesday is trying to get her child back, a Child Protective Services spokeswoman said.
Bowie Social Worker Charged with Medicaid Fraud
Attorney General Douglas F. Gansler announced today that Michael Ryan, 53, of the 12000 block of Seabury Lane in Bowie, was indicted by a Prince George’s County Grand Jury and charged with 12 counts of felony Medicaid fraud and 12 counts of felony theft. The charges allege that while employed as a social worker between January 2005 and November 2007, Ryan submitted a series of false claims to the Maryland Medicaid Program for individual therapy services to medical assistance recipients.
Saving Anthony
Nine-year-old Anthony Morales is a different child now that he’s not in restraints, shot up with Thorazine or locked away in a seclusion room of a state children’s psychiatric hospital.
Note: There was a BBC special recently on the issue of drugging children. There has been a drastic increases of news stories related to this issue since that. I post these here for the reason that many many foster children are drugged heavily. Also because many of these system suck shrinks are getting kickbacks from the drug companies. It's called marketing.
Foster Parent Accused In Boy's Sex Assault
A foster parent on the Eastern Shore has been accused of sexually assaulting a child.
Now doesn't this just make you feel better?
The state Department of Social Services says its conducting an internal review, after the recent arrest of a Taylors man on allegations he abused his 4-year-old foster son.
Note: And they'll probably shred anything that makes them look in the wrong before System Suck child advocates get the opportunity to look at any of the files.
Jon Gosselin fires Attorney Anthony List Sr.
According to, Jon Gosselin fired his attorney, Anthony List Sr., on April 15 since he was not pleased with his adversarial approach to the divorce. Two weeks ago Mr. List filed a motion with the court requesting full custody of the children for his client and called Kate Gosselin an “absentee parent”.
Court fight waged over brain-damaged mom's triplets
Abbie Dorn always wanted children, and in June 2006 she got her wish -- triplets. But during a difficult birth she suffered severe brain damage that took away her chance to raise them.
Scouts defend training program in sex abuse case
A Boy Scouts of America executive on Wednesday told a jury considering whether to award $25 million in punitive damages in a sex abuse lawsuit that a prevention program was developed in the 1980s, although it still is not mandatory for Scout leaders.
10-year-old's pregnancy fuels Mexican abortion debate
A pregnant 10-year-old, allegedly raped by her stepfather, has become the latest lightning rod in the country's heated abortion debate.
Mother Buys "Sherlock Holmes" at Wal-Mart Gets Porno
A mom in Washington state says she was shocked by what popped up on the TV when she tried to watch a new DVD.
Note: A special treat from the same assholes who falsely report bathtime photo's as child porn.