Legally Kidnapped

Shattering Your Child Welfare Delusions Since 2007

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Lost in the child welfare system

Lost in the child welfare system

News coverage has hinted at further stories about the child welfare system underlying the death of Hannah Grace Dowdie, the 23-month-old whose burned body was found with that of her father Michael Palmer earlier this month in a pickup truck near Sweet Home in rural Pulaski County. Authorities have revealed little about the cause of the deaths or where the investigation might be taking them.

Rethinking Consent to Adoption

Rethinking Consent to Adoption

While international adoptions to the U.S. hit a 13-year low in 2009, South Korea stands out as the only country ― besides Ethiopia ― that increased international adoptions to the U.S. over this past year.

Watch this.

Parents Hearts Weep As They Fight For Their Daughter

Parents Hearts Weep As They Fight For Their Daughter

Social workers who snatched four-day-old baby put her up for adoption over unproven abuse claim

Kidnapped boys found 11 years later

Kidnapped boys found 11 years later

After trying for 11 years, a Washington State father will soon be reunited with his sons who were abducted.

Teen disappears after leaving foster home

Teen disappears after leaving foster home

15-year-old Amanda Koetter left her foster home in Seeley's Bay more than a week ago, and police are now asking for the public to help find her.

Argentina's authorities order DNA tests in search for stolen babies of dirty war

Argentina's authorities order DNA tests in search for stolen babies of dirty war

Children adopted by regime backers checked against bodies of those who 'disappeared' in the 70s and 80s

2 DCF employees and third woman charged with stealing $20,000 from Palm Beach dementia patient

2 DCF employees and third woman charged with stealing $20,000 from Palm Beach dementia patient

Two women employed by the state to protect a vulnerable elderly woman instead preyed on her, stealing about $20,000 from her bank accounts while she was hospitalized for dementia, police said Wednesday.

Officials Were Investigating Placement Of Killed Baby

Child welfare officials confirmed Wednesday that they were investigating the placement of the 6-month-old baby, murdered over the weekend.

Mother of Dead Baby Taken into Custody

The mother of a 6 month old baby found dead in Milwaukee is in custody.

A Top 10 List By A Sucker Who Bought Into A Lie And Tries To Sell The Same Line Of Bullshit To Others

Top 10 Orphan Care, Adoption, and Foster Care Videos

A number of folks have asked me for recommendations for videos related to orphan care, adoption, and foster care. In no particular order here are some of my favorites:

Foster father accused of pimping child expected to plead guilty

Foster father accused of pimping child expected to plead guilty

A Temple Hills man is expected to plead guilty to selling young girls for sex, one of whom a federal judge described as his foster child, court records show.

Applying the Goldman standard to foster care

Applying the Goldman standard to foster care


Foster parents charged in death of 3-year-old

Foster parents charged in death of 3-year-old

Note: Although this just came in an alert, it is an older article about the Marcus Fiesel case in Ohio. I'm simply posting it as a reminder.

The foster parents of a missing 3-year-old developmentally disabled boy were charged Monday in his death, and the foster father was accused of burning his body.

Liz and David Carroll Jr. are accused of leaving the boy in a closet in their home just east of Cincinnati while they went to a family reunion in Kentucky on Aug. 4, Hamilton County prosecutor Joe Deters said.

Source: Aspen Social Services Contacts L.A. County About Charlie Sheen's Twins

Source: Aspen Social Services Contacts L.A. County About Charlie Sheen's Twins

One arrest can lead to a lot of phone calls.

Subject: Family Court Reform

Family Court Reform

A letter to Senator Roland W. Burris (D-IL)

And he needs to answer.

Could Charlie Sheen Lose Custody of His Kids?

Could Charlie Sheen Lose Custody of His Kids?

Given Charlie Sheen's arrest and reports about child protective services stepping in, could he lose his kids? Or is he getting the shaft from child services because he is famous like Britney Spears?

Treatment of Youths in New York Prisons Spurs Suit

Treatment of Youths in New York Prisons Spurs Suit

Youths detained in some of New York’s juvenile prisons have suffered bruises, cuts and a host of other injuries from aggressive physical restraining practices that violate their legal and constitutional rights, according to a federal lawsuit filed on Wednesday.

Detention centre guard 'gave axe attacker phones, screwdriver'

Detention centre guard 'gave axe attacker phones, screwdriver'

A juvenile detainee convicted of attempted murder following his axe attack on a young girl is at the centre of a major security breach at the Ashley Detention Centre in Tasmania's north.

The boy was allegedly supplied with a screwdriver and two mobiles phones by a female staff member.

Oregon prepares to resume foreign adoptions

Oregon prepares to resume foreign adoptions

A boy and his sister were on their way from Oregon foster care to their uncle and aunt's home in Mexico earlier this year. Then child welfare officials took a deeper look into all foreign adoptions and decided not only to find a different home for the two elementary school-age siblings but also to hold off sending foster kids out of the country until they can be sure they'll be safe.

Butler County judge rules against media

Butler County judge rules against media

Records in Herrman case to stay closed

NBC accused of shoddy checkbook journalism on Brazil child custody story

NBC accused of shoddy checkbook journalism on Brazil child custody story

Admittedly, we didn’t have a lot of interest in the case of David Goldman, the American father who was battling to get his son back from the kid’s adopted stepfather in Brazil. But when we saw that Goldman was flying back and forth from New Jersey to Brazil in a private jet, we briefly thought to ourselves, “Jeez, that guy must have a ton of money.”

We were wrong. Turns out NBC has a ton of money and they spent it like Barack Obama on speed to become the exclusive David Goldman network.

The Orlando Sentinel reports that NBC’s actions have earned the network a scathing rebuke from the Society of Professional Journalists’ Ethics Committee:

The panel says it’s “appalled” because NBC News chartered a plane for Goldman and his son, Sean, to fly from Brazil to the United States. They were reunited after a five-year custody battle, and they arrived in Orlando on Christmas Eve. In paying for the plane, NBC News engaged in “checkbook journalism,” the Ethics Committee says.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Loganville Couple Charged in Child Death

A Loganville couple is charged with murder in the death of their six-year-old adopted son.

Child Protection stole Christmas from families around the world with SBS accusations

Not to shit on your holiday parade or anything but...

Child Protection stole Christmas from families around the world with SBS accusations

Christmas time is a time for families and a time for children but sadly many families this year faced a Christmas without their children because child protection agencies and paediatricians misdiagnosed very real conditions, opting instead to accuse parents of shaking their babies. As a result many families could not join in the seasons festivities with the children they love, they could not buy them presents or prepare their Christmas stockings and some were left with no idea where their children were or even who they were with. One such family is Zabeth and Paul Baynes, their children were removed from their care on October 22, 2007 after they say they were falsely accused of Shaken Baby Syndrome.

I'm going to put this in great big letters for you.

Federal Judges have ruled...

It is a violation of your 4th Amendment Rights for a worker to go to your kids school and talk to your kids without your permission or a court order.

If they have done this in your case, here you go.

Child abusers win one in the 9th Circuit

Child abusers win one in the 9th Circuit

A new federal court decision is creating ripples in the world of child-abuse protection. They aren’t good ripples.

Ruling earlier this month in an Oregon case, a three-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals imposed tight new restrictions on investigations of suspected child abuse – restrictions that tip the balance of power in favor of the suspected abusers.

The judges held that Oregon’s equivalent of Child Protective Services violated the Fourth Amendment when one of its caseworkers and a deputy sheriff took a girl aside at school and asked whether her father had been fondling her. The ruling’s implication is that they should have obtained a warrant – or the permission of her parents – before doing so.

Note: Now here is a good decision reported with an offensive headline. Especially since most reports of child abuse or neglect are false! Innocent parents win too. If you have never harmed a child, yet a social worker spreads your cheeks and crawls up your ass anyway...

A foolish foster care shuffle

A foolish foster care shuffle

California shouldn't have to move kids in and out of foster care to retain federal funding.

Overview of the Los Angeles Times' Innocents Betrayed series

Overview of the Los Angeles Times' Innocents Betrayed series

Over the last year, The Times has reported the deaths of children who had been under the oversight of the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services. The entire series -- including articles, photo galleries, videos and graphics -- can be found at Among the key findings from the series:

Outraged parents want answers about Del. pediatrician

Outraged parents want answers about Del. pediatrician

Tears flowed and voices were raised in anger and frustration Tuesday evening as worried parents and grandparents demanded answers about whether their children and grandchildren were the victims of a pediatrician who may have sexually abused more than 100 children over the last decade.

Infant's death rekindles scrutiny of L.A. County child services agency

Infant's death rekindles scrutiny of L.A. County child services agency

Authorities deemed Diamond Hillman's mother fit to care for her, even though the woman's two other children had been removed from her home. Four months later, Diamond was dead.

Boy, 10, whose parents died in tsunami 'murdered foster mother after she taunted him about being an orphan'

Boy, 10, whose parents died in tsunami 'murdered foster mother after she taunted him about being an orphan'

A 10-year-old boy whose parents died in the Asian tsunami five years ago has been charged with savagely murdering his adoptive mother after she allegedly taunted him about having no real mother and father any more.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Florida Child Abuse Deaths Rise in Bad Economy

Florida Child Abuse Deaths Rise in Bad Economy

About 200 children were fatally abused in Florida in 2008, a roughly 20 percent increase from 2007. Unemployment rates and drug use also increased in the state — a factor in many of the deaths, according to a preliminary report.

The number of kids fatally abused who had involvement with the state child welfare agency also increased 20 percent, the State Child Abuse Death Review Committee determined in a report obtained by The Associated Press. In 2008, 79 children were killed who had some type of involvement with the Department of Children and Families in the past five years, compared with 66 children who died in 2007.
"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant: It's just that they know so much that isn't so."

- Ronald Reagan

Who Are You to Ban Townshend from Super Bowl?

Who Are You to Ban Townshend from Super Bowl?

And now, from the people who bought you Michael Jackson surrounded by 3,500 children and Janet Jackson's right breast, we have the most controversial Super Bowl halftime performer of all.

ACL 09-64: Title IV-E Foster Care Overpayment Forms

Culture clash tears Somali family apart

Culture clash tears Somali family apart

Somalian immigrant Malaika Sabtow raised five children in African refugee camps, surviving for 14 years without electricity, amid persistent drought and regular outbreaks of malaria and tuberculosis.

But none of those 14 years, she said, was as bad as the past five months in Buffalo.

Grassley Announces Creation of Senate Caucus on Foster Youth

Senator Chuck Grassley announces the creation of the Senate Caucus on Foster Youth.


NYC Family Court judge denies Child Protective Services permission to enter hotline subject's home

NYC Family Court judge denies Child Protective Services permission to enter hotline subject's home

In a decision posted yesterday, Kings County Family Court Judge, Jeanette Ruiz, refused to grant the Administration for Children's services permission to enter the home of J. Smith. Children's Services had applied for a pre-petition ex-parte court order as part of an ongoing investigation which began when someone anonymously called the State Central Register hotline on J. Smith in July of 2009.

Providence federal appeals court to hear foster care lawsuit

A federal appeals court will hear arguments next week on a lawsuit seeking an overhaul of Rhode Island's foster care system.

Arguments in RI foster care case set for next week

A federal appeals court will hear arguments next week on a lawsuit seeking an overhaul of Rhode Island’s foster care system.

Providers Didn't Get Paid

Some local foster care providers claimed they didn't get paid as the holiday season approached. I-Team reporter Barry Simms has the story.

Social worker eyed child torturer years before arrest

Social worker eyed child torturer years before arrest

A social worker with Children’s Services investigated but apparently took no action against an Apple Valley man who was eventually convicted of torturing his own son for seven years, according to records obtained by the Daily Press.

Georgia Centralizes Child Welfare System Database

Georgia Centralizes Child Welfare System Database

Suffering from investigation delays and faulty lines of communication, Georgia's child welfare system for years was in need of critical support.

Note: That should help them to steal more kids.

Social Services 'aware' of Charlie Sheen's Christmas Day fracas

Social Services 'aware' of Charlie Sheen's Christmas Day fracas

Pitkin County Department of Social Services has taken note of Charlie Sheen's Christmas Day fracas with wife Brooke Mueller that landed him behind bars for 10 hours.

Sources tell TMZ that the department could open an investigation into the incident.

Children's death cases may go to trial in 2010

Children's death cases may go to trial in 2010

Prosecutors in Jackson and Barrow counties are hoping that two ongoing cases involving children who died will make it to trial early next year, and look to clear a couple of other cases later in 2010.

Adoption is legalized child trafficking

Adoption is legalized child trafficking

Adoption is legalized child trafficking, say Roelie Post and Arun Dohle. Together they founded Against Child Trafficking. If it is up to them, inter-country adoption disappears in five years time.

Foster parent and abuse...what would you do?

Foster parent and abuse...what would you do?

I'm not sure if this is the right area for this...sorry if it's wrong. I'm wondering what you would do, how you would handle this situation.

Court removes McClain County judge from custody case

Court removes McClain County judge from custody case

A McClain County judge has been disqualified from hearing a child custody case after the Oklahoma Supreme Court ruled he exceeded his authority and abused his discretion in rulings that stretched out over more than 21/2 years.

State lawmakers fired up over startling CPS statistics

State lawmakers fired up over startling CPS statistics

A ground-breaking problem solver investigation is firing up state lawmakers.

Separation Anxiety Disorder: Diagnosis of the Week

Separation Anxiety Disorder: Diagnosis of the Week

Separation Anxiety Disorder is a mental health disorder that afflicts 4- 5% of children and adolescents. Separation anxiety is a normal part of childhood development, but by the age of 4 most children are able to maintain a sense of independence. Separation Anxiety Disorder is marked by excessive anxiety caused by the temporary separation from parents or other adult caregivers. It can be found in children between the ages of 4 and 18, but it generally begins in children between 7 to 9 years of age.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Foster parents get boost from new law

Foster parents get boost from new law

Advocates for the rights of foster care parents are applauding a change in state law that gives the temporary caregivers more say in decisions regarding the future of a child placed in their care.

Note: That's nice. So in the situation where a foster parent grows attached to one of your kids, and you do everything you're supposed to do, and the foster parent wants to adopt...

An amendment to the state’s Juvenile Act now permits foster parents to present a report regarding the child’s adjustment and progress to the court for its consideration when determining whether a child should remain in placement or be returned to the biological parents.

Note: It's not their decision for a reason.

Child protection data left on train

Child protection data left on train

An urgent review has been ordered after a confidential child protection report drawn up by staff at the council involved in the Baby P scandal was left on a train, a spokesman for the authority has said.

The 15-page Haringey Council file, which included details about a boy taken away from his mother over fears he could be abused, was found in a railway carriage in London.

Note: Over fears that he could be abused? So no prior abuse? No wonder the British Babystealers are worried about this.

This was in my email this morning.

Note: It helps when people send in their stories. The more of you who do this, the more powerful this blog will be. And it is for you.

Any advice or comments, please leave here.
CAS has been harassing me and my 4 children for about 10 years, much more the last 7 months. They got so dishonest, for the past 7 months my children have been living in foster care and asking quite regularly to come home to me, their mom. Dad is off having a midlife crisis with the blond and the Harley Davidson motorcycle. Dad worked away from home so I have always put my career off to be a damn good full time mom. I have raised these 4 children with very little help from anyone and that's including their dad. We told each other "family is #1!" We sacrificed material goods for loving, laughing and crying together. I grieved two family deaths and the abandonment of my partner, all within a few months. My ex-partner saw my weakness as his chance to control. More abuse! He called CAS and asked for his children to be taken from me by making false allegations about me. No one backed him up and no one had proof to back up his allegations. As I was building my family, I felt to live up to "I rock", I would attend free parental classes from different sponsors in our community. CAS wants me to do it again. CAS wants me to go to rehab when I'm not a drunk or a druggie. One of my children had surgery for broken bones because she was not being watched carefully, then my poor baby had head lice for one month straight. The whole house had to be sprayed by the pest control. She still does not have her broken front tooth fixed. A 2nd child entered hospital with a huge black eye and no explanation. A 3rd child injured his face as he fell off the picnic table he said he was jumping to....Why? The eldest was sent to a high risk sport of gymnastics near competitive level wearing glasses instead of contacts. She is more responsible. However this CAS cancelled my children's OHIP and for 2 weeks so I was getting medical and eyeware bills. I got paper proof!! I was "invited" to the children's Dr. appointments and the 15 year old was not allowed to have her right to privacy to speak about an embarassing topic with him alone. Afterwards the child protection worker tried to get my 15 year old to go to the local health unit to get birth control without me. My daughter was furious since she was smart enough to have listened to her mom say "no" and "why". She says "mom we are a team" and "together we can do it", all the time. CAS says I can't do it. In fact not only can I not parent, but the abusive father can have the kids whenever he wants. I am guilty and they haven't even started to do their homework. These people are pathetic. Not only do I not support bullying, I encourage peace and the children to stand up to bullies. My eldest and I stand up to CAS workers always. The result is the children are separated, manipulated and then punished psychologically. Sometimes my scheduled weekly visit gets cancelled so CAS can show who's boss. I can only see my babies once/week. We cry and support each other and the kids tell me and their lawyer they want to come home. I refuse to do CAS' bidding and my 15 year old agrees. She says "you're the best" and I say "you're the best too" but CAS says "You have problems". I got an anti-depressant like the other half of the population and I can do anything. Anyways, What looks better? "you're the best" OR "You have problems". I am a damn good mom, my kids tell me so much, I believe "you're the best" and CAS is wrong. So in the present I am trying to hire a civil lawyer to sue CAS and take my children back. CAS and my ex-partner have caused an unbelievable amount of emotional distress, especially since before things came to this point, I had asked for help from my partner and CAS earlier of the past year and both my partner and CAS said NO. I was put on a local counseling help list and stayed on it waiting for almost a year before my family was seen and by then, my ex-partner had already left us. CAS collected a lot of money when they kidnapped 4 children. I was told $32,000 for kidnapping and placement. They even use my child tax credit and GST cheques to run their office. The foster parents do not receive these cheques however the government wants me to pay them back but why when I did not ask for my babies to go into care? That private organization kidnapped my children, I and my children do not want to be involved with CAS, and all 5 of us have been effectively silenced in the courtroom. To top it off, CAS has not done any homework since all the information they presented to the family court judge was either wrong or inaccurate and the judge went right along with it, no questions asked. I am disgusted, shocked and angry. No lawyer will even help me to get the truth out and the children's lawyers refuse to make affidavits. I hope a civil lawyer will get farther and I hope because of my family some good change can come for future families. One day at a time.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Baby P council in new abuse bungle.

Baby P council in new abuse bungle.

BUNGLING Baby P staff have blundered again - by leaving a top-secret child protection report on a TRAIN.

Foster mother of seven rewarded with beauty makeover

Foster mother of seven rewarded with beauty makeover

The holiday season is a time for giving, but for one area foster mother, giving is a year-round pleasure — so some local businesses gave back to her.

Note: At least they tried, right?

The Adoption Agency Comedy Video

Court hears dad made kill threat

Court hears dad made kill threat

A MAN accused of threatening to kill a Department of Child Safety (DOCS) worker has been granted bail.

child protection depicted in the animal world

Like predators in the animal world, "child protection" social workers target youngsters. They often use team work, divide and conquer tactics to separate them from their parents. Collaborators in the "child protection" industry whose livelihood depend on state-sponsored child removals all jump in to get their shares. This operation is usually impersonal and conducted as a business. Parents can do nothing to protect their children but to watch in despair when their children are being traumatized, or even killed in some extreme cases.

Grandmother turned away after agreeing to adoption

Grandmother turned away after agreeing to adoption

It took 74 years for Lyn Tornabene to build a life she treasured. It took a year for her to lose it all.
"Each time a person stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, these ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance."

Robert F. Kennedy

Foster parent facing charges.(City/Region)(Joshua Friar resigns his job in a Springfield area treatment facility for emotionally disturbed children)

Foster parent facing charges.(City/Region)(Joshua Friar resigns his job in a Springfield area treatment facility for emotionally disturbed children)

A foster parent stands accused of molesting two boys he met while working at a local treatment facility for emotionally disturbed children.

Former Babystealer wants to improve understanding of what agency does

Former DFCS caseworker wants to improve understanding of what agency does

Note: So do I. Imagine that.

The Department of Family and Children Services probably doesn’t conjure positive thoughts, but former social services caseworker Evelyn Kelly Norman is seeking to change that.

Note 2: By telling more lies.

Legal Abuse Syndrome

Group advises New York government on youth issues

Group advises New York government on youth issues

The news from Albany causes concern. Despite the challenges of unsettled leadership and fiscal crises, there is a positive movement that signals the promise of what could be, if cooperation and coordination replaced conflict and hostility.
Many youth are "disconnected" from the usual sources of nurturance (family, school, workplace or community agencies) because they are in foster care, are not in age-appropriate educational setting, or are incarcerated (or have a family member who is incarcerated). These youth are at high risk of having problems as they transition to adulthood with respect to health, especially mental health, employment and stable and productive adult lives.

Plunge ma loses kids

Plunge ma loses kids

A Brooklyn mother whose 3-year-old daughter fell off a roof to her death two days before Christmas had her three other young children taken away by child-welfare authorities after the tragedy, the kids' grandmother said yesterday,

Cashing in on Kids

Cashing in on Kids

The Journal Sentinel has spent more than a year investigating the $340 million taxpayer-financed child-care system known as Wisconsin Shares and uncovered a trail of phony companies, fake reports and shoddy oversight.

Fatal Care: Fostering Reform in Child Welfare

Fatal Care: Fostering Reform in Child Welfare

The state-run Bureau of Milwaukee Child Welfare is responsible for the care and protection of thousands of abused and neglected children living in our community.

Gynaecologist accused of giving patient orgasms speaks of court ordeal

Note: This article is slightly off topic, but it does give some good information on how the media distorts the public perception of issues like this.

Gynaecologist accused of giving patient orgasms speaks of court ordeal

Dr Angus Thomson, the consultant gynaecologist accused of giving Bibi Charles two orgasms on the examination table only for the case against him to collapse, describes his ordeal in an exclusive interview with The Sunday Telegraph.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

FosterAbba is Feelin' Pissed Off

Feelin' Pissed Off

Mother spends first Christmas with children in two years

Mother spends first Christmas with children in two years

Kinyda Broadway doesn't know if it's God's work or Santa's, but what's certain is that her nine children are home for Christmas this year.

The Slavery in Haiti the Media Won't Expose

The Slavery in Haiti the Media Won't Expose

Every year one or more of these organization - CNN, NBC, New York Times, Associated Press, Reuters, Miami Herald, ABC/Nightline or another such mouthpiece of the new West Indian trading companies - will, like clockwork, do a piece on how the disease-ridden Haitian poor in Haiti own child domestic servants known as- restaveks - Kreyòl for stay with. Poor young children, mostly small girls, who go stay with another family to work for their keep because their own families can't feed and shelter them. They mostly deliberately misidentify this phenomenon - which is present in EVERY poor country - as slavery ONLY in Haiti and solely, it seems, to feed the American public with its regular dose on the absurdity of an independent nation of Blacks trying to rule itself without a white colonial figurehead, how uncivilized these Blacks are in their gross treatment of their children as slaves! This constant popular U.S. media hit on Haiti apparently feeds the white psyche's programming on Haiti, its expectations and their US/Euro cultural narratives of superiority while throwing shame on Haiti precisely to marginalize, ad nauseam, Haiti's great feat of abolishing European chattel slavery, the Triangular Trade and direct colonialism. (See, Letter to AP Editors on Restavek Issue; Haitian child restaveks - domestic servants - does not equate to the European TransAtlantic trade/holocaust | Ezili's counter narrative on the ABC/Nightline report on the abuse of Haitian children, July 9, 2008 ; and Restavek: Letter to the New York Times - Demonizing the Gonaives Hurricane Victims, Sept. 14, 2008.)

DCS ombudsman lacks authority

DCS ombudsman lacks authority

Indiana's new child services ombudsman faces a daunting challenge as she tries to keep watch over thousands of children, caseworkers and private service providers on a shoestring budget and with no staff.

DHS balks at disclosing more records

DHS balks at disclosing more records

The plaintiffs say the records might show improper practices in the placing of children.

Critical Alert about Ritalin and Your Child

The FDA's at it again. Protecting their sacred cash cow Big Pharma. And this time it might be at the expense of your child or grandchild's life.

A recent study conducted by the FDA and the National Institute of Mental Health revealed shocking information about the potential danger of Ritalin and other ADHD drugs to children.

These safe drugs may greatly increase the risk of sudden death. Yet no one is sounding the alarm. Least of all the FDA.

Get the facts you need to protect your children. Their very lives may depend on it! Watch this important video and visit for more information.

Sign up for my FREE daily e-Alert for urgent health alerts you, and your family, need to know

Health Disclaimer: The information provided in this video should not be construed as personal medical advice or instruction. No action should be taken based solely on the contents of this video. Viewers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being.

Note: And don't forget that the Child Protective Industry is one of their favorite target markets. Keeps the kids nice and docile while they bounce them through the system.

Drugging Children

DCS says foster dad knew about teen's special needs

DCS says foster dad knew about teen's special needs

It made for good courtroom theater, but the state Department of Children's Services is deeming fiction a foster father's claim that he was unaware of the myriad woes suffered by a teenager on whom he inflicted a fatal chokehold.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Supreme Court says Family Court judge overstepped authority

Supreme Court says Family Court judge overstepped authority

In a 4-3 decision, the Nevada Supreme Court has ruled that Family Court judges are limited to deciding issues specifically outlined in the law such as divorce, child custody, child support, guardianship and other family matters.

Child Protective Services stole my kids! Please help!!!!

Hurting Your Kid

Watch Hurting Your Kid in Family  |  View More Free Videos Online at

Here's that age-old question: "How have you accidentally hurt your child?"

Cyber begging becomes popular

Cyber begging becomes popular

As Christmas grew near, Gina Wilken was growing frantic. She had no money for gifts and five young children eagerly awaiting Santa.

M4$ Get's Someones Baby For Christmas

And she's been chasing after this one like you wouldn't believe.

Yet More Info On The Sibling.

She's already got this one mothers kid. She wants to adopt him.

The Phone Call

The bio Mom is pregnant and M4$ wants the new baby too.

She even went to watch the real mother give birth while carrying a little dark secret. Here's the best part of this one...
I became furious at BirthMom for not seeking medical care throughout her pregnancy. For not eating properly. For smoking cigarettes the whole time. For drinking "just a little vodka" in her orange juice "on occasion". For taking pain pills. For inducing three whole weeks before her due date just because she didn't want to tear. For having 6 babies knowing she can't take care of any of them. For refusing birth control after having this one, saying naively that they might get to keep the next one. And so I took BabyBoy and we went home.
She's been plotting and planning this acquisition for a while now.

And she gets her hooks in.

and calls it the best Christmas Present ever.

Congrats M4$ and Merry Christmas to you.

I'll pray for the real mom.

Goldman Brazilian Nightmare Over: Father and Son Finally Reunited

Goldman Brazilian Nightmare Over: Father and Son Finally Reunited

On Christmas Eve, a New Jersey resident with a Jewish surname, David Goldman, was finally reunited with his 9-year-old son, Sean, who had been living in Brazil for the past five years, the object of a grotesque custody battle that would have made even Franz Kafka cringe.
Merry Christmas

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Long-time N.Y. Social Worker to Head DOJ Office

Long-time N.Y. Social Worker to Head DOJ Office

A nonprofit administrator from New York City has been chosen to lead the office of the U.S. Justice Department that's responsible for helping crime victims.

Missing boy's foster father talks to ABC7

Missing boy's foster father talks to ABC7

Family members of a missing disabled Fremont boy are hoping someone can help find him. Police say 5-year-old Hasanni Campbell was last seen in Oakland two days ago. He has cerebral palsy, but family members say he doesn't have leg braces on the outside of his pants.

Note: I'll bet the foster father knows where the kid is.

Paterson mom of slain child violated N.J. adoption rules, report says

Paterson mom of slain child violated N.J. adoption rules, report says

The mother of a 5-year-old Paterson boy accidentally shot to death by his 6-year-old brother last weekend violated adoption rules by not telling officials her adult son — who authorities say owned the gun — had moved back into her house, according to a report by the state's child services agency.

Foster, adoptive parents sue to stop state cuts

Foster, adoptive parents sue to stop state cuts

A group of foster and adoptive parents has filed a federal lawsuit seeking to stop cuts in government subsidies that help provide for the children.

How Cps Allows Abuse by Foster Parents

How Cps Allows Abuse by Foster Parents

Child abuse is a very real problem, there is no doubt about it.

There is a very real need for qualified people to work in this field.

Foster mother accused of beating child during potty training

Foster mother accused of beating child during potty training

A Trotwood mother accused of severely beating her foster child while trying to potty train him was indicted and arrested Tuesday, Dec. 22, on a felony child endangering charge.

Report: Higher percentage of children returning to foster care

Report: Higher percentage of children returning to foster care

There was good news in 2008 about children in foster care in Nebraska.

The number of foster children in out-of-home care dropped to 4,620, compared with 5,043 the year before. And 100 more of them -- 572 -- found permanent adoptive homes.

McKenna to propose Office of Open Records

McKenna to propose Office of Open Records

State Attorney General Rob McKenna will ask lawmakers to consider a new approach to settling public-records disputes by creating a new Office of Open Records that would use hearings judges to decide who is right.

SC judge sues to overturn ruling she's unqualified

SC judge sues to overturn ruling she's unqualified

A Family Court judge in Charleston has sued in the South Carolina Supreme Court, hoping to overturn a panel's finding that she is unqualified.

Note: I agree that this is unfair to this unqualified judge. It's not fair to single one out when you take into consideration the fact that they're all unqualified.

Anonymous left a comment.

Anonymous left a comment on this post regarding FosterAbba and Little Cinderella. I am re-posting it here so that nobody misses it.
Anonymous said...

they blame that child for everything to make themselves look better. I had foster parents like that once. They made up stupid stuff like I didnt know what gifts were because i unwrapped them cleanly or that I didnt know what soap was because I asked which one i was supposed to use , and they said I broke stuff , you know like my bed - just by sitting on it. They always said i was purposely doing something wrong so they could clain every sympathy card they were thrown.

I called teh worker when they sold gifts a previous foster family had gotten me and kept the proceeds. I was happy to go back to the rtc and their abuse and maltreatment.

I refused to ever go back to a foster family so I stayed in an RTC and I was a better person for it , I am sure a rtc is better than an abusive family by far.

They sat on teh girl and take restraint lightly. If she strikes out because she is being threatened with restraint , or they get hurt because they initiate restraint on her first. They deserve what they get , and yes you CAN dislocate an arm by jerking and pulling and put it back without NEEDING medical attention. It was done to me in that fashion. MANY TIMES.

Just because you are a parent or a foster parent dosnt give you the right to manhandle a child everytime it does not fufill your requests or DEMANDS. They are people not slaves meant to carry out you commands at whim.

the way they treat this girl is just WRONG. They do not treat her as a daughter , so much as a FOSTER CHILD , as if the title makes her less human.

It IS Sick.

A Judge who loves stealing children from families quits

Judge critical of state law resigns

A juvenile court judge in East Tennessee who has been critical of a state law that caps the amount the state will pay toward foster care has resigned.

The Knoxville News Sentinel reports Anderson County Judge April Meldrum's resignation was effective Saturday.

Note: Bye!!! Don't let the door hit you in the ass!

Trotwood woman indicted for beating foster child

Trotwood woman indicted for beating foster child

Charmaine McCutchen has been indicted and arrested on a felony charge of child endangerment stemming from an alleged abuse during a child's potty training.

The 44-year old McCutchen is accused of striking the 4-year old toddler in the abdomen.

Pete Townshend being targetted by anti-child abuse groups

Pete Townshend being targetted by anti-child abuse groups

Two U.S. anti-child abuse groups are calling for the National Football League (NFL) to ban Pete Townshend and the Who from performing at February 7th's Super Bowl Half Time show. reported that the groups are pushing for the boycott because of Townshend's 2003 caution by police for using a credit card in 1999 to access a website that allegedly advertised child pornography.

US pediatrician arrested after horrific child abuse allegations

US pediatrician arrested after horrific child abuse allegations

A US has been charged with sexually abusing patients.

Child protection officials have said the doctor, Dr Earl Bradley, from Delaware could be responsible for harming more than 100 victims.

NJ Woman Sentenced in Spanish Child Custody Case

NJ Woman Sentenced in Spanish Child Custody Case

A woman convicted in New Jersey of hiding her daughter in Spain to evade a custody judgment favoring her ex-husband has been sentenced to 14 years in prison.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Guess what's about to hit the fan...

Dear readers

I follow several blogs, many of them written by social workers or foster parents. Some of them I link to every now and then, others I don't. I have found that the blogs give you a radically different perspective on the problem as the news articles are based on the rare occurrence of the newsworthy event taking place. In the blogs however, you get many personal glimpses into the very real lives of the people who the Child Protective Industry gives your children to. And today I feel obligated to bring your attention to one of my new favorite foster bloggers known as FosterAbba, who just happens to be having troubles with the child her and her partner adopted. And I don't mean anything minor. In fact, these people apparently have a child protective worker up their ass. Perhaps it's true, perhaps it's not. I don't know, I'm not the one making it up.

But you gotta check this out...

A false allegation of abuse or neglect? OMG! That's unheard of!

Now read this, and pay particularly close attention to the last paragraph.

"I'm not going to jump through any more hoops. If it means they take Danielle, I am good with it, because I'm just tired."

So you see folks, the Child Protective Industry would have you believe that all of these adoptive parents will live happily ever after once they have your child of their own to have and hug and squeeze and call George.

Reality often proves otherwise.

Is Florida DCFS aiming to steal Tiger Wood's children? Read their document and decide yourself!

Is Florida DCFS aiming to steal Tiger Wood's children? Read their document and decide yourself!

The Florida Department of Children and Families visited the home of Tiger Woods and his wife Elin Nordegren on December 12th after gossip sites around the world became obsessed with the couple's purported domestic incident and car crash. The couple have a two year old daughter and 10 month old son. "The agency went to the golfer's mansion mid-day, accompanied by a marked police car and stayed for "roughly an hour," reported without naming its source", reported the NY Daily News.

Note: I'm actually surprised that they would even bother with somebody who can afford a lawyer.

Submitted by Patricia

I was recently turned into CPS by my two daughters school. The reason was because they have gotten head lice a few times this year so far. And there was also allegations of domestic violence. And they asked my husband if he was ever diagnosed with any mental illness.

We met with the caseworker on Friday. She wanted to question my daughters then but we told her no. She made a comment about going to the school to talk to them. Does she have that right? I feel my kids should be represented if I cannot be there.

And do I have the right to know who called? She said she can call in some witnesses. Do I have a right to know who the witnesses are? And can she do anything with just hearsay? Because that is all it is right now.

Is there someone that can help me. Right now I don't have a lot of money, so it would be great if it was pro bono.

I live in Tennessee. And the research I have found is that CPS here is very corrupt.
Unfortunately CPS gets away with violations of the law and policy all the time. This is why it is so important for a parent to educate themselves on their rights.

So first watch this...

Then go to the LK Help-Desk for a list of names, addresses and phone numbers to complain to.

And do it.

Submitted by Wendy

This a link to a safe site where the song I wrote for my son is hosted.

I hope it inspires all children kept in CAS care against their good parents wishes to never give up and the parents to never lose hope.

You, Happy by Wendy Matthews Copyright 2009 - 2010

For my son and all the other families in turmoil.
Hang in there.

Submitted by John

I just wanted to say you should report on a case from Texas i know of.a foster mother bound, beat, burned, and I think stabbed a 13 year old boy in her care. this caused his death after she locked him in a closet. it happened in queen city Texas located in Cass county.check it out.

Note: If I missed this, and somebody has a link, please email it to me.

And a link was sent from Pound Puppy Legacy

Thanks Robert. You rock as always.

Submitted by Connie

The next few posts were left on the LK Submission Form.
My 16 year old daughter ran away in August. They found her and kept her in September and since I signed that case plan, I am required to take CPS anger management by a CPS worker at the CPS office. Parenting classes are by a CPS worker at my house and Psychological assesment by CPS Psyschologist. See a pattern? Now CPS anger management worker says I missed too many session and have been cancelled. CPS parenting class worker cancelled on me last class and my precious court appointed attorney just quit because he didn't like me pointing out the Constitution to him. I am so screwed. Daughter is pregnant. HELP!!!

This person raises an interesting point, and one that I always try to warn parents about.

If CPS tells you that you need services, it is always best to hire your own service providers. Find a way to pay for it. Document everything, organize your paperwork and present it to the judge yourself. Otherwise, you'll be stuck with a CPS provided System Suck whose goal is to help CPS build their case against you.

If CPS tells you that you have no choice but to go to their System Suck Service Providers, then go, speak positively but still hire your own. By doing this, you may very well gain an advocate on your behalf that will be able to dispute CPS's claims against you.

Remember, CPS only gives contracts to System Sucks who are friendly to the state.

Scared parents want to return adopted child

Scared parents want to return adopted child

THE "scared" parents of an adopted boy in the US are hoping to change the law so they can return their child.

State to destroy 4 million newborn blood samples

State to destroy 4 million newborn blood samples

The state will destroy an estimated 5.3 million blood samples legally collected from newborns but kept without parental consent under a federal lawsuit settlement announced Tuesday.

Court endorses 'kidnapping' of 7-year-old

Court endorses 'kidnapping' of 7-year-old

An appeals-level court in Sweden has affirmed the "kidnapping" of a 7-year-old boy who was snatched by police from a jetliner as it prepared to take his family to their new home in India.

Foster care chief suspended

Foster care chief suspended

The Nebraska Foster Care Review Board agreed Tuesday to suspend its long-time director for 60 days without pay for violating a federal act barring political campaigning while on the public payroll.

Surrogate Battle: Local Couple Loses Twins to Birth Mother

Surrogate Battle: Local Couple Loses Twins to Birth Mother

A couple from West Michigan is getting national attention. They wanted to have a child but weren't able to conceive. So they turned to a surrogate. The woman gave birth to twins, only to take them away from the couple a month later.

Child Protective Services | GETLEGAL

Family law includes all legal matters related to the formation of family relationships and their dissolution. Learn more about divorce, child support, child custody, child visitation, alimony and collaborative law.

Note: The workers claimed excuses for stealing children.

Child-abuse groups call for The Who to be banned from Super Bowl gig

Child-abuse groups call for The Who to be banned from Super Bowl gig

Campaigners in the US are reportedly calling for rockers The Who to be axed from next year’s Super Bowl gig because of guitarist Pete Townsend's 2003 child-porn arrest.
Child Abuse Group Wants The Who Banned From Super Bowl

The organization recently received a letter from NFL Vice President Joe Browne who said that Townshend was arrested on a "technical offense" and never criminally charged.

Can Unwed Fathers Block Adoptions? Navigating a Tricky Legal Terrain

Can Unwed Fathers Block Adoptions? Navigating a Tricky Legal Terrain

When can an unwed father's biological child be adopted without his consent? In a recent ruling, the Nebraska Supreme Court held that the state's statutory scheme for determining the rights of unwed fathers was unconstitutional as applied to the plaintiff before them – an unwed father who had not been adjudicated to be a legal father, but who had maintained a longstanding familial relationship with the child.

SC Family Court Judge's Mental Health In Question

SC Family Court Judge's Mental Health In Question

SC Family Court Judge Segars-Andrews is quite clearly suffering from a great amount of stress over the SC Judicial Merit Selection Commission's findings of fact that the judge is unfit to serve on the bench. After her team of lawyers reportedly and allegedly had lenghtly phone conversations with SC Chief Justice Jeal Toal, Segars-Andrews filed a petition with the Supreme Court demanding the JMSC ruling be quickly over turned.

Court Wants Boy in Brazil Sent to U.S.

Court Wants Boy in Brazil Sent to U.S.

The chief judge of Brazil’s Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that a 9-year-old boy at the center of an international abduction and custody fight must be returned to the UnitedStates with his American father, according to the court’s Web site.

Dutch sailor stays with family friends in legal row

Dutch sailor stays with family friends in legal row

The Dutch teenage sailor whose round-the-world voyage was thwarted by the courts and who later went missing in the Caribbean flew home on Tuesday to a battle over who should care for her.

Report says 225,000 Haiti children work as slaves

Report says 225,000 Haiti children work as slaves

Poverty has forced at least 225,000 children in Haiti's cities into slavery as unpaid household servants, far more than previously thought, a report said Tuesday.

4 more plead guilty in DSS check-cashing scheme

4 more plead guilty in DSS check-cashing scheme

Four more people have pleaded guilty to playing roles in a scheme authorities say defrauded South Carolina's social services agency of $5.2 million.

Female Genital Mutilation Shrugged at by UK Authorities!

Female Genital Mutilation Shrugged at by UK Authorities!

It is unthinkable that in a free country like the UK, that girls are subjected to genital mutilation.

UK fails to halt female genital mutilation

Hundreds of British schoolgirls are facing the terrifying prospect of female genital mutilation (FGM) over the Christmas holidays as experts warn the practice continues to flourish across the country. Parents typically take their daughters back to their country of origin for FGM during school holidays, but The Independent on Sunday has been told that "cutters" are being flown to the UK to carry out the mutilation at "parties" involving up to 20 girls to save money.

Note: Now where the hell are the British Babystealers when you actually need them?

California Agencies May Be Violating Rules for Stimulus Funds

California Agencies May Be Violating Rules for Stimulus Funds

A number of California agencies may not be doing enough to make sure that federal stimulus funding is spent properly.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Foster parent arrested for child pornography

A foster parent was arrested for child pornography.
You can lead a fool to wisdom but you can't make him think.

Sen. Jansens adoption bill approved

Sen. Jansens adoption bill approved

Legislation designed to help speed up adoptions and guardianships was approved Wednesday by the Michigan Senate, said Sen. Mark C. Jansen, R-Gaines Township, a package sponsor.

Pregnant Female In Foster Care Wants To Give Temporary Custody Of Child To Relative In Another State?

Pregnant Female In Foster Care Wants To Give Temporary Custody Of Child To Relative In Another State?

‘I feel so let down by the authorities’

‘I feel so let down by the authorities’

JULIE McCallum has waited more than three years to hear the verdict into the death of her 18-year-old daughter - and in a sad twist of fate their life stories are strangely intertwined.

New Jersey gets $4.2 million for efforts enrolling children in FamilyCare

New Jersey gets $4.2 million for efforts enrolling children in FamilyCare

New Jersey joined Alabama, Alaska, Illinois, Louisiana, Michigan, New Mexico, Oregon and Washington as the only states to receive the bonus federal funding, which totaled $72 million for all nine states.

Note: And all I ask for is $1 Million Dollars from the system sucks so that I can quit my job and do nothing but post to Legally Kidnapped for the rest of my life.

Hell, I might even lighten up on stuff like this...

Poor Children Likelier to Get Antipsychotics

Medicaid children take more antipsychotics

Drugging Children

Now here's a little game for ya...

Child abuse probe goes nationwide

Child abuse probe goes nationwide

A national investigation is under way into claims of serious delays and mismanagement by police investigating child abuse.

Greenbrier Foster Parent Arrested on Child Porn Charges

Greenbrier Foster Parent Arrested on Child Porn Charges

A Greenbrier man who is both a foster parent and a volunteer fireman has been arrested on child pornography charges.

Daniel L. Klosky, Jr., arrested for 38 counts of possession and distribution of child pornography

Neb. foster-care official to keep job under deal

Neb. foster-care official to keep job under deal

A longtime Nebraska foster-care official would be suspended instead of fired under a tentative agreement with the federal government.

Woman arrested for not reporting child abuse

Woman arrested for not reporting child abuse

Sandra Garrido Quinata, 43, of Merizo, was arrested Sunday for official misconduct and failure to report child abuse. GPD Spokesperson Officer Allan Guzman stated two female minors were reported to be beyond control.

Selling Children in America

Selling Children in America

Child trafficking is a serious business. The latest 2008 United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime report confirms that trafficking of children has become a $67 billion annual worldwide business larger than Nike, Starbucks and Google combined.

Manchester social worker due in court over drug charges

Manchester social worker due in court over drug charges

A children's social worker employed by Manchester Council is due in court next month over charges of drug offences allegedly committed at a party organised by the local police.

Toys intended for Galveston foster kids stolen

Toys intended for Galveston foster kids stolen

Somewhere right now Santa Claus is not a very jolly old man.

Thieves stole six bags of Christmas toys over the weekend destined for foster children, Galveston police said today.

Youth jail dangerous, guard says

Youth jail dangerous, guard says

A flawed admissions process at a Brampton superjail is endangering troubled teens and staff, says a senior jail guard at the Roy McMurtry Youth Centre.

Police use stun gun on mom, with child nearby

Police use stun gun on mom, with child nearby

The mother of an infant was ordered held Monday on $15,000 bond after authorities say she assaulted a police officer and resisted arrest over the weekend - with her 16-month-old son in the room.
Hamilton County Department of Job & Family Services launched an investigation into the case Monday after learning about it through media reports, said Brian Gregg, agency spokesman.

Cut the Power of the Family Courts

Cut the Power of the Family Courts

Do you think judges should have the power to decide what religion your children must belong to and which churches they may be prohibited from attending? We have long suspected that family courts are the most dictatorial and biased of all U.S. courts, routinely depriving divorced fathers of due process rights and authority over their own children, but this December a Chicago judge went beyond the pale.

The IRA boasted about shooting child abusers. How very odd that they ignored the vile crimes of Gerry Adams' father and brother

The IRA boasted about shooting child abusers. How very odd that they ignored the vile crimes of Gerry Adams' father and brother

Shed a tear for Gerry Adams MP, as he tours the TV studios trying to save his career and his reputation in the face of those 'with political axes to grind' who are determined to judge a good man harshly just because of family embarrassments.

Months later, still no trace of Hasanni Campbell

Months later, still no trace of Hasanni Campbell

It has been more than four months since Hasanni Campbell was reported missing. On Saturday, about 50 volunteers participated in the latest search for answers in the disappearance of the Fremont boy.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Teen sailor returned with police escort

Teen sailor returned with police escort

A 14-year-old Dutch girl barred from sailing around the world solo returned under police escort on Monday from a Caribbean island where she was found after running away from home, police said.

DCF: Owning a gun not a factor in whether you can adopt

DCF: Owning a gun not a factor in whether you can adopt

The state Department of Children & Families will no longer document whether prospective foster parents own a gun.

Kern County's Monstrous D.A.

Kern County's Monstrous D.A.

Instead, Jagels set his sights on Kern County's lower middle class. Relying on suggestive police and social worker interrogations of children, Jagels' office put 26 people behind bars on felony child sex abuse charges in the 1980s and ‘90s. Of those 26 convictions, 25 have since been overturned.

Note: Bye Bye Jagels! Don't let the door hit you in the ass!

What became of Romania's neglected orphans?

What became of Romania's neglected orphans?

A BBC investigation has uncovered appalling conditions and abuse in adult institutions in Romania, 20 years after the fall of Nicolai Ceausescu exposed conditions in the country's orphanages.

Editorial: Lawmakers should support bills to expedite adoption approvals

Editorial: Lawmakers should support bills to expedite adoption approvals

Note: Not so sure I agree with that statement, but the rest of the article is worth reading.

Lansing lawmakers should eliminate barriers to getting foster children into safe, permanent homes more quickly through adoption or legal guardianship. The House ought to fast-track Senate legislation that would prevent delays in adoption approvals by granting the Department of Human Services (DHS) flexibility to have more than one official assigned to give consent to adoptions.

Attn World!!! Now Society is going to dictate how we are to present ourselves!

4-Year-Old Suspended From Pre-K Over Long Hair

Taylor Pugh has been suspended from pre-kindergarten because he likes his hair a little on the floppy side.

Note: And stuff like this, which I come across more and more lately is why I had to start another blog.

Forced Drugging and Special Services: A Holocaust in America’s Schools

Forced Drugging and Special Services: A Holocaust in America’s Schools

Thousands of children across the nation are being poisoned, legally, by psychotropic and other medication that causes devastating health consequences and death. This “drugging” of America’s school children occurs in order to control behavior and attentional deficits in classroom environments.


We’ve all heard the heartbreaking stories of children abused and neglected in foster homes. A local couple is asking why the state would take their foster child who is also their nephew, a little boy they so desperately love and had hoped to adopt.

Kindergarten Teacher Accused Of Hitting Kids

And she threatened to call the Department of Social Services if the parents complained too!

A Bishopville kindergarten teacher is facing 16 counts of unlawful conduct with a child.

Kentucky chief justice supports attempt to open family courts

Kentucky chief justice supports attempt to open family courts

Kudos to the Kentucky Supreme Court Chief Justice John Minton's statement supporting an attempt to open family courts. Apparently, the timing is in response to the Courier Journal series "CHILDREN IN CRISIS". Hopefully, his support is stronger than his lukewarm moves to open up the AOC and make it more "transparent".

Safety data from kid drug trials often unpublished

Safety data from kid drug trials often unpublished

When drugs approved for adults are studied in youngsters, the research yields important safety data that could guide the use of these medications in children, a report published this week indicates.

Bill Johnson get the F*** out of Michigan

Everyone, Meet Bill Johnson

Sometimes it takes a heartbreaking story to make sure no one else lives through the same. This is a story about one of the 7,000 children who are under the care of one man.

New Judge Ordered in Child Abuse Case

New Judge Ordered in Child Abuse Case

A new judge will take over the child abuse trial of a former Brenham nurse and her boyfriend.

Toddler dies in foster care.

Toddler dies in foster care.

Woman had two children. Age two and three and she was pregnant with another. She was very young and stuck in an abusive relationship. She fled to a shelter with both children. During her pregnancy she was put on bed rest and was convinced by the people at the shelter to put her boys in foster care until she had the baby.

She did.

Parents: Religion Led To Children Being Taken Away

Parents: Religion Led To Children Being Taken Away

Two local parents are accusing the state of taking away their children because of their religion, and the Pakistani-American community is saying their beliefs are being ignored.

Ruth Glynn should learn to mind her own business.

Teacher co-founded foster parent group

Ruth Glynn was the mother of seven, but she still found room to expand her family.

Organization says foster children want families for Christmas

Organization says foster children want families for Christmas

Note: And I'll bet if you ask them, it's their real families that they want.

Hundreds of coast children are hoping a Christmas miracle will bring them a permanent family. The Rock Foundation, a non-profit dedicated to helping foster children, says there are 758 children in foster care in Harrison, Hancock, and Jackson counties. Officials say they're having trouble finding qualified foster parents.

Former Buc's football player plays Santa to foster kids

T.F. girl raises $4,000 for gifts for foster teens

Payments plea for foster carers

Payments plea for foster carers

All foster carers in Scotland should be paid a national minimum allowance, a charity has claimed!

Note: And I say send the kids home to their real parents! It's all about money.

Child-protection orders triple in past four years

Child-protection orders triple in past four years

THE number of child victims of family violence being granted their own intervention orders to protect them from further abuse has tripled in four years.

AAP Clarifies Child Abuse Report Rules

AAP Clarifies Child Abuse Report Rules

In cases of suspected child abuse or neglect, state and federal laws allow pediatricians to disclose the child's personal medical information to appropriate authorities without obtaining permission from a guardian, according to a policy statement from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).

Children at risk on Christmas Day

Children at risk on Christmas Day

Calls to charity helplines to report child abuse are set to drop by up to two thirds over the Christmas period.

This leaves some children at serious risk of harm according to the NSPCC.

Taking Jake

Taking Jake

We’ve all heard the heartbreaking stories of children abused and neglected in foster homes. A local couple is asking why the state would take their foster child who is also their nephew, a little boy they so desperately love and had hoped to adopt.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Deportation of mother without boy condemned

Deportation of mother without boy condemned

THE GOVERNMENT has been accused of “State-sponsored child abuse” for deporting a mother to Nigeria without her four-year-old son, who has been placed in State care.

Psych evaluation for woman accused of sex with foster son

Psych evaluation for woman accused of sex with foster son

A woman accused of having ongoing sexual relations with her 14-yearold foster son has been ordered to undergo psychiatric evaluations.
"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."


Dutch teen solo sailor found on caribbean island: report

Dutch teen solo sailor found on caribbean island: report

Police have reportedly found Laura Dekker, the Dutch teenager who went missing after being prevented from sailing solo around the world, on a Carribean island.

FBI to release secret Michael Jackson dossier - including fresh information on child abuse inquiries and death threats

FBI to release secret Michael Jackson dossier - including fresh information on child abuse inquiries and death threats

The FBI is set to release its secret dossier on Michael Jackson.

The agency plans to declassify 333 pages of the bulky file detailing threats and extortion attempts made against the late superstar.

Disabled mom fighting to keep her son

Disabled mom fighting to keep her son

The 31-year-old Des Plaines woman cannot walk, move her fingers independently or feel anything from the chest down. A decade ago, O’Neill was a Navy airman apprentice when she was knocked from a balcony during Hurricane Floyd, leaving her a quadriplegic.

Kids with parents in jail given special treat

at the annual christmas party -- the children get to see santa and get presents. but organizers say it's more than that. many of the kids are in foster care -- so it's a rare chance for them to be with family and make happy memories. my dad, i love him and i want to go see him very much. meet 8-year-old alexis griego -- who has a dad behind bars. for many children ... these cards are their only contact with a jailed parent on christmas. and some say it's a chance to find magic in the holiday. this year is different than other years because we're expecting a lot more kids to come and get gifts from santa due to the economic downfall. while most of the inmates aren't at the holiday party -- some of their children get a rare chance to see the rest of the family. they're life is within foster care, within several different families. this is a way for them to reunite. and what's a christmas party without old saint nick? ho, ho, ho. the kids get a chance to meet the man of the hour. say hi! hi santa! come on up here! then the kids grab their loot. churches, schools and county employees donated 2000 toys. but volunteers say seeing these little faces light up is the true christmas gift. just when the kids come up, we get to give them the toys and just to see the look of joy on their face. they actually get a xmas even though their parents aren't home. they realize there can be happiness. the christmas party has been a bernalillo county jail tradition for 21 years. back to you. it's another nice night in

Critics: New children's ombudsman lacks teeth

Critics: New children's ombudsman lacks teeth

Indiana's new child services ombudsman faces a daunting challenge as she tries to keep watch over thousands of children, caseworkers and private service providers on a shoestring budget and with no staff.

The Cinderella Saga Continutes

I don't get this.

She knows what a vibrator is...

but not a Christmas tree ornament...

What's up with that?

Wis. teen will need legal permission to date girls

Wis. teen will need legal permission to date girls

A Wisconsin teenager will need legal permission to date girls for the next three years after he was convicted of fleeing to Tennessee with his girlfriend in a stolen car.

Mother charged with trying to kidnap her son

Mother charged with trying to kidnap her son

A mother was charged Tuesday with attempting to kidnap her 7-year-old son who was in the process of being adopted by his foster parents.

In child protection cases, parents are often considered guilty until proved innocent.

In child protection cases, parents are often considered guilty until proved innocent.

In child protection cases, parents are often considered guilty until proved innocent.

CPS's job is your job, too

CPS's job is your job, too

Yes folks! It's time to learn how to rat your neighbor out.

On Nov. 18, 2009, a 2-year-old girl died from what the Kern County coroner called blunt force trauma to the head. This tragic death represents the 17th child in Kern County to die as a direct result of abuse or neglect in the last 20 months. Because of new disclosure laws, enacted collectively as Senate Bill 39, the Department of Human Services is able to speak more openly about the heartbreaking circumstances surrounding child fatalities, including important questions raised by the community, such as whether Child Protective Services was involved with the family. Prior to SB 39, DHS was prohibited from making any public comment on child fatalities due to strict confidentiality laws, which often caused critics to accuse the agency of hiding behind a cloak of secrecy. As such, we fully embrace the opportunity to discuss details, and welcome the transparency that SB 39 provides.

Child protection worries over lack of powers to vet foreigners

Child protection worries over lack of powers to vet foreigners

'Significant barriers' preventing government officials from obtaining details of criminal offences committed abroad

Foster care sees increase in cases due to economy

Foster care sees increase in cases due to economy

A local foster care agency for children and teens is doing more-with-less, faced with state budget shortfalls and greater numbers of at-risk kids.

Child abuse, neglect stats worry educators

Child abuse, neglect stats worry educators

Educators don’t like what they see on the horizon for childcare in Ottawa County.

Improvement, problems in Neb. foster care report

Improvement, problems in Neb. foster care report

A report says a record number of children in Nebraska's foster-care system were adopted in 2008, but that a high percentage of children are returning to the foster-care system.

Dutch teen who sought solo sailing trip disappears

Dutch teen who sought solo sailing trip disappears

Laura Dekker, the 14-year-old Dutch girl whose bid to sail solo around the world was blocked by a court, has gone missing, leaving behind her boat, police said Sunday.

Children in foster care get to visit with their grandmother

Children in foster care get to visit with their grandmother

The Ombudsman received a letter from a brother of a nursing home resident who has not seen her grandchildren since they were placed in foster care last spring.

Critics fear new Indiana children's ombudsman lacks teeth, money to do job right

Critics fear new Indiana children's ombudsman lacks teeth, money to do job right

Indiana's new child services ombudsman will have to oversee thousands of children, caseworkers and other providers with little money and no staff.

Foster family fighting for rights, answers

Foster family fighting for rights, answers

During the Christmas season, messages of hope echo through churches, favorite Christmas movies and in the hearts of all who celebrate the season. And hope is exactly what people in Sandpoint are holding onto right now. For the last few months there has been a sadness hanging over this small community.

Volunteers renew search for Hasanni Campbell

Volunteers renew search for Hasanni Campbell

A group of 50 volunteers scoured the East Bay on Saturday, looking for signs of Hasanni Campbell, the 6-year-old boy with cerebral palsy who was last seen outside a shoe store in Oakland's Rockridge District on Aug. 10.

Guess what

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