Legally Kidnapped
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Sickness and Death for CPS - The Baby LK Report For July 31st 2011
For these stories and all the latest dirt on the child protective industry visit
Background picture is Congressmen John Conyers (D) 14th Michigan checking out Legally Kidnapped. Thanks to Beverly Tran for this picture.
This week:
The Pope sparks sexual abuse claims.
Kids of parents who grow pot tend to do well.
The Octomom needed 14 kids to fill an emotional void...
And much much more.
Police had no right to take woman's daughter, lawyers claim
Police had no right to take woman's daughter, lawyers claim
Lawyers today attacked the validity of a court order used by Detroit Police to forcibly enter a woman's home in March and take her daughter on claims of medical neglect.
Lawyers today attacked the validity of a court order used by Detroit Police to forcibly enter a woman's home in March and take her daughter on claims of medical neglect.
California, Texas agencies all failed to rescue Lilly Manning
California, Texas agencies all failed to rescue Lilly Manning
Lilly Manning was 15 when she escaped from a cramped closet in south Sacramento, after being stabbed and beaten and shoved into the darkness.
Lilly Manning was 15 when she escaped from a cramped closet in south Sacramento, after being stabbed and beaten and shoved into the darkness.
Head of HSE Child and Family vents frustration at… HSE
Head of HSE Child and Family vents frustration at… HSE
THE HSE’s CHIEF of its Office of Child and Family Services has had to explain comments he made in a university lecture about his employer.
THE HSE’s CHIEF of its Office of Child and Family Services has had to explain comments he made in a university lecture about his employer.
Keeps ‘Orphan Train’ memory alive
Keeps ‘Orphan Train’ memory alive
Alice Bernard boarded a train in New York City at the age of 3, traveled all the way to New Iberia, and arrived in 1919, after being specially ordered by a Delcambre family, who had requested a girl with brown hair and brown eyes, said the 95-year-old “Orphan Train” survivor.
Alice Bernard boarded a train in New York City at the age of 3, traveled all the way to New Iberia, and arrived in 1919, after being specially ordered by a Delcambre family, who had requested a girl with brown hair and brown eyes, said the 95-year-old “Orphan Train” survivor.
Sex offenders housed with vulnerable teenage girls in state-funded programme
Sex offenders housed with vulnerable teenage girls in state-funded programme
Sex offenders are being housed with vulnerable young girls in a state-funded residential programme, designed to teach them how to live safely.
Sex offenders are being housed with vulnerable young girls in a state-funded residential programme, designed to teach them how to live safely.
Church child protection chief caught with 4,000 child porn pictures
Church child protection chief caught with 4,000 child porn pictures
A child protection official for the Catholic Church has been caught with 4,000 pictures of child porn.
A child protection official for the Catholic Church has been caught with 4,000 pictures of child porn.
Group Home For Teen Boys Has Residents Worried
Group Home For Teen Boys Has Residents Worried
Local and state officials say they are working to address residents' concerns about safety and a frequent police presence in what had been a quiet neighborhood.
Local and state officials say they are working to address residents' concerns about safety and a frequent police presence in what had been a quiet neighborhood.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Nottingham Police Break Into Car To Rescue... A Doll!
Nottingham Police Break Into Car To Rescue... A Doll!
Police in Nottinghamshire smashed their way into a car in order to rescue what they thought was an unattended baby, on a roasting hot day. I can just imagine some Social Workers were rubbing their dirty, child stealing hands together and had probably already picked out the baby's new parents...
Police in Nottinghamshire smashed their way into a car in order to rescue what they thought was an unattended baby, on a roasting hot day. I can just imagine some Social Workers were rubbing their dirty, child stealing hands together and had probably already picked out the baby's new parents...
Pelosi to Bachmann: Address the Teen Suicides in Your District
Pelosi to Bachmann: Address the Teen Suicides in Your District
Republican presidential candidate Rep. Michele Bachmann’s failure to address a disturbing trend of teen suicides within her own congressional district does not reflect well on her White House ambitions, House minority leader Nancy Pelosi told The Advocate Thursday.
Republican presidential candidate Rep. Michele Bachmann’s failure to address a disturbing trend of teen suicides within her own congressional district does not reflect well on her White House ambitions, House minority leader Nancy Pelosi told The Advocate Thursday.
Inability to pay child support leads woman to plot murder
Inability to pay child support leads woman to plot murder
When it comes to divorce proceedings, there are a lot of issues to be resolved before the couple can officially divorce. These issues can include things like child custody decisions, alimony payments, and who gets the house and boat.
When it comes to divorce proceedings, there are a lot of issues to be resolved before the couple can officially divorce. These issues can include things like child custody decisions, alimony payments, and who gets the house and boat.
Council to repay money to father of foster child
Council to repay money to father of foster child
A FATHER will receive £5,000 from Monmouthshire council after a report to the authority said a foster carer took £8,000 which was meant for his child.
A FATHER will receive £5,000 from Monmouthshire council after a report to the authority said a foster carer took £8,000 which was meant for his child.
New Charges Against Local Judge
Prosecutors say Judge Tammy Bass-LeSure and a former DHS worker have been charged with conspiracy.
Social worker guilty of misconduct taken off register
Social worker guilty of misconduct taken off register
A social worker has been removed from the Register of Social Care Workers after being found guilty of misconduct.
A social worker has been removed from the Register of Social Care Workers after being found guilty of misconduct.
'Child protection' wreaks havoc on a loving family once again
'Child protection' wreaks havoc on a loving family once again
How a mother who fled to Ireland to save her baby was caught on her return.
How a mother who fled to Ireland to save her baby was caught on her return.
Offer to foster care subcontractors inadequate, some providers say
Offer to foster care subcontractors inadequate, some providers say
One of the troubling issues hanging over the state's child welfare reform is the payment of providers owed money when lead, private contractors depart.
One of the troubling issues hanging over the state's child welfare reform is the payment of providers owed money when lead, private contractors depart.
Do we care for children or are we hypocrites?
Do we care for children or are we hypocrites?
HERE’S MY question. Are we really serious about safeguarding children in this Republic? If we are, how come there was no public outcry when a follow-up inspection of foster care by the Health Information and Quality Authority in the Health Service Executive North Central area of Dublin made findings like the following?
HERE’S MY question. Are we really serious about safeguarding children in this Republic? If we are, how come there was no public outcry when a follow-up inspection of foster care by the Health Information and Quality Authority in the Health Service Executive North Central area of Dublin made findings like the following?
Warren Jeffs Promises 'Sickness and Death' for Prosecuters
Warren Jeffs Promises 'Sickness and Death' for Prosecuters
Warren Jeffs broke his courtroom silence in dramatic fashion on Friday, when he took over proceedings to deliver a threatening hourlong diatribe he called "a statement from God."
Warren Jeffs broke his courtroom silence in dramatic fashion on Friday, when he took over proceedings to deliver a threatening hourlong diatribe he called "a statement from God."
Court workers investigated for lying, misuse of vehicles
Court workers investigated for lying, misuse of vehicles
Prosecutors say a criminal investigation is underway against juvenile court workers accused of misusing county vehicles and taking part in recreational activities when they were supposed to be working.
Prosecutors say a criminal investigation is underway against juvenile court workers accused of misusing county vehicles and taking part in recreational activities when they were supposed to be working.
Neighbors Concerned About Safety, Constant Police Presence At Group Home For Teenage Boys
Neighbors Concerned About Safety, Constant Police Presence At Group Home For Teenage Boys
Local and state officials say they are working to address residents' concerns about safety and a frequent police presence in what had been a quiet neighborhood.
Local and state officials say they are working to address residents' concerns about safety and a frequent police presence in what had been a quiet neighborhood.
Mass. group home fined by OSHA after death
Mass. group home fined by OSHA after death
The Revere group home where a mental health worker was murdered has been fined for not doing enough to protect her.
The Revere group home where a mental health worker was murdered has been fined for not doing enough to protect her.
Friday, July 29, 2011
David Corrick, of Sutton St Nicholas, sentenced to 13 years
David Corrick, of Sutton St Nicholas, sentenced to 13 years
A HEREFORDSHIRE man was sentenced to 13 years in prison yesterday for the historic sexual abuse of three boys while he was a residential social worker.
A HEREFORDSHIRE man was sentenced to 13 years in prison yesterday for the historic sexual abuse of three boys while he was a residential social worker.
Foster Care Abuse Lawsuit Seeks Damages From Placement Agency
Foster Care Abuse Lawsuit Seeks Damages From Placement Agency
Three young men who allege to have been sexually abused by their foster care father have filed civil lawsuits against both the individual and the foster care placement company.
Three young men who allege to have been sexually abused by their foster care father have filed civil lawsuits against both the individual and the foster care placement company.
Absentee Parents: Brooke Mueller in Rehab, Charlie Sheen Hasn’t Seen Twin Sons In Weeks
Absentee Parents: Brooke Mueller in Rehab, Charlie Sheen Hasn’t Seen Twin Sons In Weeks
The twin boys of Charlie Sheen and Brooke Mueller have not seen their absentee father in over three weeks. That revelation comes soon after it was revealed that Charlie Sheen considered filing for sole custody of Bob and Max, and just as the young children are without their mother. Their mother is in residential rehab. Again.
The twin boys of Charlie Sheen and Brooke Mueller have not seen their absentee father in over three weeks. That revelation comes soon after it was revealed that Charlie Sheen considered filing for sole custody of Bob and Max, and just as the young children are without their mother. Their mother is in residential rehab. Again.
Is it ever right to smack children? One psychologist believes it could help development
Is it ever right to smack children? One psychologist believes it could help development
New research suggests that smacking children can stunt their emotional intelligence and even worsen their behaviour. But Marjorie Gunnoe, professor of psychology at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan, says the opposite is true.
New research suggests that smacking children can stunt their emotional intelligence and even worsen their behaviour. But Marjorie Gunnoe, professor of psychology at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan, says the opposite is true.
Sending Kids Out Of State Can Make Sense
Sending Kids Out Of State Can Make Sense
For years, the state Department of Children and Families has relied too heavily on placing troubled juveniles in out-of-state treatment facilities. Not only are those teens far from the support of family and neighbors, but the cost of such placement is high — about $40 million annually, by one account.
For years, the state Department of Children and Families has relied too heavily on placing troubled juveniles in out-of-state treatment facilities. Not only are those teens far from the support of family and neighbors, but the cost of such placement is high — about $40 million annually, by one account.
Ardern: Member's Bill to shake up adoption law
Ardern: Member's Bill to shake up adoption law
Labour's Youth Justice spokesperson Jacinda Ardern is pushing to have New Zealand's antiquated and discriminatory adoption laws modernised and updated.
Labour's Youth Justice spokesperson Jacinda Ardern is pushing to have New Zealand's antiquated and discriminatory adoption laws modernised and updated.
Boy wrecks stolen van, dies in E. Ill.
Boy wrecks stolen van, dies in E. Ill.
A 12-year-old eastern Illinois boy who died while driving a stolen minivan was a foster child who escaped from a hospital emergency room after recently running away from the home he’d recently been assigned to, officials said.
A 12-year-old eastern Illinois boy who died while driving a stolen minivan was a foster child who escaped from a hospital emergency room after recently running away from the home he’d recently been assigned to, officials said.
'Take priests to football matches or out for a glass of wine so they don't become paedophiles', says Baroness Scotland
'Take priests to football matches or out for a glass of wine so they don't become paedophiles', says Baroness Scotland
Churchgoers should take priests out for a glass of wine or to football matches so they aren't tempted to become paedophiles, Baroness Scotland has said in an astonishing outburst.
Churchgoers should take priests out for a glass of wine or to football matches so they aren't tempted to become paedophiles, Baroness Scotland has said in an astonishing outburst.
Foster parent gets life for sex crimes
Foster parent gets life for sex crimes
A Pearl River County man has received the equivalent of a life prison sentence plus 35 years for sex crimes committed while he was a foster parent, District Attorney Hal Kittrell said.
A Pearl River County man has received the equivalent of a life prison sentence plus 35 years for sex crimes committed while he was a foster parent, District Attorney Hal Kittrell said.
Social Services director fired
Social Services director fired
The county Department Social Services director has been fired and the newest member of the DSS governing board tapped to replace her on an interim basis.
Social services director dismissed
The county Department Social Services director has been fired and the newest member of the DSS governing board tapped to replace her on an interim basis.
Social services director dismissed
Experts Warn Parents To Watch For Signs Of Sibling Abuse
Experts Warn Parents To Watch For Signs Of Sibling Abuse
The case of an 11-year-old Martinsville boy accused of fatally shooting his 6-year-old brother is raising questions about when sibling rivalry becomes something more serious.
The case of an 11-year-old Martinsville boy accused of fatally shooting his 6-year-old brother is raising questions about when sibling rivalry becomes something more serious.
Council to repay money to father of foster child
Council to repay money to father of foster child
A FATHER will receive £5,000 from Monmouthshire council after a report to the authority said a foster carer took £8,000 which was meant for his child.
A FATHER will receive £5,000 from Monmouthshire council after a report to the authority said a foster carer took £8,000 which was meant for his child.
Nigeria: NGO Sensitizes Parents On Children's Rights
Nigeria: NGO Sensitizes Parents On Children's Rights
A non-governmental organization, Child Protection Network (CPN), yesterday called on parents not to send their children to the streets but to give them education, shelter and health care services.
A non-governmental organization, Child Protection Network (CPN), yesterday called on parents not to send their children to the streets but to give them education, shelter and health care services.
Restraints still cause injuries in DCF psychiatric facilities
Restraints still cause injuries in DCF psychiatric facilities
Todd was agitated, and the effort of the staff at Riverview Hospital to calm him down weren't having any effect. As the confrontation escalated, aides did what they were trained to do: physically restrain him, face down against the floor, in hopes that would defuse the situation.
Todd was agitated, and the effort of the staff at Riverview Hospital to calm him down weren't having any effect. As the confrontation escalated, aides did what they were trained to do: physically restrain him, face down against the floor, in hopes that would defuse the situation.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Octomom Nadya Suleman's Latest Octo-idiocy: Having 14 Kids Necessary to Fill "Emotional Void"
Octomom Nadya Suleman's Latest Octo-idiocy: Having 14 Kids Necessary to Fill "Emotional Void"
Kids say the darnedest things, and Octomom Nadya Suleman of La Habra has 14 to keep the darned things coming and coming and coming. But is there really beating anything coming out of her own reconstructed piehole? From saying she's a Muslim-raised workaholic to "babies disgust me" (and those are just the gems from the past month!), Octo-quote-machine can keep TMZ, Radar and other tabloidnistas well stocked for years.
Kids say the darnedest things, and Octomom Nadya Suleman of La Habra has 14 to keep the darned things coming and coming and coming. But is there really beating anything coming out of her own reconstructed piehole? From saying she's a Muslim-raised workaholic to "babies disgust me" (and those are just the gems from the past month!), Octo-quote-machine can keep TMZ, Radar and other tabloidnistas well stocked for years.
Florissant foster parent found guilty of child molestation
Florissant foster parent found guilty of child molestation
Florissant man was found guilty of molesting one foster child but found not guilty of molesting a second girl after a trial this week in St. Louis County Circuit Court.
Florissant man was found guilty of molesting one foster child but found not guilty of molesting a second girl after a trial this week in St. Louis County Circuit Court.
Forced adoptions may spark class action
Forced adoptions may spark class action
A Newcastle solicitor is investigating the possibility of a class action on behalf of several Hunter Valley women who say their babies were adopted against their will.
A Newcastle solicitor is investigating the possibility of a class action on behalf of several Hunter Valley women who say their babies were adopted against their will.
NZ Adoption Laws Breach Anti-Discrimination Laws
NZ Adoption Laws Breach Anti-Discrimination Laws
Claim Filed With Human Rights Tribunal: NZ Adoption Laws Breach Anti-Discrimination Laws
Claim Filed With Human Rights Tribunal: NZ Adoption Laws Breach Anti-Discrimination Laws
TV’s Favorite Tea Party Congressman Sued for $117K in Child Support
TV’s Favorite Tea Party Congressman Sued for $117K in Child Support
Are you familiar with freshman Republican Rep. Joe Walsh? No? That's okay! Just turn on any cable news channel at any time. He'll be there. Producers love to book him, and he loves to be booked. His politics can best be described as anti-any-compromise-ever, and he is rude. Another interesting thing about Joe Walsh is that his ex-wife is suing him for $117,437 in unpaid child support.
Are you familiar with freshman Republican Rep. Joe Walsh? No? That's okay! Just turn on any cable news channel at any time. He'll be there. Producers love to book him, and he loves to be booked. His politics can best be described as anti-any-compromise-ever, and he is rude. Another interesting thing about Joe Walsh is that his ex-wife is suing him for $117,437 in unpaid child support.
AM EXCLUSIVE – Bachmann on being a foster mom: "A big family is a blessing"
AM EXCLUSIVE – Bachmann on being a foster mom: "A big family is a blessing"
In an exclusive interview with American Morning's Kiran Chetry, Republican Presidential candidate Rep. Michele Bachmann explains how she chose to become a foster parent, the importance of balancing challenges in a marriage and her struggle to emerge out of poverty as a teenager.
Note: Michelle Bachmann's shit don't stink because she was a foster parent and would therefore make a good president, regardless of the fact that she's clueless. Well I, for one, am sick of listening to her.
In an exclusive interview with American Morning's Kiran Chetry, Republican Presidential candidate Rep. Michele Bachmann explains how she chose to become a foster parent, the importance of balancing challenges in a marriage and her struggle to emerge out of poverty as a teenager.
Note: Michelle Bachmann's shit don't stink because she was a foster parent and would therefore make a good president, regardless of the fact that she's clueless. Well I, for one, am sick of listening to her.
Boy, 12, who died while driving stolen van was foster runaway
Boy, 12, who died while driving stolen van was foster runaway
A 12-year-old boy who died while driving a stolen minivan was a foster child who escaped from a hospital emergency room after running away from the home where he'd been assigned, officials said.
12-year-old wrecks stolen van, dies in E. Illinois
A 12-year-old boy who died while driving a stolen minivan was a foster child who escaped from a hospital emergency room after running away from the home where he'd been assigned, officials said.
12-year-old wrecks stolen van, dies in E. Illinois
Russian orphans arrive in Toledo
Ohio too?
Russian orphans arrive in Toledo
After a 48 hour trip from Russia, nine children have arrived at Toledo's Trinity Lutheran Church on Glendale. Their visit is part of a Christian organization called "Friends of Russian Orphans."
Russian orphans arrive in Toledo
After a 48 hour trip from Russia, nine children have arrived at Toledo's Trinity Lutheran Church on Glendale. Their visit is part of a Christian organization called "Friends of Russian Orphans."
Inquiry ordered into adoption norm flouting
Inquiry ordered into adoption norm flouting
The parents of three-year-old Ahana Banerjee are running from pillar to post to get her admitted to a school. Because, Ahana, being an adopted daughter, is yet to get a birth certificate.
The parents of three-year-old Ahana Banerjee are running from pillar to post to get her admitted to a school. Because, Ahana, being an adopted daughter, is yet to get a birth certificate.
3-week program aims to unite orphans with adoptive families in Utah
3-week program aims to unite orphans with adoptive families in Utah
For many orphans in eastern Europe, life outside the care of an orphanage holds little to hope for.
Note: A traveling adoption block? That's a little twisted.
"We send kids off to far off lands in hopes of finding a forever home."
For many orphans in eastern Europe, life outside the care of an orphanage holds little to hope for.
Note: A traveling adoption block? That's a little twisted.
"We send kids off to far off lands in hopes of finding a forever home."
Forced adoption in South Australia
Forced adoption in South Australia
Evelyn Robinson knows about adoption.
Her first son Steven was taken for adoption when she was just 20.
Evelyn Robinson knows about adoption.
Her first son Steven was taken for adoption when she was just 20.
Cuts mean less domestic violence investigation
Cuts mean less domestic violence investigation
A cost-cutting move that narrows the Division of Child and Family Services’ ability to get involved when children are exposed to domestic violence has some advocates alarmed, but one child welfare expert is hailing the change as a reasonable approach that reduces chances of victims and their children being doubly traumatized.
A cost-cutting move that narrows the Division of Child and Family Services’ ability to get involved when children are exposed to domestic violence has some advocates alarmed, but one child welfare expert is hailing the change as a reasonable approach that reduces chances of victims and their children being doubly traumatized.
Authorities to place stolen babies in care
Authorities to place stolen babies in care
All 89 kidnapped children, including eight Vietnamese infants, who were recently rescued by police from two major human trafficking rings in South China, will not be allowed to stay with the people who bought them.
All 89 kidnapped children, including eight Vietnamese infants, who were recently rescued by police from two major human trafficking rings in South China, will not be allowed to stay with the people who bought them.
Child abuse report too narrow, says Labour
Child abuse report too narrow, says Labour
A report on tackling child abuse is a step in the right direction but its focus on the most vulnerable ignores the needs of every child, Labour says.
A report on tackling child abuse is a step in the right direction but its focus on the most vulnerable ignores the needs of every child, Labour says.
Secrecy Poisoning American Democracy
Secrecy Poisoning American Democracy
A new report that we’re releasing today makes the case that out-of-control secrecy is a serious disease that is hurting American democracy. More and more of our government’s actions are being hidden from the people who are supposed to be ultimately in charge of that government. A story about attempts to uncover secret laws in today’s Washington Post shows just how timely our report is.
Note: Not about child welfare, so to speak, but secrecy is a big problem there too.
A new report that we’re releasing today makes the case that out-of-control secrecy is a serious disease that is hurting American democracy. More and more of our government’s actions are being hidden from the people who are supposed to be ultimately in charge of that government. A story about attempts to uncover secret laws in today’s Washington Post shows just how timely our report is.
Note: Not about child welfare, so to speak, but secrecy is a big problem there too.
Why Is Florida Refusing Federal Money To Be Used For Child Abuse Prevention [Opinion]
Why Is Florida Refusing Federal Money To Be Used For Child Abuse Prevention [Opinion]
$50 million. Yes $50 million. Money supposed to go to child abuse prevention. Given to Florida as part of the Affordable Health Care Act, passed last year by congress and signed into law by President Obama.
$50 million. Yes $50 million. Money supposed to go to child abuse prevention. Given to Florida as part of the Affordable Health Care Act, passed last year by congress and signed into law by President Obama.
Legislation Urging Immediate Return of US Kids Abducted to Japan Clears 1st Hurdle Smith Amendment Calling for a U.S.-Japan MOU Wins Support
Legislation Urging Immediate Return of US Kids Abducted to Japan Clears 1st Hurdle Smith Amendment Calling for a U.S.-Japan MOU Wins Support
The House Foreign Affairs Committee today adopted an amendment by U.S. Rep. Chris Smith (NJ-04) calling for a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Japan for the immediate return of the approximately 156 U.S. children currently being held in Japan against the wishes of their American parent, and in many cases in violation of valid U.S. court orders.
Left-behind parents waiting
The House Foreign Affairs Committee today adopted an amendment by U.S. Rep. Chris Smith (NJ-04) calling for a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Japan for the immediate return of the approximately 156 U.S. children currently being held in Japan against the wishes of their American parent, and in many cases in violation of valid U.S. court orders.
Left-behind parents waiting
The no-kids-allowed movement is spreading
The no-kids-allowed movement is spreading
What's the matter with kids today and why doesn't anyone want them around? In June, Malaysia Airlines banned babies from many of their first class cabins, prompting other major airlines to consider similar policies.
What's the matter with kids today and why doesn't anyone want them around? In June, Malaysia Airlines banned babies from many of their first class cabins, prompting other major airlines to consider similar policies.
Neil Patrick Harris' parenting tip? Staple kids to crib
Neil Patrick Harris' parenting tip? Staple kids to crib
Neil Patrick Harris visited “The Daily Show” on Monday night to promote his upcoming movie, “The Smurfs,” but the proud papa of twins couldn’t resist the chance to brag about his babies while he was there.
Neil Patrick Harris visited “The Daily Show” on Monday night to promote his upcoming movie, “The Smurfs,” but the proud papa of twins couldn’t resist the chance to brag about his babies while he was there.
Journalist Launches Parenting Blog Packed With Controversy
Journalist Launches Parenting Blog Packed With Controversy
Parenting styles and the choices parents make can be explosively controversial. Cecilia Biemann, author of the eBook, “Ace Child Discipline Guide,” found that to be true when gathering research for her book. Biemann’s recently launched parenting blog,, explores a wide range of personal and news headline making controversial parenting matters, while providing a platform for further discussion.
Parenting styles and the choices parents make can be explosively controversial. Cecilia Biemann, author of the eBook, “Ace Child Discipline Guide,” found that to be true when gathering research for her book. Biemann’s recently launched parenting blog,, explores a wide range of personal and news headline making controversial parenting matters, while providing a platform for further discussion.
North Carolina Urges Sterilization Victims to Come Forward
North Carolina Urges Sterilization Victims to Come Forward
Lela Duncan was only 13 when she gave birth to a son in the Chapel Hill area of North Carolina. She said she was unaware why county officials had visited her mother within a year of her son's birth, or the duress under which her mother was forced to commit her to the home for wayward girls. While Duncan had committed no crime, she was carted off and held for years at the institution. Under North Carolina statute, Duncan was eligible to leave the home only after being surgically sterilized under a platform known as eugenic sterilization.
Lela Duncan was only 13 when she gave birth to a son in the Chapel Hill area of North Carolina. She said she was unaware why county officials had visited her mother within a year of her son's birth, or the duress under which her mother was forced to commit her to the home for wayward girls. While Duncan had committed no crime, she was carted off and held for years at the institution. Under North Carolina statute, Duncan was eligible to leave the home only after being surgically sterilized under a platform known as eugenic sterilization.
Georgia selected for child welfare system research study, which begins in the fall
Georgia selected for child welfare system research study, which begins in the fall
Officials say the state of Georgia has been selected as one of two research and demonstration sites for the National Quality Improvement Center on the Representation of Children in the Child Welfare System.
Officials say the state of Georgia has been selected as one of two research and demonstration sites for the National Quality Improvement Center on the Representation of Children in the Child Welfare System.
Census: More grandparents in Ky dusting off parenting skills to rear next generation
Census: More grandparents in Ky dusting off parenting skills to rear next generation
Nearly 87,000 Kentucky children are being raised by grandparents who are dusting off long-dormant parenting skills in growing numbers to rear another generation, figures from the U.S. Census Bureau showed Thursday.
Nearly 87,000 Kentucky children are being raised by grandparents who are dusting off long-dormant parenting skills in growing numbers to rear another generation, figures from the U.S. Census Bureau showed Thursday.
Children's services boss says sorry to children abused by adoptive mother
Children's services boss says sorry to children abused by adoptive mother
Children's services boss says sorry to children abused by adoptive mother
Children's services boss says sorry to children abused by adoptive mother
Program Offers Help for At-Risk Kids of Military Families
Program Offers Help for At-Risk Kids of Military Families
A decade of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan has taken its toll on children whose parents are deployed, according to a new study by researchers at the University of Washington School of Public Health.
A decade of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan has taken its toll on children whose parents are deployed, according to a new study by researchers at the University of Washington School of Public Health.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Woman who grew up a foster child in Oxnard works to improve the system
Woman who grew up a foster child in Oxnard works to improve the system
Jessie Peterson has seen both sides of the foster care system, the good and the bad.
Jessie Peterson has seen both sides of the foster care system, the good and the bad.
Zero-Tolerance Policies Doing More Harm Than Good
Zero-Tolerance Policies Doing More Harm Than Good
Nearly one million teens become school dropouts each year, particularly minorities and males. Many students leave school after experiencing strict suspension policies. To learn why and what can produce better learning environments, host Michel Martin speaks with NPR's Claudio Sanchez, who's doing a new series on America's dropout crisis; Deborah Fowler, a consultant on a new Texas study about the effects of school discipline; and Emma Tai, coordinator of Voices of Youth in Chicago Education.
Nearly one million teens become school dropouts each year, particularly minorities and males. Many students leave school after experiencing strict suspension policies. To learn why and what can produce better learning environments, host Michel Martin speaks with NPR's Claudio Sanchez, who's doing a new series on America's dropout crisis; Deborah Fowler, a consultant on a new Texas study about the effects of school discipline; and Emma Tai, coordinator of Voices of Youth in Chicago Education.
Young people voice their stories of disruption and damage in foster care
Young people voice their stories of disruption and damage in foster care
KAREN CONLON cannot remember exactly how many foster families she stayed with during her 12 years in care. But she says she lived in most counties while under the care of the Health Service Executive.
KAREN CONLON cannot remember exactly how many foster families she stayed with during her 12 years in care. But she says she lived in most counties while under the care of the Health Service Executive.
Surrogacy couple win right to babies but face prosecution
Surrogacy couple win right to babies but face prosecution
A Queensland couple who won the right to raise three baby boys born to two surrogate mothers in Thailand could face criminal charges, in a case that has highlighted Australia's complex surrogacy laws.
A Queensland couple who won the right to raise three baby boys born to two surrogate mothers in Thailand could face criminal charges, in a case that has highlighted Australia's complex surrogacy laws.
The Kids Are All Right, Even if Their Parents Grow Pot
The Kids Are All Right, Even if Their Parents Grow Pot
Just because the folks next door are drug dealers doesn't mean they're bad parents.
Pot growers' kids in good health, study says
A new study has found that children from "grow op" homes were healthy and drug-free, leading to questions about the practice of immediately removing such kids from their parents.
Just because the folks next door are drug dealers doesn't mean they're bad parents.
Pot growers' kids in good health, study says
A new study has found that children from "grow op" homes were healthy and drug-free, leading to questions about the practice of immediately removing such kids from their parents.
Are Illinois Democrats persecuting Catholics because of their beliefs on homosexuality?
Are Illinois Democrats persecuting Catholics because of their beliefs on homosexuality?
Catholics and their faith have come under attack from the state of Illinois, which has attempted to cut off state funding for a number of the religion's charities.
Catholics and their faith have come under attack from the state of Illinois, which has attempted to cut off state funding for a number of the religion's charities.
Pope's UK visit prompts increase in sex abuse allegations against church
Pope's UK visit prompts increase in sex abuse allegations against church
Body set up to improve Catholic church's response to abuse reveals three-fold rise in allegations in 2010
Body set up to improve Catholic church's response to abuse reveals three-fold rise in allegations in 2010
DCF Leader: Children Safer in Florida Now
DCF Leader: Children Safer in Florida Now
The leader of Florida's Department of Children and Families says his agency has learned a lot from the "horrific" child abuse case of Victor and Nubia Barahona.
The leader of Florida's Department of Children and Families says his agency has learned a lot from the "horrific" child abuse case of Victor and Nubia Barahona.
Barahona Grand Jury Offers Sharp Critique Of DCF
WPBF 25 News' Erin Guy got ahold of a 29-page report by a grand jury that blasts DCF procedures in connection with February's high-profile Barahona tragedy.
Grand Jury: DCF Failed Barahona Children
A grand jury report claims that the state Department of Children and Families failed the children of Jorge and Nubia Barahona.
Child Protective Services SUED… Four workers plead guilty to child abuse
Child Protective Services SUED… Four workers plead guilty to child abuse
A lawyer for a teenager who was held captive and abused inside a Central California home for a year has filed a claim against the county for allegedly failing to protect him.
A lawyer for a teenager who was held captive and abused inside a Central California home for a year has filed a claim against the county for allegedly failing to protect him.
Jesse James Awarded Sole Custody of Daughter, Sunny
Jesse James Awarded Sole Custody of Daughter, Sunny
Jesse James has certainly been making headlines this week. First with this split with ex-fiance Kat Von D and now with his child custody case. On Monday the motorcycle mogul was awarded sole custody of his daughter, Sunny, following a long court battle with mother, Janine Lindemulder. Anyone else confused as to why this guy has been with so many women or is it just me?
Jesse James has certainly been making headlines this week. First with this split with ex-fiance Kat Von D and now with his child custody case. On Monday the motorcycle mogul was awarded sole custody of his daughter, Sunny, following a long court battle with mother, Janine Lindemulder. Anyone else confused as to why this guy has been with so many women or is it just me?
Family Court Judge Picked to Run Children’s Services Agency
Family Court Judge Picked to Run Children’s Services Agency
Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg on Wednesday appointed a Family Court judge, Ronald E. Richter, to be commissioner of the Administration for Children’s Services.
Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg on Wednesday appointed a Family Court judge, Ronald E. Richter, to be commissioner of the Administration for Children’s Services.
Is The Playing Field Level For Men In The Family Court System?
Is The Playing Field Level For Men In The Family Court System?
The father's rights movement isn't an anti-mom or anti-woman movement; it's an anti-unfairness movement. It just so happens that moms have most of the power in the family court system in America.
The father's rights movement isn't an anti-mom or anti-woman movement; it's an anti-unfairness movement. It just so happens that moms have most of the power in the family court system in America.
How Would You React If CPS Was Investigating You?
How Would You React If CPS Was Investigating You?
The saga of Amber Portwood's legal troubles continued on last night's episode of Teen Mom, in which Amber was forced to go to the police station for a meeting with Child Protective Services after repeatedly dodging the agency. Now, we realize that cherry-picked, edited moments on a reality TV show wouldn't accurately depict someone's parenting skills, but given that this entire CPS investigation is a result of an incident that was shown on Teen Mom—Amber punching the father of her child, which brought on a felony domestic abuse charge—you'd think that if she were really that worried about losing custody of her daughter, she'd be really careful about the way she's presenting herself on camera. Ahem.
The saga of Amber Portwood's legal troubles continued on last night's episode of Teen Mom, in which Amber was forced to go to the police station for a meeting with Child Protective Services after repeatedly dodging the agency. Now, we realize that cherry-picked, edited moments on a reality TV show wouldn't accurately depict someone's parenting skills, but given that this entire CPS investigation is a result of an incident that was shown on Teen Mom—Amber punching the father of her child, which brought on a felony domestic abuse charge—you'd think that if she were really that worried about losing custody of her daughter, she'd be really careful about the way she's presenting herself on camera. Ahem.
KCC finally appoints new social care boss
KCC finally appoints new social care boss
Andrew Ireland will become the new corporate director for families and social care from November, replacing the man who has cost taxpayers £1,250 a day in agency fees since January 4, Malcolm Newsam.
Andrew Ireland will become the new corporate director for families and social care from November, replacing the man who has cost taxpayers £1,250 a day in agency fees since January 4, Malcolm Newsam.
Too many children in care let down - Minister
Too many children in care let down - Minister
The Minister for Children has criticised some social workers for letting down children who are in the care of the State.
The Minister for Children has criticised some social workers for letting down children who are in the care of the State.
Florida Child Welfare Investigators Criticized for Imcompetance
Florida Child Welfare Investigators Criticized for Imcompetance
Say you're a child welfare investigator.
You get numerous reports that children in a particular family are being abused. Most recently, you hear they are being tied up and confined to a bathtub.
How can you tell if these allegations are true?
Say you're a child welfare investigator.
You get numerous reports that children in a particular family are being abused. Most recently, you hear they are being tied up and confined to a bathtub.
How can you tell if these allegations are true?
Cambodia’s ‘orphan tourism’ sparks concern
Cambodia’s ‘orphan tourism’ sparks concern
Pictures of hundreds of former volunteers line the walls of a muddy courtyard in Cambodia’s tourist hub of Siem Reap, their faces once familiar to the orphans playing there but now long gone.
Pictures of hundreds of former volunteers line the walls of a muddy courtyard in Cambodia’s tourist hub of Siem Reap, their faces once familiar to the orphans playing there but now long gone.
International Adoptions Decline
International Adoptions Decline
It is in dispute whether international adoption encourages the abduction of children from their loving families, or gives a neglected child a chance for a bright future.
It is in dispute whether international adoption encourages the abduction of children from their loving families, or gives a neglected child a chance for a bright future.
Adopted girl aids murder of foster mother
Adopted girl aids murder of foster mother
An army deserter and a young woman were arrested by the Welimada police in connection with the killing of a 78- year- old woman of Bogahakumbura in Welimada. She had been hacked to death and her jewellery taken away. The victim, K A Karunawathie was a retired principal of a government school in Welimada living alone in her house. Her children were married and living separately.
An army deserter and a young woman were arrested by the Welimada police in connection with the killing of a 78- year- old woman of Bogahakumbura in Welimada. She had been hacked to death and her jewellery taken away. The victim, K A Karunawathie was a retired principal of a government school in Welimada living alone in her house. Her children were married and living separately.
Another Tale of Our Anti-Parent DCFS Establishment
Another Tale of Our Anti-Parent DCFS Establishment
It is a sad truth that from coast to coast our departments of children and family service (DCFS) agencies are in disarray. All too often they ill serve the children they are supposed to be helping and they almost always step on the rights of parents without much bothering to give a good reading of the situation before action is taken. The travails of 13-year-old Chloe Faulkner is another such story. Taken from her parents, isolated in a world of faceless bureaucrats, used as a cash cow for state aide, abused, repeatedly raped, and eventually impregnated without her loving parents being given a chance to be heard, this tale is another DCFS/State intervention horror story.
It is a sad truth that from coast to coast our departments of children and family service (DCFS) agencies are in disarray. All too often they ill serve the children they are supposed to be helping and they almost always step on the rights of parents without much bothering to give a good reading of the situation before action is taken. The travails of 13-year-old Chloe Faulkner is another such story. Taken from her parents, isolated in a world of faceless bureaucrats, used as a cash cow for state aide, abused, repeatedly raped, and eventually impregnated without her loving parents being given a chance to be heard, this tale is another DCFS/State intervention horror story.
Officer accused of sexually abusing children resigns
Officer accused of sexually abusing children resigns
An Oklahoma City police sergeant accused of molesting foster and adopted children in his care resigned Tuesday. Sgt. Maurice Martinez faces 37 criminal charges including multiple counts of sexual abuse of a child.
An Oklahoma City police sergeant accused of molesting foster and adopted children in his care resigned Tuesday. Sgt. Maurice Martinez faces 37 criminal charges including multiple counts of sexual abuse of a child.
Grandparent caregivers relievers of the foster care system
Grandparent caregivers relievers of the foster care system
An accident landed seven of Rosie Cardenas’ grandchildren on her doorstep and she hasn’t looked back since.
An accident landed seven of Rosie Cardenas’ grandchildren on her doorstep and she hasn’t looked back since.
Ofsted plans two-week no-notice inspections for children's services departments
Ofsted plans two-week no-notice inspections for children's services departments
Local authority children's services teams are to be subjected to no-notice Ofsted inspections lasting two weeks at a time, under plans being proposed by the watchdog.
Local authority children's services teams are to be subjected to no-notice Ofsted inspections lasting two weeks at a time, under plans being proposed by the watchdog.
Ex-caseworker pleads guilty in neglect case
Ex-caseworker pleads guilty in neglect case
A former caseworker with the county has pleaded guilty to a felony in a child-neglect case where an infant boy with a digestive disorder nearly died last year, according to the prosecutor who handled the case.
A former caseworker with the county has pleaded guilty to a felony in a child-neglect case where an infant boy with a digestive disorder nearly died last year, according to the prosecutor who handled the case.
Special report: When children enter adult life after time with foster family
Special report: When children enter adult life after time with foster family
Amber Larsen turns 18 Monday, and like many her age, she’s looking forward to moving out and living on her own in Sheboygan.
Amber Larsen turns 18 Monday, and like many her age, she’s looking forward to moving out and living on her own in Sheboygan.
EXCLUSIVE: In Congress, psychiatrist pushes for foster health care
EXCLUSIVE: In Congress, psychiatrist pushes for foster health care
In 2008, Congress passed legislation broadly hailed as the most sweeping reform of federal child welfare policy in a decade. The bill, sponsored by Rep. Jim McDermott, D-Wash., mandated among other elements that each state develop a plan for "the ongoing oversight and coordination of health care services for any child in a foster care placement."
In 2008, Congress passed legislation broadly hailed as the most sweeping reform of federal child welfare policy in a decade. The bill, sponsored by Rep. Jim McDermott, D-Wash., mandated among other elements that each state develop a plan for "the ongoing oversight and coordination of health care services for any child in a foster care placement."
Lawmakers again asked to intervene in shock therapy debate
Lawmakers again asked to intervene in shock therapy debate
It’s become a wrenching but familiar sight for members of the Legislature: Brandon Sanchez - restrained by his uncle, Rep. Jeffrey Sanchez - writhing as he attempts to kick, claw and slap at his own face, the self-injurious consequence of a debilitating mental disorder.
It’s become a wrenching but familiar sight for members of the Legislature: Brandon Sanchez - restrained by his uncle, Rep. Jeffrey Sanchez - writhing as he attempts to kick, claw and slap at his own face, the self-injurious consequence of a debilitating mental disorder.
Grow-op kids shouldn't be in foster homes: Study
Grow-op kids shouldn't be in foster homes: Study
Children living in grow-op homes are healthier living with their parents rather than being placed into foster homes, a study shows.
Children living in grow-op homes are healthier living with their parents rather than being placed into foster homes, a study shows.
Belleville Diocese foster-care program joins suit against Illinois over same-sex issue
Belleville Diocese foster-care program joins suit against Illinois over same-sex issue
The Belleville Diocese announced today it has joined three other Catholic dioceses in Illinois in a lawsuit trying to force the state to continue contracting foster care through them-contracts the state wants to pull because the church-affiliated programs won't allow same-sex couples to act as foster parents.
The Belleville Diocese announced today it has joined three other Catholic dioceses in Illinois in a lawsuit trying to force the state to continue contracting foster care through them-contracts the state wants to pull because the church-affiliated programs won't allow same-sex couples to act as foster parents.
Foster parent convicted of sexual battery
Foster parent convicted of sexual battery
A man is behind bars after being accused of molesting his foster children.
A man is behind bars after being accused of molesting his foster children.
Father Accused of caging adopted son
Father Accused of caging adopted son
When Michael Wells rented his house to a family of five last month, he thought he was doing a good deed for a set of morally courageous parents.
When Michael Wells rented his house to a family of five last month, he thought he was doing a good deed for a set of morally courageous parents.
DCF complies with court settlement on children's mental health
DCF complies with court settlement on children's mental health
Note: So the kids in Connecticut will get their pills?
Four years after settling a class-action lawsuit over its care for children with mental health needs, the state Department of Children and Families has revised its procedures to keep hundreds of children from being shunted into institutions, jail or hospital emergency rooms, officials and advocates say.
Note: So the kids in Connecticut will get their pills?
Four years after settling a class-action lawsuit over its care for children with mental health needs, the state Department of Children and Families has revised its procedures to keep hundreds of children from being shunted into institutions, jail or hospital emergency rooms, officials and advocates say.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Update: The nut who wants to license clowns.
So that nut who wants to license the clowns turns out to be a pretty intense control freak with a one tract mind...
I joined her Ning group and she moderates everything, every comment, every picture that you upload to your own profile. She sends me a message that says Welcome! in bright flashy animated letters. I said thank you. Then she starts preaching some child abuse propaganda, I responded with a friendly message telling her what I do. So she refuses to moderate my message in and deletes the thank you message.
I don't know if you can view it or not without an account, but here it is the little page I set up.
I'm sure it won't be long before I'm booted from the group all-together. Times a wastin. Get your bets in now. How long will I last? I am LK you know. I do have a reputation to protect.
Report: Child welfare workers too trusting
Report: Child welfare workers too trusting
Note: To the dumbass who wrote this article. Chile welfare workers are the ones who can't be trusted.
Florida child welfare workers did nothing to Jorge and Carmen Barahona when allegations of possible child abuse and neglect were made, a grand jury report said.
The grand jury report, issued Monday, said a Department of Children and Families investigator was so trusting that when the agency received a report Feb. 10 that twins Victor and Nubia Barahona were tied up and locked in a bathtub, the investigator left the Barahona home without seeing the children and wrote they were at little risk of harm, The Miami Herald reported Tuesday.
And this will screw it up for everybody else. Workers will be taught not to trust anybody making it harder on parents.
No worries though, there will still be plenty of incompetent social wreckers from Florida to keep us entertained.
Note: To the dumbass who wrote this article. Chile welfare workers are the ones who can't be trusted.
Florida child welfare workers did nothing to Jorge and Carmen Barahona when allegations of possible child abuse and neglect were made, a grand jury report said.
The grand jury report, issued Monday, said a Department of Children and Families investigator was so trusting that when the agency received a report Feb. 10 that twins Victor and Nubia Barahona were tied up and locked in a bathtub, the investigator left the Barahona home without seeing the children and wrote they were at little risk of harm, The Miami Herald reported Tuesday.
And this will screw it up for everybody else. Workers will be taught not to trust anybody making it harder on parents.
No worries though, there will still be plenty of incompetent social wreckers from Florida to keep us entertained.
Study Finds New Guidelines Help Judges Better Serve Abused and Neglected Children and Their Families
Study Finds New Guidelines Help Judges Better Serve Abused and Neglected Children and Their Families
Children who are removed from their parents for abuse or neglect allegations experience better outcomes when judges follow a set of decision-making guidelines during the initial removal hearing, according to a study released today by the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ). Development of a benchcard containing the guidelines grew out of a national NCJFCJ initiative, Courts Catalyzing Change: Achieving Equity and Fairness in Foster Care (CCC). In partnership with Casey Family Programs and the U.S. Department of Justice Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, NCJFCJ member judges throughout the country are working to reduce the overrepresentation of children of color in the foster care system along with the disparate outcomes they and their families experience.
Children who are removed from their parents for abuse or neglect allegations experience better outcomes when judges follow a set of decision-making guidelines during the initial removal hearing, according to a study released today by the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ). Development of a benchcard containing the guidelines grew out of a national NCJFCJ initiative, Courts Catalyzing Change: Achieving Equity and Fairness in Foster Care (CCC). In partnership with Casey Family Programs and the U.S. Department of Justice Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, NCJFCJ member judges throughout the country are working to reduce the overrepresentation of children of color in the foster care system along with the disparate outcomes they and their families experience.
What happens when you 'age out' of foster care?
What happens when you 'age out' of foster care?
Here’s the short list: Finish school. Find a home. Get a job. Create a support system. Think about college or vocational training. And stay out of trouble. The last item can be the toughest, as statistics show that foster youth are much more likely to be involved in drugs or unwanted pregnancies. And a mistake in any one of these areas can result in homelessness, depression or legal problems.
Here’s the short list: Finish school. Find a home. Get a job. Create a support system. Think about college or vocational training. And stay out of trouble. The last item can be the toughest, as statistics show that foster youth are much more likely to be involved in drugs or unwanted pregnancies. And a mistake in any one of these areas can result in homelessness, depression or legal problems.
Students Disciplined in Texas Public Schools More Likely to Enter Juvenile Justice System
Students Disciplined in Texas Public Schools More Likely to Enter Juvenile Justice System
Educators are reacting to a recent study of Texas public schools that found students who were disciplined were more likely to be involved in the juvenile justice system and do poorly academically. The study, by the Council of State Governments Justice Center, also found that 60 percent of Texas public school students received some form of punishment at least once between seventh and 12th grades.
Educators are reacting to a recent study of Texas public schools that found students who were disciplined were more likely to be involved in the juvenile justice system and do poorly academically. The study, by the Council of State Governments Justice Center, also found that 60 percent of Texas public school students received some form of punishment at least once between seventh and 12th grades.
Georgia Chosen for Study of Legal Representation of Abused Children
More than 100 Georgia attorneys will participate in a four-year study of the legal representation of neglected and abused children. Georgia was chosen as one of two states to be research and demonstration sites for the National Quality Improvement Center on the Representation of Children in the Child Welfare System.
Georgia Chosen for Study of Legal Representation of Abused Children
Georgia Chosen for Study of Legal Representation of Abused Children
Lawmakers Consider Proposals Banning The Use Of Skin Shock Therapy
Lawmakers Consider Proposals Banning The Use Of Skin Shock Therapy
Later Tuesday state representatives will hear a proposal for a ban on so called ‘skin shock,’ or aversive therapy, for children attending the Judge Rotenberg Center in Canton. The JRC is the only known school in the country that offers the skin shocks, which supporters say not only help developmentally disabled children lead normal lives but also keeps many of these children who injure themselves and others alive.
Later Tuesday state representatives will hear a proposal for a ban on so called ‘skin shock,’ or aversive therapy, for children attending the Judge Rotenberg Center in Canton. The JRC is the only known school in the country that offers the skin shocks, which supporters say not only help developmentally disabled children lead normal lives but also keeps many of these children who injure themselves and others alive.
Teen's Lawyer Fights DCF For Out-Of-State Treatment
Teen's Lawyer Fights DCF For Out-Of-State Treatment
New Commissioner Of Department Of Children And Families Is Challenging A Long-Standing Policy Of Sending Juvenile Offenders Outside The State For Rehabilitation
New Commissioner Of Department Of Children And Families Is Challenging A Long-Standing Policy Of Sending Juvenile Offenders Outside The State For Rehabilitation
Adoption 'tsar' Martin Narey in the spotlight
Adoption 'tsar' Martin Narey in the spotlight
Is the appointment of Martin Narey helpful, when his views have offended social workers and been criticised as too simplistic?
Is the appointment of Martin Narey helpful, when his views have offended social workers and been criticised as too simplistic?
Monday, July 25, 2011
DCF criticized in Nubia Barahona death
Miami-Dade County Grand Jury criticizes DCF, urges better training, investigative skills.
Hartwig Child Accuses DHS of Unfair Treatment
Hartwig Child Accuses DHS of Unfair Treatment
An adult son of the Blachly couple convicted of abusing their nine-year-old son is speaking out against the Department of Human Services.
An adult son of the Blachly couple convicted of abusing their nine-year-old son is speaking out against the Department of Human Services.
Jury rejects Kentucky social worker's 'whistleblower' claim
Jury rejects Kentucky social worker's 'whistleblower' claim
A Fayette County jury on Monday rejected the claims of a former social worker who filed a “whistleblower” lawsuit, claiming state officials made her job unbearable after she tried to report alleged wrongdoing by a supervisor.
A Fayette County jury on Monday rejected the claims of a former social worker who filed a “whistleblower” lawsuit, claiming state officials made her job unbearable after she tried to report alleged wrongdoing by a supervisor.
Some children in foster care still at risk, says authority
Some children in foster care still at risk, says authority
SOME CHILDREN in foster care in Dublin North Central continue to be at risk despite efforts by the Health Service Executive to correct serious malpractice, the State’s health watchdog has said.
SOME CHILDREN in foster care in Dublin North Central continue to be at risk despite efforts by the Health Service Executive to correct serious malpractice, the State’s health watchdog has said.
Neo-Nazi children could be taken into care to beat brainwashing at Third Reich summer camps
Neo-Nazi children could be taken into care to beat brainwashing at Third Reich summer camps
The children of German neo-Nazis could soon be removed from their families and taken into care - in a bid to beat a rise in the glorification of Hitler and the Third Reich.
The children of German neo-Nazis could soon be removed from their families and taken into care - in a bid to beat a rise in the glorification of Hitler and the Third Reich.
Abuse probe at children's home in Fenham
Abuse probe at children's home in Fenham
A CHILDREN’S home for troubled youngsters is at the centre of an investigation by police and social services into alleged child abuse and staff misconduct.
A CHILDREN’S home for troubled youngsters is at the centre of an investigation by police and social services into alleged child abuse and staff misconduct.
Tough kid-snatcher laws could backfire
Tough kid-snatcher laws could backfire
PARENTAL child abduction should not be treated as a general criminal offence despite the demands of a "vocal lobby" for tough new sanctions when children are kidnapped by parents who then flee overseas, says Community Services, the NSW government agency responsible.
PARENTAL child abduction should not be treated as a general criminal offence despite the demands of a "vocal lobby" for tough new sanctions when children are kidnapped by parents who then flee overseas, says Community Services, the NSW government agency responsible.
Miami-Dade grand jury blasts child welfare agency in abuse case
Miami-Dade grand jury blasts child welfare agency in abuse case
Child-welfare workers let a 10-year-old girl die because they were too trusting of adoptive parents and too fragmented to see the “big picture,” a Miami grand jury has concluded.
Child-welfare workers let a 10-year-old girl die because they were too trusting of adoptive parents and too fragmented to see the “big picture,” a Miami grand jury has concluded.
Dr. Phil's Testimony was 'Reckless and False,' Group Charges
Dr. Phil's Testimony was 'Reckless and False,' Group Charges
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments, a national victim-advocacy organization, is charging that Dr. Phillip McGraw, a TV personality known to many as Dr. Phil, made claims at a recent Senate committee hearing that were "reckless and false."
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments, a national victim-advocacy organization, is charging that Dr. Phillip McGraw, a TV personality known to many as Dr. Phil, made claims at a recent Senate committee hearing that were "reckless and false."
Jury urges better DCF training, investigation
Jury urges better DCF training, investigation
A Miami-Dade County grand jury is urging that the Department of Children and Families adopt better training and investigative skills for employees in the aftermath of the horrific killing of a 10-year-old girl.
A Miami-Dade County grand jury is urging that the Department of Children and Families adopt better training and investigative skills for employees in the aftermath of the horrific killing of a 10-year-old girl.
Mom in police standoff to be in court today
Mom in police standoff to be in court today
The preliminary exam for a Detroit mother, accused of firing a gun at police when they came to take her daughter in March, is to begin this morning.
The preliminary exam for a Detroit mother, accused of firing a gun at police when they came to take her daughter in March, is to begin this morning.
Encouraged to Pray
Encouraged to Pray
Yes yes.Prey on Pray for the children.
Yes yes.
I hope she tells us why the kids won't be placed together.
Licensing Children's Entertainers?
So last night someone left a comment on the Baby LK Video.
Now all of that said, for educational purposes parents should listen to what this person has to say. I do not agree with her that new laws are needed. Nope. This one falls on you. This is where you as the parent become responsible for the safety of your own children as we can not rely on the Government to do everything for us. Nor should we require every person who comes into contact with children to be approved by the government. Sadly, too many overzealous child protectors disagree.
Licensing Children's Entertainers
You forgot to mention about lobbyist Linda Beaudoin seeking legislative legal reform on 5 laws to prevent child abuse. One is licensing adult children entertainers like clowns and magicians Police arrest Jose Guadelupe clown for allegedly kidnapping & rape We need to license with criminal background checksThis person has been commenting and emailing over the last few weeks trying to get me to do a piece in support of her cause, which is the licensing of children's entertainers in the name of protecting children, which would include background checks, etc. And while I admire her passion and determination as well as her concern for child safety, I am also sick and tired of these people who are so gung-ho on finding new ways of protecting children that do nothing more than prevent good people from doing anything out of fear of an accusation or a skeleton in the closet, and turn good people into criminals without just cause under the "Guilty Before Proven Innocent" doctrine, (which is an apparent side effect of the Age of Paranoia) especially in regards to child protection.
Now all of that said, for educational purposes parents should listen to what this person has to say. I do not agree with her that new laws are needed. Nope. This one falls on you. This is where you as the parent become responsible for the safety of your own children as we can not rely on the Government to do everything for us. Nor should we require every person who comes into contact with children to be approved by the government. Sadly, too many overzealous child protectors disagree.
Perhaps she is absolutely right where she says that parents are a little too trusting of the Santa at the Christmas Party or the Clown at the birthday party, especially if they are hired strangers. Perhaps parents should be there supervising what goes on in their own homes during social events involving their own kids and others. I do not, however, agree that a new law is needed.
City to look at licensing clowns
Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty turned down the idea last month, but Brampton City Councillors have said they want to consider licensing clowns, Santas and other children’s entertainers here.
Take child abuse seriously and license clowns, activist urges
Linda Beaudoin was outside the Napanee courthouse the day Randy Miller pleaded guilty to child pornography charges in April.
Now if there's one thing that I can't stand it's overzealous child protection laws. I'm digging for a few examples that come to mind.
State to mom: Stop baby-sitting neighbors' kids, or elseA law requiring the licensing of Children's Entertainers would fall into this category and simply prevent good and talented people from becoming Children's Entertainers.
Nativity blackout: Parents banned from taking photos and pupils' eyes covered up... all in the name of child protection
Couple Sues Walmart for Calling Cops Over Bath Time Photos
Crisis in elementary schools: Virtually no male teachers
Why 'Caylee's Law' Is A Bad Idea
There is an old saying that doesn't have much meaning in the modern day. It goes something like this. "You did your time, you paid for your crime." Today, it just seems like people think that there should be no more forgiveness. Your one time fuck up of 25 or 30 years ago should come back to haunt you for life and ban you from ever having anything to do with children, even your own in some cases. Because of that, every good person should be put through the criminal screening process now?Publicity about criminal checks hurting recruitment; Parents complain about bad image
Where will it end?
Perhaps the next thing somebody will come up with is a state mandated license for parents to bring their newborns home from the hospital. Don't put it past them.
Britain's forced adoptions: the hidden scandal we can't ignore
Britain's forced adoptions: the hidden scandal we can't ignore
At some point it just becomes a little too much.
Forceful Adoption is a Stigma on Australia’s History
Forceful Adoption is a Stigma on Australia’s History
The head of the healthcare arm of the Catholic Church, Martin Laverty in Australia said that the forceful adoption practices, which prevailed 50 years back has got national disgrace for the country. And, they have issued a national apology to the victims who have suffered the forced adoption.
The head of the healthcare arm of the Catholic Church, Martin Laverty in Australia said that the forceful adoption practices, which prevailed 50 years back has got national disgrace for the country. And, they have issued a national apology to the victims who have suffered the forced adoption.
Australia Hospitals Apologize For Forced Adoptions
Roman Catholic hospitals in Australia apologized on Monday for forcing unmarried mothers to give up babies for adoption decades ago and urged state governments to accept financial responsibility for the once-widespread practice.
Australia Hospitals Apologize For Forced Adoptions
Australia Hospitals Apologize For Forced Adoptions
The chimp they tried to turn into a human: An extraordinary experiment in which scientists raised a chimpanzee as their child... with chilling results
The chimp they tried to turn into a human: An extraordinary experiment in which scientists raised a chimpanzee as their child... with chilling results
Project Nim began in November 1973 with Nim’s birth at a primate research centre in Oklahoma. He spent just a few days in the arms of his real mother before she was knocked out with a tranquilliser dart and her screaming baby was handed straight to his delighted new, human, mother.
Project Nim began in November 1973 with Nim’s birth at a primate research centre in Oklahoma. He spent just a few days in the arms of his real mother before she was knocked out with a tranquilliser dart and her screaming baby was handed straight to his delighted new, human, mother.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Don't Run Your Social Worker Down With A Minivan - Baby LK Report For July 24th 2011
Don't Run Your Social Worker Down With A Minivan - Baby LK Report For July 24th 2011
INVESTIGATION: Health care system struggles to follow foster kids
INVESTIGATION: Health care system struggles to follow foster kids
San Marcos resident Patty Boles has taken in more than 100 children during three decades as a foster mom. She specializes in caring for the most medically fragile kids the system has to offer, and has adopted 10 of them.
San Marcos resident Patty Boles has taken in more than 100 children during three decades as a foster mom. She specializes in caring for the most medically fragile kids the system has to offer, and has adopted 10 of them.
Church to say sorry for forcing single mothers to give up babies
Church to say sorry for forcing single mothers to give up babies
THE healthcare arm of the Catholic Church will today issue an apology to the victims of forced adoption practices from the 1950s to 1970s and offer those affected counselling and a pathway for complaints.
Church says sorry over forced adoptions
THE healthcare arm of the Catholic Church will today issue an apology to the victims of forced adoption practices from the 1950s to 1970s and offer those affected counselling and a pathway for complaints.
Church says sorry over forced adoptions
Agency Says Report Was Expected
Agency Says Report Was Expected
Top local officials say a report critical of the Arkansas Department of Human Services Division of Children and Family Services in Sebastian County offered no surprises.
Top local officials say a report critical of the Arkansas Department of Human Services Division of Children and Family Services in Sebastian County offered no surprises.
Child welfare overhaul still bumpy
Child welfare overhaul still bumpy
Before turning over major responsibility for Nebraska's child welfare system to private contractors, state officials said the change would help abused and neglected children.
Before turning over major responsibility for Nebraska's child welfare system to private contractors, state officials said the change would help abused and neglected children.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
US Representative John Conyers (D) Michigan 14th, and Ranking Member of the US House Judiciary Committee checking out Legally Kidnapped

US Representative John Conyers (D) Michigan 14th, and Ranking Member of the US House Judiciary Committee checking out Legally Kidnapped.
Thanks to our beloved Beverly Tran for this picture.
Injuries to children in care under-reported in B.C., representative’s report says
Injuries to children in care under-reported in B.C., representative’s report says
The Ministry of Children and Family Development has been drastically under-reporting cases in which children were seriously injured while receiving government help, a new report shows.
The Ministry of Children and Family Development has been drastically under-reporting cases in which children were seriously injured while receiving government help, a new report shows.
Orphans: Social workers indifferent to problems
Orphans: Social workers indifferent to problems
A number of orphans here complain that they are not being treated with respect and dignity by social workers and are ignored by the Ministry of Social Affairs.
A number of orphans here complain that they are not being treated with respect and dignity by social workers and are ignored by the Ministry of Social Affairs.
KY couple being charged with child abuse
KY couple being charged with child abuse
A Lexington couple stands accused of abusing several of their adopted children, and police say the abuse was in some of the worst ways, imaginable.
A Lexington couple stands accused of abusing several of their adopted children, and police say the abuse was in some of the worst ways, imaginable.
Godboldo continues fighting on two fronts
Godboldo continues fighting on two fronts
Maryanne Godboldo is still fighting to regain full custody of her child Ariana. Her lawyers say the court order that led to her forced removal was invalid and may have been filed illegally by Child Protective Services.
Maryanne Godboldo is still fighting to regain full custody of her child Ariana. Her lawyers say the court order that led to her forced removal was invalid and may have been filed illegally by Child Protective Services.
More Grandparents Seeking Custody Rights
More Grandparents Seeking Custody Rights
Coordinator helps speed up, simplify the complicated, paper-heavy process.
Coordinator helps speed up, simplify the complicated, paper-heavy process.
Foster parent convicted of sex crimes against children
Foster parent convicted of sex crimes against children
A Pearl River County jury has convicted David Richard Faulkner, 47, of multiple felony sex-crime charges involving juveniles who were under his care as foster children, Pearl River County District Attorney Haldon J. Kittrell said Friday.
A Pearl River County jury has convicted David Richard Faulkner, 47, of multiple felony sex-crime charges involving juveniles who were under his care as foster children, Pearl River County District Attorney Haldon J. Kittrell said Friday.
Kentucky woman faces abuse charges regarding adopted kids
Kentucky woman faces abuse charges regarding adopted kids
A Lexington woman faces abuse and other charges for allegations that she attempted to suffocate her children and made them jump off a roof. She also is accused of locking one of them in a dog cage.
A Lexington woman faces abuse and other charges for allegations that she attempted to suffocate her children and made them jump off a roof. She also is accused of locking one of them in a dog cage.
Al Qaeda group plans to release animated cartoon to recruit kids
Al Qaeda group plans to release animated cartoon to recruit kids
Terrorists connected to al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula said they were creating the animated film to inspire children to join the jihad, but some users on jihadi websites said the characters were too "scary" for kids
Terrorists connected to al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula said they were creating the animated film to inspire children to join the jihad, but some users on jihadi websites said the characters were too "scary" for kids
Foster Care Stakeholders Confront a Lingering Problem in New York
Foster Care Stakeholders Confront a Lingering Problem in New York
Two years after The Long Road Home, new data reveal that kids are still getting stuck in New York City foster care, Children’s Rights challenges the city to take immediate and effective action.
Two years after The Long Road Home, new data reveal that kids are still getting stuck in New York City foster care, Children’s Rights challenges the city to take immediate and effective action.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Orphan trains placed 200,000 homeless children during 19th Century
Orphan trains placed 200,000 homeless children during 19th Century
Imagine 30 to 50 children, ages ranging from infants to teenagers, on a train traveling with only one or two supervising adults.
Imagine 30 to 50 children, ages ranging from infants to teenagers, on a train traveling with only one or two supervising adults.
Sex charges shake Butner juvenile facility
Sex charges shake Butner juvenile facility
State officials are investigating a juvenile detention facility in Butner after allegations that a counselor had sex with boys housed there, authorities said Thursday.
State officials are investigating a juvenile detention facility in Butner after allegations that a counselor had sex with boys housed there, authorities said Thursday.
Men Should Be Allowed to Veto Abortions
Men Should Be Allowed to Veto Abortions
The abortion debate has left one issue largely off the table: The proper rights of men to prevent the abortion of their children.
Note: Hey, don't shoot me, I'm only the messenger.
The abortion debate has left one issue largely off the table: The proper rights of men to prevent the abortion of their children.
Note: Hey, don't shoot me, I'm only the messenger.
How to File a Complaint to the Sacramento CPS
eHow eHow eHow, make it look so easy.
Just what we need, the instructions to rat out your friends and neighbors to CPS, and simple enough for any moron to understand.
How to File a Complaint to the Sacramento CPS
Sacramento Child Protective Services (CPS) is a county agency that investigates reports of child abuse and neglect. The primary mission of the CPS is to keep children safe. However, they also offer adoption services and provide training and licensing for family day care homes and foster families. You can file complaints about suspect child abuse or neglect with CPS. There is also a mechanism in place to file complaints about the agency itself.
Just what we need, the instructions to rat out your friends and neighbors to CPS, and simple enough for any moron to understand.
Santa Rosa man who attacked foster father with knife sent to state hospital
Santa Rosa man who attacked foster father with knife sent to state hospital
Mitch Davis held back tears Friday as the paranoid schizophrenic former foster son who attacked him with a butcher knife three months ago was committed to Atascadero State Hospital.
Mitch Davis held back tears Friday as the paranoid schizophrenic former foster son who attacked him with a butcher knife three months ago was committed to Atascadero State Hospital.
Judge: Couple guilty of chaining child to retain parental rights
Judge: Couple guilty of chaining child to retain parental rights
Brian and Charity Miller, the rural Dexter couple convicted of chaining at least one of their children to a bed and withholding food from the other, will retain their parental rights.
Brian and Charity Miller, the rural Dexter couple convicted of chaining at least one of their children to a bed and withholding food from the other, will retain their parental rights.
DCF Announces Changes To System
DCF Announces Changes To System
Note: Again?
The head of the Florida Department of Children and Families announced a series of changes Friday in an effort to prevent cases such as that of a 12-year-old Jacksonville boy charged with first-degree murder.
Note: Again?
The head of the Florida Department of Children and Families announced a series of changes Friday in an effort to prevent cases such as that of a 12-year-old Jacksonville boy charged with first-degree murder.
Toddler's death prompts LA County to cancel contract with foster care agency
Toddler's death prompts LA County to cancel contract with foster care agency
The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors Tuesday canceled its contract with the private foster care agency that oversaw a home where a woman allegedly beat a little girl to death.
The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors Tuesday canceled its contract with the private foster care agency that oversaw a home where a woman allegedly beat a little girl to death.
Ex-judge Ciavarella to be sentenced Aug. 11 in kids-for-cash conspiracy
Ex-judge Ciavarella to be sentenced Aug. 11 in kids-for-cash conspiracy
Mark A. Ciavarella Jr., whose hard-nosed zero-tolerance policy as a Luzerne County Juvenile Court judge fueled a kids-for-cash conspiracy that generated millions in kickbacks from a for-profit detention center, will be on the other side of the bench Aug. 11 when a federal judge sentences him on racketeering and other charges.
Mark A. Ciavarella Jr., whose hard-nosed zero-tolerance policy as a Luzerne County Juvenile Court judge fueled a kids-for-cash conspiracy that generated millions in kickbacks from a for-profit detention center, will be on the other side of the bench Aug. 11 when a federal judge sentences him on racketeering and other charges.
Report: Foster teens fall through cracks, cost to society called 'tremendous'
Report: Foster teens fall through cracks, cost to society called 'tremendous'
Every year in the United States, nearly 28,000 children age out of the foster care system without having any permanent family ties.
Every year in the United States, nearly 28,000 children age out of the foster care system without having any permanent family ties.
Courtroom Skype helps reunite Mexican family
Courtroom Skype helps reunite Mexican family
A deported Mexican couple won back custody of their two US-born daughters in part thanks to testimony given over Skype, an apparent first in a US custody case.
A deported Mexican couple won back custody of their two US-born daughters in part thanks to testimony given over Skype, an apparent first in a US custody case.
Texas Governor Rick Perry Signs "Who's The Daddy?" Bill Into Law
Texas Governor Rick Perry Signs "Who's The Daddy?" Bill Into Law
Texas fathers who suspect they may not be the biological parent of their child have a new option: they can now petition the family law court to challenge paternity and request a DNA test to determine if they are, in fact, the biological father. Learn more about this new law and how it may affect new fathers.
Texas fathers who suspect they may not be the biological parent of their child have a new option: they can now petition the family law court to challenge paternity and request a DNA test to determine if they are, in fact, the biological father. Learn more about this new law and how it may affect new fathers.
The mass overmedication of foster children with psychiatric drugs
The mass overmedication of foster children with psychiatric drugs
For a long list of reasons, the day-to-day life of a child in foster care can be challenging. Foster parents are often stretched thin and overburdened, foster children often wrestle with emotional issues that can go misdiagnosed, unrecognized or misunderstood, and qualified medical care for this vulnerable population is constantly in short supply.
For a long list of reasons, the day-to-day life of a child in foster care can be challenging. Foster parents are often stretched thin and overburdened, foster children often wrestle with emotional issues that can go misdiagnosed, unrecognized or misunderstood, and qualified medical care for this vulnerable population is constantly in short supply.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Our Foster Baby Broke His Arm!!!
Our Foster Baby Broke His Arm!!!
If you follow Foster2Forever on Facebook or Twitter, you know that our Independence Day began with our 22-month-old foster boy, Lil Bit, falling off the sofa.
If you follow Foster2Forever on Facebook or Twitter, you know that our Independence Day began with our 22-month-old foster boy, Lil Bit, falling off the sofa.
Lion's Club Raising Money to Donate Backpacks to Foster Children
Lion's Club Raising Money to Donate Backpacks to Foster Children
Every time a foster child finds a new home, they have move all of their belongings.
Note: Again, the real problem is that these kids have to move from home to home. But according to the system sucks who write these articles, you'd think that a new suitcase solves the stability issue in the foster care system.
Every time a foster child finds a new home, they have move all of their belongings.
Note: Again, the real problem is that these kids have to move from home to home. But according to the system sucks who write these articles, you'd think that a new suitcase solves the stability issue in the foster care system.
Bergen Youth Group's Idea Leads to Free Luggage for Foster Children
Bergen Youth Group's Idea Leads to Free Luggage for Foster Children
Young people in the foster care system in New Jersey have to move around constantly, lugging their possessions around in garbage bags.
Note: One of those heartwarming articles about some nice people who want to help kids in need, but still the real issue is them bouncing from home to home.
Young people in the foster care system in New Jersey have to move around constantly, lugging their possessions around in garbage bags.
Note: One of those heartwarming articles about some nice people who want to help kids in need, but still the real issue is them bouncing from home to home.
Senator calls for boycott against child beauty contests
Senator calls for boycott against child beauty contests
An Australian Senator has called on parents to boycott entering their children into US-styled child beauty contests saying children should be in the sandpit and not on stage.
An Australian Senator has called on parents to boycott entering their children into US-styled child beauty contests saying children should be in the sandpit and not on stage.
GP who missed Baby P abuse to return to work
GP who missed Baby P abuse to return to work
General Medical Council rules Dr Jerome Ikwueke has 'gained considerable insight into his failings' after 12-month suspension
General Medical Council rules Dr Jerome Ikwueke has 'gained considerable insight into his failings' after 12-month suspension
Adopted family's decade of abuse
Adopted family's decade of abuse
THREE children who were removed from their violent, drug-addicted birth family went on to suffer a decade of horrific abuse at the hands of their adoptive parents after agencies repeatedly failed to help.
THREE children who were removed from their violent, drug-addicted birth family went on to suffer a decade of horrific abuse at the hands of their adoptive parents after agencies repeatedly failed to help.
Federal judge rules that watchdog suit over state's foster care system may go ahead
Federal judge rules that watchdog suit over state's foster care system may go ahead
A lawsuit alleging that foster children in Rhode Island are routinely neglected and at risk of harm while in state custody may go forward, a federal judge has ruled.
Note: Shhhh... Children's Rights is in it for the money.
A lawsuit alleging that foster children in Rhode Island are routinely neglected and at risk of harm while in state custody may go forward, a federal judge has ruled.
Note: Shhhh... Children's Rights is in it for the money.
When a foster caregiver doesn't get their way...
They get "pissed."
In this case a foster parent is not happy about the results of a permanency hearing. She was hoping that the judge would just cut the real mother off, move for termination of parental rights, so that they could move forward with the adoption.
But thanks to a judge who wanted to give the real mother another chance, the real mother gets a few more months to get her shit together.
Now I've been following this particular blog for well over a year. Truly, this is one of the most creative parent bashers I've ever seen. She simply does not want to give this mom a chance. Why? Because she wants to adopt. It doesn't matter if it's the right thing or the wrong thing. Oh sure, she'll tell you that she is whats best for that kid. You don't even have to ask, just read the last few posts on her blog. Then you'll understand why it's a good thing that foster parents don't have a say in these sorts of issues. Because once they've fallen in love with your kid, they can be a real parents worst nightmare.
In this case a foster parent is not happy about the results of a permanency hearing. She was hoping that the judge would just cut the real mother off, move for termination of parental rights, so that they could move forward with the adoption.
But thanks to a judge who wanted to give the real mother another chance, the real mother gets a few more months to get her shit together.
Now I've been following this particular blog for well over a year. Truly, this is one of the most creative parent bashers I've ever seen. She simply does not want to give this mom a chance. Why? Because she wants to adopt. It doesn't matter if it's the right thing or the wrong thing. Oh sure, she'll tell you that she is whats best for that kid. You don't even have to ask, just read the last few posts on her blog. Then you'll understand why it's a good thing that foster parents don't have a say in these sorts of issues. Because once they've fallen in love with your kid, they can be a real parents worst nightmare.
Doctors abused adopted children
Doctors abused adopted children
Middle-class doctors were left free to abuse adopted children in a "reign of terror" because social workers were intimidated by their professional status, a review has found.
Middle-class doctors were left free to abuse adopted children in a "reign of terror" because social workers were intimidated by their professional status, a review has found.
Sperm Donor's 24 Kids Never Told About Fatal Illness
Sperm Donor's 24 Kids Never Told About Fatal Illness
Rebecca Blackwell and her 15-year-old son Tyler were curious about his sperm donor father, whose identity had been anonymous since the moment of conception. Through good detective work, they were eventually able to find "John" three years ago.
What they didn't expect to learn was that Tyler had inherited his father's medical condition -- a connective tissue disorder called Marfan's syndrome and a heart defect that could have killed him at any moment.
Rebecca Blackwell and her 15-year-old son Tyler were curious about his sperm donor father, whose identity had been anonymous since the moment of conception. Through good detective work, they were eventually able to find "John" three years ago.
What they didn't expect to learn was that Tyler had inherited his father's medical condition -- a connective tissue disorder called Marfan's syndrome and a heart defect that could have killed him at any moment.
Number of children raised by someone other than parent skyrockets in Kentucky
Number of children raised by someone other than parent skyrockets in Kentucky
The number of children in Kentucky being raised by someone other than a parent went up significantly in nearly every county from 2000 to 2010, new U.S. Census figures show.
The number of children in Kentucky being raised by someone other than a parent went up significantly in nearly every county from 2000 to 2010, new U.S. Census figures show.
Police, social services and schools 'failed three children who suffered 10 years of abuse at hands of adoptive parents'
Police, social services and schools 'failed three children who suffered 10 years of abuse at hands of adoptive parents'
Three children who suffered a decade of abuse at the hands of their adoptive parents were failed on a systematic basis despite repeated complaints from one of them.
Three children who suffered a decade of abuse at the hands of their adoptive parents were failed on a systematic basis despite repeated complaints from one of them.
Teen who committed suicide had been in 22 foster homes
Teen who committed suicide had been in 22 foster homes
A boy who jumped to his death from a Lynnwood overpass in January had been on a waiting list for a bed at a state-run psychiatric hospital. He had been in 22 different foster homes since 1998.
A boy who jumped to his death from a Lynnwood overpass in January had been on a waiting list for a bed at a state-run psychiatric hospital. He had been in 22 different foster homes since 1998.
Divorced dad's blog becomes free-speech test
Divorced dad's blog becomes free-speech test
A Doylestown Township man is claiming a Bucks County judge violated his freedom of speech and his right to due process by ordering him to shut down, a blog he began in 2007 to discuss his bitter divorce and child custody battle.
A Doylestown Township man is claiming a Bucks County judge violated his freedom of speech and his right to due process by ordering him to shut down, a blog he began in 2007 to discuss his bitter divorce and child custody battle.
Child Protection Service Employee Assaulted by Youths
Child Protection Service Employee Assaulted by Youths
An employee of the Icelandic Child Protection Services was assaulted in a treatment center in Skagafjördur fjord on Monday night; the director of Child Protection Services says employees are never to be left alone while on duty.
An employee of the Icelandic Child Protection Services was assaulted in a treatment center in Skagafjördur fjord on Monday night; the director of Child Protection Services says employees are never to be left alone while on duty.
Cash bonus for council's child protection staff
Cash bonus for council's child protection staff
Cornwall Council is giving a cash bonus to frontline child protection staff who have been employed by the authority for more than two years and consistently achieved high standards.
Cornwall Council is giving a cash bonus to frontline child protection staff who have been employed by the authority for more than two years and consistently achieved high standards.
McMartin Preschool abuse-case fiasco led to new child interview techniques
McMartin Preschool abuse-case fiasco led to new child interview techniques
The legacy of the notorious McMartin Preschool case of the 1980s is playing out this week in Sacramento.
The legacy of the notorious McMartin Preschool case of the 1980s is playing out this week in Sacramento.
Conn law will share child, animal abuse info
Conn law will share child, animal abuse info
Connecticut agencies that deal with animal abuse are preparing to share that information with authorities that handle spousal and child abuse investigations.
Connecticut agencies that deal with animal abuse are preparing to share that information with authorities that handle spousal and child abuse investigations.
Grandmother questions foster care death by holding Leduc protest
Grandmother questions foster care death by holding Leduc protest
A Warburg area woman isn't giving up on her granddaughter's memory and is leading a charge to look into Alberta's foster care deaths.
A Warburg area woman isn't giving up on her granddaughter's memory and is leading a charge to look into Alberta's foster care deaths.
Six kids CPS removed due to storage shed housing reunited with parents
Six kids CPS removed due to storage shed housing reunited with parents
A family court judge ordered the return of the six children who were taken away from their parents because they all lived in a storage shed.
A family court judge ordered the return of the six children who were taken away from their parents because they all lived in a storage shed.
'Teen Mom' 101: What Exactly Is Child Protective Services?
'Teen Mom' 101: What Exactly Is Child Protective Services?
Amber and Gary's legal troubles on "Teen Mom" can get a little confusing. First off, Amber never hit her daughter, so why is Child Protective Services getting involved? And what power do they have to remove Leah from the home? Even more important, what is Child Protective Services?
Amber and Gary's legal troubles on "Teen Mom" can get a little confusing. First off, Amber never hit her daughter, so why is Child Protective Services getting involved? And what power do they have to remove Leah from the home? Even more important, what is Child Protective Services?
Ridge woman charged with assault on social worker
Ridge woman charged with assault on social worker
A Ridge woman has been charged with attempted first-degree assault in court papers alleging she accelerated a minivan toward a St. Mary's social worker last month outside a convenience store in Leonardtown.
A Ridge woman has been charged with attempted first-degree assault in court papers alleging she accelerated a minivan toward a St. Mary's social worker last month outside a convenience store in Leonardtown.
Hearing delayed for Okla. judge charged with fraud
Hearing delayed for Okla. judge charged with fraud
A preliminary hearing for an Oklahoma judge charged with fraud and perjury has been postponed while the judge appeals another judge's order in the case.
A preliminary hearing for an Oklahoma judge charged with fraud and perjury has been postponed while the judge appeals another judge's order in the case.
Foster Father Sentenced In Foster Daughter's Rape
Foster Father Sentenced In Foster Daughter's Rape
A Farmington foster father has been sentenced to 30 years in prison for raping his foster daughter.
A Farmington foster father has been sentenced to 30 years in prison for raping his foster daughter.
Alberta Child Deaths
Alberta Child Deaths
In the province of Alberta any child who dies in foster care is subject to an investigation done by Alberta Children and Youth Services. And critics say it's time those findings are made public.
In the province of Alberta any child who dies in foster care is subject to an investigation done by Alberta Children and Youth Services. And critics say it's time those findings are made public.
LA social workers w/o on-line access on home visits=child fatalities
LA social workers w/o on-line access on home visits=child fatalities
Four years ago, in 2007: the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services paid nearly $6 million for some 2,400 computer tablets -- but, as the Los Angeles Times reported:
... purchased only 400 wireless cards to allow them to connect remotely. As a result, in a department with about 7,300 employees, the overwhelming majority of the tablets gather dust on social workers' desks.
Four years ago, in 2007: the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services paid nearly $6 million for some 2,400 computer tablets -- but, as the Los Angeles Times reported:
... purchased only 400 wireless cards to allow them to connect remotely. As a result, in a department with about 7,300 employees, the overwhelming majority of the tablets gather dust on social workers' desks.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Swain DSS ‘stretched thin’ prior to baby Aubrey’s death
Swain DSS ‘stretched thin’ prior to baby Aubrey’s death
Swain County social workers in charge of protecting children are paid less and handle more cases than those elsewhere in the state and region, factors that likely contribute to a higher-than-average turnover.
Swain County social workers in charge of protecting children are paid less and handle more cases than those elsewhere in the state and region, factors that likely contribute to a higher-than-average turnover.
Kelsey and Camille Grammer Settle Custody ... For Now
Kelsey and Camille Grammer Settle Custody ... For Now
TMZ has learned ... Kelsey Grammer and his ex-wife Camille have settled their child custody dispute -- but only temporarily. And make no mistake about it -- they're still at war.
TMZ has learned ... Kelsey Grammer and his ex-wife Camille have settled their child custody dispute -- but only temporarily. And make no mistake about it -- they're still at war.
Ireland denounces Vatican role in abuse cover-ups
Ireland denounces Vatican role in abuse cover-ups
The Vatican encouraged Catholic bishops not to tell police about suspected pedophile priests and flouted Irish law, Ireland’s lawmakers declared Wednesday in an unprecedented denunciation of the Holy See’s influence in this predominantly Catholic country.
The Vatican encouraged Catholic bishops not to tell police about suspected pedophile priests and flouted Irish law, Ireland’s lawmakers declared Wednesday in an unprecedented denunciation of the Holy See’s influence in this predominantly Catholic country.
Vatican did not aid abuse cover-up in Ireland, says spokesman
Vatican did not aid abuse cover-up in Ireland, says spokesman
Fr. Federico Lombardi said claims that the Vatican encouraged Irish bishops to not report sex abuse cases to police are untrue and ignore everything the Holy See has done to the counteract the issue.
Fr. Federico Lombardi said claims that the Vatican encouraged Irish bishops to not report sex abuse cases to police are untrue and ignore everything the Holy See has done to the counteract the issue.
A family's saga ends in hugs
A family's saga ends in hugs
Judge orders 6 children given back to couple who were living in storage shed
Judge orders 6 children given back to couple who were living in storage shed
The New Battleground of Child Custody Reform: Shared Parenting
The New Battleground of Child Custody Reform: Shared Parenting
Child custody and support laws have become more onerous over the last 50 years due to fewer parents staying together and women becoming equally as capable as men at earning a living outside the home. Instead of reflecting these changes, the laws have lagged behind, continuing to favor mothers over fathers. The laws generally award primary custody to the parent who spent more time at home with the children and less time working, even if the difference was miniscule. The other parent is then ordered to pay a crushing amount of child support, sometimes on top of alimony. In a small percentage of situations, usually where the father was the primary caregiver, this situation is reversed and the laws punish the mother.
Child custody and support laws have become more onerous over the last 50 years due to fewer parents staying together and women becoming equally as capable as men at earning a living outside the home. Instead of reflecting these changes, the laws have lagged behind, continuing to favor mothers over fathers. The laws generally award primary custody to the parent who spent more time at home with the children and less time working, even if the difference was miniscule. The other parent is then ordered to pay a crushing amount of child support, sometimes on top of alimony. In a small percentage of situations, usually where the father was the primary caregiver, this situation is reversed and the laws punish the mother.
Teen accused of setting foster brother on fire
A Teenage Boy in Charlotte County is accused of intentionally lighting his foster brother on fire.
KCC to replace flawed child protection computer equipment
KCC to replace flawed child protection computer equipment
Kent County Council is to replace an IT system used by social workers that has cost thousands of pounds after it was found to have major shortcomings.
Kent County Council is to replace an IT system used by social workers that has cost thousands of pounds after it was found to have major shortcomings.
Judge accused of having child porn on home computer
Investigators are searching for any evidence that Judge Pat Murdoch had child pornography on his home computer.
State policymakers decline federal money for program that fights child abuse and neglect
State policymakers decline federal money for program that fights child abuse and neglect
As state legislators and Gov. Rick Scott continue to block federal health care reform from entering Florida, the state is facing a child health crisis whose remedy could lie in the very policy they are determined to stop. #
As state legislators and Gov. Rick Scott continue to block federal health care reform from entering Florida, the state is facing a child health crisis whose remedy could lie in the very policy they are determined to stop. #
Boy accused of setting foster child on fire
Boy accused of setting foster child on fire
A 13-year-old boy was arrested Tuesday after he reportedly lit another boy on fire inside a Port Charlotte home.
A 13-year-old boy was arrested Tuesday after he reportedly lit another boy on fire inside a Port Charlotte home.
Prostitute taped District Judge in act
a district judge known for being tough on criminals... is now on the other side of the justice system.
Priests will to go to jail rather than break the seal of the confessional
Priests will to go to jail rather than break the seal of the confessional
A founding member of the Association of Catholic Priests has said he would he would rather choose to serve time in prison rather than break the seal of confession.
Note: Gods law vs mans.
A founding member of the Association of Catholic Priests has said he would he would rather choose to serve time in prison rather than break the seal of confession.
Note: Gods law vs mans.
Push begins to overturn teaching gay history in CA
Push begins to overturn teaching gay history in CA
A family advocacy group is already challenging a new California law that adds lessons about gays to social studies classes.
A family advocacy group is already challenging a new California law that adds lessons about gays to social studies classes.
Fathers stage comic book protest at Gloucestershire military base
Fathers stage comic book protest at Gloucestershire military base
CAMPAIGNERS dressed as comic book superheroes staged a demonstration outside a Gloucestershire military base last night.
The group, calling themselves New Fathers 4 Justice, threw a banner over a tank gun barrel at the Ashchurch military base saying "Give Dads Equal Rights" to highlight what they say is an increase in military fathers being denied access rights to see their children.
CAMPAIGNERS dressed as comic book superheroes staged a demonstration outside a Gloucestershire military base last night.
The group, calling themselves New Fathers 4 Justice, threw a banner over a tank gun barrel at the Ashchurch military base saying "Give Dads Equal Rights" to highlight what they say is an increase in military fathers being denied access rights to see their children.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Vermont police: State worker threw brick at rooster
Vermont police: State worker threw brick at rooster
Vermont State Police say they’ve charged a supervisor for the state Department for Children and Families with animal cruelty for allegedly trying to kill a rooster.
Vermont State Police say they’ve charged a supervisor for the state Department for Children and Families with animal cruelty for allegedly trying to kill a rooster.
Civil court: Adoptive father 'aided and abetted' child's 2006 suffocation
Civil court: Adoptive father 'aided and abetted' child's 2006 suffocation
A civil court in Johnston County found in favor of five children Tuesday in a case against their adoptive father. According to the court, Johnny Paddock "aided and abetted" his wife, Lynn Paddock, who was convicted in the 2006 death of their adopted son, Sean Paddock, then 4.
A civil court in Johnston County found in favor of five children Tuesday in a case against their adoptive father. According to the court, Johnny Paddock "aided and abetted" his wife, Lynn Paddock, who was convicted in the 2006 death of their adopted son, Sean Paddock, then 4.
Former foster child recoups stolen money
They were the only family he knew. But investigators say a Polk County couple swindled their foster son out of nearly half a million dollars. They're now in prison, and the son now has his money back.
Ut Supreme Court rejects attempt to overturn adoption
The fight over a child known as "Baby Emma" ended in Utah today. The State Supreme Court ruled in favor of the girl's adoptive parents
Ohio Medicaid Russian Drug Smuggling Investigation
Two men posing as wealthy Russian Drug Smugglers get told not to put their exotic sports cars on the Medicaid application, to classify their drug business as "babysitting," and to get abortions for their underage sisters who perform sex in exchange for drugs.
Irish priests must break seal of confession or face prison: new legislation introduced
Irish priests must break seal of confession or face prison: new legislation introduced
A group of Irish priests has announced that the country’s Catholic clergy will refuse to comply with any law requiring them to break the seal of the confession. The statement of defiance comes in response to proposed legislation announced by the government late last week, under which priests could face up to five years in prison for failure to disclose sexual crimes against minors admitted by penitents.
A group of Irish priests has announced that the country’s Catholic clergy will refuse to comply with any law requiring them to break the seal of the confession. The statement of defiance comes in response to proposed legislation announced by the government late last week, under which priests could face up to five years in prison for failure to disclose sexual crimes against minors admitted by penitents.
Virginia father loses bid to overturn his daughter’s Utah adoption
Virginia father loses bid to overturn his daughter’s Utah adoption
The Utah Supreme Court on Tuesday rejected a Virginia father’s appeal to overturn the adoption of his daughter, a child known as “Baby Emma.”
The Utah Supreme Court on Tuesday rejected a Virginia father’s appeal to overturn the adoption of his daughter, a child known as “Baby Emma.”
‘Forgotten Australians’ Demand More Than Apologies
‘Forgotten Australians’ Demand More Than Apologies
Laurie Humphreys was on the first ship after World War II that brought 150 British boys and girls, aged five to 14 years, to Australia in 1947. At 13, he was promised oranges and sunshine and an adventurous holiday, but reality was different.
Laurie Humphreys was on the first ship after World War II that brought 150 British boys and girls, aged five to 14 years, to Australia in 1947. At 13, he was promised oranges and sunshine and an adventurous holiday, but reality was different.
Feds recover $409,662 stolen by foster parents
Feds recover $409,662 stolen by foster parents
Authorities have recovered more than $400,000 stolen by foster parents from their foster son.
Feds recover $410,000 owed to man defrauded by foster parents
Authorities have recovered more than $400,000 stolen by foster parents from their foster son.
Feds recover $410,000 owed to man defrauded by foster parents
Undercover investigation leads to Franklin County social worker's leave
Undercover investigation leads to Franklin County social worker's leave
A Franklin County social worker was put on administrative leave after a video suggested that she raised no objections when a man seeking Medicaid benefits told her he was a drug dealer with an expensive car and 12-year-old sister working as a prostitute.
A Franklin County social worker was put on administrative leave after a video suggested that she raised no objections when a man seeking Medicaid benefits told her he was a drug dealer with an expensive car and 12-year-old sister working as a prostitute.
Case illustrates gaps in system continue to fail vulnerable young
Case illustrates gaps in system continue to fail vulnerable young
ANALYSIS : Abuse case underlines need to place Children First guidelines on a statutory basis quickly
ANALYSIS : Abuse case underlines need to place Children First guidelines on a statutory basis quickly
Grandparents can be a lifeline for kids caught in upheaval
Grandparents can be a lifeline for kids caught in upheaval
My mother married my father, a violent and abusive man, when she was 17 — a week after she graduated from high school. We fled from him when I was 5, showing up at my grandparents’ house during a thunderstorm.
My mother married my father, a violent and abusive man, when she was 17 — a week after she graduated from high school. We fled from him when I was 5, showing up at my grandparents’ house during a thunderstorm.
Daily Mirror sued by Baby P social worker
Daily Mirror sued by Baby P social worker
Daily Mirror publishers Mirror Group Newspapers is being sued by Baby P case social worker Sylvia Henry.
Daily Mirror publishers Mirror Group Newspapers is being sued by Baby P case social worker Sylvia Henry.
Woman Sues After Losing Custody of Infant
Woman Sues After Losing Custody of Infant
Eileen Bower of Pennsylvania is suing the Lawrence County Department of Children and Youth Services for taking custody of her newborn son after she tested positive for opiates, a result, her lawyer says, of her eating poppy seeds.
Eileen Bower of Pennsylvania is suing the Lawrence County Department of Children and Youth Services for taking custody of her newborn son after she tested positive for opiates, a result, her lawyer says, of her eating poppy seeds.
Michigan's foster care reforms appear back on track
Michigan's foster care reforms appear back on track
In a startling change in tone and direction, the State of Michigan and the child advocacy group that sued the state over its child welfare system met Monday before a federal judge not to fight but to congratulate each other, even crack jokes.
In a startling change in tone and direction, the State of Michigan and the child advocacy group that sued the state over its child welfare system met Monday before a federal judge not to fight but to congratulate each other, even crack jokes.
I hope we can get people to start standing up against DCFS. Even attorneys say "just do what they say, they're too powerful"
To Whom This May Concern:
In April 2011 my son Quadir was taken from my custody by DCF due to false accusations and bogus statements made by the school and DCF worker C******* S*******. The courts were petitioned for an OTC using a sworn statement that contained nothing but false statements. I have documents and witnesses that can prove line for line that the statements are false.
About a few weeks after my son was removed from my care I get a phone call from Saint Raphael hospital in New Haven stating that I need to come to the hospital ER my son needs to be admitted. I wasn't given any info so I rushed from Shelton to the ER running lights, stop signs etc trying to get to my son. After arriving at the hospital I see my 8yr old baby I damn near cried my son look as if he can back from a battle field his clothes was torn, his back was bruised he had multiple scratches and bruises on his face and he was crying to me that he wants to come home, Everyone hates him and he told me that he was kicked in the stomach. I have pictures. I asked the nurse where is DCF I was told " we have called the DCF hotline and left numerous messages but no one called us back and we couldn't treat unless we had consent so we called you" My son spent the entire weekend at the Hospital and DCF was not even aware that he was there until Monday late afternoon...3days after his admission. When DCF finally was made aware of quadir's hospital admission they told me that I was not suppose to go to the hospital when I was called and they prevented the staff from given my the the documented details about Quadir's bruises. The nurse and doctor the night Quadir was admitted had did a quick exam and document his injuries and promised me a copy of their findings but DCF bared them from releasing the info from me.
My son has ADHD and I been bringing him to see a doctor for that but I haven't had him start on medication yet because his doctor was sending him for different testing such as gentic testing and cardio testing due to the fact his father passed from Long QT syndrome. DCF on the other hand due to the fact that they wwant to keep him in their care and have him placed where ever they want him scared myself and my mother into making a decision that we were not comfortable with by threatening us. we were told " IF you are unwilling to have your son take ADHD medication then you are unfit to be a care giver for the child."
I can sit here and write you a book on what that department have done to me my son and my family ....I need justice served on behalf of my son and what he is going through and his sufferings and on behalf of my rights that were violated by the CT DCF ....If you can help me or at least point me in the right direction please contact me:
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