Oklahoma Has Worst Record for Child Abuse within Foster or Group Homes
The New York Times published an article today, Bleak Stories Follow a Lawsuit on Oklahoma Foster Care, in which it was reported that Oklahoma boasts one of the worst records for children enduring abuse within foster and group homes. The Federal data also shows that Oklahoma children experience frequent moves, extended stays in shelters and lack getting much needed therapy. The state is also needing more social workers, foster homes, and various therapies to offer the children in its care.
Great work Yvonne so glad to see others getting the word out. I love that comment from DHS stating that the reason to not allow this suit is because they made regular visits. I have a lot of stories of children dieing and it was proven that the worker did not visit the house. Check out the story of Aurora Cruz for example. You should see what they do to workers who have proven they broke the law (Or what they don't do I should say). The stories I could tell you would curl your hair and I have documents to prove all of them. I have been threatened, thrown in jail, charged with crimes I did not commit just to try and keep me quite. I also learned that the organization Lawyers For Children only do their work for DHS they will not protect a child that is being abused by DHS. A easy way to do this is to find the list of volunteers for your state and then call them and listen to their reaction when they find out you are trying to protect a child from abuse done by DHS.