Legally Kidnapped
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Interesting Training
I don't think Susan is happy about this. And she removed all of our comments...
DHHS and DOJ Turn on the HEAT
On May 20, 2009, Attorney General Eric Holder and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced the creation of a new interagency effort, the Health Care Fraud Prevention and Enforcement Action Team (HEAT), to combat Medicare fraud. Holder and Sebelius also announced the expansion of Strike Force team operations to Detroit and Houston. Medicare Fraud Strike Forces, currently in operation in South Florida and Los Angeles, fight Medicare fraud on a targeted local level.
Duke University Official Charged with Offering Up Adopted Son for Sex
Court papers show the investigation into Duke University employee accused of soliciting an adult to have sex with his adopted 5-year-old child began after a confidential informant claimed to have seen the man molest a young African-American child via online chats on multiple occasions.
Pedophilia in the Homosexual World
Judge Grants Discovery in Alamo Lawsuit
A federal judge will allow lawyers for the Tony Alamo Christian Ministries to seek certain documents from child-welfare officials in a lawsuit against the state.
Edmonton foster mom appeals manslaughter conviction
A foster mother sentenced to three years for the death of a child in her care is appealing her conviction and asking for a new trial.
Jackson/Rowe Not the Biological Parents
We've learned Michael Jackson was not the biological father of any of his children. And Debbie Rowe is not the biological mother of the two kids she bore for Michael. All three children were conceived in vitro -- outside the womb.
Note: And the plot thickens. Ok... He's dead now. Lets put it to rest.
Police Spend Hours Searching For Boy Already In CPS Custody
Indianapolis police said Tuesday morning that a mildly autistic 12-year-old boy who they and other agencies searched for throughout the night was actually in the custody of Child Protective Services the whole time.
Holidays may cause emotional triggers for foster children
Cincinnati has some wonderful events to celebrate the holidays. We will soon be seeing some beautiful firework displays for the Fourth of July celebration. For many people, the holidays are a time of celebration and happiness. In the world of foster care, holidays may instead present a challenge. This can occur for a variety of reasons. Holidays may have meant something very different when the child lived with their birth family. The child may have either sad or happy memories of those holidays. The holiday may stur emotions which may intensify the child's sense of loss at this time.
Judge Hogan Critical Of CFSA Director Selection Process
This morning in U.S. District Court, Judge Thomas F. Hogan took up the on-going legal battle over the District’s Child and Family Services Agency. At issue was whether or not the agency could be held in contempt. Hogan devoted much of his consternation on the how the District went about picking Dr. Roque Gerald (pictured) to head up CFSA.
The Dangers of Vaccines - Part 2 (Autism, Mercury, HPV, MMR, Thimerosal, Aluminium, Vaccinations)
Health authorities claim vaccines are safe and that they prevent infectious diseases. Yet these claims are contradicted by statistics and medical studies.
Report: CPS not completing abuse investigations at group homes on time
A new report finds that Child Protective Services routinely misses deadlines when it comes to investigating allegations of abuse in group homes and treatment centers.
Former foster mother cleared
A former foster mother was cleared yesterday of charges that she had repeated sexual relations with her teenage foster son.
Vega Pleads Not Guilty In Death Of Her Foster Son
A South Sioux City woman has pleaded not guilty in the 2006 death of her foster son.
Monday, June 29, 2009
MTA officer charged with raping girl, 15
A Maryland Transit Administration police officer has been charged with raping a 15-year-old Elkridge girl who asked him for help finding her way home on the light rail, according to charging documents.
Michigan Man Not Snatched Tot
DNA results have debunked a Michigan man's claim that he could be a child who was snatched in New York in 1955.
Attorneys question courts' ruling of 1993 foster child's death case
The July 1993 suffocation of 3-year-old Louise Osborn at a Bloomington foster home set in motion 15 years of civil court proceedings to determine if any person or agency should be held accountable for her death.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Audit Finds Questionable Spending In DCS
An audit report by the state's comptroller shows some controversial spending in the Department of Children's Services.
Dreams of Forever Homes...
Greta is a 13-year-old girl living in foster care and hoping for a permanent home. Christine Devine has her story.
DCF social worker claims discrimination
An African-American woman and social worker at the state Department of Children and Families city office has filed a discrimination complaint against the agency after being terminated from a job where she’s “never been written up for any disciplinary action” in 8½ years on the job, she said.
CAS Handbook of DIRTY TRICKS 4 Case Workers
CAS is Private Corporation maintaining 2.5 Billion Tax Dollars in funding per yr Ontario.
Supreme Court says school strip search of student wrong
Safford Middle School officials violated the constitutional rights of Savana Redding when they strip-searched her Oct. 8, 2003, while looking for ibuprofen pills, the United States Supreme Court decided June 25.
Note: Don't you just love how it takes the supreme court to show these assholes what anybody else knows with just a little bit of common sense?
Staff 'were in building' when social services laptops stolen in Blackburn
FIFTEEN council-owned laptops were stolen while staff were working in the building, it has been revealed.
Facility restrained youth at high rate
Youth at a Sheridan juvenile facility were physically restrained far more often than youth at similar institutions before the facility lost its state contract in March, according to documents from the Wyoming Department of Family Services.
State sued over cuts to disabled kids' care
Lawyers for three children with Down syndrome have sued in federal court to stop the state from cutting the hours of in-home care they receive.
Oregon's foster care kids shouldn't go it alone
It all sounds so familiar: A new law is passed after a child dies in foster care. Oregon child welfare workers will tighten their procedures, ensuring that her "death won't be in vain."
2 Teens Homeless After Foster Care Ends
Nathan Green and Ryan Race, both 18 years old, are broke, homeless and often hungry.
Your request is being processed... Frank Lombard, Duke Univ. Official, Charged In Child Sex Case
A Duke University official has been arrested and charged with offering his adopted 5-year-old son for sex.
Anybody want a kid?
The worker believes Gerisha would fit well into either a two- or single-parent home but admits the girl is "fiercely loyal" to her birth family.
Although Gerisha knows she can't return home, she still thinks that's exactly what she wants to do.
CPS walkout
These parents consented to CPS interview of their daughter outside their presence, however El Paso County Department of Human Services balked at the hitch: the parents intended to record the interview.
With regard to recording conversations, Colorado is a "one-party" state -- meaning that only one party need know that a conversation is being recorded, even if that party is also the recorder; nor is that party required to disclose that the conversation is being recorded to any of the other parties.
CPS records every single second of every single encounter they have with parents; it makes forging our own words into the very weapons with which they stab us in our backs so much easier. But when that shoe was put on both feet, CPS didn't much like they way they felt.
in the selfish interest of defending its ravenous and insatiable penchant for destroying families, CPS turned tail and ran out of this interview and into the protective arms of its legal counsel. Wouldn't it be nice if Moms and Dads had a similar option to simply stand up and run back into the loving arms of our kidnapped and hostage children??
A Joke
I'm sorry...
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Man who dropped off 9 kids now dad-to-be
Gary Staton said he had lost the will to be a parent after his wife died.
Now, the man who dropped off his nine kids under Nebraska's safe haven law is going to be a father again.
Judge told to appear in court
Two judges are embroiled in a legal battle that could force one judge to appear before the other in court next week, as part of a case filed by a formerly homeless man seeking custody of his son.
Circuit Judge Michael Gotsch has ordered County Probate Judge Peter Nemeth, who handles juvenile cases, to appear in court Thursday to explain why a 17-year-old boy hasn't been released from a foster home and returned to his father.
Other kids hurt in foster home: Families
The grandparents of children who were in the same foster home where a man has been charged with assaulting a 10-week-old baby say they complained to government officials about their children's injuries as well.
Statistics bleak for children in foster care
The statistics documenting outcomes of children in foster care are bleak.
Only 58 percent had a high school degree at age 19, compared to 87 percent of youth not in foster care.
About one in five were homeless for one or more nights within a year after leaving foster care.
One in four will be incarcerated within the first two years after they leave the system.
Note: This is a sales pitch for CASA. As if they really make a difference.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Neb. court: Tribe can intervene in kids' cases
Financially strapped American Indian tribes do not have to hire attorneys to represent their interests in child welfare cases, the Nebraska Supreme Court ruled on Friday.
Christopher Slitor - Daughter Kidnapped by Arlingon CPS
Annual Fathers Day Demonstration - U.S. Capitol, 6-21-09 - Kit Slitor tells about how his daughter Sabrina was kidnapped by Arlington, VA CPS and family court.
Nancy Hey - Daughter Kidnapped by Arlingon CPS
Annual Fathers Day Demonstration - U.S. Capitol, 6-21-09 - Nancy Hey, wife of Kit Slitor, who's daughter Sabrina was kidnapped by Arlington CPS and placed in foster care with a well connected family.
Dead child's family slams social services 'failure'
Relatives of murdered toddler Demi Leigh Mahon have criticised Salford City Council for ignoring their concerns.
Demi Leigh's father, Gary Mahon, and grandmother, Frances Gillon, said they twice contacted the council to no avail.
Judge drops abuse charge involving exorcism
A Gwinnett County magistrate has dismissed warrants accusing a woman of abusing her 15-year-old son by depriving him of food and water during an attempted exorcism.
Child protection: cash ‘not the reason for failures’
The leader of Dundee City Council today said he agreed with the Scottish Government that a lack of central funding was not responsible for the failures in the city’s child protection services (writes David Clegg).
Note: That's right. It's not the cash it's the incompetence of the workers.
Child Custody False Accusations - Two Tools You Can Use to Defend Against This Very Personal Attack
There is nothing that is more surprising or hurtful than the bitter sting of a personal attack. And no attack is more personal than being falsely accused of something that involves your child. Whether it is an accusation of directly harming the child like a physical assault, or mental abuse, or if it is an accusation in an attempt to keep you from seeing your child like drug, or alcohol abuse it is all very personal.
One of the worst things about it is that you realize, in a very personal way, how venerable everyone is to these false accusations. Of course the focal point that makes this such a horrendous offense is that it could cost you time and even a relationship with your child. And it is that hard wired genetic parental sense of protection that gets triggered. It isn't really about you, it is about keeping your child safe. And here you are being faced with leaving them in the protection of someone who has no problem with harming their relationship.
The 2 major problems you typically face with false allegations are:
1: The element of surprise. This is normally sprung on you and you have no idea it was coming.
2: The difficulty of disproving a negative. There is no good answer to "Have you stopped beating your wife?"
On the other hand you do have to tools that work in your favor.
1: The complete lack of a documented history. While you probably have loads of email or texts complaining about clothes, food, or something trivial. Where's the major allegations complaints?
2: The motivation driving the allegation. Why resort to false allegations? You must be doing something right.
Because it caught you off guard, you were not prepared to deal with it as quickly as you should. Depending on the type of allegation and how it came about, you may find yourself kept from your child, or finding it in court documents that were served on you. Either way it is an unpleasant feeling.
If you find yourself talking to a CPS worker or court worker unexpectedly, you should make sure you ask the question, if they know you are in a high conflict custody battle. This in most instances is all they need to hear. If you don't say that and find yourself in much more dire straits, then share some email or texts with the investigator. Then ask the question, if this is such a horrible crime, why is the other parent concerned with daily tasks in their communication with you? Why not address this horrible accusation directly?
While you cannot directly disprove a negative, you can point the light and ask why now? Above all, don't panic. This normally means you were doing well and they fear losing control. Keep your cool and ask why now? Why this? Why not before? These cases are painful but they can be won if you ask the right questions.
Ed Brooks knows firsthand how painful a High Conflict Child Custody battle can be. Ed has created a site where parents can get advice on how to handle all aspects of a high conflict Child Custody battle. If you want to learn more about handling False Allegations issues you can find it here.
Man sues Trust for foster 'abuse'
A man from Londonderry is suing the Western Health Trust for damages because he alleges he was beaten and kicked by his now-dead foster parents.
Ex-foster father sentenced for abusing girls in his care
A former foster father, once licensed by the state to take care of abused and neglected children in Anchorage, will go to prison for sexually abusing the girls he was supposed to protect.
10-year-old son attempts to kill adoptive parents
A couple have spoken of their fears that their adopted 10-year-old son will kill them unless he receives the special residential care he needs.
Michael Jackson: star's family offer to take in children
Michael Jackson leaves behind three children, all of whom bear his name. Their future is said to be set out in his will but family members including Jackson’s mother, Katherine, have already offered to take care of the orphans following their father’s death.
Social services fail toddler who was punched, kicked and bitten to death by a 15 year old boy
After McCluney, the troubled teenager, who was of low intelligence and 'poor moral development', was today convicted of her murder, it can now be revealed that social workers ignored a catalogue of evidence that Demi-Leigh was at risk.
Agencies failed to safeguard babies
Note: That's because they're a bunch of incompetent morons.
Opportunities to intervene before two vulnerable youngsters were murdered by their violent fathers were missed, damning reports concluded.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
This is a really depressing day for me.
2 1/2 years and 5999 posts ago I started this blog.
It is shameful and disgusting that I have so much to work with in such a short amount of time.
The best day ever will be when there is nothing left for me to post.
Kids Removed From Foster Home
Child Protective Services in Van Buren County has removed two children from a foster home near Lawton, after tips led deputies to the discovery that she had been cooking Methamphetamine in the basement.
Lawton foster mother arrested after meth lab found in home with kids
How to file a complaint against a family court judge or any judge in New York State
If you have had a bad experience with a judge in New York State, whether a family court judge or not, you can file a complaint against him or her with the New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct. The law requires that your com- plaint be in writing and you must sign it. However, you do not have to have it notarized, nor do you have to be sworn.
Judge's concern over lack of family court reporting
A judge has today spoken of her disappointment that few journalists are taking up the opportunity to report on family court proceedings.
The Ministry of Justice opened up the family courts to the media at the end of April as part of plans for greater openness in the justice system.
Ohio co-workers freed from prison after wrongly convicted of child abuse
Two Ohio Head Start preschool workers are finally free, 15 years after they were wrongly convicted of sexually abusing young children.
Foster care a "toxic intervention"
This is a step in the right direction because this new settlement puts a new emphasis on the most important change Baltimore needs to make: Doing more to keep children out of foster care in the first place.
Most parents who lose their children to foster care are nothing like those whose cases, rightly, make headlines. And in typical cases, extensive research shows that children left in their own homes do better even than comparably-maltreated children placed in foster care. That does not mean no child ever should be taken from her or his parents. Rather, it means that foster care is an extremely toxic intervention that should be used sparingly and in small doses.
Social Services official dismissed by gov't
The Saskatchewan Party government has dropped another of its hand-picked civil servants in social services, just four months after Social Services Minister Donna Harpauer expressed confidence in and promoted Tim Korol.
'Extreme pain' of abused baby Amy
It was one of the most shocking cases of child abuse seen in Doncaster in recent years.
Child's death exposes a big problem in foster-care reform
It wasn't that long ago when the Florida Department of Children & Families was seen as a hapless bureaucracy. Whether it was their seeking to incarcerate an 8 year-old to ensure he received proper care, or simply losing youngsters supposedly under its care, it didn't take much for DCF to make a mockery of its role in child welfare.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Parents groups shut down Whitehouse phone lines
In response to the administration's recent heralding of of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, parents' groups and family rights advocates across the nation overwhelmed the phone lines of U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice. They shut down phone lines and crashed the voice mail system, announced Michael Ramey, Director of Communications & Research for
Interactive Dad - Start Here!
Hey Orphans! Father's Day got you down? Well no need to fret, because now there is the INTERACTIVE DAD! Now you can play fun games, get great advice and know someone will always love you (sorta).
Disgraced child worker costs council £750k
A council will have to foot a £750,000 legal bill for a court case in which a disgraced social worker lied, leading to her criminal past being exposed.
the purpose of this blog is too show people what goes on in the uk,and the barbaric ways of the social services...i just want too make others realise what is going on and get the message across...DNT BECOME ANOTHER CHILDLESS VICTIM OF THIS COUNTRIES ADOPTION SYSTEM AND SUFFER AS MY FAMILY ARE!
Brandon Muir death: Social work department blasted over failings
WATCHDOGS yesterday savaged the social work department that failed to save tragic Brandon Muir.
Appeal permitted in foster care lawsuit
Oklahoma officials are alleging that the strategy of a court case on behalf of Oklahoma’s 10,000 foster children is to force the state into a settlement at a staggering cost to taxpayers.
County's child advocate sues state, DCFS
Cook County Public Guardian Robert F. Harris filed suit Tuesday against the governor and the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services, asking a judge to halt a budget plan to slash psychological services for roughly 100 wards who were turned over to the state after they were sexually and otherwise physically abused.
Bill would add foster children to food stamp rolls at age 18
A bill by Assemblywoman Bonnie Lowenthal that would enroll foster children who turn 18 in food stamp programs on Tuesday cleared the Senate Human Services Committee.
Bill targeting foster kids' meds passes final hurdle
A bill requiring state officials to pay closer attention to the psychiatric drugs prescribed to children in foster care cleared its last legislative hurdle Tuesday.
Legislation Would Help Protect Oregon’s Most Vulnerable in Foster Care
In a move that has parents and children’s rights advocates cheering, Texas Gov. Rick Perry on Friday vetoed Senate Bill 1440, a contentious measure designed to make it easier for the state Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) to remove children forcibly from their homes for interrogation and examination during investigations of alleged child abuse or neglect.
County legislators to discuss Cornell's DSS report today
When the Oswego County Legislature’s Health and Human Services Committee meets today, the last item on the agenda is a discussion of the Cornell Process Review Report and Child Protective Services Improvement Plan.
What you should do if Child Protective Services knocks on your door
October 4, 2004. I will remember that day for the rest of my life. For me, September 11, 2001 fades in comparison because October 4, 2004 was the day Child Protective Services (CPS) of Montgomery County, New York took my daughter away from me based on anonymous and false allegations. I finally got her back, but she would never have been taken in the first place if I had known more about how CPS and Family Court operated, and if I had known my rights under the law.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Another foster parent might be treated like a real parent
The poor thing. Give her your sympathy people.
This blogger really set off a nerve with the cps victims in the newsgroup. It turned out to be a really lively exchange. Make sure you read all the comments. That was one hell of what Torina or M4$ would call a troll attack.
Several people set her straight.
The Dana Lawhon story
We were very close and had a good life until the day he went to school at 5 years old with a bruise. I noticed it before he went to school and asked him how he got it. He told me that he got it outside playing.
Later that day the school called and told me that they called DHS and they came and picked up my son for that very same bruise.
the new and improved video of the events taking place in washington d.c. july 17-19, 2009
New agreement reached in battle over foster care
The state and lawyers for Baltimore City children in foster care have reached a new agreement in their 25-year court battle over the care the children receive.
Lawyers for foster children filed suit in 1984 seeking better treatment for the children. In 1988, the two sides reached a consent decree, but that did not end the case. For the past 21 years, the state and the children’s advocates have argued over the extent of Maryland’s compliance with the decree, culminating in the advocates’ 2007 motion asking a judge to find the state in contempt and enforce compliance.
In my email
Children all over the USA are being taken from loving families on falsified documents. The CPS Secretary of Kansas stated that the Sedgwick County DA "bullied" Social Workers into falsifying affidavits to remove children. Please view this website for more information and help BE A Voice for all children.
Contact Leo Hafner and let him know the USA is watching this Audit:
Deputy Post Auditor
Leo Hafner
Police: Woman Killed Pregnant Friend, Took Baby
A 27 year old woman accused of killing her pregnant friend is believed to have cut open the mother-to-be's womb to take her baby and pass it off as her own.
Arizona Risks Losing $130 Million
Arizona risks losing $130 million in federal funds if it fails to expand a law to protect children before July 1.
Note: Watch them scramble now.
Albany family court judge W. Dennis Duggan voted worst judge in New York state for 2008 & 2009
Albany Family Court Judge, W. Dennis Duggan, was named 2007 Family Court Judge of the Year by his colleagues from the New York State Family Court Judges Association. However, as of the date of this article, he has been voted New York State's worst judge for 2009 on Courthouse Forum. The surveys and voting on Courthouse Forum are not necessarily scientific.
The real child abuse is by the Durham cops
Not everything that’s dumb should be illegal.
So even if you think the University of New Hampshire prof who left his 16-month-old in the car is a moron, does he have to be a felon, too?
City child protection criticised
Child protection services in Dundee have been severely criticised in a report by inspectors.
Aboriginal 'spiritual teacher' molested teen foster child
The Crown is seeking a five-year prison sentence for an aboriginal medicine man and spiritual teacher who repeatedly molested a young girl placed in his care by Manitoba Child and Family Services.
Woman charged with having sex with foster son
A Cedar Lake woman has been charged in Lake Superior Court with sexual misconduct with a minor involving a 15-year-old foster son she said fathered her baby last fall.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Letter: Adoptive parents should not be paid
I agree with your editorial on the foster care system of June 11, except I feel it did not cover the basic needs that should apply to foster parents. I feel that anyone who wants to “adopt” a child should, at the very first, have the means to support that child. To be given the care of a child who is not one’s own and to be paid to do it is asking for trouble.
Area man gets 20 years in foster child's death
A Coleman man received the maximum sentence of 20 years in prison Thursday for recklessly causing serious bodily injury that led to the death of a 14-month-old foster child in his care three years ago.
Heartbroken mother of child who drowned in mop bucket still in shock
Josiah said she was at work at a foster care service when Khan called her and told her there was an accident.
The Spanking Police... I mean "DCF" targets... I mean "reaches out" to Haitians in Lee County
Following the rousing hallelujah that filled the storefront church off Evans Avenue on a recent Sunday evening, the Haitian congregation welcomed the Department of Children and Families.
Antipsychotic drugs for kids raise hope, worry
As a result, some doctors say, mental illness, especially bipolar disorder, has been overdiagnosed much the same way attention deficit hyperactivity disorder was in the 1980s.
Note: And still is today.
Readers detail ugly side of Canadian child-protection agencies
When Kevin Libin was writing this story at the National Post on CAS, their child protection agency, he certainly didn't expect readers to respond with a flood of stories of their own experiences, each more chilling than the next.
Why Schools Want Children Medicated
In the city of Kansas City, MIssouri, an unholy alliance exists between one reading teacher at Troost Elementary by the name of Williams, and the Missouri Department of Social Services, one Jason Campbell to be exact. Mr. Campbell, and Ms. Williams have joined together, to remove children from loving homes, and have them placed on medication. These children are removed from their homes, they are placed with specific case-workers. These children are placed in specific homes, where they are “broken down”, This basically amounts to brainwashing, and beatings. They are isolated from their siblings, not allowed to see their families, or even talk to their families. The school district and the state has turned a deaf ear on this issue.
New York state central register on child abuse and neglect seriously flawed
Almost everyone knows that New York State maintains a sex offender registry, but few people know that New York State, in deed all states, also maintains a child abuse and maltreatment registry, known as the State Central Register. While the sex offender registry serves a useful purpose in that it makes the public aware of convicted sex offenders, the nature of their crimes, and where they are currently living; the child abuse and maltreatment registry is seriously flawed and is injurious to thousands of people who have never been convicted of a crime. That’s because you do not have to be convicted of a crime to have your name placed on the child abuse and maltreatment registry.
$1.7 Million to Hire Additional CPS Caseworkers
New York State Office of Children and Family Services Commissioner Gladys Carrión, Esq., today allocated nearly $1.7 million in seed funding to ten local counties and the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe to hire additional child protective services caseworkers to investigate calls to the state’s Child Abuse Hotline.
Note: They want more kids.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
DCF studies failures in child's hanging death
A 25-year-old woman who spent a decade in foster care told Department of Children and Families officials she believes children in foster care are overdiagnosed and overmedicated.
Note: Failures studying failures, like the blind leading the blind.
Murder charge renews calls for inquiry into child protection system
Alberta's child protection system has come under heavy criticism after it was revealed Thursday that the 16-year-old charged with second-degree murder in the weekend stabbing of Curtis Osterlund in Edmonton was a ward of the province.
Tragic consequences
Felicia Wale burst out in tears when the child protection worker told her that the government was not going to give back her two daughters. Two weeks after her 21-month-old son, Jor-el Macnamara, died while in government care, she could not understand why her worker believes her children were better off under government supervision.
Doctor who examined Baby P to sue hospital over her dismissal
The doctor who failed to spot that Baby P had suffered serious physical abuse days before his death is suing Great Ormond Street hospital over her dismissal.
CPS threatener gets jail, probation
A San Carlos woman who prosecutors say threatened two Child Protective Services workers investigating child abuse claims that later proved unsubstantiated was sentenced to 61 days jail.
Note: Never make threats. It takes away the element of surprise.
Protected To Death
I have created a new blog, the blog of blogs so to speak which I have named Protected To Death.
This blog is a collection of RSS feeds from any and all family rights blogs I come across. And I come across them all the time. It is an attempt to bring all family rights bloggers together under one roof. It will never be the same blog twice as it will only show the most recent posts to these other blogs.
If you would like your blog to be included, let me know. I will deck it out over time.
Investigators: Judge makes rare ruling in Poca case
A Snohomish County Superior Court Judge has made a nearly unheard of ruling in the case of Poca, a 4-year-old child who was taken from her foster parents, the only stable home she’d ever known, a month-and-a-half ago.
Children Suffer as States Cut Health Budgets
As the recession forces more hospitals and doctors to pare costs and services, the cutbacks are hitting one group of patients especially hard: children.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Kids need care, not pills, ex-foster children tell panel
A state group looking at the suicide of a young foster child met Thursday to discuss ways to improve care and listened to adults who said they were overmedicated in the foster-care system.
Report Says County Caseworkers Are Overwhelmed By A ‘Perfect Storm’ Of Case Increases
A new report on the Oswego County Department of Social Services says the agency runs well but needs a larger staff to handle a surge of child welfare cases that began with the death of Erin Maxwell.
Erin Maxwell's 'Legacy'
An investigation conducted by Cornell University finds significant internal problems within the Child Protective Services Division at the Oswego County Department of Social Services. The report was requested by Social Services Commissioner Fran Lanigan following the death of Erin Maxwell last August. Following the alleged murder of 11 year old Erin Maxwell, many in the community refuse to accept the idea that caseworkers investigated three complaints about the Maxwell home and did not remove the child from a home full of garbage, animals and feces.
Parents hope to keep newest addition
Carlos and Sophie Parrish’s joy at the birth of their fifth child is clouded by fears an Arkansas state agency will take their baby because they are Tony Alamo Christian Ministries members.
R.I. Supreme Court: Mother, children must return to N.C.
The state Supreme Court on Friday overturned rulings by the Family Court that had allowed a divorced mother and her two children to remain in Rhode Island for almost seven years despite an order from a North Carolina judge that they return to that state where the children's father lived.
R.I. should have kept out of N.C. custody dispute, justices say
Sobriety check snags judge despite alert
GREEN ISLAND By the time Albany County Family Court Judge Gerard Maney allegedly tried to avoid a road sobriety checkpoint on the Green Island Bridge Thursday night, it was no secret police were out looking for drunk drivers.

Texas CPS 'Bringing Back the Dads' program aims to re-engage fathers in their children's lives
When police and Child Protective Services investigated whether a man’s daughter was abused by his ex-wife’s boyfriend, the father says no one called to fill him in.
Strong chance Perry will veto CPS bill
Gov. Rick Perry, juggling his re-election effort with a lot of tough calls on bills lawmakers sent him in recent weeks, may have an out on a bill about child abuse that's kicked off a firestorm among social conservatives and parents' rights groups -- as well as a liberal agitator or two.
'Social workers took away my twins after I'd joked that birth spoilt my body'
A mother had her twin babies taken from her by social workers after she joked that their caesarean birth had ruined her body.
State to return kids to low-IQ mom
A Daytona Beach mother is closer to having her children returned after a three-year battle in a foster-care case that has raised questions over the parenting skills of someone with a low IQ.
Despite its age, or perhaps because of it, the Freedom Tower continues to make visitors fall in love with its awe-inspiring, architectural beauty.
Child welfare officials are hoping that a photo exhibit of children in foster care will have a similar effect on potential adoptive parents.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Berks County District Attorney To Investigate Kate Gosselin?
With the most recent photos that developed showing Kate Gosselin hitting her daughter Leah, and refusing to give Mady water, it turns out that The District Attorney may conduct an investigation against Kate Gosselin for Child Abuse, Child Neglect, and possibly Assault on a minor child under the age of 12.
In my email
my brother whom is older and I went through the foster care system from the age of 2 to the age of 10 I was put in home after home, they tried to separate us and I kept standing my ground he was the only family I had left the only person I trusted, well after a long string of homes we were sent to a home in Oregon of the people who adopted us, My father is a great man and I love and respect him with all that I am. Our adoptive mother was strict and bordered abuse but all in all I turned out OK my brother was given back up to the state when he was 14. after I became an adult I left home and started my own family and within two years I had a son and a daughter, their father was abusive and I turned to those I had been raised to trust CPS ( in Florida) and they took my kids saying I was an alcoholic and my record now mirrors my real mothers. To date I have lost four children to the state one they gave back to her father (here in Texas) who sexually abused her and never charged him, they let him go. I am still fighting just to see her; I refuse to allow them to get me down so I am writing a book called
"Guilty by blood"
I had to give my youngest son up for adoption so I wouldn't lose him to the state. when they accused me of being a drug addict and alcoholic I had proof that I didn't do drugs and I am allergic to alcohol further more I am a security officer and have been one for over 6 years they told me that job was too dangerous to be a single mother.
I am attaching a poem I wrote called damaged goods its how us foster kids feel waiting to be adopted and I appreciated your ear and I pray somehow this story helps someone!
God bless
We have all read the poem “ A child learns what he lives”
Well here is a story for your mind.
Imagine a large tall building that reaches well into the sky, it spans the size of
several city blocks, It's stone facade creating shadows on all that
sits in it's path. Windows that are small covered in bars, dark shades
pulled tight. The title on the Building up so high no one can see.
You get a eerie feeling looking at it's menacing structure, upon entering it's
jail like doors you come upon a foyer large and rather plain. The receptionist
looks as if she hasn't seen the sun in 25 years, her face pelted
with frown lines, so bad that you aren't sure she has ever smiled.
Walking further down a narrow hall you see a sign plain and brown on the wall
that simply states “showroom --->”. you come upon a large set of double
doors dark and guarded by two men who check your identification and
open the doors, a haunting groan is heard as the doors open.
You enter a large room with shelves in neat rows each labeled
the first one you see says “ babies ages newborn to 12 months , race white or other”
your heart sinks as you feel a sick knotting feeling in the pit of your stomach.
You walk closer and begin to see exactly what the sign described each child
looks healthy and beautiful. But their eyes seem to show their
pain. As you round the first corner you see another shelf with a sign
labeled “ Clearance “ and you see children that are half grown
you see their questioning face knowing they are trying their best to look
the best and be the best deal for your money.
Now that is what the foster care system is like to the children who live in it....
And if some of us children are real lucky we
get a break and find a shopper willing to by damaged goods..
Thanks Jennifer, You rock!
DCS employees accused of stealing from foster kids
A state audit released this week says the Department of Children’s Services has improved some past problems but still has room for improvement when it comes to basic administrative practices and the care of older children.
Psychological Torture in the UK
Great Britain uses torture on women and children
Great Britain is allowing the torture of women and children in the secret family courts - this is happening every day all over the UK!
Long-running molestation case ends with 101 year sentence
Erbacher was convicted of molesting four foster children ages 9, 10, 11 and 14. He was arrested in 2006 — about the same time that his father and fellow suspect Steven Erbacher committed suicide.
Foster care children at risk
If July 1 turns into a "doomsday" for state-funded human services, thousands of children in foster care could lose their homes within three months, according to the Childcare Association of Illinois.
Teen mom on hunger strike outside court to prevent son’s adoption
Ana Rita Leonardo gave birth to Martim at the age of 13 and, as she did not have the conditions to care for him, she handed him over to an institution. Recently, Cascais Family Court decided he should be adopted with urgency and so she has since staged a number of protests, the last being a hunger strike outside the Family Court.
Groups at odds over CPS clarification bill
A bill Child Protective Services officials say merely clarifies existing rules on court hearings really is an attack on parental rights, opponents claim.
Social worker fired in aftermath of Lexie Glover case
A Prince William County Social Services employee was fired and two others were disciplined this week in the aftermath of the Alexis “Lexie” Glover investigation, according to department director Jack Ledden.
Minister of Child Services accused of meddling
An Alberta NDP member is accusing the Minister of Children and Youth Services of meddling with foster care in our province.
Testimony Underway For Teen Charged With Raping, Killing 3-Year-Old
A 14-year-old McDonald, Tenn., boy charged with raping and killing a 3-year-old girl sat huddled beside his attorney Thursday, his eyes fixed on the table in front of him, while a forensic pathologist showed graphic autopsy photos of the multiple injuries that led to the toddler's death.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Govt admits it failed in 12-year-old mother case
The New South Wales Government admitted yesterday that it had failed the family of a 12-year-old girl who is set to become one of Australia's youngest mothers.
Fla. Officials Struggle To Reform Foster System
Kimberly Foster was on psychotropic medications every day during the decade she spent in foster care.
Children's Services workers looted foster kids' accounts
State employees stole from foster children's savings accounts, skipped calls and e-mails to teens transitioning out of foster care and submitted mileage reports for trips to and from work, an audit released this week found.
Accused foster mom bound over to district court
The manslaughter case against Tisha Vega, a former South Sioux City foster mother, was bound over to district court today after she waived her preliminary hearing in Dakota County Court.
Vega is charged in connection with the 2006 death of her 20-month-old foster child, Nathaniel Saunsoci-Mitchell.
The Pill's ok but not Ritalin, according to DOCS
THE Department of Community Services stopped a 14-year-old girl taking Ritalin but, after learning she was living with her 15-year-old boyfriend, got her the Pill.
American Indian children faring poorly in foster care
Of the approximately 500,000 American youth in foster care, Native American kids are faring among the worst, according to youth advocacy and policy experts.
Man believes he’s tot taken from family in 1955
It had been a big story, a tragic story, and it dominated local newspapers. A little boy, just shy of 3 years old, had disappeared from a Long Island sidewalk — and despite the efforts of law enforcement agencies and hundreds of volunteer searchers, he was never found.
Rep. Laubenberg asks GOP men’s club to help stop CPS from taking children from parents without court order
Attended the Rockwall Republican Men’s Club breakfast June 14 where State Rep. Jodie Laubenberg (R-Rockwall) called on about 80 members to contact Governor Rick Perry’s office right away to ask him to veto Senate Bill 1440, which will clear the way for CPS to arbitrarily enter homes and take children away from parents without a court order.
Council employed social worker Lynda Barnes who hired a hitman
A council has apologized for employing a senior social worker knowing that she had previously been found guilty of hiring a hitman to kill her husband.
Ritalin ADHD Drug Linked to 500 Percent Increased Risk of Sudden Death in Children
Just how dangerous are the amphetamine stimulant drugs prescribed for children with so-called ADHD? According to scientific research funded by the FDA and the National Institute of Mental Health, drugs such as Ritalin increase the risk of sudden death by five hundred percent among children and teens.
Oregon House passes bill on foster kids' medication
Children in state foster care -- even kids younger than 4 -- are being prescribed powerful antidepressant and antipsychotic drugs.
Note: That's gotta piss the babystealer's and foster contractors off. No more little easy to take care of zombie children.
Teen doesn't like foster parent rules. Throws royal hissy
Male youth arrested for mischief and assault with a weapon
Note: Jeez, you'd think that these kids would appreciate being ripped from their families and placed with control freaks.
A Gross Injustice in Oklahoma
As we have been reporting, a 5-year-old girl was raped and a 6-year-old boy, her brother, allegedly sexually abused by a convicted felon. The children are poor. They have no one looking out for them. And the Oklahoma governor, attorney general, presiding judge and the DA all threw these kids away.
Dad angry CPS didn't act before arrest
A father is speaking out against state Child Protective Services after police said his son and another boy were left home alone by their mother and living in filthy conditions.
State budget brings layoff fears at Catholic Charities
Illinois budget woes may lead to layoffs at Catholic Charities.
Note: Bumber.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
'My foster parents didn't want me. I was left to run wild and endured a childhood of emotional and financial poverty'
It is hard to explain the extreme poverty in which I grew up while in foster care. There was little food and my clothes were not much more than rags. I remember seeing a picture of a toothbrush in a discarded magazine and thinking that somebody must have to be very rich to afford one.
Police chief escapes jail for refusing to hand over seized material
A chief constable was criticised by three judges today for defying a high court order to return computer hard drives containing evidence of suspected child abuse to an expert witness.
Maryland Home Reunites Foster Kids with Biological Family Members
A new home in Rockville is dedicated to helping reunite parents and their children, after the children are placed in foster care.
Note: Uh huh.
Attn System Sucks of NSW Australia!!!!
NORTH Coast foster carers have welcomed the State Government's $750 million boost to child protection and care in this year's State Budget.
Note: Ka Ching!!!
Disturbing report on pet at foster home
If you happen to be a regular reader of this column, you may recall that about a month ago I highlighted the correlation between domestic violence, child abuse and animal abuse. One week later, the Cumberland County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals' Cruelty Department received a call from the state police about the alleged stabbing death of a dog, two days prior, by a child in foster care.
Operation Sunshine: Foster care not much fun; camp could be
Any chance to spend time in a safe, loving environment would greatly help Jeff recover from everything he has endured.
The 14-year-old has moved from one foster home or orphanage to another more than 20 times in his young life. He also has witnessed severe domestic abuse against others in his home and been the victim of severe emotional abuse. Because of these experiences, he has great difficulty making friends and feeling comfortable around adults.
DSHS leader backs change to state foster care system
New Department of Social and Health Services Secretary Susan N. Dreyfus told foster care experts Monday that she will embrace a 2004 lawsuit settlement as a way to improve the system.
Assault, car theft at foster facility
A 60-year-old woman working at a foster care facility was bound and assaulted by two juveniles who lived there before they took her car late Monday, police said.
The two suspects, 16 and 17 years old, were still at large Tuesday.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
I got an email that I would like to share with you all, from our beloved alisonegypt from the UK.
Thought you might be interested in these as I could not upload them to your
Also see Link:-
This is his response to the Data Protection Act regarding parents getting their
Social Services files & Family Court documents.
Regards Alison Stevens - PAIN.
Rt. Hon Jack Straw
Ministry of Justice
102 Petty France London SW1H 9AJ 29
April 2009
Dear Mr Straw RE:
Data Protection Act and the release of files by Social Services Last week, the Children Schools and Families Select Committee published its report on its Inquiry into Looked After Children. In our submission of supplementary evidence to the Committee following our oral evidence on 30 June 2008 we commented that: “A particular feature of the imbalance within proceedings between parent and local authority is the advantage gained by the latter in failing to release documents. Recurring themes in our cases either involve obstructions to Data Protection Act requests for social services files or local authority reports and other documents not being delivered on time to read.”
Parents are entitled to request from social services departments all information on them under section 7(1) of the Data Protection Act 1998. Local authorities are obliged to send the requested files within 40 working days but in our work advising and supporting parents in public law proceedings we find that this limit is often not adhered to and in some cases files do not get released at all before hearings. Evidence is gathered from a variety of sources before children are taken from their parents in the family courts. Tracking down and obtaining these documents can be very difficult because they are held by various bodies and must be applied for in different ways. We feel that parents should be entitled to their files within the statutory time limit and not just social services files but all files; from health visitors, GPs, different hospitals, ambulance trusts, psychologists, paediatricians, to name but a few. We therefore call on you as Justice Secretary to force, in particular, social services and individual courts to comply with the Data Protection Act as we have found in our work that children are being taken into care unnecessarily as a consequence of these files being withheld. Yours sincerely Alison Stevens Chair On behalf of PAIN
Parents Against INjustice
PAIN 10 Greensward,
East Goscote,
Leicester LE7 3QW
Tel: 0116 260 2855
Mobile PAIN Helpline: 07906 44 1056
Website Email:
Here is the reply.
Jack Straw's Reply
Oklahoma Judge Who Sentenced Child Rapist To 1 Year Under Fire
A District Judge Tom Bartheld may be forced to step down from his position as an officer of the court, after he sentences a man who admitted to raping and sodomizing a four year old girl over several months to only one year in jail.
Action Alert: Dear Abby Changes Column in Response to Our Protest over Fathers v. Foster Care–Commend Her
Dear Abby's response implied that if the mother isn't taking care of her children properly, putting them in foster care is an equally viable option as placement with their father.
Note: What a twit she is.
Children in horror house were once in care of CAS
Three children who heard the screams and yells from the basement where Katlin Cousineau was being tortured with a blow torch were once under the care of the Children's Aid Society, a jury heard yesterday.
Child-abduction suspect tagged on I-69 with aid of OnStar
A man wanted in Detroit in the abduction of three children was arrested in Fort Wayne early Monday, undone by his own GPS.
Note: So why does CPS get them?
San Antonio Child Protective Svcs Continues It’s Freefall; Little Girl Suffers/Dies Horribly
Police arrested a 31-year-old woman who was the legal guardian of her best friend’s children when one child, a 22-month-old girl, died last year. Sarah Mascorro Sifuentes is in Bexar County Jail in lieu of $100,000 on a charge of injury to a child by omission in connection with the death of Cyleste Gonzales on Oct. 26, 2008.
UPDATE: Missing girl found, unharmed, in own home
A five-year-old Muncie girl was found, unharmed, in her own home Monday morning about an hour after her family had reported her missing.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Times investigation: As L.A. County spun its wheels, children died
For at least 18 years, Los Angeles County has repeatedly received urgent and sometimes gruesome reminders that its agencies don't share vital information about potentially abused or neglected children, according to a Times investigation.
Former officer sentenced in child porn case
A former Missoula police officer has been sentenced to a year and a day in prison on a child pornography charge.
YK Dad and his Brainwashed Child
Yellowknife child services may be brainwashing my son. Using the fact that 3 year olds are parrots, they're getting him to say some nasty things.
10-Year-Old Arrested for Fighting With Sister
Siblings are so much fun—especially when they get along. But even if they do "play nice," there's bound to be the occasional spat here and there. Sometimes those fights can get physical with a slap, a pinch ... some wrestling around on the ground. How do you discipline your children when they fight?
Would you call the police?
Foster parents battle Hardin social workers
When her son and daughter-in-law were jailed last year on methamphetamine charges -- leaving their two children behind -- Patricia Schroer and her husband, Richard, both state-certified foster parents, tried to open their Valley Station home to the boys.
Social services cut dying mother's time with children
The woman, who suffers from a terminal brain disorder, has had her visiting time reduced by social services because of concerns about her failing health.
Note: What kind of a sadistic f*** could do such a thing and still sleep at night? Oh yeah, a Social Worker. Duh!
California's locked-up children languish without mental health services
The lengthy detention of a mentally ill 11-year-old boy in Santa Clara County's juvenile hall has raised alarm among national juvenile justice experts. But while the jailing, recently reported by the Mercury News, is rare, it reveals a far more common problem: Counties throughout California struggle each day to find appropriate places for juvenile offenders with severe psychiatric problems.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Investigators: Attorney ignores slew of experts in Poca's case
The KING 5' Investigators expose more problems in the case of "Poca," the 4-year-old child abruptly taken from her foster parents. We look at the attorney assigned to advocate for Poca in court. KING 5's Susannah Frame looks into whether he's done what's really best for her.
5-month-old boy's skull fractured, grandmother searches for answers
Denise Manning feared for her 5-month-old grandson's safety, and said so in a letter to child welfare officials. Lethargic and anemic, the baby had been hospitalized with an unexplained bruise under his chin.
Employee sounds alarm on records left after fire
Hundreds of social services clients in the Shiprock area could be at risk for identity theft after a fire burned a building where the records are stored.
4 kids safe after their cart slips into pond
Four small children escaped injury when a cart carrying them fell into a duck pond.
Note: Hey, shit happens, right?
UK Social Services child abuse of Joseph De Ridder
UK Social Services child abuse of Joseph De Ridder. Please watch all the evidence we have. CPS / Social Services removed Joseph De Ridder from his loving home.
We need your help and ideas! Pass these videos to EVERYONE you know!
We need people from USA & UK. Please tell us what can be done.
To contact Roger the father
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4