Legally Kidnapped

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Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Graduating foster teens hope for easy transition

Graduating foster teens hope for easy transition

That's because furnishing your first apartment is always tough. And for foster kids graduating high school and getting their adult life started is that much more difficult.
"They'll need all these things just to get started in the living situation," Van Hoozer said. "They start off with nothing and are leaving the security of a homelike environment going out on their own and, while all of us do that, most of us have the benefit of having a mom and a dad," she said.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:25 PM

    people these days want a cute baby not my family we adopted around 5 kids and they have 3 kids already of course we moved a bigger house in another town [so my bros ,my birth and step can start school together and dont know they are adopted borthers ] well i think my and step sis and bro 18, 18,and 20 and doin fine with us but we accepted as our own they changed thier names and everything i beleive it is never too late really its never not


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