Legally Kidnapped

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Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Abuse Shelters: Havens for Feminist Thought Reform

Abuse Shelters: Havens for Feminist Thought Reform

Feminists will argue until they’re blue in the face that women are victims of the Great Satanic Patriarchy. That tenet is laughable when one considers women are leading men on almost every indicator of social welfare.

But give them credit, feminists are a determined bunch. So in their crusade to spread the gospel of female victimization, they have established a network of domestic violence shelters around the nation. These programs resemble socialist thought reform experiments more than anything that can be considered to be professional counseling or crisis intervention.
Shelter residents enjoy no right to privacy. I have heard from women about confidences shared with shelter workers that were later passed on to Child Protective Services and other shelter residents. One woman revealed, “Nothing was confidential and what I discussed with staff was being discussed with clients.”

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