Jump in protection register cases
The number of youngsters placed on child protection registers increased by almost a third in a year, new figures have shown.
Legally Kidnapped
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Study: Thousands of Ohio store workers on Medicaid
Study: Thousands of Ohio store workers on Medicaid
The state says more than 100,000 Ohio employees of major retail and restaurant chains get health insurance not from the companies but from taxpayers, through Medicaid.
Note: Just don't take your bath-time photo's there to get them developed.
The state says more than 100,000 Ohio employees of major retail and restaurant chains get health insurance not from the companies but from taxpayers, through Medicaid.
Note: Just don't take your bath-time photo's there to get them developed.
Sex offender listed same Dane County address as foster home
Sex offender listed same Dane County address as foster home
Dane County officials recently moved to ensure the safety of a local child after state officials tipped off the county that a registered sex offender listed the same home address as the child's foster home.
Dane County officials recently moved to ensure the safety of a local child after state officials tipped off the county that a registered sex offender listed the same home address as the child's foster home.
East Stroudburg woman who grew up in various foster/adoptive homes seeks her biological family
East Stroudburg woman who grew up in various foster/adoptive homes seeks her biological family
Churenel Rector doesn't know who she is.
She can't recall ever seeing her mother. The memory of a photograph that she last held more than 15 years ago is the only image she has of the woman who brought her into this world.
Churenel Rector doesn't know who she is.
She can't recall ever seeing her mother. The memory of a photograph that she last held more than 15 years ago is the only image she has of the woman who brought her into this world.
Mom, Truant Son Found Smoking Pot, CPS Worker Arrested Too!
Mom, Truant Son Found Smoking Pot
Thirty-one people were arrested Tuesday during a truancy sweep in Sacramento County.
Among those arrested during Tuesday's sweep included a Child Protective Services worker whose child was habitually truant, and a mother who was found in her home smoking marijuana with her truant son.
Probation Arrests Parents for Truant Children
Parents found out the hard way that it's against the law for their children not to go to school.
Note: A babystealer arrested for her kids truancy! LOL!!! You'd think she'd be a better parent.
Thirty-one people were arrested Tuesday during a truancy sweep in Sacramento County.
Among those arrested during Tuesday's sweep included a Child Protective Services worker whose child was habitually truant, and a mother who was found in her home smoking marijuana with her truant son.
Probation Arrests Parents for Truant Children
Parents found out the hard way that it's against the law for their children not to go to school.
Note: A babystealer arrested for her kids truancy! LOL!!! You'd think she'd be a better parent.
Congressional Hearing Needed
Congressional Hearing Needed
A 6-year-old little boy was taken from his home by CPS caseworkers, while he was being watched and supervised by his grandfather, a retired LTC USA. His mother had raised him for 6-years, alone as a single mother. False allegations were made to Child Protective Services, by his unwed, absentee, father so, CPS classified it as a dependency case, now the child has became a ward of the state.
A 6-year-old little boy was taken from his home by CPS caseworkers, while he was being watched and supervised by his grandfather, a retired LTC USA. His mother had raised him for 6-years, alone as a single mother. False allegations were made to Child Protective Services, by his unwed, absentee, father so, CPS classified it as a dependency case, now the child has became a ward of the state.
Michigan Public Pretenders not getting enough business by DHS
Helping Parents in Child Welfare Cases
A new study finds Michigan could save money if it did a better job of providing legal aid to parents in child neglect or abuse investigations.
Lack of legal help keeping many parents, kids apart
Sometimes it's because of sheer neglect or abuse. But often, not having attorneys to represent them keeps Michigan moms and dads away from their children.
A new study finds Michigan could save money if it did a better job of providing legal aid to parents in child neglect or abuse investigations.
Lack of legal help keeping many parents, kids apart
Sometimes it's because of sheer neglect or abuse. But often, not having attorneys to represent them keeps Michigan moms and dads away from their children.
Foster Mom Testifies In Boy's Hearing
Foster Mom Testifies In Boy's Hearing
The foster mother of a 9-year-old boy accused in the gang-rape of an 8-year-old Liberian girl testified Tuesday that the boy is flourishing in her home and is so happy there that he sings all the time.
The foster mother of a 9-year-old boy accused in the gang-rape of an 8-year-old Liberian girl testified Tuesday that the boy is flourishing in her home and is so happy there that he sings all the time.
DCF report assails Fort Lauderdale drug treatment program
DCF report assails Fort Lauderdale drug treatment program
State social service administrators are demanding a host of reforms from a Fort Lauderdale drug treatment program, saying in a report that Spectrum staff members have used ``hostility, bullying, humiliation and fear'' to treat adolescent drug addicts and given them cold medicine to make them sleep.
State social service administrators are demanding a host of reforms from a Fort Lauderdale drug treatment program, saying in a report that Spectrum staff members have used ``hostility, bullying, humiliation and fear'' to treat adolescent drug addicts and given them cold medicine to make them sleep.
Brooklyn Family Court judge refuses to terminate parental rights of incarcerated, illiterate dad
Brooklyn Family Court judge refuses to terminate parental rights of incarcerated, illiterate dad
Kings County (Brooklyn, NY) Family Court Judge J. Alan Beckoff denied a petition to terminate the parental rights of an incarcerated father late last week. In the matter of Jayquan J., SCO Family of Services, a foster care agency, petitioned the court to terminate the parental rights of Clint J., saying that he had made no efforts to contact his child and had abandoned the child, therefore his consent was not needed to put Jayquan up for adoption.
Kings County (Brooklyn, NY) Family Court Judge J. Alan Beckoff denied a petition to terminate the parental rights of an incarcerated father late last week. In the matter of Jayquan J., SCO Family of Services, a foster care agency, petitioned the court to terminate the parental rights of Clint J., saying that he had made no efforts to contact his child and had abandoned the child, therefore his consent was not needed to put Jayquan up for adoption.
State settles suit over 2 foster kids who were physically, sexually abused
State settles suit over 2 foster kids who were physically, sexually abused
A lawsuit filed against the state Department of Social and Health Services on behalf of two children who were sexually abused by their state-licensed foster parents has been settled for $2.5 million, according to DSHS officials and the children’s attorney.
A lawsuit filed against the state Department of Social and Health Services on behalf of two children who were sexually abused by their state-licensed foster parents has been settled for $2.5 million, according to DSHS officials and the children’s attorney.
Proceedings against family court judge begin
Proceedings against family court judge begin
A panel of judges from across the state perused transcripts Tuesday and watched hours of video recordings from the courtroom of a Central Kentucky family court judge facing charges of misconduct.
A panel of judges from across the state perused transcripts Tuesday and watched hours of video recordings from the courtroom of a Central Kentucky family court judge facing charges of misconduct.

Study: Racial differences in foster care
Study: Racial differences in foster care
Black and American-Indian children are more likely to be placed in foster care and to remain wards of the state longer than whites, an Oregon study finds.
Black and American-Indian children are more likely to be placed in foster care and to remain wards of the state longer than whites, an Oregon study finds.
State to mom: Stop baby-sitting neighbors' kids
State to mom: Stop baby-sitting neighbors' kids
Each day before the school bus comes to pick up the neighborhood's children, Lisa Snyder did a favor for three of her fellow moms, welcoming their children into her home for about an hour before they left for school.
Regulators who oversee child care, however, don't see it as charity. Days after the start of the new school year, Snyder received a letter from the Michigan Department of Human Services warning her that if she continued, she'd be violating a law aimed at the operators of unlicensed day care centers.
Each day before the school bus comes to pick up the neighborhood's children, Lisa Snyder did a favor for three of her fellow moms, welcoming their children into her home for about an hour before they left for school.
Regulators who oversee child care, however, don't see it as charity. Days after the start of the new school year, Snyder received a letter from the Michigan Department of Human Services warning her that if she continued, she'd be violating a law aimed at the operators of unlicensed day care centers.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Better Safe than Sorry? When Puritanical Hysteria Harms Children
Better Safe than Sorry? When Puritanical Hysteria Harms Children
Few people object to the existence of government agencies charged with protecting children from abuse and neglect, nor do they oppose giving these agencies the power to remove children from abusive environments, at least as a last resort.
However, this post from the Wall Street Journal Law Blog shows what can happen when the legitimate mission of state Child Protective Services agencies can become sidetracked by puritanical hysteria.
Warning to parents in Liverpool England!!!
Liverpool recruits 31 more child social workers
Liverpool is recruiting dozens more child social workers to support the city's most vulnerable families.
Liverpool is recruiting dozens more child social workers to support the city's most vulnerable families.
Conn. Is Slacking: Florida 9 Mil.
Conn. receives extra foster care adoption money
Connecticut has received an extra $511,354 from the federal government as a bonus for its efforts to increase the number of children adopted from foster care.
Note: Florida got over $9 Million. So there! You guys are slacking.
Connecticut has received an extra $511,354 from the federal government as a bonus for its efforts to increase the number of children adopted from foster care.
Note: Florida got over $9 Million. So there! You guys are slacking.
They find homes for more kids
A Bay Area community-based care organization is ranked first in the state in the total number of adoptions. Hillsborough Kids Incorporated adopts out hundreds of children a year.
Vietnam jails 6 for adoption fraud
Vietnam jails 6 for adoption fraud
A Vietnamese court has sentenced six people to up to 4 1/2 years in prison for arranging more than 300 fraudulent adoptions, a court official said Tuesday.
Among those sentenced were the heads of two welfare centers who helped persuade unwed pregnant mothers to give up their babies in exchange for free food and shelter.
A Vietnamese court has sentenced six people to up to 4 1/2 years in prison for arranging more than 300 fraudulent adoptions, a court official said Tuesday.
Among those sentenced were the heads of two welfare centers who helped persuade unwed pregnant mothers to give up their babies in exchange for free food and shelter.
American jailed in Japan for trying to reclaim his children
American jailed in Japan for trying to reclaim his children
Had this parental abduction drama played out in the United States, Christopher Savoie might be considered a hero -- snatching his two little children back from an ex-wife who defied the law and ran off with them.
Had this parental abduction drama played out in the United States, Christopher Savoie might be considered a hero -- snatching his two little children back from an ex-wife who defied the law and ran off with them.
A life ruined by abuse and 'bashed around' by the courts
A life ruined by abuse and 'bashed around' by the courts
It was Jack White's dream job: working with developmentally handicapped children at the very treatment centre where he had suffered 12 years of institutional abuse at a time when such horrors were commonplace.
It was Jack White's dream job: working with developmentally handicapped children at the very treatment centre where he had suffered 12 years of institutional abuse at a time when such horrors were commonplace.
Report on Fresno Co. Child Protective Services calls for better communication
Report on Fresno Co. Child Protective Services calls for better communication
A citizens' report on Fresno County Child Protective Services, prompted by a beating death of a 10-year-old boy in January, calls for improved communication among agencies that respond to child-abuse allegations.
A citizens' report on Fresno County Child Protective Services, prompted by a beating death of a 10-year-old boy in January, calls for improved communication among agencies that respond to child-abuse allegations.
Foster youths need access to mental health care
Foster youths need access to mental health care
Elise was placed in foster care at the age of 13, after being raped in her home by a man her mother knew. Just days later, Elise had to testify in her mother's presence about the rape and her mother's prostitution and drug addiction. The most resilient adult would struggle to cope with such trauma. Yet, Elise was unable to get any therapy or counseling for several months. Why? Because she was placed in a foster home outside the county where she lived.
Elise was placed in foster care at the age of 13, after being raped in her home by a man her mother knew. Just days later, Elise had to testify in her mother's presence about the rape and her mother's prostitution and drug addiction. The most resilient adult would struggle to cope with such trauma. Yet, Elise was unable to get any therapy or counseling for several months. Why? Because she was placed in a foster home outside the county where she lived.
Blacks, Native Americans more likely to go to foster care
Blacks, Native Americans more likely to go to foster care
Child abuse doesn't discriminate by race in Oregon. Authorities say the abuse rate is the same for white families as it is for minorities.
Child abuse doesn't discriminate by race in Oregon. Authorities say the abuse rate is the same for white families as it is for minorities.
State to release child welfare legal findings
State to release child welfare legal findings
A new study says Michigan needs to strengthen ways that parents are represented in child protection proceedings.
A new study says Michigan needs to strengthen ways that parents are represented in child protection proceedings.
Children face swine flu drug test
Children face swine flu drug test
The first children in Britain have started receiving a swine flu vaccine as part of a major new trial.
Researchers are hoping to use around 1,000 youngsters over the next fortnight to see which of two different drugs perform the best.
The first children in Britain have started receiving a swine flu vaccine as part of a major new trial.
Researchers are hoping to use around 1,000 youngsters over the next fortnight to see which of two different drugs perform the best.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Ex-teacher of the year pleads guilty to child-porn charge
Ex-teacher of the year pleads guilty to child-porn charge
A former Orange County second-grade teacher who also served as a foster parent pleaded guilty to a federal child-pornography charge this morning.
A former Orange County second-grade teacher who also served as a foster parent pleaded guilty to a federal child-pornography charge this morning.
Oregon looks at foster care neglect; abuse rates twice the national average
Oregon looks at foster care neglect; abuse rates twice the national average
Two recent cases of maltreatment have prompted Oregon officials to initiate the state’s first ever study of how children in foster care are neglected or abused, reports Ruth Liao of the Statesman Journal.
Two recent cases of maltreatment have prompted Oregon officials to initiate the state’s first ever study of how children in foster care are neglected or abused, reports Ruth Liao of the Statesman Journal.
Jack Straw’s plan to name social workers in family courts ‘breaches human rights’
Jack Straw’s plan to name social workers in family courts ‘breaches human rights’
Plans to allow the media to name social workers in family court cases are being opposed strongly by judges and lawyers, who warn that the change could breach human rights laws. They have expressed “grave concerns” that the latest tranche of reforms to open up the courts may drive away experts and violate children’s rights to privacy.
Plans to allow the media to name social workers in family court cases are being opposed strongly by judges and lawyers, who warn that the change could breach human rights laws. They have expressed “grave concerns” that the latest tranche of reforms to open up the courts may drive away experts and violate children’s rights to privacy.
Children's alliance seeks urgent ratification of adoption accord
Children's alliance seeks urgent ratification of adoption accord
THE CHILDREN’S Rights Alliance has called for the urgent ratification by Ireland of the Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoptions in the light of the lapsing of a bilateral adoption agreement between Ireland and Vietnam.
THE CHILDREN’S Rights Alliance has called for the urgent ratification by Ireland of the Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoptions in the light of the lapsing of a bilateral adoption agreement between Ireland and Vietnam.
Oklahoma abuse case draws attention
Oklahoma abuse case draws attention
An adopted Liberian girl was tied to chairs and bedposts and denied meals as punishment.
An adopted Liberian girl was tied to chairs and bedposts and denied meals as punishment.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
More school: Obama would curtail summer vacation
More school: Obama would curtail summer vacation
Students beware: The summer vacation you just enjoyed could be sharply curtailed if President Barack Obama gets his way.
Note: The government wants more time to indoctrinate your children...
Students beware: The summer vacation you just enjoyed could be sharply curtailed if President Barack Obama gets his way.
Note: The government wants more time to indoctrinate your children...
State Police offer record search for child protection
State Police offer record search for child protection
This month, Illinois State Police began implementing a permanent national background check system geared toward helping local agencies that serve children, seniors and people with disabilities.
This month, Illinois State Police began implementing a permanent national background check system geared toward helping local agencies that serve children, seniors and people with disabilities.
The Menace of Middleville: The Michigan DHS Files Complaint Against Woman Who Watched Neighborhood Kids While They Waited For Their School Bus
The Menace of Middleville: The Michigan DHS Files Complaint Against Woman Who Watched Neighborhood Kids While They Waited For Their School Bus
Lisa Snyder has been finally stopped. Because some parents in her neighborhood have to go to work before the bus picks up their kids in front of Snyder’s house, Snyder watches three children in Middleville, Michigan for the 15 or so minutes while they wait. The Michigan Department of Human Services has now filed a complaint against her for illegally operating a child care home.
Lisa Snyder has been finally stopped. Because some parents in her neighborhood have to go to work before the bus picks up their kids in front of Snyder’s house, Snyder watches three children in Middleville, Michigan for the 15 or so minutes while they wait. The Michigan Department of Human Services has now filed a complaint against her for illegally operating a child care home.
Secrecy lifted from child death cases
Secrecy lifted from child death cases
The tragic details of 2-year-old Guillermo Alvarez's life and death appeared in a recent Californian article. But it took an act of the state Legislature and the signature of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to lift the veil of secrecy from tragedies such as Guillermo's.
The tragic details of 2-year-old Guillermo Alvarez's life and death appeared in a recent Californian article. But it took an act of the state Legislature and the signature of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to lift the veil of secrecy from tragedies such as Guillermo's.
State court overturns ruling by embattled Clackamas judge
State court overturns ruling by embattled Clackamas judge
The Oregon Court of Appeals reversed a decision this week by a controversial Clackamas County judge whose rulings prompted Attorney General John Kroger to block her from handling child-welfare cases.
The appeals court said Circuit Judge Deanne Darling erred when she ordered an infant, who Department of Human Services claimed was physically abused, returned to the mother.
The Oregon Court of Appeals reversed a decision this week by a controversial Clackamas County judge whose rulings prompted Attorney General John Kroger to block her from handling child-welfare cases.
The appeals court said Circuit Judge Deanne Darling erred when she ordered an infant, who Department of Human Services claimed was physically abused, returned to the mother.
Parents decry truancy fines
Parents decry truancy fines
A group of disgruntled parents brought its complaints about the Lebanon School District's truancy policy to the school board Monday night.
Whether by design or coincidence, the group of about 10 parents spoke after the board's half-hour presentation honoring students who had perfect attendance last year.
A group of disgruntled parents brought its complaints about the Lebanon School District's truancy policy to the school board Monday night.
Whether by design or coincidence, the group of about 10 parents spoke after the board's half-hour presentation honoring students who had perfect attendance last year.
Jeffrey A. Schaler, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology
Dr. Jeffrey Schaler Professor of Psychology describes psychiatry as a pseudo Science
Developmentally disabled woman missing from Aloha foster home
Developmentally disabled woman missing from Aloha foster home
sparklethiragreen.jpgView full sizeSparkle Thira GreenWashington County Sheriff's deputies are asking for help finding a missing developmentally disabled woman who has not returned to her adult foster home in Aloha.
Note: They can't keep track of the kids either.
sparklethiragreen.jpgView full sizeSparkle Thira GreenWashington County Sheriff's deputies are asking for help finding a missing developmentally disabled woman who has not returned to her adult foster home in Aloha.
Note: They can't keep track of the kids either.
Ex Social Services chief charged with indecent assault against schoolboys
Ex Social Services chief charged with indecent assault against schoolboys
A former social services chief has been charged with 13 offences against schoolboys - some dating back more than 40 years.
A former social services chief has been charged with 13 offences against schoolboys - some dating back more than 40 years.
Glenn Beck Clips 09-23-09 Seg3- Story of Stuff. Some School Children Who Saw the Film
These videos will be made public by 7 PM ET each week day at : http://GlennBeckClips.com
Go there to see ALL of the Glenn Beck shows listed in order by date and archived! We are HELPING Glenn spread his message. Help this website by watching: http://GlennBeckClips.com We offer Glenn Beck plus cartoons and other cool stuff.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Tony Alamo Christian Ministries: Parents fear 3-month-old will be taken over ‘bad faith’ affidavit
Tony Alamo Christian Ministries: Parents fear 3-month-old will be taken over ‘bad faith’ affidavit
The parents of a 3-month-old say they are afraid Arkansas child welfare officials are going to take their baby in retaliation for an affidavit signed by the father and filed in federal court last week.
The parents of a 3-month-old say they are afraid Arkansas child welfare officials are going to take their baby in retaliation for an affidavit signed by the father and filed in federal court last week.
Hidden Abuse in LA’s Foster Care System
Hidden Abuse in LA’s Foster Care System
Lawmakers have a habit of racing too quickly to solve one highly publicized problem, only to inadvertently create a whole new set of problems. If we are not very careful, Los Angeles County is heading straight toward a bunch of unintended consequences in reaction to a pair of tragic events relating to LA’s foster care system.
Lawmakers have a habit of racing too quickly to solve one highly publicized problem, only to inadvertently create a whole new set of problems. If we are not very careful, Los Angeles County is heading straight toward a bunch of unintended consequences in reaction to a pair of tragic events relating to LA’s foster care system.
Orphan Train Genealogy
Orphan Train Genealogy
Following the railroad track to new roots.
“They put us all on a big platform in some big building while people came from all around the countryside to pick out those of us they wished to take home. I was four years old, and my sister was only two . . .”
Following the railroad track to new roots.
“They put us all on a big platform in some big building while people came from all around the countryside to pick out those of us they wished to take home. I was four years old, and my sister was only two . . .”
In Memory Of Adrianna Cram - When A Child Is Born - End Child Abuse - End Juidicial CPS Corruption
This is a tragic tale of Corrupt and Criminal juidicial neglect which led to the death of Adrianna Cram, the words cannot express the pain or anguish her mother must have endured. This girl though is one of the many that have been lost in a string of wide-spread child kidnapping by CPS. This vile and putrid organisation is rotten to the core, backed up by an equally vile and putrid Family Court System.
CPS and CHS Fraud & Juidicial Corruption - ShreddedSociety Missouri - DyandriaAndDyandria New York
Just how much one person suffers from CPS is amazing, Sonja (shreddededsociety) has suffered dreadfully from the appalling corruption at the so called family court in St Louis Missouri. Yet this is only the tip of the iceberg. The illigitamate theft of thousands of children by perjury and corruption is rife across the developed world. Something all decent people need to be aware of.
'Walmart' pictures didn't warrant CPS's eight-month intrusion in a Peoria family's life
'Walmart' pictures didn't warrant CPS's eight-month intrusion in a Peoria family's life
It was about 9 a.m. on a Saturday, Labor Day weekend 2008, when police knocked on AJ and Lisa Demaree's door. They had some questions about certain pictures the Peoria couple had dropped off at a Walmart the previous evening.
It was about 9 a.m. on a Saturday, Labor Day weekend 2008, when police knocked on AJ and Lisa Demaree's door. They had some questions about certain pictures the Peoria couple had dropped off at a Walmart the previous evening.
'Wronged parents' case garners national attention
'Wronged parents' case garners national attention
The lives of Lisa and Anthony Demaree and their three daughters became national news one week ago when the Peoria family filed a lawsuit to correct what they feel was an injustice that began Aug. 29, 2008.
The lives of Lisa and Anthony Demaree and their three daughters became national news one week ago when the Peoria family filed a lawsuit to correct what they feel was an injustice that began Aug. 29, 2008.
Money for child welfare misappropriated
Money for child welfare misappropriated
More than half of Colombian municipalities have not used funds allocated to child welfare on what they were supposed to, the country's Comptroller General revealed on Thursday.
More than half of Colombian municipalities have not used funds allocated to child welfare on what they were supposed to, the country's Comptroller General revealed on Thursday.
Merced Police Defend Decision to Tase Legless Man
Merced Police Defend Decision to Tase Legless Man
At the Merced Police Department Friday, Chief Norm Andrade gave the department's account of what happened at a K Street apartment complex on September 11th.
At the Merced Police Department Friday, Chief Norm Andrade gave the department's account of what happened at a K Street apartment complex on September 11th.
Santa Clara County to shut its children's shelter
Santa Clara County to shut its children's shelter
Declaring that troubled kids deserve care in family homes, not institutions, Santa Clara County next week will close its decades-old shelter for abused and neglected children, an institution widely considered to be lovely on the outside but flawed at its core.
Declaring that troubled kids deserve care in family homes, not institutions, Santa Clara County next week will close its decades-old shelter for abused and neglected children, an institution widely considered to be lovely on the outside but flawed at its core.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Texas Single Dad Stops Adoption; May Get Custody of his Son
Texas Single Dad Stops Adoption; May Get Custody of his Son
In this case, a single father actually wins a round in family court. It's not over yet, for reasons I don't understand, but read the court's opinion here and maybe you can figure it out.
In this case, a single father actually wins a round in family court. It's not over yet, for reasons I don't understand, but read the court's opinion here and maybe you can figure it out.
Susan Atkins dies at 61; imprisoned Charles Manson follower
Susan Atkins dies at 61; imprisoned Charles Manson follower
Susan Atkins, who committed one of modern history's most notorious crimes when she joined Charles Manson and his gang for a string of killings in 1969 that terrorized Los Angeles and put her in prison for the rest of her life, has died. She was 61.
Her father eventually abandoned them for good. Susan and her brother moved to the rural Cental Valley town of Los Banos, where their grandparents lived. Susan enrolled in high school and got a job as a waitress but was overwhelmed by the stress of trying to care for her brother, work and go to class. At one point, she and Steven were in foster care. Susan dropped out of school in the 11th grade and started drifting.
Susan Atkins, who committed one of modern history's most notorious crimes when she joined Charles Manson and his gang for a string of killings in 1969 that terrorized Los Angeles and put her in prison for the rest of her life, has died. She was 61.
Her father eventually abandoned them for good. Susan and her brother moved to the rural Cental Valley town of Los Banos, where their grandparents lived. Susan enrolled in high school and got a job as a waitress but was overwhelmed by the stress of trying to care for her brother, work and go to class. At one point, she and Steven were in foster care. Susan dropped out of school in the 11th grade and started drifting.
Charges reduced, probation for former CPS worker
Charges reduced, probation for former CPS worker
A former Sutter County Child Protective Services worker won't be going to jail for forging a judge's signature on a document authorizing dental surgery for a child.
A former Sutter County Child Protective Services worker won't be going to jail for forging a judge's signature on a document authorizing dental surgery for a child.
Promise of a child protection overhaul
Promise of a child protection overhaul
As the state's child protection system undergoes a massive restructure in the wake of the Wood inquiry, Monique Simons is doing what family support workers have done for 30 years.
As the state's child protection system undergoes a massive restructure in the wake of the Wood inquiry, Monique Simons is doing what family support workers have done for 30 years.
Illinois State Police announces implementation of Child Protection Act
Illinois State Police announces implementation of Child Protection Act
The Illinois State Police announced today implementation of the National Child Protection Act (NCPA) which ensures the safety and well-being of children and other vulnerable individuals through criminal background checks. The federal NCPA, as amended by the Volunteers for Children's Act (VCA), encourages states to authorize fingerprint-based national criminal history record information background checks of individuals having unsupervised access to children, the elderly, and people with disabilities.
The Illinois State Police announced today implementation of the National Child Protection Act (NCPA) which ensures the safety and well-being of children and other vulnerable individuals through criminal background checks. The federal NCPA, as amended by the Volunteers for Children's Act (VCA), encourages states to authorize fingerprint-based national criminal history record information background checks of individuals having unsupervised access to children, the elderly, and people with disabilities.
Logan County judge paying for open-records violation
Logan County judge paying for open-records violation
A Logan County judge must dip into his court's budget to pay thousands of dollars in attorney fees to a woman who appealed his decision to restrict access to court records.
A Logan County judge must dip into his court's budget to pay thousands of dollars in attorney fees to a woman who appealed his decision to restrict access to court records.
AbuseFreedom com and HireLyrics org Partner to Grow American Families United Dismantle CPS
American Families United Dismantle CPS www.AbuseFreedom.com and www.HireLyrics.org are building a collaboration to aggressively dismantle corrupt CPS and Family Court machines while providing life saving support services to American Victim Families. There are no bosses within any collaborative cluster. All decisions are made by consensus and each collaborator is free to join or leave according to the collaborators own conscience. A voicemail enabled Toll Free Number will be shared by the Collaborative Cluster and aggressively exposed on the internet and on promotional wearable items. Our cluster of collaborators will discuss each call for help and decide which collaborator or combination of collaborators is best positioned to help the protective parent/grandparent or child Victim Family in a timely manner. We hope to have all calls for assistance/help responded to within 24 hours.
Big Brother Barack Brainwashing our Babies
This was filmed around June 19, 2009 at the B. Bernice Young Elementary School in Burlington, NJ.
Song 1:
Mm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama
He said that all must lend a hand
To make this country strong again
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama
He said we must be fair today
Equal work means equal pay
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama
He said that we must take a stand
To make sure everyone gets a chance
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama
He said red, yellow, black or white
All are equal in his sight
Mmm, mmm, mm!
Barack Hussein Obama
Mmm, mmm, mm
Barack Hussein Obama
Song 2:
Hello, Mr. President we honor you today!
For all your great accomplishments, we all doth say "hooray!"
Hooray, Mr. President! You're number one!
The first black American to lead this great nation!
Hooray, Mr. President we honor your great plans
To make this country's economy number one again!
Hooray Mr. President, we're really proud of you!
And we stand for all Americans under the great Red, White, and Blue!
So continue ---- Mr. President we know you'll do the trick
So here's a hearty hip-hooray ----
Hip, hip hooray!
Hip, hip hooray!
Hip, hip hooray!
There is No Right to Adopt
There is No Right to Adopt
“…even if the suffering of a number of infertile prospective adoptive parents must be taken into account,
no-one ever holds ‘the right to adopt'.
“…even if the suffering of a number of infertile prospective adoptive parents must be taken into account,
no-one ever holds ‘the right to adopt'.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Investigators: External Poca review reveals systemic breakdown
Investigators: External Poca review reveals systemic breakdown
A highly unusual report, ordered by the Gov. Christine Gregoire, is out. It’s in response to a series of news reports by the KING 5 Investigators.
A highly unusual report, ordered by the Gov. Christine Gregoire, is out. It’s in response to a series of news reports by the KING 5 Investigators.
Help for parents of children with fetal alcohol disorders
Help for parents of children with fetal alcohol disorders
The Utah Fetal Alcohol Coalition is planning a November seminar in Kaysville to help parents raising children who suffer from fetal alcohol spectrum disorders.
The disorders are the No. 1 known cause of birth defects and intellectual disabilities, according to the Utah Department of Health. Each year, 40,000 babies are born with FASD in the U.S. -- and the majority of them are adopted by unprepared families.
The Utah Fetal Alcohol Coalition is planning a November seminar in Kaysville to help parents raising children who suffer from fetal alcohol spectrum disorders.
The disorders are the No. 1 known cause of birth defects and intellectual disabilities, according to the Utah Department of Health. Each year, 40,000 babies are born with FASD in the U.S. -- and the majority of them are adopted by unprepared families.
First Person: Embryo Mix-up Leads to Wrong Child
An Ohio woman is carrying another woman's baby after an error at a fertility clinic. Embryo mix-ups are rare, often leading to ugly lawsuits. But not this time. The Savage couple is giving the baby to its biological parents.
Note: That was stupid.
Wanna see one of those photo's deemed inappropriate by that idiot at Wal Mart
Are bath-time photos child pornography?
I'd post it myself, but I wouldn't want to be accused of anything by Wal Mart.
I'd post it myself, but I wouldn't want to be accused of anything by Wal Mart.
A Request
Do you know of anyone who feels they have been unfairly treated by
Judge Joe Griffin, in Miller County Circuit Court, Juvenile Division in Texarkana, AR?
If so, I strongly suggest they contact CPS Watch at
(772)341-4068, or (417) 294-9955
tcpr@gate.net or cheryltbarnes@yahoo.com
Judge Joe Griffin, in Miller County Circuit Court, Juvenile Division in Texarkana, AR?
If so, I strongly suggest they contact CPS Watch at
(772)341-4068, or (417) 294-9955
tcpr@gate.net or cheryltbarnes@yahoo.com
The Toll of Foster Care
The Toll of Foster Care
Foster kids are more likely to become young mothers, a new study finds. The University of Chicago study found that almost half of all girls who had been in foster care became pregnant by the age of 19. The study also found a high rate of multiple pregnancies in a girl’s teenage years.
Foster kids are more likely to become young mothers, a new study finds. The University of Chicago study found that almost half of all girls who had been in foster care became pregnant by the age of 19. The study also found a high rate of multiple pregnancies in a girl’s teenage years.
Camp Director Airs Criticism
Camp Director Airs Criticism
The founding director of a summer camp for foster children blasted the Rockingham County Board of Supervisors on Wednesday night for their "lack of ability to deliver social services to children and families in the community."
The founding director of a summer camp for foster children blasted the Rockingham County Board of Supervisors on Wednesday night for their "lack of ability to deliver social services to children and families in the community."
Failed by system, dead at 15
Failed by system, dead at 15
Agencies tried to help Tiffany Wright, but their actions were too little, too late
Agencies tried to help Tiffany Wright, but their actions were too little, too late
Conduct panel 'swayed by child's death' in barring social worker
Conduct panel 'swayed by child's death' in barring social worker
A Care Council for Wales conduct committee has been accused of being overly influenced by a child's death in its decision to bar a Swansea social worker in relation to the case.
A Care Council for Wales conduct committee has been accused of being overly influenced by a child's death in its decision to bar a Swansea social worker in relation to the case.
Mich. Rep. Proposes Baby-Sitting Bill
Mich. Rep. Proposes Baby-Sitting Bill
A Michigan representative has proposed a bill that would allow families to leave their children in the care of friends without repercussions.
Rep. Brian Calley, R-Portland, said he has learned that the Michigan Department of Human Services has ordered a Middleville family to stop caring for a friend’s child because they are not a licensed day care.
A Michigan representative has proposed a bill that would allow families to leave their children in the care of friends without repercussions.
Rep. Brian Calley, R-Portland, said he has learned that the Michigan Department of Human Services has ordered a Middleville family to stop caring for a friend’s child because they are not a licensed day care.
More kids diverted from foster care to relatives
More kids diverted from foster care to relatives
Note: Just not enough.
More Long Island children are being diverted from the foster care system into the homes of relatives, mirroring what experts said was a growing trend toward finding familiar surroundings for vulnerable youth, county officials said.
Note: Just not enough.
More Long Island children are being diverted from the foster care system into the homes of relatives, mirroring what experts said was a growing trend toward finding familiar surroundings for vulnerable youth, county officials said.
OT: Children's and Infants' Tylenol Recall Underway
Children's and Infants' Tylenol Recall Underway
A voluntary recall of several varieties of children’s and infants’ Tylenol has been announced by the drug’s manufacturer, McNeil Consumer Healthcare. Specific lots and flavors of 21 Tylenol products are being recalled, including Children’s Tylenol® Suspension 4 oz. Strawberry, Children’s Tylenol® Pediatric Suspension 1 oz. Cherry, and Infants’ Tylenol® Suspension Drops ½ oz. Grape.
A voluntary recall of several varieties of children’s and infants’ Tylenol has been announced by the drug’s manufacturer, McNeil Consumer Healthcare. Specific lots and flavors of 21 Tylenol products are being recalled, including Children’s Tylenol® Suspension 4 oz. Strawberry, Children’s Tylenol® Pediatric Suspension 1 oz. Cherry, and Infants’ Tylenol® Suspension Drops ½ oz. Grape.
Child protection study almost ready
Child protection study almost ready
The most comprehensive study of child protection measures in Scotland is nearing completion, MSPs have heard.
The most comprehensive study of child protection measures in Scotland is nearing completion, MSPs have heard.
CPS workers excel despite scant support
CPS workers excel despite scant support
Recent events got me thinking of a conversation I had with a co-worker a while back. He had served on a jury that was deciding whether to take five children away from a mother who neglected them and allowed others to abuse them. It was one of those hard cases with no good option and no good news.
Recent events got me thinking of a conversation I had with a co-worker a while back. He had served on a jury that was deciding whether to take five children away from a mother who neglected them and allowed others to abuse them. It was one of those hard cases with no good option and no good news.
Grandmother Talks About Bathtime Pics Case
Grandmother Talks About Bathtime Pics Case
A grandmother is speaking out about the case of a Peoria couple who have been making national headlines.
A grandmother is speaking out about the case of a Peoria couple who have been making national headlines.
Namibia: Judge Slams Official for Stalling Adoption
Namibia: Judge Slams Official for Stalling Adoption
AN OFFICIAL in the Ministry of Gender Equality and Child Welfare who has been delaying the adoption of a Namibian baby by a Canadian woman became the target of stinging criticism from a Judge in the High Court yesterday.
AN OFFICIAL in the Ministry of Gender Equality and Child Welfare who has been delaying the adoption of a Namibian baby by a Canadian woman became the target of stinging criticism from a Judge in the High Court yesterday.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
submitted by anonymous
my daughter today has been told her unborn child will be removed from the hospital as soon as she has given birth. she has had a problem with drugs in the past and is now rehabilitating. she is on methodone program and hopes to be down to a low level by the time her baby boy is born, she has a 4 year old son who currently lives with his grandad and has done for the past 18 months she has been told to by social services that it is now to late for them to offer her support to keep the baby they have continually thwarted any attempt to keep her informed for instants if they say a coat is white they will insist they told her it was black she suffered appalling injury at the hands of her x partner who incidentally got her on heroin because he was a dealer, and regularly beat her her she got her self out of that situation with a 2 yr old, she has met a nice man now and wants to settle down with his child and the elder one but this wont be possible as social services are adamant it wont happen. what happened about giving her a second chance? she only sees her son for 2 hours a week and he absolutely adores her and even now cries to go home to mummy. she has never hurt a hair on his head and is a good little mum, she has never put her child in significant harm how can she fight the lies and deceit which determines weather shes a mum or not!! they are completely lying about her and her partner who has never used drugs what hope for them??
Submitted by Anonymous
My child was "legally kidnapped" by Children and Youth Services of Crawford County, Meadville, Pa.
It is such a long ordeal. Starting when she was 3 and court ordered visits with bio/father. I kept journal of her behaviors that were concerning and of things she said. She has told of abuse, all kinds since 3, but wouldnt repeat it to the official people needing to hear it from her. And when she has told the "right" people, they interview the bio/father and let it go. Things such as "inappropriate discipline" for a 3 year old. and most recently, at 7 years old, July 08, she has told all the right people of a pool incident occuring in care of bio/father at bio/father's parents house, that daughter has said"Daddy John hurt me, i am afraid of him, he will be mad I told.
"Daddy john wouldnt stop dunking me and couldnt hop on one foot forever"
This was dismissed after interviewing bio/father as a "normal" splashing event. 3 weeks later my daughter has such disturbing behaviors that we child line it. Forensic exam shows sexual abuse. But since my daughter didnt come right out and say" i was sexually abused" they wont take the pool incident as the place it must of occurred.
Instead-- they took my daughter on June 19, 2009 and put her in foster home, without contact from her family and now that she has been secluded- Children and YOuth SErvices' psychologist has taught her a vocabulary (one she had was quite advanced for a 7 year old) and now she has named her oldest brother as the one who sexually abused her, plus her bio/ mom now knew about it, and her stepdad, threatened her to keep quiet about it.
Her stepfather and myself-her bio/mom are in shock, we childlined it, we did everything we could to protect her, get her help for her symptoms and yet IT ALL HAS BEEN TURNED ON US, AND WE NOW HAVE A MESS--NO DAUGHTER, AND it is taking all we got to fight to get her back.
bio/father has a criminal record, arrested 1 month after the pool incident for growing drugs, and his 2nd dui. Yet they polygraph him as the investigative tool, and passed, eve though he had been growing marijauana and hadnt got caught with it at the time of polygraph. How can one pass a polygraph while knowing you are doing other illegal things?? Because my ex is a socio path and i left because he was punching the bed beside my curled up body everywhere when i was pregnant with her, and threatened to kill the baby if i didnt stay with him. Drank heavily, urinated in the kitchen sink, and tried to make me sell marijuana. I left. He then harassed my parents via phone, and threatened to take my 4 children i had to my ex-husband away too. Had to call State POlice to get him to stop harassing my parents.
What is with this system in Crawford County??
It is such a long ordeal. Starting when she was 3 and court ordered visits with bio/father. I kept journal of her behaviors that were concerning and of things she said. She has told of abuse, all kinds since 3, but wouldnt repeat it to the official people needing to hear it from her. And when she has told the "right" people, they interview the bio/father and let it go. Things such as "inappropriate discipline" for a 3 year old. and most recently, at 7 years old, July 08, she has told all the right people of a pool incident occuring in care of bio/father at bio/father's parents house, that daughter has said"Daddy John hurt me, i am afraid of him, he will be mad I told.
"Daddy john wouldnt stop dunking me and couldnt hop on one foot forever"
This was dismissed after interviewing bio/father as a "normal" splashing event. 3 weeks later my daughter has such disturbing behaviors that we child line it. Forensic exam shows sexual abuse. But since my daughter didnt come right out and say" i was sexually abused" they wont take the pool incident as the place it must of occurred.
Instead-- they took my daughter on June 19, 2009 and put her in foster home, without contact from her family and now that she has been secluded- Children and YOuth SErvices' psychologist has taught her a vocabulary (one she had was quite advanced for a 7 year old) and now she has named her oldest brother as the one who sexually abused her, plus her bio/ mom now knew about it, and her stepdad, threatened her to keep quiet about it.
Her stepfather and myself-her bio/mom are in shock, we childlined it, we did everything we could to protect her, get her help for her symptoms and yet IT ALL HAS BEEN TURNED ON US, AND WE NOW HAVE A MESS--NO DAUGHTER, AND it is taking all we got to fight to get her back.
bio/father has a criminal record, arrested 1 month after the pool incident for growing drugs, and his 2nd dui. Yet they polygraph him as the investigative tool, and passed, eve though he had been growing marijauana and hadnt got caught with it at the time of polygraph. How can one pass a polygraph while knowing you are doing other illegal things?? Because my ex is a socio path and i left because he was punching the bed beside my curled up body everywhere when i was pregnant with her, and threatened to kill the baby if i didnt stay with him. Drank heavily, urinated in the kitchen sink, and tried to make me sell marijuana. I left. He then harassed my parents via phone, and threatened to take my 4 children i had to my ex-husband away too. Had to call State POlice to get him to stop harassing my parents.
What is with this system in Crawford County??
A couple my cousin and her daughter lived with for a little over a year is seeking custody of her child. On 8-26-09 the couple claimed she abandoned her child last year and filed a intervention in a pending Attorney General child support case my cousin filed on her Childs father. The couple is requesting sole custody. They want the child to have no visitation from the biological parents or relatives. This couple has lied to CPS, police, judges, government welfare services, identifies there self as Foster Parents and gossips to anyone who will listen.
On 8-20-09, I witnessed my cousin attempt to retrieve her and her child’s belongings and child from their residence. Law enforcement escorted us to the home but would not order the surrender of child. She was allowed to retrieve some of her belongings that had been placed in the garage. She was verbally attacked and accusations where made to embarrass and prevent her from living with her child. The local CPS office was closed leaving us with no options until the day. She made a report/complaint with the Child abuse hotline that her CPS case was closed in May 2009 and her former case worker had confirmed to her relative (me) 4 hours ago the case was closed. She explained the couple she lives with is stating its open and they are not to give her the child because a emergency suit was file and the CPS case was a emergency re-opened. She stated she was moving out of the home and they are making false claims in an attempt to keep her child. The whole time she lived with them telling her, her family was going to take the baby away and that they would never do that to her. They have now confronted her they are going after custody.
On Friday 8-21-09, a CPS investigator went to the couple’s home. We can only assume to investigate claims the couple was making to CPS about the Childs mother. Late that evening the CPS investigator calls and states she is getting 3 different versions on what is going on, an wants to set up a meeting Monday Aug 24,2009. Sunday Aug 23 ,2009 at around 7:00 pm we were told the meeting (a round table) was to take place at the Weatherford, TX CPS office. This meeting location was 3 hours away and we got less than twenty-four hour notice.
On 8-24-09, the meeting took place. The CPS investigator, investigator supervisor, Biological mother, maternal great aunt, maternal 2nd cousin , Mrs. ****** arrived on time but Mr. ******** was a hour late. (Couple who will not release child) After the first hour of the meeting CPS employees spoke with the biological mother alone for about a hour. Everyone was called back into the meeting, and at this time Mr. ******** was here to participate. As the meeting continued the first 25 minuets was spent backtracking to fill Mr.******** in on what he missed. Then it was announced the child would transition to the maternal cousin. Mrs. ******** became upset and ran out of the meeting crying, and slamming the door. She was unable to compose her self and act in the best interest of the child, her participation in the meeting ending at that time.
Mr.******** questioned CPS on why the mother should get the child, stating they can care for here and that it wasn’t right. CPS was more concerned with the Mr. & Mrs. T’s feelings then the bio. mothers. Mr. T insisted it was not right that cps was not going to permanently allowing them to keep the child. A transition schedule was planned and started in three days. We all received copies of the signed participation plan we agreed to.
I had prayed for this day for a long time. She was just 17 years old when her daughter was born and involved with an abusive boy friend. Yes she made some bad choices, abusive boyfriend then to a emotionally abusive controlling environment by living with this couple but I thought everything was getting on the right path. I was very wrong.
On Aug. 28, 2009 the first day of visitation went horribly wrong. I should have listened to my guts warning. We spoke with Mrs. T the day before the scheduled pick up at the Childs daycare. Mrs. T insisted on the bio. Mothers attendance to assist me with any issues that might arise with me trying to pick the Child from daycare. On pick up day we exited my vehicle walking to the daycare entrance and the bio. mother was served with Mr. & Mrs. T’s petition in intervention to suit and court order.
How can a couple get a restraining order allowing them to temporary keep a child they have no legal rights to. They only filed because CPS and bio mother made plans to remove the child from there care and possession. How is this not interference with a CPS investigation for this couple to not follow the plan and file suit. How can CPS get away with NOT physically removing the child from this couples home on the 28th of Aug.? Filing a suit when they have no proof of rights ( because they have no rights) or that the child was endanger, and retain the child from the bio mother who cared and provided for. I was not a party to this suit and have guardianship over the child yet no one removed the child from this couple’s physical possession, after it was clearly not an appropriate placement. How is this not kidnapping ! All we can do now is wait until the hearing in 11 days.
People need to know about the legal unjust way my second cousin was kidnapped.
I witnessed emotional abuse to the biological mother on several occasions. I feel the Mrs. T may suffer from a mental illness. They use the child to fill his or her unhealthy emotional needs at the expense of the parent and child relationship.
My cousin has been verbally attacked, spy upon, and accused of actions they have no personal knowledge only to bully, harass, embarrass, intimidate, and isolated so they may keep her child. Emotional abuse, brainwashing, and communicating to third parties they are foster parents and they are to care for and withhold the child from the bio. mother is just plan abusive. The couple uses poor judgment in allowing a person with a pending 1st degree felony (Drugs) to live in the home. This places the child in danger yet they keep her from her mother.
8-28-09 the couple displayed extreme, obsessive, and ongoing parental alienation that may cause terrible psychological damage to the child and my cousin. The Couple is not disclosing the correct location of the child when questioned giving me concern they are hiding the child or preparing to flee to Kentucky.
Mr.******** verbally via phone attempted to bully my cousin to come and speak with him in private to “work things out.” I am concerned with Mrs. ******* claiming she received information on “Aug 18” from a person who has been deceased for 13 years.
Isolation of the child from the bio mothers relatives with no just cause.
Couple makes false accusations in attempts to discredit and bully bio mother in an attempt to have short-term control over her and the child. Couple repeatedly allow their adult children and persons to have access to the child who have been known to exercise poor and bad judgment ,use drugs, accused of using drug, persons who have been in jail, committed domestic violence to bio. mother. Couple allows the adult son with a pending 1st degree felony (poss. drugs w/ intent to deliver) to live in home with them and the child.
I fear for the child’s safety and well-being in her current environment because the present abuse and neglect. The couples obstructed view and concerns for only their needs and wants is of great concern for the safety of the child.
I feel the child is in immediate danger and requested the child be removed from the home and care of the couple,…No one seems to care about what is going on. The bio mother and maternal family can and will provide a safe, drug free, abuse free, caring, and loving environment for the child to thrive in. Removing her from the danger, abuse, and drama is the only safe remedy for the abuse to stop but I cannot get anyone to take action. I just pray each day for her safety and the day a change is made. Children are the future… CPS and Law enforcement must be held accountable for not removing children from dangerous caregivers and environments. We must have justice and uphold parental rights. If CPS is busy, harass a innocent parent because it makes the job easier then who is helping the true victims. I have taken a community stand and will continue to fight and tell this story.
(Melody’s Story)
A couple my cousin and her daughter lived with for a little over a year is seeking custody of her child. On 8-26-09 the couple claimed she abandoned her child last year and filed a intervention in a pending Attorney General child support case my cousin filed on her Childs father. The couple is requesting sole custody. They want the child to have no visitation from the biological parents or relatives. This couple has lied to CPS, police, judges, government welfare services, identifies there self as Foster Parents and gossips to anyone who will listen.
On 8-20-09, I witnessed my cousin attempt to retrieve her and her child’s belongings and child from their residence. Law enforcement escorted us to the home but would not order the surrender of child. She was allowed to retrieve some of her belongings that had been placed in the garage. She was verbally attacked and accusations where made to embarrass and prevent her from living with her child. The local CPS office was closed leaving us with no options until the day. She made a report/complaint with the Child abuse hotline that her CPS case was closed in May 2009 and her former case worker had confirmed to her relative (me) 4 hours ago the case was closed. She explained the couple she lives with is stating its open and they are not to give her the child because a emergency suit was file and the CPS case was a emergency re-opened. She stated she was moving out of the home and they are making false claims in an attempt to keep her child. The whole time she lived with them telling her, her family was going to take the baby away and that they would never do that to her. They have now confronted her they are going after custody.
On Friday 8-21-09, a CPS investigator went to the couple’s home. We can only assume to investigate claims the couple was making to CPS about the Childs mother. Late that evening the CPS investigator calls and states she is getting 3 different versions on what is going on, an wants to set up a meeting Monday Aug 24,2009. Sunday Aug 23 ,2009 at around 7:00 pm we were told the meeting (a round table) was to take place at the Weatherford, TX CPS office. This meeting location was 3 hours away and we got less than twenty-four hour notice.
On 8-24-09, the meeting took place. The CPS investigator, investigator supervisor, Biological mother, maternal great aunt, maternal 2nd cousin , Mrs. ****** arrived on time but Mr. ******** was a hour late. (Couple who will not release child) After the first hour of the meeting CPS employees spoke with the biological mother alone for about a hour. Everyone was called back into the meeting, and at this time Mr. ******** was here to participate. As the meeting continued the first 25 minuets was spent backtracking to fill Mr.******** in on what he missed. Then it was announced the child would transition to the maternal cousin. Mrs. ******** became upset and ran out of the meeting crying, and slamming the door. She was unable to compose her self and act in the best interest of the child, her participation in the meeting ending at that time.
Mr.******** questioned CPS on why the mother should get the child, stating they can care for here and that it wasn’t right. CPS was more concerned with the Mr. & Mrs. T’s feelings then the bio. mothers. Mr. T insisted it was not right that cps was not going to permanently allowing them to keep the child. A transition schedule was planned and started in three days. We all received copies of the signed participation plan we agreed to.
I had prayed for this day for a long time. She was just 17 years old when her daughter was born and involved with an abusive boy friend. Yes she made some bad choices, abusive boyfriend then to a emotionally abusive controlling environment by living with this couple but I thought everything was getting on the right path. I was very wrong.
On Aug. 28, 2009 the first day of visitation went horribly wrong. I should have listened to my guts warning. We spoke with Mrs. T the day before the scheduled pick up at the Childs daycare. Mrs. T insisted on the bio. Mothers attendance to assist me with any issues that might arise with me trying to pick the Child from daycare. On pick up day we exited my vehicle walking to the daycare entrance and the bio. mother was served with Mr. & Mrs. T’s petition in intervention to suit and court order.
How can a couple get a restraining order allowing them to temporary keep a child they have no legal rights to. They only filed because CPS and bio mother made plans to remove the child from there care and possession. How is this not interference with a CPS investigation for this couple to not follow the plan and file suit. How can CPS get away with NOT physically removing the child from this couples home on the 28th of Aug.? Filing a suit when they have no proof of rights ( because they have no rights) or that the child was endanger, and retain the child from the bio mother who cared and provided for. I was not a party to this suit and have guardianship over the child yet no one removed the child from this couple’s physical possession, after it was clearly not an appropriate placement. How is this not kidnapping ! All we can do now is wait until the hearing in 11 days.
People need to know about the legal unjust way my second cousin was kidnapped.
I witnessed emotional abuse to the biological mother on several occasions. I feel the Mrs. T may suffer from a mental illness. They use the child to fill his or her unhealthy emotional needs at the expense of the parent and child relationship.
My cousin has been verbally attacked, spy upon, and accused of actions they have no personal knowledge only to bully, harass, embarrass, intimidate, and isolated so they may keep her child. Emotional abuse, brainwashing, and communicating to third parties they are foster parents and they are to care for and withhold the child from the bio. mother is just plan abusive. The couple uses poor judgment in allowing a person with a pending 1st degree felony (Drugs) to live in the home. This places the child in danger yet they keep her from her mother.
8-28-09 the couple displayed extreme, obsessive, and ongoing parental alienation that may cause terrible psychological damage to the child and my cousin. The Couple is not disclosing the correct location of the child when questioned giving me concern they are hiding the child or preparing to flee to Kentucky.
Mr.******** verbally via phone attempted to bully my cousin to come and speak with him in private to “work things out.” I am concerned with Mrs. ******* claiming she received information on “Aug 18” from a person who has been deceased for 13 years.
Isolation of the child from the bio mothers relatives with no just cause.
Couple makes false accusations in attempts to discredit and bully bio mother in an attempt to have short-term control over her and the child. Couple repeatedly allow their adult children and persons to have access to the child who have been known to exercise poor and bad judgment ,use drugs, accused of using drug, persons who have been in jail, committed domestic violence to bio. mother. Couple allows the adult son with a pending 1st degree felony (poss. drugs w/ intent to deliver) to live in home with them and the child.
I fear for the child’s safety and well-being in her current environment because the present abuse and neglect. The couples obstructed view and concerns for only their needs and wants is of great concern for the safety of the child.
I feel the child is in immediate danger and requested the child be removed from the home and care of the couple,…No one seems to care about what is going on. The bio mother and maternal family can and will provide a safe, drug free, abuse free, caring, and loving environment for the child to thrive in. Removing her from the danger, abuse, and drama is the only safe remedy for the abuse to stop but I cannot get anyone to take action. I just pray each day for her safety and the day a change is made. Children are the future… CPS and Law enforcement must be held accountable for not removing children from dangerous caregivers and environments. We must have justice and uphold parental rights. If CPS is busy, harass a innocent parent because it makes the job easier then who is helping the true victims. I have taken a community stand and will continue to fight and tell this story.
(Melody’s Story)
Submitted by Vickie
The following was submitted via the LK Submission Form
CPS is corrupt. My son and girlfriend had a new baby, they are taking him from them. They also will not talk to us, the grandparents. Saying they can not divulge any info to us. Small one horse town in Oregon, and the sheriff is married to the cps worker on the case, he has been heard making comments about how he wants to buy a baby, the cousin of the mother is married to a cop, and the other cousin is a jailer. All 3 are standing in line for our grandbaby, The cousin married to the cop hates my son and the mother, I know they have very little chance of getting the baby returned to them, My daughter wants to take the child, but we have no means to fight them, no attorneys will help unless you have a hefty bank account, we will have to live the rest of our lives knowing we have a child out there somewhere, our everyday lives will be empty now. IT will be like having a bouquet of forget- me- nots sent to us everyday for the rest of ours lives. WE can love this baby, why do they do this to families. I will go to my grave with a broken heart, and this baby will be forever lost to us just because we have no one to help us fight these people. nobody cares, nobody helps, they just write about it, nothing changes. I am sad, depressed and feel hopeless, and I am mad. no one will fight the cop or the sheriff, they have had this planned since they new of the mother being pregnant, so now the sheriff won't have to buy a baby, he will get one for free, and get a monthly check to along with it. I hope they all rot in Hell for this.
CPS is corrupt. My son and girlfriend had a new baby, they are taking him from them. They also will not talk to us, the grandparents. Saying they can not divulge any info to us. Small one horse town in Oregon, and the sheriff is married to the cps worker on the case, he has been heard making comments about how he wants to buy a baby, the cousin of the mother is married to a cop, and the other cousin is a jailer. All 3 are standing in line for our grandbaby, The cousin married to the cop hates my son and the mother, I know they have very little chance of getting the baby returned to them, My daughter wants to take the child, but we have no means to fight them, no attorneys will help unless you have a hefty bank account, we will have to live the rest of our lives knowing we have a child out there somewhere, our everyday lives will be empty now. IT will be like having a bouquet of forget- me- nots sent to us everyday for the rest of ours lives. WE can love this baby, why do they do this to families. I will go to my grave with a broken heart, and this baby will be forever lost to us just because we have no one to help us fight these people. nobody cares, nobody helps, they just write about it, nothing changes. I am sad, depressed and feel hopeless, and I am mad. no one will fight the cop or the sheriff, they have had this planned since they new of the mother being pregnant, so now the sheriff won't have to buy a baby, he will get one for free, and get a monthly check to along with it. I hope they all rot in Hell for this.
Social worker training budgets need protection, says GSCC
Social worker training budgets need protection, says GSCC
The General Social Care Council (GSCC) is urging local authorities not to cut training budgets for social workers in a drive to save money.
The General Social Care Council (GSCC) is urging local authorities not to cut training budgets for social workers in a drive to save money.
DCF fires veteran spokeswoman in Broward
DCF fires veteran spokeswoman in Broward
The last several months have not been kind to the Department of Children & Families' Broward County outpost.
The last several months have not been kind to the Department of Children & Families' Broward County outpost.
Child 'Traumatized' After Being Left in School
Officials are investigating allegations that a little girl was left unattended in an Arizona school nurse's office after administrative staff left for the weekend.
Brother, sister reunited after 70 years
With two clicks of a mouse, 76-year-old Traudy Schwenk's life changed forever. She discovered she has a brother, living in Utah, that she never knew about.
Video: Investigators: Effort to keep 'Poca' case secret
A judge is allowing deals in Poca's case to be made behind closed doors. KING 5's Susannah Frame reports.
Changes considered in handling of Indian child welfare cases
Changes considered in handling of Indian child welfare cases
State lawmakers are thinking about changing the way Wisconsin handles Indian child welfare cases.
State lawmakers are thinking about changing the way Wisconsin handles Indian child welfare cases.
And even another foster-molester gets caught!
Local Foster Parent Arrested On Suspicion Of Sex Crimes Against Kids
He was a local foster parent.
But now, Richard Bain, 48, from Rogers is facing accusations he sexually assaulted a minor and engaged in child pornography.
He was a local foster parent.
But now, Richard Bain, 48, from Rogers is facing accusations he sexually assaulted a minor and engaged in child pornography.
Maine Worker Finds New Hire Is Lost Brother
Maine Worker Finds New Hire Is Lost Brother
Seven years into his tenure as a furniture mover for a local bedding retailer, Gary Nisbet was joined by a new colleague, Randy Joubert, who looked so much like him that customers asked whether they were brothers.
Seven years into his tenure as a furniture mover for a local bedding retailer, Gary Nisbet was joined by a new colleague, Randy Joubert, who looked so much like him that customers asked whether they were brothers.
Foster carers left in the dark
Foster carers left in the dark
A new campaign is urging that foster carers be made fully aware if a child has a history of sexual abuse
Note: Half of these foster parents want the money or the kids so bad that they won't even ask about their background.
A new campaign is urging that foster carers be made fully aware if a child has a history of sexual abuse
Note: Half of these foster parents want the money or the kids so bad that they won't even ask about their background.
Lawsuit filed over budget cuts to foster care
Lawsuit filed over budget cuts to foster care
The California Alliance of Child and Family Services filed a lawsuit in federal court on Friday to stop a 10 percent cut to the rates paid to group homes that care for foster children.
The California Alliance of Child and Family Services filed a lawsuit in federal court on Friday to stop a 10 percent cut to the rates paid to group homes that care for foster children.
Stop sending Nunavut's foster children away: petition
Stop sending Nunavut's foster children away: petition
A foster mother in Pond Inlet, Nunavut, has started a petition urging the territorial government to stop sending Inuit foster children to homes in southern Canada, where she said children are losing their culture.
A foster mother in Pond Inlet, Nunavut, has started a petition urging the territorial government to stop sending Inuit foster children to homes in southern Canada, where she said children are losing their culture.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Calif. pastor jailed for drugging, abusing 5 girls
Calif. pastor jailed for drugging, abusing 5 girls
A California pastor has been sentenced to life in prison for beating and drugging her five adopted daughters and locking them in a garage.
A California pastor has been sentenced to life in prison for beating and drugging her five adopted daughters and locking them in a garage.
To the Legislative Assembly of Ontario:
To the Legislative Assembly of Ontario:
More Children Held in Detention Centers
More Children Held in Detention Centers
The detention of immigrant children for federal investigation has led to confusion among consulates and human rights groups claiming that hundreds of children could be detained for months before reuniting with their families, reports La Opinión.
The detention of immigrant children for federal investigation has led to confusion among consulates and human rights groups claiming that hundreds of children could be detained for months before reuniting with their families, reports La Opinión.
LR woman arrested for taking son from DHS office
LR woman arrested for taking son from DHS office
Little Rock police arrested a 25-year-old woman on suspicion of interference with custody and obstruction after she allegedly took her 2-year-old son from a Department of Human Services office while he was in DHS custody.
Note: And another excuse to reopen the Underground Railroad passes us by.
Little Rock police arrested a 25-year-old woman on suspicion of interference with custody and obstruction after she allegedly took her 2-year-old son from a Department of Human Services office while he was in DHS custody.
Note: And another excuse to reopen the Underground Railroad passes us by.
Yet another reason to despise Wal-mart
Yet another reason to despise Wal-mart
Now let me share my thoughts on the Arizona child welfare department that removed those little children and kept them apart from their parents for a month. What a bunch of power tripping, pain in the ass, morons who should never be in a position of authority or have the right to make decisions that impact other people's lives.
Ass Monkey's.
Note: And she's a worker and a foster contractor too.
Now let me share my thoughts on the Arizona child welfare department that removed those little children and kept them apart from their parents for a month. What a bunch of power tripping, pain in the ass, morons who should never be in a position of authority or have the right to make decisions that impact other people's lives.
Ass Monkey's.
Note: And she's a worker and a foster contractor too.
First Visit
First Visit
At the end of the visit Brooklyn had lice. AWESOME! Lily and Lucy didn't have them yet, and Brooklyn didn't have them at intake so I suspect they came from the visit room. I HATE the facilities where they do visits - they're gross.
At the end of the visit Brooklyn had lice. AWESOME! Lily and Lucy didn't have them yet, and Brooklyn didn't have them at intake so I suspect they came from the visit room. I HATE the facilities where they do visits - they're gross.
Foster kids-turned-moms becoming alarming trend
Foster kids-turned-moms becoming alarming trend
When Daisy Rodriguez was 18 and aged out of the foster care system that had been her home for four years, she faced a personal dilemma: Pursue a college degree in social work, or start a family.
When Daisy Rodriguez was 18 and aged out of the foster care system that had been her home for four years, she faced a personal dilemma: Pursue a college degree in social work, or start a family.
Expert: LA child welfare system tied up with ‘huge number of false allegations’
Expert: LA child welfare system tied up with ‘huge number of false allegations’
"Gerardo R., as he is known in court documents, never beat his children. He did not torture them or stab them or brutalize them. He was a loving father who'd always been a part of his children's lives -- and when their mother lost custody, he immediately stepped forward. But he had to fight for his children's right to live with him.
"Gerardo R., as he is known in court documents, never beat his children. He did not torture them or stab them or brutalize them. He was a loving father who'd always been a part of his children's lives -- and when their mother lost custody, he immediately stepped forward. But he had to fight for his children's right to live with him.
Pre-Trial Hearing Held For Family Dealing With CPS
Pre-Trial Hearing Held For Family Dealing With CPS
A three-month-old boy reportedly bitten while he was in foster care became the center of discussion at a court hearing Monday morning.
A three-month-old boy reportedly bitten while he was in foster care became the center of discussion at a court hearing Monday morning.
DSS explains the safeguards with foster families
DSS explains the safeguards with foster families
When a Gastonia foster parent was recently charged with molesting the teenage girl who had been placed in his care, it raised questions about how such a thing was even possible.
When a Gastonia foster parent was recently charged with molesting the teenage girl who had been placed in his care, it raised questions about how such a thing was even possible.
Child abuse expert to speak today
Child abuse expert to speak today
Note: BFD! Like these morons ever shut up.
Jeanne Fowler is speaking on the topic of child abuse, told in her own words, at 6 p.m. today at the Youth For Christ Student Center, 2550 Cheesman Road in Alma.
Note: BFD! Like these morons ever shut up.
Jeanne Fowler is speaking on the topic of child abuse, told in her own words, at 6 p.m. today at the Youth For Christ Student Center, 2550 Cheesman Road in Alma.
Judge Denies Request to Have 4 mo. Old Moved -
Judge Denies Request to Have 4 mo. Old Moved -
HIS PARENTS... JOHNNY MONTALVO AND STEPHANIE PEREZ... SAY WHEN JOHNNY WENT TO VISIT HIM AT CHILD PROTECTIVE SERVICES A COUPLE OF WEEKS AGO..."I saw my 3-and-a-half month old baby with bite marks on his face, nose, mouth, his neck, and his wrist."
HIS PARENTS... JOHNNY MONTALVO AND STEPHANIE PEREZ... SAY WHEN JOHNNY WENT TO VISIT HIM AT CHILD PROTECTIVE SERVICES A COUPLE OF WEEKS AGO..."I saw my 3-and-a-half month old baby with bite marks on his face, nose, mouth, his neck, and his wrist."
Families agree to lift adoption agency out of bankruptcy
Families agree to lift adoption agency out of bankruptcy
An international adoption agency that went bankrupt this summer is almost back in business after prospective adoptive families voted to each pay another $4,000 to get it operating again.
An international adoption agency that went bankrupt this summer is almost back in business after prospective adoptive families voted to each pay another $4,000 to get it operating again.
2009 House Bill 5364 (Make DHS employees liable for false reports )
2009 House Bill 5364 (Make DHS employees liable for false reports )
Introduced by Rep. Tom McMillin (R) on September 15, 2009, to establish that the usual immunity from civil suits for actions by public employees in the course of performing their duties does not apply to a Department of Human Services or foster care agency employee if they file or produce a false report or false document relating to the department, or commit perjury in a proceeding relating to a case or duty encompassed within his or her job duties.
Introduced by Rep. Tom McMillin (R) on September 15, 2009, to establish that the usual immunity from civil suits for actions by public employees in the course of performing their duties does not apply to a Department of Human Services or foster care agency employee if they file or produce a false report or false document relating to the department, or commit perjury in a proceeding relating to a case or duty encompassed within his or her job duties.
Father Imprisoned 20 Years on Fake Child Sex Abuse Charges
Father Imprisoned 20 Years on Fake Child Sex Abuse Charges
Clyde Ray Spencer spent 20 years in prison for crimes he didn’t commit. In 1984, Spencer was a police officer being investigated on false claims of child sexual abuse and was getting a divorce. His wife Shirley Hanson and her lover apparently decided they wanted him out of their lives to proceed with their relationship. They “finished him off” by having their children falsely accuse him of child sexual abuse. Since Shirley Hanson’s lover Michael Davidson was another sheriff department employee, the attack on Clyde Ray Spencer was made easier.
Clyde Ray Spencer spent 20 years in prison for crimes he didn’t commit. In 1984, Spencer was a police officer being investigated on false claims of child sexual abuse and was getting a divorce. His wife Shirley Hanson and her lover apparently decided they wanted him out of their lives to proceed with their relationship. They “finished him off” by having their children falsely accuse him of child sexual abuse. Since Shirley Hanson’s lover Michael Davidson was another sheriff department employee, the attack on Clyde Ray Spencer was made easier.
Cops taser harmless legless man in wheelchair so Child Protective Services can take his child
Cops taser harmless legless man in wheelchair so Child Protective Services can take his child
The Associated Press is reporting that the police tasered a wheel chair bound, double amputee twice because they claimed he was uncooperative in turning his two-year-old over to Child Protective Services.
Two White Cops Allegedly Taser Black Wheelchair-Bound Amputee
The Merced Police Department’s Internal Affairs Division is investigating whether an officer twice used a Taser on an unarmed, wheelchair-bound man with no legs.
Note: See... Cops are system sucks too.
The Associated Press is reporting that the police tasered a wheel chair bound, double amputee twice because they claimed he was uncooperative in turning his two-year-old over to Child Protective Services.
Two White Cops Allegedly Taser Black Wheelchair-Bound Amputee
The Merced Police Department’s Internal Affairs Division is investigating whether an officer twice used a Taser on an unarmed, wheelchair-bound man with no legs.
Note: See... Cops are system sucks too.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Another Foster-Molester Busted!!!
Man Arrested for Molesting Foster Children
The Fountain County Sheriffs Dept has arrested a man on 3 counts of molestation for allegedly molesting a girl he has fostered and adopted after the girl and her two siblings were taken away from her parents.
The Fountain County Sheriffs Dept has arrested a man on 3 counts of molestation for allegedly molesting a girl he has fostered and adopted after the girl and her two siblings were taken away from her parents.
Police: Man Impersonates DCF Worker
Police: Man Impersonates DCF Worker
A registered sex offender accused of claiming to be an investigator with the Florida Department of Children and Families in order to speak with a 9-year-old girl was arrested Tuesday on several charges.
A registered sex offender accused of claiming to be an investigator with the Florida Department of Children and Families in order to speak with a 9-year-old girl was arrested Tuesday on several charges.
Decision on foster care fuels protests
Decision on foster care fuels protests
A SOUTH Australian foster mother who made a desperate appeal to welfare authorities for help to care for a nine-year-old girl with high-level needs has instead had her child taken away from her.
The drastic action by the Rann government has raised protests by foster care advocates and MPs over the government's treatment of carers and the lack of training for those who volunteer to care for the state's most vulnerable children.
A SOUTH Australian foster mother who made a desperate appeal to welfare authorities for help to care for a nine-year-old girl with high-level needs has instead had her child taken away from her.
The drastic action by the Rann government has raised protests by foster care advocates and MPs over the government's treatment of carers and the lack of training for those who volunteer to care for the state's most vulnerable children.
Report details medical needs of children in child welfare system
Report details medical needs of children in child welfare system
An evaluation of more than 500 young children removed from their parents' care by the Milwaukee Bureau of Child Welfare found five children who had been abused or neglected and 305 more who needed follow-up medical care, according to a recently released report.
An evaluation of more than 500 young children removed from their parents' care by the Milwaukee Bureau of Child Welfare found five children who had been abused or neglected and 305 more who needed follow-up medical care, according to a recently released report.
Dad Suing CPS for Negligence in Son's 2007 Death
Dad Suing CPS for Negligence in Son's 2007 Death
A Glendale woman convicted of drugging and killing her own son in 2007 will face sentencing Monday, and the boy's father says the death could've been prevented if Child Protective Services had done their job right.
A Glendale woman convicted of drugging and killing her own son in 2007 will face sentencing Monday, and the boy's father says the death could've been prevented if Child Protective Services had done their job right.
Children must see dad, like it or not: Family Court
Children must see dad, like it or not: Family Court
THE Family Court has warned separated parents that they are required to hand over children for access visits, whether the children want to go or not.
THE Family Court has warned separated parents that they are required to hand over children for access visits, whether the children want to go or not.
State studies abuse, safety of children in foster care
State studies abuse, safety of children in foster care
For the first time, Oregon is studying how children already in foster care are abused or neglected again.
For the first time, Oregon is studying how children already in foster care are abused or neglected again.
Fingerprint policy upsets some parents in San Mateo-Foster City school district
Fingerprint policy upsets some parents in San Mateo-Foster City school district
Some parents in the San Mateo-Foster City School District are miffed about a background-fingerprinting requirement to volunteer at their child's campus.
Some parents in the San Mateo-Foster City School District are miffed about a background-fingerprinting requirement to volunteer at their child's campus.
Reported Tasering investigated
Reported Tasering investigated
The Merced Police Department's Internal Affairs Division is investigating whether an officer twice used a Taser on an unarmed man with no legs who was in a wheelchair.
A Merced police report, written by the responding officers, says police tried to reason with Williams before the arrest, to no avail. The officers wrote that Williams was uncooperative and refused to turn his 2-year-old daughter over to Merced County Child Protective Services, among other allegations.
Note: This is an outrage!!! And they'll all probably get away with it too!
The Merced Police Department's Internal Affairs Division is investigating whether an officer twice used a Taser on an unarmed man with no legs who was in a wheelchair.
A Merced police report, written by the responding officers, says police tried to reason with Williams before the arrest, to no avail. The officers wrote that Williams was uncooperative and refused to turn his 2-year-old daughter over to Merced County Child Protective Services, among other allegations.
Note: This is an outrage!!! And they'll all probably get away with it too!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Noah Levi Bond NBC story Update
This news story is an update about Noah Levi Bond and his father, Craig Lentz's, fight to bring him home. More information about Craig Lentz's and mother Ibbaanika Bond's fight to bring their son Noah Levi Bond home, and how you can help can be found at www.friendsofnoahlevibond.com . Craig has now won two unanimous appellate court decisions, the first in the Missouri Supreme Court and the latest in the Western District Appeals Court. He is apprehensive though that the Jackson County Family Court, which has never obeyed the law in this case will now try to give an illegal guardianship to the people that have his son. The world needs to know about how this child was illegally stolen from his parents, please visit this site.
MDHS Director Ahmed Budget Interview
MDHS Director Ismael Ahmed is interviewed about the proposed budget cuts to the Michigan Department of Human Services by the MichiganLegislature. Length 6:44. For Further Information Contact: Edward Woods, III, Director of Communications for the Michigan Department of Human Services.
A Couple Accused Of Sexually Abusing Their Kids By Wal-mart Sues!!!!
An Arizona couple accused of sexual abuse after taking bath-time photos of their children and then trying to have them developed at Walmart are suing the state and the retail giant.
Lisa and Anthony "A.J." Demaree's three young daughters were taken away by Arizona Child Protective Services last fall when a Walmart employee found partially nude pictures of the girls on a camera memory stick taken to the store for processing, according to the suit.
The Peoria couple's attorney said Walmart turned the photos over to police and the Demarees were not allowed to see their children for several days and didn't regain custody for a month while the state investigated.
Neither parent was charged with sexual abuse and they regained custody of their children — then ages 1 1/2, 4 and 5 — but the Demarees claim the incident inflicted lasting harm.
The couple is seeking undetermined monetary damages from both Walmart and the state and have requested a jury trial.
Richard Treon, the lawyer for the Demarees, said the images of the girls were part of a group of 144 photographs taken mostly during the family's vacation in San Diego.
There were seven to eight bath- and playtime photos of the girls that showed a "portion or outline or genitalia."
Parent's worse nightmare
"There was nothing sexual about it," Treon said. "This is a parent's worst nightmare."
One lawsuit names Arizona, Peoria and the state Attorney General's Office as defendants, claiming that employees from each defamed them by telling friends, family members and co-workers that they had "sexually abused" their children by taking pornographic pictures of them.
A second lawsuit, naming Walmart as the defendant, says the company is at fault for not telling Anthony Demaree that it had an "unsuitable print policy" and could decide to turn any photos over to law enforcement.
Calls to Arkansas-based Walmart and officials from Peoria and Arizona seeking comment on the suits were not immediately returned Thursday.
Hello all. I had the day from hell today.
Hello all. I had the day from hell today.
Child protection report ignored
Child protection report ignored
A REPORT recommending improvements to Victoria's struggling child protection system was largely ignored by the state government for two years.
A REPORT recommending improvements to Victoria's struggling child protection system was largely ignored by the state government for two years.
It takes more than money to protect our children
It takes more than money to protect our children
IT'S BEEN a bad week for the Victorian Government but it deserves it for failing our children. The 30-year incest case involving a woman allegedly kept as a sex slave in country Victoria came to light a day after an Ombudsman's report revealed that Victoria's child protection system was in crisis.
IT'S BEEN a bad week for the Victorian Government but it deserves it for failing our children. The 30-year incest case involving a woman allegedly kept as a sex slave in country Victoria came to light a day after an Ombudsman's report revealed that Victoria's child protection system was in crisis.
Former SD educator charged with sexual abuse
Former SD educator charged with sexual abuse
A longtime educator from northwest South Dakota has been indicted on federal charges he sexually abused a girl in the 1990s on the Cheyenne River Indian Reservation.
A longtime educator from northwest South Dakota has been indicted on federal charges he sexually abused a girl in the 1990s on the Cheyenne River Indian Reservation.
Child's life upended in DSS case
Child's life upended in DSS case
A 6-year-old girl has been in foster care in Horry County since the age of 2, except for a five-month stay with a relative in New York, during which time there were allegations of mistreatment and sexual abuse in an aunt's home.
A 6-year-old girl has been in foster care in Horry County since the age of 2, except for a five-month stay with a relative in New York, during which time there were allegations of mistreatment and sexual abuse in an aunt's home.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
If you know of any please leave a comment.
I am looking for local groups in my area. I live in san luis obsipo county, california.
Thank you
Praising God Everyday....
Thank you
Praising God Everyday....
Rees apologises over orphanage abuse
Rees apologises over orphanage abuse
The pain on their faces is still visible today.
For tens of thousands of people who were abused as children in the state's orphanages and foster homes over the past decades, an apology from the NSW premier has gone some way to help in the healing process.
But many of the "forgotten" Australians who endured horrific conditions at some of NSW's most notorious children's homes and out-of-home institutions in the 1960s and '70s say only compensation can help repair the damage.
The pain on their faces is still visible today.
For tens of thousands of people who were abused as children in the state's orphanages and foster homes over the past decades, an apology from the NSW premier has gone some way to help in the healing process.
But many of the "forgotten" Australians who endured horrific conditions at some of NSW's most notorious children's homes and out-of-home institutions in the 1960s and '70s say only compensation can help repair the damage.
WA State Statistics On CPS Cases
WA State Statistics On CPS Cases
In Washington State, in fiscal year 2007:
From the blog of State Senator Pam Roach.
In Washington State, in fiscal year 2007:
From the blog of State Senator Pam Roach.
15 windows smashed at CAS, teens arrested
15 windows smashed at CAS, teens arrested
Four young people were arrested Thursday night after rocks were hurled through the windows at the Children's Aid Society building on Riverside Drive, causing about $15,000 in damage.
Note: Kids will be kids.
Four young people were arrested Thursday night after rocks were hurled through the windows at the Children's Aid Society building on Riverside Drive, causing about $15,000 in damage.
Note: Kids will be kids.
Please take part in my poll.
First watch the entire video entitled, "Kid Slaps Mom Oh Boy!"
Wendy is a single mom who lost her daughter, Olivia, three years ago to brain cancer. Since that time, her 10-year-old son, Noah's, behavior has spiraled out of control. He's been in trouble at school countless times, including hitting the principal. Noah says Wendy doesn't treat him with respect, and he's called Child Protective Services, claiming that she abuses him. Wendy says she hasn't stopped grieving for her daughter.
Then answer the following question.
Wendy is a single mom who lost her daughter, Olivia, three years ago to brain cancer. Since that time, her 10-year-old son, Noah's, behavior has spiraled out of control. He's been in trouble at school countless times, including hitting the principal. Noah says Wendy doesn't treat him with respect, and he's called Child Protective Services, claiming that she abuses him. Wendy says she hasn't stopped grieving for her daughter.
Then answer the following question.
Cop finds nephew asleep in street, doesn't call child welfare, Ozark police say
Cop finds nephew asleep in street, doesn't call child welfare, Ozark police say
An Ozark police sergeant has been demoted to corporal for failing to notify welfare authorities when his sister's 2-year-old son was found asleep and dirty in an intersection.
Ozark Police Chief Tony Spivey said Jessie Kellum also was suspended without pay for five days for inappropriate handling of the child care case.
An Ozark police sergeant has been demoted to corporal for failing to notify welfare authorities when his sister's 2-year-old son was found asleep and dirty in an intersection.
Ozark Police Chief Tony Spivey said Jessie Kellum also was suspended without pay for five days for inappropriate handling of the child care case.
Wisconsin, The “Dairy” State, The “Badger” State but most importantly a State of CONFUSION. Where child protection workers and/or “social” workers do not know how to draw the line in their “profession”. Where county employees are able to lie under oath, place children in abusers hands and play God.
Wisconsin, The “Dairy” State, The “Badger” State but most importantly a State of CONFUSION. Where child protection workers and/or “social” workers do not know how to draw the line in their “profession”. Where county employees are able to lie under oath, place children in abusers hands and play God.
Audit shows CPS does well placing kids with relatives
Audit shows CPS does well placing kids with relatives
An auditor general report said that CPS has done better than the national average placing children with relatives. But the report also said that CPS must be more consistent in guidelines on background checks of relatives, safety assessments of the potential home, and notifying relatives why they can't care for the child if they were being considered.
Note: Don't believe them!
An auditor general report said that CPS has done better than the national average placing children with relatives. But the report also said that CPS must be more consistent in guidelines on background checks of relatives, safety assessments of the potential home, and notifying relatives why they can't care for the child if they were being considered.
Note: Don't believe them!
Teacher’s Child Abuse Case Delayed After Arsonist Blows Up Home Of Witness
Teacher’s Child Abuse Case Delayed After Arsonist Blows Up Home Of Witness
The trial of an Atmore teacher and her husband has been postponed after the home of a key prosecution witness blew up in what officials say was a case of arson.
The trial of an Atmore teacher and her husband has been postponed after the home of a key prosecution witness blew up in what officials say was a case of arson.
Woman arrested in child-custody case
Woman arrested in child-custody case
A Visalia woman was arrested on suspicion of child abduction Wednesday after running off with her two biological children four days earlier, the Tulare County District Attorney's office reported.
A Visalia woman was arrested on suspicion of child abduction Wednesday after running off with her two biological children four days earlier, the Tulare County District Attorney's office reported.
Couple behind Walmart lawsuit to speak out
Couple behind Walmart lawsuit to speak out
A Peoria couple that temporarily lost physical custody of their kids for taking partially nude bath- and playtime photographs of the girls will speak out later today.
City: Nude pics raised red flags
A Peoria couple that temporarily lost physical custody of their kids for taking partially nude bath- and playtime photographs of the girls will speak out later today.
City: Nude pics raised red flags
Friday, September 18, 2009
Delay puts stress on foster families
Delay puts stress on foster families
Note: Bumber!
Indiana has a new state-of-the-art system to pay its bills. Now, every state agency has software that is supposed to expedite payments and allow for better accounting. The state auditor launched the new system Wednesday.
But because of the conversion to the new system, some of this month's payments are being issued later than usual.
Some foster parents are upset about the delay.
Note: I'll bet. Most of them do it for the money. This has got to go right up their asses.
Note: Bumber!
Indiana has a new state-of-the-art system to pay its bills. Now, every state agency has software that is supposed to expedite payments and allow for better accounting. The state auditor launched the new system Wednesday.
But because of the conversion to the new system, some of this month's payments are being issued later than usual.
Some foster parents are upset about the delay.
Note: I'll bet. Most of them do it for the money. This has got to go right up their asses.
Fremont man convicted of foster son's murder
Fremont man convicted of foster son's murder
A Fremont man has been convicted of murdering his foster son.
A Fremont man has been convicted of murdering his foster son.
New push to encourage parents to adopt black children
New push to encourage parents to adopt black children
Jordan Sarazin was in foster care just five months after she was born. But in 2006, everything changed. She was adopted by Magalie Jean-Gilles, who has spent nearly a decade caring for dozens of foster children.
Jordan Sarazin was in foster care just five months after she was born. But in 2006, everything changed. She was adopted by Magalie Jean-Gilles, who has spent nearly a decade caring for dozens of foster children.
Warning to parents in Victoria Australia!!!
The Victorian Government has pledged $77 million to fix the state's child protection crisis, hiring an extra 200 workers.

Staffing boost for child protection
Staffing boost for child protection
Moreno Valley woman to serve two life terms in abuse case
Moreno Valley woman to serve two life terms in abuse case
Jessica Banks' adopted daughters say they still have nightmares that if their former foster mother ever gets out of jail she will keep her promise to kill them.
Jessica Banks' adopted daughters say they still have nightmares that if their former foster mother ever gets out of jail she will keep her promise to kill them.
Foster dad guilty in boy's beating death
Foster dad guilty in boy's beating death
A Fremont foster father charged with fatally pummeling a 2-year-old boy because he was being defiant was found guilty Thursday of second-degree murder and assault on a child causing death.
A Fremont foster father charged with fatally pummeling a 2-year-old boy because he was being defiant was found guilty Thursday of second-degree murder and assault on a child causing death.
Delays in children's cases under attack
Delays in children's cases under attack
A senior child care lawyer is the latest to speak out to attack delays in the family courts. Christina Blacklaws, senior partner of Blacklaws Davis and the child care representative on the Law Society Council, says the delays in the allocation of guardians to represent children by Cafcass (Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service) means a wait of four to six months in London. "That means the court has no independent advice from the guardian - an experienced social work expert - and the child has no-one independent with whom to speak about their wishes and feelings."
A senior child care lawyer is the latest to speak out to attack delays in the family courts. Christina Blacklaws, senior partner of Blacklaws Davis and the child care representative on the Law Society Council, says the delays in the allocation of guardians to represent children by Cafcass (Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service) means a wait of four to six months in London. "That means the court has no independent advice from the guardian - an experienced social work expert - and the child has no-one independent with whom to speak about their wishes and feelings."
Sentencing delayed for former CPS worker
Sentencing delayed for former CPS worker
Sentencing of the Sutter County Child Protective Services employee convicted of forgery was delayed Friday because a visiting judge said it should be handled by the judge who heard the case.
Sarah Jane Powell, 35, is scheduled to be sentenced Sept. 25 by Sutter County Superior Judge H. Ted Hansen.
Sentencing of the Sutter County Child Protective Services employee convicted of forgery was delayed Friday because a visiting judge said it should be handled by the judge who heard the case.
Sarah Jane Powell, 35, is scheduled to be sentenced Sept. 25 by Sutter County Superior Judge H. Ted Hansen.
Ten Best Websites for Family Court Attorneys
Ten Best Websites for Family Court Attorneys
Today, I am speaking at "Hot Tips from the Coolest Domestic Law Practitioners" presented by the South Carolina Bar. This annual seminar features some of South Carolina ’s most experienced and talented Family Court trial attorneys and judges, and I am honored to be presenting the "10 Best Websites for Family Court Attorneys":
Note: Lawyers are System Sucks. Learn to fight the beast yourself.
Today, I am speaking at "Hot Tips from the Coolest Domestic Law Practitioners" presented by the South Carolina Bar. This annual seminar features some of South Carolina ’s most experienced and talented Family Court trial attorneys and judges, and I am honored to be presenting the "10 Best Websites for Family Court Attorneys":
Note: Lawyers are System Sucks. Learn to fight the beast yourself.
State To Shut Down Child Abuse Agency
State To Shut Down Child Abuse Agency
Indiana plans to shut down an agency that has worked directly with case workers on child abuse cases for the last 11 years.
Indiana plans to shut down an agency that has worked directly with case workers on child abuse cases for the last 11 years.
$77m for child protection: Brumby admits 'failures' in system
$77m for child protection: Brumby admits 'failures' in system
Victorian Premier John Brumby has admitted failures in the state's child protection system as he announced funding for an extra 200 workers.
Note: More money is always the answer, isn't it?
Victorian Premier John Brumby has admitted failures in the state's child protection system as he announced funding for an extra 200 workers.
Note: More money is always the answer, isn't it?
Arizona parents sue over kids' bath pictures
Arizona parents sue over kids' bath pictures
An Arizona couple accused of sexual abuse after trying to have bath-time photos of their children developed at Walmart are suing the state and the retail giant.
Think twice before having your family photos developed at Walmart
An Arizona couple accused of sexual abuse after trying to have bath-time photos of their children developed at Walmart are suing the state and the retail giant.
Think twice before having your family photos developed at Walmart
New recommendations issued for flu-like symptoms in child-care settings
New recommendations issued for flu-like symptoms in child-care settings
The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) has issued updated recommendations for handling influenza-like illness in child-care settings and early-childhood education programs that serve children under the age of 5.
The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) has issued updated recommendations for handling influenza-like illness in child-care settings and early-childhood education programs that serve children under the age of 5.
DCSF: 5% rise in child protection plans from 2007-8
DCSF: 5% rise in child protection plans from 2007-8
The number of children subject to child protection plans rose by almost 5% from 2007-8, according to Department for Children, Schools and Families figures released today.
Note: And wasn't there like a 30% increase in removals as well?
The number of children subject to child protection plans rose by almost 5% from 2007-8, according to Department for Children, Schools and Families figures released today.
Note: And wasn't there like a 30% increase in removals as well?
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Mother, foster mother want answers in death of toddler
Mother, foster mother want answers in death of toddler
“I can’t say what happened in that house that night because I wasn’t there,” Loriann Britton said during a Wednesday afternoon television interview at the home of Diane Stewart in Lake Shastina. “I was with him in the park that day, and he was fine. Then they called the next day and said he passed away." Britton, 22, who resides in Montague, was talking about her son, Craig Britton, who would have been 2 years old Sept. 11. The child passed away Aug. 29 in the home of the third foster mother with whom he had been placed since he was taken from Britton, his birth mother, by Siskiyou County’s Child Protective Services Dec. 9, 2008.
“I can’t say what happened in that house that night because I wasn’t there,” Loriann Britton said during a Wednesday afternoon television interview at the home of Diane Stewart in Lake Shastina. “I was with him in the park that day, and he was fine. Then they called the next day and said he passed away." Britton, 22, who resides in Montague, was talking about her son, Craig Britton, who would have been 2 years old Sept. 11. The child passed away Aug. 29 in the home of the third foster mother with whom he had been placed since he was taken from Britton, his birth mother, by Siskiyou County’s Child Protective Services Dec. 9, 2008.
Bill would expose child abuse by court-ordered care providers
Bill would expose child abuse by court-ordered care providers
Court-ordered care providers could no longer hide behind state confidentiality laws to abuse children, under a bill introduced Wednesday in Madison.
Court-ordered care providers could no longer hide behind state confidentiality laws to abuse children, under a bill introduced Wednesday in Madison.
Too many foster parents with criminal records
Too many foster parents with criminal records
From 2 June until 14 November 2008, the Supreme Chamber of Control (NIK) monitored 40 family aid institutions: 26 district family aid centres and 14 urban family aid centres. Only seven were thought to attain the required level of quality in Poland.
According to NIK, family courts frequently appoint people with criminal records for the role of foster parents. Such a situation occurred in 70 per cent of family aid centres.
From 2 June until 14 November 2008, the Supreme Chamber of Control (NIK) monitored 40 family aid institutions: 26 district family aid centres and 14 urban family aid centres. Only seven were thought to attain the required level of quality in Poland.
According to NIK, family courts frequently appoint people with criminal records for the role of foster parents. Such a situation occurred in 70 per cent of family aid centres.
Egypt convicts 2 US couples for illegal adoption
Egypt convicts 2 US couples for illegal adoption
An Egyptian judge on Thursday convicted two American couples of human trafficking in an illegal adoptions case and sentenced them to two years in prison, in a trial that highlighted bureaucratic entanglements and murky legislation on adopting children in this predominantly Muslim country.
An Egyptian judge on Thursday convicted two American couples of human trafficking in an illegal adoptions case and sentenced them to two years in prison, in a trial that highlighted bureaucratic entanglements and murky legislation on adopting children in this predominantly Muslim country.
Social Worker Accused Of Scam
Social Worker Accused Of Scam
An employee of the Department of Social Services was arrested for taking thousands of dollars from a Peruvian couple with promises to bring their children to the United States.
The False Prophet of Adoption
The False Prophet of Adoption
In January 2007, Valarie and Greg Neaderbaomer were finally ready to adopt a child. After researching online and visiting various agencies, the couple decided to do their adoption through Adoption International Program (AIP). They had seen a little girl from Kazakhstan on the Internet, and Orson Mozes, the Montecito-based director of AIP, told them she was still available. So the Temple City, California, couple started to proceed with the adoption.
In January 2007, Valarie and Greg Neaderbaomer were finally ready to adopt a child. After researching online and visiting various agencies, the couple decided to do their adoption through Adoption International Program (AIP). They had seen a little girl from Kazakhstan on the Internet, and Orson Mozes, the Montecito-based director of AIP, told them she was still available. So the Temple City, California, couple started to proceed with the adoption.
Woman Lies to Police About Boyfriend's Abuse
Woman Lies to Police About Boyfriend's Abuse
On August 25, Sgt. Tim Fridman of the Calvert Investigative Team traveled to the State’s Attorney’s Office and met with Angelena Ronnetta Claggett, 38 of Prince Frederick, to follow up with a violation of a protective order.
On August 25, Sgt. Tim Fridman of the Calvert Investigative Team traveled to the State’s Attorney’s Office and met with Angelena Ronnetta Claggett, 38 of Prince Frederick, to follow up with a violation of a protective order.
DHS Worker Accused Of DUI, or should I say... Drunk Gets To Decide Where Your Children Go!!!

Authorities say Chemeitra Waller could be back on the job, driving to people's homes as soon as Tuesday.
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