Legally Kidnapped

Shattering Your Child Welfare Delusions Since 2007

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Adoption scam tears families apart

Adoption agency tricked samoan parents into giving children up their for adoption. They promised the families visits and communication, but they told the american adoptive parents that the children were abandoned and had no other family..
"Most people would sooner die than think; in fact, they do so."

- Bertrand Russell

Breastfeeding mother

Breastfeeding mother

Foster Mom Lashes Out At Day Care Center

Foster mom whose daughter died in day care lashes out

Note: The foster parent who cries because she lost a child in this video says at the end, "Don't blindly trust." Yet that's what one must do in order to be a foster parent.

Rosie O'Donnell on Foster Care System

There are over 500,000 children in foster care in our country, and Rosie O'Donnell is helping to bring awareness to these kids and the challenges they face in her new Lifetime movie "America."

Note: Will this be good? Or will this be an advertisement for the Child Protective Industry?

We shall soon see.

Raw Video: Deputy Shown Kicking Teen Girl

Surveillance video released in an assault case against a King County, Wash. sheriff's deputy shows him kicking a young girl, slamming her to the jail cell floor and striking her repeatedly. The deputy has pleaded not guilty in case.

Aging Out

Aging Out

We began our program this week with a story about faith-based social services. Here’s a great example: churches taking care of young people who need foster care but have become too old for foster homes. Foster parents can be wonderful or, in some cases, less so. But for all foster children there comes a time when they must leave, ready or not. In the language of social services, as Mary Alice Williams reports, they have “aged out.”

Note: Watch the video.

Parenting -- a privilege, not a right

Parenting -- a privilege, not a right

It is suddenly unpopular to say children do best in homes with married moms and dads. Gay rights activists have deemed it politically incorrect to point to decades of social science statistics, centuries of civilization, and common sense that tell us that the best place for children is in a stable home with a married mother and father. They claim fostering and adopting children is a constitutional right.

System failing foster children

System failing foster children

In the early 1950s, a girl weighing just four pounds and one ounce was born at Grace Hospital in Windsor. Her mother named her Bertina, after the baby's maternal grandmother. Within weeks, the child was taken into foster care at Faith Haven, a home for unwed mothers run by the Salvation Army.

Foster mother arrested for piercing 7-year-old daughter with pin in Hokkaido

Foster mother arrested for piercing 7-year-old daughter with pin in Hokkaido

A 68-year-old foster mother has been arrested for piercing her 7-year-old adopted daughter with a pin in Hokkaido, police said Friday. Yasuko Nemoto was arrested for allegedly piercing the back of her foster daughter’s head with a pin last October. The daughter’s school reported the case to a local child consultation center.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Man sues DSS over case involving spanking

Man sues DSS over case involving spanking

A Rapid City man who spanked his teenage daughter last April has sued the state Department of Social Services, which had removed the girl from her home.
Fransen said the girl hasn't been the same since. "The trauma that DSS inflicted upon her is far, far greater than a spanking."

Octomom's Neighbor Goes Ballistic, 911 Called!

Octomom's Neighbor Goes Ballistic, 911 Called!

Octomom Nadya Suleman makes headlines day after day -- now her neighbor's in on the act!
Octuplets' mom turns down offer of a home and nursing

The nonprofit Angels in Waiting volunteer nurses "would have provided 24/7 care along with developmental specialists, early intervention professionals, wraparound services for -- and individualized care for -- all these babies," Allred said on the show.

Note: They mean having social workers and nurses up her ass 24/7.

Foster Families Worry As CPS Cuts Funds

Foster Families Worry As CPS Cuts Funds

Major cuts in Arizona's state budget are forcing Child Protective Services to reduce funding for the 10,000 children placed in foster care.

The state will reduce its average monthly stipend to foster families from $900 to $700, which will affect 4,500 children.

Note: Bumber.

Adoption bill stirs debate in Frankfort

Adoption bill stirs debate in Frankfort

Anthony and Richard Harland-Bennett have been together for 23 years.

Seven years ago, they adopted Amber, a baby girl whose biological parents could not take care of her.

But to legally adopt Amber, they had to move from Florida to Wisconsin, where it was legal for two men to adopt a child. They moved back home to Kentucky several years ago but are worried that a bill filed in the state Senate could make their family illegal.

Nunn on administrative leave from state job

Nunn on administrative leave from state job

Former Republican lawmaker and gubernatorial candidate Steve Nunn has been placed on unpaid administrative leave from his state job after a Lexington woman accused him of domestic violence.

Nunn is deputy secretary of the Cabinet for Health and Family Services,
Nunn's violence charge to be heard Wednesday

Steve Nunn, a top state official, former lawmaker and Republican gubernatorial candidate, is scheduled to appear in Fayette County Family Court at 8:30 a.m. Wednesday on a domestic violence charge.

Hearing will examine foster care expenses

Hearing will examine foster care expenses

Three Democratic state lawmakers from Bucks County called for a hearing “to gather information on the county’s increased cost and use of foster care,” even though county agency data show placements are down.

Foster Care Mums Using Money for Gambling

Foster Care Mums Using Money for Gambling

The Australian on Friday reports that foster carers are taking in abused money in order to collect tax free allowances. A good portion of those funds are being spent at local pubs for the purpose of gambling however.

CPS Under Spotlight in Ireland Case

CPS Under Spotlight in Ireland Case

There is new information in a case of deadly child abuse.

The mother of ten-year-old Seth Ireland and her boyfriend apparently tried to take him in for psychiatric help but were turned away.

OT: Abuse story ruled a lie

Abuse story ruled a lie

ALBANY A Ravena woman who accused Albany police officers of using her cellphone and subjecting her to a cavity search during a traffic stop was convicted today on four misdemeanor charges of lying about the incident.

DCF's red tape trips up even the best-prepared

DCF's red tape trips up even the best-prepared

Note: This person is slightly confused.

The agency, bless its bureaucratic heart, can get so lost in the details. Consider: We took mandatory classes, underwent criminal-background checks, provided references from friends and family, and filled out stacks of paperwork.

Yet DCF still had a few questions before giving final approval. Only you don't deal with DCF directly. The agency has contracts with private agencies through a network called Community Based Care. They're in charge of adoptions and foster placements.

Moment of Zen - Monkey Legislation

Children's Rights Campaigner Say's Bring it on Jack

Please Sign the petition for adopted Children to find a stem cell donor.

Open court : RCJ Strand LONDON 26th Feb 2009

Question motivation of protective services

Question motivation of protective services

Has every child removed from parental custody really been injured, abused, neglected or mistreated? How many children end up in the system due to "preventative" measures by unlicensed, nonprofessional child welfare workers?

Child welfare forum today

Child welfare forum today

WELFARE workers on the Northern Rivers will discuss proposed reforms to the NSW child protection system at a forum today.

The Association of Children's Welfare Agencies is hosting the forum at Alstonville to gather regional input on sweeping changes recommended by Justice James Wood in his Special Commission of Inquiry into Child Protection Services in NSW.

Holistic Approach Needed to Foster Care, Experts Say

Holistic Approach Needed to Foster Care, Experts Say

A major shift in social work’s approach to child welfare is necessary to stave off a crisis in foster care, experts said on Feb. 25 at a colloquium to welcome the Graduate School of Services (GSS) newest endowed chair.

“We must choose to change our paradigm,” said William C. Bell, president and CEO of Casey Family Programs and former New York City Commissioner of the Administration for Children’s Services. “Even today as we have embarked upon the 21st century, we still have a system that far too frequently sees lengthy separations between children and their parents . . . as being the desired intervention.

Bill addresses child welfare issues

Bill addresses child welfare issues

State lawmakers say legislation focusing on Oklahoma's child welfare system will satisfy almost all the issues raised in a federal court lawsuit against the state.

Gloomy Picture On The State Of Foster Care

Gloomy Picture On The State Of Foster Care

Social Services Minister Donna Harpauer calls the revelations in the report on foster homes profoundly disturbing. She said the state of foster care in the province has been steadily worsening for two decades, but has never been addressed. Children's Advocate Marvin Bernstein says the Ministry of Social Services has breached the trust of many, including children, parents and foster-parents. Bernstein says in one case in Saskatoon, 21 kids are under one roof. The report also documents cases of physical, sexual, emotional and psychological abuse. The Saskatchewan Foster Families Association says it supports the 45 recommendations in the report.

Families heap loathing on child abuser Carroll

Families heap loathing on child abuser Carroll

The mother, her eyes red from crying, walked to the front of the courtroom, held up a slip of paper and looked at the man who had just been sentenced to spend the rest of his life in prison for molesting her daughters.

She began to read.

"When I first met you, you told me they were safe with you," she said at the sentencing hearing Thursday. "You groomed us, and you gained our trust. But you made a major mistake. You took our kindness for a weakness. ... I had no idea the monster you really are."

5-month-old's death ruled a homicide

5-month-old's death ruled a homicide

A 5-month-old South Side baby has died from blunt trauma and his death has been ruled a homicide, according to the Cook County medical examiner's office.

The Illinois Department of Children and Family Services is investigating the circumstances of Kamereon Foster's death -- months after the agency had removed the infant from his home because of neglect.

Rosie O'Donnell Urges Americans To Become Foster Parents

Rosie O'Donnell Urges Americans To Become Foster Parents

Rosie O'DonnellActress/TV presenter Rosie O'Donnell has urged more Americans to become foster parents - because programs to protect neglected children are in crisis.

Bee wins awards for CPS coverage

Bee wins awards for CPS coverage

The Sacramento Bee has won two awards for its scrutiny of Sacramento County's Child Protective Services agency from the Northern California section of the Society of Professional Journalists.

Seth's mom, stepfather sought psychiatric help for boy

Seth's mom, stepfather sought psychiatric help for boy

A day before Seth Ireland was beaten to death, his mother and stepfather took him to a psychiatric office in Fresno to seek treatment, but they were turned away, a defense lawyer said this morning before a scheduled status hearing on the case in Fresno County Superior Court.
CPS Under Spotlight in Ireland Case

There is new information in a case of deadly child abuse.

Thursday, February 26, 2009


Here's an interesting sight that somebody just turned me onto. Check it out.

Daily Meditations with Baby LK Vol 2

Defendants Sentenced in Adoption Scam

Defendants Sentenced in Adoption Scam

Salt Lake City, Utah - The Focus on the Children corporation, along with four defendants who worked for the organization, were sentenced in federal court here today for their role in facilitating the fraudulent adoption of children from Samoa.

Scott Banks, 47; Karen Banks, 48; Coleen Bartlett, 52; and Karalee Thornock, 36, received 60 months probation as part of a plea agreement in which they admitted aiding and abetting the improper entry of an alien. The corporation, Focus on Children (FOC), pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit alien smuggling and visa fraud. U.S. District Judge David Sam ordered FOC to dissolve once pending litigation involving the corporation is resolved.

Rosie O'Donnell returns to TV in a Lifetime movie

Rosie O'Donnell returns to TV in a Lifetime movie

O'Donnell — who left the daytime talk show in 2007 after a single tumultuous season — returns to TV on Sunday night with a Lifetime movie about the foster-care system called "America." She had been a foster parent to two children, including a girl named Rosie for 1 1/2 years, when an intern in 2002 handed her the book by E.R. Frank that inspired the movie.

Note: According to other articles, this movie is critical of the foster care system. It's probably sugar coated just like everything else. We'll see.




NP woman arrested for helping teen escape state custody

NP woman arrested for helping teen escape state custody

A 23-year-old North Platte woman was arrested Tuesday for two felony counts after she helped a 17-year-old boy escape from state custody and hid him for three months.

Saskatchewan foster home 'like puppy mill'

Saskatchewan foster home 'like puppy mill'

Foster homes in Saskatchewan's largest city are so overcrowded and in crisis that a worker swarmed by children in one house she visited compared the place to a puppy mill.

Leaders: Foster care unfair to black kids

Leaders: Foster care unfair to black kids

Local officials say black children are being treated unfairly in the state's foster care system and it's time for an important change.

Cover story - Shades of Transracial Adoption

Cover story - Shades of Transracial Adoption

It has been more than 20 years since the first large wave of transracial adoptions began to change the complexion of many families across the country. As these adopted children have come of age, they have become living case studies of the challenges, joys and sometimes pitfalls that can come with adoption across racial lines.

We have a phobia of her, says foster sister

We have a phobia of her, says foster sister

A HOT head, a rude mouth, a vengeful heart. And she is only 16.
Click to see larger image

What went wrong along the way to turn one so young into such a vicious terror that she would instigate a man to rape a 13-year-old just because the girl had said something bad about her?

Her helpless foster family has been asking the same question.

Tories accused of 'playing politics' with child protection

Tories accused of 'playing politics' with child protection

A Government minister has accused Conservatives of "playing politics" with child protection, after a West Midlands council indicated it will not be going ahead with a Tory plan to publish in full the report into the death of a child under its care.

Octomom Gets $1 Million Porn Offer From Vivid Entertainment

Octomom Gets $1 Million Porn Offer From Vivid Entertainment

Vivid Entertainment has made a $1 million offer to Nadya Suleman to make a pornographic video.

In an offer letter obtained by, the president of the pornography studio and distributor Steven Hirsch says the company would release the film under their "Vivid-Celeb imprint, which has released titles starring such personalities as Pamela Anderson, Kim Kardashian, and most recently, former Miss USA Kelli MCarty."

Overcrowded Saskatchewan foster homes breed abuse: report

Overcrowded Saskatchewan foster homes breed abuse: report

Children "crawling with lice," suffering sexual abuse and being hit with hockey sticks are among the startling cases documented in a report released Wednesday that delves into overcrowding at foster homes in and around Saskatoon.

Is the Government right to be concerned about home-schooling?

Is the Government right to be concerned about home-schooling?

Tens of thousands of home-educating parents are in a fury about a government decision to set up an inquiry into home schooling because of fears it could hide child abuse. They say there is no hard evidence, and the investigation smears them all with suspicion. Two thousand parents and organisations have written to the Government in protest at what pressure group Action for Home Education call "vile and unsubstantiated" allegations.

Guilty Until Proven Innocent: Richardson's child abuse arrest

Guilty Until Proven Innocent: Richardson's child abuse arrest

Call For Action has learned a new and possibly big wrinkle in the James Joseph Richardson case.

Richardson was wrongfully accused of murdering his seven children in Arcadia in 1968. Richardson is now petitioning the state for $1,100,000 for time that he wrongfully spent in jail for the murders.


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Daily Meditations with Baby LK Vol. 1

Sacramento County CPS needs 'systemic change,' report says

Sacramento County CPS needs 'systemic change,' report says

Sacramento's Child Protective Services, under its most intense scrutiny in more than a decade, got a public pep talk and a critical slap Tuesday before the county's Board of Supervisors.
If there is one thing upon this earth that mankind love and admire better than another, it is a brave man, — it is the man who dares to look the devil in the face and tell him he is a devil.

– James A. Garfield

Report: BC's child welfare system needs immediate help

Report: BC's child welfare system needs immediate help

Social workers in British Columbia say the child welfare system needs immediate help. The 16 page report from the Ministry for Children and Families says children in the system are not getting the care they need, and the cost of putting kids in foster homes is escalating beyond the ministry's ability to pay.

Support for children in care lags, again

Support for children in care lags, again

There's a harsh lesson on supply and demand in an internal report on the costs of supporting children in care.

The New Democrats, who raised it in the legislature yesterday, read it as an indictment of underfunding and teed off on Children and Families Minister Tom Christensen.

Saskatoon foster homes most overcrowded in Canada, 1 likened to puppy mill: report

Saskatoon foster homes most overcrowded in Canada, 1 likened to puppy mill: report

Saskatchewan's children's advocate has released a scathing report that concludes foster homes in Saskatoon are more overcrowded than anywhere else in the country.

No more lunch bills: Schools go after deadbeats

No more lunch bills: Schools go after deadbeats

A cold cheese sandwich, fruit and a milk carton might not seem like much of a meal — but that's what's on the menu for students in New Mexico's largest school district without their lunch money.

DHS audit finds children are removed too often

DHS audit finds children are removed too often

Oklahoma City_Press Release_Oklahoma children are removed from their homes almost twice as much as the national average, putting a strain on both the state system and the children and families themselves, House leaders announced with the release of a sweeping audit of the Department of Human Services today.

Cops: Mom runs over son

Cops: Mom runs over son

The Daily World newspaper says Joseph was a Lafayette Police Officer from 1985 until 1990. According to the paper, she now works at the Louisiana Department of Social Services, which is in the process of suspending her until the case is closed.

Inquiry: CAS offers "deep regrets" to foster children

Inquiry: CAS offers "deep regrets" to foster children

The Children's Aid Society offered their “deep regrets” Wednesday to any former foster children who were harmed while in the agency's care.

CAS lawyer Michele Allinotte told the Cornwall Public Inquiry the agency's local branch had “shortcomings” but maintained their policies had evolved greatly since the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s.

CAS response to child sex abuse in '60s, '70s Cornwall fell short, inquiry hears

CAS response to child sex abuse in '60s, '70s Cornwall fell short, inquiry hears

The inquiry has heard testimony from former Children's Aid Society wards that they were allegedly sexually abused at the time by caseworkers and foster parents.

Upshur couple blames DHHR for not telling them of adopted son's sexual abuse history

Upshur couple blames DHHR for not telling them of adopted son's sexual abuse history

Because of misinformation provided to them by state officials, an Upshur County couple is alleging that one of their adoptive sons has continued a pattern of sexual abuse inflicted on him as an infant causing an unnecessary hardship on the family.

Don't Be Discouraged by Naysayers

Are you a bulimic-germaphobe?

Are you looking for an easier way to make yourself puke without having to stick those dirty fingers in your mouth?

Well come with me on a little journey into the mind of the brainwashed and watch as I get the System Sucks all worked up at the same time. It is time to bring to your attention an all new nut job on Adoption Blogs. I've been following this blog for a couple weeks now, and what a piece of work this one is.

As a side note... I will not be hot-linking the links, you will need to copy them and paste them into your browser. I was blocked from linking to them a long time ago. Long story. No need to drag out this post.

Meet Renee from the "Hoping to Adopt Blog." Rene is a very particular, and might I add, very common type of adoptive parent, which I have labeled the Looney Tune (the video's in this post will explain). She joins Adoption Blogs with advice for those of you who are considering the adoption option.

Renee advises "Don't Be Discouraged by Naysayers"

"Naysayers?" Please... She doesn't even have half a clue that the Ultimate "Naysayer" of all is on to her little blog. I'm sure one of the System Sucks will tell her though. So no worries.

The Visitation Stage

Here she says the following...
I've found this stage of foster adoption to be one of the most difficult times for me as a mom. When we adopt, my children become mine the moment I am first shown their picture. For me, the visual image captures my heart. I know what their face looks like, what color their eyes and hair are. I have a connection instantly. I am aware that this does not happen for everyone but it does for me. At that moment, I become maternal toward this person. I want to sweep him up and bring him home. I want to end his suffering, his waiting. Before I can do anything for him though, I must follow the rules and have our period of visitation. I must pick him up and drop him off over and over again. Each time is more painful as I fall in love with this child.


Open child-death files: NDP

Open child-death files: NDP

Queen's Park is "stonewalling" the provincial child advocate in his bid to get more information about 90 children in Ontario's child welfare system who died in 2007, says New Democratic Party Leader Howard Hampton.

Note: They should open all records. That would be the only way to get them under a system of checks and balances.

Adults' fear of reporting 'encourages child neglect'

Adults' fear of reporting 'encourages child neglect'

Child neglect is being allowed to persist across Britain because adults are afraid to report concerns about what is going on in their neighbourhood, a poll for the charity Action for Children revealed today.

Note: Often times, people should mind their own business.

Report shows B.C.'s child welfare system is in crisis

Report shows B.C.'s child welfare system is in crisis

B.C.'s child welfare system is in crisis, costs are spiralling out of control, and some children are not getting the care they need, a leaked government document says.

Ellen Gray: 'America' focuses on foster care

Ellen Gray: 'America' focuses on foster care

ROSIE O'DONNELL wears her heart on her sleeve.

Maybe you like that about her. Maybe you don't.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Abuse complaints lead to investigation of Deltona family featured on 'Supernanny'

Abuse complaints lead to investigation of Deltona family featured on 'Supernanny'

A Deltona family who took part in the television show "Supernanny" is being investigated for possible child abuse and neglect, a sheriff's spokesman said this afternoon.
Reality TV Show Leads To DCF Investigation

A reality television show has led to a state abuse investigation into a Deltona family. The show Supernanny was supposed to help fix the family. Instead, neighbors said, it documented a disturbing tale of abuse.

Child protection cell at women’s police stations not a good idea?

Child protection cell at women’s police stations not a good idea?

What may come as a help to the abused, addicted and abandoned children of the state, the Gujarat government under its "Nirogi Balvarsha Yojana" has decided to set up child protection cells in women police stations across the state. However, the overworked personnel at women police stations are apprehensive about the initiative.

Call for child protection education

Call for child protection education

MANY POSTGRADUATE students who may become involved in child protection have “very little knowledge” of the necessary reporting and follow-up procedures, according to a new research project.

Moray reviews child protection cases

Moray reviews child protection cases

MORAY Council has reviewed all its past cases following the scathing report into child protection services in Moray. The reassurance came during a meeting with local MSP Richard Lochhead and chief officers from the council, NHS Grampian and Grampian Police yesterday.

Lack of communication between and within the different agencies as well as a failure to recognise and assess the risks and needs of vulnerable children were criticised in the report by HM Inspectorate of Education, which was made public earlier this month.

Hospital wants proof Suleman can care for octuplets, she tells Dr. Phil

Hospital wants proof Suleman can care for octuplets, she tells Dr. Phil

Nadya Suleman told TV host Dr. Phil McGraw on Tuesday that she fears Kaiser Permanente Medical Center may not release her octuplets to her until she proves she can care for them.

Cops stop CPS from taking grandkids

Cops stop CPS from taking grandkids

Connie Moody’s grandchildren were threatened for removal by Child Protective Services until they met three Midlothian police officers who knew Moody, according to testimony given at a CPS compliance hearing Monday, Jan. 5.
Ellis County CPS suffers another blow

Judge Greg Wilhelm, R-Midlothian, rejected a last-ditch effort by Ellis County/District assistant attorney Sara Spector to have certain facts of a Child Protective Services case from reaching an "Internet Web site or the Press," a move in which the judge said would not result in any gag order or restriction on pursuing the best interests for Christian Johnson, a 12-year-old caught in the middle of a nasty CPS-family dispute.

Pennsylvania rocked by 'jailing kids for cash' scandal

Pennsylvania rocked by 'jailing kids for cash' scandal

At a friend's sleepover more than a year ago, 14-year-old Phillip Swartley pocketed change from unlocked vehicles in the neighborhood to buy chips and soft drinks. The cops caught him.

Neb. report shows challenges for foster children

Neb. report shows challenges for foster children

A study of Nebraska children who have been in foster care for an extended time shows a mixed bag.

Among the positive findings was that 80% of the 230 children studied received appropriate services from the state.

Family Court judge censured

Family Court judge censured

The state Commission on Judicial Conduct has censured a Monroe County Family Court judge who had her secretary perform “repeated personal services” for her, including child care and personal typing for the judge’s husband.

The Stop Child Abuse in Residential Programs for Teens Act of 2009

The Stop Child Abuse in Residential Programs for Teens Act of 2009

Tens of thousands of U.S. teenagers attend private and public residential programs – including therapeutic boarding schools, wilderness camps, boot camps, and behavior modification facilities – that are intended to help them with behavioral, emotional, mental health, or substance abuse problems. Depending on the state in which the program operates, some of these programs are subject to State law or regulation, while others are not. As a result of this loose patchwork of state oversight, children at some the programs have been subject to abuse and neglect with little to no accountability.

Child abuse hot line to shut down temporarily

Child abuse hot line to shut down temporarily

The child abuse and neglect hot line number for Summit County Children Services will be shut down between 5 and 8 p.m. today because phone servers are being moved at the agency.

Give Her Back (ITV News, Late Edition)

Social workers who snatched four-day-old baby (ITV Evening Edition)
(The Story of Sarah, Ian Walton and their Daughter Crystal) (Our Story)

I Ian Walton Take Responsibility For Naming Our Selves In This Article And Not London Tonight
Social workers who snatched four-day-old baby put her up for adoption over unproven abuse claim
Mums heartbreaking fight to get her daughter back.

A mum and dad have been told they will never see their young daughter again after she was snatched away at only four days old.
Tiny Baby A was taken from her mum by social workers who claimed the tot, who we will call Emily, was at risk in the family home.
Not because of the mums failure to care for her but because of a six-year-old unproven claim that her husband had injured his son from a previous marriage.
Yet, although interviewed by police, he never faced a criminal court over that allegation. And he has even been allowed unsupervised access to watch his boy grow up.
Now the High Court, in a devastating civil court ruling, has decided that a decision to forcibly adopt Emily now aged four away from her parents (who we are calling Tania and Stephen) must stand.

Revealing her agony for the first time, mum Tania said: I had my beautiful baby girl snatched from me at just four days old. Only a mother could understand the horror of that.
My only crime is that I love and trust my husband. I dont believe he could ever harm a child, and the courts have been unable to prove it. I have already missed years of Emilys childhood.
Stephen, in his 40s, married Tania, in her mid-20s, in 2003. Almost a year after their wedding Tania gave birth to Emily in hospital and they were overjoyed to take her home two days later. But they were to enjoy just two days alone with their little girl before she was taken from them. Social workers claimed there was a danger her dad would hurt her because of the case six years earlier.

Stephen had been married before and has a 10-year-old son, Jamie. When he was eight weeks old, Jamie was taken to hospital with a suspected brain injury and was found to have suffered bleeding behind his eyes. The episode left him permanently disabled, and he now has cerebral palsy. A medical expert said that he had been shaken viciously.

Stephen, who also has a 12-year-old daughter from the previous marriage, said: Doctors couldnt tell for certain what was wrong with Jamie. But one came up with a theory it could be shaken baby syndrome, even though there was no conclusive evidence.
He also said there was not enough evidence for police to bring a trial on the initial child-abuse allegations. But he said there was still no new evidence to undermine the original findings.

The couple have vowed to appeal against the decision, but they are running out of time. Once Emily is officially adopted, it is British law that she can never be returned to her parents even if they are found innocent.
Clinging on to each other in their living room, with walls covered in photos of Emily, the couple say they cannot bear to have another child.

Stephen said: My health is getting worse and I do not want to go through the agony of having another baby taken away from us by the state.
The couple are prepared to go to the European Court of Human Rights if their appeal fails.

But Stephen said: The European court cannot reunite us with our daughter all we would get is monetary compensation, which means nothing to us when all we want is our little girl back.

DYFS pays $600,000 to settle lawsuit by girl abused by foster parent

DYFS pays $600,000 to settle lawsuit by girl abused by foster parent

The state Division of Youth and Family Services has agreed to pay $600,000 to settle a lawsuit filed by a girl who was sexually abused by a foster parent for two years, starting when she was 7 years old, according to court documents and her attorney.

Ninety dead children

Ninety dead children

The shocking death of 90 children and teenagers in 2007, all involved with Ontario's child protection system, cries out for an accounting. Irwin Elman, the province's child advocate, rightly labels this loss "too high by any standard." His office is the ideal agency to address these deaths, given its mission to identify threats to vulnerable children and to advocate on their behalf.

Judge blocks sending teen for deprogramming treatment

Judge blocks sending teen for deprogramming treatment

JUSTICE REPORTER An Ontario judge yesterday blocked an attempt to forcibly send a Toronto child for deprogramming treatment in a controversial parental-alienation program in California.Madam Justice Thea Herman of the Superior Court became the first judge to rule against the controversial treatment orders, overturning a 2008 arbitrator's order that the 14-year-old boy be coercively treated.

Ex-Newark employee gets 8 years in $1M WIC scam

Ex-Newark employee gets 8 years in $1M WIC scam

A former city employee was sentenced to eight years in prison Monday for participating in a ring that printed more than $1 million in fake vouchers from a federal program aimed at helping the poor.

Foster mom tells of pretrial visit from detectives

Foster mom tells of pretrial visit from detectives

The foster mother of Fabian Austin, who is on trial for allegedly orchestrating the shooting death of a Somerset County teenager, testi fied yesterday about a surprise visit she received from detectives.

Fame Leads Charles County Authorities to Deadbeat Dad

Fame Leads Charles County Authorities to Deadbeat Dad

With a little tenacity and help from Florida law enforcement officials, Maryland’s Child Support Enforcement Administration has successfully collected $5,000 in back child support payments from the Florida man who recently gained national notoriety for finding the remains of a Florida toddler who had been missing for months.

This person needs help with a petition.

Stop Children's Services bullying vulnerable families instead of supporting them

This is a sad and common plight for families with Sen needs or disabilities! The services are now all amalgamated, eg: Children's Services, Education/Sen/Schools, within the collusion can be the local PCT who don't want to rock boats of colleagues they work alongside.

This should make Ripley's Believe It Or Not!!!

Most child injury ER visits not abuse

The majority of injuries to U.S. children younger than age 15 are not the result of physical abuse but unintentional injuries, researchers said.

Note: OMG! This should make Ripley's.

Monday, February 23, 2009

ID leak leaves parents in fear

ID leak leaves parents in fear

When Tonya and Carey Fleck's older children moved from home, the couple felt they were still young enough to have kids around, so they decided to adopt.
But six years and seven adoptions later, the Flecks are in fear -- for their lives and for the safety of their family -- after a series of mistakes by social service and county workers resulted in the disclosure of their identities, address and phone number to the birth parents of two of their children.

Parents facing neglect probe if kids forget their dinner money - Exclusive

Parents facing neglect probe if kids forget their dinner money - Exclusive

Parents are being warned they could be reported for child neglect if their children do not have dinner money or a packed lunch.

The move comes as more education authorities demand that mums and dads pay upfront for pupils' school meals.

State called to do a better job with its kids in foster care

State called to do a better job with its kids in foster care

It's time for reform in Alaska's foster care system. Just doing the same as last year isn't working. The State of Alaska is custodian to 2,000 foster youth. We're supposed to create hope and opportunity. Instead 40 percent of Alaska's foster youth end up homeless at some point in adulthood.

Couple had no contact with birth parents

Couple had no contact with birth parents

Disclosure of confidential client information is a rare and unwelcome occurrence at the county social services agency, and all precautions are taken to ensure that those who wish to remain anonymous are protected, its director said Friday.
"Eighty percent of the foster parents we work with want to adopt the child," Schiller said.

Death of 90 children in welfare system shocks advocate

Death of 90 children in welfare system shocks advocate

Ninety children known to Ontario's child welfare system died in 2007, according to the latest report from the Chief Coroner's office - a number the province's new child advocate says is shocking and should trouble us all.

State shouldn't be so quick to separate families

State shouldn't be so quick to separate families

No one who remembers 7-year-old Leo Ratte's ordeal at the hands of Michigan's Department of Human Services last spring will be surprised by a national child advocacy group's conclusion that DHS has become too quick to seize children from loving homes on flimsy evidence of abuse. The Ratte family's case remains a potent symbol of the need to put more emphasis on helping parents and children, not separating them.

State shouldn't be so quick to separate families

State shouldn't be so quick to separate families

No one who remembers 7-year-old Leo Ratte's ordeal at the hands of Michigan's Department of Human Services last spring will be surprised by a national child advocacy group's conclusion that DHS has become too quick to seize children from loving homes on flimsy evidence of abuse. The Ratte family's case remains a potent symbol of the need to put more emphasis on helping parents and children, not separating them.

LK's Winter Wonderland

Yes folks, believe it or not, I'm going to take you on a little journey into my world. Why? Because there was nothing normal about what I woke up to today. I'm a life long city dweller who has recently moved to the sticks. I have my typical routine. I wake up, make a pot of coffee, check the headlines and blog.

The latter two had to wait today. Here's why...

Yes folks! I got dumped on last night with over a foot of thick heavy and very sticky snow. This after the three feet that had already fallen. The fence you see is up to my neck. The snowbank at the end of my driveway is about two feet taller than I am. (no joke).

We already had three feet of snow out there but not once had it stuck to the trees like this.

And there is the picture of the big branch that fell off one of the trees. It's just hanging there.

And here's the other end of the same branch. Sorry to those of you who hate me. It missed.

And here's a picture of the plow truck.

Ok, enough of that, I'll be back with your regularly scheduled deprogramming later.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Baby P council hired US college kids to be £36,000 a year social workers

Baby P council hired US college kids to be £36,000 a year social workers

Inexperienced American college students, lured to British social service jobs with the promise of high salaries and a party lifestyle, are deciding which children should be taken away from their parents.

In many cases, the young recruits are making vital child protection decisions without a single day’s training in the UK. Many of the hundreds of workers making the trip boast they are coming here mainly to have a good time and admit they cannot cope with the pressures of their work.

Note: Send them all over there!

Defying the odds: Foster child turned college grad breaks family cycle and gives back to youth

Defying the odds: Foster child turned college grad breaks family cycle and gives back to youth

Most children who age out of the foster care system at 18 eventually end up in prison, pregnant and/or without a college degree, statistics show.

However, one Tyler woman has defied those odds, becoming one of the less than 2 percent of foster care children who go on to earn a college degree. At 22, Jennifer England now works as a Region 4 Youth Specialist for Child Protective Services to help others in the system succeed too.

Note: They brainwashed her.

B.C. foster children at risk

B.C. foster children at risk

A shortage of experienced foster homes in B.C. is another indication the province's child welfare system is failing, according to foster parents and their advocates.

Mom who deserted back home after Army discharge

Mom who deserted back home after Army discharge

An El Cajon mom who was arrested a week ago for deserting the Army 10 years ago is back home after being administratively discharged from duty.

Children found out late taken home

Children found out late taken home

Over the course of Friday night more than 1,000 young people were spoken to by the Staysafe teams, according to the figures released by the Home Office.

Of those, 120 were returned to their homes while 103 referrals were made to other services including family support teams, parenting programmes and alcohol awareness projects.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Billy Carroll

Carroll attorney: 'He's going to die in prison'

An Austin man and former court advocate accused of molesting and videotaping children over the last few decades avoided a public trial Thursday and agreed to plead guilty to six counts of aggravated assault of child and improper photography. KVUE's Noelle Newton reports.

Adoption Fight

Parents Use Hearing To Air Complaints Against DCF

At a meeting held to gather public input on the Department of Children and Families, one man said the agency is tearing families apart.

Hundreds to rally to save foster kids program

More than 300 foster kids, alumni from foster care and supports will be in Olympia later this morning to save a critical state program that helps foster kids. KING 5's Roberta Romero reports.

Brothers Arrested On Separate Sex Charges

A longtime foster parent from Aloha is arrested on charges that he raped a former foster child.

The child in need

The child in need

For a country with one of the world’s highest child populations, India invests too little in their welfare. And it shows in the children who are ‘looked after’ by the State.
The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a thing which cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot possibly go wrong goes wrong it usually turns out to be impossible to get at or repair

- Douglas Adams
Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.

- Thomas Edison

Everett debt collector accused of calling consumers 'deadbeats,' 'lowlifes'

Everett debt collector accused of calling consumers 'deadbeats,' 'lowlifes'

An Everett debt collector is being sued for allegedly harassing and threatening consumers and calling them names such as loser, scum, plight on society, no good, lowlife, deadbeat, worthless, or terrible parents."

Jones arraigned on four counts of child abuse

Jones arraigned on four counts of child abuse

David Jones, 60, a former Morongo Unified School District trustee and member of the Citizens on Patrol, was arraigned Wednesday on charges he abused four girls under the age of 14 over a period of three years.
Jones was at one time president of the Morongo Basin Foster Parents Association, but Ashley said none of the children he is accused of abusing were foster children.

Why are special needs families torn apart?

Why are special needs families torn apart?

Why does this inhumane way of treating parents of special needs children still exist? Whoever decided parents of special needs children should have their parental rights taken away in order to receive the overdue and much-needed services our children need? Not only does it make a parent feel like they did something wrong when they ask for help, but if our children could speak for themselves I'm sure they would wonder why the government would tear apart a family in need rather than put a plan in place to take care of our them.

Man appears to be headed to trial in abuse case involving 17-month-old

Man appears to be headed to trial in abuse case involving 17-month-old

A Hebron man who is accused of deliberately injuring a 17-month-old foster child who was in his care has refused a plea deal and is to stand trial beginning Monday.

Clarence P. Stone-Wright, 28, of county Route 30, faces a felony count of second-degree assault and misdemeanor counts of endangering the welfare of a child and making a false written statement. He is accused of squeezing and bruising the face of the boy, who was a foster child in the care of Stone-Wright and a woman who lived with him. The child was injured in May.

David Sharpe Pleads Guilty

David Sharpe Pleads Guilty

He was accused of killing a young boy seven years ago, and then disposing of the body to hide the crime.

David Sharpe, who was indicted back in November of 2007, made guilty pleas Friday in court to "reckless homicide" and "gross abuse of a corpse."

He was accused in the death of Jimmy Higham in 2002, who had been under his foster care.

A new blog

Amiablyme - Knowledge Is Power

Here is a new blog I've been coming across in recent days.

Check it out.

At Least 370 Texas CPS Workers Have Criminal Histories

Social Workers with Criminal History including, Assault, Theft, Prostitution, Selling Alcohol to MINORS, Burglary, DWI, DUI, Domestic Violence, INDECENT EXPOSURE, Possession of COCAINE AND MARIJUANA

EDITORIAL: Child protection laws flawed and must change

EDITORIAL: Child protection laws flawed and must change

You know you have seriously flawed laws when government agencies are scrambling to find a way around them.

Baby Kaylan's death leads to an increased number of child abuse calls to CPS

Baby Kaylan's death leads to an increased number of child abuse calls to CPS

When news of baby Kaylan Broumley's fatal injuries surfaced, the phone began ringing at the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services. "In two days there were 17 intakes of abuse and neglect to the Nacogdoches office of Child Protective Services," said Lisa King, Chairperson of the Nacogdoches Child Welfare Board. "And these were either filed through the 1-800 hotline, or on line." The calls kept coming. Ten cases over the weekend after Kaylan's death. Seven more the next week. "In a week's time abuse calls more than doubled," said Shari Pulliam, spokesperson for the TDFPS. "For the outcry to have occurred across the county is something that shows people are very concerned about abuse and neglect," commented King.

Note: The sheep are called to action.

Minister happy with child protection reforms

Minister happy with child protection reforms

Tasmania's Human Services Minister says she is pleased with the way reforms to child protection are progressing.

Note: I'll bet she is.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Judge Guilty in Kickbacks Is Accused of Fixing Suit

Judge Guilty in Kickbacks Is Accused of Fixing Suit

A Pennsylvania judge who pleaded guilty last week to taking part in a kickback scheme has been accused by a Wilkes-Barre newspaper of fixing an unrelated defamation case in which he ordered the paper to pay $3.5 million.

Police seek victims of Aloha foster care provider

Police seek victims of Aloha foster care provider

Police hope publicity will help to identify more victims of an Aloha man who served as a foster parent to more than 90 children over the last 14 years, now in Washington County Jail on charges of sexually abusing a 15-year-old girl under his care.

Adoption Industry Gets Another Man’s Child

Adoption Industry Gets Another Man’s Child

In this case the father, Ralph Lowery, Jr. was actually entitled under Illinois law to notice of the adoption and an opportunity to contest it. That's often not true. Many states go out of their way to circumvent fathers' rights in cases of adoption, usually via the enactment of putative father registries which they then neglect to publicize. But here, Lowery supposedly had the right to stand before a judge and try to convince him/her that he should have custody of his child. At least one court in Illinois said so.

Warren Co. Family Court Judge Huddleston Pleads Guilty To DUI

Warren Co. Family Court Judge Huddleston Pleads Guilty To DUI

Warren County Family Court Judge Margaret Huddleston appears in court Friday morning to face a drunk driving charge.

Huddleston pleaded "guilty" on one count of "Driving Under the Influence".

Fighting for My Grandson

Fighting for My Grandson

My husband and I have been fighting for the return of my grandson for over three years now. He was taken from his mother in January of 2006, at the age of seven. DCYF and the Judicial system do not follow Federal mandates in the kidnapping of children. They place children in foster care instead of with relatives, where they belong.

Police search abuser's homes for dead child

Police search abuser's homes for dead child

Authorities have searched the grounds of three homes owned by a convicted child abuser, looking for the body of one of her adopted children.

Judith Leekin was sentenced to 20 years in a Florida prison this month. She was also sentenced in New York to serve 11 years in federal prison for fraud. The terms are to run concurrently.

Rosie O'Donnell hopes to film again in Detroit

Rosie O'Donnell hopes to film again in Detroit

Rosie O'Donnell says she hopes to film again in Detroit on the heels of her new Lifetime movie, "America," which was shot last year in the Motor City.

The nation's foster care system provides the backdrop for the movie, which premieres Feb. 28. O'Donnell says she's been so moved by Detroit's plight that she bought a Buick Enclave, made by Detroit-based General Motors Corp.
A child miseducated is a child lost.

-John F. Kennedy

The kids aren't alright

The kids aren't alright

It's time for reform in Alaska's foster care system. Just doing the same as last year isn't working. The state of Alaska is custodian to 2,000 foster youth. We're supposed to create hope an opportunity. Instead, 40 percent of Alaska's foster youth end up homeless at some point in adulthood.

Children in foster care of prostitute

Children in foster care of prostitute

CHILD protection authorities in Western Australia were warned last May that a foster carer of four children was working as a prostitute, gambling heavily and using her taxpayer-supplied vehicle to drive to work at a suburban brothel.

But nine months later, the Department for Child Protection has not removed the four children, who still live in the woman's house with a male lodger, who sleeps in a queen-size bed in the living room.

OT: But relevant.

Penn And Teller Get Hippies To Sign Water Banning Petition

Note: Perhaps you haven't figured out why I posted this video. A video like this may seem off topic on a blog that deals with the Child Protective Industry, but I say it's completely relevant. It shows just how stupid people can be, how easily they can be persuaded to support a cause, and all they had to do was confuse the issue in order to get it done. Brilliant. Simply brilliant.

Now let's parallel this to the Child Protective Industry.

How do you think they convince foster parents that they are heroes for housing children who were wrongfully taken? How do you convince them that good but less than perfect parents are monsters? How do you convince society to blindly support an out of control and corrupt system that destroys lives and causes more harm than good?

You do it by selling them a line of bullshit. You do it by confusing the issue. By phrasing it in terms that are understood in a certain way. You play off of the easily manipulated emotions of the otherwise good and caring people. You use extreme examples so that you can reduce the terms to generic labels, and you keep doing it over and over again, and you apply the labels to your targets generously.

Tell a lie enough times, and people will start to believe it. Thus we have the modern day Child Protective Industry.

Anybody can be trained to sell a line of bullshit. Social workers are no exception.

Stench making life at court unbearable

Stench making life at court unbearable

A stench of raw human excretion brought the Johannesburg Family Court to a standstill yesterday with people fleeing the building as though it were on fire.

Note: See... Their shit does stink.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Child Protection Racket

The Child Protection Racket

Parents lose. Kids lose. Psychiatrists make money. How the mental health industry perverted Child Protective Services.

Budget cuts force Child & Family Resources to lay off social workers

Budget cuts force Child & Family Resources to lay off social workers

Tucson children at risk of being neglected, abused and ending up in foster care will feel the impact of state budget cuts after Child & Family Resources was forced to lay off social workers that help keep families together.

Conservatives criticise child protection in region's hospitals

Conservatives criticise child protection in region's hospitals

Birmingham hospitals are failing to share information with social service departments when a child arrives at accident or emergency, Conservatives have claimed.

Tories accused hospitals in the West Midlands, including Birmingham Children’s Hospital, of making the same mistakes as hospitals in Haringey which failed to protect Baby P.

But health professions insisted there was no need to check with social services every time a child was admitted to A&E.

Man pleads guilty to child sex assaults

Man pleads guilty to child sex assaults

Billy Dan Carroll, a well-known Austin court reporter and longtime civic volunteer, pleaded guilty Thursday to sexually assaulting six children and will receive a sentence that attorneys said will ensure that he spends the rest of his life in prison.
He also was a volunteer for Court Appointed Special Advocates of Travis County, a group that works with children in Child Protective Services cases, talking with them, their parents, foster parents and others about the child's future. Prosecutors have said that none of the victims was a CASA client.

Foundation disagrees with study it funded on state's foster care system

Foundation disagrees with study it funded on state's foster care system

The Skillman Foundation that funded a report unfavorable of the Michigan Department of Human Services and its handling of its foster care system has released its own critical report -- on the advocacy organization that conducted the study.

Man: DCF Tearing Families Apart

Man: DCF Tearing Families Apart

Parents and various agencies met Thursday for a public hearing to discuss what to do to make the Department of Children and Families work better for the people it serves.

It would be nice if the poor were to get even half of the money that is spent in studying them.

- Bill Vaughan

Santa Clara County foster youth will have a changed experience in court when new lawyers take over

Santa Clara County foster youth will have a changed experience in court when new lawyers take over

The court experience for children in Santa Clara County's foster care system will shift dramatically in the coming months, when a team of young lawyers from a scrappy nonprofit agency takes over the cases of abused and neglected kids from the district attorney's office.

In a departure from long-standing local practice, lawyers with Legal Advocates for Children and Youth will meet their clients wherever the vulnerable children end up — in foster care or group homes, with relatives or on the streets. Children who have been removed from home will soon have one lawyer representing them over the life of their case, a person they can grow to trust and confide in over time.

Note: That's bullshit! "a person they can grow to trust and confide in over time." You mean a person who gets a nice contract from the state for however long they can drag it out until they disagree with the workers and are replace by somebody more compliant.

Cycle of Failure

Cycle of Failure


Recently adopted criteria clarify response to, and define what exactly is, child neglect

Recently adopted criteria clarify response to, and define what exactly is, child neglect

Have you ever been concerned about the welfare of youngsters in a house in your neighborhood, or questioned whether the 13-year-old next door should be staying alone overnight in his house? Are there times when you wanted to notify someone about a potentially-neglected child but you weren't sure who to call?

Note: Neglect can be pretty much anything they want it to be. Any little thing at all. Like Anonymous says, "There's this big gray area." Having it all spelled out for them still won't guarantee that they follow their own rules and procedures.

Family's fifth generation in care of state

Family's fifth generation in care of state

STATE welfare workers have begun removing the fifth generation of Aboriginal children from their parents, meaning some indigenous families have an 80-year history with child protection services.

There are few signs the cycle will be broken, as more Aboriginal children are being separated from their parents than at any time in Australian history.
The girls' mother told The Australian: "After the Stolen Generation report, they said it would never happen again but it's happening. You don't want to tell child welfare that you need help, because they will come and take your children.

Family asks why repeated cries for help didn't save dead toddler

Family asks why repeated cries for help didn't save dead toddler

SHELBY Relatives of a Shelby toddler who died from suspected child abuse say they tried repeatedly to get help from authorities – including a trip to the emergency room in December.

$6 million claim in Spanaway boy’s death

$6 million claim in Spanaway boy’s death

The father of a 4-month-old Spanaway boy killed last year took the first step Wednesday toward suing the state, contending that social workers didn’t do enough to protect his son.

Stephen Noel filed a $6 million claim in the death of Nathaniel Noel, who died March 9, 2008, after his mother punched him in the head. The state has 60 days to respond; Noel can sue after that.

Nebraska Supreme Court returns boy to mother

Nebraska Supreme Court returns boy to mother

Note: An oldie but a goodie.

The Nebraska Supreme Court said today that a Fremont woman's parental rights to her 3-year-old son should be restored, despite his having been in foster care for most of his life.

New reductions by DES hit foster care, disabled

New reductions by DES hit foster care, disabled

The Department of Economic Security announced new reductions in services Tuesday in response to state budget cuts, including moves that affect foster families and the developmentally disabled.

Note: Not a good day for the ones who do it for the money.

Report: Michigan needlessly takes kids

Report: Michigan needlessly takes kids

Michigan's child welfare system needlessly rips children from their parents, and its bureaucracy keeps those families apart, according to a report released Wednesday by a nationally known advocate for child welfare reform.

Day care sex hysteria

A Video Documentary on the Fells Acres Day-care Ritual-abuse case, which was typical of the sex hysteria at the time.

Foster child death "by crackers"

This foster mother was accused of murdering 6 year old Chianne. The foster mother claims she choked on crackers, but the little girls battered body shows otherwise...

Christina RAPED in Courthouse

Christina ILLSLEY, expected justice in an American Courthouse

Instead she was brutally raped of her constitutional Rights, jailed 6 weeks on bogus charges and beat up in L.A. Womens Detention Center, while CPS kidnapped her 6 year old son, sent him to be sexually molested by homosexual "Paul" the foster "dad", and then adopted to strangers in Montana who know nothing of the abuse by CPS. David Milton, judge and Commissioner Marg. Downing have guilty gavels and no conscience. Constitutional Rights denied. No JURY trial , just perjury by CPS and a mother - son split to the detriment of both for profits of CPS, balancing the state of California Budget, and covering up Paul's felonies.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

US couples face trial over baby buying in Egypt

US couples face trial over baby buying in Egypt

Two US couples have been charged in Egypt with buying babies for illegal adoption in the first known case in this country involving foreigners, highlighting a practice which experts say can easily go undetected.

New Kids for sale.

Caucasian Boy, 5 months old, $37K

False child abuse report nets charges

False child abuse report nets charges

Ashley M. Neel, 22, of Slater, has been charged with class A misdemeanor filing of a false report of child abuse.

Note: That wasn't a very nice thing for her to do..

Social workers fear media frenzy will damage Alfie's family

Social workers fear media frenzy will damage Alfie's family

Social workers claim that a media frenzy is damaging the welfare of “father at 13” Alfie Patten, his one-time girlfriend Chantelle Steadman, 15, and her newborn daughter.

Babies removed from new mothers

Babies removed from new mothers

CHILD protection workers are removing newborn babies from troubled first-time mothers before they leave the maternity ward.

By definition, these women have no history of neglecting their children, yet are considered a risk to them because of drug abuse (especially of ice) or a mental illness.

Hospitals co-operate with welfare agencies to ensure the mother is unaware of the process until it is under way.

State leaders forsaking our children

State leaders forsaking our children

I am the director of a non-profit agency that provides services to foster children. I am horrified over the decisions being made about the future for the children in our community.

I understand that families will be put on a waiting list for Department of Economic Security child-care subsidy. In an economy in which we need to stimulate and create jobs, I am confused as to how it makes sense to make child care unaffordable?

'I Am Not a Criminal'

'I Am Not a Criminal'

El Cajon resident Giselle Flynn admits she went AWOL in 1999, but she doesn't believe she should be punished for it.

Amber Alert issued for two children taken from Tacoma DSHS office

Amber Alert issued for two children taken from Tacoma DSHS office

An Amber Alert has been issued for two small children police say were taken today by their mother and her boyfriend from a state Department of Social and Health Services office in Tacoma.

Report: Mich. must reform foster care

Report: Mich. must reform foster care

Michigan is betraying children with its "take the child and run mentality," and needs to work harder to keep kids with their families, according to study released today by a national child advocacy organization.

Arizona Child Protective Services Never Would Have Taken Carol Dunlavy's Child Away If It'd Simply Done Its Job Correctly

Arizona Child Protective Services Never Would Have Taken Carol Dunlavy's Child Away If It'd Simply Done Its Job Correctly

Two years ago, Arizona Child Protective Services took Carol Dunlavy's 2-year-old daughter. It was alleged that Dunlavy was purposely making the child sick because Dunlavy suffered from Munchausen syndrome by proxy.

Child protection facing crisis

Child protection facing crisis

Tasmania's head of child protection admits there are serious problems with out of home child care in the state.

Hospitals miss children at risk like Baby P

Hospitals miss children at risk like Baby P

Two thirds of hospitals fail to conduct routine checks on injured children suspected of being at risk, despite warnings after the death of Baby P, The Times has learnt.

Foster mum suspended after arrest on assault charges

Foster mum suspended after arrest on assault charges

A FOSTER mum has been suspended over claims she assaulted a boy in her care.

Report: Michigan relies too much on foster care system

Report: Michigan relies too much on foster care system

Michigan’s child welfare system needlessly rips children from their parents and its bureaucracy keeps those families apart, according to a report released this morning by a nationally known advocate for child welfare reform.

Social workers who snatched four-day-old baby (ITV London Tonight)

Social workers who snatched four-day-old baby (ITV London Tonight)

(The Story of Sarah, Ian Walton and their Daughter Crystal) (Our Story)

I Ian Walton Take Responsibility For Naming Our Selves In This Article And Not London Tonight

Social workers who snatched four-day-old baby put her up for adoption over unproven abuse claim

Mums heartbreaking fight to get her daughter back.

A mum and dad have been told they will never see their young daughter again after she was snatched away at only four days old.

Tiny Baby A was taken from her mum by social workers who claimed the tot, who we will call Emily, was at risk in the family home.

Not because of the mums failure to care for her but because of a six-year-old unproven claim that her husband had injured his son from a previous marriage.

Yet, although interviewed by police, he never faced a criminal court over that allegation. And he has even been allowed unsupervised access to watch his boy grow up.

Now the High Court, in a devastating civil court ruling, has decided that a decision to forcibly adopt Emily now aged four away from her parents (who we are calling Tania and Stephen) must stand.

Revealing her agony for the first time, mum Tania said: I had my beautiful baby girl snatched from me at just four days old. Only a mother could understand the horror of that.

My only crime is that I love and trust my husband. I dont believe he could ever harm a child, and the courts have been unable to prove it. I have already missed years of Emilys childhood.

Stephen, in his 40s, married Tania, in her mid-20s, in 2003. Almost a year after their wedding Tania gave birth to Emily in hospital and they were overjoyed to take her home two days later. But they were to enjoy just two days alone with their little girl before she was taken from them. Social workers claimed there was a danger her dad would hurt her because of the case six years earlier.

Stephen had been married before and has a 10-year-old son, Jamie. When he was eight weeks old, Jamie was taken to hospital with a suspected brain injury and was found to have suffered bleeding behind his eyes. The episode left him permanently disabled, and he now has cerebral palsy. A medical expert said that he had been shaken viciously.

Stephen, who also has a 12-year-old daughter from the previous marriage, said: Doctors couldnt tell for certain what was wrong with Jamie. But one came up with a theory it could be shaken baby syndrome, even though there was no conclusive evidence.

He also said there was not enough evidence for police to bring a trial on the initial child-abuse allegations. But he said there was still no new evidence to undermine the original findings.

The couple have vowed to appeal against the decision, but they are running out of time. Once Emily is officially adopted, it is British law that she can never be returned to her parents even if they are found innocent.

Clinging on to each other in their living room, with walls covered in photos of Emily, the couple say they cannot bear to have another child.

Stephen said: My health is getting worse and I do not want to go through the agony of having another baby taken away from us by the state.

The couple are prepared to go to the European Court of Human Rights if their appeal fails.

But Stephen said: The European court cannot reunite us with our daughter all we would get is monetary compensation, which means nothing to us when all we want is our little girl back.

Foster families could be affected if state budget impasse continues

Foster families could be affected if state budget impasse continues

Foster parents may be another group affected by the state's budget crisis.

Push to ban corporal reprimand in homes

Push to ban corporal reprimand in homes

A group of international organisations that advocate for the protection of children’s rights is now calling for an amendment of the Children’s Act to ban use of corporal punishment in homes.

Musings of an Evil Social Worker

Musings of an Evil Social Worker

Note: Another blog.

BS Alert!!!

CPS strives to keep families together

According to data included in the Children's Campaign Report published by Austin-based children's advocate lobby Texans Care for Children, child abuse and neglect costs the United States an estimated $104 billion annually.

Foster Parent Who Had 90 Kids Over the Years, Arrested for Sexual Abuse

Foster Parent Who Had 90 Kids Over the Years, Arrested for Sexual Abuse

Criminal investigators say Aloha resident 59-year-old Warren Tripp, was arrested in January on charges involving sexual molestation of a child in his foster care home.

Sheriff's Detectives are seeking the public's help with identifying any other victims that may have suffered sexual abuse by Mr. Tripp but have not yet reported it to law enforcement.
Ore. man accused of molesting foster child

The Washington County Sheriff's Office announced the arrest of a 59-year-old man accused of sexually abusing a foster child, and asked the public's help in identifying any other victims.

Agency seeking ways of reducing chance of harm to social workers

Agency seeking ways of reducing chance of harm to social workers

Social workers find it fairly common to be harassed via phone by clients or to feel uneasy in one-on-one situations with them.

Note: They steal peoples kids, and get upset about being bitched at over the phone? Give me a break. It they weren't pissing so many people off, they wouldn't have half these problems. Right Anonymous?

CPS investigated mom before toddler's death

CPS investigated mom before toddler's death

The mother of a Nacogdoches child who was fatally beaten last week has a long history of investigations by Child Protective Services, according to court documents secured by The Daily Sentinel.

Choice haunts mom of Texan in Iowa bunkhouse

Choice haunts mom of Texan in Iowa bunkhouse

She says she's still pained by her decision to let the state of Texas care for her son, who was removed from a turkey firm's group home

Guess what

It Could Happen To You