Legally Kidnapped

Shattering Your Child Welfare Delusions Since 2007

Friday, May 31, 2013

Secret court jails father for sending son 21st birthday greeting on Facebook after he was gagged from naming him

Secret court jails father for sending son 21st birthday greeting on Facebook after he was gagged from naming him

A father has been jailed at a secret court hearing for sending a Facebook message to his grown-up son on his 21st birthday.

Baby 59 case highlights shortcomings of child protection system in China

Baby 59 case highlights shortcomings of child protection system in China

Seven teachers in a matter of weeks are accused of sexually abusing schoolgirls. Five street children suffocate while trying to keep warm in a rubbish bin in winter. A father sews up the mouth of his young daughter. Teachers beat and torment their kindergarten pupils.

Tweet of the Day!

For today's tweet, thanks to IG: taryn_almighty who actually went on a rampage with this subject.

State Rips Erie County Social Services in Child Death Report

State Rips Erie County Social Services in Child Death Report

The Buffalo News has obtained a copy of what is known as a "fatality" report prepared by the New York State Office of Children and Family Services in the death of ten year old Abdifatah Mohamud.

Perry signs bills to improve foster care in Texas

Perry signs bills to improve foster care in Texas

Gov. Rick Perry today ceremonially signed House Bills 915 and 1227, which help improve the care children receive in Texas’ foster care system. The governor was joined by Reps. Lois Kolkhorst, Dawnna Dukes, Naomi Gonzalez and Elliott Naishtat at the signing ceremony.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

L.A. County to try again to cut troubled foster care contractor

L.A. County to try again to cut troubled foster care contractor

Los Angeles County Supervisors Gloria Molina and Michael D. Antonovich will make another attempt to cut a troubled foster care contractor with a history of misused money and child abuse.

"It is not a matter of what is true that counts, but a matter of what is perceived to be true."
- Henry Kissinger

CYS caseworker attacked by dog

CYS caseworker attacked by dog

A pitbull-terrier chased a county Children and Youth Services worker Tuesday in Farrell and tried to take a chunk out of his neck, police said.

Note: I hope the dog doesn't catch anything from that.

Lawyer blames DCF worker for failing mother

Lawyer blames DCF worker for failing mother

A mother with a history of parenting problems appeared in court Wednesday as the blame game continued inside the Department of Children and Families as to what went so terribly wrong as to leave a baby dead.

Woman Who Fired at Detroit Police Returning to Court

Woman Who Fired at Detroit Police Returning to Court

The legal troubles continue Maryanne Godboldo.

Note: I think that they should just drop it, but since they won't here's where I think this should go.

The cops who got shot at were sucking up to CPS who were simply trying to destroy a family to force what was later proven to be the unnecessary drugging of a child, so f*** em.   They should consider themselves lucky that one of their own isn't laying there with their brains blown out all over the hallway of an apartment building and call it good.  But they want to just keep pushing the issue until eventually this mother, who was only trying to protect her child from unethical-child drugging babystealers, and has already proven how far she will go to protect her child, finally snaps and takes at least one of these dumbasses (who just can't let it go) out.

Oh, and I"m probably going to be considered the bad guy for saying that as these idiots are so good at twisting words and accuse me of advocating for violence against CPS and CoPS.

DCFS group home rife with money problems

DCFS group home rife with money problems

An audit into a network of group homes caring for wards of the county Department of Children and Family Services revealed its owner used $280,000 in public funds to buy real estate in his name, leased it to the group homes, and then gave his family massive salary increases after the county demanded reimbursement.

Independent eye on Colorado's child welfare system

Independent eye on Colorado's child welfare system

With deep roots in the criminal justice system, Colorado's newly hired child welfare ombudsman brings significant experience to a vital oversight job.

Foster father faces sexual abuse charges

Foster father faces sexual abuse charges

A criminal complaint in the magistrate court charges a 28-year-old Logan County man with felony sexual abuse by a custodian or guardian on two victims.

Pima foster care is in crisis, but you can help

Pima foster care is in crisis, but you can help

The number of children in foster care has increased by 33 percent in Pima County in the last year, leaving a "woefully and sadly inadequate" network to take care of them.

Note: The reason there has been such an increase in Arizona is because they are unnecessarily stealing too many kids.  Many of these kids could be helped while still in the home and at a much lower cost by providing services to the parents who are in need of them.  But when you get the "err on the side of protecting children" mentality as put into place by Janet Napolitano when SHE was governor and then reinforced by the current kook, then you see why an unnecessarily high number of child snatching's becomes the norm.

Fosterer is convicted of attacks on children

Fosterer is convicted of attacks on children

A FORMER foster carer who subjected her foster children to "Dickensian" abuse has been convicted of seven offences of assault and ill-treatment.

State report shows county agency failures in case of abused boy murdered by stepfather

State report shows county agency failures in case of abused boy murdered by stepfather

State investigators found failures and weaknesses in how Erie County Child Protective Services handled the complaints from Abdifatah Mohamud that he was being physically abused in the months before the 10-year-old boy was bludgeoned to death by his stepfather a year ago.

Sadistic foster mother convicted of horrific catalogue of physical & mental torture against young children in her care

Sadistic foster mother convicted of horrific catalogue of physical & mental torture against young children in her care

RUTH JOHNSTON painted herself as a loving mother but for years she terrorised her foster children, subjected them to physical pain, humiliation and even made one lick urine from a carpet.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Texas Child Welfare Agency Struggling to Keep Caseworkers

Texas Child Welfare Agency Struggling to Keep Caseworkers

The state’s child welfare agency is suffering from high employee turnover among caseworkers and is having trouble replacing them.

Kenya: Adopted Children Have Right to Know Their Origin

Kenya: Adopted Children Have Right to Know Their Origin

Everyone has the right to know where they came from and their family lineage. A big dilemma however arises whenever it comes to adoptions. Does one who is adopted have a right to know their origin? Adoption processes throughout the world have been shrouded in secrecy, maybe due to the sensitive nature of the relationship that is being severed or created out of the adoption exercise.

Child protection fears in 'broken' system

Child protection fears in 'broken' system

The Northern Territory's peak child welfare body says the child protection system is broken.

Something You Would All Like To See



Here's why.

And why would this be significant?

Because she uses her time as a foster parent to rise to the high moral platform and as an election year photo opportunity.

Native American foster youth still placed in non-Native homes despite 1978 law

Native American foster youth still placed in non-Native homes despite 1978 law

In 2012, more than 30,000 children in California entered the foster care system—often taken out of their homes following instances of abuse or neglect and placed in the temporary care of another family.

Colorado selects next child welfare ombudsman

Colorado selects next child welfare ombudsman

A child abuse detective and investigator "committed to righting wrongs" will become Colorado's next child protection ombudsman, tasked with digging into complaints against child welfare workers at a time when the relationship between state officials and the ombudsman's office is strained.

Foster kids and psychiatric medication

Foster kids and psychiatric medication

Congressman Jim McDermott, D-Wash., is co-hosting a forum Wednesday afternoon meant to discuss best practices and challenges in the state’s foster care system.

Virginia man says Walmart suspected him of kidnapping his kids because they’re biracial

Virginia man says Walmart suspected him of kidnapping his kids because they’re biracial

A Virginia man shopping at a local Walmart got more than he bargained for when he was suspected of kidnapping his own daughters, WTTG Fox 5 reports.

Foster children are being ignored by the authorities

Foster children are being ignored by the authorities

This time last year we were going though our fostering assessment process, attending medicals, sitting through days and days of in-depth training sessions and facing a panel of experts. We thought that was the biggest challenge to be addressed – to be approved as foster carers.

Highest rate of foster kids here

Highest rate of foster kids here

Manitoba has the highest rate of kids in foster care in Canada, an expert said Tuesday at the Phoenix Sinclair inquiry.

DCF worker denies falsifying document, passes lie detector test

DCF worker denies falsifying document, passes lie detector test

The Department of Children and Families employee facing termination for allegedly falsifying a report about a South Florida woman who is currently in prison for the death of her toddler said she did nothing wrong, a claim supported by a polygraph test that found she was being truthful.

Marine files federal lawsuit for right to see his son

Marine files federal lawsuit for right to see his son

A new federal lawsuit has been filed against the Secretary of the Navy and two other top military commanders over the custody battle of Staff Sergeant Anthony Rios’ 11-year-old son.

DCF Worker Fired For Allegedly Falsifying Documents Speaks Out

DCF Worker Fired For Allegedly Falsifying Documents Speaks Out

Shani Smith, the DCF worker facing termination for allegedly falsifying documents after investigating a woman who has been charged with killing her son after leaving him in the car, is denying the accusations against her.

Note: Well that's interesting, the poor babystealer doesn't like being falsely accused.  Go figure.

An Audit Report on Caseload and Staffing Analysis for Child Protective Services at the Department of Family and Protective Services

An Audit Report on Caseload and Staffing Analysis for Child Protective Services at the Department of Family and Protective Services

The Department of Family and Protective Services' (Department) competitive starting salaries for Child Protective Services (CPS) caseworkers and its recruitment strategies helped it hire 1,704 CPS caseworkers in fiscal year 2012. Despite its hiring efforts, the Department experienced average vacancy rates as high as 15.9 percent and turnover rates as high as 34.3 percent in some regions for the same time period. Although the Department offers competitive starting salaries to CPS caseworkers, the Department loses significant ground on salary competitiveness by the time CPS caseworkers reach the second level of their career tracks, which complicates the Department's efforts to retain tenured staff (see Chapter 1).

Child Protective Services: No child neglect by judge with daughters in car with drunk girlfriend

Child Protective Services: No child neglect by judge with daughters in car with drunk girlfriend

A Child Protective Services investigation has revealed no substantiated child neglect by Macomb County Judge Richard Caretti, who allowed his two minor daughters to ride in a car drive by his allegedly drunk girlfriend.

Note: You scratch my back and I'll scratch your's  Eh Judge Caretti?

Brooke Mueller 'desperate' not to lose $55,000 A MONTH in child support from ex Charlie her mother 'moves in' to take care of twins

Brooke Mueller 'desperate' not to lose $55,000 A MONTH in child support from ex Charlie her mother 'moves in' to take care of twins 

Her twin sons are currently in the care of Denise Richards while she completes a 30-day stint in rehab for drug abuse.

DCF employee suspended pending investigation of baby's death

DCF employee suspended pending investigation of baby's death

A veteran employee of the Florida Department of Children and Families has been suspended, the latest fallout in the case of a south Florida woman charged in the death of her baby.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Adoption Ban on French Same-Sex Couples

Adoption Ban on French Same-Sex Couples

Russia may refuse to honor its commitments under an adoption agreement with France due to that country's legal recognition of gay marriage.

State caseworker accused of offering woman benefits in exchange for sexual favors

State caseworker accused of offering woman benefits in exchange for sexual favors

A state caseworker accused of offering a woman benefits in exchange for sexual favors might have victimized more women, the Allegheny County District Attorney's Office said Tuesday.

Child Abuse Helpline Returning

CPS Rats of Georgia Rejoice!
Child Abuse Helpline Returning 
An organization is using a $165,000 grant to reestablish their 1-800 helpline to stop child abuse. Prevent Child Abuse Georgia’s toll-free number went out of service when the office had to shut its doors in 2011 for financial reasons.
How did you ever function without it?

FBI shared child porn to nab pedophiles; Washington home raided

FBI shared child porn to nab pedophiles; Washington home raided

The FBI seized and ran a child pornography service late last year as investigators worked to identify its customers, one Western Washington man allegedly among them.

Foster children are being ignored by the authorities

Foster children are being ignored by the authorities

The needs of the child we support do not appear to come first in any action that is taken on his behalf

Rick Santorum: Stop UN From Crushing Parental Rights

Rick Santorum: Stop UN From Crushing Parental Rights

Once again the U.S. Senate is considering passing into law a very dangerous United Nations treaty that would threaten the tens of thousands of American families who care for disabled children. The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, or CRPD treaty, which has been rejected a number of times before, is expected to come before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee during the first week in June. This treaty should be unacceptable to all American families, and we must work to put an end to it.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Fear CPS - Baby LK Report For May 26th 2013

Child welfare workers overworked, underpaid

Child welfare workers overworked, underpaid

Note: The poor things.

State legislators fail to understand that the lack of competitive pay continues to erode the ability to hire and retain qualified workers. Department of Human Services employees have gone seven years without a raise, yet another study is needed to see if a raise is warranted? Today's workload is greater than at any time in the past. Caseloads for child protective services are unmanageable and increasing as more workers leave. More and more children are placed on a backlog status, forcing workers to pick what fire to put out while leaving others exposed to possible danger.

Note: This is how the child protective industry asks for more money.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Now it's a social worker for every child - in Scotland

Now it's a social worker for every child - in Scotland

For anyone familiar with how our “child protection” system too often works in practice, rather loud alarm bells might be rung by a Bill currently going through the Scottish Parliament that takes the state’s intervention in family life to a startling new level. Under the Children and Young People (Scotland) Bill, every child from birth will be given a “named person”, charged with keeping an eye on that child’s interests until it reaches adulthood. Presents - The Jamaal Jacob Story: Legally Kidnapped Part. 2

Why is DHHS always asking for more money?

Why is DHHS always asking for more money?

When the Legislature’s Appropriations Committee met last Sunday for a rare weekend session, the focus was a May 28 deadline for lawmakers to approve $35.3 million in additional funding so the Department of Health and Human Services could make its final Medicaid payments of the fiscal year.

Child Abuse and the Penalties for False Reporting

Child Abuse and the Penalties for False Reporting

The Jerry Sandusky criminal trial is over; the civil lawsuits are in active settlement mode. Undoubtedly, the entire country is more tuned into child abuse than it ever was. The National Conference of State Legislatures reports that about 105 bills on the reporting of suspected child abuse and neglect have been introduced in 2012 legislative sessions in 30 states and the District of Columbia. All of them include a penalty for failing to report suspected child abuse.

Child's death prompts changes in welfare system

You ever notice how they're always fixing it?

Child's death prompts changes in welfare system

Millions of taxpayer dollars are being spent to help improve the county's family services.

Former foster parent in jail accused of sexually abusing 2 boys

Former foster parent in jail accused of sexually abusing 2 boys

Adoption crisis for 2 million children

Adoption crisis for 2 million children

Since 2008 there had been no real increase in adoptions to help the country's estimated two million orphans, Beeld reported on Friday.

Foster father jailed Friday for Sept. beating of girl, 3, in Lancaster

Foster father jailed Friday for Sept. beating of girl, 3, in Lancaster

A Lancaster County judge described the horrific injuries inflicted during a beating last year as a "life sentence" for 4-year-old Belle Roeting.

In D.C., parents miss work, lose jobs trying to get child-care subsidy

In D.C., parents miss work, lose jobs trying to get child-care subsidy

At 6:30 a.m. on a Wednesday early this month, Andria Swanson, dressed in a bright-pink terry cloth jumpsuit, joined a line that was already snaking down South Capitol Street in Congress Heights.

Anger as services to keep teens from crime dumped by state government

Anger as services to keep teens from crime dumped by state government 

Parents and caseworkers are outraged the state government will abolish two specialist services that provide after-hours support for marginalised teenagers in Kings Cross and Cabramatta.

Friday, May 24, 2013

9-year-old girl asks McDonald's CEO to stop 'tricking kids into eating your food'

9-year-old girl asks McDonald's CEO to stop 'tricking kids into eating your food'

McDonald's once again faced criticism that it's a purveyor of junk food that markets to children at its annual shareholder meeting Thursday.

Family Court - The Horrors of Divorce for Men

The horrors of divorce for men: from the kidnapping of their children, to the financial enslavement by a corrupt judiciary, to the suicidal despair of fathers denied access to their children post-divorce by spiteful and vindictive spouses. Men of all ages should wake up to the fact that the modern marriage contract is not what it used to be, and that no group of citizens - with the exception of convicted felons - has fewer rights in society than fathers.



Japan will join an international treaty to help settle cross-border child custody disputes, possibly by the end of 2013, after parliament approved it on Wednesday.

DCF secretary: worker lied about dead toddler's mother

DCF secretary: worker lied about dead toddler's mother

A Department of Children and Families employee has come under fire for allegedly falsifying a report about Catalina Bruno, the South Florida mother who is currently behind bars for the death of her toddler.

Woman says kid given away by orphanage is hers

Woman says kid given away by orphanage is hers

A woman from Barabanki is seeking custody of a child given away to a couple from Rajasthan by a Lucknow orphanage. The superintendent of the orphanage had submitted to the court that the child was born to a mentally retarded woman and was adopted by them after police verification, but the woman has a DNA test report to prove that she is the biological mother. Lucknow bench of the Allahabad High Court will decide on May 27.

5 lil monkeys jumping on the bed, 1 fell off an bonked his head, mama called the doc and doc said "I'm calling child protective services"

Originally tweeted from:

And a thank you to Christopher Pepe for today's tweet.

Foster kids get more psychiatric drugs

Foster kids get more psychiatric drugs

A GOVERNMENT Accountability Report released this Thursday showed America’s foster children being prescribed powerful psychotropic drugs, at doses beyond what the Food and Drug Administration has approved. At a congressional hearing the same day, Thursday saw lawmakers discussing both the problems and possible solutions.

Board of Supervisors to investigate allegations of abuse in foster care homes

Board of Supervisors to investigate allegations of abuse in foster care homes

The Board of Supervisors today approved hiring seven new monitors to investigate allegations of abuse or neglect in group homes and state-licensed foster care homes.

The Waiting Game

It's not uncommon for newby foster parents to wait around by the phone hoping and praying for a little baby to be abused or neglected so he or she can be removed from their parents and so that they can get their hooks into it, but a long term baby stealing social worker who recently became a licensed foster parent?  

The Waiting Game
So, being patient is one of those things I have always prided myself on. I don't mind waiting in lines, I enjoy walking at the pace of toddlers, and I'm a social worker for heaven sake! 
Patience is my thing.  
Until I became a licensed foster parent.
Then I became a neurotic, phone watching, craigslist stalking, toy buying, room rearranging, clothes hoarding, luntatic. 
I hate to shit in your flat hat Rachael, but your phone not ringing off the hook begging you to take in all the cute little starved, beaten and shaken babies is a good thing.  It means that child abuse substantiations are down and that they're not desperate for foster homes.

BTW, I am forced to leave this comment here because I am blocked from leaving it there.

She hates me. ;)

Department of Children and Families Child Protective Investigator Fired in Connection With Catalina Bruno Case: Official

Department of Children and Families Child Protective Investigator Fired in Connection With Catalina Bruno Case: Official

A Department of Children and Families child protective investigator has been fired for falsifying documents in a case related to the boy who died a week ago after being left in his mother’s hot car, the agency's leader said.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

UNICEF Blamed for Decline in International Adoptions

UNICEF Blamed for Decline in International Adoptions

For decades, international adoptions in the United States had been climbing. They peaked at nearly 23,000 children in 2004. Then, the numbers plummeted.

Social worker's Facebook brags about getting children put into care

Social worker's Facebook brags about getting children put into care

A SOCIAL worker has posted Facebook messages bragging about removing three children from their parents.

Note: As an added bonus, the names of those who commented will forever be displayed here on Legally Kidnapped.

Winnipeg woman camps out in front of legislature to protest child welfare

Winnipeg woman camps out in front of legislature to protest child welfare

A Manitoba woman who took care of Phoenix Sinclair for much of the girl's short life spent in and out of foster care set up camp on the lawn of the legislature Wednesday and started a hunger protest.

Kids say goodbye to foster care and head home

Kids say goodbye to foster care and head home

This time, the tears that fell from their cheeks were tears of joy. After months and in some cases, years, children and parents were reunited May 17 after being separated by the foster care system. The difference between the parents holding their children that day and the parents they were when their children were taken away was immense to those who knew them back then.

Note: Oh look, an example that tries to make the claim that CPS is actually helping people.  I do congratulate the families, but shame on them for preaching the virtues of CPS while so many others get screwed a lot harder.

Court agrees with state on foster kids

Court agrees with state on foster kids

The state will not have to return 15 troubled foster teens it removed because of safety concerns from three private facilities, including one in Lacey, a Thurston County Superior Court judge has ruled in part of an ongoing lawsuit.

Police: CPS worker accused of urinating, exposing himself outside SC school

Police: CPS worker accused of urinating, exposing himself outside SC school

A Gaston County child protective services worker has been arrested after police said he urinated and exposed himself to people outside a York County middle school.

Judge tells lesbian couple to separate — or lose kids

Judge tells lesbian couple to separate — or lose kids

A few weeks ago, Dallas judge John Roach told Page Price she had to move out of her partner’s house in 30 days — or else that partner of three years, Carolyn Compton, would lose custody of her children. The judge’s reasoning? They aren’t married.

CT court employees face tough questions over conflicts of interest Read more: Follow us: @wtcommunities on Twitter

CT court employees face tough questions over conflicts of interest

Several Connecticut state employees may soon find themselves in hot water for using their positions as judges and Judicial Branch managers to promote a Judicial Branch vendor that they personally founded and operate from their State offices.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Foster Care Youth: The Faces of a Nation's Soul in Crisis

Foster Care Youth: The Faces of a Nation's Soul in Crisis

For some children, the uncertainty of life on the street is better than certainty of violence at home. It was for me. At age 14, I escaped from an abusive home with no money, nowhere to go and only the clothes I was wearing. I remember staring into the night, standing somewhere between fear and freedom. I became one of the millions of homeless teens, yet I was lucky because foster care ultimately saved me.

Nova Scotia auditor general finds deficiencies in oversight of foster kids

Nova Scotia auditor general finds deficiencies in oversight of foster kids

Foster children and other kids in care are not being adequately monitored and investigations into alleged abuse are taking too long and are slow to start, Nova Scotia's auditor general said in a report that highlights failings in the province's child welfare system.

Shining a Light on the Trafficking of Foster Youth

Shining a Light on the Trafficking of Foster Youth

Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said it best earlier this month: “The incomprehensible evil of child trafficking has to be brought to a halt ... we cannot and must not let these children down.”

Child Protective Services employee arrested for indecent exposure

Child Protective Services employee arrested for indecent exposure

York County parents are demanding that a local child protection services worker lose his job, after he was arrested for Indecent Exposure and DWI outside a local middle school.

New Texas Law Makes it Harder For Child Protective Services To Give Psychotropic drugs to foster children

Houston weather, traffic, news | FOX 26 | MyFoxHouston

State wins foster child ruling

State wins foster child ruling

The state will not have to return 15 troubled foster teens it removed because of safety concerns from three private facilities, including one in Lacey, a Thurston County Superior Court judge has ruled in part of an ongoing lawsuit.

Texas couple charged with injury to adoptive son who died

Texas couple charged with injury to adoptive son who died

A Texas couple have been charged with injury to a child, their 4-year-old adoptive son who died in March.

Texas parents charged after adopted son, 4, dies

Child Protective Services in Florida

DCS caseworker faulted by judge wasn't disciplined

DCS caseworker faulted by judge wasn't disciplined

A Department of Children’s Services caseworker who failed to follow agency guidelines admitted backdating paperwork after a teen’s death and provided testimony during a wrongful-death trial in 2012 that a judge called not very credible was never disciplined.

Woman accused of smuggling child

Woman accused of smuggling child

Another child is heading to the Office of Refugee Resettlement and a woman is accused of trying to smuggle the undocumented girl into the country, according to a U.S. Customs and Border Protection news release.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Orphans, families in agonizing limbo

Orphans, families in agonizing limbo

More than 330 U.S. families had been preparing to bring Russian orphans home. Some special-needs children are almost certainly doomed to a life of solitude.

This is the media's sob story approach.  

Child Protective Services Under Fire!

This really needs to get out there.

Stolen from UnhappyGrammy btw.

FCC proposing to allow more sex and profanity during kids’ television viewing hours

FCC proposing to allow more sex and profanity during kids’ television viewing hours

If you thought that our television channels were already saturated with enough sex, vulgarity and profanity, you may want to brace yourself – the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is proposing changes to its guidelines that would allow more racy content to infiltrate the small screen during hours when kids could tune in.

New judge sought in Topeka sperm donor case

A Topeka sperm donor being sued by the state for child support wants a different judge.

Dad claims foster son was kept in isolation in Chinese detention centre from the age of four

Dad claims foster son was kept in isolation in Chinese detention centre from the age of four

A foster dad has said that a disabled boy in his care was kept locked in prison for over three years after his parents were arrested and imprisoned for staging protests.

Conn. foster mom pleads guilty for spoon-spanking

Conn. foster mom pleads guilty for spoon-spanking

A foster mother faces 100 days in prison after acknowledging she spanked a 4-year-old girl with a wooden spoon.

Police say man who kidnapped his 2 kids in Braintree captured

Police say man who kidnapped his 2 kids in Braintree captured

Police say a father who kidnapped his two children from a foster home was captured late Monday night in Windsor, Conn.

Council which removed foster children after parents' Ukip membership was discovered finally apologises for its handling of the case seven months on

Council which removed foster children after parents' Ukip membership was discovered finally apologises for its handling of the case seven months on 

A council has finally apologised over the way it handled a decision to remove three Eastern European children from foster parents who were members of Ukip.

Cleburne parents face charge of injury to child after death of adopted boy

Cleburne parents face charge of injury to child after death of adopted boy

The adoptive parents of a 4-year-old boy who died two months ago were arrested Monday on a felony warrant accusing them of injury to a child, police reported.

Brooke Mueller - Brooke Mueller's drug abuse under investigation

Brooke Mueller - Brooke Mueller's drug abuse under investigation

Details of Brooke Mueller's drug abuse history will be made available to aid child protective services as part of an on-going investigation to decide whether she can retain custody of her and Charlie Sheen's twin sons.

Police: 2 missing foster children found unharmed in Conn., father arrested

Police: 2 missing foster children found unharmed in Conn., father arrested

Authorities say two children who were forcibly taken by their father from a foster home in Massachusetts have been found safe in Connecticut and their father has been arrested.

Sask. child advocate backs native protests

Sask. child advocate backs native protests

Saskatchewan's Children's Advocate is joining the national debate on aboriginal issues.

Monday, May 20, 2013



Note: They must suck to work for.

And the beat goes on.  This article tells us that the new director of Child Protective Services in Texas testified before the state’s Senate Judiciary Committee recently begging for more money for the embattled agency (Dallas Morning News, 2/11/13).

Spanking Leads to Cross-Country Flight From Human Services Office

Spanking Leads to Cross-Country Flight From Human Services Office

Parents who spanked their teenage daughter with a rod for sexting a boyfriend claim in court that social workers tried to force the girl to strip naked and be photographed, then chased the family cross-country when she refused.

Elder slams NT forced adoption plan

Elder slams NT forced adoption plan

An indigenous elder is pleading with Northern Territory Chief Minister Adam Giles to scrap plans to address Aboriginal child neglect via forced adoptions.

Why Christians Like Me Should Listen to Critiques of Evangelical Adoption

Why Christians Like Me Should Listen to Critiques of Evangelical Adoption

I’d like to believe my sons’ best life is in my home, and not with their first families. But Christians committed to justice need to remember we are not entitled to other people’s children.

Russia May Change Adoption Law Over French Gay Marriage

Russia May Change Adoption Law Over French Gay Marriage

Russia's children's rights ombudsman Pavel Astakhov said on Saturday Russia may change its adoption agreement with France in response to the country’s new gay marriage law.

Japan’s Child Kidnapping Problem

Japan’s Child Kidnapping Problem

Dozens of American children are abducted to Japan every year—not by strangers, but by parents after messy divorces. As Nathalie-Kyoko Stucky and Jake Adelstein report, divorce laws protective of Japanese nationals encourage such illegal abductions.

Note: Only because these parents haven't quite figured out how to manipulate the system over here.  Had they learned, then the other parent would still loose out on the kid without the controlling parent having to run.

State tries to ease load on Michigan's foster care system

State tries to ease load on Michigan's foster care system

The Department of Human Services is testing a pilot project in three counties designed to keep children out of foster care and save the state money.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

How To Respond To An Anti Conspiracy Theorist

I'm posting this link because I believe that there is a lot of really good info here.   It talks about the closed mindedness of the normal people.  A problem we face when normal people are crying out for CPS to do more after seeing some horrible child abuse case on TV without having a clue as to what they're asking for.

How To Respond To An Anti Conspiracy Theorist

“You sound like a conspiracy theorist.”

RESPONSE: “Conspiracy Theorist? Now tell me the truth, where did you hear that term…on TV? (Laugh.) …So let me get this straight. Are you saying that men in high positions of power are not capable of criminal activity and telling lies to the general public? Are you really that naive?” (Laugh as you say this.)

Gay couples in Portugal win limited adoption rights

Gay couples in Portugal win limited adoption rights

Portugal's parliament on Friday handed same-sex couples the right to adopt the children or foster children of one partner, a partial victory for equality campaigners that fell short of their call for full adoption rights.

Blogging Ethics Question: Please Chime In

This foster parent is questioning the ethics of blogging for profit about foster care.

Blogging Ethics Question: Please Chime In

And I say... Suck the system for whatever you can get!  Babies... Money... Fame.... Fortune.... Foot Fetish satisfaction...

Whatever floats your boat.  Right?

Woman's decision to stop medication wasn't neglectful to her kids, court rules

Woman's decision to stop medication wasn't neglectful to her kids, court rules

A state appeals court ruled Friday that a woman who stopped taking medication to control her psychiatric disorders did not willfully neglect her children by doing so, as a lower court had ruled, but was trying to prevent harm to a child she was pregnant with.

Note: But a CPS Agent would of course see otherwise, when there's children to be targeted.

Since 1971, seven Maine children reported missing have not been found

Since 1971, seven Maine children reported missing have not been found

Dozens of children are reported missing every month in the state, but almost all are found or return on their own within a couple of days or even hours, Maine Public Safety spokesman Stephen McCausland said Friday.

Friday, May 17, 2013

County to Focus on Foster Children AWOL at Group Homes

County to Focus on Foster Children AWOL at Group Homes

Orange County Supervisor Todd Spitzer is raising questions about dozens of foster children who walk away from group homes in the county each month, and the lack of information that the county’s top elected leaders receive on the issue.

Child Support: Tennessee Man Lives Out Of His Car To Make Payments

Child Support: Tennessee Man Lives Out Of His Car To Make Payments

On Wednesday, Memphis' Action News 5 profiled "Billy" (not his real name), a man who says he's living out of his Buick in order to make his child support payments.

Video link to judge lets Southeast Texas foster kids be heard

Video link to judge lets Southeast Texas foster kids be heard

When he was 8, he and his four siblings were removed from their home because of their mom's drug abuse.

Now, four years later, his siblings have all been adopted and he is living in a children's home in Tyler, hoping to soon move in with his aunt.

State of South Dakota Child Services: NO-SHOWS at Indian Child Welfare Summit

State of South Dakota Child Services: NO-SHOWS at Indian Child Welfare Summit

Tribal officials from nine American Indian tribes and federal officials, including Kevin Washburn, Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs, attended the first day of a three day of the "Great Plains ICWA Summit: Bringing Our Children Home and Keeping Our Families Strong."

1 in 5 U.S. Kids Has a Mental Health Disorder: CDC

1 in 5 U.S. Kids Has a Mental Health Disorder: CDC

As many as one in five American children under the age of 17 has a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year, according to a new federal report.

Foster care children most vulnerable to school failure, drop out

Foster care children most vulnerable to school failure, drop out

These are the startling findings from a newly released study from the Institute for Evidence-Based Change (IEBC), in partnership with the University of California, Berkeley’s Center for Social Services Research (CSSR).

The New Mighty Baby-Stealing Boss of the UK

First Chief Social Worker appointed

Isabelle Trowler, a social worker credited with transforming children's services in Hackney in London, has been appointed as the first Chief Social Worker for children and families in England.

Dozens of children in state care being sent back to place of abuse

Dozens of children in state care being sent back to place of abuse

HUNDREDS of children in state care are being harmed each year and one in five are kept at the place of their abuse despite Department of Child Safety staff determining the risk was "unacceptable".

Man Accused Of Abusing Foster Child In Court

Man Accused Of Abusing Foster Child In Court

A foster father accused of shaking his 2-year-old daughter will be in court today.

'No Comment' from Foster Father Accused of Abuse

Anonymous Message to Child Protective Services

Chlid Protective Services Directory

As we observe the dissent against tyranny unfold around all around us, the veils of deception are fastly being removed from the people's eyes.

As each layer of oppression is being torn apart, it is now time to hold Child Protective Services accountable to the people.

For years you have ripped apart families, destroyed children's lives and committed unspeakable abuses to our most precious gift from God.

Your arrogance has surpassed your reason, by never realizing that so many the families you've destroyed are the very same tax payers who employ you.

The internet has exposed the vastness of your corruption to these tax payers who have now learned what you do is the very opposite of what they were led to believe.

The Unconstitutional codes that created you will be your undoing by the true law which is our constitution.

Because you hide behind the color of law, believing your actions will not face the consequences of the real law, which is we the people.

You Judges who are elected by us willingly and knowingly aid and abet these terrorists. some of you are being paid off and we know this.

That is the highest form of treason to the people and to God.

You are public servants who have become corrupted and we know who you are.

We hold you accountable from this moment on.

Americans have always met tyranny with swift justice on our own soil and afar.

It may be time to evaluate your true intentions behind your positions.

This is not a threat but a fair warning from anonymous. We do not forgive, we never forget, we are many, we are anonymous.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Maine Bills Seek to Tighten Abuse Reporting Requirements

Maine Bills Seek to Tighten Abuse Reporting Requirements

Several high-profile cases of long-term sexual abuse - from the Vatican to Bangor, Maine - have put the spotlight on procedures for reporting cases of suspected child abuse and neglect. A pair of bills originally heard by Maine lawmakers on the Health and Human Services Committee got another hearing today before the Judiciary Committee. The bills would tighten child abuse reporting requirements, and sharpen the penalties for failure to report suspected abuse. But as Jennifer Mitchell reports, the proposals face opposition from the medical community.

Note: Maine's CPS director Therese Cahill-Low is a fear monger who took a once national model child welfare system and turned it into an inadequate failure which snatches more kids while pulling the plug on the services that kept kids safe in the home.

She really needs to go.

Babies diagnosed with depression

Babies diagnosed with depression

CHILDREN as young as six months are being diagnosed with mental illness as some Gold Coast psychology clinics struggle to keep up with demand.

Fostering Pays £20K-40K a Year, and Other Mythbusting Facts on Foster Care

Fostering Pays £20K-40K a Year, and Other Mythbusting Facts on Foster Care

Myths about fostering – from how long the wait period is to how little you receive – are keeping Britons from opening up their homes and hearts to vulnerable children when they need it most.

Tweet of the Day!

I would like to thank @VeganSocialJust for today's tweet of the day and for helping to demonstrate the ignorance of society on this issue.  Although she almost got it right as foster kids are often passed around like puppies.

Apparently his/her/its kids are not normal.

Senate Backs Bill on Psychotropic Drugs for Foster Kids

Senate Backs Bill on Psychotropic Drugs for Foster Kids

Lawmakers in both chambers have now endorsed legislation that would require guardians of foster children to take greater caution before giving psychotropic drugs to the children.

Children Don’t Want To Be Friends With The Fat Kid, Study Reveals

Children Don’t Want To Be Friends With The Fat Kid, Study Reveals

An experiment reveals children would rather not be friends with the “fat kid.”

Researchers from the University of Leeds (England) used a storybook model, featuring character prototypes with different body types and handicaps – drawn as overweight, normal weight, or disabled – to test the subconscious feelings and responses of children.

Note: Maybe this is a sign that these anal-retentive yuppie helicopter parents should start letting their kid go outside.

Sally Schofield wants probation eased once released from prison

Sally Schofield wants probation eased once released from prison

A Maine woman serving a 17-year sentence for the suffocation death of her foster child wants her probation conditions eased once she's released from prison.

The Kennebec Journal reported that Schofield's attorney indicated that Schofield's eligible for home confinement later this year and is concerned she could violate probation if she has incidental contact with a child at a grocery store, at church or elsewhere.

Note: They should just keep her in jail for the full 17 years.  Then they wouldn't have to worry about it.  Huh.

Foster father ordered to stand trial in baby's death

Foster father ordered to stand trial in baby's death

A Fort Bragg man accused of beating a 5-month-old baby girl to death in December while she was in his care was bound over for trial in Mendocino County Superior Court Wednesday.

Native Americans trade tales of heartache, anger over displaced children in Rapid City summit

Native Americans trade tales of heartache, anger over displaced children in Rapid City summit

Between choked sobs and streaming tears, more than a dozen Native American families delivered testimony Wednesday in Rapid City about how their children were taken from them by South Dakota social workers.

Is OC’s Child Protective Services A “System of Lies”

Is OC’s Child Protective Services A “System of Lies”

Note: Yes.

It's a chilling scene caught on camera:  Armed police officers stripping a baby from his mother's arms.

Police: Man accused of molesting children was foster parent

Police: Man accused of molesting children was foster parent

Authorities say a man charged with molesting children was a foster parent during the times those crimes are alleged to have happened.

11-month-old girl dies in foster home in New Jersey

11-month-old girl dies in foster home in New Jersey

Officials in New Jersey are investigating the case of an 11-month-old girl who died in foster care.

Note: I hope the foster mother gets to spend the rest of her miserable life feeling guilty and being called a baby killer in a jail cell.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Foster parents charged for whipping boy for scuffed shoes

Foster parents charged for whipping boy for scuffed shoes

The foster parents of a 7-year-old boy have been charged in Lake Superior Court with battery resulting in bodily injury for allegedly whipping him with a belt for scuffing his shoes.

Former Child Case Worker Denied Probation Request

Former Child Case Worker Denied Probation Request

A judge has denied a probation request for a woman convicted of manslaughter.

‘Whoremom’ Is Raising Money For A Documentary About How Sex Workers Get Their Kids Taken Away

‘Whoremom’ Is Raising Money For A Documentary About How Sex Workers Get Their Kids Taken Away

If you think your custody battle was tough then I will kindly direct you to the story of Tanaha Koontz. The mother of three and former prostitute based in St. Petersburg, Florida says that she found herself without virtually any rights to her babies after her husband yelled “whore!” in court proceedings. But Tanaha alleges that it was her abusive husband who was sex trafficking her to begin with, pimping her out after losing his job. Unable to recover her children so far, Tanaha is now raising funds to tell her story — and that of many other women like her. A documentary that she hopes to entitle “Whoremom.”

Police chief constable and council chief executive refuse to stand down despite catalogue of errors in Oxford sex ring scandal

Police chief constable and council chief executive refuse to stand down despite catalogue of errors in Oxford sex ring scandal

Catastrophic failings by police and social services allowed a child sex ring to sexually torture girls as young as 11 for eight years, despite victims repeatedly telling officers they had been raped or abused.

Eighteen social workers struck off or suspended in England since January

Eighteen social workers struck off or suspended in England since January

The Health and Care Professions Council has held more than 120 hearings concerning social workers since it took over the register last year. Kirsty McGregor looks at the emerging trends.

Former foster parent facing 8 child sex charges

Former foster parent facing 8 child sex charges

Authorities are looking for potential victims of, and further information on a former foster parent accused of sex crimes against children.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Medical Marijuana Advocate Gets Kids Back But Living 'In Constant Panic Attack'

Medical Marijuana Advocate Gets Kids Back But Living 'In Constant Panic Attack'

Lindsey Rinehart, the medical marijuana advocate who had her children taken into custody by the State of Idaho April 24, says her children have been returned to her family, but she's still scared over facing criminal charges.

Number of abused U.S. children unchanged since 2008

Number of abused U.S. children unchanged since 2008

The number of U.S. children who were exposed to violence, crime and abuse in 2011 was essentially unchanged from 2008, according to a new government survey.

Note: So CPS is failing in their efforts to prevent child abuse.  It figures.  They gotta keep their jobs you know.

Couple sues over adopted son's sex-assignment surgery

Couple sues over adopted son's sex-assignment surgery

A South Carolina couple sued doctors and state social workers on Tuesday for subjecting a 16-month-old child born with both male and female genitalia to what they say was medically unnecessary and irreversible sex-assignment surgery while the toddler was in foster care.

Girl sectioned after seeing foster mum knocked down and killed by bus in Mottingham

Girl sectioned after seeing foster mum knocked down and killed by bus in Mottingham

A HORRIFIC road accident which killed a woman has left her foster daughter so traumatised she had to be sectioned.

Family law: a “time-consuming and morally shadowy activity”?

Family law: a “time-consuming and morally shadowy activity”?

Recently an article in the Guardian described family law as a “time-consuming and morally shadowy activity” and suggested that family lawyers “sleep in a bed that has been paid for by the unhappiness of others”. This was an article on “gold diggers”, a group hardly representative of the general population. But if ever a profession needed good PR, it’s family lawyers. The legal profession as a whole gets a pretty bad press, making it a fairly easy task for the government to promote other methods of obtaining legal advice and dispute resolution, as if entering the office of a lawyer who works with individual clients is something to be avoided, an easy way to empty your wallet with no obvious benefits.

Misdemeanor charge filed against two Sullivan County Children & Youth Services employees

Misdemeanor charge filed against two Sullivan County Children & Youth Services employees

Misdemeanor charges were filed Monday against the director of Sullivan County Children & Youth Services and a caseworker for failing to report to a law enforcement agency a suspected incident of child abuse, police said.

ICWA summit seeks more tribal authority in Native American child removal, placement

ICWA summit seeks more tribal authority in Native American child removal, placement

Hundreds of Native American children are taken from their families every year in South Dakota through state and tribal court actions meant to protect youngsters from abuse and neglect.

NT Chief Minister Adam Giles says fears over Stolen Generation are causing child neglect

NT Chief Minister Adam Giles says fears over Stolen Generation are causing child neglect 

NORTHERN Territory Chief Minister Adam Giles says he will remove neglected Aboriginal children from their parents and place them in adopted homes if necessary.

Fears adoption could spark new Stolen Generation

Fears adoption could spark new Stolen Generation

The Northern Territory Chief Minister's suggestion Aboriginal children should be adopted when necessary for their protection has been met with an enormous response from the public and the child protection field.

U.S. law aimed at helping North Korean orphans

U.S. law aimed at helping North Korean orphans

North Korean orphans who make it to South Korea could be considered relatively lucky. They are provided an education, a path to South Korean citizenship and even a chance at adoption.

Single mothers in the military service the silent battle for their children

Single mothers in the military service the silent battle for their children

How do you think a soldier feels that has served his or her nation for many years and suddenly loses custody of the child while she is on another continent?  The number of suicides in the military has more than doubled since 9/11.  Defense Secretary Leon Panetta associated this with the fact that the Sevicemembers now have to be deployed multiple times continuously to meet the Military’s mission. Once the war in Iraq began and the soldiers started being deployed, the legal cases in the courts related to child custody began to flourish.  The war in Iraq was one of the wars that required some Servicemembers to be deployed for long periods of 12 to 15 months.  This took most by surprise and there were many Servicemembers who did not have an organized plan for their family members.  The Department of Defense makes it mandatory that every Servicemember had to prepare a “Family Care Plan” (this was a breakdown of who will take care of the children while the Servicemember is deployed and how they take care of the children, which began in 1992).  In the same year the Department of Defense stopped the recruitment of single parents in the military.  If a Servicemember becomes a single parent while in military service, she can continue serving.

Jurists want India to sign Hague Convention on International Child Abduction

Jurists want India to sign Hague Convention on International Child Abduction

Jurists and eminent academicians on Monday called upon India to not only sign the 1980 Hague Convention on International Child Abduction but also legislate on it. For, the number of cases of either the father or the mother abducting the child and fleeing the country of stay was increasing.

L.A. County officials to stop sending children to foster agency

L.A. County officials to stop sending children to foster agency

Responding to new allegations of financial malfeasance and abuse, county officials have decided to stop sending children to the private foster care agency Teens Happy Homes.

Foster carer sentenced for “mind-boggling” cruelty

Foster carer sentenced for “mind-boggling” cruelty

WHEN foster care services first looked at a "suitable" room to house a seven-year-old girl beneath a Brisbane home in 2003, they found a pretty pink bed, toys and clothing.

DCS case files show how caseworkers interacted with children

DCS case files show how caseworkers interacted with children

The medical examiner’s report declared the child’s death an accident. In some instances, that would have been the last word.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Pa. welfare caseworker suspended for allegedly seeking sex-for-benefits from female clients

Pa. welfare caseworker suspended for allegedly seeking sex-for-benefits from female clients

A state welfare caseworker has been suspended while the Department of Public Welfare cooperates with prosecutors who charge the man tried to swap benefits for sex with female clients.

Announcement: Save the Canadian Children Conference

Save Our Children is an important Conference focusing on improving the lives of all families being hosted by Protecting Canadian Children this weekend, May 17th and 18th in Ontario. We are a group of concerned citizens who are participating in an educational forum. A number of speakers from across Canada and the United States, including renown Alberta lawyer, champion for child & family rights - Robert P. Lee - will be participating:

The conference will be most beneficial towards increasing insight into the growing challenges of Systems as they currently function. We will focus on how Society is adversely affected, policies; as well as strategies to improve situations. A poster - attached - gives an overview of conference content and speakers' topics.

Sheila Foster from New York also joins us:

Linda Plourde is the Founder/Author of Protecting Canadian Children and may be reached at 905 906-9973 for further details.

I encourage everyone to participate.

Velvet Martin,
Spokesperson for Protecting Canadian Children
Founder of SAMANTHA'S LAW (Alberta)

Tweet of the day... (sigh)

Thank's to @tanay_diane for today's tweet and for helping me to demonstrate how ignorant society is on this issue.

Two sisters, separated as infants, reunite at track meet

Two sisters, separated as infants, reunite at track meet

For 17 years, two sisters lived in the same city, played the same sports but never crossed paths.

CPS takes woman's children because of estranged husband's behavior

CPS takes woman's children because of estranged husband's behavior

A Houston mother is paying the price for her estranged husband’s behavior, and she believes CPS is putting her children at risk.

Attorney-client privilege trumps child abuse reporting law, court rules

Attorney-client privilege trumps child abuse reporting law, court rules

Forensic psychologists are split as to whether we must breach confidentiality when a criminal defendant divulges child abuse or threatens physical harm to others.

Georgia Debates Ending Family-to-Family Adoptions

Georgia Debates Ending Family-to-Family Adoptions

In Georgia, where motherhood is seen as a woman’s chief duty, a family without children has long been considered a tiny tragedy. To avoid such a situation, many childless Georgian families rely on a shortcut – directly paying or negotiating with other families for the parental rights to unwanted children.

Caseworker didn't check on children, arrested for falsifying records

Caseworker didn't check on children, arrested for falsifying records

A child-welfare caseworker was arrested Wednesday, charged with not visiting children for scheduled appointments and falsifying records to cover it up, court documents show.

Revealed: Secret Reason Brooke Mueller Went To Court To Regain Custody Of Charlie Sheen’s Twins

 Doesn’t Want To Lose $55K-A-Month Child Support

Brooke Mueller is “terrified” that she will lose her only source of income — $55,000-a-month from Charlie Sheen – after  a Los Angeles court  stripped her of custody of their twins boys, has learned.

Grandmother tried to alert DCS before baby died

Grandmother tried to alert DCS before baby died

An East Tennessee grandmother said she tried in vain to get the Department of Children’s Services to intervene when she feared her newborn grandson was living in an unsafe environment.

Appeal for white foster carers in Tower Hamlets

Appeal for white foster carers in Tower Hamlets

More white foster carers are needed to help ensure children can be placed with families of the same ethnic background, according to Tower Hamlets Council.

More than a third of foster children separated from their siblings

More than a third of foster children separated from their siblings

Who are our closest living relatives? You might at first think ‘Mum’ and ‘Dad’. Our parents bring us into the world and their genes, personalities and parenting skills all usually leave very firm footprints across our lives. But actually the answer is our siblings. Our brothers or sisters are closest because  they are the only people on the planet to have exactly the same forebears as ourselves. Yes, they may annoy and frustrate us at times, but I suspect that is often as much because of our shared genes as despite them.

Foster children moved too often, says Fostering Network Wales

Foster children moved too often, says Fostering Network Wales

Note: Um... Duh!

Children are being moved too many times between foster homes because of a shortage of carers, according to a survey.

Note: I'm sure that all of the unnecessary child removals in the UK has absolutely nothing to do with this lack of foster carer's right?

2 more alleged child abuse victims of Michael Jackson to file lawsuit

2 more alleged child abuse victims of Michael Jackson to file lawsuit

Two more alleged child abuse victims of Michael Jackson are preparing to file lawsuits against the late King of Pop`s estate, it has been revealed.

The Difference Between Medical Disease & Psychiatric Disorder

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mothers Day Sucks For Foster Kids - Baby LK Report For May 12th 2013

Orphanages under probe for child prostitution

Orphanages under probe for child prostitution

The Government is investigating six orphanages and rescue centres in Kilifi County over claims of child abuse, The Standard has learnt.

How foster care separates siblings

How foster care separates siblings

Fostered children are being separated from their brothers or sisters because of a shortage of suitable homes. In some cases, where their natural parents have died, this means they are taken away from the only family they have left, according to new research by the Fostering Network.

Couple sues Bolingbrook agency over alleged botched adoption

Couple sues Bolingbrook agency over alleged botched adoption

About 10 months later, they had to give the boy up because the adoption agency did not properly notify his biological father, according to a lawsuit they filed this spring.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Man convicted of sexually abusing foster mother’s nephew

Man convicted of sexually abusing foster mother’s nephew

A man has been convicted of sexually abusing his foster mother’s nephew in Co. Donegal in the 1960s and 70s.

Lacey foster-care provider sues state

Lacey foster-care provider sues state

A Lacey foster-care provider has sued the state, contending that young people are being removed from foster homes without proper notice or explanation.

Note: And they snatch them from their families without just cause or due process too.  So there you go.

Va. report critical of Richmond social services

Va. report critical of Richmond social services

A state auditor's report accuses the Richmond Department of Social Services of endangering the health and safety of children in order to reduce their numbers in foster care.

Mass. Problems for Kids

Mass. Problems for Kids

It's been a tough couple of months for the Massachusetts child welfare system.

Governor Deval Patrick and two child welfare officials are facing charges in U.S. District Court in a class action suit, Connor B. v. Patrick, which charges them with failing to protect the 7,500 foster kids in state custody from neglect and abuse.

Foster kids taken from caregiver couple

Foster kids taken from caregiver couple

Foster children have been removed from the care of a couple after social workers learned from the Sunday Star-Times that the couple's home for the disabled had previously been shut down due to neglect and exploitation.

Michael Jackson's family want legal ban on kids' paternity test

Michael Jackson's family want legal ban on kids' paternity test

Michael Jackson’s furious family are demanding a ban on court moves designed to reveal the tragic star is not his children’s real dad, the Sunday People reports .

Note: Who is the father of Michael Jackson's kids?

Juvenile homes are hell-holes India should be ashamed of

Juvenile homes are hell-holes India should be ashamed of

The Delhi Police last week told the Delhi High Court that they have arrested a guard of a government-run children’s home in Alipur for allegedly sodomising a seven-year-old HIV positive boy. The court had ordered a suo motu enquiry into the incident after media reports. The boy was brought to the home three years ago by an NGO after his mother died of AIDS. His stepfather was lodged in Tihar jail for raping his daughter.

Child Welfare Committee kept in dark over child sexual abuse

Child Welfare Committee kept in dark over child sexual abuse

Anand, a 23-year-old man, was arrested in connection with the sexual assault of a 14-year-old girl here on Saturday.

Judge Refuses to Drop His Order Allowing Morning-After Pill for All Ages

Judge Refuses to Drop His Order Allowing Morning-After Pill for All Ages

A federal judge on Friday stepped up his criticism of the Obama administration, accusing the Justice Department of making “frivolous” and “silly” arguments in its attempt to delay making the morning-after emergency contraceptive pill available to women and girls of all ages without a prescription.

San Jose: Young sisters who ran away from foster home found safe and then thrown back into the dangerous foster care system again

San Jose: Young sisters who ran away from foster home found safe

Two young sisters who ran away from their foster home Friday morning have been located and are in protective custody, according to San Jose police.

Reacting to child abuse by lowering the age of consent would be cruel

Reacting to child abuse by lowering the age of consent would be cruel

The latest aftershock in the wake of the Jimmy Savile and Rochdale revelations has been not another celebrity name on the list of accused, but an attempt to dismiss an apparent watershed moment as little more than a moral panic. Barrister Barbara Hewson writes in Spiked magazine that Operation Yewtree, heralded by most as a clear if long overdue success, is in fact engaged in "the persecution of old men". Which makes sense, if you also believe (as Hewson apparently does) that anything short of "flogging and rape in padded rooms" is not a "really serious" assault.

Poor practices by social workers 'leaving children at serious risk'

Poor practices by social workers 'leaving children at serious risk'

CHILDREN have been left at serious risk of harm due to failures by social services in the south-east to properly investigate possible cases of abuse and neglect.

Outcry over ‘white adoption home’ call

Outcry over ‘white adoption home’ call

Child Welfare SA has launched an investigation into a care giver who put out an urgent message on social media requesting a place to stay for a “little white girl” before she is placed in “black” children’s home.

Friday, May 10, 2013



Brooke Mueller is making a full-court press to move her twins from Denise Richards' home to Brooke's brother's home ... because she fears Charlie Sheen's volcanic temper will put their kids in harm's way.

Guess what

It Could Happen To You