Legally Kidnapped

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Thursday, April 03, 2008

Foster care mother speaks out

Foster care mother speaks out

New allegations against Oklahoma's Department of Human Services and its foster care system.

New accusations the state places children with families who are not financially able to care for them.


  1. Anonymous7:59 PM

    I'm sorry but this seems like propaganda, if families could be helped and left intact then there would not be as many foster homes needed, and less children that would need foster care. Why would child protection even think of leaving children with a family that could not afford they work or are they just relying on the money for the foster children?

  2. Anonymous9:51 PM

    You're right. It is propaganda. They don't tell many stories that are truth based. But this ties into a much larger story.

    Just a foster parent jumping on the bandwagon. They want to reform the Child Protective Industry, so everybody is jumping on the bandwagon.


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