Legally Kidnapped
Monday, February 29, 2016
Texas immigration facilities also seeking licenses to house children
The country's only other family detention facilities will try to obtain certification starting Tuesday.
More >> Texas immigration facilities also seeking licenses to house children
Sunday, February 28, 2016
Louisiana child law violates priest's religious freedom, judge rules
A Louisiana judge has struck down a state requirement that clergy members report suspected child abuse even if they learn about it during a private confessional.
More >> Louisiana child law violates priest's religious freedom, judge rules
More >> Louisiana child law violates priest's religious freedom, judge rules
Washington Social Services Unable to Provide Data on Adopted Kids Killing
Representative of Washington Department of Children and Family Services said that his organisation does not have any information on the killing of adopted children in Washington state to share with the public.
More >> Washington Social Services Unable to Provide Data on Adopted Kids Killing
More >> Washington Social Services Unable to Provide Data on Adopted Kids Killing
Aboriginal boy detained in adult mental health ward, three weeks after Darwin juvenile facility opened
An Aboriginal boy has been detained at an adult inpatient ward for mentally ill people at Royal Darwin Hospital, three weeks after the Territory's first juvenile mental health facility was opened.
More >> Aboriginal boy detained in adult mental health ward, three weeks after Darwin juvenile facility opened
More >> Aboriginal boy detained in adult mental health ward, three weeks after Darwin juvenile facility opened
Saturday, February 27, 2016
Lackawanna County settles foster child abuse case
Lackawanna County agreed to settle a federal lawsuit filed by the mother of a 7-year-old boy who was sexually abused his foster parents’ adopted son.
More >> Lackawanna County settles foster child abuse case
More >> Lackawanna County settles foster child abuse case
DCYF cites high caseloads, looks at adding 24/7 staffing
Heavy workloads and high staff turnover at the state’s Division for Children, Youth and Families are impacting the agency’s ability to keep children safe, according to a recent report from the division.
More >> DCYF cites high caseloads, looks at adding 24/7 staffing
More >> DCYF cites high caseloads, looks at adding 24/7 staffing
State report: Child protective services must change intake practices
The county agency charged with providing services to abused and neglected children must change its intake procedures to prevent reports of abuse from being overlooked, as happened in the case of two children who ended up dead in a storage unit in Redding.
More >> State report: Child protective services must change intake practices
More >> State report: Child protective services must change intake practices
Texas CPS makes changes after child deaths
A new report details changes in a Texas agency after child abuse and neglect deaths across the state, including a central Texas case that galvanized the attention of the community.
More >> Texas CPS makes changes after child deaths
More >> Texas CPS makes changes after child deaths
Creed director Ryan Coogler developing TV series based on juvenile detention system
While Creed didn’t quite make the cut when it came to Best Picture nominees, the latest installment from the Rocky family tree has our vote for most surprising film of the year. While some rolled their eyes when the spinoff was announced, no one could scoff at the final product, which received almost unanimously positive reviews from critics and solidified director Ryan Coogler as a rising star.
More >> Creed director Ryan Coogler developing TV series based on juvenile detention system
More >> Creed director Ryan Coogler developing TV series based on juvenile detention system
Ontario to end clawback of child support for parents on welfare
About 18,600 single parents in Ontario who rely on both social assistance and child support payments will see their incomes rise under rule changes to be introduced early next year, according to Thursday’s provincial budget.
More >> Ontario to end clawback of child support for parents on welfare
More >> Ontario to end clawback of child support for parents on welfare
South Dakota partners with Big Pharma to prey on Native Americans in genocidal campaign to increase revenues
The use of culturally-biased guidelines in determining mental health status allows the agency to circumvent Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) rules, designed to keep these children from ending up in non-native foster homes, while generating millions of dollars for the pharmaceutical industry.
More >> South Dakota partners with Big Pharma to prey on Native Americans in genocidal campaign to increase revenues
More >> South Dakota partners with Big Pharma to prey on Native Americans in genocidal campaign to increase revenues
Oklahoma family targeted in Craigslist adoption hoax
An Edmond family was the target of a cruel hoax. Police said someone posted a Craigslist ad putting three kids up for adoption. That's when the family starting getting angry calls.
More >> Oklahoma family targeted in Craigslist adoption hoax
More >> Oklahoma family targeted in Craigslist adoption hoax
Schools wrestle with medical marijuana policies
As more states legalize medical marijuana, administrators grapple with whether to permit the substance on campus for students with certain health ailments.
More >> Schools wrestle with medical marijuana policies
More >> Schools wrestle with medical marijuana policies
Addressing Multi-Generational Dysfunction In Foster Care
Several years ago I read a story about a young man in Florida who killed his younger sibling. The young man in this story was described as a troubled child, who came from a harsh background. Specifically this young man had spent time in the foster care system, and was born to a teenage mother who had also spent time in foster care. I vividly remember the comments which accompanied the article, one in particular questioned: "The child was in foster care and the mother was too, how common is that"? The unfortunate answer to that question is very common. Numerous studies have shown that many parents involved in the foster care or child welfare system, had histories of placement as children. Studies have also shown that children involved in the child welfare system have a greater chance of having their own children placed in foster care. In many cases, the history of foster care placement seen in families extends to two or three generations.
More >> Addressing Multi-Generational Dysfunction In Foster Care
Gran fights to reunite with child
A 56-year-old street trader who was told she was too broke and sickly to raise her only granddaughter has won a three-year court battle.
“I’m going to fetch her tomorrow, she’s coming home for good this time,” she said.
The Nazi child snatchers: A new exhibition tells the haunting stories of the foreign children torn from their families and savagely abused in order to turn them into 'perfect Aryans'
The Nazi child snatchers: A new exhibition tells the haunting stories of the foreign children torn from their families and savagely abused in order to turn them into 'perfect Aryans'
The Nazis stole Halina Bukowiecka in 1941 when she was just seven. After her mother died of pneumonia three years earlier and her father had gone to fight for the Resistance, Halina had lived with her grandmother in the German-occupied Polish city of Lodz. Her grandmother’s application for child benefits from the city’s Youth Office was to have disastrous consequences — it meant the authorities now had Halina on their radar.
The Nazis stole Halina Bukowiecka in 1941 when she was just seven. After her mother died of pneumonia three years earlier and her father had gone to fight for the Resistance, Halina had lived with her grandmother in the German-occupied Polish city of Lodz. Her grandmother’s application for child benefits from the city’s Youth Office was to have disastrous consequences — it meant the authorities now had Halina on their radar.
Friday, February 26, 2016
Foster mother arrested after baby found with cerebral hemorrhage
A 33-year-old foster mother was arrested on suspicion of child abuse after a one-year-old baby girl under her care was found to have cerebral hemorrhage.
More >> Foster mother arrested after baby found with cerebral hemorrhage
More >> Foster mother arrested after baby found with cerebral hemorrhage
Lawmakers to vote on DHHS lawsuit
Five York County families are one step closer to suing Maine’s Department of Health and Human Services.
More >> Lawmakers to vote on DHHS lawsuit
More >> Lawmakers to vote on DHHS lawsuit
Katelynn Sampson 'unseen and unheard' by those meant to protect her: lawyer
A seven-year-old Toronto girl was overlooked and ignored by those who had the duty to save her and died as a result of their "significantly flawed decision making," a coroner's inquest heard Friday.
More >> Katelynn Sampson 'unseen and unheard' by those meant to protect her: lawyer
More >> Katelynn Sampson 'unseen and unheard' by those meant to protect her: lawyer
Data-Nuking Poor Families Is Not the Answer To Child Abuse
Much as the National Rifle Association argues that “Guns don’t kill people, people do,” Joshua New defends the use of predictive analytics in child welfare by telling us, in effect, that computers don’t remove children, caseworkers do.
More >> Data-Nuking Poor Families Is Not the Answer To Child Abuse
More >> Data-Nuking Poor Families Is Not the Answer To Child Abuse
Woman Undergoes First Uterus Transplant In US; When Parenting A Biological Child Is The Only Option
Cleveland Clinic performed the nation’s first uterus transplant Feb. 24 during a nine-hour surgery on a 26-year-old woman with uterine factor infertility (UFI). The patient is reported to be in stable condition following the experimental procedure, which made use of a womb from a deceased organ donor. Around 5 percent of women worldwide have UFI, an irreversible condition most often caused by birth defects or medical treatments requiring removal of the womb.
More >> Woman Undergoes First Uterus Transplant In US; When Parenting A Biological Child Is The Only Option
More >> Woman Undergoes First Uterus Transplant In US; When Parenting A Biological Child Is The Only Option
Courts: Foster parent who had sex with teen released early after plea form error
A former foster father who was sentenced in July to two years in prison for having sex with a teenager in his care has been released after a judge issued a new sentence after a mistake was discovered on Herbert C. King Jr.'s plea form.
More >> Courts: Foster parent who had sex with teen released early after plea form error
6 months after Lara Sobel's death, changes come slowly to DCF
February marked six months since Vermont Department for Children and Families social worker Lara Sobel was fatally shot as she walked from her office to her car in Barre.
More >> 6 months after Lara Sobel's death, changes come slowly to DCF
More >> 6 months after Lara Sobel's death, changes come slowly to DCF
Bristol Palin's ex Dakota Meyer files 'emergency' custody motion to see his daughter Sailor for the first time
Dakota Meyer has filed court papers asking a judge to rule immediately on a temporary custody agreement for him and his daughter with Bristol Palin, Sailor.
More >> Bristol Palin's ex Dakota Meyer files 'emergency' custody motion to see his daughter Sailor for the first time
More >> Bristol Palin's ex Dakota Meyer files 'emergency' custody motion to see his daughter Sailor for the first time
Miss. Senate approves replacement of foster care system
The Mississippi Senate has approved the creation of a new foster care system to look after children in need.f
More >> Miss. Senate approves replacement of foster care system
More >> Miss. Senate approves replacement of foster care system
Matthew Heimbach, widely viewed as an emerging leader in the white nationalist movement, has been fired by the State of Indiana where he was hired as a family case worker by the Department of Child Services.
Family: Teen accused of killing foster child wanted to be a father
The teenager accused of beating a 6-year-old foster child to death in December appeared in court on Wednesday.
More >> Family: Teen accused of killing foster child wanted to be a father
More >> Family: Teen accused of killing foster child wanted to be a father
Thursday, February 25, 2016
Parents outgunned in child welfare cases
When he was 15, Lamar McGaughy lost his mother to drugs. He lost his siblings to Michigan’s foster care system.
More >> Parents outgunned in child welfare cases
More >> Parents outgunned in child welfare cases
Bernie Sanders Ties Hillary Clinton to Poverty Caused by Welfare Reform
Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont began his day of campaigning Wednesday by criticizing Hillary Clinton’s support of welfare reform in 1996, accusing her of backing legislation that ultimately increased poverty levels and led more Americans to face economic anxiety.
More >> Bernie Sanders Ties Hillary Clinton to Poverty Caused by Welfare Reform
More >> Bernie Sanders Ties Hillary Clinton to Poverty Caused by Welfare Reform
Parents of Justina Pelletier sue Boston Children’s Hospital
The parents of a teenage girl who was at the center of a highly charged medical battle and custody dispute said Thursday they have filed a lawsuit accusing Boston Children’s Hospital of gross negligence and civil rights violations.
More >> Parents of Justina Pelletier sue Boston Children’s Hospital
More >> Parents of Justina Pelletier sue Boston Children’s Hospital
- Parents of Justina Pelletier sue Boston Children’s Hospital
- Pelletier family announces lawsuit against Boston Children's Hospital
DCF Employees Suspended After Leaving Children With Registered Sex Offender
Several employees of the Department of Children and Families in the Willimantic regional office have been suspended after allowing two children to remain with a husband and wife who are on the sex-offender and child-abuse registries, respectively.
Bill would make it easier to end parental rights of rapists in Maine
The sponsor of a Maine bill about rape victims’ rights says the proposal would make it easier for victims to strip their attackers of parental rights to children conceived as a result of rape.
More >> Bill would make it easier to end parental rights of rapists in Maine
More >> Bill would make it easier to end parental rights of rapists in Maine
Surviving foster care: Donna's Story
Look around Donna Chapman's house and you can see... family means everything to her. But one picture always triggers a flood of tears. It was a picture of the last time her family was together. "Someone came out of court and put us in a car with someone I didn't even know, and with just the clothes we had on, we went into foster care again." Growing up in foster care is a hard reality for many children. This Biloxi woman shares her heartbreaking story with WLOX Reporter Trang Pham Bui, Monday at 10pm on WLOX News Now.
More >> Surviving foster care: Donna's Story
More >> Surviving foster care: Donna's Story
Illinois child welfare agency files 6-month plans to improve
The state's troubled child welfare agency has submitted an improvement plan to a judge that details more oversight, pilot programs and training, things that officials said Wednesday will "help transform" the system that serves thousands of Illinois children.
More >> Illinois child welfare agency files 6-month plans to improve
More >> Illinois child welfare agency files 6-month plans to improve
Abuja residents advocate regulation of child adoption
Some residents of Abuja have decried illegal ways people adopt children in the country and called on Government to regulate agencies involved in child adoption process.
More >> Abuja residents advocate regulation of child adoption
More >> Abuja residents advocate regulation of child adoption
Aunt: State 'stole the baby' at 2 days old
State social workers took Angela Donnellon’s niece from her biological mother, who had a history of drug use, when she was 2 days old in 2014.
More >> Aunt: State 'stole the baby' at 2 days old
More >> Aunt: State 'stole the baby' at 2 days old
Kids Endangered By Predictive Analytics? Child Advocate Says Yes
A recently released report from the National Coalition for Child Protection Reform (NCCPR) questions the use of predictive analytics in child welfare. The report asserts that recommendations for child protection practice under consideration by one federal commission would lead to unnecessary trauma for children and increase their risk of abuse.
More >> Kids Endangered By Predictive Analytics? Child Advocate Says Yes
More >> Kids Endangered By Predictive Analytics? Child Advocate Says Yes
Where Foster Kids Can’t See OB/GYNs Alone
A lawsuit alleges that a California foster home confiscated condoms, had a no-sex policy, and chaperoned gynecologist appointments.
More >> Where Foster Kids Can’t See OB/GYNs Alone
Pennsylvania Reduces Psychotropic Medication Use Among Medicaid-Enrolled Foster Children
The Department of Human Services (DHS) and PolicyLab at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) today announced several new initiatives that will further reduce the use of psychotropic medication among Medicaid-enrolled Pennsylvania children.
More >> Pennsylvania Reduces Psychotropic Medication Use Among Medicaid-Enrolled Foster Children
More >> Pennsylvania Reduces Psychotropic Medication Use Among Medicaid-Enrolled Foster Children
Detective lied to cover up failure to investigate abuse
A FAMILY protection officer failed to act on reports that a mother and daughter had suffered years of abuse – then strung them along with a false story about their alleged attacker facing court.
Senators push protections for opioid-dependent parents, infants
Key senators said on Tuesday they are crafting a law that would allow states to use federal foster care funds to help opioid-addicted parents raise their infants.
More >> Senators push protections for opioid-dependent parents, infants
More >> Senators push protections for opioid-dependent parents, infants
B.C. couple losing battle to keep two-year-old Métis foster child in their care
Foster parents on Vancouver Island have lost a court battle to keep a Métis toddler they have raised since birth in British Columbia.
More >> B.C. couple losing battle to keep two-year-old Métis foster child in their care
More >> B.C. couple losing battle to keep two-year-old Métis foster child in their care
The Foster Care System is Broken, But the State's Fighting an Order to Fix It
The state's track record for its Child Protective Services is a tumultuous one. A couple of months ago, a series of stories were circulating around a massive federal lawsuit filed against the state's Department of Family and Protective Services, which oversees foster care, adoption and daycare licensing in Texas.
More >> The Foster Care System is Broken, But the State's Fighting an Order to Fix It
More >> The Foster Care System is Broken, But the State's Fighting an Order to Fix It
Kansas senators adopt bill overhauling juvenile justice system
A near-majority in the Kansas Senate voted Tuesday for legislation overhauling the state’s juvenile justice system to reduce incarceration of low-risk offenders and shift millions of dollars into community programs to counter recidivism.
More >> Kansas senators adopt bill overhauling juvenile justice system
More >> Kansas senators adopt bill overhauling juvenile justice system
Watertown couple arrested again for locking adopted kids in bathroom as discipline
A couple who was arrested in January for allegedly locking their adopted children in the bathroom for long periods of time as punishment has been arrested again.
More >> Watertown couple arrested again for locking adopted kids in bathroom as discipline
More >> Watertown couple arrested again for locking adopted kids in bathroom as discipline
Fun with Bristol Palin Vs. Levi Johnson Child Custody Drama
It took seven years and over $100,000, but according to Bristol Palin's ex Levi Johnston, it was worth everything to get joint custody of their son, Tripp.
More >> Levi Johnston Releases Statement on Custody Battle With Bristol Palin: 'It Was All Worth It'
He said....
Here she claims to be a public advocate for teen pregnancy prevention.
More >> Levi Johnston Releases Statement on Custody Battle With Bristol Palin: 'It Was All Worth It'
He said....
She Said...
She was also gonna keep her legs closed until she was married.
And the drama will continue with Dakota Mayer now that the little abstinence preaching hooch knows who the daddy is.
How New York City’s parents took on the welfare system – and changed it
Over the past two decades the number of children being taken into care in the city has plummeted, thanks to a grassroots social movement. What are the lessons for the UK?
More >> How New York City’s parents took on the welfare system – and changed it
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Man who abducted 1yo from foster care 'pressured by girl's mother'
A man who assisted in the abduction of an 18-month-old girl last year has expressed remorse for the crime in a sentencing hearing today.
More >> Man who abducted 1yo from foster care 'pressured by girl's mother'
More >> Man who abducted 1yo from foster care 'pressured by girl's mother'
Too many Pa. foster children are on psychiatric meds
Following a report last summer that large numbers of Pennsylvania children on Medicaid, especially those in foster care, are taking psychiatric medications, state officials Tuesday announced steps to address the problem.
More >> Too many Pa. foster children are on psychiatric meds
More >> Too many Pa. foster children are on psychiatric meds
Safety net fails: DCF, post adoption reporters did not contact police in abuse case
“I am going to be an advocate for kids and I will be very outspoken. It might ruffle feathers. But at this point in my career, I have seen too many children hurt. … We can't make this about dollars and cents,” the North Newton police chief told The Kansan. “These kids can not protect themselves.”
More >> Safety net fails: DCF, post adoption reporters did not contact police in abuse case
Florida Senate OKs equal custody bill
A divided Florida Senate backed a child-sharing bill on Tuesday that would put Florida at the leading edge of efforts to give divorcing parents equal custody of children.
Parent At Nation’s Leading For-Profit Foster Care Firm Facing Murder Charges
A large corporation selected and paid foster mother Elizabeth Osei. Now she is in jail awaiting a murder trial in the morphine overdose death of the three-year-old boy that the company, The Mentor Network, placed in her care. Mentor paid a $500 fine for failing to “ensure adequate supervision” of the child who died.
More >> Parent At Nation’s Leading For-Profit Foster Care Firm Facing Murder Charges
More >> Parent At Nation’s Leading For-Profit Foster Care Firm Facing Murder Charges
BS Alert: Bill would make threatening a DCF worker punishable by up to a decade in prison
Lawmakers are weighing legislation that would make threatening a Department of Children and Families worker a felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison.
More >> Bill would make threatening a DCF worker punishable by up to a decade in prison
Note: That's not fair. CPS workers have this way of pissing people off, not to mention the fact that people who have their children stolen are likely to be in a highly emotional and volatile state.
That said, never make threats. You will loose the element of surprise.
And to any cops investigating such claims of threats against CPS Agents, I offer you the following piece of advice...
More >> Bill would make threatening a DCF worker punishable by up to a decade in prison
Note: That's not fair. CPS workers have this way of pissing people off, not to mention the fact that people who have their children stolen are likely to be in a highly emotional and volatile state.
That said, never make threats. You will loose the element of surprise.
And to any cops investigating such claims of threats against CPS Agents, I offer you the following piece of advice...
Judge dismisses DCS worker's lawsuit
A judge has dismissed a lawsuit filed by a Department Child Services worker who claimed the agency was failing to comply with state law and putting kids at risk.
More >> Judge dismisses DCS worker's lawsuit
More >> Judge dismisses DCS worker's lawsuit
Former New Haven teacher exonerated of sexual assault charge files appeal over DCF ‘registry’
A former special education teacher who was found not guilty of sexually assaulting a student in June 2015 has filed an appeal in against the state Department of Children and Families on over his inclusion on the agency’s central registry.
More >> Former New Haven teacher exonerated of sexual assault charge files appeal over DCF ‘registry’
More >> Former New Haven teacher exonerated of sexual assault charge files appeal over DCF ‘registry’
Bill that would make it easier for foster children to do normal kid activities clears first round
Nebraska lawmakers advanced a bill Monday aimed at letting foster kids be kids.
More >> Bill that would make it easier for foster children to do normal kid activities clears first round
More >> Bill that would make it easier for foster children to do normal kid activities clears first round
Former social worker pleads no contest to sex with clients
A former San Mateo County social worker charged with 20 felonies for having sexual relationships with two underage clients pleaded no contest to 10 counts on Friday in exchange for a nine-year prison sentence, prosecutors said today.
Manuel Sedillo-Messer, 39, worked as a Child Protective Services social worker with troubled East Palo Alto families from 2006 until he resigned on Oct. 24, 2014, while being investigated for the abuse.
More >> Former social worker pleads no contest to sex with clients
Manuel Sedillo-Messer, 39, worked as a Child Protective Services social worker with troubled East Palo Alto families from 2006 until he resigned on Oct. 24, 2014, while being investigated for the abuse.
More >> Former social worker pleads no contest to sex with clients
Monday, February 22, 2016
Sarah Palin's abstinence preaching daughter turned out to be a hooch
The former preacher of abstinence needed a DNA test to be sure who the father was? That's funny!
A DNA test has proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that Bristol Palin’s former fiancee, Dakota Meyer, is the father of her daughter Sailor.
More >> DNA Test Proves Dakota Meyer is the Father of Bristol Palin’s Child, Custody Battle Continues
Court Throws Out Lawsuit Over DCS Caseloads
State law caps each worker's caseload at 17 kids. The state has struggled to stay under those limits, but Marion Superior Judge Heather Welch has thrown out an American Civil Liberties Union lawsuit on behalf of a caseworker which asked her to order compliance.
More >> Court Throws Out Lawsuit Over DCS Caseloads
More >> Court Throws Out Lawsuit Over DCS Caseloads
Bill would open some child abuse, neglect court proceedings
A Senate bill working its way through the General Assembly would pave the way for many legal proceedings involving child abuse and neglect cases to be open to the public. Most such proceedings are currently closed.
More >> Bill would open some child abuse, neglect court proceedings
More >> Bill would open some child abuse, neglect court proceedings
Why Are Child Welfare Advocates Sabotaging Data-Driven Efforts to Protect Children?
Of all the social challenges the public sector works to overcome, ensuring the wellbeing of children is undoubtedly among the most important. Consider that in 2014, 702,000 children were abused or neglected in the United States and 1,580 children died as a result. So when Los Angeles County announced in July 2015 that it would begin using predictive analytics to help its social workers quickly identify the most at-risk children and help the county prioritize its efforts to deliver services more efficiently, child welfare advocates should have rejoiced.
More >> Why Are Child Welfare Advocates Sabotaging Data-Driven Efforts to Protect Children?
More >> Why Are Child Welfare Advocates Sabotaging Data-Driven Efforts to Protect Children?
Federal Education Law Delivers Vital Protections for Foster Youth
Children involved in the juvenile justice and child welfare systems face countless barriers to educational success. Our historic failure to address these challenges has resulted in a dramatic achievement gap between these youth and their peers. The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), signed into law in December, provides an opportunity — and a responsibility — for states to begin narrowing this gap.
More >> Federal Education Law Delivers Vital Protections for Foster Youth
More >> Federal Education Law Delivers Vital Protections for Foster Youth
Foster father raped underage girls for 14 years because police failed to investigate
Jim Gamble of the City and Hackney Safeguarding Children Board (CHSCB) – who uncovered the huge lapse in a Serious Case Review – blasted the Met for failing to act upon the initial tip-off
More >> Foster father raped underage girls for 14 years because police failed to investigate
More >> Foster father raped underage girls for 14 years because police failed to investigate
Many Working to Solve Issue of Disproportionality of Children of Color in Foster Care
According to data from Iowa KidsNet, an organization that works with the Department of Human Services to support foster families, in Linn County, 51 percent of the 196 children in foster care last summer identified as something other than Caucasian. In Johnson County, 73 percent of the 48 kids in foster care identified as a race other than Caucasian.
More >> Many Working to Solve Issue of Disproportionality of Children of Color in Foster Care
More >> Many Working to Solve Issue of Disproportionality of Children of Color in Foster Care
Ottawa family loses home insurance after company learns of foster children
An Ottawa family was denied home insurance earlier this month after their insurance provider learned about foster children in the home.
More >> Ottawa family loses home insurance after company learns of foster children
More >> Ottawa family loses home insurance after company learns of foster children
Fewer male social workers leads to gender bias, says TCD academic
The gender imbalance among child protection social workers has led to an unwitting bias against fathers, according to a leading academic in the field.
More >> Fewer male social workers leads to gender bias, says TCD academic
Saskatchewan must do more to protect kids: Pringle
Saskatchewan’s Advocate for Children and Youth Bob Pringle figures he was hired in 2011 to “call it as I see it.”
More >> Saskatchewan must do more to protect kids: Pringle
More >> Saskatchewan must do more to protect kids: Pringle
Sunday, February 21, 2016
Bristol Palin to Dakota Meyer You're the Daddy ... But I Get the Baby
Bristol Palin has just released her inner grizzly in her custody battle with baby daddy Dakota Meyer ... by insisting their newborn is better off staying in Alaska with her.
Bid to change law which fathers say encourages women to fabricate domestic violence claims
A LAW designed to protect women from domestic violence should be relaxed in order to shore up the rights of unmarried fathers following a break-up, a charity has claimed.
More >> Bid to change law which fathers say encourages women to fabricate domestic violence claims
More >> Bid to change law which fathers say encourages women to fabricate domestic violence claims
UK threatens to place child in foster care
A South African woman embroiled in a custody battle has 30 days to return her young child to his father in the UK - even though it’s been two years since they last saw each other.
More >> UK threatens to place child in foster care
More >> UK threatens to place child in foster care
Foster parenting in Arizona is 'like pulling bodies out of the fire'
A trio of foster moms have highlighted a glaring shortcoming in caring for kids: Red tape that slows access to behavioral-health services. There's even less support for kinship care.
More >> Foster parenting in Arizona is 'like pulling bodies out of the fire'
More >> Foster parenting in Arizona is 'like pulling bodies out of the fire'
Norfolk foster parent accused of soliciting sex from boy he adopted
A longtime foster parent in Norfolk, Nebraska, has been ordered to stand trial for soliciting sex from a foster child he adopted.
More >> Norfolk foster parent accused of soliciting sex from boy he adopted
More >> Norfolk foster parent accused of soliciting sex from boy he adopted
Saturday, February 20, 2016
Asylum seekers pretending to be children attack Brit foster carers
Since the migrant crisis began to spiral out of control last summer, they have been repeated calls for people to take in more child refugees.
More >> Asylum seekers pretending to be children attack Brit foster carers
More >> Asylum seekers pretending to be children attack Brit foster carers
Toddler's dad wins back parental rights
An Allen County man had his parental rights restored this week after a ruling from the Indiana Supreme Court overturned a 2014 ruling by Allen Superior Court Judge Charles Pratt and a ruling by the Indiana Court of Appeals.
More >> Toddler's dad wins back parental rights
More >> Toddler's dad wins back parental rights
North Newton chief on child abuse case: ‘The system broke down’
Three days after announcing the arrests of a North Newton couple whose alleged abuse of their adopted children went unheeded for what appears to be months, Randy Jordan and his investigators were sifting through paperwork.
More >> North Newton chief on child abuse case: ‘The system broke down’
More >> North Newton chief on child abuse case: ‘The system broke down’
Child Welfare Agents Immune from Civil Suit, Circuit Says
New Jersey child welfare caseworkers who took a child from its mother during an investigation have qualified immunity from a due process suit because they had no notice, established by case law, that they were violating a clearly established constitutional right, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit has ruled in a precedential opinion.
More >> Child Welfare Agents Immune from Civil Suit, Circuit Says
More >> Child Welfare Agents Immune from Civil Suit, Circuit Says
Two more bills aim to protect California foster youth from dangerous psychiatric drugs
Doctors could lose their medical licenses if they overprescribe psychiatric medications to California’s foster youth under a new Senate bill that for the first time targets the source of the often-questionable drugs being used to sedate troubled kids in the country’s largest child welfare system.
More >> Two more bills aim to protect California foster youth from dangerous psychiatric drugs
More >> Two more bills aim to protect California foster youth from dangerous psychiatric drugs
I shudder when I think about the future for kids in care
An experienced colleague once told me: “If a child’s parents treated them as a child in care is treated, they would be taken into care.” Despite this, kids in care are known as mad, bad and dangerous to know. It is infuriating, and I believe the public should be more aware of how budget cuts are harming some of the most vulnerable members of society.
‘I saw his fluffy little head going out the door’: one woman's fight to keep her baby
In the late afternoon of Friday 12 July 2013, in the calm, modern maternity wing of North Tyneside general hospital, 16-year-old Peter Bertram made a video of his mother holding his newborn baby brother. Peter’s video, made on his mother’s phone, lasts just over five minutes. In it, Annie Bertram, 33, sits in a hospital chair cradling her sleeping six-day-old son, Huw. Her long, chestnut hair is pulled back in a band; she looks exhausted. “Mamma’s just back from court,” she says, in a soft geordie accent. “I tried really hard to keep you. My barrister wanted me to agree to them taking you away, but I said I would rather fight and lose, because then at least I’d know I’d fought.”
Eagle houseparents get up to 30 years for sexually abusing girls at Christian Children’s Ranch
Jennifer and Michael Magill wept as their attorneys argued for leniency and a chance at rehabilitation.
Their victims’ families shed tears, too, but mostly they expressed pain, anger and outrage that the couple had used their positions at the Christian Children’s Ranch in Eagle to manipulate vulnerable girls into having sex with them.
More >> Eagle houseparents get up to 30 years for sexually abusing girls at Christian Children’s Ranch
Their victims’ families shed tears, too, but mostly they expressed pain, anger and outrage that the couple had used their positions at the Christian Children’s Ranch in Eagle to manipulate vulnerable girls into having sex with them.
More >> Eagle houseparents get up to 30 years for sexually abusing girls at Christian Children’s Ranch
Canada Needs To Stem The Tide Of ‘Stolen’ Aboriginal Children
Wisps of white smoke from smoldering sweet grass and sage curl above a small group sitting in a circle. The soothing scent seeps into the cedar planks of this traditional First Nations sweat lodge nestled inside the sweeping modern glass and brick curves of an urban building in downtown Ottawa.
Justice Reform Team holds second foster care forum
Inside the courtroom of Judge Gil McBride, members of the Justice Reform Team, citizens and others gathered to speak on trying to better the foster care system for the area. This was the second meeting to discuss the problem.
More >> Justice Reform Team holds second foster care forum
More >> Justice Reform Team holds second foster care forum
15-year-old Donia dead from mono in Swedish foster care
Mono, or glandular fever as it’s known outside of America, is very rarely lethal. That is, assuming you’re not a client of the Swedish foster care system, which Donia Hassan, born in 1997, had been for the last five years – against the will of both herself and her mother.
More >> 15-year-old Donia dead from mono in Swedish foster care
More >> 15-year-old Donia dead from mono in Swedish foster care
Sixteen-year old's death in Kentucky juvenile facility still a mystery
Sixteen-year old Gynnya McMillen’s death towards the end of January reflected two possible–and disturbing–trends. One would be the growing number of girls in juvenile detention in the U.S., and African American girls in particular. The other just might be the deaths of African American females in custody.
More >> Sixteen-year old's death in Kentucky juvenile facility still a mystery
More >> Sixteen-year old's death in Kentucky juvenile facility still a mystery
Efforts intensify to curtail child marriage in U.S.
Child marriage wasn’t an issue of note for Virginia state Sen. Jill Vogel until she heard the stories circulating in her district about a man in his early 50s marrying a girl in her mid-teens, warding off a police investigation of his relationship with her.
More >> Efforts intensify to curtail child marriage in U.S.
More >> Efforts intensify to curtail child marriage in U.S.
Bill limits child abuse investigations from hotline calls
Arizona lawmakers are working to limit the number of child abuse hotline calls that require full investigations, with backers saying the change would allow child safety workers to focus on cases that actually involve abuse and neglect.
More >> Bill limits child abuse investigations from hotline calls
More >> Bill limits child abuse investigations from hotline calls
Friday, February 19, 2016
Man convicted of raping 13-year-old foster daughter gets 100 years in prison
A Nebraska man was sentenced to at least a century in prison for raping his teenage foster daughter.
More >> Man convicted of raping 13-year-old foster daughter gets 100 years in prison
Former cops provide gravestone for girl allegedly killed by foster mother
Two former police officers have provided a gravestone for the little girl who authorities say was killed by her foster mother.
More >> Former cops provide gravestone for girl allegedly killed by foster mother
More >> Former cops provide gravestone for girl allegedly killed by foster mother
Police seek information after teen runs away from foster home
Police are searching for a 17-year-old boy who ran from his foster home in Murfreesboro.
5 Christian Children Seized by Norway Reunited With Parents for First Time in 3 Months
The Romanian Pentecostal parents who have been separated from their five children by Norway's child protective services were reunited with all of their kids in the same place for the first time since the family's ordeal began in November.
More >> 5 Christian Children Seized by Norway Reunited With Parents for First Time in 3 Months
More >> 5 Christian Children Seized by Norway Reunited With Parents for First Time in 3 Months
Kansas lawmakers discuss juvenile justice system overhaul
The Kansas juvenile justice system is set to undergo an overhaul by offering community-based services instead of incarceration to juvenile offenders.
More >> Kansas lawmakers discuss juvenile justice system overhaul
More >> Kansas lawmakers discuss juvenile justice system overhaul
Cambodian children removed from orphanages amid abuse allegations
Almost 200 Cambodian children were removed from orphanages in 2015 that either failed to live up to institutional standards or were found to employ staff who sexually abused children in their care, the Phnom Penh Post reported Friday.
More >> Cambodian children removed from orphanages amid abuse allegations
More >> Cambodian children removed from orphanages amid abuse allegations
Idaho lawmakers back proposed reform of foster care program
After foster care parents flooded the statehouse to complain about alleged deficiencies in foster care programs last week, lawmakers are making their first attempts at instituting major reforms.
North Dakota AG calls daycare licensing case a "cover-up"
North Dakota Attorney General Wayne Stenehjem calls it a 'cover-up.'
More >> North Dakota AG calls daycare licensing case a "cover-up"
More >> North Dakota AG calls daycare licensing case a "cover-up"
WA Government plans to impose time limits on temporary care for foster children
The West Australian Government wants to overhaul child protection laws to make sure at-risk children have a permanent home quickly.
More >> WA Government plans to impose time limits on temporary care for foster children
More >> WA Government plans to impose time limits on temporary care for foster children
Governor wants new agency for vulnerable children, families
Gov. Jay Inslee wants to create a new state agency to deliver services to vulnerable children and families, and he signed an executive order Thursday to start the process.
More >> Governor wants new agency for vulnerable children, families
More >> Governor wants new agency for vulnerable children, families
DCF received 12 reports on N. Newton couple charged with abuse
The North Newton Police Chief says he's learned the Department for Children and Families received a dozen calls about a family now in the middle of a child abuse investigation. He says DCF never contacted police about the calls.
More >> DCF received 12 reports on N. Newton couple charged with abuse
More >> DCF received 12 reports on N. Newton couple charged with abuse
Norway updates cross-border child welfare guidelines
The Norwegian government has introduced new guidelines for how local authorities should deal with cross-border child welfare cases. The move comes following a number of controversial cases that have led to angry protests around the world.
More >> Norway updates cross-border child welfare guidelines
More >> Norway updates cross-border child welfare guidelines
Senators: High DSS caseloads mean children still at risk
Despite the hiring of 170 caseworkers, high caseloads persist in South Carolina's troubled Department of Social Services.
State's new adoption bill sparks controversy
A bill, passed on to the house floor Tuesday, would require the state to do business with child welfare and adoption agencies - even if they turn down prospective parents because their religious beliefs or morals don't align.
More >> State's new adoption bill sparks controversy
More >> State's new adoption bill sparks controversy
Local woman charged with physically abusing foster child
A western New York woman is facing physical abuse charges for alleged crimes against children younger than 7-years-old.
More >> Local woman charged with physically abusing foster child
Single Black Female: Am I Awful For Looking Forward to Seeing My Daughter Every Other Week Now?
A friend recently asked how my ex-husband Darren and I had determined custody of our eight-year-old daughter Imani. I told her we were doing something rare: joint physical custody. This means that Imani spends equal time with each parent—one week with me and then one week with her dad. My friend was confused.
More >> Single Black Female: Am I Awful For Looking Forward to Seeing My Daughter Every Other Week Now?
Woman Charged With Abusing Child After DCF Had Approved Placement
Groton woman granted temporary custody of her sister's child by the state has been charged with severely neglecting and abusing the 18-month-old boy, who was malnourished and had broken bones and burn marks when he was hospitalized after being removed from the woman's home.
Teens relate uncertainty, frustrations in foster care
When Gabrielle Wheeler was 13, her stepfather, a truck driver, came home and "had a freakout one morning."
More >> Teens relate uncertainty, frustrations in foster care
More >> Teens relate uncertainty, frustrations in foster care
Former DCF Worker Who Drugged Co-Workers Back In Jail
A former state Department of Children and Families worker who served a prison term for drugging co-workers was back in court Thursday on a charge of violating the terms of his probation.
More >> Former DCF Worker Who Drugged Co-Workers Back In Jail
More >> Former DCF Worker Who Drugged Co-Workers Back In Jail
Thursday, February 18, 2016
The Investigators: DCFS garnishes wrong person's wages, again
One man claims the Louisiana Department of Child and Family Services continues to take money for child support, despite him being the wrong Johnathan Smith.
More >> The Investigators: DCFS garnishes wrong person's wages, again
More >> The Investigators: DCFS garnishes wrong person's wages, again
Kristi's Kids: Parents concerned about DCS-provided transportation
More than 16,000 Arizona kids have been removed from their homes for alleged abuse or neglect. Some need transportation to doctor's appointments, while others need a ride to see their parents, because visitation is court-ordered. Kristi's Kids wanted to know: are these children getting a safe ride?
More >> Kristi's Kids: Parents concerned about DCS-provided transportation
More >> Kristi's Kids: Parents concerned about DCS-provided transportation
UPDATE: Mistrial declared on felony murder charges of foster mother
Foster mother Clara Edwards was found not guilty of malice murder; guilty of cruelty to children and a mistrial was declared on felony murder charge Wednesday when the jury could not reach a verdict.
More >> UPDATE: Mistrial declared on felony murder charges of foster mother
More >> UPDATE: Mistrial declared on felony murder charges of foster mother
- Foster mom found guilty of cruelty to children, not guilty of murder
- Jury Reaches Verdict in Foster Child Death Case
Fixing Texas foster care requires a radical change in direction
After reading Scott McCown’s column about the federal court decision that amounts to a guided tour of the hellscape that is Texas foster care, we couldn’t help wondering: Did McCown read the same decision we read?
More >> Fixing Texas foster care requires a radical change in direction
More >> Fixing Texas foster care requires a radical change in direction
Fear of discipline for ‘sins’ detailed: Adopted children tell of home life with North Newton couple accused of abuse
In what one Harvey County law enforcement official says is “a brutal case,” details emerged Wednesday on the suspected abuse of three children by the North Newton couple who had adopted them.
More >> Fear of discipline for ‘sins’ detailed: Adopted children tell of home life with North Newton couple accused of abuse
More >> Fear of discipline for ‘sins’ detailed: Adopted children tell of home life with North Newton couple accused of abuse
DCFS secretary: Children sometimes stay overnight at offices with foster family shortage
The secretary of the Department of Children and Family Services told told legislators that her department is desperate for resources as there is a shortage in foster families.
More >> DCFS secretary: Children sometimes stay overnight at offices with foster family shortage
More >> DCFS secretary: Children sometimes stay overnight at offices with foster family shortage
Oklahoma bill could refuse people to adoption services if passed
Couples could be refused as foster care or adoptive parents in Oklahoma. This is due to a bill that is now heading to the House of Representatives for a vote. State Representative Sally Kern authored the proposal.
More >> Oklahoma bill could refuse people to adoption services if passed
More >> Oklahoma bill could refuse people to adoption services if passed
Louisiana’s child protection system understaffed, overburdened after years of cuts, child advocates say
To explain why she dodged her required visits with foster children and created fake documentation to hide the deceit, state investigators say, a former Louisiana child welfare worker told them she was under pressure by supervisors to get “things done no matter what.”
More >> Louisiana’s child protection system understaffed, overburdened after years of cuts, child advocates say
More >> Louisiana’s child protection system understaffed, overburdened after years of cuts, child advocates say
'I have never seen a more blatant failure by DHS,' internal records say in the death of a Tulsa baby
The death of 6-month-old Arrow Hyden, may have been preventable according to new documents from the investigation.
More >> 'I have never seen a more blatant failure by DHS,' internal records say in the death of a Tulsa baby
Anderson, Oconee DSS caseloads 'startling'
Two years after lawmakers began pushing the state Department of Social Services to lower caseloads concerning abused and neglected children and spent millions to bring in more caseworkers, the numbers remain high for many counties.
More >> Anderson, Oconee DSS caseloads 'startling'
More >> Anderson, Oconee DSS caseloads 'startling'
Arizona Child Welfare System Struggling To Retain Caseworkers
Arizona’s child welfare system says it needs money for staff to lighten crushing caseloads. But legislators at Tuesday’s committee hearing questioned the agency’s turnover rate. The Arizona Department of Child Safety is operating with fewer caseworkers than the state allotted. In the last nine months, DCS has lost nearly 200 case-carrying workers.
More >> Arizona Child Welfare System Struggling To Retain Caseworkers
Note: It's hard to keep those who refuse to sell out once they realize what they've gotten themselves into.
More >> Arizona Child Welfare System Struggling To Retain Caseworkers
Note: It's hard to keep those who refuse to sell out once they realize what they've gotten themselves into.
Nebraska child welfare groups seek religious exemption
With Nebraska's ban on gay foster parents no longer in place, Christian placement agencies say they might be forced to choose between their religious beliefs and state funding.
Former DCFS employee turns self in, accused of falsifying reports on mandatory foster-home visits
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Kimberly D. Lee |
A now former Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services employee has turned herself in after a warrant was issued for her arrest on charges of falsifying reports about mandatory monthly in-home visits with children in foster care.
More >> Former DCFS employee turns self in, accused of falsifying reports on mandatory foster-home visits
Review: 'Hostile' environment at Social Services unit
Bullying and harassment afflicted the local Child Protective Services unit when the agency failed to respond to and then deleted nearly 200 intake voicemails, according to a new review.
More >> Review: 'Hostile' environment at Social Services unit
More >> Review: 'Hostile' environment at Social Services unit
Op-Ed: Texas’s Broken Foster Care System Needs Major Overhaul to Protect Kids
The recent federal court decision against Texas’ foster care system reads like the screenplay for a horror movie. I was sickened and depressed after I read it, because I knew this was not fiction. Almost 100 of the decision’s 260 pages recount the stories of the plaintiffs, detailing real-life atrocities they suffered throughout their wrecked childhoods.
More >> Op-Ed: Texas’s Broken Foster Care System Needs Major Overhaul to Protect Kids
More >> Op-Ed: Texas’s Broken Foster Care System Needs Major Overhaul to Protect Kids
In the wake of Barnevernet confiscation of children from families like Bodnariu and Nan, many Romanian families are not taking a chance, and they are leaving the country.
Video: Utah rep says male-female parents are best for foster kids 'in the interest of diversity'
Utah Rep. Kraig Powell (R-Heber City) wants to reinstate preferential treatment for married opposite-sex couples over married same-sex couples in adoptions of children in foster care.
Justice Scalia: He upheld the rights of natural parents
While the country is reeling politically from the death of Justice Antonin Scalia, I am reminded that in 2013 he upheld the right of natural parents to raise their own children in a much contested case, Adoptive Couple V. Baby Girl.
More >> Justice Scalia: He upheld the rights of natural parents
In Canada, children at risk are often taken into government care to prevent any further harm. But recently, provinces across the country have been focusing on implementing a more preventative approach, much like Sweden’s child welfare system, which intervenes much earlier in the cases of at-risk children and keeping children with their families.
Judge orders adoption of Slovak children
The parents married in Slovakia in 2012 before they became the victims of human trafficking to England. Upon their arrival in Dover, the couple were able to escape the traffickers and eventually settled in Bournemouth.
More >> Judge orders adoption of Slovak children
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Former lottery winner, foster parent convicted of rape
A former county employee who once won the lottery was convicted of two sex crimes last week.
More >> Former lottery winner, foster parent convicted of rape
More >> Former lottery winner, foster parent convicted of rape
Foster kids recount bad experiences at Children's Hope facility
After recent suspensions and changes at Children’s Hope Residential Services Inc., a 16-year-old foster child finally feels validation for the stories about his experience there.
More >> Foster kids recount bad experiences at Children's Hope facility
More >> Foster kids recount bad experiences at Children's Hope facility
For-Profit Texas Prisons Could Reduce Standards for Holding Children
The Texas Health and Human Services Commission approved a proposed rule Friday to reduce child-care standards, permitting two for-profit detention centers detaining hundreds of children in the state to move forward with the licensing process.
More >> For-Profit Texas Prisons Could Reduce Standards for Holding Children
More >> For-Profit Texas Prisons Could Reduce Standards for Holding Children
North Newton couple arrested; adopted children from Peru in protective custody
A North Newton couple was arrested on Tuesday in Harvey County, accused of abuse and child endangerment in connection with three children they adopted from Peru.
More >> North Newton couple arrested; adopted children from Peru in protective custody
There's more to this story...
More >> North Newton couple arrested; adopted children from Peru in protective custody
There's more to this story...
Bill aims to ban unregulated child custody transfers, a process known as ‘re-homing’
A couple adopts a teenage girl, but they realize they can’t care for her complex needs. So the parents turn to the internet to find a new caregiver for the minor. After meeting a couple on Facebook, they sign over their custodial rights and a second adoption effectively takes place without any oversight or vetting by child protective agencies, courts or attorneys.
More >> Bill aims to ban unregulated child custody transfers, a process known as ‘re-homing’
More >> Bill aims to ban unregulated child custody transfers, a process known as ‘re-homing’
CPS takes three kids into protective custody over a poke in the eye
“There wasn’t any evidence of danger that’s the first thing they’ll try to present,” said attorney Jon Parchman referring to CPS.
More >> CPS takes three kids into protective custody over a poke in the eye
More >> CPS takes three kids into protective custody over a poke in the eye
Foster Child Death Case Now in Hands of Jury
A jury in Catoosa County is now deciding the case of Clara Edwards, the foster mother charged with the murder of a young girl.
More >> Foster Child Death Case Now in Hands of Jury
More >> Foster Child Death Case Now in Hands of Jury
Foster homes taking place of orphanages in Rwanda
Mary, 7, crawls from one corner of the room to another. For a girl who once could not move any part of her body, crawling is a great achievement. She has cerebral palsy, which hinders her ability to move and speak. She cant sit on her own or walk.
More >> Foster homes taking place of orphanages in Rwanda
More >> Foster homes taking place of orphanages in Rwanda
$8 million to sisters abused in Whatcom County foster home
A Whatcom County jury awarded $8 million to two former Lake Stevens sisters who were sexually abused in foster care.
CYF denies massaging abuse statistics
In its annual State of the Nation report - released today - the Salvation Army said some government departments were so focused on meeting targets they had become wilfully ignorant of the effect of policies and were doing the bidding of their ministers.
More >> CYF denies massaging abuse statistics
State's Foster Care System Requests $34.4 Million
Children have died and suffered mistreatment in the state's foster-care system, and the Mississippi Department of Human Services is requesting $34.4 million to change conditions that lead to the abuse.
Father claims he reported toddlers' abuse to CPS before critical injuries
While a Flint man remains behind bars, charged in connection with beating two Flint toddlers, their biological father claims he warned Child Protective Services (CPS) about prior alleged abuse.
More >> Father claims he reported toddlers' abuse to CPS before critical injuries
More >> Father claims he reported toddlers' abuse to CPS before critical injuries
State finds excessive restraints of special needs students at Holyoke school
Poor training and a lack of oversight led to special-needs students at a Holyoke school being restrained by staff more often than necessary, according to a state investigation of allegations of abuse at the Peck School.
More >> State finds excessive restraints of special needs students at Holyoke school
More >> State finds excessive restraints of special needs students at Holyoke school
Foster Care Workers say Former Foster Mom Accused of Murder had Extra Training
Monday, the defense attorney attacked the state's case in the trial of a former foster mom accused of murder.
More >> Foster Care Workers say Former Foster Mom Accused of Murder had Extra Training
More >> Foster Care Workers say Former Foster Mom Accused of Murder had Extra Training
Marion Man Charged With Filing False Report of Child Abuse
A Marion man has been arrested and charged after authorities say he made up fake claims of child abuse against his ex-girlfriend.
More >> Marion Man Charged With Filing False Report of Child Abuse
More >> Marion Man Charged With Filing False Report of Child Abuse
Houston police found the 16-year-old foster child in a park in early November 2013, just a few days after she ran away from a residential treatment center in northwest Houston.
Cheers erupt ouside Saskatchewan court as foster parent convicted of murder
There were cheers outside a Saskatchewan court room over the weekend after foster parents Tammy and Kevin Goforth were convicted of neglect and abuse of two children in their case.
More >> Cheers erupt ouside Saskatchewan court as foster parent convicted of murder
More >> Cheers erupt ouside Saskatchewan court as foster parent convicted of murder
In NORWAY, Children are Removed without Advance Warning
I have already written a lot about Norwegian cases of children removed from their families and I am constantly finding more and more information indicating that there is something wrong with the Norwegian social system.
More >> In NORWAY, Children are Removed without Advance Warning
More >> In NORWAY, Children are Removed without Advance Warning
House panel backs bill unsealing Indiana adoption records
Adoptees born in Indiana during a more than 50-year period would be able to access their currently sealed birth records under a proposal that’s now heading to the Indiana House.
More >> House panel backs bill unsealing Indiana adoption records
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
More grandparents taking on parental role for grandchildren
When Debra Aldridge became her grandson’s primary caregiver, she was
making $7.50 per hour as a cook. The alternative for the newborn, she
was told, was to put him up for adoption.
More >> More grandparents taking on parental role for grandchildren
More >> More grandparents taking on parental role for grandchildren
Homelessness remains a problem for former foster care youth
John Callis spent two periods in foster care—when he
was a baby until he was adopted at age 3 and when he was 14 and
“uncontrollable.” He received a diagnosis of bipolar disorder and his
strict adoptive father, a Marine, “didn’t want me home and it hurt …
’cause I loved my dad,” he said.
More >> Homelessness remains a problem for former foster care youth
Program helps keep mentally ill youth out of jail
A simple suggestion helped save Donetta Foxx’s son.
Foxx spent the first 13 years of her adopted son’s life cycling between the silos of school, hospitals and the juvenile justice system to get help for the boy’s unidentified mental illness.
More >> Program helps keep mentally ill youth out of jail
Foxx spent the first 13 years of her adopted son’s life cycling between the silos of school, hospitals and the juvenile justice system to get help for the boy’s unidentified mental illness.
More >> Program helps keep mentally ill youth out of jail
Kansas senator makes case for experimental foster care program in Kansas
Legislation delved into by a Senate committee Monday establishes an experimental foster care program in Kansas open exclusively to adults in stable marriages of at least seven years and with a minimum of one stay-at-home spouse.
More >> Kansas senator makes case for experimental foster care program in Kansas
More >> Kansas senator makes case for experimental foster care program in Kansas
State sponsored child abuse: UN may finally ban taser use on UK children
The United Nations will tell the UK to ban police Taser use on minors, after figures revealed a 38 percent increase in the use of stun guns on under-18s over the last year.
More >> State sponsored child abuse: UN may finally ban taser use on UK children
Russian woman 'indoctrinated her children' to claim sexual abuse, court hears
A woman was jailed for 13 months suspended for two years after a court found her guilty of indoctrinating her children against her estranged husband.
More >> Russian woman 'indoctrinated her children' to claim sexual abuse, court hears
More >> Russian woman 'indoctrinated her children' to claim sexual abuse, court hears
DCF looks to shut down day care after child inappropriately touched another child
The state is trying to shut down an Orange County home day care after the owner admitted a child inappropriately touched another child in her care.
More >> DCF looks to shut down day care after child inappropriately touched another child
More >> DCF looks to shut down day care after child inappropriately touched another child
Norway Child Welfare Service faces growing global protests
A new wave of protests, mostly by Romanian citizens, has confronted Norwegian embassies around the world in response to a controversial case surrounding five children that were taken out of the care of their Norwegian/Romanian parents by the Norwegian Child Welfare Service (Barnevernet).
More >> Norway Child Welfare Service faces growing global protests
More >> Norway Child Welfare Service faces growing global protests
Loudoun County CPS – Innocence Lost
Child custody battle ends with charges against mother
A mother has been arrested after court documents reveal she filed nearly
a dozen false CPS reports against the father of her child.
More >> Child custody battle ends with charges against mother
More >> Child custody battle ends with charges against mother
La. foster care caseworker facing charges; says she had to get things done 'no matter what'
state foster care caseworker alludes to being told to lie about
visiting children in the state's care to meet outrageous goals set by
the Department of Children and Family Services.
- Arrest warrant accuses state worker of falsely reporting at least 20 times she had checked on foster children
- Worker charged with lying about checking on foster children
- Worker charged with faking visits to foster children
- Warrant issued for DCFS employee accused of falsifying reports on mandatory foster-home visits
Border families protest U.S. immigration policy
Hundreds of families and border residents separated by the U.S.-Mexico
border gathered Monday at a chain-link fence separating the countries
for a binational protest targeting U.S. immigration policy.
Mothers sobbed, sisters exchanged laughs and children swapped candy through the fence during an event organized by immigrant rights activists to illustrate how the border and immigration policy divides families. The event, timed to coincide with Pope Francis’ visit to Mexico, drew about 50 people on the Mexican side and an estimated 250 on the U.S. side.
More >> Border families protest U.S. immigration policy
Mothers sobbed, sisters exchanged laughs and children swapped candy through the fence during an event organized by immigrant rights activists to illustrate how the border and immigration policy divides families. The event, timed to coincide with Pope Francis’ visit to Mexico, drew about 50 people on the Mexican side and an estimated 250 on the U.S. side.
More >> Border families protest U.S. immigration policy
Monday, February 15, 2016
Social worker charged with misconduct, identity theft
A state social worker is facing official misconduct and theft of identity charges after allegedly posing as another social worker to see her ex-boyfriend’s kids.
More >> Social worker charged with misconduct, identity theft
Court orders Korean dad to return children to separated Japanese wife
A Seoul lower court Monday ruled that children moved abroad without the
consent of a parent holding custodial rights must be returned to the
residence country if the couple remains separated. This marks the first
case to follow the international convention on the abduction of
More >> Court orders Korean dad to return children to separated Japanese wife
More >> Court orders Korean dad to return children to separated Japanese wife
For Mississippi parents, child care costs lead to tough choices
Annita Bonner sat down at the desk in her bedroom at 5:30 on a Wednesday
evening in January. She was exhausted. After seven hours as a
substitute teacher at a south Jackson middle school and a brief trip to
the grocery store, she was about to start her second job as a call
center representative for a large national company.
More >> For Mississippi parents, child care costs lead to tough choices
More >> For Mississippi parents, child care costs lead to tough choices
Tense Hearing on Same-Sex Adoption Bill Ends Abruptly With No Action Taken
After an extremely tense hearing, proposed legislation that aims to
clear up inequities in the state’s adoption law was held Friday.
More >> Tense Hearing on Same-Sex Adoption Bill Ends Abruptly With No Action Taken
More >> Tense Hearing on Same-Sex Adoption Bill Ends Abruptly With No Action Taken
Vigil held for toddler who died in foster care
Several gathered for a prayer vigil Sunday in Henry County for Laila
Daniel, 2, who died while in the care of a foster family in November.
More >> Vigil held for toddler who died in foster care
More >> Vigil held for toddler who died in foster care
Amid Lincoln Hills scandal, lawmakers call for review of, changes to juvenile justice system
With an FBI investigation underway into abuse allegations at the Lincoln
Hills School for Boys/Copper Lake School for Girls in Irma, several
Wisconsin lawmakers are calling for change to the juvenile justice
More >> Amid Lincoln Hills scandal, lawmakers call for review of, changes to juvenile justice system
More >> Amid Lincoln Hills scandal, lawmakers call for review of, changes to juvenile justice system
Mothers should be allowed to keep babies in prison, according to former Adelaide inmate
Ms Fisk, chairperson of the Seeds of Affinity support group for women with prison experiences, was first jailed at the age of 16.
More >> Mothers should be allowed to keep babies in prison, according to former Adelaide inmate
More >> Mothers should be allowed to keep babies in prison, according to former Adelaide inmate
Norwegian CPS investigated for criminal actions
I managed
to catch Barnevernet on their lies and contradictions. After an unusual
experience some years ago, I was put on a mission to do what I have
done. On the 9th of November 2015, the police in Kongsberg, the town in
Norway where these crimes had been committed, opened an investigation.
The police person in charge at this time is Laila Seim Krogh. She can
confirm to any press or media who want to write about it, that this is
More >> Norwegian CPS investigated for criminal actions
Child abuse cover-ups 'could have been prevented' by proposed ACT Government scheme: campaigner
Child abuse cover-ups and inadequate investigations could be
prevented by an ACT Government proposal to have organisations report
allegations of child abuse to an independent body, a child welfare
campaigner has said.
More >> Child abuse cover-ups 'could have been prevented' by proposed ACT Government scheme: campaigner
More >> Child abuse cover-ups 'could have been prevented' by proposed ACT Government scheme: campaigner
More Arizona kids in group foster homes, despite state's pledge
Arizona’s promise to stop relying heavily on shelters and group homes for foster children has so far been an empty pledge.
More >> More Arizona kids in group foster homes, despite state's pledge
Sunday, February 14, 2016
Mummy blogger writes about the 'dumb-a** things' people need to stop saying to fathers
An Australian mother and blogger has written a powerful post about the 'dumb-a**' things she believes we need to stop saying to dads.
More >> Mummy blogger writes about the 'dumb-a** things' people need to stop saying to fathers
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