I've fostered 140 children but that doesn't make me a saint
Rehab Mother of the Year Rio Hogarty (74) has written candidly about her decades as a foster mum and her alcoholism in a new book
Legally Kidnapped
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Couple must give up adopted child
Couple must give up adopted child
A James Island couple who raised a little girl from her birth more than two years ago must deliver her to her biological father this afternoon because of a 1978 law that applies to Native American children.
Note: What a way to start off the new year, eh?
A James Island couple who raised a little girl from her birth more than two years ago must deliver her to her biological father this afternoon because of a 1978 law that applies to Native American children.
Note: What a way to start off the new year, eh?
Alabama Children's Family Act is a 'fit parent's bill of equal rights'
Alabama Children's Family Act is a 'fit parent's bill of equal rights'
The new year's resolution of parents rights advocates in Alabama? To provide better safeguards for every fit parent's equal rights to their children.
The new year's resolution of parents rights advocates in Alabama? To provide better safeguards for every fit parent's equal rights to their children.
Judge: No attorney conflict in toddler death case
Judge: No attorney conflict in toddler death case
A northern Idaho attorney contracted to serve as public defender for a foster parent indicted in the death of a 2-year-old girl will keep working on the Kootenai County case after a judge rejected claims of a possible conflict of interest.
A northern Idaho attorney contracted to serve as public defender for a foster parent indicted in the death of a 2-year-old girl will keep working on the Kootenai County case after a judge rejected claims of a possible conflict of interest.
States change how they recruit foster parents
States change how they recruit foster parents
For decades, it was common for officials around the country to approve foster parents by room and board criteria: Did they pass a background check? Is their home clean? Are their dogs safe and vaccinated?
For decades, it was common for officials around the country to approve foster parents by room and board criteria: Did they pass a background check? Is their home clean? Are their dogs safe and vaccinated?
When drugging replaced spanking
When drugging replaced spanking
USA Today recently reported that the number of Americans taking antidepressants is soaring. This could possibly be in direct connection to the controversial TeenScreen survey given to children as young as 9 years old in public schools. TeenScreen has been responsible for policing the mental health of children over the past decade. It is significant that this mental-screening process usurps parental rights over the care of their own children.
USA Today recently reported that the number of Americans taking antidepressants is soaring. This could possibly be in direct connection to the controversial TeenScreen survey given to children as young as 9 years old in public schools. TeenScreen has been responsible for policing the mental health of children over the past decade. It is significant that this mental-screening process usurps parental rights over the care of their own children.
“They were just suspicious of me from the beginning”
“They were just suspicious of me from the beginning”
When Victor Rodgers heard that his baby had been born, he headed to the hospital.
When Victor Rodgers heard that his baby had been born, he headed to the hospital.
Copycat child abusers post pictures of duct-taped children on Facebook
Copycat child abusers post pictures of duct-taped children on Facebook
Need a good chuckle to get your day started? I’d tell you the one about the Arizona couple who bound their 2-year-old and 10-month-old’s wrists and ankles with duct tape and posted their photos on Facebook, but you probably already heard it. Last week a 21-year-old Chicago man was arrested for doing the same thing to his 1-year-old daughter.
Need a good chuckle to get your day started? I’d tell you the one about the Arizona couple who bound their 2-year-old and 10-month-old’s wrists and ankles with duct tape and posted their photos on Facebook, but you probably already heard it. Last week a 21-year-old Chicago man was arrested for doing the same thing to his 1-year-old daughter.
Barahona judge’s efforts to ferret out leaks detailed
Barahona judge’s efforts to ferret out leaks detailed
Court records released to The Herald document a judge’s efforts to identify lawyers or child welfare administrators she suspected of leaking secret material to the newspaper.
Court records released to The Herald document a judge’s efforts to identify lawyers or child welfare administrators she suspected of leaking secret material to the newspaper.
Friday, December 30, 2011
2012 Legislative Preview: Social Services | Changes sought in Kentucky's child protection system
2012 Legislative Preview: Social Services | Changes sought in Kentucky's child protection system
Several lawmakers to seek more transparency in handling of abuse cases
Several lawmakers to seek more transparency in handling of abuse cases
Changing the Narrative of Child Welfare
Changing the Narrative of Child Welfare
The nuclear secret of child welfare is that most of the children in foster care should not be there. Most children in foster care are harmed more than they are helped by being taken from their families, and by being kept in foster care for too long. Children in foster care are torn from their schools, separated from their siblings, over-prescribed psychotropic drugs, and housed in dangerous group homes rife with abuse -- and it all happens behind the iron curtain of secret court proceedings.
The nuclear secret of child welfare is that most of the children in foster care should not be there. Most children in foster care are harmed more than they are helped by being taken from their families, and by being kept in foster care for too long. Children in foster care are torn from their schools, separated from their siblings, over-prescribed psychotropic drugs, and housed in dangerous group homes rife with abuse -- and it all happens behind the iron curtain of secret court proceedings.
CPS overhaul report unveiled
CPS overhaul report unveiled
Gov. Jan Brewer now has the report in her hands from the Arizona Child Safety Task Force on proposed changes to the state Child Protective Services.
Gov. Jan Brewer now has the report in her hands from the Arizona Child Safety Task Force on proposed changes to the state Child Protective Services.
Godboldo still seeking closure
Godboldo still seeking closure
A recent court ruling assured that the Godboldo family will be intact and together for the holidays.
A recent court ruling assured that the Godboldo family will be intact and together for the holidays.
Exposing North Carolina's CPS Failures
One of our old dear sweet friends is back in action. Here are some of her most recent writings on Examiner.com
Winston-Salem foster mother arrested for having sex with foster child
Second Gaston DSS worker arrested and fired for DWI
More information on the man accused of killing a 4-year-old Buncombe County boy
Buncombe County DSS aware of abuse before child's death?
Johnston County Sheriff speaks out about local DSS "neglect" of children in need
N.C. Appeals Court Orders a stay in the release of DSS child fatality disclosure
Child death disclosure hindered by Bureaucratic circumventing, ignorance? Part 1
Child death disclosure hindered by Bureaucratic circumventing, ignorance? Part 2
Requirement to consider gay couples for adoption forces Illinois Catholic Charities affiliates to close
Requirement to consider gay couples for adoption forces Illinois Catholic Charities affiliates to close
After the Illinois state legislature passed a requirement that says adoption and foster-care agencies — to be eligible for state money — must consider same-sex couples as potential foster-care or adoptive parents, the Roman Catholic bishops in Illinois decided to shut down most of the Catholic Charities affiliates in the state. This isn’t the first time something like this has happened: Massachusetts and Washington D.C. both passed similar requirements — and many Catholic Charities affiliates closed down in those states, as well. The New York Times reports:
After the Illinois state legislature passed a requirement that says adoption and foster-care agencies — to be eligible for state money — must consider same-sex couples as potential foster-care or adoptive parents, the Roman Catholic bishops in Illinois decided to shut down most of the Catholic Charities affiliates in the state. This isn’t the first time something like this has happened: Massachusetts and Washington D.C. both passed similar requirements — and many Catholic Charities affiliates closed down in those states, as well. The New York Times reports:
Ex-foster son of Vancouver mayor faces criminal charges
Ex-foster son of Vancouver mayor faces criminal charges
The former foster son of Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson is facing criminal charges.
The former foster son of Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson is facing criminal charges.
Intensive fostering scheme developed in West Sussex
Intensive fostering scheme developed in West Sussex
A specialist intensive fostering scheme has been developed to return children to their families within three months.
Note: Wow. I'm impressed that the UK would attempt to give any kid back.
A specialist intensive fostering scheme has been developed to return children to their families within three months.
Note: Wow. I'm impressed that the UK would attempt to give any kid back.
India prods Norway over NRI children custody
India prods Norway over NRI children custody
The Indian External Affairs Ministry has expressed serious concern over the separation of two children from their Indian parents in Norway after the kids were taken away by the Nordic nation's child welfare service citing incapability of their parents to take care of them.
The Indian External Affairs Ministry has expressed serious concern over the separation of two children from their Indian parents in Norway after the kids were taken away by the Nordic nation's child welfare service citing incapability of their parents to take care of them.
Care-case dad threatened to shoot social worker
Care-case dad threatened to shoot social worker
A DAD banned from seeing his daughter at Christmas threatened to shoot a social worker, a court heard.
A DAD banned from seeing his daughter at Christmas threatened to shoot a social worker, a court heard.
DCFS under fire over beating death of 4-year-old
DCFS under fire over beating death of 4-year-old
Cook County Public Guardian Robert Harris is sharply criticizing the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services after a 4-year-old boy was beaten to death.
Cook County Public Guardian Robert Harris is sharply criticizing the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services after a 4-year-old boy was beaten to death.
USCIS Complacency Surrounding Alleged Fraud Exporting Children from Ethiopia
USCIS Complacency Surrounding Alleged Fraud Exporting Children from Ethiopia
The processing of petitions filed by United States citizens for adoption of children from Ethiopia continues to raise serious legal and ethical concerns.
The processing of petitions filed by United States citizens for adoption of children from Ethiopia continues to raise serious legal and ethical concerns.
Rabbi Says That Romney Presidency Will Lead To Rampant Child Abuse
Rabbi Says That Romney Presidency Will Lead To Rampant Child Abuse
It is not surprising that there are those who will continue to push the idea that being gay is the same as being a child molester. Now Yehuda Levin is criticizing Mitt Romney and how a presidency under him means a “homosexualized” America, and he seems to believe that this will mean rampant child abuse.
It is not surprising that there are those who will continue to push the idea that being gay is the same as being a child molester. Now Yehuda Levin is criticizing Mitt Romney and how a presidency under him means a “homosexualized” America, and he seems to believe that this will mean rampant child abuse.
Sandusky case prompts Kansas regents to mandate clear policies on abuse
Sandusky case prompts Kansas regents to mandate clear policies on abuse
In the wake of child sex crime allegations at Penn State, Kansas regents have demanded that their schools put on paper that reporting of such abuse on campus is mandatory.
In the wake of child sex crime allegations at Penn State, Kansas regents have demanded that their schools put on paper that reporting of such abuse on campus is mandatory.
Legal, Widespread, and Dangerous: Drugging Kids in Foster Care
Legal, Widespread, and Dangerous: Drugging Kids in Foster Care
Years ago, rubbing a little brandy on the gums of a teething child was thought to soothe and do no lasting harm. Parents of today who disapprove should be aware of just how often children are prescribed powerful, mind-altering medicines.
Years ago, rubbing a little brandy on the gums of a teething child was thought to soothe and do no lasting harm. Parents of today who disapprove should be aware of just how often children are prescribed powerful, mind-altering medicines.
Oklahoma leaders change proposed DHS settlement deal
Oklahoma leaders change proposed DHS settlement deal
Changes were made Thursday by the governor and Oklahoma's two legislative leaders that could jeopardize a proposed settlement in a federal class-action lawsuit over the Department of Human Services' care of foster children.
Changes were made Thursday by the governor and Oklahoma's two legislative leaders that could jeopardize a proposed settlement in a federal class-action lawsuit over the Department of Human Services' care of foster children.
Police: Woman claimed abuse, then robbed homes
Police: Woman claimed abuse, then robbed homes
Investigators have arrested a woman accused of using fake identities to file false police reports against people she then stole from while they were in custody, authorities said.
Note: That bitch deserves to be beaten. You do gotta admit though, that is a real creative way to rob a house. Most women who make false claims of abuse, just use it to get the upper hand in a custody battle.
Investigators have arrested a woman accused of using fake identities to file false police reports against people she then stole from while they were in custody, authorities said.
Note: That bitch deserves to be beaten. You do gotta admit though, that is a real creative way to rob a house. Most women who make false claims of abuse, just use it to get the upper hand in a custody battle.
'Octomom' in one-child China stuns public
'Octomom' in one-child China stuns public
The photo was undeniably cute: a studio portrait of eight babies in identical onesies and perky white cotton hats, sporting an array of expressions from giggly to goofy, baffled to bawling.
The photo was undeniably cute: a studio portrait of eight babies in identical onesies and perky white cotton hats, sporting an array of expressions from giggly to goofy, baffled to bawling.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Vancouver Mayor Robertson urges foster son to surrender on gun, drug charges
Vancouver Mayor Robertson urges foster son to surrender on gun, drug charges
Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson is urging his foster son to surrender to the police over gun and drug charges stemming from a six-month probe by RCMP in Richmond, B.C.
Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson is urging his foster son to surrender to the police over gun and drug charges stemming from a six-month probe by RCMP in Richmond, B.C.
Facebook photos lead to child abuse charges
Facebook photos lead to child abuse charges
Two people have been arrested after pictures reportedly showing children bound with tape were found on Facebook.
Two people have been arrested after pictures reportedly showing children bound with tape were found on Facebook.
Protecting children or traumatizing them? Readers debate role of Children's Protective Services
Protecting children or traumatizing them? Readers debate role of Children's Protective Services
A story reporting more Muskegon County children than ever entered foster care this year touched some nerves with readers debating who has children's best interest at heart.
A story reporting more Muskegon County children than ever entered foster care this year touched some nerves with readers debating who has children's best interest at heart.
Sandusky case proves that Americans are lead around by their _____s
Sandusky case triggers jump in U.S. abuse calls
Child molestation charges against a former Penn State football coach have sparked an unprecedented awareness of sexual abuse marked by a sharp upturn in calls to abuse hotlines and lawyers, attorneys and counselors said on Wednesday.
Child molestation charges against a former Penn State football coach have sparked an unprecedented awareness of sexual abuse marked by a sharp upturn in calls to abuse hotlines and lawyers, attorneys and counselors said on Wednesday.
Charges against Richland County caseworker dismissed
Charges against Richland County caseworker dismissed
Charges against a Richland County Children Services caseworker were dismissed Wednesday after she apologized for what prosecutors said was a "misunderstanding" with a city police officer.
Charges against a Richland County Children Services caseworker were dismissed Wednesday after she apologized for what prosecutors said was a "misunderstanding" with a city police officer.
Failed Adoptions Create More Homeless Youths
Failed Adoptions Create More Homeless Youths
Lamar West has lost parents twice in his life. The first time was when he was 4; the second was a month before his 18th birthday. The circumstances differed, but the outcomes did not.
Lamar West has lost parents twice in his life. The first time was when he was 4; the second was a month before his 18th birthday. The circumstances differed, but the outcomes did not.
$68 Million Settlement Proposed for 10 Children Fraudulently Adopted and Abused
$68 Million Settlement Proposed for 10 Children Fraudulently Adopted and Abused
Lawyers for 10 disabled children who were fraudulently adopted by a Queens woman more than 15 years ago and subjected to years of abuse have proposed a $68 million settlement in a civil rights lawsuit filed on their clients’ behalf, according to a confidential court filing.
Lawyers for 10 disabled children who were fraudulently adopted by a Queens woman more than 15 years ago and subjected to years of abuse have proposed a $68 million settlement in a civil rights lawsuit filed on their clients’ behalf, according to a confidential court filing.
Police: Foster kids left outside casino
Police: Foster kids left outside casino
A Louisiana woman is accused of leaving her foster children outside on Christmas Eve day while she played blackjack at a casino, police said.
A Louisiana woman is accused of leaving her foster children outside on Christmas Eve day while she played blackjack at a casino, police said.
Foster Son of Gaddafi Arrested in Tunis
Foster Son of Gaddafi Arrested in Tunis
The foster son of slain Libyan leader, Muammar Gaddafi was, arrested yesterday in Tunis. Miled Abou Ratab Abdessalem was apprehended by Tunisian security forces after entering the country illegally. Interpol had previously issued a warrant for his arrest.
The foster son of slain Libyan leader, Muammar Gaddafi was, arrested yesterday in Tunis. Miled Abou Ratab Abdessalem was apprehended by Tunisian security forces after entering the country illegally. Interpol had previously issued a warrant for his arrest.
Teen beaten at Butler Co. group home dies
Teen beaten at Butler Co. group home dies
The teen who was beaten at a Butler County group home for troubled youths has died, officials said, and a second teen could face upgraded charges as a result.
The teen who was beaten at a Butler County group home for troubled youths has died, officials said, and a second teen could face upgraded charges as a result.
Boy reported missing from Carmichael group home
Boy reported missing from Carmichael group home
The Sacramento County Sheriff's Department is seeking the public's help in locating a 14-year-old boy reported missing from a group home in Carmichael.
The Sacramento County Sheriff's Department is seeking the public's help in locating a 14-year-old boy reported missing from a group home in Carmichael.
Decision on settling DHS suit delayed
Decision on settling DHS suit delayed
After a three hour meeting Wednesday, Gov. Mary Fallin and legislative leaders did not reach a decision on settling a federal class-action lawsuit over the state's foster care system.
After a three hour meeting Wednesday, Gov. Mary Fallin and legislative leaders did not reach a decision on settling a federal class-action lawsuit over the state's foster care system.
States to receive federal bonuses for covering uninsured children
States to receive federal bonuses for covering uninsured children
Alaska is one of 23 states to share $296.5 million in federal payments for encouraging low-income families to enroll their children in public health programs.
Alaska is one of 23 states to share $296.5 million in federal payments for encouraging low-income families to enroll their children in public health programs.
Guest commentary: Separated by poverty -- Low income is inadequate reason to take children from families
Guest commentary: Separated by poverty -- Low income is inadequate reason to take children from families
Aloving father sees a judge place his children in foster care because his Walmart job doesn't pay enough, and he and his child live with his sister.
Aloving father sees a judge place his children in foster care because his Walmart job doesn't pay enough, and he and his child live with his sister.
U.S. Immigration Policy Contributes to Family Separation
U.S. Immigration Policy Contributes to Family Separation
A new report, "Shattered Families", shows that more than 5,000 children have been taken in to foster care because their parents have been deported from the U.S.
A new report, "Shattered Families", shows that more than 5,000 children have been taken in to foster care because their parents have been deported from the U.S.
Oklahoma officials resume discussions on possible settlement of DHS foster children lawsuit
Oklahoma officials resume discussions on possible settlement of DHS foster children lawsuit
Gov. Mary Fallin and top legislative leaders plan to resume consideration of a proposed settlement of a federal class-action lawsuit that accuses the state of failing to protect foster children in its care.
Gov. Mary Fallin and top legislative leaders plan to resume consideration of a proposed settlement of a federal class-action lawsuit that accuses the state of failing to protect foster children in its care.
Bishops Say Rules on Gay Parents Limit Freedom of Religion
Bishops Say Rules on Gay Parents Limit Freedom of Religion
Roman Catholic bishops in Illinois have shuttered most of the Catholic Charities affiliates in the state rather than comply with a new requirement that says they must consider same-sex couples as potential foster-care and adoptive parents if they want to receive state money. The charities have served for more than 40 years as a major link in the state’s social service network for poor and neglected children.
Roman Catholic bishops in Illinois have shuttered most of the Catholic Charities affiliates in the state rather than comply with a new requirement that says they must consider same-sex couples as potential foster-care and adoptive parents if they want to receive state money. The charities have served for more than 40 years as a major link in the state’s social service network for poor and neglected children.
Woman holds teen at gunpoint after finding him with foster child
Woman holds teen at gunpoint after finding him with foster child
A Vance woman called law enforcement last week after discovering a male teenager was in her residence with her foster daughter.
A Vance woman called law enforcement last week after discovering a male teenager was in her residence with her foster daughter.
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
DHS Employee Accused Of Crack Cocaine Possession
DHS Employee Accused Of Crack Cocaine Possession
An employee with the Oklahoma Department of Human Services stands accused of crack cocaine possession, police said.
An employee with the Oklahoma Department of Human Services stands accused of crack cocaine possession, police said.
Oklahoma DHS Worker Arrested For Drugs
Oklahoma DHS Worker Arrested For Drugs
A DHS caseworker is busted with crack cocaine on Christmas. This is the second DHS employee arrested on drug complaint in the last month.
Note: He probably does crack in order to help him deal with the personal guilt associated with stealing children. Just a thought.
A DHS caseworker is busted with crack cocaine on Christmas. This is the second DHS employee arrested on drug complaint in the last month.
Note: He probably does crack in order to help him deal with the personal guilt associated with stealing children. Just a thought.
Foster mom left boys unattended while she gambled, Kenner police say
Foster mom left boys unattended while she gambled, Kenner police say
A Tickfaw woman left her three foster children outside for more than 40 minutes on Christmas Eve while she played blackjack inside the Treasure Chest casino, Kenner police said. They booked Katrular Buchanon, 36, with child desertion.
A Tickfaw woman left her three foster children outside for more than 40 minutes on Christmas Eve while she played blackjack inside the Treasure Chest casino, Kenner police said. They booked Katrular Buchanon, 36, with child desertion.
What About the Children With No Parents?
What About the Children With No Parents?
African-American children are twice as prone to enter foster care then White children-despite equal rates of abuse and neglect for children of all races-in accordance with a big new report released from the federal Authorities Accountability Office.
African-American children are twice as prone to enter foster care then White children-despite equal rates of abuse and neglect for children of all races-in accordance with a big new report released from the federal Authorities Accountability Office.
Fear of Divorce Holds Back Young Couples
Fear of Divorce Holds Back Young Couples
According to a recent report on FoxNews.com, with the share of married adults at an all-time low in the United States, new research by demographers at Cornell and the University of Central Oklahoma offers clues about what’s holding back young couples from moving forward to marriage.
According to a recent report on FoxNews.com, with the share of married adults at an all-time low in the United States, new research by demographers at Cornell and the University of Central Oklahoma offers clues about what’s holding back young couples from moving forward to marriage.
“Remove-first” policy hurts families
“Remove-first” policy hurts families
When little Shelby Duis was found dead at her Spirit Lake home — with massive head injuries, fractured ribs and two broken hands — it sent a shock through the entire state.
When little Shelby Duis was found dead at her Spirit Lake home — with massive head injuries, fractured ribs and two broken hands — it sent a shock through the entire state.
Father wins appeal in custody of son
Father wins appeal in custody of son
The 11th District Court of Appeals has overturned a Trumbull County magistrate’s decision that awarded permanent custody of a 2-year-old boy to Trumbull County Children Services.
The 11th District Court of Appeals has overturned a Trumbull County magistrate’s decision that awarded permanent custody of a 2-year-old boy to Trumbull County Children Services.
Even the best foster homes can’t replace family support
Even the best foster homes can’t replace family support
When you hear about child abuse or neglect, most people’s first reaction is “get that kid out of danger.” Once we know the child has been removed, we breathe a sigh of relief, assume that the child will be better off in foster care, and consider the problem fixed. If we think of the abuser, it is almost always to condemn and judge: “How could they do that?”
When you hear about child abuse or neglect, most people’s first reaction is “get that kid out of danger.” Once we know the child has been removed, we breathe a sigh of relief, assume that the child will be better off in foster care, and consider the problem fixed. If we think of the abuser, it is almost always to condemn and judge: “How could they do that?”
Ten More State Workers Reviewed By DSS
Ten More State Workers Reviewed By DSS
Governor Malloy’s office says the Department of Social Services and the Office of Labor Relations have sent the names of ten more state workers for administrative review.
Governor Malloy’s office says the Department of Social Services and the Office of Labor Relations have sent the names of ten more state workers for administrative review.
A mother's journey: Family reunited in Juárez after deportation threatens to keep them apart
A mother's journey: Family reunited in Juárez after deportation threatens to keep them apart
The prettiest corner in the small room is where the Christmas tree stands, where sisters Mireya, Yulisa and Milka Nevarrez huddled last Wednesday afternoon to see their presents and arrange them one more time.
The prettiest corner in the small room is where the Christmas tree stands, where sisters Mireya, Yulisa and Milka Nevarrez huddled last Wednesday afternoon to see their presents and arrange them one more time.
'Children's Aid destroys families' -- protesters
'Children's Aid destroys families' -- protesters
The way Neil Haskett sees it, universities, colleges, hospitals, Children's Aid Societies, police services, municipal governments, and even nursing homes across Ontario are all tied into the public purse and should be accountable to an independent body just like provincial ministries are.
The way Neil Haskett sees it, universities, colleges, hospitals, Children's Aid Societies, police services, municipal governments, and even nursing homes across Ontario are all tied into the public purse and should be accountable to an independent body just like provincial ministries are.
Four children left home alone, DHS worker refuses to investigate
Four children left home alone, DHS worker refuses to investigate
911 hang up, 1100 block of Middle Road.
911 hang up, 1100 block of Middle Road.
Controversy grows over pro-spanking book after abuse deaths
Controversy grows over pro-spanking book after abuse deaths
When does discipline cross the line into abuse?
When does discipline cross the line into abuse?
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Dottie Sandusky under scrutiny
Could Jerry Sandusky's wife actually not have known of what her husband was doing?
Oklahoma DHS To Settle Class Action Lawsuit Wednesday
Oklahoma DHS To Settle Class Action Lawsuit Wednesday
The state's three-year legal battle over Oklahoma's embattled child welfare agency could come to an end Wednesday.
The state's three-year legal battle over Oklahoma's embattled child welfare agency could come to an end Wednesday.
Butte Falls family fights system for child
Butte Falls family fights system for child
A Butte Falls family is battling to get custody of their child.
A Butte Falls family is battling to get custody of their child.
Child welfare ruling may change adoption regime
Child welfare ruling may change adoption regime
A RECENT Supreme Court judgment could have profound implications for Irish adoption law, paving the way for a new adoption regime, according to a child law expert. It also has implications for the children’s rights referendum, Geoffrey Shannon said.
A RECENT Supreme Court judgment could have profound implications for Irish adoption law, paving the way for a new adoption regime, according to a child law expert. It also has implications for the children’s rights referendum, Geoffrey Shannon said.
Govt's apathy to kids of prisoners angers HC
Govt's apathy to kids of prisoners angers HC
Taking a serious view of the pathetic condition of children of prisoners, the AP High Court on Tuesday sought to know if the state government had any policy to take care of such children.
Taking a serious view of the pathetic condition of children of prisoners, the AP High Court on Tuesday sought to know if the state government had any policy to take care of such children.
Heineman: No easy answers on child welfare reform
Heineman: No easy answers on child welfare reform
Gov. Dave Heineman said Tuesday he intends to hold serious and thorough discussions on child welfare reform with the courts, legislative leaders, Department of Health and Human Services and providers.
Gov. Dave Heineman said Tuesday he intends to hold serious and thorough discussions on child welfare reform with the courts, legislative leaders, Department of Health and Human Services and providers.
Foster parents told - don't hit my kids
Foster parents told - don't hit my kids
THE mother whose children were allegedly smacked and hit with a wooden spoon by their foster parents told them to stop hitting her son and daughter.
THE mother whose children were allegedly smacked and hit with a wooden spoon by their foster parents told them to stop hitting her son and daughter.
Corey Feldman revealed that he and Corey Haim were sexually abused throughout their teens by adults in Hollywood -- and now other former childhood stars are speaking out and backing up his claims.
Corey Feldman revealed that he and Corey Haim were sexually abused throughout their teens by adults in Hollywood -- and now other former childhood stars are speaking out and backing up his claims.
Child Protective Services Target Rural Families
Child Protective Services Target Rural Families
They’re coming for our children. Organizations with benevolent names like “Child Welfare League of America” threaten the well-being of rural families and the foundations of America’s rural heritage. Consider some of the statements by the National Advisory Committee on Rural Social Services:
They’re coming for our children. Organizations with benevolent names like “Child Welfare League of America” threaten the well-being of rural families and the foundations of America’s rural heritage. Consider some of the statements by the National Advisory Committee on Rural Social Services:
Monday, December 26, 2011
Child welfare tops Nebraska legislative priorities
Child welfare tops Nebraska legislative priorities
State lawmakers returning to Lincoln next week may have a brighter budget outlook, but will be facing potentially expensive decisions over child welfare services and a federal mandate to help the uninsured.
State lawmakers returning to Lincoln next week may have a brighter budget outlook, but will be facing potentially expensive decisions over child welfare services and a federal mandate to help the uninsured.
Alabama Immigration Agents Raid Homes and Threaten Children
Alabama Immigration Agents Raid Homes and Threaten Children
In the wake of Alabama’s new anti-immigration law, there are new reports that agents from the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) have been making terrorizing raids on north Alabama families that undermine federal efforts to protect the civil rights of the state’s Latino community.
In the wake of Alabama’s new anti-immigration law, there are new reports that agents from the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) have been making terrorizing raids on north Alabama families that undermine federal efforts to protect the civil rights of the state’s Latino community.
Foster couple's adoption bid on hold over claims dad hit boy with wooden spoon
Foster couple's adoption bid on hold over claims dad hit boy with wooden spoon
A COUPLE has been stopped from adopting two children because of claims they smacked them and once hit one of them with a wooden spoon.
A COUPLE has been stopped from adopting two children because of claims they smacked them and once hit one of them with a wooden spoon.
Help Me Daddy
Help Me Daddy
This is a free e-book download that I came across. I have no idea what it's all about. Probably some pro-CPS bullshit. I've never heard of the guy.
This is a free e-book download that I came across. I have no idea what it's all about. Probably some pro-CPS bullshit. I've never heard of the guy.
Utah adoption law: model for nation or unjust burden?
Utah adoption law: model for nation or unjust burden?
More than three years after a Utah judge ruled he had failed to protect his parental rights, Rob Manzanares is still fighting for custody of his now nearly four-year-old daughter.
More than three years after a Utah judge ruled he had failed to protect his parental rights, Rob Manzanares is still fighting for custody of his now nearly four-year-old daughter.
Sisters reunited after 34 years
Sisters reunited after 34 years
A soft rapping came at the door moments after Delores McCray finished a telephone conversation with the sister she had not seen in 34 years.
A soft rapping came at the door moments after Delores McCray finished a telephone conversation with the sister she had not seen in 34 years.
California law makes records of children's deaths public
California law makes records of children's deaths public
The Bee gained access to Yeinira Melchor's child welfare file through a statute the Legislature passed in 2006 that made records public when children die as a result of abuse or neglect.
The Bee gained access to Yeinira Melchor's child welfare file through a statute the Legislature passed in 2006 that made records public when children die as a result of abuse or neglect.
CPS caseworkers tell of own lives in system
CPS caseworkers tell of own lives in system
What Gaby Valladares remembers most about many past Christmas holidays is receiving a drugstore alarm clock. Year after year, for five years in a row.
It was not a gift she particularly wanted, but it reminded her of one thing: She was in foster care. The clock was a present from her foster families that was provided to them by a child placement agency.
Note: Former foster kids who become CPS agents tend to be the worst ones because they don't understand what family is all about because they didn't have one. This is one of those public relations articles.
What Gaby Valladares remembers most about many past Christmas holidays is receiving a drugstore alarm clock. Year after year, for five years in a row.
It was not a gift she particularly wanted, but it reminded her of one thing: She was in foster care. The clock was a present from her foster families that was provided to them by a child placement agency.
Note: Former foster kids who become CPS agents tend to be the worst ones because they don't understand what family is all about because they didn't have one. This is one of those public relations articles.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Oklahoma DHS workers who have been suspended
Oklahoma DHS workers who have been suspended
Here are more examples of misconduct by Oklahoma Department of Human Services employees. All suspensions were without pay.
Note: Thank you Oklahoma Child Protective Industry for keeping us entertained on this festive occasion.
Here are more examples of misconduct by Oklahoma Department of Human Services employees. All suspensions were without pay.
Note: Thank you Oklahoma Child Protective Industry for keeping us entertained on this festive occasion.
DHS settles lawsuit but doesn't admit wrongdoing
DHS settles lawsuit but doesn't admit wrongdoing
Note: Well yeah.
The settlement of a federal class-action lawsuit on the horizon is not admitting to the seriously broken child-welfare system alleged in court filings, said the director of the Oklahoma Department of Human Services.
Note: They'll win next time.
Note: Well yeah.
The settlement of a federal class-action lawsuit on the horizon is not admitting to the seriously broken child-welfare system alleged in court filings, said the director of the Oklahoma Department of Human Services.
Note: They'll win next time.
Christmas Miracle for Dad Locked in Custody Battle
Christmas Miracle for Dad Locked in Custody Battle
It’s a very Merry Christmas for one Wisconsin man, whose four year battle to regain custody of his daughter from his wife, who had taken her to Japan, ended when he finally was able to bring the 9-year-old girl home.
It’s a very Merry Christmas for one Wisconsin man, whose four year battle to regain custody of his daughter from his wife, who had taken her to Japan, ended when he finally was able to bring the 9-year-old girl home.
DHS workers disciplined for wide range of reasons
DHS workers disciplined for wide range of reasons
One DHS worker stole gift cards meant for foster children at Christmas.
One DHS worker stole gift cards meant for foster children at Christmas.
Several DHS workers have been prosecuted
Several DHS workers have been prosecuted
Some of the DHS workers caught in wrongdoing at work ended up being prosecuted, too.
Some of the DHS workers caught in wrongdoing at work ended up being prosecuted, too.
Two year old girl called' 'Chucky' accused of attacking 10 children in nursery
Two year old girl called' 'Chucky' accused of attacking 10 children in nursery
PARENTS are demanding that a two-year-old girl is expelled from her nursery after she was accused of attacking 10 children.
PARENTS are demanding that a two-year-old girl is expelled from her nursery after she was accused of attacking 10 children.
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Parents Angry After School Put Autistic Son in Bag
Parents Angry After School Put Autistic Son in Bag
“God, they do not have my son in that bag …”
Note: I'd be pissed.
“God, they do not have my son in that bag …”
Note: I'd be pissed.
Settlement of lawsuit against DHS may make things worse
Settlement of lawsuit against DHS may make things worse
The Oklahoma child welfare system probably is every bit as bad as the group calling itself “Children's Rights” says it is. But the results of similar McLawsuits the group filed across the country suggest that the Oklahoma settlement won't make things any better.
The Oklahoma child welfare system probably is every bit as bad as the group calling itself “Children's Rights” says it is. But the results of similar McLawsuits the group filed across the country suggest that the Oklahoma settlement won't make things any better.
The wording means everything...
It's all about appearances. Remember that.
Adoptions make families whole in time for Christmas
It’s not every day that judges pose for pictures with plaintiffs and onlookers break into applause.
Tear one family apart so they can make another then celebrate and brag about it. How low will they go?
Adoptions make families whole in time for Christmas
It’s not every day that judges pose for pictures with plaintiffs and onlookers break into applause.
Tear one family apart so they can make another then celebrate and brag about it. How low will they go?
Indian couple's children taken away by Norway authorities
Norway's government-run Child Protective Services took away Sagarika and Anurup Bhattacharya's two children on May 11 this year, saying they were not being brought up properly.
Some DHS workers allowed to keep jobs after child deaths
Some DHS workers allowed to keep jobs after child deaths
DHS workers are not always fired over mistakes that contributed to children's deaths.
DHS workers are not always fired over mistakes that contributed to children's deaths.
Norway 'kidnap': India to assist NRI couple
Norway 'kidnap': India to assist NRI couple
The couple from Kolkata, Anurup and Sagarika Bhattacharya, who are non resident Indian (NRI) citizens, have said that Norway’s child protection service Barnevernet took away their two-and-a-half-year-old son Abhigyan and four-month-old daughter Aishwarya on May 11.
The couple from Kolkata, Anurup and Sagarika Bhattacharya, who are non resident Indian (NRI) citizens, have said that Norway’s child protection service Barnevernet took away their two-and-a-half-year-old son Abhigyan and four-month-old daughter Aishwarya on May 11.
Teen's assault worst incident in One Way Farm history, founder says
Teen's assault worst incident in One Way Farm history, founder says
The founder of the One Way Farm Children’s Home said the beating earlier this week that left a teenager on life support is the most severe incident in its 34-year history.
The founder of the One Way Farm Children’s Home said the beating earlier this week that left a teenager on life support is the most severe incident in its 34-year history.
Friday, December 23, 2011
TSA Changes Security for Children
Many traveling parents are getting an early Christmas gift, courtesy of the TSA. New relaxed security measures could make traveling with children a little easier. Not only are the changes a benefit to parents, but they could keep your child from getting a TSA pat down at the airport.
Eugenics and Child Protective Services ~ Connecting the Dots.
Eugenics and Child Protective Services ~ Connecting the Dots.
During the years 1933-1977 The North Carolina Eugenics Board gave it’s social workers unlimited power to have any person sterilized in Its Eugenics program. It’s estimated over 7,600 victims in North Carolina alone included rape victims, child abuse survivors, children who were caught masturbating or having pre-marital sex, children of mothers on welfare, a children in state boarding schools, institutions, or care.
During the years 1933-1977 The North Carolina Eugenics Board gave it’s social workers unlimited power to have any person sterilized in Its Eugenics program. It’s estimated over 7,600 victims in North Carolina alone included rape victims, child abuse survivors, children who were caught masturbating or having pre-marital sex, children of mothers on welfare, a children in state boarding schools, institutions, or care.
DHS Official Accused Of DUI, Pot Possession
A county director for the Oklahoma Department of Human Services is facing DUI and drug charges, prosecutors said. Katy Blakey has this report.
Deal In Works To Settle DHS Suit
A deal is in the works to settle a class action lawsuit against DHS.
Distrust of the CPS system
Distrust of the CPS system
I criticized using the Penn State scandal to justify new laws mandating the reporting of suspicions here and here. These comments were initially controversial, as some bloggers asked "who could be against reporting child abuse".
Note: What a great article and thanks to Phyllis Schlafly for mentioning Legally Kidnapped. It is truly an honor.
I criticized using the Penn State scandal to justify new laws mandating the reporting of suspicions here and here. These comments were initially controversial, as some bloggers asked "who could be against reporting child abuse".
Note: What a great article and thanks to Phyllis Schlafly for mentioning Legally Kidnapped. It is truly an honor.
Judge Says State Withheld Too Much From Child Abuse Records
Judge Says State Withheld Too Much From Child Abuse Records
A judge has ruled that Kentucky officials withheld too much information from child abuse records released last week.
A judge has ruled that Kentucky officials withheld too much information from child abuse records released last week.
Officer Files Complaint Against Mother Of Child He Arrested
The officer who was in the spotlight after he arrested a five year old boy has filed a complaint against the childs mother.
Note: You know only a cop would do something like that.
I Drug Kids From Home and Earn $1,750,000 per Year!
Note: Some of the shit I come across. I'm telling ya.
I Drug Kids From Home and Earn $1,750,000 per Year!
Stan, the millionaire TeenScreen psychiatrist, breaks his silence to reveal his AMAZING child drugging money making secrets!!
Note: Is this a spoof?
I Drug Kids From Home and Earn $1,750,000 per Year!
Stan, the millionaire TeenScreen psychiatrist, breaks his silence to reveal his AMAZING child drugging money making secrets!!
Note: Is this a spoof?
Update: Jury finds woman guilty of denying parental rights to estranged husband
Update: Jury finds woman guilty of denying parental rights to estranged husband
A Carver County jury has found Caroline Rice guilty of three counts of depriving her estranged husband of parental rights.
A Carver County jury has found Caroline Rice guilty of three counts of depriving her estranged husband of parental rights.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Parents separated from children urge courts to ensure visitations
Parents separated from children urge courts to ensure visitations
A group of Japanese and non-Japanese parents separated from their children due to divorce or marital disputes urged courts this week to ensure, in light of a revision to the Civil Code in May, that non-custodial parents are able to see their children on a regular basis.
A group of Japanese and non-Japanese parents separated from their children due to divorce or marital disputes urged courts this week to ensure, in light of a revision to the Civil Code in May, that non-custodial parents are able to see their children on a regular basis.
The Psychiatric Drugging of America's Foster Children
The Psychiatric Drugging of America's Foster Children
The most vulnerable among us are the littlest victims. Young children, torn from their birth families through various, often unspeakable tragedies. These children end up in state supervised foster care and too often are passed from hand to hand, house to house. There were approximately 662,000 children in foster care in the United States in 2010.
The most vulnerable among us are the littlest victims. Young children, torn from their birth families through various, often unspeakable tragedies. These children end up in state supervised foster care and too often are passed from hand to hand, house to house. There were approximately 662,000 children in foster care in the United States in 2010.
7-Year-Old Girl Asks Santa for Time with Her Dad
7-Year-Old Girl Asks Santa for Time with Her Dad
Elena, the 7-year-old daughter of a Northern California Fathers and Families member, wrote Santa and told him this Christmas she wants flowers, earrings, and a puppy. But #1 on her list was "custady pappers that says I can see my dad more oftan."
Elena, the 7-year-old daughter of a Northern California Fathers and Families member, wrote Santa and told him this Christmas she wants flowers, earrings, and a puppy. But #1 on her list was "custady pappers that says I can see my dad more oftan."
An email I recieved
I got this in an email. I know nothing about it.
My name is Gabe Dominocielo and I am the Executive Director of RepresentYou.com, we're a State Bar Certified Lawyer Referral Service and one of our panel member attorneys is suing on behalf of families who have been wrongfully separated by child services and have had their children put into foster care for no reason.
There is no cost to people who use our service, we refer clients to the lawyers for free and the lawyers can sue on their behalf on a contingency fee basis.
I have been tasked with finding more plaintiffs for this lawsuit which is much like a class action but this type of lawsuit is called a coordinated action. After looking at your website I thought you may want to help me find more victims of child services. I would appreciate a link to my child services pages which further explain the serious problems with child services and the foster care system. If you're interested I can send you a copy of the complaint which goes much more in depth. I am also available by phone and email (below).
We have many more pages if you're interested.
Thank you,
Gabe Dominocielo
My name is Gabe Dominocielo and I am the Executive Director of RepresentYou.com, we're a State Bar Certified Lawyer Referral Service and one of our panel member attorneys is suing on behalf of families who have been wrongfully separated by child services and have had their children put into foster care for no reason.
- In Los Angeles County, for example, each child from a family on government assistance brings Los Angeles County up to $150,000 per year in revenue. In 2009, the Department’s budget was nearly 2 billion dollars for approximately 15,000 children, half of whom were NOT abused or neglected.
- In Los Angeles County, approximately 1000 children are taken each month. State law requires a trial within 15 days to ensure that onlyabused and neglected children are separated from their families and put in foster care. To that end, each child and each parent has a court appointed attorney.
- Child services has a routine suspension of a fair trial and manipulates parents into not fighting for their own children through a trial, rather, has parents try to recover children through the foster care system which can take years.
- While parents navigate the complex foster care system, children can be seriously physically, sexually and mentally abused. During this timeLos Angeles County is benefiting financially.
There is no cost to people who use our service, we refer clients to the lawyers for free and the lawyers can sue on their behalf on a contingency fee basis.
I have been tasked with finding more plaintiffs for this lawsuit which is much like a class action but this type of lawsuit is called a coordinated action. After looking at your website I thought you may want to help me find more victims of child services. I would appreciate a link to my child services pages which further explain the serious problems with child services and the foster care system. If you're interested I can send you a copy of the complaint which goes much more in depth. I am also available by phone and email (below).
We have many more pages if you're interested.
Thank you,
Gabe Dominocielo

-- -Representyou.com -645 West 9th St. Suite 110-262, Los Angeles, CA 90015 -4607 Lakeview Canyon Rd #425, Westlake Village, CA 91361 -Office: 310-966-9004 -Toll Free: 888-973-7968
At last, couples freed from 'slow and unnecessarily bureaucratic' system that blocks adoption
At last, couples freed from 'slow and unnecessarily bureaucratic' system that blocks adoption
The red tape used by social workers to prevent couples from adopting children will finally be swept away by common sense reforms, ministers said today.
Note: It's easier to sell your kids in the UK, I guess.
The red tape used by social workers to prevent couples from adopting children will finally be swept away by common sense reforms, ministers said today.
Note: It's easier to sell your kids in the UK, I guess.
Law undermines parental authority
Law undermines parental authority
A pro-family activist says parents in California can fight against a harmful new law that undermines parental authority and places children at risk.
A pro-family activist says parents in California can fight against a harmful new law that undermines parental authority and places children at risk.
Foster Children Under Extra Stress at Christmas
Foster Children Under Extra Stress at Christmas
The holidays can be overwhelming, but what most of us go through is nothing compared to the stress a child undergoes during his or her first Christmas in foster care.
The holidays can be overwhelming, but what most of us go through is nothing compared to the stress a child undergoes during his or her first Christmas in foster care.
DHS foster care lawsuit settlement brings optimism for reform
DHS foster care lawsuit settlement brings optimism for reform
Oklahoma is just a few steps from finalizing a transformation of the way it provides care for abused and neglected children.
Oklahoma is just a few steps from finalizing a transformation of the way it provides care for abused and neglected children.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Report: Judge dismisses case against parents who stopped chemo for 10-year-old son
Report: Judge dismisses case against parents who stopped chemo for 10-year-old son
A judge has thrown out charges of medical abuse against the parents of 10-year-old Jacob Stieler after they discontinued the boy's chemotherapy treatments, according to UpperMichigansSource.com.
A judge has thrown out charges of medical abuse against the parents of 10-year-old Jacob Stieler after they discontinued the boy's chemotherapy treatments, according to UpperMichigansSource.com.
State: Child care provider bilked more than $100K from DSHS
State: Child care provider bilked more than $100K from DSHS
A fraud investigation by the state has found that Little Lambs Learning Center owner Lori Crull may have fraudulently billed the state tens of thousands of dollars for services she claimed but didn't provide.
A fraud investigation by the state has found that Little Lambs Learning Center owner Lori Crull may have fraudulently billed the state tens of thousands of dollars for services she claimed but didn't provide.
Teenager Seriously Injured in Assault at Group Home
Teenager Seriously Injured in Assault at Group Home
About 11:30 p.m. Monday night, medics with the city of Fairfield were called to One Way Farm, a group home there. They were responding to a report of a juvenile male that had been assaulted.
About 11:30 p.m. Monday night, medics with the city of Fairfield were called to One Way Farm, a group home there. They were responding to a report of a juvenile male that had been assaulted.
Foster Child Booted Out of Home Comes Back Dressed As a Ninja, Kills Daughter and Stabs Her Boyfriend and Father
Foster Child Booted Out of Home Comes Back Dressed As a Ninja, Kills Daughter and Stabs Her Boyfriend and Father
A foster child booted out of his foster family's home a year ago returned at the crack of dawn on Tuesday dressed as a ninja and armed with a knife. He stabbed his 18-year-old foster sister to death, and then stabbed her boyfriend and his former foster father before fleeing.
A foster child booted out of his foster family's home a year ago returned at the crack of dawn on Tuesday dressed as a ninja and armed with a knife. He stabbed his 18-year-old foster sister to death, and then stabbed her boyfriend and his former foster father before fleeing.
Brazilian baby 'born healthy with two heads... and both are suckling mother's breasts'
Brazilian baby 'born healthy with two heads... and both are suckling mother's breasts'
A Brazilian woman who has given birth to a baby with two heads, admitted she had initially expected twins.
A Brazilian woman who has given birth to a baby with two heads, admitted she had initially expected twins.
SystemSuckology: The Art Of Misleading The Public
Now I'm gonna go all psycho-philosophical on you.
The following video is what we call Child Abuse Propaganda. I want you all to really watch this video. I don't mean once. I want you to analyze it, rather tear it apart in your mind. Memorize it. Break it down.
I want you to pick out particular elements. See the truth mixed with lies. See the demonetization of parents and the sympathy building for the heroic CPS Agents who now risk life and limb in theprotecting acquisition and distribution of our children. Watch the body language and pay particularly close attention to the dramatic use of expression. See him make excuses for CPS failures, "We don't have the capacity legally to protect kids..." See how the selective use of statistics is used to inflate the perceptual impact upon the nice people ignorant who only have faith in the system because they have yet to experience the pleasures of a CPS Agent crawling up your ass mixed with the fact that their education comes from the TV, with the information being distributed to the television stations via the public relations departments.
Then understand why the sheep are generally supportive of the child protective industry regardless of the fraud, lies, and the unnecessary destruction of children and families.
I will give you an observation.
The number of calls to the hotline is used to create a perceptual impact upon the influential minds of the ignorant, by being used to represent the number of abused and neglected children in New York City. This does not account for the percentage of calls that are screened out and do not rise to the level where an investigation is warranted, nor does it account for the percentage of cases which are investigated but not substantiated, in which case about 3/4ths of that 60,000 calls would be thrown out the window, thus not actually being an accurate representation.
The rest is up to you.
The important thing to note is that this is a psychological attack on the ignorant. It is how they manufacture support for that which people don't understand, by fluffing the numbers as well as the severity levels and portraying the monsters as heroes. The average Joe is not going to understand what parents who are targeted by the system really go through, as this is the kind of thing that they are bombarded with through the senses of sight and sound all the time. "Something terrible could happen to a child, and there's not much we can do and bla bla bla..."
I do believe that people are generally good and want to do the right thing. The problem is that they are so easily misled as to what the right thing actually is, simply because they see crap like this.
A picture is painted. The truth stays hidden. Reality is half media created.
The following video is what we call Child Abuse Propaganda. I want you all to really watch this video. I don't mean once. I want you to analyze it, rather tear it apart in your mind. Memorize it. Break it down.
I want you to pick out particular elements. See the truth mixed with lies. See the demonetization of parents and the sympathy building for the heroic CPS Agents who now risk life and limb in the
Then understand why the sheep are generally supportive of the child protective industry regardless of the fraud, lies, and the unnecessary destruction of children and families.
I will give you an observation.
The number of calls to the hotline is used to create a perceptual impact upon the influential minds of the ignorant, by being used to represent the number of abused and neglected children in New York City. This does not account for the percentage of calls that are screened out and do not rise to the level where an investigation is warranted, nor does it account for the percentage of cases which are investigated but not substantiated, in which case about 3/4ths of that 60,000 calls would be thrown out the window, thus not actually being an accurate representation.
The rest is up to you.
The important thing to note is that this is a psychological attack on the ignorant. It is how they manufacture support for that which people don't understand, by fluffing the numbers as well as the severity levels and portraying the monsters as heroes. The average Joe is not going to understand what parents who are targeted by the system really go through, as this is the kind of thing that they are bombarded with through the senses of sight and sound all the time. "Something terrible could happen to a child, and there's not much we can do and bla bla bla..."
I do believe that people are generally good and want to do the right thing. The problem is that they are so easily misled as to what the right thing actually is, simply because they see crap like this.
A picture is painted. The truth stays hidden. Reality is half media created.
Mother who published confidential family court papers on Facebook charged with contempt of court
Mother who published confidential family court papers on Facebook charged with contempt of court
A MOTHER who published confidential details of her family court proceedings through a Facebook blog found herself charged with contempt of court.
A MOTHER who published confidential details of her family court proceedings through a Facebook blog found herself charged with contempt of court.
Foster Parents In Ohio Get A Raise To Help CPS Steal Your Kids
Foster parents get new agreement
A new agreement between Trumbull County Children Services and the agency's foster parents calls for, in part, an increase in the daily expense rate given foster parents for child care.
A new agreement between Trumbull County Children Services and the agency's foster parents calls for, in part, an increase in the daily expense rate given foster parents for child care.
Maricopa County Attorney sheds light on CPS problems
Only on ABC15: His proposal to ‘fix the system’
Child welfare report recommends 13 changes
Child welfare report recommends 13 changes
The Government says it will continue to introduce measures to help keep children safe, following an independent report into the repeated abuse of a nine-year-old girl by her parents.
The Government says it will continue to introduce measures to help keep children safe, following an independent report into the repeated abuse of a nine-year-old girl by her parents.
DHS foster care suit settlement OK'd
DHS foster care suit settlement OK'd
The Oklahoma Commission for Human Services voted 6-3 late Tuesday to settle a federal class-action lawsuit over the state's foster care system.
Note: And Children's Rights is going to make out like a bandit over this, which is sad because the millions that have been spent trying to get away with their fraud could have gone to help families.
The Oklahoma Commission for Human Services voted 6-3 late Tuesday to settle a federal class-action lawsuit over the state's foster care system.
Note: And Children's Rights is going to make out like a bandit over this, which is sad because the millions that have been spent trying to get away with their fraud could have gone to help families.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Reunited troops, families face stresses of reconnecting
Reunited troops, families face stresses of reconnecting
Jesse "Jay" Collins didn't expect to be home for Christmas this year. He thought he would spend the holidays in Iraq, far from his wife and kids.
Jesse "Jay" Collins didn't expect to be home for Christmas this year. He thought he would spend the holidays in Iraq, far from his wife and kids.
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