Legally Kidnapped
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
What About the Kids of Accused Russian Spies?
The children of the 11 suspected secret agents are not accused of being involved in a Russian spy ring. But their lives are being turned upside down anyway.
BILL MAXWELL: U.S. failing to protect young farmworkers
We Americans proudly spend a lot of time chastising other parts of the world for what we see as human rights abuses and crimes. But given our abuse of farmworker children, especially migrant children, we are hypocrites when we chastise others.
State Investigation of Whistleblower Lawsuit Supports Medicaid Fraud Allegations Against Madison Center
A recently completed investigation by the state of Indiana supports whistleblower allegations that Madison Center, a behavioral treatment organization in northern Indiana, for years actively sought troubled children to enroll in its programs to boost its Medicaid revenues but then failed to properly diagnose them and give them the treatment they needed.
SystemSuckOlogy 101: Foster Parent Adoption Decision Anguish
Well check out Maggie's post here.
Uphill from here.Oh and please notice how quick she is to believe everything that the nice caseworker tells her.
One of the questions that I received recently asked if we are open to adoption with Jae and Zee. There are a lot of unknowns right now that will have to be considered before we can make a decision like that…
REGION: San Diego mom accused of endangering child mauled by dogs
Prosecutors charged a woman Tuesday with felony child endangerment stemming from an April incident in which her infant son was mauled by dogs in a Murrieta apartment.
Officials said San Diego resident Carrie Rae McKinney, 22, apparently left her 6-month-old boy alone for a short time with her boyfriend's two large dogs in a room of his apartment April 3.
While she was away, authorities said, the dogs tore off the boy's diaper and bit into his scrotum, severing his testicles.
Tenn. appeals court rules 2nd time for gay mother
Tennessee’s Court of Appeals has for a second time struck down a judge’s ruling in a child custody agreement that prevents a lesbian mother and her partner of more than 10 years from living together.
Child rapists to get chemical castration
From July next year, sex offenders against children will be treated with drugs to suppress their sexual impulses.
Catholic Church evades abuse scandals
Senior analyst of Foreign Policy in Focus Ian Williams believes that Vatican tries to escape its child abuse scandals by misusing the principle of Separation of Church and State.
Walmart baby-selling case: Grandmother seeks custody
Child-protection officials have been deluged with calls from people asking how they can help an 8-month-old girl whose parents allegedly tried to sell her to strangers for $25.
Britney Spears, Accused of Alleged Child Abuse, will be Questioned by Social Workers
Britney Spears reportedly will be seen by social workers because of allegations of child abuse.
Criminal history fails to be a barrier for a foster care job
Job applicants with some criminal history on their résumés have no problem getting approved to work among the state's most vulnerable foster care children, according to a Houston Chronicle/Texas Tribune investigation.
Angelina Jolie Already Thinking of Another Adoption
The wheels are already turning in Angelina Jolie's head, the Changeling star admitted in a lengthy Today show interview Thursday: She and Brad Pitt are considering another adoption.
Spegels Rush To Finish Addition For Grandchildren's Adoption
The clock is ticking for the Spegel family in Midland and their team of volunteers in the race to expand their house in order to adopt their grandkids.
Not being Jewish enough and being too White?
Note: And being desperate for somebody else's child.
I contacted my family's resource worker today to remind her that we have been licensed for a year and a half yet have only had one foster placement, and a short one at that.
Note: You gotta wonder if some of these foster contractors sit around desperately hoping and waiting for some child to be abused so they can have your child of their own.
Texas fined nearly $4 million for miscalculating food stamp benefits
Federal food stamp officials have fined Texas nearly $4 million for making too many errors in calculating people's monthly benefits.
Stephanie Seymour Misses Drug Test
Stephanie Seymour may be ordered not to drink alcohol after skipping a mandatory drug test as she was vacationing in St. Barts.
You know divorce and child custody proceedings are going badly when you're forced to have a drug test. The children have a lawyer defending their interest who is concerned about the Victoria's Secret model mixing prescription drugs and alcohol.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
The Abuse in Child Protective Services
There is an epidemic in our country one that is not airborne or viral. This epidemic is so rampant that it has affected even our elected officials.
Child Advocates Blast Changes To Abuse Hot Line
A reorganization of the Indiana Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline is drawing heat from some child advocates who say calls for help are being overlooked.
The Awesome Power of Family Courts
The month of June when we observe Father's Day is a good time to review some of the injustices committed against fathers by family courts. Family courts routinely deprive divorced fathers not only of their own children, but even many constitutional rights.
Hahn, a divorced dad running for governor, targets family law
Rob Hahn, Independence Party candidate for governor, Monday announced plans to rewrite Minnesota's family law -- in ways that would benefit divorced dads, just like him, should he become governor.
DCFS scrambles after no private firms bid on investigation contract
The Division of Child and Family Services is scrambling to come up with a way to comply with a new law that requires it to use an outside firm to review abuse allegations that involve a child already in state custody after getting no bids for the job.
A domestic violence defendant’s request for legal custody of a child must be analyzed in the context of the totality of all circumstances;
not only the facts now alleged but also, the past history of domestic violence which can affect the context of any dispute
Is province liable for foster mom's live-in partner?
Lawsuit against abuser Thomas Svekla alleges child put in harm's way
Foster mom guilty of manslaughter, not murder
An Edmonton foster mother has been found guilty of manslaughter in the death of a three-year-old boy in her care.
The Battle for Vanessa
A custody battle spanning thousands of miles has an Orange County woman fighting to adopt a 2-year-old girl.
Note: And who had fallen victim to a mothers fraudulent scheme along with a father, an adoption agency, etc.
The LK Report
We may or may not have guests in the future. We probably won't take random callers. What we will do is discuss the hottest Child Protective Industry news, on the air, once a week, for one hour in a way that's never been done before.
Monday, June 28, 2010
You Have Been Impregnated For National-Security Reasons
Thank you for your call, Alice. I got here as quickly as I could. Have you told anyone else? Thank God. You have no idea what a relief that is—not just for me, but for America. It is of the utmost importance that we keep this strictly between us.
Note: They don't really impregnate for reasons of national security, this is a satire, except in the movies in highly controlled environments based on genetic perfections such as myself, or of the relatively few, like when they're trying to create the perfect soldier, or in test tubes or something.
But what they will do is allow certain people like foster parents and social wreckers to breed in order to produce more foster parents and social workers. This way, they'll have people who would actually grow up to be child protective workers as they're taught the values of being a babystealer. The fact is that nobody with half a brain would grow up to be a social worker or a foster parent, as it's not normal to steal children or aid and abet in the stealing of children by providing the warehousing space.
You see, the System Sucks need gullible and self-righteous people who easily fall for child welfare scams so that they can have people who will take other peoples kids into their homes, and who delude themselves into believing that it's all for the greater good.
That way they can take more kids and make more money, and bla bla bla.
Oksana Grigorieva: Mel Gibson is not paying child support for our nine-month-old daughter, Lucia
Mel Gibson's ex-girlfriend Oksana Grigorieva tells London's Daily Mail that the actor is not paying child support for their nine-month-old daughter.
Editorial: CPS finally comes to terms with itself
It took a long time, but Sacramento County's Child Protective Services finally confessed its sins. Top officials acknowledged Thursday that CPS' own mistakes contributed to the January 2008 death of a 4 1/2-year-old foster child in its care.
Appellate court rules against Albany County Dept. for Children Youth and Families in abuse case
Court upholds decision by Albany County Family Court Judge, W. Dennis Duggan, credibility of witnesses primary issue
Mother suing couple, agencies over abuse
A local mother is suing the state and two local foster care agencies, claiming they failed to keep her daughter safe when she was sexually assaulted by a former Deltona foster parent.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Two convicted of Medicaid fraud
An Auburn man and a Portland woman were convicted Thursday of defrauding the federal government of tens of thousands of dollars in Medicaid money, according to the Office of the U.S. Attorney in the District of Maine.
Prosecutors introduced evidence at trial that showed Guled, with the help of his adopted sister, Osman, deceived nurse assessors contracted by the state into believing that he was eligible for care at a nursing home.
Medical marijuana factor in custody
Nicholas Pouch runs an organic farm and a glassblowing studio on a 20-acre spread in southwest Washington's timber country. Spicy mustard greens, tomatoes and corn sprout in humid greenhouses as chickens and sheep roam nearby.
Note: Now here's something I'll never understand. They're afraid to have the kids around medical marijuana, yet they'll feed a parent and the kids psyche meds and tell them they're doing great.
Skeptics say child custody policy for deployed parents has no legal legs
“Jane” can cope with missing her son’s birthday and his first day of school while she’s deployed to Afghanistan.
Unfair to charge minors with statutory rape, says lawyer
Minors engaging in consensual sex should not be charged with statutory rape.
What kind of a prick would rat a family to child protective services after what was obviously an accident?
2-year-old N. Texas girl dies after TV falls on her
A 2-year-old North Texas girl is dead after a television set fell on her.
Family endures foster care nightmare
Travis and April Clark's second-worst nightmare came true Dec. 15.
That was the day April Clark voluntarily surrendered their four children - then ages 6 months to 4 years - to state custody.
The Clarks' worst nightmare came two months later. On the night of Feb. 12, their second-youngest child, 2-year-old Jayden, arrived at University of Iowa Hospitals with a severe head injury.
A System Suck Speaks
One in three children who should be taken into care are being left with inadequate parents, says chief executive of children's charity
Note: Attn: Parents of the UK! Somebody slap this bitch, will ya?
Baby LK Report For June 27th 2010
The Baby LK Report for June 21th 2010
For these stories and all the latest dirt on the child protective industry visit
This week, Mel Gibson gets a protection from abuse order against the mother of his baby daughter.
Separated Siblings hang out at a summer camp.
A 12 year old is charged with starting a fire in his foster home when he was 10.
The Boy Scouts of Oregon are ordered to turn over sexual abuse files.
And much more...
Shift to adult can be hard, Ark. foster kids say
Megan Anthony wanted the experience of a first job, but as a foster kid, she knew that wasn’t likely to happen.
Man accused of trying to sell baby beaten in jail
Jail officials in California say a father accused of trying to sell his baby for $25 outside a Walmart is recovering after other inmates beat him.
One abused boy, many hidden issues
The boy, until being rescued from adoptive parents in a Lane County foster home, is said to be doing well after placement in another foster home. He must be a strong, inspired kid, and we are thankful for that.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Kentucky shifting housing program for youth leaving foster care
Kentucky officials have abruptly canceled contracts with three Louisville agencies that ran a successful federal program to help teens growing too old for foster care to find housing and live on their own.
Cloyne's child-protection priest resigns in abuse-case controversy
The priest in charge of child protection in the Diocese of Cloyne has resigned over allegations he acted improperly.
The Whitest Kids U'Know - Clint Webb for Senate
Clint Webb. A brutally honest politician.
Police takes children away
Poland. 17.07.2007. 11 cops take 2 boys away from their father. In the name of law and justice.
Boy, 11, sent to residence program for beating Philly man
The boy facing Family Court Judge Kevin Dougherty seemed younger than 11, standing quietly beside his lawyer and wearing a too-large sweatshirt that was baggy on his slight frame.
But the boy's actions in March - ambushing 72-year-old Southwest Philadelphia resident Vincent Poppa with a group of friends, then beating him into unconsciousness as part of a now-notorious "catch-and-wreck" attack - left Dougherty unsympathetic to the child's age. On Friday, Dougherty ordered the boy sent to St. Gabriel's Hall, a residence program in Audubon, Montgomery County, for juvenile delinquents, for an undetermined length of time.
Gibson 'extremely violent with ex-lover'
Mel Gibson's Russian ex-girlfriend has reportedly filed a restraining order against the film star over allegations of violence.
State 'child-napping' escalates to international court
The state-sponsored "child-napping" of a Swedish boy because his parents were homeschooling him is being escalated to the European Court of Human Rights, which is being asked to hear the case of Domenic Johansson.
Father of dead boy walking to raise funds and awareness
The father of a boy who died in foster care more than two weeks ago plans to walk 150 kilometres to raise money to help him seek answers at the inquiry into his son's death.
Child welfare staff stressed out: advocate
The acting children's advocate in Manitoba says high staff turnover is adding to disarray in the province's child-welfare system.
Allegations Fly About State Not Stepping In Soon Enough In Child-Abuse Death
KFOX discovered Jessica Barron, the mother accused of beating her 5-year-old daughter to death, has a history with the department tasked with the protection of children in New Mexico, the Children, Youth and Families Department. But some people are questioning why the department didn't do anything sooner.
I'm Not Very Good at Clarity.
Note: Or rather, how the child protective industry pulls the wool over the eyes of a foster parent...
But I think it's what we've got and if I can make a difference for a child or two here and there, it's worth the crap we take and the money we spend to care for them.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Navigating ‘chaos’ of family services
Manitoba’s family services system is confusing to “navigate” while many of its staff are under stress because of hefty case loads, says the province’s acting advocate for children.
Child welfare: 'A systemic issue appears to be emerging'
A new report shows the Department of Human Services investigated reports of child abuse or neglect in the home of two Lane County parents who have since been charged with abusing their 9-year-old adopted son, prompting an investigation into Lane County's child welfare program.
Indiana's Family and Social Services Administration fined
Federal officials billed Indiana's Family and Social Services Administration more than a $1 million for food stamp errors.
Camp helps foster children reconnect with siblings
60 children are participating this week in the Baltimore County Department of Social Services' 10tth annual Camp Connect. For five days, siblings who are living apart in foster care are reunited in a child-friendly setting. The last week of June has come to mean a family reunion for children who arrive from foster homes throughout the metropolitan area for camp at Summit Grove Conference Center in New Freedom, Pa.
Note: Maybe they shouldn't be separating siblings. Just a thought.
Neb. trying to pay foster parents who are owed
State officials say they've paid about one-third of the foster care providers who were left in limbo this spring when an Omaha-based agency closed because of financial troubles.
Sacramento CPS says bias against birth mother may have contributed to foster child’s abuse
Bias against the birth mother of Amariana Crenshaw led Sacramento County Child Protective Services workers to “discount” her concerns that Amariana was being abused in her foster home, according to an internal review released by CPS Thursday.
URGENT " Please Help Us DCF Kidnapped our kids on 6/17/2010
DCF Kidnapped our kids
Social Worker: Vontrell Randall
Dept. Of Children & Families
921 North Davis St. Bldg. B
Jacksonville Fl 32209
Direct: 904 798 4768
Office 904-798-2739
Other 904-699-4609
Spoken like a true System Suck
Today I would like to point out a couple of things. First, just how viciously some of these system sucks will justify their existence by using the excuse of the most severe cases of abuse or neglect. And how these people will come at you with only the most severe cases and disregard and even flat out deny the fact that they take children for frivolous or reasons false accusations.
The following is a comment left on this post from the Foster Care Space Warp blog and taste the hate and discontent for parents who are as imperfect as her, dripping off of her forked tongue.
Can I be angry? Can I have an opinion about a woman who lived with a sex offender but was shocked when he molested her daughters? Can I be angry with the mom that sells her food stamps to party? Can I be angry with the mom that won't give her children to family because they're HERS and then beats them in between bouts of ignoring them? Can I be angry with the woman who lets her boyfriend beat and abuse them so she won't be alone? Can I be angry with the parents who manage to get to the bar and to friends and to drug dealers but can't manage to get to the office for a visit? Can I be angry at the mom who was molested by her dad and then lets him have the kids at night? Can I be angry the people who choose to be parents then choose to be crappy human beings? Yes, I foster children. I do the best I can to clean up the mess that their parents left behind. And I am so damn pissed that they can't get it together and care more about their children than I do, more than the state does, more than society does. It doesn't matter how many services or how much time or how much money is spent, some people should just not allowed to be parents.This comment was left by, who created a blog called my not so empty nest days, which really isn't worth the server space that it's written on, so don't bother. And can you taste the hate and discontent for parents who are as imperfect as her, dripping off of her forked tongue?
Seriously people, tell me, what kind of services should we give the mom who dumped boiling water and macaroni over her 2 year olds head because he was impatient. He spent 4 months in the burn unit...
How about the mom that fed her 11 year old daughter wine coolers and pot so that she was willing to be used as rent money...
The mom that had 7 daughters for her hubby so he could train them to be proper wives. He even had them trained to wipe his a$$. What kind of counseling for them?
How about the mom that was so high she didn't know she was in labor til she woke up with a cerebral palsey baby? AND it wasn't her first. Her first baby had to have corrective surgery to correct his flat head from living in his crib 24/7 with a diet of mainly pepsi bottles. Even his adult teeth came in rotten.
What kind of counseling should we give the young mom that burned her 2 month old on her vagina with cigarettes to pay her back for getting more attention then her?
Damn right I'm angry. I had every one of those kids. You look them in the eye and tell them that they need to go back home.
First of all, let me state my position. There are children out there in need of protection from abuse and neglect. And for them, the system is overburdened and strife with fraud, not because there are so many abused and neglected children out there, but becasue so many are taken for frivolous reasons and because so many other family members such as grandparents are not given a fair shot at taking care of the kids. So what they do then is lower their standards for foster parents to include child loving drama queens like this here, who would probably believe every single word that came out of the mouth of a child protective worker and regurgitate that on her blog and in comments.
I'm not saying that, or Susan from Foster Care Space Warp are bad people. I would rather point out to you is that there is something seriously out of whack with these people. I've said it a hundred times, the desire to make your home a revolving door for other peoples children IS NOT NORMAL, and for that we should feel sorry for these people.
Mental disorders can manifest themselves in positive ways just as well as negative. A phenomenon that is caused by a universe that maintains balance. The problem is that people like this don't make the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders because they haven't quite figured out how to properly medicate excessively positive manifesting self-righteous morality disorders.
Now, if there is one thing that fascinates me about these foster parent bloggers is that they're all the same. IOW, they all seem to share a few common traits. For example;
- Gullibility in the form of believing everything the workers tell them.
- Their shit don't stink.
- Preachers of highly opinionated and regurgitated bullshit, usually based on what they were misled to believe in foster parent training and the lies they fell for from the workers.
- They blame the parents for everything, thereby creating the perception that the system in it's current state has nothing to do with the kids coming out of it all screwed up.
- And they all feel morally justified in constantly discussing the worst of the worst, thus demonizing every parent who has ever been involved with the system in the court of public opinion.
You see people. The news articles tell a story, often based on actual events, with a little sensationalism thrown in. But the blogs tell us what the people directly involved in the mess are thinking at any given time.
So read them.
Tiny turtle causes taxiing plane to return to gate
A caged, 2-inch turtle traveling with a 10-year-old girl caused a crew to turn around a taxiing plane, take the girl and her sisters off the flight and tell them they couldn't bring their pet along.
Court accused of violating homeschooler's 'due process'
A decision by officials in Sweden to remove a well-known human-rights lawyer from a child-custody case is being called a "stunning display of bureaucratic indifference and contempt of due-process rights."
Agency ex-official reports to prison
The former finance director of South Carolina's social services agency has gotten an early start on a prison sentence for fraud after he was arrested for disorderly conduct.
Gov't announces new child protective services
The provincial government is set to implement changes to the delivery of child protective services in the province, starting in September.
Foster Agency Accused of Forcing Teen to Abort Now Threatens Whistleblowers
Luz Navarro, a foster-mother who earlier this year had four minors under her care, had all of them removed from her home after she told a newspaper that a Philadelphia Department of Human Services (DHS) caseworker forced one of the children to have an abortion.
Father of child who died in foster care plans awareness walk
The father of a boy who died in foster care more than two weeks ago plans to walk 150 kilometres in two days to raise money to help him seek answers at the inquiry into his son's death.
Mel Gibson Files Restraining Order Against Mother of His Child
At the time of their breakup in April, Mel Gibson and the mother of his baby daughter, Oksana Grigorieva, said their split was amicable and they would co-parent their daughter, Lucia. However, things must have take a turn for the worst since then, because Grigorieva was served with a restraining order by Gibson yesterday at her home in Sherman Oaks, Calif.
Hearing Rescheduled for Man Charged in Connection with Murder of Social Worker
A hearing has now been reschedule for one of three people charged in connection with the death of a social worker.
Moms with Guns - AmberWatch Alert PSA
And you gotta love this guys take on it...
Child protection group's bizarre Rambo Mom ad
And if you want to toss out that statistic about 260,000 children abducted every year, maybe it'd help to point out that nearly 80% of that figure (which dates, by the way, from 1999) represents family abduction, and only 115 were "stereotypical abductions" involving a stranger who transports and detains a child "with the intent to keep permanently or kill." So, statistically speaking, if a child is reported abducted, the likelihood is greater that the culprit one of those rootin' tootin' moms than a stranger.
THE family and childrens rights movement washington dc
Families have taken a new turn in the United States and are now saying enough.
When a family finds their lives devastated by entities privately contracted through our government all to often they have no where to turn.
2010 proves to be a very interesting year for families here in the United States as they reach out to other families afflicted.
In the course of families being destroyed by these entities they are now joining together to tell political elected officials they want change.
Families will lobby and speak out on Capitol Hill July 23 - 25.
The goal is and should be to show how many in mass numbers are affected by the families these private entities that no longer work for you, us, and our families.
The hope of gathering is that our elected officials will take notice and start to work for We The People as it should be.
We want them to take notice that change is needed and strive towards reforming or eliminating those entities that harm family values, family, morals, and family unity.
We the ones working for this change ask you those affected to take a step forward with us and use your voices.
Show your numbers this year on Capitol Hill with the voice God gave you for preserving your Right to be a Parent.
Once we unite from all across America in a mass quantity that is drastically needed the government will have no other recourse than to acknowledge and change
where entities have done wrong.
Thank you for your time.
All Who Have Worked To Bring We The People Family Preservation Fest to D.C
From Jane Boyer
Medicaid Fraud Unit Expands into Abuse and Neglect Cases
The Alaska Medicaid Fraud Control Unit in the Department of Law announced today they recently obtained criminal convictions of two women in a case from late 2007 in which an 81-year-old veteran was abused.
Note: Adults too.
Welfare recipients withdrew $1.8 million from casino ATMs
California welfare recipients withdrew more than $1.8 million in taxpayer cash on casino floors between October 2009 and May 2010, state officials said Thursday.
Getting foster kids back with their families proves successful
Thirty-four-year-old Brandy Lopez has come a long way.
Note: PR.
Missing foster child now on website
A missing 10-year-old Florence County boy is now listed on the website of a missing person's group.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Attention Deficient Hyperactivity Disorder
Dr. John Breeding, professor, author and Ph.D. psychologist discusses ADHD.
Millions of American school children are placed on mind-altering stimulant medications for ADHD. Is there any biological basis for calling ADHD a mental illness? What test exists to diagnosis ADHD? What criteria are used to diagnosis a child with ADHD?
In these series of videos Dr. Breeding give you the straight truth about ADHD and ADD.
Medications like Ritalin, Concerta, Adderall, Dexedrine, Strattera, Focalin and Metadata all have undesirable side effects and can damage a person's organs.
So if you child is having difficulty, what can you do besides give them drugs? Dr. Breeding discusses how to deal with children effectively.
Visit Dr. Breedings Website at
Child welfare reform effort launched
A work group to address gaps in the state’s child welfare system met for the first time yesterday with the ultimate goal of making recommendations to create an independent monitor’s office that will investigate complaints concerning lapses in the system.
Is your pediatrician harming your child?
We all make mistakes, but it's the last thing you'd want your doctor to admit to, especially when it comes to our children's health. But there is a new report that shows it's happening more often than you might think.
UNICEF: Cuba is an Example in Child Protection
It is a never ending story. U.S. authorities don’t know what else to come up with in their efforts against Cuba.
Foster Parents;Did you know? What does removal do to the children? 3 of 3
In part two we were discussing the emotional problems that children who have experienced removal from their homes may suffer from. We discovered that many of these children are diagnosed with disorders such as RAD, PTSD. If you missed part one and two go back. Now let us go on;
Note: She still hates me.
Review looks at repeat abuse among kids in DHS system
The latest assessment of the Iowa Department of Human Services shows after the agency investigates allegations of abuse, about one out of every six children suffer more abuse. Department of Human Services administrator Wendy Rickman says the agency has conducted a self-review and found children suffered new abuse 18% of the time after social workers had confirmed the child had been abused in the past.
The Quote of the Year Award goes to...
And the winner is:
Susan from My Life In A Foster Care Space Warp, who said...
"No one is making any money on this case. Between the services for mom and the medical care and therapies every one of her kids are receiving and will continue to receive for many years, the state and county will be paying for this family for a very long time."
Then goes on to ask...
"I'm not being flippant, I just really don't understand how anyone thinks this is a money-making venture."
To which I replied... (BTW, I said nothing about baby selling)...
I will try to answer your question as best and as politely I can, as to how this is a money making venture.
You said: "No one is making any money on this case. Between the services for mom and the medical care and therapies every one of her kids are receiving and will continue to receive for many years, the state and county will be paying for this family for a very long time."
So how is it possible that the state and county will be paying, but nobody will be making any money? Do you know how much the state or county is paying? How much of it is paid for by the feds? What does it actually cost the state or county or feds to provide all of these services to the family and the child? How much for a child who is not special needs? How much more for a child who is special needs? If you added it all up, including court costs, lawyers, shrinks, doctors, foster parents, day care, what have you, what does it cost for a month? But nobody's getting a cut of that?
Here is a video on YouTube that spells it out pretty clearly.
What you have described in your last two posts is what can easily be pointed out as a revenue maximizing child welfare fraud scheme. And foster parents are just as much victims of these scams as are the families. And sooner or later these kids are probably going to end up in group homes which will also be paid for.
The goal is to keep mother and the kids in the system for as long as possible and to drag these kinds of cases out for as long as possible. By keeping the kids in the system for as long as possible, there are many who benefit.
Here's how...
All of these services which you speak of are provided by professionals who are able to bill Medicaid, the county, whatever. By dragging these cases out or rather recommending that they continue to provide such services, these service providers are able to keep on billing and the state, feds, county, etc will keep on paying. By keeping the kids in the system, job security is provided. It's good for the economy.
Lawyers benefit from dragging these things out, they are paid by the hour or accept a flat rate for a month and contrary to popular belief, are rarely doing it pro-bono but may very well be accepting lower rates. Still a case that lasts years can be quite lucrative to the point of supporting their business, they do not make out off of speedy resolutions, therefore these kinds of cases simply don't end quickly.
The shrinks, doctors, and any other service providers are being paid for as well. There have been cases where Psychiatrists have been caught prescribing meds to foster children unnecessarily, paid for by medicaid, then monitoring the kids and selling the info back to the drug companies for research purposes in exchange for kickbacks. Not to mention, shrinks are constantly recommending that their services continue, or recommending other services in addition to the ones already being provided.
Some services are necessary, some are not, all are provided one way or another. All are paid for in some way or another. Some of the money for the services providers is provided by grants and donations from local church groups or businesses, but most comes straight from Medicaid, which is even paying for services that are not provided as there is so much of it going on that they can't keep track.
It is my understanding that the Department of Justice is beginning to take an interest in such fraud schemes because of Health Care Reform, and the need to bring down some of these costs.
June 24 is “Michigan Family Reunification Day”
Event recognizes parents who overcome issues to regain custody of children
The Michigan Supreme Court today announced that families reunited after the children’s placement in foster care are the focus of the first Michigan Family Reunification Day, slated for June 24.
For Foster Care Teens, Graduation is No Celebration
When kids 'age out' of foster care, they often have nowhere to go
38 more complaints about Truancy Court are filed
The Rhode Island affiliate of the American Civil Liberties Union has received 38 additional complaints about the state Family Court’s Truancy Court program since filing its class-action lawsuit last March, according to a Superior Court affidavit filed this week.
Officer investigated in alleged spanking
Officials said Wednesday that the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services is investigating allegations leveled against an Amarillo police officer.
Family and Protective Services is investigating a "single incident of open-handed spanking" of a child, police said. The officer is the child's father, Amarillo police said.
Note: Shame on this cop! Aren't these people in the do-gooder professions supposed to be the shining example's for which we are all to follow?
Note 2: Shame on CPS! Isn't spanking legal? Is it really any of your business?
Govt slams Libs over child abuse attack
The Tasmanian Opposition has been accused of sensationalising child abuse issues.
Child welfare ombudsman: Panel looking to prevent deaths like Chandler Grafner's
Today, a fifteen-member panel is meeting for the first time to hammer out the details of Colorado's forthcoming child welfare ombudsman office. The office will provide parents, caregivers, neighbors and others with a place to be heard if they have concerns about a child's welfare -- and they feel those concerns aren't being addressed by the county's child welfare workers.
Adoptions in Pennsylvania Reach Record High While Thousands of Children Still Await Permanent Homes
Note: IOW, Pennsylvania is going for the Federal Adoption Bonus, right?
The dedication and hard work of adoption advocates across Pennsylvania helped the commonwealth to set a record in 2009 for the number of children finding permanent homes, Secretary of Public Welfare Harriet Dichter announced today.
Psychologist got degree from U.S. ‘diploma mill’
A psychologist with the Durham Children’s Aid Society has pleaded guilty to professional misconduct for misrepresenting himself and for making multiple unqualified diagnoses of mental illness.
Gregory Carter, 63, appeared before the College of Psychologists of Ontario’s disciplinary committee on Tuesday. He and the college agreed on the terms of the penalty, which includes a three-month suspension, a recorded reprimand and one year of supervised practice under an approved practitioner.
In his practice with the Children’s Aid Society, Mr. Carter’s expertise was used to determine child custody cases.
Ex-DSS official's bond revoked
Former Department of Social Services finance director Paul Timothy Moore may be heading to prison earlier than he expected.
Note: Sucks to be him, huh.
Moore, 61, pleaded guilty in October to federal charges of conspiracy to commit mail fraud and theft of government funds. He was sentenced June 10 and awaiting a date to report to prison to begin a 10-year sentence for a scheme which he converted checks to money for personal use, which he admitted to using on strippers, gambling and alcohol.
California welfare cards can be used in many casino ATMs
Times review finds that in more than half of the state's casinos and gaming rooms, welfare recipients can get cash from state-issued EBT cards. Officials say they're moving to block such transactions.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Pre-Crime? Try Pre-Diagnose and Pre-Drug: Psychiatrists target infants as mental patients
A new study, published in the American Journal of Psychiatry and headed by psychiatrist John H. Gilmore, professor of psychiatry and Director of the UNC Schizophrenia Research, claims to be able to detect “brain abnormalities associated with schizophrenia risk” in infants just a few weeks old. We would like to point out the obvious flaw in this bogus study; there is no medical/scientific test in existence that schizophrenia is a physical disease or brain abnormality to start with. There is not one chemical imbalance test, X-ray, MRI or any other test for schizophrenia, not one. So with no evidence of medical abnormality to start with, the “associated with schizophrenia risk” amounts to what George Orwell called Doublespeak (language that deliberately disguises, distorts, misleads)—it means nothing.
Jailed Social Services Worker Gets More Time
A private social services agency worker, already sentenced to 11 years in prison for fraud (see previous story) in the neglect death of a handicapped child, now faces more prison time and his legal troubles are not over.
Let us have our little girl back
THE parents who abducted their 17-month-old toddler while she was in foster care, and then fled to Scotland, will make an impassioned plea to have her back when they meet with social workers next week.
Another family court psychologist arrested & pleads guilty to having worthless doctorate degrees is reporting that a Whitby, Ontario man, who was arrested back in January by the Durham Regional Police for claiming to be a psychologist when he is not, pled guilty yesterday to some charges. Greg Carter, the alleged doctor, has testified for 15 years in family court.
Should Parents Be Jailed When Kids Drink?
Note: Should assholes learn to mind their own business?
It’s graduation party season, which means social host laws that hold parents responsible for teenage drinking are back in the news. Last week, two Harvard Medical School professors were arrested because teenagers were found drinking at their daughter’s graduation party, though they said they did not see the alcohol.
Raw Video: Obama to W.H. Fly: "Get Out of Here!"
Watch as President Obama tries to brush a fly away as he delivers remarks about health care at the White House. Months ago, he moved so fast, he actually caught a bothersome fly as he was giving a TV interview..
Divorced Dads May Get Equal Time Under New Bill
A bill before the Massachusetts Legislature would change the direction of child custody decisions, making shared and equal parenting the norm.
1 in 6 abused children still mistreated after Iowa DHS intervention
One in six abused children suffers some new neglect or abuse after intervention by Iowa's Department of Human Services - a statistic that has worsened since the last time the federal government reviewed Iowa's child-welfare system, a report released by the state Tuesday shows.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Group to Sue McDonald's Over Happy Meal
Are the toys in your child's Happy Meal making him fat? The Center for Science in the Public Interest says they are. The Washington-based consumer advocacy group threatened to file a lawsuit against McDonald's Tuesday, charging that the fast food chain "unfairly and deceptively" markets the toys to children.
No criminal charges for officers who used stun gun on child
Note: Of course not.
Two Martinsville officers accused of using a stun gun on an unruly 10 year-old child will not face criminal charges.
Iowa DHS Fails Federal Review, Now Need Improvement Plan
Iowa's child welfare system has improved steadily in the last several years, especially in preventing child removals or finding relatives to help if removal is necessary, but like all other states evaluated so far, Iowa will not pass the latest federal review, officials said Tuesday.
Report Slams DHS Protection Work
A new report said the Oklahoma Department of Human Services is falling down on its job of protecting Oklahoma's children.
Appeals court sends R.I. DCYF suit back to court
A federal appeals court in Boston on Friday overturned a lower court’s dismissal of a lawsuit that accuses the state Department of Children, Youth and Families of widespread abuse and neglect of children in state foster care.
System still failing kids
A CHILD protection worker has described trying to improve the plight of children in remote communities as "like trying to shift an elephant with a pin".
Colin Turner: The vital role played by social workers
Colin Turner: The vital role played by social workers
Vilified over Baby P and other failings, social workers are under scrutiny like never before. So why would anyone do it? Here, Colin Turner, who returned to the profession after a high-profile role elsewhere, explains why he came back to the job he loves.
Now, I'm not going to get into what kind of person would want to be a babystealer, because that would be redundant at this point. What interested me about this article is this...
The reality is that there are literally hundreds of untold success stories where social workers have made a positive impact on the lives of children and families – but of course these don’t make news stories and I guess it’s right that they don’t.This is a restatement of a common argument that babystealers use when justifying their existence. A restatement of the "damned if you do / damned if you don't" mentality.
These are private to the children and families and should be kept that way.
Nevertheless, I still find it interesting that when a lifeguard saves a child from drowning it makes the front page of the local newspaper, but when a social worker rescues a child from abuse or neglect, it is never reported.
Make a mistake, however, and social workers are vilified. They’re criticised for interfering in family life and criticised when they don’t. It’s not easy.
The argument centers around the belief that social workers in the field of child protection do good work that goes unrewarded but when they make a mistake, the consequences are great as the media only reports on the bad. This, although it should be no surprise coming from the mouth of a child protection worker, is a bold faced-flat out lie as there is all kind of media attention aimed at the "good" these people do. Enough, in fact, that the Child Protective Industry receives overwhelming support from most of society as there is still the belief that these people only seek to protect children from abuse or neglect instead of using them to grow a thriving business and provide a better product for the forced adoption industry.
Thieves Hold Up Couple's Adoption Quest
As the community steps up to help a Midland couple build an addition to their home in an attempt to adopt their three grandchildren, someone has stolen building supplies from the construction site. Read: Lumber Taken From Contractor's Trailer
Police sergeant barred from contact with girl
Note: This dude is just a little too weird. If you know what I mean.
A Tenino police sergeant who investigated a 15-year-old girl's allegation she had been raped has been barred from having any contact with the girl.
Lecturer and child protection expert on child porn charges
A UNIVERSITY Campus Suffolk lecturer and child protection expert has appeared in court on child pornography charges.
Local case shines light on Supreme Court nominee Kagan
Truck loads of documents penned by Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan have been unearthed leading up to her confirmation hearings next week. One ferreted out by legal observers details her take on a landmark high court ruling – a case from Neenah, Wis. – that’s proved both controversial and widely influential. And it may tell a lot about Kagan.
Psychotropic Drug Use in Foster Care System Under Investigation
The US Senate Subcommittee on Federal Financial Management has asked the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to investigate the prevalence of prescribed psychotropic medications for children in foster care. The estimated cost of prescribed medications, often used in the treatment of emotional and behavioural problems, may run to hundreds of millions of dollars each year in the United States alone. To date, only limited reports are available to determine the actual prevalence of psychotropic medication in foster children. Experts suggest that foster children are four times more likely to be prescribed antipsychotic or antidepressant medication than other children covered under Medicaid. One 2003 study of foster children in Florida indicated that 55 percent of children in the foster care system are being administered psychotropic medication although forty percent of those medicated had no history of a psychiatric evaluation.. Another study has indicated that anti-psychotic medication used has increased 528 from 2000 to 2005. A Texas study from 2004 showed that 34.7 percent of foster children were prescribed at least one psychotropic drug with some children taking five or more.
Child abuse charge against Rock County deputy dismissed
A child abuse charge against a Rock County sheriff's deputy was dismissed Monday in Rock County Circuit Court and the sheriff released a statement saying any allegation of violations of department orders or procedures is "totally and completely unfounded."
Seasonality of child abuse is a myth
A new study has challenged the notion that winter months, and especially winter holidays, are a time of increased child abuse.
I Don't Understand, or Maybe I do.
"Why let her believe that she is working toward reunification when everyone is just going through the motions?"
Note: Here is an interesting blog post from a foster parent. The real mother is being lied to and thinks that she is working towards reunification while everybody else involved in the stealing of her children is working towards just the opposite, and lying to her about it in the process.
Imagine being lied to by everybody who has that kind of power over you. It happens all the time. They just don't tell you all that often.
Here is the comment that I left on this post. I would imagine that she will not publish it as all comments are moderated, but it was left anyway.
>> Why let her believe that she is working toward reunification when everyone is just going through the motions?
How does it feel to be a part of a lie? Does it feel like your being used? Is this a discussion that you've actually had with a worker? Do you ever feel like they're setting these parents up to fail? I mean with such a lack of faith in a person, who you said yourself, "She seems to be making progress as well," they can't be providing too much of a support system.
It should be all of your jobs to help her to build on her strengths even the small ones that are a little too late. Knowing it's not going to happen but going through the motions anyway is more of the way you all play games with peoples lives.
Perhaps you could tell her the truth. Give her a call, say "Hey, everybody is undermining your efforts." Tell her not to get her hopes up. Tell her don't bother. Tell her, they're just going through the process to make themselves look good so that you can't sue them for it later on down the road. It's all about appearances.
Just shows some of the sick games that these people play with the lives of parents. I can picture a bunch of them all standing around the water cooler joking about the obstacle course of hoops she gets to jump through. Kind of like holding a carrot on a stick just in front of the donkey who chases it, isn't it?
Now everything she is doing is based on a lie. False hopes. False dreams. Yet you all let her do it anyway knowing that she's got the chance of a snowball in hell. You're all in on it too.
Thank God that I never had to try to live up to all of your standards of perfection while you all watched. It wouldn't go over nearly this well for you.
And in case she takes this post down or changes it, as they often do once I link to them. I will copy and paste the original post here. (The original link is at the top of this post.)
From the Blog: My Life in a Foster Care Space Warp
Monday, June 21, 2010
I Don't Understand, or Maybe I do.
The little boys that I have right now are doing well and settling in very nicely. They are happy and healthy and secure and really beginning to attach. Good things all. They are visiting with their birth mom pretty liberally, although supervised. She seems to be making progress as well. Unfortunately her situation is such that she is not going to get her boys back. There is too much unhealthiness in her life. Even if she maintains her sobriety, she has way too much other bad stuff and not enough of anything good to parent anyone. I know this. The worker knows this. The judge knows this, as do the attorneys. I'm pretty sure everyone involved in this case knows it, except for mom. Everyone talks about it, but not to her. No one has told her and no one will tell her. Why not? Why not just tell it like it is and allow her to maintain some control over the situation? Why not allow her to relinquish and make some choices about where her boys end up? She could ask for post adoption contact agreement so she could have continued contact. Why let her believe that she is working toward reunification when everyone is just going through the motions? Once they terminate the adoptive family will be advised not to maintain contact. They almost alway advise it in our county regardless of the birth family situation. We have been told repeatedly that contact with Ella's family is not appropriate (and she did ultimately relinquish)
If I admit it, I know why it is this way. It's to protect the county from lawsuits.
Posted by Susan at 9:06 PM
Labels: adoption, wondering
Sources: Social-service manager falsely claiming whistle-blowers are going to jail Read more:
A MANAGER of a Latino social-service agency has been falsely telling the agency's foster parents that two women who spoke out to the Daily News about a foster child's abortion are headed to jail, according to several sources.
Obama Says Fathers Just Need to Be There
In what has become his tradition within a tradition, President Obama for a third straight year seized on June’s celebration of fathers to promote “a national conversation” about responsible fatherhood, infused with his own experiences as an abandoned son and now as a busy parent.
Left-Behind Parents Want End to Single Child Custody System
Masako Suzuki, 50, has been fighting tooth and nail for the last six years just to gain equal custody of her son, who lives with her estranged husband.
"I’m still fighting, taking on not just my ex-husband but also the Japanese administration, and in many ways also the whole social system that does not recognise the rights of a child to both parents after a divorce," says Suzuki.
Judge issues rulings in class action against Dept. of Social Services
Orleans Parish District Court Judge Paulette Irons ruled on three motions brought forth June 18 in a class action suit against the Louisiana Department of Social Services in Orleans Parish Civil District Court.
DCYF may seek national accreditation
Note: Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
The state Department of Children, Youth and Families could seek national accreditation beginning in July 2011 if legislation approved by the General Assembly is signed into law by Governor Carcieri this week.
Note: What's really sad is that they'll probably get it.
Appeals court reinstates RI foster care suit
A federal appeals court has reinstated a lawsuit alleging widespread abuse and neglect of Rhode Island's foster children.
The decision Friday from the Boston-based 1st U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals reverses a trial judge's decision to dismiss the case.
And from January...
Federal appeals court judges question dismissal of R.I. child advocate’s lawsuit
Welfare quarantine for non-Indigenous people
Income management for non-Indigenous welfare recipients will be rolled out across the Northern Territory from next month, after draft laws passed the Senate.
U.K. Court: Lesbian Mom Barred From Paying Child Support
A High Court judge in the U.K. ruled on Friday that the non-biological lesbian mother of a 10-year-old boy is not required to pay child maintenance to her former girlfriend. The couple had not entered into a civil union and therefore Justice Moylan said the non-biological mother could not be deemed a legal parent, despite being a “social and psychological” one.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Judge banishes family's custody lawyer
An internationally known human-rights lawyer who had agreed to work on the case of a Swedish family whose son was taken into custody by agents of the government social-services program for being homeschooled says she has been banished from the case.
(Time to get out your hick boots people): What It’s Like to Be a Foster Parent
The article is titled: What It’s Like to Be a Foster Parent And what we have here are some desperate infertile's who have decided to adopt through the foster care system.
I am now going to copy and paste a line which was particularly troublesome to me. A few paragraphs down he says, "Like many couples, we became foster parents, hoping that eventually we would have the chance to make the arrangement permanent."
Now translated into reality, we have a preacher who quite possibly shoots blanks and a wife who God has chosen not to give a child of her own to, for whatever reason, who now feels entitled to somebody else's child, will pass it off as doing God's work without consideration that there is a heartbroken mother out there who will never see her kid again. These people indirectly hope and prey for some kid to get abused and come into the system then indirectly hopes and preys that the real parents rights are terminated so that they get to adopt. Of course they leave all the thoughts about the real parents out of it. Nope, the families are demonized, and their feelings are not considered in the least when making their decision to adopt through foster care. Nope. They just want a child of their own.
Now perhaps to the untrained mind that was a rather harsh interpretation of this particular situation, as society blindly believes that people who help children like this are saints amongst us, but further down, the guys drama queen personality shines right through. Check out what he says here...
We don't pretend that it's been easy. All children come with baggage. Foster children come with more. We've endured social workers, teachers, therapists, adoption agents, doctors, judges, temper tantrums, food hoarded and rotting in pillowcases, self-injury, anger, suicidality and consequent hospitalization. We've been lied to, raged at, punched, kicked, bitten and run away from. We keep things locked up and an alarm on at least one bedroom door.The poor thing. I mean really, my ass bleeds for you brother. You had to deal with Social Workers, who btw were not there to steal your child. You had to deal with shrinks, well what did you expect? With all the child welfare fraud going around these days, and shrinks being some of the most often paid of all the System Sucks, of course the kids are going to be diagnosed. I suppose you really wanted a healthy white newborn, but it just didn't turn out that way. So you'll just make due with what the Child Protective Industry, who BTW is not God, gives you.
And this dude wants to throw in a bit of theology to justify doing all of this. Not the children they wanted, but they'll have to do, right? No. Wait. They are the children we hoped and longed for just as Abraham and Sara hoped and longed for Isaac.The other thing that we have never lost is the sense that these are our children. I don't want to say that these are the kids we wanted, because as the theologian Stanley Hauerwas puts it, to have to be a wanted child is a terrible burden. I don't agree with all of Hauerwas' conclusions about abortion, but he is right on one thing:
The crucial question for us as Christians is what kind of people we need to be to be capable of welcoming children into this world, some of whom may be born disabled and even die.I might add: "...some of whom may be deeply disturbed in their emotions." The point remains the same. Our adoptive children are not the children we wanted. No child could ever measure up to that standard. But they are the children that we welcomed into our family, and to whom we continue to extend our deepest love, compassion, and hospitality. They are more than the children we wanted: they are the children we hoped and longed for just as Abraham and Sara hoped and longed for Isaac.
That may be. But in order for you to get them, they had to suffer the loss of their parents. The parents had to suffer the loss of their children. And all kinds of bad things had to happen first. But you got your kids now. And you're damn well gonna see it through right? Just like a real parent.
Then he babbles a bit more, but then he actually goes on and makes an interesting point.
It would be short-sighted to limit the scope of our choice to the decision to continue or terminate a pregnancy (in our case, to adopt or not).So, if I get him right, he's actually comparing the decision not to adopt a child with a woman's decision to have an abortion. Which reduces to the Child Protective Industries decision to take a child from a foster parent and reunify them with the real parent, is like having a miscarriage I would imagine.
I can't even go on about this creep anymore. There's just something seriously wrong here with the perspective of the people who they give our children to.
If you know what I mean.
Moms Discredit Themselves by Denying Parental Alienation
There are probably thousands or more mother’s rights groups around the world. The web is replete with their sites such as Justice4Mothers and Rights for Mothers. Generally they are irate about being deprived of contact with their kids and being financially and emotionally destroyed by family law courts. I certainly understand that as it has happened to me, too, as it has to many other parents. Unfortunately, some of these moms have gone off the deep end into sexism and gender warfare that is both counterproductive to their cause and to the interests of their children. A very obvious sign of this is the many mother’s rights web sites that issue blanket denials of the existence of parental alienation, a form of emotional child abuse that is common in divorces and troubled families.
The cost of raising children: 2009 vs. 1960
The grand total for middle-income parents raising one child from birth to age 17 is $222,360, which doesn't include college tuition, according to the recently released U.S. Department of Agriculture's 2009 Expenditures on Children by Families report.
There is a bleeding heart social worker on twitter who is going to report someone to CPS
Tomorrow I have to report a patient to Child Protective Services (CPS) after she delivers her baby...