Legally Kidnapped

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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Nadya Suleman's octuplets receive court-ordered oversight for finances

Nadya Suleman's octuplets receive court-ordered oversight for finances

A California judge ruled that an independent lawyer should oversee the financial estate of Nadya Suleman's octuplets to ensure they are not exploited for entertainment purposes, reports the Associated Press. The ruling by Orange County judge Gerald Johnston stems from a legal petition filed by former Disney Mouseketeer Paul Peterson, an advocate for show-business children. Suleman's attorney, Arthur J. LaCilento, argued that appointing a financial guardian for her children violated the family's right to privacy, but Johnston said, "I do believe it is appropriate and justifiable at this time to provide an objective voice to report to the court." Suleman -- who is slated to begin shooting a reality show featuring her 14 children on Sept. 1, pending court approval of the children's TV contracts -- attended the hearing but did not speak.


  1. Anonymous12:54 PM

    She needs to go into a nuthouse. My hat's off to her if she can single-handedly raise 14 children under the age of 7 cos that's a lot of work. I imagine laundry takes one whole day to do. While I will never believe in forced abortions or sterilizations NO MATTER WHAT, I think the doctor who performed this procedure is a little whacked himself. But regardless of how I feel, these children are here now and as a parental rights advocate, I don't pick and choose which families I support and which ones I don't. I am not like CPS. Unless she is so physically, emotionally or verbally abusive to any or all of these kids, as long as they have a safe place to live, clothes on their back (note I did not say the BEST clothes), and food to eat, she has as much right to raise these children as anyone else does. I have not read one word anywhere that indicates that she is in any way abusing these children. The media now, that's a different story. They're the ones exploiting these children, not the mother. She didn't start this, someone else did. So now she's going to have her own reality show. I doubt that will last long. So America, you can't have it both ways here. You don't get to pick and choose either.

  2. Anonymous12:59 PM

    One other thing, sorry. I'm sure that neither Ms. Suleman or the doctor expected her to have 8 surviving children. Normally, they implant multiple eggs in hopes of 1 or 2 reaching term. I'm pretty sure they were quite surprised when they found out that 8 had made it. So take that into consideration when judging her. Who knows, maybe in her other fertilizations they didn't take. I wonder how upset we would be if this had occurred naturally. I'm sure most Americans would be bending over backwards supporting this woman. Again, don't pick and choose. Just because you don't want 8 babies at once doesn't mean someone else doesn't. I'm sure this was a big surprise to them as well. I have to admire her in some ways by not doing selective reduction.


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