Legally Kidnapped
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
'They are not alone': Grandparents fighting for custody of their grandchildren not unique
A LEADING LAWYER in the area of child and family law has said the case where grandparents lost custody of their grandchild is not unique.
More >> 'They are not alone': Grandparents fighting for custody of their grandchildren not unique
New Longitudinal Study Finds Epidemic of Fear, Not an Epidemic of Child Abuse
When a longitudinal study of children in California found that they are more likely to be reported as allegedly being abused or neglected over five years than over just one, this led to some remarkable leaps of logic. It was suggested that the study shows “child maltreatment is a far larger societal epidemic than we’ve previously thought” and “a reckoning is coming in child protection.”
More >> New Longitudinal Study Finds Epidemic of Fear, Not an Epidemic of Child Abuse
More >> New Longitudinal Study Finds Epidemic of Fear, Not an Epidemic of Child Abuse
Monday, May 30, 2016
Bullying The Mother Of The Boy Who Fell Into A Gorilla Enclosure Is The Wrong Move
While I completely understand the public's devastation at Harambe's death — and I'm in agreement that it was a senseless, unnecessary death — people are misplacing their anger in blaming the child's mother. She had already warned him against entering the enclosure and seemingly tried to stop him; Not to mention, children are notorious for breaking rules and getting into trouble. What parent hasn't turned their back for a quick second only to have their wily kid squirrel into a scary situation? Mothers only have one set of hands and eyes, and unfortunately, things happen even to the best of parents.
More >> Bullying The Mother Of The Boy Who Fell Into A Gorilla Enclosure Is The Wrong Move
More >> Bullying The Mother Of The Boy Who Fell Into A Gorilla Enclosure Is The Wrong Move
Girl who was put in care for eight months after social worker error led to her headteacher mother being wrongly branded mentally ill
A former nursery school headteacher has told how bungling social workers put her three-year-old daughter into care for eight months after a medical record mix-up.
More >> Girl who was put in care for eight months after social worker error led to her headteacher mother being wrongly branded mentally ill
More >> Girl who was put in care for eight months after social worker error led to her headteacher mother being wrongly branded mentally ill
Kandyce Downer: Foster parent who murdered baby was scarred by father's death, says half-brother
A foster mother who beat an 18-month-old baby to death was scarred by the violent death of her own father, her half-brother has said. Kandyce Downer was jailed for life in early May for the murder of Keegan Downer who collapsed in her Birmingham home in 2015.
Fewer Couples Are Adopting as China Scraps One-child Rule
Adoptions in China have been on a decline, following the relaxation of the country's one-child policy, wrote China Daily.
More >> Fewer Couples Are Adopting as China Scraps One-child Rule
More >> Fewer Couples Are Adopting as China Scraps One-child Rule
Birth Caught On Facebook Live Stream Results In Baby Being Taken By Child Protective Services
Apparently someone who watched the video recognized Kali from a domestic violence case in which he says isn't true, and called Child Protective Services on the couple. CPS took the child from the two. Sarah said,
Ontario vows to improve care for youth in group homes, CAS custody
Ontario is promising to improve standards of care for nearly 16,000 young people in foster and group homes, youth justice facilities and mental health residential treatment following a scathing report from an expert panel.
More >> Ontario vows to improve care for youth in group homes, CAS custody
More >> Ontario vows to improve care for youth in group homes, CAS custody
Sunday, May 29, 2016
Foster mum who battered her baby to death was 'born with a killer gene'
The evil foster mum who murdered a toddler placed in her care was scarred by the violent death of her father, her half-brother has claimed.
More >> Foster mum who battered her baby to death was 'born with a killer gene'
More >> Foster mum who battered her baby to death was 'born with a killer gene'
Friday, May 27, 2016
Your Suggestions for How To Fix CPS: Part 3
Here is the third installment of this ever growing mini-series featuring your suggestions on ways to fix CPS. In case you missed Parts 1 & 2...
All the same rules apply. No last names, examine what was said
Sherry suggested...
People should be more involved, no more anonymous call,people should be willing to testify if they see a child being abuse and have documentation of a child being abuse and cps need to see how children really get along with the parents, observe more of a child and parents relationship together instead of keeping them away, that way they can tell if the child is really scare of the parents or caregiversBecause...
If a child is really scare of their caregiver, they are not going to be so affection to that person, there are so many being taken away based on lies ,cps need fact ,people who reports it need to go to court too,if a person care about a child they will be willing to go to court to make sure that child is safe,this will give cps workers more time to focus on children really being abuse and not the ones that someone call and lie about cause they are mad at that personMoving on, Stephanie suggests...
Unless in provable extreme emergencies. The form given to the judge to remove child or children should be filled out properly. It should have the pros and cons of the parents written. All orders to remove or OTC should include the good and bad of the parents. Imminent danger should only be used in those true cases. Parents arrested. True undeniable abuse. All caseworkers held accountable to the law. If not filled out correctly with pros and cons case thrown out. No assumptions to be made. If dcf in home both cw and parent will have a camera present for all interactions exchanged or voice for phone. Dcf not allowed to use perception. House is hoarded. Better have the video. She started to cry and rant. Crazy. Better have video. CW feared for her life. Better hear a threat with the capability or action on record. Cases shall be treated individual. Each family is different. All cw shall be evaluated in beginning and each year such as police. If they actually do witness horrific abuse to be pulled from position and evaluated. This is where danger is everywhere syndrome.Because...
If judges are aware of the pros and cons of parent it will be easier to see the true capabilities of the parents and not remove and end case. Having proof by cw and parent clears up the he said she said. No more feelings. Feelings should not be punishable. Seems these sw are scared so much they cannot do their job correctly. Psych evals and agility keep the cw from making poor decisions and keeps their mental health correct to be able to be efficient and not be able to abuse their power if chosen to have such power.Dot (UnhappyGrammy) suggests...
There is No fixing CPS. Go back to the way it used to be and let the local Police Depts. handle cases of abuse. They aren't rewarded for the children they remove. They only remove truly abused children, whereas CPS is rewarded with Federal incentive money for every child they take and subsequently adopt out. Unlike CPS, the Police place the abused children with relatives, as mandated by Federal Law.
Other than letting the Police handle REAL child abuse situations, the only other way to fix CPS is to only reward CPS with Federal incentive money for every family kept together. The backward system is the reason children are taken. There is no incentive to help at risk families, not when CPS is paid to take each and every child.Because...
No more need for Foster care and much fewer traumatized children and torn apart families.
Less falsely accused families railroaded and torn apart.And finally, Jennifer suggests...
End harmful funding streams. Demand accountability-citizen review panel. Create universal access to the program. Create a new Policy/practice. Social Workers should report on facts they observe in Social settings. Then professional investigators investigate reports. The facts from both are submitted to a panel of experts on DV, child abuse, and prosecution.
CPS should NOT be able to "substantiate" people. Criminal matters are handled therein...
DA office should NOT represent CPS. Police must be held responsible for their actions. The CPS/PD/DA association is awful. Also, attorneys are "controlled opposition" There should be oversight of outcomes. The effective agencies (based on client review) will be incentivized. There will be no removal, only support. In ANY case, there should NEVER be a TPR. Citizens MUST take action to expose the issue from a solution based perspective. We need a place all can access the assistance they need. We MUST pressure Congress to STOP FAMILY DIVISION. We need to make a series of thirty second videos and put them together for exposure. I think CPS is only the beginning of the issue. Failure by PD/DA is a huge cause of problems. DHHS support and enforcement is arguably the most harmful program in the 21st century. The funding cannot be dispensed by DA...for DV and Sexual assault. CPS needs to be stopped from making false allegations of abuse. They are creating the problem they are legally mandated to stop. I think we should inform ALL State employees of the harm and truth of the State, by flyering cars in parking lots. Reach out to law schools and let them know also.
I would hope some of my ideas would help, but overall, the Agency is a horrid group with destructive, Constitutionally offensive legislative language, and incentivized to destroy families.
Everything the State says is a lie. Everything it has, is stolen. Neitzche
To recap:
- Sherry is suggesting that we do away with anonymous callers and require anybody who is reporting child abuse to testify.
- Sherry is also suggesting that CPS should spend more time observing the child with the real family instead of keeping them apart. That way CPS will know that the kids feel safe with the family.
- Stephanie is suggesting that CPS be required to fill out the forms properly, and include both the strengths and weaknesses of the parents, not only the negative. If the paperwork isn't filled out properly then the case should be thrown out of court.
- She is also suggesting that there be video taken to prove things such as the house being trashed, or the parent being crazy and ranting and raving.
- She also suggests that CPS Agents should have regular psychological evaluations, because the real abuse that they do see traumatizes them so that they see it everywhere. A condition known as "there's danger everywhere syndrome."
- Dot is suggesting that the police do child abuse investigations rather than CPS.
- She suggests that when the kids are removed that they should be placed with family members.
- She also suggests that we remove the financial incentives for taking kids into foster care, and provide incentives for keeping families together instead.
- Jennifer is suggesting many things. including we end the funding streams that incentivise the destruction of families.
- That there be more oversight via a citizen review panel, and create universal access to the program.
- The police should handle child abuse investigations,
Stay tuned for Part 4, and if you have any suggestions for how to fix this mess, click on the link below.
Bill to protect Native American foster children headed for Obama's desk
The bill, dubbed the Native American Children's Safety Act, was sponsored by North Dakota Republican Sen. John Hoeven and Rep. Kevin Cramer in their respective chambers. Sen. Heidi Heitkamp, D-N.D., was a co-sponsor of the bill, which a news release issued this week said "implements protections for Native American children placed by tribal courts into the tribal foster care system."
More >> Bill to protect Native American foster children headed for Obama's desk
More >> Bill to protect Native American foster children headed for Obama's desk
Elderly Quebec couple sentenced for sexually abusing foster kids
A 59-year-old woman cried in a Quebec courtroom on Thursday as she recalled the sexual, psychological and physical abuse she suffered as a child at the hands of her foster parents and their friends.
More >> Elderly Quebec couple sentenced for sexually abusing foster kids
More >> Elderly Quebec couple sentenced for sexually abusing foster kids
Our incompetent foster system
Lois Henry is right on with the Social Services trailer bill (”Agency would rather protect its rear than care for kids,” May 22). The people dealing with children in foster homes need to be held accountable for the actions they take in protecting the children.
More >> Our incompetent foster system
More >> Our incompetent foster system
Parents fight accusations of abuse stemming from son's rare bone disorder
Kyle Solorzano, 2, and his 3-year-old brother, Andrew, love kicking a soccer ball, playing with toy cars and getting dirty. You wouldn’t know by looking at them what they’re going through.
More >> Parents fight accusations of abuse stemming from son's rare bone disorder
More >> Parents fight accusations of abuse stemming from son's rare bone disorder
CPS clarifies rule: New caseworkers in Texas must have at least 2-year degree
New Child Protective Services caseworkers will need a two-year college degree — not simply a high school education and four years in the workforce — to waive a decades-old rule that they must have bachelor’s degrees, the agency said Friday.
More >> CPS clarifies rule: New caseworkers in Texas must have at least 2-year degree
More >> CPS clarifies rule: New caseworkers in Texas must have at least 2-year degree
Foster care bill to help kids who 'age out' of system
Turning 18-years-old is usually a time to celebrate, but for foster children, it could also signal losing a critical support system a little too soon.
More >> Foster care bill to help kids who 'age out' of system
More >> Foster care bill to help kids who 'age out' of system
Foster parents charged in alleged abuse of 3-year-old in Wayne County
A couple from Kenova is facing charges for alleged abuse and neglect of their 3-year-old foster son.
More >> Foster parents charged in alleged abuse of 3-year-old in Wayne County
More >> Foster parents charged in alleged abuse of 3-year-old in Wayne County
House Bill would help keep children in state custody closer to home
The first bill to come out of the legislative special session may be one that streamlines the handling of children in state custody.
More >> House Bill would help keep children in state custody closer to home
Undercover: Inside Britain’s Children’s Services: a disturbing insight into child protection in Britain: review
In the wake of so many scandals and serious case reviews into the deaths of children in care in recent years, it is difficult to believe that any child protection service in Britain could still be operating in an effective state of chaos. But as last night’s Dispatches special report Undercover: Inside Britain’s Children’s Services (Channel 4) set out to show, this would appear to be the case – and shockingly so – in Birmingham city council’s Children’s Services department.
More >> Undercover: Inside Britain’s Children’s Services: a disturbing insight into child protection in Britain: review
More >> Undercover: Inside Britain’s Children’s Services: a disturbing insight into child protection in Britain: review
Your Suggestions for How To Fix CPS: Part 2
Last night I started posting a few of the suggestions that were given when I asked the question: What should we do to fix CPS? I'm happy to say that today a few more suggestions were given on the form. So this will continue into another day or two, or for as long as people keep coming up with ideas.
Here is the link for the first part "Your Suggestions for How To Fix CPS: Part 1" in case you missed it.
Tonight I'm going to take a look at 3 suggestions from 3 different people. And we are going to diversify a little bit. Because they are three serious and totally different answers.
So we will begin with Marilyn who suggests that in order to fix CPS we need:
Independent Oversight of existing state and federal child protective laws.Because it...
Will hold the agencies accountable to the intent of all lawsA short and to the point answer that will solve a lot of problems, for sure.
John suggested...
If there is more than say two complaints and a documented abuse in the home of the alleged abuser then a mandatory psychological evaluation should occur. After another incident or report or at the urging of a family counselor or some sort of mental health or social workers urging a mandatory family counseling on a consistent basis especially when the parent is receiving assistance from the government should be set in place.Because...
The cycle of abuse will not only be identified but also the repetitive occurrence of sexual, physical, and mental abuse in some cases may be identified or at bare minimum easier to identify if the children and parents may have any possibility of speaking out or speaking up even in a one on one session type setting. Society doesn't always like to see the obvious but possibly some of these trends could be down or hopefully addressed in more realistic terms!The above answer comes from a totally different perspective. As is the next answer.
J.B. suggests...
A small step would be to have programs for the teens 16-18 that teach them how the world really works. How to pay bills. Write a resume Balance household budgets. Things they really need to know. During these years they need programs to teach them a skill set to survive on. These kids will leave the system with no where to go. Many have no one to help them get on their feet.Because...
I think taking steps to help show these kids that they can make it. They already see how the world sucks. They've been in the broken system. If we can lower the young adults that go from the system to the street, drug use, prostitution, ect......It saves the system money in the long run. Think in terms of decades. Stop thinking in terms of a few years from elected official to elected official.So lets clarify.
- Marilyn suggests that the system should have some independent oversight which would force CPS to comply with state and federal laws.
- J.B. is suggesting that we teach basic life skills to kids who are in foster care so that they can make it without ending up on the streets or in jail or worse.
- and John is suggesting that we take a closer look at at the parents mental health and if there are problems identify them and put them in therapy. He wants CPS to protect the children better I guess.
I'm especially impressed with J.B.'s suggestion because so far, out of all the answers I've gotten this is the only person to suggest they do better by the kids. Kids who age out of foster care are usually put out on their own long before their ready and with horrific consequences..
John is definitely from the opposite side of the fence. His perspective is not that of a CPS victim but valid never the less.
I'll be back to tomorrow with a few more suggestions. And if you want to add your thoughts and ideas, click on the link below.
Thursday, May 26, 2016
Changing schools and moving house hurts B.C. foster kids' education: report
Changing schools several times and moving house over and over is one significant reason foster children aren’t doing well at school, researchers have found.
More >> Changing schools and moving house hurts B.C. foster kids' education: report
More >> Changing schools and moving house hurts B.C. foster kids' education: report
Mum kidnaps her own baby from social services before his adoption after disguising herself with a niqab
A MOTHER kidnapped her own child after social services told her she would never see the eight-month-old baby again, a court has heard.
More >> Mum kidnaps her own baby from social services before his adoption after disguising herself with a niqab
More >> Mum kidnaps her own baby from social services before his adoption after disguising herself with a niqab
Foster parents sentenced for sexually abusing children
A Laval couple has been sentenced to ten and eight years in prison for sexually and physically abusing foster children.
More >> Foster parents sentenced for sexually abusing children
More >> Foster parents sentenced for sexually abusing children
Study explores suicides of youth connected to care system
A study into Manitoba youth connected to child welfare shows that almost three-quarters of suicide victims are addicted to drugs or alcohol.
More >> Study explores suicides of youth connected to care system
More >> Study explores suicides of youth connected to care system
Gov. Pat McCrory’s Mental Health and Substance Use Task Force approaches foster care and adoption services as a key element, Co-Chair of the task force and Secretary of the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NC DHHS), Rick Brajer said.
Levi Johnston Must Pay Bristol Palin $60K In Backed Child Support!
According to TMZ, a judge recently ordered Levi to pay Bristol a whopping $60K in backed child support for their 7-year-old son Tripp. While the judge had agreed to adjust Johnston's current support payments due to his reduced income, he decided the poppa must still fork over the money he skimped out on when he was flush with cash.
Note: The advocate for abstinence is also a gold-digger. Go figure.
A parent has sued the Diocese of Palm Beach, claiming a Catholic school principal reported him to the state Department of Children and Families (DCF) without justification.
More >> Father sues diocese over DCF report
More >> Father sues diocese over DCF report
'I'm 40 years older than my grandkids but still well able to care for them'- Irish pensioners criticise recent Tulsa decision
The decision by State agency Tusla to remove a child from the care of its grandparents due to the age gap has angered many older people
More >> 'I'm 40 years older than my grandkids but still well able to care for them'- Irish pensioners criticise recent Tulsa decision
More >> 'I'm 40 years older than my grandkids but still well able to care for them'- Irish pensioners criticise recent Tulsa decision
Your Suggestions for How To Fix CPS: Part 1
So a couple weeks ago, I set up a form on a separate blog post and asked the question: How should we fix CPS? I got a few responses. Not as many as I had hoped for, but I got a few. Some were better than others. Some were very good. Some were not. I would like to take the opportunity to share a few of your suggestions now, starting with the people who responded on Facebook. I will not use last names as I don't want to identify anybody who may have an open case.
Let's start with Franca who was the first to respond in my group and suggested that we:
"Blowup all the offices and have every corrupt worker fired."Billy suggested that we:
"Fire the bad seeds and if good ones take over for them, fire them too"
"Clean house and start over, plus make it where it's not a fixed system, cps lawyers cps judges got to go"Deborah suggested that we:
"Just put the ones that Lie/Lied in Jail. That should be just about all of them."And Jason suggested:
"First of all you need to hold EVERYONE TO CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. This is the thing that needs to be done first. Protect the innocent child's human rights."So to clarify, it has been suggested that we...
- Blow up all the offices
- Fire every corrupt worker
- Clean house and start over.
- Make it so that it's not a fixed system.
- Get rid of all the CPS lawyers and judges
- Put the ones that lie in jail.
- Respect the constitutional rights of the parents
- and protect the human rights of the child.
First of all, I can not condone violence. Nor can I condone any threats of violence. Due to cases like the one in New Jersey, or the one from last year in Vermont where the CPS Agent was killed, they take these kinds of threats very seriously even if they weren't meant that way.
Second, aren't going to fire or lock up all of the CPS agents because most of them are going to quit within the first year anyway.. It's not a fixed system when they make up the rules as they go along and play them differently in every case. And, it could be argued that in order to protect the human rights of the child in a child abuse case, that the child would need to be protected.
Jason does have a point in the part about the US Constitution as parents due process rights are often violated as well as their 4th and 14th amendment rights among a few others depending on the circumstance, Perhaps we'll have an opportunity to discuss that later on.
That said, I do understand where these answers are coming from. CPS railroads parents, and rips their families apart and they do horrible things to kids in foster care. There is a lot of hurt, a lot of anger. Because of that we've all entertained thoughts that shouldn't be acted on at least once in our fight.
I do intend to share every answer I got over the next couple of nights, and am hoping for more before this is said and done. Parts 2 & 3 are going to be much more in depth, but out of fairness, I want to let everybody who answered have their say.
If you have a serious suggestion click on the link below and tell us about it.
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Mother of Ellie Butler says child's skull injuries occurred in foster care
A mother accused of covering up the murder of her six-year-old daughter claims the girl suffered a fractured skull while being looked after by her grandparents or the local authority.
More >> Mother of Ellie Butler says child's skull injuries occurred in foster care
More >> Mother of Ellie Butler says child's skull injuries occurred in foster care
Director of group home arrested
The former director of Happiness Hill Christian Home for girls on Deemer Road and his wife were charged with embezzlement after $210,313.36 was reported missing following a state audit, the authorities said.
More >> Director of group home arrested
More >> Director of group home arrested
States, help families stay together by correcting a consequence of the Adoption and Safe Families Act
Five million children experience the incarceration of a parent at some point in their lives. As a result, many of these children will live with relatives such as grandparents or be placed in foster care. Some of these families will never be legally reunited.
More >> States, help families stay together by correcting a consequence of the Adoption and Safe Families Act
More >> States, help families stay together by correcting a consequence of the Adoption and Safe Families Act
Leaders Prepare to #HackFosterCare at the White House Foster Care and Technology Hackathon
Tomorrow kicks off the first ever White House Foster Care & Technology Hackathon, and participants’ home court, the web, is buzzing with excitement as leaders in technology and child welfare leaders from around the country head to Washington to #HackFosterCare. This event will gather some of the most tech-savvy minds in the country together with child welfare organizations and foster families to generate new solutions to issues facing youth in the foster care system.
More >> Leaders Prepare to #HackFosterCare at the White House Foster Care and Technology Hackathon
More >> Leaders Prepare to #HackFosterCare at the White House Foster Care and Technology Hackathon
Birmingham kids’ care FIVE MONTHS behind investigating abuse cases
A CRISIS-hit children’s services department is overrun with work and cutting care to save money, a report found.
More >> Birmingham kids’ care FIVE MONTHS behind investigating abuse cases
More >> Birmingham kids’ care FIVE MONTHS behind investigating abuse cases
Watch: Social worker admits can't cope with workload in video
An undercover documentary crew has revealed that city social workers are struggling to cope with workloads and paints a picture of chaos at the struggling department.
More >> Watch: Social worker admits can't cope with workload in video
More >> Watch: Social worker admits can't cope with workload in video
Mother 'bitterly regrets' snatching her two children from foster care
A mother who snatched her two children from their foster home and went on the run from police for three weeks has said she bitterly regrets taking them away and is desperate to prove the family should not be split up.
More >> Mother 'bitterly regrets' snatching her two children from foster care
More >> Mother 'bitterly regrets' snatching her two children from foster care
Foster dad guilty of neglect in child’s death
A Stafford County man was convicted of felony child neglect Tuesday for his role in an incident early last year that resulted in the death of his 1-year-old foster child.
More >> Foster dad guilty of neglect in child’s death
Saying sorry isn't enough for Indigenous children
The rate at which Indigenous children are removed from their families has increased steadily since the Rudd apology, which was nine years ago on Thursday.
Smokers Should Lose Custody Of Their Kids, Says Nation’s Top Asshole Anti-Tobacco Lawyer
Parents who smoke around their kids should be challenged for custody, according to the country’s leading anti-tobacco lawyer.
More >> Smokers Should Lose Custody Of Their Kids, Says Nation’s Top Anti-Tobacco Lawyer
More >> Smokers Should Lose Custody Of Their Kids, Says Nation’s Top Anti-Tobacco Lawyer
Litigating Death in Care Cases in Alberta
More than 775 children with some involvement with child protective services in Alberta have died since 1999. This past year alone, approximately 31 children have died while in provincial care or while receiving protective services. The vast majority of children dying in care are of Aboriginal heritage, and all come from marginalized backgrounds. Only until recently have the deaths of all children who die in provincial care been investigated. Prior to 2014, provincial fatality inquiries were only held into select deaths, with none of the findings and recommendations binding on the province or care providers.
More >> Litigating Death in Care Cases in Alberta
More >> Litigating Death in Care Cases in Alberta
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Mother Blames DHS for Putting Her 5-Year-Old in Hands of Alleged Abuser
A 5-year-old was severely injured at the hands of her aunt, and the child’s mother says the Iowa Department of Human Services is responsible for putting the child her aunt’s care.
More >> Mother Blames DHS for Putting Her 5-Year-Old in Hands of Alleged Abuser
More >> Mother Blames DHS for Putting Her 5-Year-Old in Hands of Alleged Abuser
UPDATE: Suspicious package reported at DCF in Milford
UPDATE: An unknown substance delivered to the Department of Children and Families in Milford today has been sent to the State of Connecticut Department of Public Health lab for analysis.
More >> UPDATE: Suspicious package reported at DCF in Milford
Note: I didn't do it.
More >> UPDATE: Suspicious package reported at DCF in Milford
Note: I didn't do it.
Birmingham City Council to lose control of children's services deemed 'a national disgrace'
Birmingham’s children’s services, once branded a “national disgrace”, are to be removed from the control of the City Council after years of scandal.
More >> Birmingham City Council to lose control of children's services deemed 'a national disgrace'
More >> Birmingham City Council to lose control of children's services deemed 'a national disgrace'
Auditor says child-abuse hotline plagued by problems in 2015
Pennsylvania's secretary for human services says his agency is fixing high rates of unanswered calls to the state's ChildLine child abuse reporting hotline.
More >> Auditor says child-abuse hotline plagued by problems in 2015
More >> Auditor says child-abuse hotline plagued by problems in 2015
Laming: social workers should get legal duty to attend court with looked-after children
Social workers should be given a statutory duty to accompany looked-after children in court proceedings, a report has recommended.
More >> Laming: social workers should get legal duty to attend court with looked-after children
More >> Laming: social workers should get legal duty to attend court with looked-after children
99-Year-Old Mother Reunites With Daughter She Gave Up
After more than 80 years, a mother and daughter have been reunited.
More >> 99-Year-Old Mother Reunites With Daughter She Gave Up
More >> 99-Year-Old Mother Reunites With Daughter She Gave Up
Caseworker turnover worries county officials
Larimer County commissioners unanimously approved a temporary solution Tuesday to a continued problem in the county's Department of Human Services — retaining its case workers.
Couple enslaved ‘adopted’ kids, stole $100K from biological parents: DA
A Queens couple stole more than $100,000 from the biological parents of two Korean children they took in under the guise of caring for them, and instead forced the young kids to work under slave-like conditions while physically and sexually abusing them for nearly six years, authorities said Tuesday.
I went into labor ... and tested positive for meth
It should be the most exciting time of a woman's life. You're gearing up to meet that tiny person who's been growing inside your body for almost a year and preparing for the biggest change you will probably ever experience.
More >> I went into labor ... and tested positive for meth
It should be the most exciting time of a woman's life. You're gearing up to meet that tiny person who's been growing inside your body for almost a year and preparing for the biggest change you will probably ever experience.
More >> I went into labor ... and tested positive for meth
Foster care crisis: Investigation results still months away
A review of Oregon's foster care system is expected to wrap up in August, Department of Human Services Director Clyde Saiki told state lawmakers Monday in Salem.
More >> Foster care crisis: Investigation results still months away
More >> Foster care crisis: Investigation results still months away
Elijah Wood issues statement to clarify comments on child exploitation in Hollywood
"Lord of the Rings" star Elijah Wood feels some outlets overstepped in their interpretations of his comments about rampant child abuse in Hollywood he made during a recent interview with he Sunday Times.
More >> Elijah Wood issues statement to clarify comments on child exploitation in Hollywood
More >> Elijah Wood issues statement to clarify comments on child exploitation in Hollywood
Alarming rate of calls' went unanswered at ChildLine in 2015: Interim audit report
Nearly 42,000 calls to the state's child abuse hotline went unanswered in 2015, an interim audit by state Auditor General Eugene DePasquale's office has found.
More >> Alarming rate of calls' went unanswered at ChildLine in 2015: Interim audit report
More >> Alarming rate of calls' went unanswered at ChildLine in 2015: Interim audit report
Ex-CPS caseworker concerned about new North Texas CPS director
A former CPS caseworker said she’s concerned about the newly appointed CPS director over North Texas.
More >> Ex-CPS caseworker concerned about new North Texas CPS director
More >> Ex-CPS caseworker concerned about new North Texas CPS director
Senator criticizes Texas CPS leaders’ push to hire caseworkers without college degrees
A lawmaker who has written many bills about child abuse has asked leaders of Texas Child Protective Services to reconsider a new policy reducing the education level required to apply for a caseworker job.
More >> Senator criticizes Texas CPS leaders’ push to hire caseworkers without college degrees
More >> Senator criticizes Texas CPS leaders’ push to hire caseworkers without college degrees
Monday, May 23, 2016
A Day in Milwaukee's Trauma-Informed Court: Parents Work to Regain Custody of Their Kids
In most courtrooms, the story of a defendant’s terrible childhood — what types of abuse or neglect may have prompted him or her to commit crimes — is often told at the very end of the court process when a judge decides which sentence to impose.
More >> A Day in Milwaukee's Trauma-Informed Court: Parents Work to Regain Custody of Their Kids
More >> A Day in Milwaukee's Trauma-Informed Court: Parents Work to Regain Custody of Their Kids
Too many children in care ending up in custody says new review
Up to half of all children in custody have been in care at some point. This is a tragic waste of young lives which must be addressed if all children in care are to get the best start in life, an independent review chaired by the crossbench peer Lord Laming has said.
More >> Too many children in care ending up in custody says new review
More >> Too many children in care ending up in custody says new review
Young child taken from grandparents and put into foster care because of their age
A YOUNG CHILD has been removed from the care of its grandparents and placed with foster carers despite protestations from the couple, the child’s school and doctors.
More >> Young child taken from grandparents and put into foster care because of their age
Judge must now decide contested adoption of 6-year-old girl from Central Africa
Attorneys for Allegheny County Children, Youth and Families and KidsVoice argued in recent court filings that a 6-year-old girl up for adoption should be placed with her foster mother in Penn Hills and not her maternal aunt in Cameroon.
More >> Judge must now decide contested adoption of 6-year-old girl from Central Africa
More >> Judge must now decide contested adoption of 6-year-old girl from Central Africa
Sunday, May 22, 2016
Former group home operator accused of rape now faces perjury charge
A man police say raped a 15-year-old boy at gunpoint while running a state-sanctioned group home for boys is now facing additional charges of concocting a fake alibi.
More >> Former group home operator accused of rape now faces perjury charge
More >> Former group home operator accused of rape now faces perjury charge
Nova Scotia to tell 86-year-old former foster child who his father is
An 86-year-old Nova Scotia man is getting his wish and will be provided his father's name by the provincial Department of Community Services.
More >> Nova Scotia to tell 86-year-old former foster child who his father is
More >> Nova Scotia to tell 86-year-old former foster child who his father is
Kids used as guinea pigs for testing companies during class
New York schoolkids will be used as “guinea pigs” in upcoming tests that don’t count but take up valuable classroom time, parent leaders say.
More >> Kids used as guinea pigs for testing companies during class
More >> Kids used as guinea pigs for testing companies during class
Luzerne County Children and Youth Services wants to keep details of case secret
Luzerne County Children and Youth Services wants to keep secret the details of how its caseworkers got involved in placing a toddler in a home where he later died of a head injury.
More >> Luzerne County Children and Youth Services wants to keep details of case secret
More >> Luzerne County Children and Youth Services wants to keep details of case secret
Report slams Ontario's child protection system
A new report slams Ontario's child protection system and says youth must have a say in how the system is restructured.
More >> Report slams Ontario's child protection system
More >> Report slams Ontario's child protection system
Elijah Wood: Hollywood Full of ‘Organized’ Child Sex Abuse
Actor Elijah Wood claims that Hollywood’s entertainment industry is rife with sexual abuse of young boys and girls — and that senior figures within it have been protecting pedophiles for decades.
More >> Elijah Wood: Hollywood Full of ‘Organized’ Child Sex Abuse
Foster care: 'Failing the children it's supposed to protect'
KHOU 11 Anchor Len Cannon shares the tragic stories of five young people, all of whom went through foster care after being abandoned, neglected or abused by their parents.
More >> Foster care: 'Failing the children it's supposed to protect'
More >> Foster care: 'Failing the children it's supposed to protect'
Boy taken away from foster parents because they pulled his duvet off
A BOY was taken away from his foster parents after he complained they pulled his duvet off to make him get up in the morning.
Friday, May 20, 2016
ACLU: Complaints of Nebraska group homes rejecting gay kids
A civil liberties organization has sent a letter to 30 youth group homes in Nebraska after it said it received complaints that some children have been turned away from homes for being gay.
More >> ACLU: Complaints of Nebraska group homes rejecting gay kids
More >> ACLU: Complaints of Nebraska group homes rejecting gay kids
After more than 80 years, birth mother and daughter reunite
For more than 80 years, Eileen Wagner kept a secret from her children. She thought it was the best way to protect all of them — not only the two kids she raised with her husband, but also a third child, whom she had given up for adoption in 1933 when she was a teenager.
Lee Swain, 33, threatened to 'stab' Hull social worker and burn her house down
A MAN threatened to "stab" a social worker and "slit her throat".
Lee Swain, 33, made the threats to a probation officer on September 22 last year during an appointment.
More >> Lee Swain, 33, threatened to 'stab' Hull social worker and burn her house down
Lee Swain, 33, made the threats to a probation officer on September 22 last year during an appointment.
More >> Lee Swain, 33, threatened to 'stab' Hull social worker and burn her house down
Internal report: CPS operations in Dallas have been in ‘downward spiral’ since at least 2011
Child Protective Services’ operations in Dallas County have been in a “downward spiral” for at least five years, according to an internal review released Wednesday.
More >> Internal report: CPS operations in Dallas have been in ‘downward spiral’ since at least 2011
More >> Internal report: CPS operations in Dallas have been in ‘downward spiral’ since at least 2011
Thursday, May 19, 2016
L.A. County ends contract with troubled foster care contractor
The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously on Tuesday to cancel its decades-long relationship with a foster care contractor with a long history of financial misspending and substantiated child abuse. Supervisors Gloria Molina and Michael D. Antonovich had pushed for the county to cut ties with Teens Happy Homes following a report in The Times regarding the agency.
More >> L.A. County ends contract with troubled foster care contractor
More >> L.A. County ends contract with troubled foster care contractor
Pervert foster carer Rex Case given four more years in jail for 1990s sex abuse in Winchester
A DEPRAVED Southampton youth worker serving a life sentence for sexually abusing children has been jailed for four more years for another historical offence.
More >> Pervert foster carer Rex Case given four more years in jail for 1990s sex abuse in Winchester
More >> Pervert foster carer Rex Case given four more years in jail for 1990s sex abuse in Winchester
What happened to government plans to jail social workers for wilful neglect?
14 months ago David Cameron said the government would consult on extending the crime of wilful neglect to social workers. What's the latest?
More >> What happened to government plans to jail social workers for wilful neglect?
More >> What happened to government plans to jail social workers for wilful neglect?
Texas lowering education requirements for CPS caseworkers
The state of Texas dropped the requirement of college degrees for Child Protective Services caseworkers this week after low salaries led to staff shortages and turnover woes.
More >> Texas lowering education requirements for CPS caseworkers
More >> Texas lowering education requirements for CPS caseworkers
Review over girl left in foster home
A review is to take place into how a teenage girl with intellectual disabilities was left in a foster home after allegations of sexual abuse were made against a carer in the home.
More >> Review over girl left in foster home
More >> Review over girl left in foster home
Foster parents file separate complaint with Ohio Supreme Court in adoption case
A second Ohio Supreme Court case is examining the adoption issue between Allen County Children Services and foster parents Brian and Kelly Anderson.
More >> Foster parents file separate complaint with Ohio Supreme Court in adoption case
More >> Foster parents file separate complaint with Ohio Supreme Court in adoption case
Former ‘unwed mothers’ call for public inquiry into forced adoptions
A half-century after they were hidden away in maternity homes then forced to give up their babies for adoption sometimes without holding them even once a number of former unwed mothers want public acknowledgment of the trauma they endured.
More >> Former ‘unwed mothers’ call for public inquiry into forced adoptions
Norway’s Seizure of Five Children due to Parents' 'Bible-Based Parenting Style' Questioned by Over 100 Lawyers and Politicians Worldwide
Norway is at odds with over 100 legal luminaries and politicians from the US and around the world for taking custody of four of the five children of Bodnariu couple to protect them from their parents' "Bible-based parenting style."
More >> Norway’s Seizure of Five Children due to Parents' 'Bible-Based Parenting Style' Questioned by Over 100 Lawyers and Politicians Worldwide
Mom says CPS kept kids for 5 months due to accidental eye poke
“It’s been emotionally upsetting it’s been financially disruptive,” said Barbara Martin. “It’s a nightmare.”
More >> Mom says CPS kept kids for 5 months due to accidental eye poke
More >> Mom says CPS kept kids for 5 months due to accidental eye poke
Former social worker admits to false child-abuse calls
A former Hardin County social worker has admitted to making false child-abuse reports against two of her neighbors to the state agency that employed her.
More >> Former social worker admits to false child-abuse calls
More >> Former social worker admits to false child-abuse calls
Child Protective Services accused of covering up child rape in Texas foster homes
The Austin Sentinel reported in March about the deplorable living conditions children are subjected to in foster care as the state of Texas struggles to manage budget insufficiencies and an influx in children removed from their homes. The Dallas Morning News revealed that for the second time in less than a decade, foster children were being forced to sleep in the offices of Child Protective Services due to a lack of available housing.
More >> Child Protective Services accused of covering up child rape in Texas foster homes
More >> Child Protective Services accused of covering up child rape in Texas foster homes
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Texas’ Child Protection System is failing our children
Texas is in the midst of a crisis that, if not addressed with the highest urgency, will create lasting damage for generations to come. Children removed from their homes are placed in a structurally unsound system that is meant to protect them, but in reality often subjects them to further trauma, abuse and neglect.
More >> Texas’ Child Protection System is failing our children
More >> Texas’ Child Protection System is failing our children
Ex-social worker admits to fake abuse calls
A former Hardin County social worker has admitted to making false reports of child abuse last year against her neighbors at an Elizabethtown apartment complex where they lived.
More >> Ex-social worker admits to fake abuse calls
More >> Ex-social worker admits to fake abuse calls
Britain's foster care system prepares for influx of host child migrants
The care of hundreds, perhaps thousands, of unaccompanied minors fleeing the Middle East will put new demands on Britain's foster care system. But the migrant children might also be surprisingly resilient.
More >> Britain's foster care system prepares for influx of host child migrants
Oklahoma DHS pays settlement over murder of girl in foster care
The Oklahoma Department of Human Services has settled a wrongful-death lawsuit filed against it and a dozen child welfare workers after a 2-year-old girl was murdered by her foster mom.
More >> Oklahoma DHS pays settlement over murder of girl in foster care
More >> Oklahoma DHS pays settlement over murder of girl in foster care
Ducey signs bill cutting child abuse hotline reports
Gov. Doug Ducey has signed a bill expected to cut the number of child abuse hotline calls requiring full investigations to allow child safety workers to focus on cases that actually involve abuse or neglect.
More >> Ducey signs bill cutting child abuse hotline reports
More >> Ducey signs bill cutting child abuse hotline reports
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
Philadelphia’s Child Welfare Agency Loses Its State Certification
State welfare officials has revoked the Philadelphia Department of Human Services’ certificate of compliance and, instead, issued a provisional license to provide services to children.
More >> Philadelphia’s Child Welfare Agency Loses Its State Certification
More >> Philadelphia’s Child Welfare Agency Loses Its State Certification
Ex-foster parent sentenced to life in prison for rape
Just before being sentenced to life in prison Monday in Muskingum County Common Pleas Court, Terry E. Prouty admitted to the court, again, he was guilty.
More >> Ex-foster parent sentenced to life in prison for rape
More >> Ex-foster parent sentenced to life in prison for rape
Judge returns Baby Penelope to her mom
t a hearing this morning a judge restored full parenting rights to the mother of "Baby Penelope" Hogarth, the tiny undernourished child whose mother fled the state with her a year ago, rather than take her child to a doctor.
More >> Judge returns Baby Penelope to her mom
More >> Judge returns Baby Penelope to her mom
The government is launching a full investigation into physical abuse of children who were removed from their homes by child welfare. The investigation, launched based on the advice of the De Winter committee, will span from 1945 until present.
Most former foster care kids not using Texas tuition waivers
Only a fraction of former foster care children in Texas take advantage of the state's tuition and fee waiver program, a fact confirmed by records obtained by the KENS 5 I-Team.
More >> Most former foster care kids not using Texas tuition waivers
More >> Most former foster care kids not using Texas tuition waivers
Fired DHS worker charged with overtime fraud
A former child welfare specialist at the Oklahoma Department of Human Services has been charged with six felony counts of making false overtime claims.
More >> Fired DHS worker charged with overtime fraud
More >> Fired DHS worker charged with overtime fraud
Monday, May 16, 2016
World legal experts, politicians call on Norway to release Christian children
One hundred lawyers, law professors, and European parliamentarians have jointly petitioned the Norwegian government to reunite a family whose five children were seized in November by social services because of their Christian upbringing and allegations of physical abuse.
More >> World legal experts, politicians call on Norway to release Christian children
More >> World legal experts, politicians call on Norway to release Christian children
What should we do to fix CPS?
Because, I'm sure so many of you have such wonderful ideas I am going to put forth the question right here and now and ask that all of you fill out this form and give your suggestions and ideas for fixing this mess. It could be something small that makes one little part of it better or it can be something huge that changes the whole landscape and culture of Child Welfare. It could be a simple change that could make one little thing better, an idea for a new law that we could develop and put forth to our legislators or perhaps it could even be a viable way of restructuring the whole federal funding streams.
Some of the answers will appear in upcoming posts to Legally Kidnapped as part of a new series I'm going to consider. Please keep answers as short and to the point as possible and write as clearly as you can. I know it's a complex issue, but the more good solutions we can offer, the better the chance of fixing this for our children and families.
Some of the answers will appear in upcoming posts to Legally Kidnapped as part of a new series I'm going to consider. Please keep answers as short and to the point as possible and write as clearly as you can. I know it's a complex issue, but the more good solutions we can offer, the better the chance of fixing this for our children and families.
In Some Cases, DCF Leaves Children In Homes Of Sex Offenders
When Department of Children and Families caseworkers learned in January that a pregnant mother of two small children had moved in with her father, a registered sex offender, and her mother, they had a decision to make.
More >> In Some Cases, DCF Leaves Children In Homes Of Sex Offenders
More >> In Some Cases, DCF Leaves Children In Homes Of Sex Offenders
Ruled 'Broken,' Texas Foster Care System Faces Long Overhaul
At 5, the girl identified as S.A. entered the Texas foster care system. Within months, she reported being raped by an older child. She was moved more than 45 times, including to psychiatric hospitals, and missed several chances for adoption because of paperwork delays. At 18, after aging out of the system, she walked into traffic and was hit by a car. At last report, she was living in a homeless shelter.
More >> Ruled 'Broken,' Texas Foster Care System Faces Long Overhaul
More >> Ruled 'Broken,' Texas Foster Care System Faces Long Overhaul
National shame: nearly 50,000 kids in care and numbers growing
On any given night of the year, nearly 50,000 Australian children are tucked into bed by someone other than their parents, separated from them for their own safety.
More >> National shame: nearly 50,000 kids in care and numbers growing
More >> National shame: nearly 50,000 kids in care and numbers growing
Demoted DHS licensing director comes to Bend
A high-ranking official at the Oregon Department of Human Services was demoted last month amid criticism of how the organization oversees foster care providers. She will transfer to Bend to take a job that is a “step down.”
More >> Demoted DHS licensing director comes to Bend
More >> Demoted DHS licensing director comes to Bend
Sunday, May 15, 2016
Attorney: CPS 'overreached' taking missing 7-year-old
Did Michigan’s Child Protective Services act too hastily when it successfully sought a court order seeking custody of a missing 7-year-old Hamburg Township girl found safe in Florida?
More >> Attorney: CPS 'overreached' taking missing 7-year-old
More >> Attorney: CPS 'overreached' taking missing 7-year-old
Police warn of fake child protection workers in Dartmouth and Kentville
Police in Halifax and Kentville, N.S., have issued a warning about people masquerading as child protection workers following two separate incidents in recent days.
More >>Police warn of fake child protection workers in Dartmouth and Kentville
Note: Beware of the real ones too.
More >>Police warn of fake child protection workers in Dartmouth and Kentville
Note: Beware of the real ones too.
Former Texas Foster Children Tell Of Frequent Moves, Abuse
At 5, the girl identified as S.A. entered the Texas foster care system. Within months, she reported being raped by an older child. She was moved more than 45 times, including to psychiatric hospitals, and missed several chances for adoption because of paperwork delays. At 18, after aging out of the system, she walked into traffic and was hit by a car. At last report, she was living in a homeless shelter.
More >> Former Texas Foster Children Tell Of Frequent Moves, Abuse
More >> Former Texas Foster Children Tell Of Frequent Moves, Abuse
Ruled 'broken,' Texas foster care system faces long overhaul
At 5, the girl identified as S.A. entered the Texas foster care system. Within months, she reported being raped by an older child. She was moved more than 45 times, including to psychiatric hospitals, and missed several chances for adoption because of paperwork delays. At 18, after aging out of the system, she walked into traffic and was hit by a car. At last report, she was living in a homeless shelter.
More >> Ruled 'broken,' Texas foster care system faces long overhaul
More >> Ruled 'broken,' Texas foster care system faces long overhaul
Saturday, May 14, 2016
Foster child says he was held in L.A. County juvenile hall for a month without charges
A Los Angeles County foster youth says he was held for a month without charges in a county juvenile hall and his social worker did not respond to calls seeking help.
More >> Foster child says he was held in L.A. County juvenile hall for a month without charges
More >> Foster child says he was held in L.A. County juvenile hall for a month without charges
Lawsuit: Mormons Sexually Abused Navajo Foster Children
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints did nothing to protect two Navajo children from sexual abuse in the 1970s and early 1980s while they were enrolled in a program to convert and assimilate Native American students, according to a lawsuit filed in Navajo Nation District Court last week.
More >> Lawsuit: Mormons Sexually Abused Navajo Foster Children
Immigrant Mothers: Detention Center Harmful to Kids
Texas detention centers for families caught illegally crossing the southern U.S. border are more like jails that have sickened kids, affected their mental health and put them in danger, a group of immigrant mothers testified Friday.
More >> Immigrant Mothers: Detention Center Harmful to Kids
More >> Immigrant Mothers: Detention Center Harmful to Kids
News Analysis: Norway's child welfare service urged to heed cultural differences
The recent global protests against Norway's child welfare service for aggressively taking children from their parents, many of them of foreign origins, show the authorities should pay more attention to cultural differences and bring about fundamental changes, analysts said.
More >> News Analysis: Norway's child welfare service urged to heed cultural differences
More >> News Analysis: Norway's child welfare service urged to heed cultural differences
Social worker confusion contributed to death of four year-old
Confusion amongst social workers contributed to the death of a four year-old girl, a review has concluded.
More >> Social worker confusion contributed to death of four year-old
Friday, May 13, 2016
The other stolen generation: forced adoptions
When people talk about ‘the stolen generation’, they usually mean indigenous Australians who were forcibly removed from their families and raised to be white. They were most commonly the child of an Aboriginal mother and a white father. The practice occurred from the 1880s until the 1970s. Numbers are hard to quantify.
More >> The other stolen generation: forced adoptions
More >> The other stolen generation: forced adoptions
Belleville woman charged with battery, threatening DCFS case worker
A Belleville woman, who was previously convicted of attempted arson, has been charged with threatening a Department of Children and Family Services case worker and aggravated battery to a police officer.
More >> Belleville woman charged with battery, threatening DCFS case worker
More >> Belleville woman charged with battery, threatening DCFS case worker
Ex-foster child sues CFS, alleges assault
A Brandon woman is suing a CFS agency and the provincial government, claiming she was sexually abused as a child in her foster home during the 1970s.
More >> Ex-foster child sues CFS, alleges assault
More >> Ex-foster child sues CFS, alleges assault
A residential facility in Galveston that houses children in federal custody is now empty. Eyewitness News has learned all the kids have been removed over an allegation of abuse or neglect.
Foster child battle goes to Ohio Supreme Court
With two separate court orders from two separate counties concerning a 21-month-old girl in the foster care system, the fate of this child is now in the hands of the Ohio Supreme Court.
More >> Foster child battle goes to Ohio Supreme Court
More >> Foster child battle goes to Ohio Supreme Court
Thursday, May 12, 2016
Man admits to sexually abusing foster child
A Wheeling man admitted to sexually abusing a foster child and now he's headed to prison.
More >> Man admits to sexually abusing foster child
More >> Man admits to sexually abusing foster child
Grand jury: Orange County is failing foster children with 'insufficient and unsuccessful' efforts
Separating children from their families and placing them in the care of strangers “leaves a bloody scab on the psyche that may never quite heal,” wrote researcher Waln Brown, once a foster child, in a work poignantly quoted by the Orange County grand jury in a new report.
More >> Grand jury: Orange County is failing foster children with 'insufficient and unsuccessful' efforts
More >> Grand jury: Orange County is failing foster children with 'insufficient and unsuccessful' efforts
Prayers needed for Mad Angel!!!
It has come to my attention that one of our fellow fighters, Angelia Borths was involved in an accident and is in need of our support and prayers.
From Arin Marcus:
Angelia Borths was struck by a vehicle 5 days ago while riding a small electric scooter near 82 & Powell Blvd.
She suffered a broken pelvis and an extremely severe concussion.
Her family has asked that no friends visit her at this time. They are praying that she makes a Recovery and can invite friends. It is uncertain when that will be.
I have permission to share this information.Get well soon Angelia, it just won't be the same without you.
Foster mother back in court on charges of boy's death
A Sioux Falls foster mother charged in the death of a two-year-old boy in her care was back in court Wednesday for a bond hearing.
More >> Foster mother back in court on charges of boy's death
More >> Foster mother back in court on charges of boy's death
Foster parents could face life in prison
Foster parents who were found guilty of second degree murder last month were sentenced today.
Lured, beaten and forced to have sex with foster parent
A young woman was lured, beaten and forced to have sex with her former foster parent while his wife looked on. Someone allegedly videoed the entire episode of abuse.
More >> Lured, beaten and forced to have sex with foster parent
Twisted foster mum who killed tragic toddler Keegan Downer could have jail term INCREASED after complaints it was not long enough
More >> Twisted foster mum who killed tragic toddler Keegan Downer could have jail term INCREASED after complaints it was not long enough
Woman gets probation for fire that killed foster child
The foster mother of a disabled boy who died in a house fire, was sentenced to four years of probation on Thursday, May 12.
More >> Woman gets probation for fire that killed foster child
More >> Woman gets probation for fire that killed foster child
Mother Says Daughter Was Molested At Immigration Lockup Texas Just Tried to License as Childcare Center
A mother who fled repeated rape by gang members and other threats of violence in El Salvador claims in court documents that her 12-year-old daughter was molested in a South Texas detention center for asylum-seeking immigrants.
More >> Mother Says Daughter Was Molested At Immigration Lockup Texas Just Tried to License as Childcare Center
More >> Mother Says Daughter Was Molested At Immigration Lockup Texas Just Tried to License as Childcare Center
Englewood threatens to report parents over thousands in unpaid lunch money
Englewood students ate without paying at school cafeterias so often last year that the tab grew to $100,000 - and now school officials are threatening to report parents to child protective services if they don't respond to requests for payment.
More >> Englewood threatens to report parents over thousands in unpaid lunch money
More >> Englewood threatens to report parents over thousands in unpaid lunch money
Teen Birth Rate Drops Dramatically, Still Huge Issue for Foster Kids
Jessica Chandler spent her teenage years in foster care in California after her parents divorced and her mother struggled with mental illness. At age 18 she became pregnant. She was terrified, she wrote in an op-ed piece in the Los Angeles Times in May 2013.
More >> Teen Birth Rate Drops Dramatically, Still Huge Issue for Foster Kids
More >> Teen Birth Rate Drops Dramatically, Still Huge Issue for Foster Kids
Parents wrongly put on a child abuser list will get $4.1 million to settle their suit
The father and stepmother of a 15-year-old runaway girl who falsely accused them of child abuse are set to receive $4.1 million from the state and Los Angeles County to settle a lawsuit that contended their civil rights were violated when a sheriff's deputy placed their names on a list of child abusers.
More >> Parents wrongly put on a child abuser list will get $4.1 million to settle their suit
More >> Parents wrongly put on a child abuser list will get $4.1 million to settle their suit
Woman Accused Of Making False Claims To Child Abuse Hotline
A 27 year old Lowville woman is accused of calling a child abuse hotline with false claims.
More >> Woman Accused Of Making False Claims To Child Abuse Hotline
Parents fight back after social worker confiscates newborn
Lawyers representing a Pennsylvania mom and dad whose newborn daughter was confiscated – reportedly without reason – when she was born are arguing a trial is needed in the case to assign liability, injury and damages.
More >> Parents fight back after social worker confiscates newborn
More >> Parents fight back after social worker confiscates newborn
DCS child abuse hotline workers speak out
Channel 4 was approached by a group of current and former DCS case managers working the child abuse hotline. They all told a very similar story.
They said DCS hotline policy was endangering children. The rules of the phone system were also endangering children by not giving case managers enough time to process calls. They cited two major issues.
More >> DCS child abuse hotline workers speak out
They said DCS hotline policy was endangering children. The rules of the phone system were also endangering children by not giving case managers enough time to process calls. They cited two major issues.
More >> DCS child abuse hotline workers speak out
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Norfolk foster parent to serve 90 days in jail for soliciting sex from adopted son
A longtime foster parent in Norfolk will serve 90 days in jail and 42 months probation for soliciting sex from a foster son he had adopted.
More >> Norfolk foster parent to serve 90 days in jail for soliciting sex from adopted son
More >> Norfolk foster parent to serve 90 days in jail for soliciting sex from adopted son
Look-Back Law Allows Foster-Care Licenses for Criminals, Abusers
A lawsuit alleges that 6-year-old Kendrea Johnson was placed in the foster home of a known abuser.
Dave Hill: ‘You’ve got to look after fewer children’
Dave Hill, 57, the new president of the Association of Directors of Children’s Services (ADCS), used his inaugural speech last month to demand a debate about the limits of state interference in family life, saying plainly that “we intervene too often and sometimes too readily”. “We may need to take fewer children into care than we currently do,” he added.
More >> Dave Hill: ‘You’ve got to look after fewer children’
More >> Dave Hill: ‘You’ve got to look after fewer children’
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
British Association of Social Workers launches inquiry into adoption ethics
The prime minister has made it crystal clear in recent months that he wants to see more children adopted, faster. But following two landmark appeal court cases, the brakes are firmly on: family judges are applying the full rigour of statute to local authority evidence when applications are made for adoption placement orders. The result, much to some politicians’ vocal displeasure, is that the number of children placed for adoption has fallen significantly.
More >> British Association of Social Workers launches inquiry into adoption ethics
More >> British Association of Social Workers launches inquiry into adoption ethics
Alternative offered to foster care
Mississippi's foster care system is overloaded, but some say it's not always the answer.
One option passed by the Legislature is called Safe Families for Children. It's where a parent can temporarily turn their children over to someone.
More >> Alternative offered to foster care
One option passed by the Legislature is called Safe Families for Children. It's where a parent can temporarily turn their children over to someone.
More >> Alternative offered to foster care
Commission of Investigation into alleged sex abuse at foster home will go ahead, says Minister
Children's Minister Katherine Zappone has said that a Commission of Investigation into allegations of abuse at a foster home in the South East will go ahead.
More >> Commission of Investigation into alleged sex abuse at foster home will go ahead, says Minister
More >> Commission of Investigation into alleged sex abuse at foster home will go ahead, says Minister
Two CFS kids were transferred 105 times in a year, a new report reveals
Hundreds of children in the care of Manitoba Child and Family Services agencies are moved more than a half dozen times a year. Some are moved dozens of times. And, in 2014, two children were transferred an astounding 105 times.
More >> Two CFS kids were transferred 105 times in a year, a new report reveals
More >> Two CFS kids were transferred 105 times in a year, a new report reveals
Possible takeover of Mississippi foster care system delayed
Advocates for children agreed to give Mississippi more time to improve the state's child welfare system under a deal presented Tuesday to a federal judge. In exchange, state officials agreed to try to reduce the number of children in state custody who are being cared for by unlicensed foster parents.
More >> Possible takeover of Mississippi foster care system delayed
More >> Possible takeover of Mississippi foster care system delayed
B.C. coroner's report rules death of troubled foster youth was suicide
A teenager whose death forced the B.C. government to re-examine its policy of placing vulnerable foster youth in hotel rooms intentionally jumped out of his fourth-floor hotel room window, according to a coroner’s report released today.
More >> B.C. coroner's report rules death of troubled foster youth was suicide
More >> B.C. coroner's report rules death of troubled foster youth was suicide
Barahona Attempted Murder Case Moved To Miami-Dade County
The Miami man accused of trying to kill his adopted son in Palm Beach County will be able to fight the charges closer to home.
More >> Barahona Attempted Murder Case Moved To Miami-Dade County
More >> Barahona Attempted Murder Case Moved To Miami-Dade County
Clinton to pledge that no family pays more than 10 percent of income on child care
Hillary Clinton is pledging Tuesday that as president she will ensure that families pay no more than 10 percent of their income on child care, a significant and rising cost for working parents.
More >> Clinton to pledge that no family pays more than 10 percent of income on child care
More >> Clinton to pledge that no family pays more than 10 percent of income on child care
Lawsuit: State Gave Child Foster Care License to Known Abuser
The Hennepin County Human Services Department allowed the placement of a foster care child into the home of a Brooklyn Park woman who had a record of substantiated child abuse, according to a lawsuit filed Monday in U.S. District Court in Minneapolis.
More >> Lawsuit: State Gave Child Foster Care License to Known Abuser
Lawsuit filed after 6-year-old died in Brooklyn Park foster home
A year and a half after her death, few would argue 6-year-old Kendrea Johnson’s needed help. She was found in the bedroom of her Brooklyn Park foster home, hanging from her bunk bed by a jump rope.
More >> Lawsuit filed after 6-year-old died in Brooklyn Park foster home
More >> Lawsuit filed after 6-year-old died in Brooklyn Park foster home
Parents could go to jail for posting kids' pictures on Facebook
Posting pictures and videos of your babies could land you in jail, that is if you are living in France.
More >> Parents could go to jail for posting kids' pictures on Facebook
More >> Parents could go to jail for posting kids' pictures on Facebook
In the words of one ACS caseworker, "We are risking our lives every day to protect the children of New York City." That worker reached out to The Investigators after several child specialists were injured in serious attacks. Two of them agreed to sit down and talk with Eyewitness News. Still shaken by their ordeal, they asked that their identities be hidden.
Monday, May 09, 2016
School District Accused of Harsh Discipline
Officials at a Mississippi alternative school routinely handcuffed students to fixed objects where they were forced to eat lunch and unable to use the restroom for extended periods of time, a former student claims in court.
More >> School District Accused of Harsh Discipline
More >> School District Accused of Harsh Discipline
Child agency admits it's "aware" of case of alleged sexual abuse at foster home in southwest
THE CHILD AND family agency Tusla has acknowledged that it is aware of a case of potential foster care abuse in the Cork/Kerry area.
More >> Child agency admits it's "aware" of case of alleged sexual abuse at foster home in southwest
Austin Can Find the Money To Fix Child Protective Services, If It Wants To
Texas' Child Protective Services is in crisis. In the wake of the brutal, March 13 death of 4-year-old Leilana Wright in Grand Prairie, a parade of news report have documented that the agency, through some mixture of incompetence and an acute staffing shortage, is fundamentally incapable, as currently organized, of doing its job and protecting the state's children.
More >> Austin Can Find the Money To Fix Child Protective Services, If It Wants To
More >> Austin Can Find the Money To Fix Child Protective Services, If It Wants To
Foster child sent back to live with her drug-abusing mom
Note: Foster Care Providers often like to whine to the media about their opinions when CPS gives the kids back. This is just one assholes opinion.
An activist who became a foster parent because of the Nixzmary Brown child-abuse horror says she faced her own Administration for Children’s Services nightmare when the city agency gave her foster tot back to the girl’s drug-addled mother.
More >> Foster child sent back to live with her drug-abusing mom
An activist who became a foster parent because of the Nixzmary Brown child-abuse horror says she faced her own Administration for Children’s Services nightmare when the city agency gave her foster tot back to the girl’s drug-addled mother.
More >> Foster child sent back to live with her drug-abusing mom
Woman who admitted perjury did so 'out of fear of losing custody of her children', court hears
A woman who pled guilty to perjury said today that she did so because she thought that it would affect the custody of her children. The perjury was committed during a case against her estranged partner who stood accused of running over a woman with a bus in 2008 in St Paul’s Bay.
More >> Woman who admitted perjury did so 'out of fear of losing custody of her children', court hears
More >> Woman who admitted perjury did so 'out of fear of losing custody of her children', court hears
Social worker suspended for further 12 months after failing to refer self-harming child
A social worker who falsified records after failing to visit families whose children were on the protection register has had his suspension increased by another 12 months.
More >> Social worker suspended for further 12 months after failing to refer self-harming child
More >> Social worker suspended for further 12 months after failing to refer self-harming child
Revealed: Mother on the run with her two daughters 'is hiding in woods with hippies after being helped to flee by cross-dressing ex-MI5 spy David Shayler'
A mother on the run with her two children is thought to be hiding in woodland with hippies after snatching them from care and fleeing on the advice of a renegade former MI5 spy.
More >> Revealed: Mother on the run with her two daughters 'is hiding in woods with hippies after being helped to flee by cross-dressing ex-MI5 spy David Shayler'
More >> Revealed: Mother on the run with her two daughters 'is hiding in woods with hippies after being helped to flee by cross-dressing ex-MI5 spy David Shayler'
Deltona man working Kissimmee group home accused of molesting 15-year-old girl
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William Willingham |
More >> Deltona man working Kissimmee group home accused of molesting 15-year-old girl
Sunday, May 08, 2016
Judge orders Somali teen returned to foster family
A federal judge in Seattle has ordered immigration officials to release a Somali teenager who was taken from his Oregon foster family and placed in an adult detention center in Tacoma.
More >> Judge orders Somali teen returned to foster family
More >> Judge orders Somali teen returned to foster family
Foster mom gets 13 yrs. in scalded toddler case
A St. Albans woman has been sentenced to 13 years in prison for scalding a 19-month-old boy in a bathtub and subsequently failing for more than a week to get him treatment for second- and third-degree burns.
More >> Foster mom gets 13 yrs. in scalded toddler case
Fresh foster care concerns prompt calls for inquiry
Disabilities Minister Finian McGrath said he was “absolutely horrified” at the latest revelations involving a teenager in the Cork/Kerry area which follow on from the ‘Grace’ scandal in the South-East and a similar scandal in the West.
More >> Fresh foster care concerns prompt calls for inquiry
More >> Fresh foster care concerns prompt calls for inquiry
Man accused of sexually assaulting underage foster daughter at their home
A Grand Rapids man faces up to life in prison for allegedly sexually assaulting his own foster daughter at their home.
More >> Man accused of sexually assaulting underage foster daughter at their home
More >> Man accused of sexually assaulting underage foster daughter at their home
Children legally kidnapped from families in Norway
Norwegian human rights attorney Marius Reikaras recently wrote a letter to Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu in which he tried to draw attention to the "horror" that many families, including Turkish citizens, face in Norway.
More >> Children legally kidnapped from families in Norway
More >> Children legally kidnapped from families in Norway
“Baby snatch parents” have been “brainwashed” into putting bleach before their child, says source
In an extraordinary development on last week’s cover story centring on the number of Portuguese children taken into care by British social services, a source has come forwards to highlight the case against 31-year-old Portuguese mother Iolanda Menino - claiming the cardiology technician has been “brainwashed” by her partner, Leonardo Edwards.
More >> “Baby snatch parents” have been “brainwashed” into putting bleach before their child, says source
More >> “Baby snatch parents” have been “brainwashed” into putting bleach before their child, says source
Group-home worker accused of touching 15-year-old girl
A Kissimmee group-home employee was arrested after allegedly offering a foster child money for sex and inappropriately touching her, according to the Osceola County Sheriff's Office.
More >> Group-home worker accused of touching 15-year-old girl
More >> Group-home worker accused of touching 15-year-old girl
Bills Coming Due for Troubled Foster Care System
Two special masters appointed by a federal judge to oversee reforms to the state’s embattled foster care system have begun visiting with state officials, and their recent two-and-a-half-day orientation is projected to cost the state roughly $43,000, according to state officials.
More >> Bills Coming Due for Troubled Foster Care System
More >> Bills Coming Due for Troubled Foster Care System
Saturday, May 07, 2016
Jersey Care Inquiry: Report claims personal privacy of victims 'breached'
In a 446-page report, Jersey's Data Protection Commissioner accused The Independent Jersey Care Inquiry of "systemic breaches" over the way it handled information.
More >> Jersey Care Inquiry: Report claims personal privacy of victims 'breached'
More >> Jersey Care Inquiry: Report claims personal privacy of victims 'breached'
Sex, drugs and gangs: Victoria's child protection system set for a shake-up
Children in state-run residential care are trading sex for drugs and being recruited into street gangs, painting a picture of an under-strain system where vulnerable young people continue to fall through the cracks.
More >> Sex, drugs and gangs: Victoria's child protection system set for a shake-up
More >> Sex, drugs and gangs: Victoria's child protection system set for a shake-up
Parents can sue Michigan therapist in false memories case
The Michigan Supreme Court has cleared the way for a lawsuit to advance against a counselor in the Upper Peninsula who is accused of planting false memories of sexual abuse in the mind of a teenager.
More >> Parents can sue Michigan therapist in false memories case
More >> Parents can sue Michigan therapist in false memories case
Testimony from Norway’s CPS Victims: Real and Raw
These are videos with stories directly from Barnevernet victims. PLEASE SHARE these videos in the hope that many good and compassionate Norwegians will find out about the human rights violations happening in Norway, and hold Barnevernet accountable. Many thanks to Evgeni Dyakonov [ ] for allowing us to share these videos on Facebook and Delight in Truth. We hope these clips penetrate deep into the heart of Norway.
More >> Testimony from Norway’s CPS Victims: Real and Raw
More >> Testimony from Norway’s CPS Victims: Real and Raw
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