Legally Kidnapped

Shattering Your Child Welfare Delusions Since 2007

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Does anybody want a kid?

This is how they market your children.

They make them all pretty and take them out to a really fun place so that they'll be all happy and bubbly in front of the camera.

They sell you on how cute they are, but they don't want you to see how difficult they can be during their day to day routine.

They sell you on the rewards of bringing these wonderful children into other families.

And they fill the kids heads with dreams of forever homes, as if that's the only hope for them.

For some it's a last desperate attempt, because we all know what happens to them when they turn 18.

Still, I never stop wondering how many of these kids have parents who want them to come home. Of course they never mention anything like that on Wednesday's Child.

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