Legally Kidnapped

Shattering Your Child Welfare Delusions Since 2007

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Submitted by Suzie

I’m a 43 year old mother of 6,3 I gave birth to 3 I did not, My niece came to live with me 4 years agora year later I got her brother a year after that another beautiful boy. Almost a year ago, My 2 year old jumped off a table and had a spiral fracture, DCFS pulled them. I will never get them back and I was Irate believe me; I passed a lie det test stating I had never hurt them. Cried threatened to call the papers and everything, then I have a case worker inform me that if I take this to court they would (drag my 3 teenagers threw the mud) were they horrible no way, Although 2 did try to kill themselves due to DCFS taken our babys and telling us we were never gonna see them again, Guess I was only half unfit, They only took half my children. When you think it doesn’t happen to fitter parents, Please think again, they can do anything they want and there is no one, unless of course you have the thousands to fight them, no one will do anything, so now I have memories, everyday tears, Teenagers who know what kind of mom I am and yet the law failed us. This does happen. Lies to keep the kids and I think make money off them. I didn’t want there freaken check, I wanted my babies, now they are being drug threw a system I know for a matter of fact has failed so many children. My heart is broke, my biggest fear that the babies that knew there mommy loved them so very much will never be ok. SEE THE STATEMENT KIDS ARE RESILIANT IS USED WAY TO EASILY.AS THOUGH THEY ARE ANIMALS, They are not, they feel they love and they miss!!!! I pray every day that they are safe, But I pray even more no one ever has to go thru the hell this family has been thru.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:27 PM

    The ONLY way to do anything about it is to EXPOSE EXPOSE EXPOSE!!! GO to the media. WRITE your entire story and get it to the general public in whatever way you can. They are even bigger and more evil than you could ever imagine. They are a multibillion dollar a year industry that kidnaps our children for the purpose of making money. You are 200% correct on that part. You are off to a good start having found Legally Kidnapped. I reccomend American Family Rights to you...another awesome site that is extremely informative and educational. The pain never goes away, but you DON'T have to take it in silence. Get all of your ducks in a row so to speak and then take it to the public. Best of luck!


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