Legally Kidnapped

Shattering Your Child Welfare Delusions Since 2007

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Anonymous Submission # 4

Hi. I have a friend who is a handicap mother CPS came in to the hospital on day 2 and told my friend that her baby was not coming home to her and they said she was unable to take care of her child because she is handicapped she never got a chance to show that she can take care of her child CPS taken the baby on the 13 days of birth I feel they have no legal right to take a new born baby away from a mother, just because she handicapped when she did nothing wrong to her baby, I feel CPS has taken this young woman right away from being a loving caring mother to her baby, to CPS it’s about money they want the big money for the baby, they don’t care who family they hurt, let me tell all you mothers out there you’re dealing with poured evil they are sleeping in the devils bed for real, this young woman did not harm her child she did nothing wrong for CPS to come in to her life and take her baby this happened in Chico ca USA, I pray this young woman can find the happy she needs to get her baby back is there any more honest people left in America that can fight CPS if are men and woman can fight for our country and all Americans why can’t we fight for our families and our child ?? Well I hope someone in Chico Ca can help this young mother thank you god bless

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