Legally Kidnapped

Shattering Your Child Welfare Delusions Since 2007

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Anonymous Submission # 2

I really don't know where to start. I will keep it simple.

12 years ago I got divorced from the father of my boys. Never when we was together I thought he would of hurt the kids although he was a jerk to me. When we got divorced he convened me to let him have the 2 older kids and me the baby and if I did this he would not take them all and me never see them again. Needless to say he started to abuse my kids. I called and called CPS and I was just considered an angry ex wife. Finally I got the school involved and they were turned in.

Never a good Idea to get CPS to, so called, help you. Anyway, I fought and fought for my kids the whole time CPS and my court appointed attorney telling me to give him another chance. Well I did. 3 months later my ex had beaten one of my boys really bad. CPS took them again and I fought for I think almost 2 years and jumped all the hoops mind you I was not accused of any abuse. The judge gave me the kids and terminated his rights. All this time while the kids were is foster care picking up very bad habits.

They came to live with me and I asked yet again CPS for help .. (A MUST NEVER DO) kids jumping off the roof you name it they was doing it and them telling me I could not tell them what to do because CPS said so. There for I asked CPS to help me because they said well let them fall off and break an arm or something they will learn from this. well me as a mom that loved my kids did not see t that way I seen them breaking there neck not arm so I did not want them to do it any way CPS took them once again and said I refused to take parental control. I fought again for over a year and the judge in this case was the same that had given them to me in the first place and basically told CPS to give me my kids back and to leave me alone. That made CPS really mad.

I was remarried and his ex called CPS many times with false allegations and then my ex did something stupid he hit one of his kids. CPS came out and told me to leave and they would leave me and my kids out of this and I had no place to go, he was going to leave but because CPS would not believe we was married said that was not my house and in that i could not stay there even if he moved. Mind ya we had been married only 4 days but still we were married and I had all rights to the house.

CPS said that if I left with no place to go they would still take the kids. So here I am again fighting these people. And now they have PMC on my kids they would not let me go in front of a jury because they said if I did I would lose for sure. my kids are well old enough to tell where they want to be and they did it was over looked they are 18 in April 16 and 14 my 16yrd called me tonight 1/25/11 crying he was so tired of CPS and wants to come home anyways that is the best way I know to write this...

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