Legally Kidnapped

Shattering Your Child Welfare Delusions Since 2007

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Anonymous Submission # 1

I was molested in a family of horror situation, it wasn't just me it was many of us verses the real family & Churches we were sold into prostitution by DHS, TO THIS Day my sister is strung out on drugs & has no 1 to help her she deserves a chance but no one 2 help including our living real mother I think the only way 2 help is by publicly exposing the predators so that she is in no more fear to come forward! We were freaked literly in "Jesus" name! Please help.


  1. Anonymous6:18 PM

    What exactly do you mean by "sold into prostitution by DHS"? Can you elaborate/explain a bit further? In order to completely expose them, the entire story needs to be put out there. Painful it may be, but it has to be done. You are not alone in this. This has been going on for at least 37 years that I know of and countless children have suffered at the hands of this system. One method of exposing them is to write a book. Write the entire story down. Do not worry about how to publish it, just get it on paper and go from there. You have found an excellent site here at LK. Another great site is American Family Rights. There are thousands of us preparing to expose this evil system and we are gathering in strength. Many of us are boldly stepping forward and going to the media with our stories. Do not go it alone. There is strength in numbers. If you need to talk or want some helpful information, please feel free to contact me at I wish you the best.

  2. Re: "Sold into prostitution by DHS"

    Perhaps this will give you a little more info.


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