Grandparents Raising Children Call Upon Governor and Legislature to Fully Fund Kinship Programs
Grandparents raising grandchildren along with AARP and kincare advocates called upon state leaders to fully fund programs that support kinship caregivers by providing necessary help to successfully raise the children in their care.
Kinship caregivers, who currently raise nearly 400,000 children in New York State, help keep children out of foster care, reduce financial costs to state and local agencies, and improve the well-being of children in their care. Programs supporting these caregivers were cut fifty-percent in the Governor's budget proposal.
Programs supporting these caregivers were cut fifty-percent in the Governor's budget proposal...and anyone who complains is a wretched child abuser who deserves years of court battles and hopefully prison.
Sorry, I know someone who was a grandparent caregiver until the system railroaded her. It was only by refinancing the house, borrowing money and almost going bankrupt that she was able to get off on the criminal charges...all because she had the audacity to ask the state for a little help.