Legally Kidnapped

Shattering Your Child Welfare Delusions Since 2007

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Requirements to Become a Family Court Judge

Requirements to Become a Family Court Judge

Note: Of course they leave out their fraudulent support and profiteering from Child Welfare Services, and the gullibility associated with believing anything a lying assed worker says. But that's okay. I haven't forgotten.

A family court judge wields has the ability to drastically affect the lives of parents and children. A family court judge will typically hear cases involving divorce, neglect or abuse, termination of parental rights, paternity and child support. While all decisions made by judges have the potential to impact lives, a family court judge has the additional pressure of knowing that almost all cases over which she presides will directly and permanently impact a child. In most states, the requirements for becoming a family court judge are the same for becoming a judge in any other court, although a candidate's experience and knowledge of family dynamics will certainly be taken into consideration.

Note: And one more thing, they must be able to wield the power of the Rubber Stamp, without a thought or consideration for what is right.

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