Legally Kidnapped

Shattering Your Child Welfare Delusions Since 2007

Friday, February 04, 2011

I have a question for all of you wonderful people - especially those of you who actually watch this crap.

I've been thinking.

In regards to this post of an unembeddable YouTube video.

Now, admittedly, I can't stomach Dr. Phil. I didn't watch this show. So I am speaking from a little bit of ignorance here. Still with all the hype over this poor, sweet, innocent child being abused with hot sauce by his adoptive psycho mom, shouldn't Dr. Phil be charged with exploitation of a child abuse victim? As a "Dr." or a shrink, or whatever the heck he is, isn't he a mandated reporter and therefore required by law to report knowledge of such occurrences? Did he report this adoptive mother for child abuse?

How long did it take to get her on his show? Was that poor, sweet, innocent child left in the home all that time?

You know it's really sad when viewers of feminist programming such as this are the ones who are smart enough report it to the child protective industry, yet the Dr. Phil just puts it on TV to keep them entertained.

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