Legally Kidnapped

Shattering Your Child Welfare Delusions Since 2007

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Anonymous Submission # 3

I have dealt with cps for 4 yrs I had two children that were taken and adopted by their grandparents’ admit I was not a great mom. I got mixed up with the wrong guy was young, and felt I missed out on a lot of stuff teens do, so I was more worried about partying, my kids were taken care of, always fed, dressed, had everything they needed, a social worker came to my house thinking I was someone else and seen my house was messy, after they got taken I just lost it and them. I should've tried harder to get them back, but I realized they would have a way better life growing up with the grandparents. now I’m older I’ve had two kids with a guy who actually helps take care of his kids, we got into a fight late one night stuff got broke, cops got called, and even though the kids were sleeping and never got woke up they were taken, now a year later they gave us a bunch of things to do, and since we live out of town and have no car we told them we would start them as soon as we purchase a car which is in a month, not happy with that answer they are telling us to find another way or they will bring us back to court to take the kids again. It’s sad that there isn't anything we can do, and if we don't hurry we start all over again.

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