Legally Kidnapped

Shattering Your Child Welfare Delusions Since 2007

Thursday, February 03, 2011

ANNOUNCEMENT ~ New Support Group

ANNOUNCEMENT ~ New Support Group
Peace Journey

~Have the rights to your children been unjustly terminated?
~Do people tell you that you need to just get use to it?
~Are you searching for answers and don’t know where to turn or what to do?
~What about the children still at home?
~Arethey struggling with grief?
~Would you recognize signs of grief in your children?
~Are you determined to "never give up" but are losing faith and strength?

More and more people are coming forward telling their stories of how their parental rights were unjustly terminated to all or some of their children. Losing your parental rights is one of the most horrible things that can happen to a parent. It’s totally understandable that you are in the tormented shape that you are in. You have been mentally beaten down, lost your self esteem, frightened half to death and experienced tremendous trauma.

People who have not experienced this,yet, do not understand! It is not something that you can “learn to live with” just like that or “get over it" because you will never “get over” it. When you lose a child to a TPR you are forever changed.

At Peace Journey you will not be encouraged to give up hope if that is your goal. You will meet others who DO understand your pain and you can talk about your grief. You will learn about the grief symptoms, the grief stages and learn how to work the grief steps. It won't be easy! However it is essential in your moving forward process. As your pain begins to soften you began to gain back self confidence, you will become mentally strong gain, you will find that you can live and want to live,again. Whether your goal is,"never give up" or just to "be okay" give Peace Journey a chance, there's not much you can do until you have strength back!

Peace Journey
A little about the administrator: I am raising a grand daughter that I have adopted and she has been with me since 1998. Retired legal assistant, part time freelance writer, bereaved mother since 1997, and my youngest daughter is a victim of the state losing her first and only child unjustly through a TPR, experienced grief counselor to parents who have lost children since 2001, Parental/Family Rights Advocate

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