County near settlement with family of girl who died in foster care
Rather than face a potentially damaging and costly trial, El Paso County attorneys are close to reaching an out-of-court settlement in a federal lawsuit brought by the mother of a 2-year-old girl killed while in foster care.
Legally Kidnapped
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Japan struggling to address int'l child custody issues amid pressure
Japan struggling to address int'l child custody issues amid pressure
Japan is struggling to address international child custody issues amid renewed pressure from the United States and other countries to join a convention to deal with the problems that arise when failed international marriages result in children wrongfully being taken to Japan by one parent.
Japan is struggling to address international child custody issues amid renewed pressure from the United States and other countries to join a convention to deal with the problems that arise when failed international marriages result in children wrongfully being taken to Japan by one parent.
Immigrant parents learn new approach to raising niños
Immigrant parents learn new approach to raising niños
To Alfredo Reyes, it's real simple: If you are an immigrant parent who spanks his kids, you could easily end up in trouble with the law.
To Alfredo Reyes, it's real simple: If you are an immigrant parent who spanks his kids, you could easily end up in trouble with the law.
Santa Clara County commission calls for end to jailing of the very young
Santa Clara County commission calls for end to jailing of the very young
The jailing of several young children last year in Santa Clara County has prompted a call by a court-appointed commission to end the detention of anyone age 12 and younger in the juvenile hall — the strongest reaction to date after public exposure of the incarcerations.
The jailing of several young children last year in Santa Clara County has prompted a call by a court-appointed commission to end the detention of anyone age 12 and younger in the juvenile hall — the strongest reaction to date after public exposure of the incarcerations.
Missing child alert canceled for Orlando toddler
Missing child alert canceled for Orlando toddler
The Florida Department of Law Enforcement has canceled a Missing Child Alert for an Orlando toddler.
The Florida Department of Law Enforcement has canceled a Missing Child Alert for an Orlando toddler.
Judge Judy - Bad Parenting
Plantiff is suing ex-husband for falsly accusing her of child abuse. The defendant says he has evidence to prove the abuse,
Part 2
Part 3
Brooklyn foster child Patrick Alford still missing as NYPD is mystified
Brooklyn foster child Patrick Alford still missing as NYPD is mystified
Despite an exhaustive month-long police search, the disappearance of Brooklyn foster child Patrick Alford remains a drama-filled mystery.
Despite an exhaustive month-long police search, the disappearance of Brooklyn foster child Patrick Alford remains a drama-filled mystery.
Kansas Attorney Comments on CPS/Foster Care Abuse Dec. 1, 2009
Testimony before the Kansas Legislative Joint Committee on Childrens Issues from Kansas Attorney Jean Ann Uvodich, comments on Foster Care Abuse, CPS Abuse
Clips of what was said.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
I have reported many times in the pages of the DeWeese Report about how public school classrooms are being used, not for the teaching of academic knowledge, but for behavior modification to change the student’s attitudes, values and beliefs. Barack Obama is now driving to control classroom curriculum based on United Nation’s Globalism. Many parents want to deny this is happening. “Not in my child’s school,” they tell me. If you still don’t believe it’s happening in EVERY school that takes public money, then read below, open your eyes, and know the truth about what happens to your child in the schools you send them to every day.
I have reported many times in the pages of the DeWeese Report about how public school classrooms are being used, not for the teaching of academic knowledge, but for behavior modification to change the student’s attitudes, values and beliefs. Barack Obama is now driving to control classroom curriculum based on United Nation’s Globalism. Many parents want to deny this is happening. “Not in my child’s school,” they tell me. If you still don’t believe it’s happening in EVERY school that takes public money, then read below, open your eyes, and know the truth about what happens to your child in the schools you send them to every day.
Lawsuit alleges DCF and YMCA sent girl into sexually abusive situation
Lawsuit alleges DCF and YMCA sent girl into sexually abusive situation
A former foster child does homework before school Friday. The woman who adopted her says the girl is beautiful, but doesn’t realize it. At restaurants, she flinches when certain names are called — names that remind her of where she was when she was sexually abused when she was 7. That was nearly five years ago.
A former foster child does homework before school Friday. The woman who adopted her says the girl is beautiful, but doesn’t realize it. At restaurants, she flinches when certain names are called — names that remind her of where she was when she was sexually abused when she was 7. That was nearly five years ago.
Problem children should be helped, not excluded, says schools report
Problem children should be helped, not excluded, says schools report
The system of excluding badly behaved pupils from school should be abolished because it punishes the most vulnerable children, a major new report on education has concluded, writes Anushka Asthana.
The system of excluding badly behaved pupils from school should be abolished because it punishes the most vulnerable children, a major new report on education has concluded, writes Anushka Asthana.
"Womb Lynchings"- conspiracy theory reaches the abortion wars.
"Womb Lynchings"- conspiracy theory reaches the abortion wars.
Wow, at first I found this hard to believe. But then I read the whole article, and I said why not? We have conspiracy theories for everything these days. Scientists invented global warming in order to get grant money. The right wing took out John Fitzgerald Kennedy. The flu shots are a conspiracy to kill american children. Obama's health reform plan has nothing to do with health- he is motivated by an Islamic urge to destroy the US economy.
Wow, at first I found this hard to believe. But then I read the whole article, and I said why not? We have conspiracy theories for everything these days. Scientists invented global warming in order to get grant money. The right wing took out John Fitzgerald Kennedy. The flu shots are a conspiracy to kill american children. Obama's health reform plan has nothing to do with health- he is motivated by an Islamic urge to destroy the US economy.
All teachers fired at Rhode Island school
All teachers fired at Rhode Island school
A school board in Rhode Island has voted to fire all teachers at a struggling high school, a dramatic move aimed at shoring up education in a poverty-ridden school district.
A school board in Rhode Island has voted to fire all teachers at a struggling high school, a dramatic move aimed at shoring up education in a poverty-ridden school district.
Father pleas for daughter's safety
Father pleas for daughter's safety
A heated placement battle has a Bentonia father calling Three On Your Side for help.
A heated placement battle has a Bentonia father calling Three On Your Side for help.
New Teen Pregnancy Poster Child, Bristol Palin to guest-star in ABC Family show about teen mums
Bristol Palin to guest-star in ABC Family show about teen mums
The daughter of former US Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin is to guest-star in The Secret Life Of The American Teenager, according to reports.
The daughter of former US Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin is to guest-star in The Secret Life Of The American Teenager, according to reports.
Some Foster Carers are getting away with too much Local Authorities Cover Up
Some Foster Carers are getting away with too much Local Authorities Cover Up
Allegation : Child Alledges Assault 2007
Action : Social Services Did their own investigation.
Birth Mother not informed until son discloses it himself at review 2009
Allegation : Child Alledges Assault 2007
Action : Social Services Did their own investigation.
Birth Mother not informed until son discloses it himself at review 2009
Michael Jackson Guitarist Slams Gene Simmons' Child Abuse Accusations
Michael Jackson Guitarist Slams Gene Simmons' Child Abuse Accusations
Michael Jackson's former tour guitarist has slammed Gene Simmons' recent allegations against the King of Pop.
Michael Jackson's former tour guitarist has slammed Gene Simmons' recent allegations against the King of Pop.
Colorado lawmakers want more child welfare oversight
Colorado lawmakers want more child welfare oversight
Gov. Bill Ritter and state lawmakers want to create an independent office to investigate complaints about how child abuse cases are being handled following the deaths of 35 children in the last three years.
Gov. Bill Ritter and state lawmakers want to create an independent office to investigate complaints about how child abuse cases are being handled following the deaths of 35 children in the last three years.
Judge Bans Activation Of Laptop Webcams
A federal court judge has ordered Lower Merion School District employees not to re-activate a laptop theft protection program that is the focus of a high school student's cyber-spying claims.
Hot dogs cited as high risk for kids
Hot dogs cited as high risk for kids
Not much is more American than the hot dog — but not much poses more of a choking risk for children, either.
Not much is more American than the hot dog — but not much poses more of a choking risk for children, either.
The Mystery of the Day
I just got this in my Google Reader and when I went to read the article, it was gone.
Why? What are they trying to hide? Psychology Today is usually pretty good at keeping articles around.
Why? What are they trying to hide? Psychology Today is usually pretty good at keeping articles around.
Depriving Poor Addicts - But Not Rich! - of Parenthood - Psychology Today (blog)
Hindustan Times | Depriving Poor Addicts - But Not Rich! - of Parenthood Psychology Today (blog) ... a drug addiction, while Sheen entered treatment to "prevent" a further eruption of his historical addictive problems. The couple has two young children. ... Actor Charlie Sheen Checks into RehabNew York's PIX11 / WPIX-TV Charlie Sheen Checks into (blog) Charlie Sheen shelves sitcom for rehabThe Money Times Wonderwall (satire) -San Jose Mercury News -Buffalo News (blog) all 1,418 news articles » |
"We've Got Issues": Big Pharma might not be lying
"We've Got Issues": Big Pharma might not be lying
A hundred years ago it was rarely diagnosed in children. In the intervening timespan the number and type of diagnoses have exploded. Moreover, the number and type of treatments have also exploded. The favored treatment usually involves powerful medications with serious side effects. Big Pharma has made a fortune from these medications and is constantly searching for new variations to patent and sell.
A hundred years ago it was rarely diagnosed in children. In the intervening timespan the number and type of diagnoses have exploded. Moreover, the number and type of treatments have also exploded. The favored treatment usually involves powerful medications with serious side effects. Big Pharma has made a fortune from these medications and is constantly searching for new variations to patent and sell.
A Fight To Extend Parents' Rights
A Fight To Extend Parents' Rights
Chrystal Reddick has been clean and sober for one year, nine months and eight days. In that time, she says, she’s submitted to at least 15 drug tests (all negative), taken three different kinds of parenting classes and missed just one visit with her 7-year-old son, who was placed in a foster home when Reddick was arrested for using a stolen credit card, three years ago.
Chrystal Reddick has been clean and sober for one year, nine months and eight days. In that time, she says, she’s submitted to at least 15 drug tests (all negative), taken three different kinds of parenting classes and missed just one visit with her 7-year-old son, who was placed in a foster home when Reddick was arrested for using a stolen credit card, three years ago.
Department of Children and Families
The Heart Gallery is a pictorial display of children in the care of the Department who need an adoptive family. The Heart Gallery is displayed in one to 2 venues in CT.
Note: Actually the Heart Gallery is the Showroom Floor of the Adoption Industry.
OPD: 16-Year-Old Mom Took Baby From DCF Custody
OPD: 16-Year-Old Mom Took Baby From DCF Custody
Police in Orlando said they're looking for a baby after she was taken out of protective custody by her 16-year-old mother.
Police in Orlando said they're looking for a baby after she was taken out of protective custody by her 16-year-old mother.
What I'm really thinking: The social worker
What I'm really thinking: The social worker
'I pretty much always blame the parents, and some days I just wish I could take all the children into care'
'I pretty much always blame the parents, and some days I just wish I could take all the children into care'
Deputy Arrested for Child Sex Abuse
Authorities say a Bastrop County Sheriff's Deputy has been arrested and charged with sexually abusing an 8-year-old child.
Parents' Help Wanted in Del. Pediatrician Case
Prosecutors expect to add more counts to a lengthy indictment against a Delaware pediatrician charged with serial molestation of 103 children as investigators urge former patients and parents to come forward. (Feb. 25)
Note: They should give this sicko to a gay football team.
Dilemma for Del. parents in pediatrician sex abuse case: Some say they don't want to know
For years, Brandy Little worked as a nurse for the Delaware pediatrician accused of molesting more than 100 of his young patients. Dr. Earl Bradley treated two of her children, his four kids sometimes baby-sat hers, and her oldest daughter even spent the night at his house.
Making Informed Decisions on Adoption
Some adoption propaganda
Attorney Rob Kirsh joins FOX13 to explain how adoption can bring a world of love to a family, and tips on what to expect in the adoption process.
Attorney Rob Kirsh joins FOX13 to explain how adoption can bring a world of love to a family, and tips on what to expect in the adoption process.
MPP Randy Hiller speaks about Children's Aid Society
Ontario Member of the Legislature for Lanark, Frontenac, Lennox and Addington speaks outside of the Legislature Building at Queens Park regarding the subject of Ontario's CAS agencies.
Court orders foster children to return to birth family
Court orders foster children to return to birth family
One year ago, Saskatchewan Children's Advocate issued a scathing report on foster home overcrowding in the Saskatoon area.
One year ago, Saskatchewan Children's Advocate issued a scathing report on foster home overcrowding in the Saskatoon area.
Ex-hospital head pleads not guilty in molest case
Ex-hospital head pleads not guilty in molest case
The former head of one of the nation's biggest state mental hospitals pleaded not guilty Friday to molesting an adopted foster son and was ordered held on $3.5 million bail at the same time that prosecutors detailed abuse allegations involving five other boys, including another foster son.
The former head of one of the nation's biggest state mental hospitals pleaded not guilty Friday to molesting an adopted foster son and was ordered held on $3.5 million bail at the same time that prosecutors detailed abuse allegations involving five other boys, including another foster son.
Working for fairness in foster-care system
Working for fairness in foster-care system
Despite no greater likelihood of abuse or neglect by their parents, African-American children in Marion County are over-represented in the foster-care population. This over-representation or disproportionality has been reviewed nationally and statewide. It is a complex situation that may begin with poverty and must result in a search for fundamental fairness for children in need. Indiana began its work on the issue when the legislature created a Commission on Disproportionality in 2008 to study its impact on foster care and other areas affecting children's well-being.
Despite no greater likelihood of abuse or neglect by their parents, African-American children in Marion County are over-represented in the foster-care population. This over-representation or disproportionality has been reviewed nationally and statewide. It is a complex situation that may begin with poverty and must result in a search for fundamental fairness for children in need. Indiana began its work on the issue when the legislature created a Commission on Disproportionality in 2008 to study its impact on foster care and other areas affecting children's well-being.
Is home where the heart is?
Is home where the heart is?
SPARKLE Ballard had her baby home just a year when city social workers swooped in and snatched the infant away to foster care, deeming Ballard an unfit mom.
SPARKLE Ballard had her baby home just a year when city social workers swooped in and snatched the infant away to foster care, deeming Ballard an unfit mom.
Foster mom arrested for child abuse-updated article
Foster mom arrested for child abuse-updated article
Children who are orphaned or are victims of cruelty by their biological parents often find themselves placed in foster care. Recently, a foster parent was accused of victimizing a child placed in her care.
Children who are orphaned or are victims of cruelty by their biological parents often find themselves placed in foster care. Recently, a foster parent was accused of victimizing a child placed in her care.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Feds Bust Maine for Medicaid Fraud
Feds Bust Maine for Medicaid Fraud
Here is my prediction: Maine will loose, miserably, but will not go down without a fight. I have all intentions of keeping this in the media because it looks like there will be a federal take over exactly what happened to Nebraska.
Here is my prediction: Maine will loose, miserably, but will not go down without a fight. I have all intentions of keeping this in the media because it looks like there will be a federal take over exactly what happened to Nebraska.
List of alleged victims rises to 13 in Long Beach molestation case
List of alleged victims rises to 13 in Long Beach molestation case
The list of alleged victims continues to grow in the case of a 62-year-old Napa man charged with molesting his adopted son for more than a decade in Long Beach, and suspected of molesting at least a dozen other boys.
The list of alleged victims continues to grow in the case of a 62-year-old Napa man charged with molesting his adopted son for more than a decade in Long Beach, and suspected of molesting at least a dozen other boys.
State sues to defend federal Medicaid claims
State sues to defend federal Medicaid claims
Maine’s Department of Health and Human Services has asked a federal court to overturn a decision of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that disallows close to $30 million in federal case management funds for children in Maine’s Medicaid program, called MaineCare.
Maine’s Department of Health and Human Services has asked a federal court to overturn a decision of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that disallows close to $30 million in federal case management funds for children in Maine’s Medicaid program, called MaineCare.
Are you on the Secret Child Abuser Database?
Are you on the Secret Child Abuser Database?
In 1974 the federal government enacted the child abuse prevention and treatment act known as CAPTA. While the intentions of this legislation were honorable the outcome, in the past twenty years has become a disaster for many American families.
In 1974 the federal government enacted the child abuse prevention and treatment act known as CAPTA. While the intentions of this legislation were honorable the outcome, in the past twenty years has become a disaster for many American families.
Study: Association Between Fertility Treatments, Autism
Study: Association Between Fertility Treatments, Autism
Doctors at 15 autism treatment centers nationwide, including the Massachusetts General Hospital for Children's LADDERS clinic, have collected data that show a surprisingly high association between the disease and children conceived with the help of science.
Doctors at 15 autism treatment centers nationwide, including the Massachusetts General Hospital for Children's LADDERS clinic, have collected data that show a surprisingly high association between the disease and children conceived with the help of science.
Home-schooled children 'at doubled risk of abuse'
Home-schooled children 'at doubled risk of abuse'
Children taken out of school to be taught at home by their parents are twice as likely to be on the child protection register, an expert warned today.
Children taken out of school to be taught at home by their parents are twice as likely to be on the child protection register, an expert warned today.
Exclusive: Chicago Father Faces Jail for Bringing Daughter to Church
Exclusive: Chicago Father Faces Jail for Bringing Daughter to Church
Three-year-old Ela Reyes is caught in the middle of her feuding parents' divorce battle -- a private child custody fight that has erupted in a public firestorm over religion and the boundaries of faith and the law.
Three-year-old Ela Reyes is caught in the middle of her feuding parents' divorce battle -- a private child custody fight that has erupted in a public firestorm over religion and the boundaries of faith and the law.
State hospital chief to appear in court on charges of molesting adopted son
State hospital chief to appear in court on charges of molesting adopted son
With the executive director of Napa State Hospital scheduled to appear in a Los Angeles County court Friday on charges he molested his adopted son, Long Beach police investigators have revealed his five alleged victims are all boys under 14.
With the executive director of Napa State Hospital scheduled to appear in a Los Angeles County court Friday on charges he molested his adopted son, Long Beach police investigators have revealed his five alleged victims are all boys under 14.
Differences in Adoption
On her Blog Eyes Opened Wider, SocialWrkr24/7 wrote the following post.
Differences in Adoption
Now I decided to leave her a comment which she may or may not post. This is because I am the most often misunderstood person on the planet who is viewed as rude when all I'm doing is telling it like it is. Therefore I will post it here.
Miss Social Worker 24-7
I do believe I understand the point that you are trying to make here. I'll even admit to somewhat agreeing with what you have to say here, but at the same time you have to realize just how generic some of these terms and labels have become. By becoming generic many labels have been reduced to the same meaning. And quite honestly, from the perspective of a real or biological parent these terms are not only offensive, but harmful on many levels, spiritually, emotionally, legally, you name it. They are not harmful on any level for an adoptive parent to be called an adoptive parent.
When you are looked upon by society as an abuser of any kind, you are seen as a monster. You are not seen as someone who needs help. You are not seen as someone who has problems. You are not seen as someone with psychological problems. You are not seen as somebody with a disability, or drug addiction or poor, or unemployed. No you're an abuser. Why else would Child Protective Services even bother with you? Right?
And if you have your child removed, and this my dear comes from discussions with lots and lots of parents, you are viewed as an abuser and looked down upon quite often by the foster parents. Some even blog about it. Some bash the parents, others don't.
You may have to go to a meeting where you are viewed as an abuser by several people in a room. You may be told how inadequate of a parent you are or how these people don't think that you're capable of raising your children.
Meanwhile the workers provide all these hoops for you to jump through, and once you complete these, we'll identify some more issues for you to work on. Of course you don't see it that way, after all, you're just trying to help, right? Some people just can't handle the psychological beat down, which is the way that they view it. And believe it or not sweetie, for many many parents who have been involved with the child welfare system in any way, a psychological beat down from many of the people who are supposed to help, is just what you get. So the perception is not always inaccurate.
So back to your original point, no real parent is going to care how an adoptive or foster parent feels about having a label applied on them that identifies them as a non biological parent. Especially when they have your kid.
But hey, we deserved it right?
Differences in Adoption
Now I decided to leave her a comment which she may or may not post. This is because I am the most often misunderstood person on the planet who is viewed as rude when all I'm doing is telling it like it is. Therefore I will post it here.
Miss Social Worker 24-7
I do believe I understand the point that you are trying to make here. I'll even admit to somewhat agreeing with what you have to say here, but at the same time you have to realize just how generic some of these terms and labels have become. By becoming generic many labels have been reduced to the same meaning. And quite honestly, from the perspective of a real or biological parent these terms are not only offensive, but harmful on many levels, spiritually, emotionally, legally, you name it. They are not harmful on any level for an adoptive parent to be called an adoptive parent.
When you are looked upon by society as an abuser of any kind, you are seen as a monster. You are not seen as someone who needs help. You are not seen as someone who has problems. You are not seen as someone with psychological problems. You are not seen as somebody with a disability, or drug addiction or poor, or unemployed. No you're an abuser. Why else would Child Protective Services even bother with you? Right?
And if you have your child removed, and this my dear comes from discussions with lots and lots of parents, you are viewed as an abuser and looked down upon quite often by the foster parents. Some even blog about it. Some bash the parents, others don't.
You may have to go to a meeting where you are viewed as an abuser by several people in a room. You may be told how inadequate of a parent you are or how these people don't think that you're capable of raising your children.
Meanwhile the workers provide all these hoops for you to jump through, and once you complete these, we'll identify some more issues for you to work on. Of course you don't see it that way, after all, you're just trying to help, right? Some people just can't handle the psychological beat down, which is the way that they view it. And believe it or not sweetie, for many many parents who have been involved with the child welfare system in any way, a psychological beat down from many of the people who are supposed to help, is just what you get. So the perception is not always inaccurate.
So back to your original point, no real parent is going to care how an adoptive or foster parent feels about having a label applied on them that identifies them as a non biological parent. Especially when they have your kid.
But hey, we deserved it right?
Why Shred DHR Documents?
Why Shred DHR Documents?
One of our correspondents forwarded this to our email address. This is a letter to the editor sent last year out of Birmingham, Alabama.
One of our correspondents forwarded this to our email address. This is a letter to the editor sent last year out of Birmingham, Alabama.
Morristown man loses bid for new trial in death of foster child
Morristown man loses bid for new trial in death of foster child
Following about two hours of arguments Thursday, and without the benefit of a national television audience, Circuit Judge John Dugger upheld the guilty verdict and sentence of a Morristown man convicted last year in the strangling death of a foster child.
Following about two hours of arguments Thursday, and without the benefit of a national television audience, Circuit Judge John Dugger upheld the guilty verdict and sentence of a Morristown man convicted last year in the strangling death of a foster child.
Parents in Del. child sex abuse case face dilemma
Parents in Del. child sex abuse case face dilemma
Brandy Little worked for seven years as a nurse for Dr. Earl Bradley, the Delaware pediatrician accused of molesting more than 100 children. He treated two of her children, and his kids sometimes baby-sat hers.
Brandy Little worked for seven years as a nurse for Dr. Earl Bradley, the Delaware pediatrician accused of molesting more than 100 children. He treated two of her children, and his kids sometimes baby-sat hers.
CAS delays foster parent rate changes
CAS delays foster parent rate changes
The Kawartha-Haliburton Children's Aid Society is delaying plans to change foster-parent rates so there's more time for the two sides to resolve their differences, The Examinerhas learned.
The Kawartha-Haliburton Children's Aid Society is delaying plans to change foster-parent rates so there's more time for the two sides to resolve their differences, The Examinerhas learned.
Monitoring child welfare
Monitoring child welfare
Following the deaths of 35 children over the past three years who slipped through the cracks of the state's child protection system, lawmakers yesterday unveiled a bill that would create an independent investigator to address weaknesses in the system.
Following the deaths of 35 children over the past three years who slipped through the cracks of the state's child protection system, lawmakers yesterday unveiled a bill that would create an independent investigator to address weaknesses in the system.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
State Senator: 'How many kids have to die?'
State Senator: 'How many kids have to die?'
Gov. Bill Ritter and Democratic lawmakers laid out a plan to address systematic weaknesses in Colorado's child protection system that have resulted in the deaths of a few dozen children in protective care, from Chandler Grafner, who starved, to Neveah Gallegos, who was murdered.
Gov. Bill Ritter and Democratic lawmakers laid out a plan to address systematic weaknesses in Colorado's child protection system that have resulted in the deaths of a few dozen children in protective care, from Chandler Grafner, who starved, to Neveah Gallegos, who was murdered.
Web-based system lets police, social workers share data on child abuse
Web-based system lets police, social workers share data on child abuse
L.A. County's district attorney calls the implementation a 'giant leap forward' and says the system, designed to prevent cases from falling through the cracks, is the first of its kind in the U.S.
L.A. County's district attorney calls the implementation a 'giant leap forward' and says the system, designed to prevent cases from falling through the cracks, is the first of its kind in the U.S.
Webcam Spying Case in Lower Merion School District Triggers War of Words
Webcam Spying Case in Lower Merion School District Triggers War of Words
A high school assistant principal in the Lower Merion School District in Pennsylvania lashed out about the webcam spying allegations, while the student at the center of the case says her denials fall short.
A high school assistant principal in the Lower Merion School District in Pennsylvania lashed out about the webcam spying allegations, while the student at the center of the case says her denials fall short.
DHS accused of foul play
DHS accused of foul play
Following failed attempts to get custody of his daughter, an Ada man accuses Pottawatomie County Department of Human Services of violating the Indian Child Welfare Act and its own policies.
Following failed attempts to get custody of his daughter, an Ada man accuses Pottawatomie County Department of Human Services of violating the Indian Child Welfare Act and its own policies.
U.K. Commons Passes Sex-Ed Bill Forcing Schools to Promote Homosexuality, Abortion
U.K. Commons Passes Sex-Ed Bill Forcing Schools to Promote Homosexuality, Abortion
The House of Commons voted 68 to 177 last night to pass third reading of the government’s sex-education bill in a vote that pro-life and pro-family advocates have called “deplorable.”
The House of Commons voted 68 to 177 last night to pass third reading of the government’s sex-education bill in a vote that pro-life and pro-family advocates have called “deplorable.”
Foster couple 'will not be charged'
Foster couple 'will not be charged'
A Cambridgeshire couple who went on the run with their two foster daughters 12 years ago will not be charged after child abuse allegations were investigated, sources close to the inquiry have said.
A Cambridgeshire couple who went on the run with their two foster daughters 12 years ago will not be charged after child abuse allegations were investigated, sources close to the inquiry have said.
Cops: Child Wanders Off, Possibly Abducted
Cops: Child Wanders Off, Possibly Abducted
Note: Or possibly the foster mother is hiding something.
Patrick Alford, a 7-year-old foster child who recently moved in with new foster parents, disappeared from his Spring Creek Development home in Starrett City, N.Y.
Note: Or possibly the foster mother is hiding something.
Patrick Alford, a 7-year-old foster child who recently moved in with new foster parents, disappeared from his Spring Creek Development home in Starrett City, N.Y.
Inquest jury deliberates in foster boy’s death
Inquest jury deliberates in foster boy’s death
The teen murderer at the centre of a coroner's inquest into the death of Matthew Reid doesn't feel sorry for herself, but for the boy she killed, her former foster mother said Wednesday.
The teen murderer at the centre of a coroner's inquest into the death of Matthew Reid doesn't feel sorry for herself, but for the boy she killed, her former foster mother said Wednesday.
Former Camden County mother who starved adopted children is released from prison
Former Camden County mother who starved adopted children is released from prison
She was decried as a "monster" who stood by as her four adopted sons slowly wasted away, as they fought their hunger by gnawing on bits of wallboard, as their teeth rotted from malnutrition.
She was decried as a "monster" who stood by as her four adopted sons slowly wasted away, as they fought their hunger by gnawing on bits of wallboard, as their teeth rotted from malnutrition.
Foster mom arrested for child abuse
Foster mom arrested for child abuse
Children who are orphaned or are victims of cruelty by their biological parents often find themselves placed in foster care. It is therefore that much more reprehensible when those children are victimized by the very person who is paid to care for them.
Children who are orphaned or are victims of cruelty by their biological parents often find themselves placed in foster care. It is therefore that much more reprehensible when those children are victimized by the very person who is paid to care for them.
Director of state hospital that treats child molesters accused of repeatedly raping foster child [Updated]
Director of state hospital that treats child molesters accused of repeatedly raping foster child [Updated]
The executive director of Napa State Hospital, a Northern California mental institution whose patients include convicted child molesters, was arrested Wednesday on suspicion of sexually molesting a foster child in his care for more than a decade.
The executive director of Napa State Hospital, a Northern California mental institution whose patients include convicted child molesters, was arrested Wednesday on suspicion of sexually molesting a foster child in his care for more than a decade.
Brad Pitt, with actor James Haven, helped plan reunion between Angelina Jolie and father Jon Voight
Brad Pitt, with actor James Haven, helped plan reunion between Angelina Jolie and father Jon Voight
The actress later explained her father's accusations could have caused child welfare authorities to take away her adopted Cambodian son, Maddox.
The actress later explained her father's accusations could have caused child welfare authorities to take away her adopted Cambodian son, Maddox.
Reform First Nations child welfare: child advocate
Reform First Nations child welfare: child advocate
New Brunswick's child and youth advocate is calling for a sweeping reform of the child welfare system in First Nations communities.
New Brunswick's child and youth advocate is calling for a sweeping reform of the child welfare system in First Nations communities.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Director of Calif. mental hospital arrested for investigation of molesting his foster child
And another Foster Molester gets caught.
Director of Calif. mental hospital arrested for investigation of molesting his foster child
The executive director of a Northern California mental hospital was arrested Wednesday for investigation of molesting his foster child for more than a decade.
Director of Calif. mental hospital arrested for investigation of molesting his foster child
The executive director of a Northern California mental hospital was arrested Wednesday for investigation of molesting his foster child for more than a decade.
Lisa Rinna's Nanny Caring for Charlie Sheen's Sons
Lisa Rinna's Nanny Caring for Charlie Sheen's Sons
With both Charlie Sheen and his wife Brooke in rehab, where are their twin boys Bob and Max?
With both Charlie Sheen and his wife Brooke in rehab, where are their twin boys Bob and Max?
Pedophile Pediatricians Remain in Shadows
Pedophile Pediatricians Remain in Shadows
Parents Fight Abuse in Delaware, but Many Other Cases Never Make it Past State Medical Boards
Parents Fight Abuse in Delaware, but Many Other Cases Never Make it Past State Medical Boards
Britain's child migrants lost their childhoods to years of hard labour
Britain's child migrants lost their childhoods to years of hard labour
Gordon Brown today apologised for the abuse of children transported thousands of miles from home
Gordon Brown today apologised for the abuse of children transported thousands of miles from home
Charity concerned about foster childcare
Charity concerned about foster childcare
A CHARITY is concerned about the number of children being cared for unofficially by people who are not close relatives.
A CHARITY is concerned about the number of children being cared for unofficially by people who are not close relatives.
Savannah Orphanage To Close After 135 Years
Savannah Orphanage To Close After 135 Years
A national trend in foster care has made its way to Savannah. And it's now no more for a 135 year-old orphanage.
A national trend in foster care has made its way to Savannah. And it's now no more for a 135 year-old orphanage.
PART 2: Saskatchewan foster parents would like to see adoptions happen earlier in children's lives
PART 2: Saskatchewan foster parents would like to see adoptions happen earlier in children's lives
Note: I'm sure they would, it would make the parental alienation process that much easier.
One year ago, Saskatchewan Children's Advocate issued a scathing report on foster home overcrowding in the Saskatoon area.
Note: I'm sure they would, it would make the parental alienation process that much easier.
One year ago, Saskatchewan Children's Advocate issued a scathing report on foster home overcrowding in the Saskatoon area.
2 Children Escape CYFD Custody
2 Children Escape CYFD Custody
Two children, who were in the custody of the Children, Youth and Families Department's main office in Santa Fe, managed to escape from the state building.
Two children, who were in the custody of the Children, Youth and Families Department's main office in Santa Fe, managed to escape from the state building.
DCYF probation officer facing drug charges
State department says it did conduct a pre-employment criminal record check on Michael Ayer.
Critics say DCF fails to follow up properly on Florida's high-risk child cases
Critics say DCF fails to follow up properly on Florida's high-risk child cases
The state's child abuse hotline got a worried call in May 2008, alleging that a baby's father had passed out while snorting cocaine and that the boy was chewing on a cable wire.
The state's child abuse hotline got a worried call in May 2008, alleging that a baby's father had passed out while snorting cocaine and that the boy was chewing on a cable wire.
DCF employee sentenced
DCF employee sentenced
A former Department of Children & Families employee who stole nearly $35,000 by creating dummy accounts for cash and food stamp benefits will spend five years in prison, a Broward County judge has ordered.
A former Department of Children & Families employee who stole nearly $35,000 by creating dummy accounts for cash and food stamp benefits will spend five years in prison, a Broward County judge has ordered.
CAS meets foster parents over dispute
CAS meets foster parents over dispute
Officials with the Kawartha- Haliburton Children's Aid Society were to meet with members of the local foster parent association Monday night in what was called the first step of resolving a dispute about how foster parents are compensated.
Officials with the Kawartha- Haliburton Children's Aid Society were to meet with members of the local foster parent association Monday night in what was called the first step of resolving a dispute about how foster parents are compensated.
Orphan Train Rider Will Share Her Story at Homestead National Monument of America
Orphan Train Rider Will Share Her Story at Homestead National Monument of America
It's one of most compelling stories from America's history: Between 1854 and 1929 thousands of children from Eastern cities were sent to the Midwest and West on "Orphan Trains." On March 7, 2010, Homestead National Monument of America will host an Orphan Train historian and one of the few remaining Orphan Train Riders for a special program.
It's one of most compelling stories from America's history: Between 1854 and 1929 thousands of children from Eastern cities were sent to the Midwest and West on "Orphan Trains." On March 7, 2010, Homestead National Monument of America will host an Orphan Train historian and one of the few remaining Orphan Train Riders for a special program.
Closely watched families
Closely watched families
A new legislation might give social workers more power in child abuse cases in Poland
A new legislation might give social workers more power in child abuse cases in Poland
Child welfare documents left in Middlesbrough street
Child welfare documents left in Middlesbrough street
Middlesbrough Council has apologised after confidential documents, including a letter for child protection workers, were found in a busy street.
Middlesbrough Council has apologised after confidential documents, including a letter for child protection workers, were found in a busy street.
Springers guilty of torture, abuse
A Maryland woman was convicted Monday of murdering two of her adopted daughters, whose bodies were found in a freezer in the woman's home.
Investigators in Delaware are urging victims and their families to come forward after a pediatrician is charged with serial molestation of more than 1
People receiving food stamps aren't monitored by the state and can buy whatever kinds of food they want. But 24 Hour News 8 has received complaints from others who say the state should monitor the process.
Doctor Accused of Molesting More Than 100 Kids
Investigators in Delaware are urging victims and their families to come forward after a pediatrician is charged with serial molestation of more than 100 children.
Parents cleared of false allegations remain on state's child abuser list
Parents cleared of false allegations remain on state's child abuser list
California's child abuse reporting act is unconstitutional because the wrongly accused have no recourse to get off the list. More than a year after that ruling, the state has yet to fix the problem.
California's child abuse reporting act is unconstitutional because the wrongly accused have no recourse to get off the list. More than a year after that ruling, the state has yet to fix the problem.
Woman Accused In Adoption Scam: I Was Stupid
A woman accused of stealing more than $6,000 from prospective adoptive parents says she's sorry.
Senator Rhoads Files Legislation for Children in State Care
Senator Rhoads Files Legislation for Children in State Care
Senator Jerry P. Rhoads, D-Madisonville, has filed legislation establishing a new definition for “independent living” for children that are committed to the care of the State.
Senator Jerry P. Rhoads, D-Madisonville, has filed legislation establishing a new definition for “independent living” for children that are committed to the care of the State.
No-spank bill on way
No-spank bill on way
The state Legislature is about to weigh in on a question that stirs impassioned debate among moms and dads: Should parents spank their children?
The state Legislature is about to weigh in on a question that stirs impassioned debate among moms and dads: Should parents spank their children?
California Group Home Greed Trumps Children's Need, National Child Advocacy Group Says
California Group Home Greed Trumps Children's Need, National Child Advocacy Group Says
At a time when services to vulnerable California children face devastating budget cuts, the state's group homes and institutions are grabbing an additional $242 million to fund programs that are largely worthless and sometimes harmful to children, a national child advocacy group said Tuesday.
At a time when services to vulnerable California children face devastating budget cuts, the state's group homes and institutions are grabbing an additional $242 million to fund programs that are largely worthless and sometimes harmful to children, a national child advocacy group said Tuesday.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Foster parent charged with sex acts with a child
Foster parent charged with sex acts with a child
A foster parent in Lincoln County has been charged with sex acts against a child.
Note: Wow, lots of foster molesters getting busted this week.
A foster parent in Lincoln County has been charged with sex acts against a child.
Note: Wow, lots of foster molesters getting busted this week.
Vermont judge: Fugitive mother in contempt
Vermont judge: Fugitive mother in contempt
A family court judge in Vermont Tuesday issued a warrant for the arrest of former lesbian Lisa Miller who disappeared with the child she once shared with her former civil union partner, Janet Jenkins.
A family court judge in Vermont Tuesday issued a warrant for the arrest of former lesbian Lisa Miller who disappeared with the child she once shared with her former civil union partner, Janet Jenkins.
Lawmakers Erred on Raises for Judges, Court Finds
Lawmakers Erred on Raises for Judges, Court Finds
The state’s highest court ruled on Tuesday that New York’s governors and legislators had violated the State Constitution by refusing to authorize pay raises for state judges for more than a decade.
The state’s highest court ruled on Tuesday that New York’s governors and legislators had violated the State Constitution by refusing to authorize pay raises for state judges for more than a decade.
Charlie Sheen Enters Rehab
Charlie Sheen Enters Rehab
The saga continues. Just weeks after Brooke Mueller seeks in-patient treatment, husband and actor, Charlie Sheen enters rehab.
The saga continues. Just weeks after Brooke Mueller seeks in-patient treatment, husband and actor, Charlie Sheen enters rehab.
Former investigator for Pasco Sheriff's Office charged with welfare fraud
Former investigator for Pasco Sheriff's Office charged with welfare fraud
A former child protective investigator for the Pasco County Sheriff's Office was arrested Monday on accusations she falsified documents so she and her boyfriend could get food stamps and other government assistance.
A former child protective investigator for the Pasco County Sheriff's Office was arrested Monday on accusations she falsified documents so she and her boyfriend could get food stamps and other government assistance.
House passes bill extending health benefits for teens leaving foster care
House passes bill extending health benefits for teens leaving foster care
Teens aging out of foster care will retain health care coverage from the Oregon Health Plan until they turn 21, under a bill that passed the House on a unanimous vote.
Teens aging out of foster care will retain health care coverage from the Oregon Health Plan until they turn 21, under a bill that passed the House on a unanimous vote.
PM To Say Sorry Over UK Kids Sent Into Abuse
PM To Say Sorry Over UK Kids Sent Into Abuse
Gordon Brown is set to finally apologise for Britain's role in sending thousands of children to former colonies where many suffered terrible abuse.
Gordon Brown is set to finally apologise for Britain's role in sending thousands of children to former colonies where many suffered terrible abuse.
Gordon Brown to apologise to child migrants sent abroad
Gordon Brown to apologise to child migrants sent abroad
Gordon Brown is set to apologise for the UK's role in sending more than 130,000 children to former colonies where many suffered abuse.
Gordon Brown is set to apologise for the UK's role in sending more than 130,000 children to former colonies where many suffered abuse.
Pahrump man accused of sex assault on foster child
Pahrump man accused of sex assault on foster child
A Nye County sheriff’s investigator says a 62-year-old Pahrump foster father is facing charges that he sexually assaulted a child in his care.
A Nye County sheriff’s investigator says a 62-year-old Pahrump foster father is facing charges that he sexually assaulted a child in his care.
Foster Father Accused Of Sex Assault
Foster Father Accused Of Sex Assault
A 62-year-old Pahrump man was charged with sexual assault and lewdness after he was accused of molesting a child in his care.
A 62-year-old Pahrump man was charged with sexual assault and lewdness after he was accused of molesting a child in his care.
Alamo ministries appeals dismissal of lawsuit
Alamo ministries appeals dismissal of lawsuit
The Tony Alamo Christian Ministries is appealing the dismissal of its lawsuit over the removal of children from ministry compounds.
The Tony Alamo Christian Ministries is appealing the dismissal of its lawsuit over the removal of children from ministry compounds.
Police Sergeant acquitted of sex with underage girls
Police Sergeant acquitted of sex with underage girls
POLICE Sergeant Juan Pratt, who was accused of having sex with two under-age girls, was yesterday acquitted at Freeport Magistrate's Court.
POLICE Sergeant Juan Pratt, who was accused of having sex with two under-age girls, was yesterday acquitted at Freeport Magistrate's Court.
Children’s Guild Names Steve Howe Director of Children’s Services
Children’s Guild Names Steve Howe Director of Children’s Services
The Children's Guild named Steve Howe director of children's services. Howe, who has more than 20 years of experience in family services, will lead admissions, the three group homes operated by The Children's Guild, the treatment foster care program and the Family Help Center, which supports children struggling with stress and traumatic events in the community and nine public schools.
The Children's Guild named Steve Howe director of children's services. Howe, who has more than 20 years of experience in family services, will lead admissions, the three group homes operated by The Children's Guild, the treatment foster care program and the Family Help Center, which supports children struggling with stress and traumatic events in the community and nine public schools.
Maryland mom convicted of killing kids found in freezer
Maryland mom convicted of killing kids found in freezer
A Maryland woman was convicted Monday of murdering two of her adopted daughters, whose bodies were found in a freezer in the woman's home.
A Maryland woman was convicted Monday of murdering two of her adopted daughters, whose bodies were found in a freezer in the woman's home.
California on Hook for Millions in Foster Care
California on Hook for Millions in Foster Care
A federal judge in San Francisco ordered the California Department of Social Services to increase by 32 percent the rates it pays to care for foster children in group homes, to comply with a 9th Circuit ruling that the state must cover the full cost of care, not just part of it.
A federal judge in San Francisco ordered the California Department of Social Services to increase by 32 percent the rates it pays to care for foster children in group homes, to comply with a 9th Circuit ruling that the state must cover the full cost of care, not just part of it.
Testimony continues at social workers' trial
Testimony continues at social workers' trial
An investigator probing the starving death of a disabled Philadelphia teenager testified he found shredded documents concerning the girl in the trash behind the offices of social workers charged in the case.
An investigator probing the starving death of a disabled Philadelphia teenager testified he found shredded documents concerning the girl in the trash behind the offices of social workers charged in the case.
Empire man allegedly plants phone to capture video of naked foster daughter
Empire man allegedly plants phone to capture video of naked foster daughter
An Empire man who allegedly planted a cellular phone in his foster daughter's closet with the intent to capture her naked on video has been arrested, authorities said.

Note: Yeah, they're gonna like this foster-perv in jail.
An Empire man who allegedly planted a cellular phone in his foster daughter's closet with the intent to capture her naked on video has been arrested, authorities said.

Note: Yeah, they're gonna like this foster-perv in jail.
DCYF wants to expand background checks on prospective employees
DCYF wants to expand background checks on prospective employees
The state Department of Children, Youth and Families conducted a pre-employment Rhode Island criminal record check on a veteran juvenile probation officer who was charged by state police with dealing heroin while on the job, according to a DCYF official.
The state Department of Children, Youth and Families conducted a pre-employment Rhode Island criminal record check on a veteran juvenile probation officer who was charged by state police with dealing heroin while on the job, according to a DCYF official.
Family court reforms face opposition from judges and childrens’ groups
Family court reforms face opposition from judges and childrens’ groups
Reforms to open up the family courts to the media are at risk of being scuppered by mounting opposition from senior judges, lawyers, children’s groups and MPs, The Times has learnt.
Note: Confidentiality laws are how they cover their tracks. Of course we wouldn't want a news reporter to stumble onto any of their little child welfare fraud schemes, now wouldn't we?
Reforms to open up the family courts to the media are at risk of being scuppered by mounting opposition from senior judges, lawyers, children’s groups and MPs, The Times has learnt.
Note: Confidentiality laws are how they cover their tracks. Of course we wouldn't want a news reporter to stumble onto any of their little child welfare fraud schemes, now wouldn't we?
Del. doctor indicted in serial child abuse scandal
Del. doctor indicted in serial child abuse scandal
Prosecutors expect to add more counts to a lengthy indictment against a Delaware pediatrician charged with serial molestation of 103 children as investigators urge former patients and parents to come forward.
Prosecutors expect to add more counts to a lengthy indictment against a Delaware pediatrician charged with serial molestation of 103 children as investigators urge former patients and parents to come forward.
Although this came to me in a google alert
the article was removed from the server.
EXCLUSIVE! LA Dept. Of Children and Family Services Insider: 'Brooke Has To Go ...
Hollywood Life (blog)
Brooke Mueller and Charlie Sheen signed a deal with the LA Department of Children and Family Services, so Brooke MUST go back to rehab in order to keep ...
I decided to post a copy of the alert. Perhaps I'll come across the article somewhere else. If so, I'll post it.
EXCLUSIVE! LA Dept. Of Children and Family Services Insider: 'Brooke Has To Go ...
Hollywood Life (blog)
Brooke Mueller and Charlie Sheen signed a deal with the LA Department of Children and Family Services, so Brooke MUST go back to rehab in order to keep ...
I decided to post a copy of the alert. Perhaps I'll come across the article somewhere else. If so, I'll post it.
Virginia Delegate: Handicapped Children Are God's Punishment to Women
Virginia Delegate: Handicapped Children Are God's Punishment to Women
Virginia Delegate Bob Marshall of Manassas has found a new explanation for why there are disabled children in the world -- apparently they are God's punishment to women for abortion.
Virginia Delegate Bob Marshall of Manassas has found a new explanation for why there are disabled children in the world -- apparently they are God's punishment to women for abortion.
Charlie Sheen's Wife Switches Rehab Facilities in L.A.
Charlie Sheen's Wife Switches Rehab Facilities in L.A.
Seeking more privacy, Charlie Sheen's wife Brooke Mueller left The Canyon treatment center in Malibu for a different rehab facility on Sunday night, while the couple's twin boys received an unrelated, routine visit from Children and Family Services officials over the weekend.
Seeking more privacy, Charlie Sheen's wife Brooke Mueller left The Canyon treatment center in Malibu for a different rehab facility on Sunday night, while the couple's twin boys received an unrelated, routine visit from Children and Family Services officials over the weekend.
Baby P council improving, says Ofsted
Baby P council improving, says Ofsted
Reducing staff workloads and getting rid of poorly-performing employees has improved child protection services in the borough
Note: I'm curious, what would they consider a poorly-preforming employee? I mean, they all suck, right?
Reducing staff workloads and getting rid of poorly-performing employees has improved child protection services in the borough
Note: I'm curious, what would they consider a poorly-preforming employee? I mean, they all suck, right?
Foster caregiver looking for new home after fire
Foster caregiver looking for new home after fire
Fire destroyed a seven-bedroom home occupied by a foster mother who has taken in Franklin County children for more than 20 years
Fire destroyed a seven-bedroom home occupied by a foster mother who has taken in Franklin County children for more than 20 years
Police: Winchester man threatened to kill officials
Police: Winchester man threatened to kill officials
A Winchester man has been accused of threatening to kill authorities who removed an infant girl from his custody.
Note: You should never threaten to kill a babystealer. They'll use that as an excuse to keep your kid.
A Winchester man has been accused of threatening to kill authorities who removed an infant girl from his custody.
Note: You should never threaten to kill a babystealer. They'll use that as an excuse to keep your kid.
Missing baby’s mother was denied protection, lawyer says
Missing baby’s mother was denied protection, lawyer says
The lawyer for the mother of a three-month-old girl whose father told police he threw the baby off a Garden State Parkway bridge says the woman was turned away by police when she first sought a restraining order.
The lawyer for the mother of a three-month-old girl whose father told police he threw the baby off a Garden State Parkway bridge says the woman was turned away by police when she first sought a restraining order.
Child Protective Services making regular visits to the Sheen Household
Child Protective Services making regular visits to the Sheen Household
Sources have confirmed that the Los Angeles County Child Services have made regular visits to the Sheen household over the past several weeks. This is in response to the fact that the one year old twins have a mother in rehab for substance abuse and a father facing criminal charges over the Christmas Day assault. Sources say it is a quick visit but something that will continue to take place.
Sources have confirmed that the Los Angeles County Child Services have made regular visits to the Sheen household over the past several weeks. This is in response to the fact that the one year old twins have a mother in rehab for substance abuse and a father facing criminal charges over the Christmas Day assault. Sources say it is a quick visit but something that will continue to take place.
Monday, February 22, 2010
ACLU Joins School Webcam Spying Lawsuit
ACLU Joins School Webcam Spying Lawsuit
As a controversial case involving allegations of webcam spying in Lower Merion Schools heads to court, the ACLU backs a motion to make sure the cameras stay turned off.
As a controversial case involving allegations of webcam spying in Lower Merion Schools heads to court, the ACLU backs a motion to make sure the cameras stay turned off.
Study: Head Start's impact on kids fades by first grade
Study: Head Start's impact on kids fades by first grade
Head Start provides a boost to young children's learning and health and helps improve parenting, but most of these benefits fade away by the end of first grade, a recent government study reported.
Head Start provides a boost to young children's learning and health and helps improve parenting, but most of these benefits fade away by the end of first grade, a recent government study reported.
Charlie Sheen visited by CPS, continues to deny rehab
Charlie Sheen visited by CPS, continues to deny rehab
Charlie Sheen has a lot going on in his life at the moment -- he is filming "Two and a Half Men," preparing for a court arraignment on March 15, and he's also having to fend off rumors left and right about his marriage to Brooke Mueller (who is presently at a Malibu rehab facility). Now, he has to contend with this latest batch of news.
Charlie Sheen has a lot going on in his life at the moment -- he is filming "Two and a Half Men," preparing for a court arraignment on March 15, and he's also having to fend off rumors left and right about his marriage to Brooke Mueller (who is presently at a Malibu rehab facility). Now, he has to contend with this latest batch of news.
Baby P Doctor 'Too Ill To Defend Herself'
Baby P Doctor 'Too Ill To Defend Herself'
A doctor accused of failing to detect the abuse Baby Peter was suffering is too ill to defend herself against the charge - and the risk she may attempt suicide is "very real", according to a medical report.
A doctor accused of failing to detect the abuse Baby Peter was suffering is too ill to defend herself against the charge - and the risk she may attempt suicide is "very real", according to a medical report.
Mich. workers continue to protest staffing levels
Mich. workers continue to protest staffing levels
State workers are continuing to raise concerns about staffing levels for employees dealing with social service and child protection cases in Michigan.
State workers are continuing to raise concerns about staffing levels for employees dealing with social service and child protection cases in Michigan.
Christians Urged to Sell Their Souls To The Devil, I mean Foster Children
Christians Urged to Foster Children
Children's Advocate, Mary Clarke, has called on churches to encourage their members to become a part of the Foster Care Programme.
Note: CPS is like a vampire. If you invite them into your home, they will suck the life right out of you. Foster parents put themselves and their families at risk willingly, simply by getting involved. They fall for the joke. They buy into the bullshit. They become a part of the problem.
It's like crawling into bed with the devil. You can't always expect a happy outcome.
Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate."
Mark 10:9
Children's Advocate, Mary Clarke, has called on churches to encourage their members to become a part of the Foster Care Programme.
Note: CPS is like a vampire. If you invite them into your home, they will suck the life right out of you. Foster parents put themselves and their families at risk willingly, simply by getting involved. They fall for the joke. They buy into the bullshit. They become a part of the problem.
It's like crawling into bed with the devil. You can't always expect a happy outcome.
Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate."
Mark 10:9
GMC panel probing Baby P doctor
GMC panel probing Baby P doctor
A General Medical Council panel is considering the case of a doctor accused of failing to spot that Baby Peter was suffering abuse two days before his death.
A General Medical Council panel is considering the case of a doctor accused of failing to spot that Baby Peter was suffering abuse two days before his death.
Clark County court adopts mandatory e-filing
Clark County court adopts mandatory e-filing
Court officials in Las Vegas say they're cutting backlogs of electronic documents received in the first weeks of mandatory electronic filing of civil complaints, Family Court documents and other records.
Court officials in Las Vegas say they're cutting backlogs of electronic documents received in the first weeks of mandatory electronic filing of civil complaints, Family Court documents and other records.
Anybody want a kid?
A family with structure would be great for Jerry
Jerry describes himself as a friendly kid who likes to make people laugh.
Jerry describes himself as a friendly kid who likes to make people laugh.
Group of mothers with common foe: DHS and its 'adversarial system'
Group of mothers with common foe: DHS and its 'adversarial system'
It's a motley crew that meets regularly in the shabby, red-brick storefront in Germantown that is the humble home of the Crossroads Women's Center: Young and old, black and white, high-school dropouts and MBA-holders, activists and just plain angry folks.
But all are mothers, and they're united by a fierce determination and a common loathing. Their foe: The city's Department of Human Services.
"It's a totally adversarial, punitive system that really wants to separate you from your child," said Mary Kalyna, an activist in the growing "DHS - Give Us Back Our Children" effort based at the center.
It's a motley crew that meets regularly in the shabby, red-brick storefront in Germantown that is the humble home of the Crossroads Women's Center: Young and old, black and white, high-school dropouts and MBA-holders, activists and just plain angry folks.
But all are mothers, and they're united by a fierce determination and a common loathing. Their foe: The city's Department of Human Services.
"It's a totally adversarial, punitive system that really wants to separate you from your child," said Mary Kalyna, an activist in the growing "DHS - Give Us Back Our Children" effort based at the center.
Liberian orphan news that no one wants to hear
Liberian orphan news that no one wants to hear
Last week a story came out of California about an adoptive family: a large Christian home schooled family who following some advice they'd been given on "Scriptural discipline," beat their 7 year old Liberian daughter to death with a piece of plumbing pipe of some kind or another.
Last week a story came out of California about an adoptive family: a large Christian home schooled family who following some advice they'd been given on "Scriptural discipline," beat their 7 year old Liberian daughter to death with a piece of plumbing pipe of some kind or another.
Protecting Sex Offender’s Privacy Trumps Child Safety
Protecting Sex Offender’s Privacy Trumps Child Safety
Most Ontarians wouldn’t be happy to know that teachers convicted of sexual offences against children were being allowed back into the classroom. Most would also be deeply disturbed to know that a person was being persecuted for speaking out against the process that allows it.
Most Ontarians wouldn’t be happy to know that teachers convicted of sexual offences against children were being allowed back into the classroom. Most would also be deeply disturbed to know that a person was being persecuted for speaking out against the process that allows it.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Irate parents in Pa. say schools use 'peeping tom technology'
Irate parents in Pa. say schools use 'peeping tom technology'
The parents of a Pennsylvania high school student have asked a federal judge to bar school district personnel from switching on cameras in school-issued MacBook laptops, calling the security feature "peeping tom technology."
The parents of a Pennsylvania high school student have asked a federal judge to bar school district personnel from switching on cameras in school-issued MacBook laptops, calling the security feature "peeping tom technology."
Raw Video: Chihuahua Adopts Two Rejected Kittens
Two kittens abandoned kittens have found an unexpected adoptive mother in a chihuahua, a recent new mom herself, who immediately accepted the kittens into her brood.
School district: Spy Webcams activated 42 times
School district: Spy Webcams activated 42 times
When one hears the word "spy," one normally thinks of places like Moscow, London, and Washington rather than Rosemont, Pa. However, the controversy swirling around Rosemont's Harriton High School and the Lower Merion School District increasingly makes for bizarre reading. And even more bizarre thinking.
When one hears the word "spy," one normally thinks of places like Moscow, London, and Washington rather than Rosemont, Pa. However, the controversy swirling around Rosemont's Harriton High School and the Lower Merion School District increasingly makes for bizarre reading. And even more bizarre thinking.
Second Baby P case 'buried' by Haringey Council
Second Baby P case 'buried' by Haringey Council
Haringey Council allowed a second "Baby Peter" case to occur more than a year after the first, then "buried" it, it can be revealed.
Haringey Council allowed a second "Baby Peter" case to occur more than a year after the first, then "buried" it, it can be revealed.
DCF worker released on bond in sex case
DCF worker released on bond in sex case
Police claim that a social worker who recently separated from his wife used a pretext to lure a client to his house last week, where he allegedly gave her wine and drugs and attempted to have sex with her.
Police claim that a social worker who recently separated from his wife used a pretext to lure a client to his house last week, where he allegedly gave her wine and drugs and attempted to have sex with her.
Fed Up With School Lunch: A teacher blogs anonymously about school lunches
Fed Up With School Lunch: A teacher blogs anonymously about school lunches
One brave teacher has had it with the food served to Illinois school kids and she has decided to do something about it.
Note: Simple and basic whistle-blowing techniques. I like it.
One brave teacher has had it with the food served to Illinois school kids and she has decided to do something about it.
Note: Simple and basic whistle-blowing techniques. I like it.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
'Invisible' children at risk from unofficial fostering
'Invisible' children at risk from unofficial fostering
Hundreds of thousands of children may have been privately fostered in secret, according to new research by the British Association for Adoption & Fostering (BAAF).
Hundreds of thousands of children may have been privately fostered in secret, according to new research by the British Association for Adoption & Fostering (BAAF).
Neb. foster-care provider changes age policy
Neb. foster-care provider changes age policy
An Omaha-based foster-care provider has changed its policy in light of an alleged assault of a 12-year-old boy by two teens.
An Omaha-based foster-care provider has changed its policy in light of an alleged assault of a 12-year-old boy by two teens.
New York's small-town kangaroo courts: hives of abusive unchecked authority
New York's small-town kangaroo courts: hives of abusive unchecked authority
The New York Times has an excellent investigative piece on the small-town judges of New York State. These judges are elected to office, need no legal training, have no oversight (many don't even keep court records), and have the power to imprison people for up to two years (and some accused have been kept in jail for many more years, waiting for a judge to call their cases), and collect millions in (unaudited) fines and penalties. The system is a shambles, and there have been calls for reform since the 1920s, with no movement to do anything about it, despite racist remarks, blatant violations of law, pursuit of personal vendettas from the bench and other grave misconduct. Judges send abused women back to their spouses ("Every woman needs a good pounding every now and then," quipped Donald R. Roberts, a former state trooper, now a judge in Malone, NY), lock up children, deny accused counsel, find accused guilty without a trial or a plea.
The New York Times has an excellent investigative piece on the small-town judges of New York State. These judges are elected to office, need no legal training, have no oversight (many don't even keep court records), and have the power to imprison people for up to two years (and some accused have been kept in jail for many more years, waiting for a judge to call their cases), and collect millions in (unaudited) fines and penalties. The system is a shambles, and there have been calls for reform since the 1920s, with no movement to do anything about it, despite racist remarks, blatant violations of law, pursuit of personal vendettas from the bench and other grave misconduct. Judges send abused women back to their spouses ("Every woman needs a good pounding every now and then," quipped Donald R. Roberts, a former state trooper, now a judge in Malone, NY), lock up children, deny accused counsel, find accused guilty without a trial or a plea.
Social workers' attack ordeal
Social workers' attack ordeal
A Wigan mum attacked two social workers – one of whom was pregnant – in front of her terrified children.
The 35-year-old woman, who can't be named for legal reasons, denied beating the women, during a supervised visit at Kildare Family Resource Centre, in Hindley.
A Wigan mum attacked two social workers – one of whom was pregnant – in front of her terrified children.
The 35-year-old woman, who can't be named for legal reasons, denied beating the women, during a supervised visit at Kildare Family Resource Centre, in Hindley.
Judge Refuses Arrest Warrant in Lesbian Custody Case
Judge Refuses Arrest Warrant in Lesbian Custody Case
It would be a sad, but too-common story of acrimony between estranged spouses and suspected parental abduction, if not for the genders of the parties involved: both estranged parents are women. But because Janet Jenkins and Lisa Miller used to be a same-sex couple, and because the question of Jenkins’ parental relationship to Miller’s biological daughter involved supreme court decisions in two states, the case has taken on the trappings of a culture war epic.
It would be a sad, but too-common story of acrimony between estranged spouses and suspected parental abduction, if not for the genders of the parties involved: both estranged parents are women. But because Janet Jenkins and Lisa Miller used to be a same-sex couple, and because the question of Jenkins’ parental relationship to Miller’s biological daughter involved supreme court decisions in two states, the case has taken on the trappings of a culture war epic.
Louisiana Forced to Side with Same-Sex Couple in Adoption Case
Louisiana Forced to Side with Same-Sex Couple in Adoption Case
The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that a same-sex couple from California should receive a new birth certificate for an adopted child.
The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that a same-sex couple from California should receive a new birth certificate for an adopted child.
School Accused of Using Webcam to Photograph Student at Home
School Accused of Using Webcam to Photograph Student at Home
In a lawsuit filed in federal court, a school district in suburban Philadelphia has been accused of using a Webcam embedded in a school-issued laptop to covertly photograph a 15-year-old student in his home.
In a lawsuit filed in federal court, a school district in suburban Philadelphia has been accused of using a Webcam embedded in a school-issued laptop to covertly photograph a 15-year-old student in his home.
SoCal couple get prison for toddler's death
SoCal couple get prison for toddler's death
A couple accused of starving their 2-year-old daughter to death in Southern California was sentenced to prison after pleading no contest to child abuse.
A couple accused of starving their 2-year-old daughter to death in Southern California was sentenced to prison after pleading no contest to child abuse.
The D.C. Government’s Strike against Foster Kids – and Religious Liberty
The D.C. Government’s Strike against Foster Kids – and Religious Liberty
This week Washington, D.C. became the second U.S. jurisdiction to lose the benefit of Catholic Charities’ adoption and foster care services over the issue of same-sex marriage. Early next month, barring Congressional or judicial intervention, the District of Columbia will become the sixth U.S. jurisdiction to authorize same-sex marriage. As the law developed last year, the Archdiocese of Washington, of which Catholic Charities is a part, endeavored to avoid a conflict between its social services and the new D.C. marriage law.
This week Washington, D.C. became the second U.S. jurisdiction to lose the benefit of Catholic Charities’ adoption and foster care services over the issue of same-sex marriage. Early next month, barring Congressional or judicial intervention, the District of Columbia will become the sixth U.S. jurisdiction to authorize same-sex marriage. As the law developed last year, the Archdiocese of Washington, of which Catholic Charities is a part, endeavored to avoid a conflict between its social services and the new D.C. marriage law.
Catholic Man Accused of Witchcraft – Children taken from Home
Catholic Man Accused of Witchcraft – Children taken from Home
I believe it was Kandice Hobs, assistant prosecutor for Shelby County, Kentucky, who accused me of being a witch during court and on video tape. She used the masculine form of the word 'wicca', demanded to know my religion, demanded to know my religious affiliations, and demanded to know the pen name with which I have published religious manuscripts. Now in foster care, my children are forced to attend Bible school where they learn that the religion practiced in their home is sinful. My home is Catholic, my children are being taught not to pray to the Holy Mother, and I am forced to wonder who will be next. Maybe the state will round up all Jewish children and force them to rebuke their parent’s religion. When that's done, maybe we will move on to Muslims.
I believe it was Kandice Hobs, assistant prosecutor for Shelby County, Kentucky, who accused me of being a witch during court and on video tape. She used the masculine form of the word 'wicca', demanded to know my religion, demanded to know my religious affiliations, and demanded to know the pen name with which I have published religious manuscripts. Now in foster care, my children are forced to attend Bible school where they learn that the religion practiced in their home is sinful. My home is Catholic, my children are being taught not to pray to the Holy Mother, and I am forced to wonder who will be next. Maybe the state will round up all Jewish children and force them to rebuke their parent’s religion. When that's done, maybe we will move on to Muslims.
Bill focuses on improving foster care
Bill focuses on improving foster care
A Lincoln senator would like to see Nebraska adopt three federal requirements to improve foster care.
A Lincoln senator would like to see Nebraska adopt three federal requirements to improve foster care.
Parental Rights in Danger
This video addresses the current threats to parental rights affecting every parent in America. For further information on protecting and preserving parental rights, visit
Foster mother guilty of child's death
Foster mother guilty of child's death
A Colorado Springs jury convicted a foster mother of child abuse and reckless manslaughter in the death of a 2-year-old foster child.
Thirty-six-year-old Jules Lynn Cuneo had faced a first-degree murder charge, but a jury convicted her of the lesser charge Friday in the death of Alize Vick.
Foster mom guilty in 2-year-old's death
A Colorado Springs jury convicted a foster mother of child abuse and reckless manslaughter in the death of a 2-year-old foster child.
Thirty-six-year-old Jules Lynn Cuneo had faced a first-degree murder charge, but a jury convicted her of the lesser charge Friday in the death of Alize Vick.
Foster mom guilty in 2-year-old's death
Friday, February 19, 2010
Florida challenges gay adoption in Hollywood case
Florida challenges gay adoption in Hollywood case
State child-welfare administrators have appealed the adoption of an infant foster child by a gay Hollywood woman -- the second challenge to Florida's gay-adoption law currently under review.
State child-welfare administrators have appealed the adoption of an infant foster child by a gay Hollywood woman -- the second challenge to Florida's gay-adoption law currently under review.
Study finds foster children being flogged
Study finds foster children being flogged
Programme in Jamaica has found that many foster parents are hitting their charges.
Programme in Jamaica has found that many foster parents are hitting their charges.
Wanted: Self-Righteous and Hypocritical Suckers With No Conscience Who Are Willing To Sell Their Souls To The Child Protective Industry for Money!!!
Graduates offered cash to retrain as social workers
Graduates in England will receive at least £15,000 to retrain as children's social workers under a new government-funded scheme.
Graduates in England will receive at least £15,000 to retrain as children's social workers under a new government-funded scheme.
Pennsylvania School Accused of Cyberspying on Students
Pennsylvania School Accused of Cyberspying on Students
A Philadelphia-area school district finds itself under scrutiny after remotely activating a MacBook Web cam and capturing a young student engaging in "improper behavior at home." The student was confronted by a Harrington High School official and shown photographs of his actions. These photographs set off privacy alarms and have led to a class-action lawsuit alleging that the school district has been spying on its students in their homes.
A Philadelphia-area school district finds itself under scrutiny after remotely activating a MacBook Web cam and capturing a young student engaging in "improper behavior at home." The student was confronted by a Harrington High School official and shown photographs of his actions. These photographs set off privacy alarms and have led to a class-action lawsuit alleging that the school district has been spying on its students in their homes.
Seizure of children at Alamo compounds upheld
Seizure of children at Alamo compounds upheld
The Arkansas Court of Appeals says five members of the Tony Alamo Christian Ministries who are challenging the state's seizure of their children have a valid point on appeal - but should've raised the issue at trial.
The Arkansas Court of Appeals says five members of the Tony Alamo Christian Ministries who are challenging the state's seizure of their children have a valid point on appeal - but should've raised the issue at trial.
Jurors deliberate case involving death of Springs foster child
Jurors deliberate case involving death of Springs foster child
A Colorado Springs jury is deliberating the case involving a foster mother accused of killing a 2-year-old foster child by tossing her five feet across the living room.
A Colorado Springs jury is deliberating the case involving a foster mother accused of killing a 2-year-old foster child by tossing her five feet across the living room.
Jury gets foster mom's child abuse death case
Jury gets foster mom's child abuse death case
Jurors deliberated more than four hours Thursday without reaching a verdict in the first-degree murder trial of a former foster mom accused of killing a 2-year-old girl by tossing her across the room in a fit of anger.
Jurors deliberated more than four hours Thursday without reaching a verdict in the first-degree murder trial of a former foster mom accused of killing a 2-year-old girl by tossing her across the room in a fit of anger.
Funding woes far from over
Funding woes far from over
Despite an infusion of almost $3 million over the weekend, the Children's Aid Society of Simcoe County is still mired in red ink.
The Ontario government ponied up one-time funding of $26.9 million to the Children's Aid Societies in the province on Saturday.
Despite an infusion of almost $3 million over the weekend, the Children's Aid Society of Simcoe County is still mired in red ink.
The Ontario government ponied up one-time funding of $26.9 million to the Children's Aid Societies in the province on Saturday.
CAS CEO rips funding
CAS CEO rips funding
Huron-Perth Children's Aid Society CEO Tom Knight remains mystified at the province's approach to funding.
Note: What? They're not worth the money they did get. Some people just can't be happy.
Huron-Perth Children's Aid Society CEO Tom Knight remains mystified at the province's approach to funding.
Note: What? They're not worth the money they did get. Some people just can't be happy.
States Spying on Homeschoolers With Free Laptops
States Spying on Homeschoolers With Free Laptops
Some states offer programs that provide free laptops for homeschoolers. Hackers, stalkers and viruses are always a concern for parents whose kids are online, but a new concern has arisen; school administrators accessing student's laptop webcams in order to monitor their activities even when they're not in school.
Some states offer programs that provide free laptops for homeschoolers. Hackers, stalkers and viruses are always a concern for parents whose kids are online, but a new concern has arisen; school administrators accessing student's laptop webcams in order to monitor their activities even when they're not in school.
MUGSHOT: Sister Mary arrested again
MUGSHOT: Sister Mary arrested again
The Eustis nun accused of kidnapping a child and fleeing the country was arrested again Thursday. Laura Caballero, aka Sister Mary, was out of jail on $10,000 bond for allegedly kidnapping a two-year-old girl and fleeing to Argentina for six months.
The Eustis nun accused of kidnapping a child and fleeing the country was arrested again Thursday. Laura Caballero, aka Sister Mary, was out of jail on $10,000 bond for allegedly kidnapping a two-year-old girl and fleeing to Argentina for six months.
Nun Arrested Again, Accused Of Tampering With Witness
Nun Arrested Again, Accused Of Tampering With Witness
A self-proclaimed nun who took a child to out of the country without the parents’ permission was arrested again Thursday afternoon on charges of tampering with a witness, according to the Lake County Sheriff's Office.
A self-proclaimed nun who took a child to out of the country without the parents’ permission was arrested again Thursday afternoon on charges of tampering with a witness, according to the Lake County Sheriff's Office.
Smokers Banned From Adopting or Fostering Children // There Are Many Reasons For Such Bans
Smokers Banned From Adopting or Fostering Children // There Are Many Reasons For Such Bans
Midlothian Council in the U.K. is just the latest entity to prohibit smokers from adopting or providing foster care for children, a step Portsmouth, Hants, in England and other jurisdictions took several years ago, says public interest law professor John Banzhaf, Executive Director of Action on Smoking and Health (ASH). Anyone wanting to care for a child under the age of five will be required not to have smoked for at least six months, even if they only smoke outdoors.
Midlothian Council in the U.K. is just the latest entity to prohibit smokers from adopting or providing foster care for children, a step Portsmouth, Hants, in England and other jurisdictions took several years ago, says public interest law professor John Banzhaf, Executive Director of Action on Smoking and Health (ASH). Anyone wanting to care for a child under the age of five will be required not to have smoked for at least six months, even if they only smoke outdoors.
Child dies after Cuyahoga County officials reunite her, siblings with troubled mother; officials defend decision
Child dies after Cuyahoga County officials reunite her, siblings with troubled mother; officials defend decision
Before they returned four children to their troubled mother last year, Cuyahoga County officials said they did everything they could to make sure Tyesha Hamilton was ready to raise her kids.
Before they returned four children to their troubled mother last year, Cuyahoga County officials said they did everything they could to make sure Tyesha Hamilton was ready to raise her kids.
Catholic church throws children under the bus to protest marriage equality
Catholic church throws children under the bus to protest marriage equality
In November, I wrote about how the Catholic Archdiocese of Washington was threatening to discontinue its social services program for the district if the city didn’t change a proposed same-sex marriage law.
In November, I wrote about how the Catholic Archdiocese of Washington was threatening to discontinue its social services program for the district if the city didn’t change a proposed same-sex marriage law.
Release of child abuse records no longer in bill
Release of child abuse records no longer in bill
A proposal that would require the state to release records on children who die from abuse or neglect stalled Thursday when a House panel replaced it with language calling for further study of the issue through 2012.
A proposal that would require the state to release records on children who die from abuse or neglect stalled Thursday when a House panel replaced it with language calling for further study of the issue through 2012.
Suit alleges abuse at juvenile facilities
Suit alleges abuse at juvenile facilities
A New York City legal office has sued the agency that runs the state's juvenile detention centers, contending staff members at the centers are physically and mentally abusing the young people who are sent there.
A New York City legal office has sued the agency that runs the state's juvenile detention centers, contending staff members at the centers are physically and mentally abusing the young people who are sent there.
DCS to appeal block on payment cuts
DCS to appeal block on payment cuts
Judge blocked agency's plan to reduce pay by 10% for foster and adoptive parents
Note: They could save money by not taking so many kids who don't need to be removed too.
Judge blocked agency's plan to reduce pay by 10% for foster and adoptive parents
Note: They could save money by not taking so many kids who don't need to be removed too.
9 System Sucks, I mean finalists chosen for RI whine about CPS not doing enought to protect children, I mean child advocate job
9 finalists chosen for RI child advocate job
A search committee has selected nine finalists for the job of Rhode Island Child Advocate, including Jametta O. Alston, the current child advocate, and Michael D. Coleman, the state's first child advocate.
A search committee has selected nine finalists for the job of Rhode Island Child Advocate, including Jametta O. Alston, the current child advocate, and Michael D. Coleman, the state's first child advocate.
U.S. missionaries back from Haiti after release
U.S. missionaries back from Haiti after release
Eight American missionaries freed by a Haitian judge landed in Miami early Thursday, nearly three weeks after the group was charged with kidnapping for trying to take 33 children out of the quake-stricken country.
Eight American missionaries freed by a Haitian judge landed in Miami early Thursday, nearly three weeks after the group was charged with kidnapping for trying to take 33 children out of the quake-stricken country.
New York State Supreme Court rules that child's best interests trumps father's right to DNA testing
New York State Supreme Court rules that child's best interests trumps father's right to DNA testing
The New York State Supreme Court, Appellate Division, First Department, ruled yesterday that New York County Family Court erred in requiring DNA tests of a man and child. The court stated that before DNA tests can be ordered, the court must first decide if such tests are in the best interests of the child.
The New York State Supreme Court, Appellate Division, First Department, ruled yesterday that New York County Family Court erred in requiring DNA tests of a man and child. The court stated that before DNA tests can be ordered, the court must first decide if such tests are in the best interests of the child.
Not Good Enough Kentucky!!!
Panel approves compromise child protection bill
A House committee scrapped a bill Thursday that would have required child-protection officials to publicly release their findings in cases in which a child died or was critically injured from abuse or neglect.
A House committee scrapped a bill Thursday that would have required child-protection officials to publicly release their findings in cases in which a child died or was critically injured from abuse or neglect.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Concern raised for child protection cases
Concern raised for child protection cases
Child Protection Minister Kon Vatskalis raised concerns about the way cases related to child protection were being handled while tabling an interim report from the Children's Commissioner.
Child Protection Minister Kon Vatskalis raised concerns about the way cases related to child protection were being handled while tabling an interim report from the Children's Commissioner.
Haiti "restavek" tradition called child slavery
Haiti "restavek" tradition called child slavery
Despite her desperation, Thelusma said she would never turn 11-year-old Gaelle and 6-year-old Christelle over to a Haitian family, as tens of thousands of other poor parents have done.
"Not a Haitian family. Haitians will make them suffer," Thelusma, 39, said. "They ... force the child to work like a animal. They don't really take care of them."
Despite her desperation, Thelusma said she would never turn 11-year-old Gaelle and 6-year-old Christelle over to a Haitian family, as tens of thousands of other poor parents have done.
"Not a Haitian family. Haitians will make them suffer," Thelusma, 39, said. "They ... force the child to work like a animal. They don't really take care of them."
DCF worker released on bond in sex case
DCF worker released on bond in sex case
Police claim that a social worker who recently separated from his wife used a pretext to lure a client to his house last week, where he allegedly gave her wine and drugs and attempted to have sex with her.
Police claim that a social worker who recently separated from his wife used a pretext to lure a client to his house last week, where he allegedly gave her wine and drugs and attempted to have sex with her.
Couple accused of beating, starving two foster children
Couple accused of beating, starving two foster children
A San Antonio couple has been indicted on charges of beating and starving some foster children who were in their care.
A San Antonio couple has been indicted on charges of beating and starving some foster children who were in their care.
Man sentenced to life for killing 14-year-old girl who ran away from foster home
Man sentenced to life for killing 14-year-old girl who ran away from foster home
A man who killed a teenaged girl after she'd run away from a B.C. foster home has been handed a life sentence with no chance of parole for 15 years.
A man who killed a teenaged girl after she'd run away from a B.C. foster home has been handed a life sentence with no chance of parole for 15 years.
D.C.'s Catholic Church Blames the Gays For Abandoning Its Foster Care Program
D.C.'s Catholic Church Blames the Gays For Abandoning Its Foster Care Program
After threatening to end its adoption and homeless services programs in Washington D.C. if the City Council approved gay marriage there, the Catholic Church's charities unit is indeed dismantling its foster care program — even after the Church said it would back off its own promise to do so.
Washington Archdiocese Plays Politics With Foster Care Program
After threatening to end its adoption and homeless services programs in Washington D.C. if the City Council approved gay marriage there, the Catholic Church's charities unit is indeed dismantling its foster care program — even after the Church said it would back off its own promise to do so.
Washington Archdiocese Plays Politics With Foster Care Program
CAS says $2.9M not enough to relieve debt
CAS says $2.9M not enough to relieve debt
Almost $3 million of a $26.9-million provincial aid package won't solve the Children's Aid Society of Simcoe County's crisis, the cash-strapped agency says.
Almost $3 million of a $26.9-million provincial aid package won't solve the Children's Aid Society of Simcoe County's crisis, the cash-strapped agency says.
Victims of CPS seek class-action lawsuit participants
Victims of CPS seek class-action lawsuit participants
Tahoe Victims of CPS has joined together with families on the West Slope of El Dorado County to form the El Dorado County Victims of CPS. All parties involved are either advocates for CPS reform, or families that have had their constitutional rights violated by CPS.
Tahoe Victims of CPS has joined together with families on the West Slope of El Dorado County to form the El Dorado County Victims of CPS. All parties involved are either advocates for CPS reform, or families that have had their constitutional rights violated by CPS.
Milwaukee County Bureau of Child Welfare under scrutiny after 23 child deaths
Milwaukee County Bureau of Child Welfare under scrutiny after 23 child deaths
Change is not coming fast enough is the battle cry of Citizens Protecting Abused Children .
Change is not coming fast enough is the battle cry of Citizens Protecting Abused Children .
Tampa, Florida – Child Protection Investigator Accused of Falsifying Documents
Tampa, Florida – Child Protection Investigator Accused of Falsifying Documents
The Hillsborough County, Florida Sheriff’s Office will be changing how it handles child abuse cases. The changes are due to the recent resignation of Heather Stokes, a child protection investigator who has been charged with falsifying documents.
The Hillsborough County, Florida Sheriff’s Office will be changing how it handles child abuse cases. The changes are due to the recent resignation of Heather Stokes, a child protection investigator who has been charged with falsifying documents.
Foster care injury prompts probe
Foster care injury prompts probe
Monroe County Sheriff Daniel Johnson said his department is conducting “extensive interviews” in the case of 2-year-old Jayden Clark.
Monroe County Sheriff Daniel Johnson said his department is conducting “extensive interviews” in the case of 2-year-old Jayden Clark.
Study finds gaps in local foster care programme
Study finds gaps in local foster care programme
A 2009 study of Jamaica's Foster Care Programme administered by the Child Development Agency (CDA) has revealed several worrying gaps.
A 2009 study of Jamaica's Foster Care Programme administered by the Child Development Agency (CDA) has revealed several worrying gaps.
Abuse in foster homes
Abuse in foster homes
in a profound way. Possibly more profound than for abused or neglected children? Some would answer yes.
in a profound way. Possibly more profound than for abused or neglected children? Some would answer yes.
Culver orders internal review of DHS service to injured toddler
Culver orders internal review of DHS service to injured toddler
Gov. Chet Culver has ordered a “complete internal review” of the Iowa Department of Human Services’ work with a Centerville toddler reportedly in foster care when he suffered severe head injuries last week, the governor’s office announced Wednesday.
Gov. Chet Culver has ordered a “complete internal review” of the Iowa Department of Human Services’ work with a Centerville toddler reportedly in foster care when he suffered severe head injuries last week, the governor’s office announced Wednesday.
Marchers protest CYFD handling of abuse case
Marchers protest CYFD handling of abuse case
Protestors spent midday Wednesday protesting how the state’s Children Youth and Families Department handled a case in which an infant child was severely injured.
Protestors spent midday Wednesday protesting how the state’s Children Youth and Families Department handled a case in which an infant child was severely injured.
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