Legally Kidnapped

Shattering Your Child Welfare Delusions Since 2007

Monday, October 05, 2009

Firing of Onondaga County Family Court referee, George Raus, shows that filing complaints works

Firing of Onondaga County Family Court referee, George Raus, shows that filing complaints works

The Syracuse Post-Standard is reporting that George Raus, an Onondaga County Family Court referee, was fired from his job Friday, although the New York State Office of Court Administration won't say why Raus was fired. What we do know, however, is that more than a dozen lawyers have filed complaints against Raus.


  1. Anonymous9:40 AM

    The real question is will they look at his finances and the his list of favorite lawyers????
    Come on NY lets get tough on the corrupt court system. whos job was it to police this guy????

  2. he is still doing this! anyone that can, please help me i am in desperate need! i am a single father, subject to his shenanigans with my son. my sons mother is an active heroine user and his grandmother is manipulative and liar and trying to remove me from the picture, george is her lawyer. can anyone please help me!? i dont know who to turn to i am looking everywhere

  3. is my email if anyone has any information or advice that could help us. god bless


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