Legally Kidnapped

Shattering Your Child Welfare Delusions Since 2007

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Couple's baby apprehended at birth

Couple's baby apprehended at birth

It was less than an hour after midnight on Nov. 16 when Annaliese Gwendolyn Postma entered the world.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:22 PM

    I suppose if the authorities had been correct, but left the baby to be killed by abusive parents you would post that too. Very difficult to call these cases I would suggest.

    There was a case in the UK where a baby was taken at birth, handed back, taken again... THEN it was discovered that the parents were abusive to children.

    I don't envy the people who make these decisions WITHOUT the benefit of 20:20 hindsight.


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