Foster parent pay cuts not as worrisome as prevention service cuts
Seven years ago today, Logan Marr died at the hands of her foster mother and the reform of the Child Protective System in Maine was set in motion. At that time, I had two foster kids and received $85 per day each; 70 percent of the kids in the system were reimbursed at a similar rate.
Legally Kidnapped
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Mother who won back her baby faces second battle to keep it
Mother who won back her baby faces second battle to keep it
A teenage mother who was reunited with her newborn baby yesterday thanks to the intervention of a High Court judge was today facing a second attempt by social services to remove her child.
A teenage mother who was reunited with her newborn baby yesterday thanks to the intervention of a High Court judge was today facing a second attempt by social services to remove her child.
Report: DCF inept in handling 2 rape cases
Report: DCF inept in handling 2 rape cases
Miami child abuse investigators waited days to notify police and prosecutors that two foster children had been raped, interviewed one of the girls in front of her alleged attacker and the foster mother to whom he was engaged, and were slow to remove the girls from the home, a new report says.
DCF Failed To Protect Kids Raped In Foster Home
Florida's Department of Children and Families is out with a report that confirms what CBS4 News reported last July. A man named Ian Garrick, who was charged with raping a 10-year old child in a North Miami-Dade foster home, was allowed to remain in the home, even after DCF learned of the first case of alleged abuse and he went on to allegedly abuse another child.
Miami child abuse investigators waited days to notify police and prosecutors that two foster children had been raped, interviewed one of the girls in front of her alleged attacker and the foster mother to whom he was engaged, and were slow to remove the girls from the home, a new report says.
DCF Failed To Protect Kids Raped In Foster Home
Florida's Department of Children and Families is out with a report that confirms what CBS4 News reported last July. A man named Ian Garrick, who was charged with raping a 10-year old child in a North Miami-Dade foster home, was allowed to remain in the home, even after DCF learned of the first case of alleged abuse and he went on to allegedly abuse another child.
Woman convicted of murdering foster child
Woman convicted of murdering foster child
A Canton Township mother was convicted Monday of second-degree murder, manslaughter and first-degree child abuse in the September 2006 death of her 2-year-old foster daughter.
A Canton Township mother was convicted Monday of second-degree murder, manslaughter and first-degree child abuse in the September 2006 death of her 2-year-old foster daughter.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Prosecutor: Girl Became Former DHS Officer's 'Sex Toy'
Prosecutor: Girl Became Former DHS Officer's 'Sex Toy'
An underage girl who claims she was repeatedly molested by a male relative -- a former Desert Hot Springs police officer -- made up the allegations so she could be "emancipated'' and live her life as a lesbian, the defendant's attorney told jurors Tuesday.
But a prosecutor said in her opening statement that Dennis Paul Decker, 37, began making sexual advances toward the girl in 1996 when she was 7 years old, and she "became his sex toy'' for a decade.
An underage girl who claims she was repeatedly molested by a male relative -- a former Desert Hot Springs police officer -- made up the allegations so she could be "emancipated'' and live her life as a lesbian, the defendant's attorney told jurors Tuesday.
But a prosecutor said in her opening statement that Dennis Paul Decker, 37, began making sexual advances toward the girl in 1996 when she was 7 years old, and she "became his sex toy'' for a decade.
EXCLUSIVE: CPS Removes 12 Children From Mercedes Home
EXCLUSIVE: CPS Removes 12 Children From Mercedes Home
One dozen adopted children have been taken away from a Mercedes couple after Child Protective Services investigates allegations of neglect.
One dozen adopted children have been taken away from a Mercedes couple after Child Protective Services investigates allegations of neglect.
Foster Care - How To Destroy A Family
Because of the format I have chosen for this blog, I don't use many of my own words. But the time has come. I take issue with this.
It's been a while since I last mentioned it but I continue to follow this particular blog. I consider it an extreme example of the dangerous mentality that makes up the current Child Protective and Foster Care system. It is both a facination and revulsion thing with me.
They don't like me. In fact clicking on that link will give you an error message that acuses me of being a known spammer. I don't spam anybody. It is easiest to copy and paste the link into your browser. Her blog irritated me a few times, so I let her know. She didn't like it, so I have been banned from commenting and my arguements have been edited for content. It is clear that they only want to allow certain types into their community. Nobody who oposes their opinions or anything, which was all I did. These are people with an agenda. They want your children. Anybody who calls them on that will be prevented from even linking to them.
This blogger has written a lot about adopting through foster care. Which I wouldn't have a problem with except for the fact that many foster parents who do have adoption agenda's will try to undermind the system in an effort to avoid letting go of a child whose REAL parents have been working their butts off to regain custody.
When the foster parents fall in love with the child, they bash the real parents for their past actions, "How could those horrible bio-parnets (as they are called) do such a terrible thing to such a sweet innocent child?" They refuse to see a family in crisis who needs help. They refuse to see that people can make mistakes. They refuse to see that people can get better. They refuse to see the real parents as human beings and instead demonize them. They work to strengthen their own bonds and destroy the bonds with the real parents. They claim that they're the only family the child has ever known. They claim that returning the child to their real families will be harmful because it will be like putting the child in with Strangers. Remember one of the most famous cases of this, the He's, for example, who fought for years to get their kid back? It happens all the time.
This blogger has even written about bonding with foster children while taking a shot at the real parents. She has written about when it is and when it's not appropriate to mention ones interest in adopting a child who one is fostering. It's almost preditorial if you ask me.
Then she writes this particular post.
Why is it Taking So Long for a Placement? -The Answer
To a normal person this may appear rational, but to me I get a sense that she's talking about looking for that special child to take in. Not a child in need of a safe place to stay, the so called reason for foster care, but just looking for that special child to call their own. If it is a boy, send him someplace else. If it is a girl over age five, send her someplace else. If the kid has issues, which most foster children do, then send them someplace else. If they have brothers or sisters, send them someplace else, or even better, "I'll take one of them." How these people can seperate siblings who have been removed from their families and consider themselves hero's for doing it is beyond me.
This is why I have a problem with it. If the only reason people are going to get into foster parenting is as a path to adoption, then the term babystealer fits you perfectly. Many of these children have real families who love them and many of them don't. Many of the parents who loose their children just need help. Many of them wake up and straighten out their lives when CPS gets involved, and many of them just need to be taught better ways. Sure there are some people who shouldn't be parents, there are some who don't deserve their children, but if they started to recognize the ones who do work to make things better, maybe they wouldn't have to lower their standards for foster parents just to keep up with the numbers.
Wake up people.
2 moms failed tot
2 moms failed tot
But the baby didn't die in the care of the woman who had drawn concern. She died in the bed of a woman the state entrusted to keep her safe.
But the baby didn't die in the care of the woman who had drawn concern. She died in the bed of a woman the state entrusted to keep her safe.
Studies: Money better spent helping family than on foster care
Studies: Money better spent helping family than on foster care
Shifting more money to help families -- whose children otherwise would be taken away by social agencies -- would help save on the billions of dollars child abuse costs the country each year, a study released Tuesday shows.
Shifting more money to help families -- whose children otherwise would be taken away by social agencies -- would help save on the billions of dollars child abuse costs the country each year, a study released Tuesday shows.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Custody granted to child abusers
Custody granted to child abusers
Two convicted child abusers won custody of their four young grandchildren even as information about the pair's criminal records was buried in the files of the Catholic Children's Aid Society of Toronto.
The National Post has confirmed that only after one of those grandchildren, five-year-old Jeffrey Baldwin, died an emaciated shell of a little boy last Nov. 30 and a Toronto Police homicide investigation began, did the child-welfare agency belatedly discover the critical documents in their own system.
Two convicted child abusers won custody of their four young grandchildren even as information about the pair's criminal records was buried in the files of the Catholic Children's Aid Society of Toronto.
The National Post has confirmed that only after one of those grandchildren, five-year-old Jeffrey Baldwin, died an emaciated shell of a little boy last Nov. 30 and a Toronto Police homicide investigation began, did the child-welfare agency belatedly discover the critical documents in their own system.
Inquiry in toddler's death faults agency
Inquiry in toddler's death faults agency
The death of a Baltimore toddler might have been prevented had case workers with the Department of Social Services better communicated with one another about the needs of her family, especially those of her drug-addicted mother.
The death of a Baltimore toddler might have been prevented had case workers with the Department of Social Services better communicated with one another about the needs of her family, especially those of her drug-addicted mother.
Monday, January 28, 2008
An Email from a father
Dear Friends,
It is with great sadness that I write to inform you that my rights to my precious son J**** were officially taken from me on Friday, January 25, 2008.
Why? Well, for many reasons:
- I wasn't willing to use my son as a weapon and someone else was.
- The child's representative assigned to the case was a close friend of opposing council and proclaimed on his first day of assignment that he had already made up his mind; that he never bothered to meet the child and myself as required by his position, that he never bothered to return the numerous messages from mental health providers who had vital information on the serious mental issues of the child's mother; that he was unwilling to consider the report for the Department of Child and Family Services that identified the child's mother as "completely unreliable" --- a level of indication that DCFS avoids assigning except in the most extreme cases relating to mental stability issues; and that I was not in a position to grant his demand for a bribe and brought this to the attention of the regulatory committee.
- I wasn't willing to make up lies about anyone else even when lies were being told about me
- Like the mother in the story of Solomon, I would rather my son live in the care of someone else than have to suffer.
But the biggest reason that I had my rights to my son ripped from me is that the Cook County Court System of Illinois runs on a system of selling custody to the highest bidder.
There is a recognized practice that has been identified as being utilized by attorneys of little or no moral character and professional ethics. It's a system of forcing financial starvation.
The attorneys advise their clients to force the other parent into such utter financial hardship they literally can't proceed.
That's what happened with me.
Before filing for divorce the other party withdrew all my money from the bank: savings, checking, and retirement leaving me literally penniless.
I was tricked into wasting nine months of legal fees coming to a joint parenting agreement that once finalized and ready to sign, the other party revealed it had all been a ploy to get me to spend what little money I had been able to borrow and now that I was out of money they were embarking on their intent they had the whole time - to rip all rights to his father away from J***.
The other side interfered with my employment costing me three positions to prevent me from maintaining an income and forcing me into bankruptcy.
The other side agreed to file joint taxes as that deductions had not been decided by the court, but then revealed it was only a decoy agreement to provide enough time to file separately and cause me to have to spend a year incurring more debt going back and forth with the IRS over the undecided deductions fraudulently claimed by the other party.
And finally when they knew I was down to less than $60 in the bank and we have notices that the electricity is going to be turned off, the other side made a motion for a court 604 (b) process which would require me to immediately provide a retainer fee of several thousand dollars - which I of course did not have. Because I didn't have the money, by default the other side got what they wanted - to for all intents and purposes legally eliminate me from being the father my son needs.
I raised J*** from the day he was born. The first 48 hours in the hospital were with daddy. I did every feeding, every diaper change,...when he slept, he slept on daddy, when he cried daddy walked him up and down the corridors and soothed him with the silly songs he'd sung to him when he was still in the womb. Daddy was there holding his hand for every shot. Daddy was there holding his hand during the circumcision. When he needed extra testing on his hearing, Daddy took him and stayed with him. Daddy was the first voice he heard in the delivery room. Daddy was the first person he opened his eyes to see.
Throughout infancy Daddy did the feedings. Daddy did the diaper changes. Daddy was the one who got up in the nights. Daddy made custom tapes to play when he slept to teach him about different composers. Daddy would read him books every day and even when he slept - fun books, educational books, the Bible, poetry. Daddy and J*** played every day because Daddy never minded getting down on the ground and being silly. Daddy cooked all the meals in the house and introduced J*** to solid foods - expanding his palette with tastes from conventional peas to exotic mango and guava. J*** learned to compromise because Daddy would watch J***'s television favorites from start to finish with him having fun and getting involved, so J*** would give just as much effort having fun and watching Daddy's basketball games. It's no surprise, I guess, that J***'s first word was Dada.
When J***'s mother first sprung her surprise divorce tactics, part of that plan was doing something that is sometimes known as Legal Kidnapping. She disappeared J*** - not only not allowing me to see him, but refusing to reveal his whereabouts or even to at least respond to pleas to merely confirm his health or well-being.
Of course that's illegal, but the police simply refuse to take action - at least that's the position of the X***, Illinois police department. When I went to file a report and request their assistance, I took with me source copies of all the laws that were being broken - local, county, state, and federal. The officer refused to take the report saying that he knew the law was being broken but it wasn't his problem to enforce it.
That probably shouldn't be too surprising of a position by the X***, Illinois police though. That's the same police department that employs the man who cracked two of my ribs as a part of J***'s mother's divorce plan that she'd apparently had planned out for some time in advance. I actually don't think J***'s mother specifically arranged that my ribs would be cracked as a part of what she did specifically plan, but I think she just got the lucky added bonus that the guy was such a knucklehead that he was easily able to be tricked into using his likely steroid fueled rage to bust me up a little. Some people get all the luck.
While the police weren't willing to act to enforce the laws against legal kidnapping, some courts are. Unfortunately getting the matter heard in court isn't a quick process. J*** had been disappeared for over 30 days by the time the court heard the case.
Thankfully the court did immediately intervene with a court order. By that time I feared that maybe J*** wouldn't remember me. But he did. Our bond of love transcended whatever evils he might have been told. It was a moment of golden realization. I would forever focus every effort on filling J*** with enough love to last him through any attempts by anyone else to ever try to use him as a weapon again.
It turned out to be good thinking because while the court could intervene with a court order prohibiting the mother from legally kidnapping the child again, it is up to the police to enforce it...and we already know how helpful they'd been so far.
True to expectations, J***'s mother continued her practice of disappearing him for such reasons as ... and I'm not making this up...that she didn't like his hair cut. And also true to expectations, the X***, Illinois police department refused to enforce the court order to prevent J***'s mother from inflicting emotional and psychological harm on him this way.
While in no way to excuse the behavior (and lack there of) of the police, it is easy to see where they could become so jaded that those of not the most true character could become so guilty of stereotyping and playing pretrial prosecutor, judge, and executioner.
You have to imagine that police can be exposed to some fairly horrific displays of bad parenting by abusive, alcoholic, drug addicted, criminal, sick and deranged fathers. That's a fact of life. There are bad fathers out there. There are abusive fathers. There are alcoholic fathers. There are sick twisted fathers who should give everyone nightmares.
There are also the other kind of abuser fathers that cops see, because we all see them. There are the neglectful fathers who are there but not really, in body but not spirit, in the house with the child but not in their life. There are the sporadic but unreliable fathers who repeatedly give hope and then shatter it. And there are the voluntarily absent fathers - the fathers who would be allowed every opportunity to be a part of their child's life but chose to be as meaningless of an unknown as any random passerby.
That's a lot of negative preconceptions to overcome to realize that there are good fathers out there too. There are fathers who are the nurturing parent when there aren't two, or the equally nurturing when there are two. There are fathers who walk away from more lucrative work because it would mean more travel time away from their child and money can't replace the moments shared together. There are fathers who go without so that the child never does. There are fathers whose idea of a perfect evening is not at the trendiest club or the hottest sporting event but with his child at home. There are fathers who can tell you all the names of all the characters of Bob the Builder, Thomas and Friends, and Handy Manny. There are fathers who read to their son so much that the child is known by name at three public libraries. There are fathers who teach their son to pray every night to be thankful for the blessings in life.
Not many police officers think of these good fathers that exist. Not many in the court system either.
So Legal Kidnapping gets to occur..and with the help of Fiscal Starvation, eventually becomes Legal Stealing - Legal Stealing of Custody.
It doesn't just happen to men. In fact, it probably more often happens to women. It all depends on who has the money.
I spent over $80 thousand dollars defending myself from made up charges. Not misunderstandings - but purely fictional attacks the other side knew were fictional. All were thrown out of court - but achieved the purpose of draining me of all money. I spent a fortune trying to come to a hospitable agreement only to discover it was all a diversion to drain me of all money.
If I had the money I could have had the child's representative removed from the case.
If I had the money I could have forced a psychological evaluation of the woman the DCFS already labeled completely unreliable and who J***'s primary care doctor now refuses to see because they don't want to be in the legal position of treating a child they know is being abused by the mother.
But that's the point of fiscal starvation - it's not about proving ones self a capable parent much less the better parent, it's about buying custody. Plain and simple - our court system is set up for the purchase of custody.
So what's in store for J*** now?
Now he lives within a house that he breaks into uncontrollable crying over when he has to go there.
Now he lives in the sole care of a woman who has a history of drinking Vodka for lunch.
Now he lives in the sole custody of a woman who has been repeatedly witnessed verbally and physically abusing her daughter.
Now he lives in a home where incest is active endorsed - where his uncle was witnessed trying to arrange a marriage between J*** and his blood-related first cousin when J*** was just one year old; where it was discovered that his mother was previously incestuously married to a close blood relative herself.
Now he lives in the care of a woman who psychological professionals have labeled as having extreme anger issues.
And what of J***'s relationship with his loving father?
I am legally restricted from ever talking directly to J***'s doctor, because J***'s mother doesn't want the doctors to know the truth about what happens to him at home.
I have to seek written permission from J***'s mother to let his own Aunt or Grandmother stay with him - permission his mother has sworn to never allow. (But she, by contrast, can leave him in the care of either of the two uncles with criminal records, with an illegal immigrant she leaves him with regularly who can not speak, read, or write English and could not take care of him in the case of an emergency.
J*** will never be allowed to go trick or treating with his father or his brothers or sisters.
I did my graduate work in Education, J***'s maternal grandmother is a highly respected education professional, and yet neither I nor his grandmother will never be allowed to contribute to J***'s educational guidance - we are legally forbidden from it and can be brought up on charges if we attempt to.
J*** is forced to live in a house where he says "Mommy says I'm not allowed to love Daddy" and "Mommy says Daddy is going to burn in someplace bad."
In the end, all that matters is the one who suffers if J***.
The court, it seems, doesn't care about justice or the best interest of children. It cares about the highest bidder and who will stoop to the lowest level and disregard how their actions will hurt the child.
In leaving court, my attorney said that this was one of the biggest crimes of "legal justice" she'd ever witnessed. I'm the best father she has ever seen, she said - and made sure to point out that isn't something she says to any client - I truly am the only person she's ever said that too. She said there was no doubt that if the court cared about the best interest of J***, he would live with his father.
She also pointed out that there are many parents of both genders who perhaps aren't as good of parents as I am, but that are surely not bad parents who have gotten even more of their parental rights unfairly ripped from them because of these money games - this fiscal starvation, this legal stealing of custody.
So what now? I have begun the preliminary stages of aligning myself with an organization that fights for the rights of parents victimized by the legal stealing of custody that the Illinois court system enables. My hope is that maybe my celebrity can help shine a light on this plague. Maybe, just maybe, by making this absurdity public knowledge we can save other children from the fate of kids like J***
I'm thinking maybe this will become the basis for a book I'll write...thoughts put out into the universe that might touch some, might be ignored by some, and might - just possibly - inspire some to act.
Maybe people who see abuse or hear of it won't turn the other way and let it be someone else's problem. Maybe people will pick up the phone or write a letter to the Department of Child and Family Services and speak up that there is abuse going on and that its their job to step in and investigate it. Maybe people will write their local papers and express their disdain for a system that fails to protect the best interests of children and places them in unsafe environments if the price is right.
I am sad to have had to share this news today. I thank you for listening. For those who believe in a higher power, I humbly ask that you include J*** in your prayers
A Father
It is with great sadness that I write to inform you that my rights to my precious son J**** were officially taken from me on Friday, January 25, 2008.
Why? Well, for many reasons:
- I wasn't willing to use my son as a weapon and someone else was.
- The child's representative assigned to the case was a close friend of opposing council and proclaimed on his first day of assignment that he had already made up his mind; that he never bothered to meet the child and myself as required by his position, that he never bothered to return the numerous messages from mental health providers who had vital information on the serious mental issues of the child's mother; that he was unwilling to consider the report for the Department of Child and Family Services that identified the child's mother as "completely unreliable" --- a level of indication that DCFS avoids assigning except in the most extreme cases relating to mental stability issues; and that I was not in a position to grant his demand for a bribe and brought this to the attention of the regulatory committee.
- I wasn't willing to make up lies about anyone else even when lies were being told about me
- Like the mother in the story of Solomon, I would rather my son live in the care of someone else than have to suffer.
But the biggest reason that I had my rights to my son ripped from me is that the Cook County Court System of Illinois runs on a system of selling custody to the highest bidder.
There is a recognized practice that has been identified as being utilized by attorneys of little or no moral character and professional ethics. It's a system of forcing financial starvation.
The attorneys advise their clients to force the other parent into such utter financial hardship they literally can't proceed.
That's what happened with me.
Before filing for divorce the other party withdrew all my money from the bank: savings, checking, and retirement leaving me literally penniless.
I was tricked into wasting nine months of legal fees coming to a joint parenting agreement that once finalized and ready to sign, the other party revealed it had all been a ploy to get me to spend what little money I had been able to borrow and now that I was out of money they were embarking on their intent they had the whole time - to rip all rights to his father away from J***.
The other side interfered with my employment costing me three positions to prevent me from maintaining an income and forcing me into bankruptcy.
The other side agreed to file joint taxes as that deductions had not been decided by the court, but then revealed it was only a decoy agreement to provide enough time to file separately and cause me to have to spend a year incurring more debt going back and forth with the IRS over the undecided deductions fraudulently claimed by the other party.
And finally when they knew I was down to less than $60 in the bank and we have notices that the electricity is going to be turned off, the other side made a motion for a court 604 (b) process which would require me to immediately provide a retainer fee of several thousand dollars - which I of course did not have. Because I didn't have the money, by default the other side got what they wanted - to for all intents and purposes legally eliminate me from being the father my son needs.
I raised J*** from the day he was born. The first 48 hours in the hospital were with daddy. I did every feeding, every diaper change,...when he slept, he slept on daddy, when he cried daddy walked him up and down the corridors and soothed him with the silly songs he'd sung to him when he was still in the womb. Daddy was there holding his hand for every shot. Daddy was there holding his hand during the circumcision. When he needed extra testing on his hearing, Daddy took him and stayed with him. Daddy was the first voice he heard in the delivery room. Daddy was the first person he opened his eyes to see.
Throughout infancy Daddy did the feedings. Daddy did the diaper changes. Daddy was the one who got up in the nights. Daddy made custom tapes to play when he slept to teach him about different composers. Daddy would read him books every day and even when he slept - fun books, educational books, the Bible, poetry. Daddy and J*** played every day because Daddy never minded getting down on the ground and being silly. Daddy cooked all the meals in the house and introduced J*** to solid foods - expanding his palette with tastes from conventional peas to exotic mango and guava. J*** learned to compromise because Daddy would watch J***'s television favorites from start to finish with him having fun and getting involved, so J*** would give just as much effort having fun and watching Daddy's basketball games. It's no surprise, I guess, that J***'s first word was Dada.
When J***'s mother first sprung her surprise divorce tactics, part of that plan was doing something that is sometimes known as Legal Kidnapping. She disappeared J*** - not only not allowing me to see him, but refusing to reveal his whereabouts or even to at least respond to pleas to merely confirm his health or well-being.
Of course that's illegal, but the police simply refuse to take action - at least that's the position of the X***, Illinois police department. When I went to file a report and request their assistance, I took with me source copies of all the laws that were being broken - local, county, state, and federal. The officer refused to take the report saying that he knew the law was being broken but it wasn't his problem to enforce it.
That probably shouldn't be too surprising of a position by the X***, Illinois police though. That's the same police department that employs the man who cracked two of my ribs as a part of J***'s mother's divorce plan that she'd apparently had planned out for some time in advance. I actually don't think J***'s mother specifically arranged that my ribs would be cracked as a part of what she did specifically plan, but I think she just got the lucky added bonus that the guy was such a knucklehead that he was easily able to be tricked into using his likely steroid fueled rage to bust me up a little. Some people get all the luck.
While the police weren't willing to act to enforce the laws against legal kidnapping, some courts are. Unfortunately getting the matter heard in court isn't a quick process. J*** had been disappeared for over 30 days by the time the court heard the case.
Thankfully the court did immediately intervene with a court order. By that time I feared that maybe J*** wouldn't remember me. But he did. Our bond of love transcended whatever evils he might have been told. It was a moment of golden realization. I would forever focus every effort on filling J*** with enough love to last him through any attempts by anyone else to ever try to use him as a weapon again.
It turned out to be good thinking because while the court could intervene with a court order prohibiting the mother from legally kidnapping the child again, it is up to the police to enforce it...and we already know how helpful they'd been so far.
True to expectations, J***'s mother continued her practice of disappearing him for such reasons as ... and I'm not making this up...that she didn't like his hair cut. And also true to expectations, the X***, Illinois police department refused to enforce the court order to prevent J***'s mother from inflicting emotional and psychological harm on him this way.
While in no way to excuse the behavior (and lack there of) of the police, it is easy to see where they could become so jaded that those of not the most true character could become so guilty of stereotyping and playing pretrial prosecutor, judge, and executioner.
You have to imagine that police can be exposed to some fairly horrific displays of bad parenting by abusive, alcoholic, drug addicted, criminal, sick and deranged fathers. That's a fact of life. There are bad fathers out there. There are abusive fathers. There are alcoholic fathers. There are sick twisted fathers who should give everyone nightmares.
There are also the other kind of abuser fathers that cops see, because we all see them. There are the neglectful fathers who are there but not really, in body but not spirit, in the house with the child but not in their life. There are the sporadic but unreliable fathers who repeatedly give hope and then shatter it. And there are the voluntarily absent fathers - the fathers who would be allowed every opportunity to be a part of their child's life but chose to be as meaningless of an unknown as any random passerby.
That's a lot of negative preconceptions to overcome to realize that there are good fathers out there too. There are fathers who are the nurturing parent when there aren't two, or the equally nurturing when there are two. There are fathers who walk away from more lucrative work because it would mean more travel time away from their child and money can't replace the moments shared together. There are fathers who go without so that the child never does. There are fathers whose idea of a perfect evening is not at the trendiest club or the hottest sporting event but with his child at home. There are fathers who can tell you all the names of all the characters of Bob the Builder, Thomas and Friends, and Handy Manny. There are fathers who read to their son so much that the child is known by name at three public libraries. There are fathers who teach their son to pray every night to be thankful for the blessings in life.
Not many police officers think of these good fathers that exist. Not many in the court system either.
So Legal Kidnapping gets to occur..and with the help of Fiscal Starvation, eventually becomes Legal Stealing - Legal Stealing of Custody.
It doesn't just happen to men. In fact, it probably more often happens to women. It all depends on who has the money.
I spent over $80 thousand dollars defending myself from made up charges. Not misunderstandings - but purely fictional attacks the other side knew were fictional. All were thrown out of court - but achieved the purpose of draining me of all money. I spent a fortune trying to come to a hospitable agreement only to discover it was all a diversion to drain me of all money.
If I had the money I could have had the child's representative removed from the case.
If I had the money I could have forced a psychological evaluation of the woman the DCFS already labeled completely unreliable and who J***'s primary care doctor now refuses to see because they don't want to be in the legal position of treating a child they know is being abused by the mother.
But that's the point of fiscal starvation - it's not about proving ones self a capable parent much less the better parent, it's about buying custody. Plain and simple - our court system is set up for the purchase of custody.
So what's in store for J*** now?
Now he lives within a house that he breaks into uncontrollable crying over when he has to go there.
Now he lives in the sole care of a woman who has a history of drinking Vodka for lunch.
Now he lives in the sole custody of a woman who has been repeatedly witnessed verbally and physically abusing her daughter.
Now he lives in a home where incest is active endorsed - where his uncle was witnessed trying to arrange a marriage between J*** and his blood-related first cousin when J*** was just one year old; where it was discovered that his mother was previously incestuously married to a close blood relative herself.
Now he lives in the care of a woman who psychological professionals have labeled as having extreme anger issues.
And what of J***'s relationship with his loving father?
I am legally restricted from ever talking directly to J***'s doctor, because J***'s mother doesn't want the doctors to know the truth about what happens to him at home.
I have to seek written permission from J***'s mother to let his own Aunt or Grandmother stay with him - permission his mother has sworn to never allow. (But she, by contrast, can leave him in the care of either of the two uncles with criminal records, with an illegal immigrant she leaves him with regularly who can not speak, read, or write English and could not take care of him in the case of an emergency.
J*** will never be allowed to go trick or treating with his father or his brothers or sisters.
I did my graduate work in Education, J***'s maternal grandmother is a highly respected education professional, and yet neither I nor his grandmother will never be allowed to contribute to J***'s educational guidance - we are legally forbidden from it and can be brought up on charges if we attempt to.
J*** is forced to live in a house where he says "Mommy says I'm not allowed to love Daddy" and "Mommy says Daddy is going to burn in someplace bad."
In the end, all that matters is the one who suffers if J***.
The court, it seems, doesn't care about justice or the best interest of children. It cares about the highest bidder and who will stoop to the lowest level and disregard how their actions will hurt the child.
In leaving court, my attorney said that this was one of the biggest crimes of "legal justice" she'd ever witnessed. I'm the best father she has ever seen, she said - and made sure to point out that isn't something she says to any client - I truly am the only person she's ever said that too. She said there was no doubt that if the court cared about the best interest of J***, he would live with his father.
She also pointed out that there are many parents of both genders who perhaps aren't as good of parents as I am, but that are surely not bad parents who have gotten even more of their parental rights unfairly ripped from them because of these money games - this fiscal starvation, this legal stealing of custody.
So what now? I have begun the preliminary stages of aligning myself with an organization that fights for the rights of parents victimized by the legal stealing of custody that the Illinois court system enables. My hope is that maybe my celebrity can help shine a light on this plague. Maybe, just maybe, by making this absurdity public knowledge we can save other children from the fate of kids like J***
I'm thinking maybe this will become the basis for a book I'll write...thoughts put out into the universe that might touch some, might be ignored by some, and might - just possibly - inspire some to act.
Maybe people who see abuse or hear of it won't turn the other way and let it be someone else's problem. Maybe people will pick up the phone or write a letter to the Department of Child and Family Services and speak up that there is abuse going on and that its their job to step in and investigate it. Maybe people will write their local papers and express their disdain for a system that fails to protect the best interests of children and places them in unsafe environments if the price is right.
I am sad to have had to share this news today. I thank you for listening. For those who believe in a higher power, I humbly ask that you include J*** in your prayers
A Father
I want full story on my children's murder, says father
I want full story on my children's murder, says father
Ogunkoya claims that child welfare authorities failed his children while they were alive, and are continuing to do so by covering up the circumstances of their deaths.
Ogunkoya claims that child welfare authorities failed his children while they were alive, and are continuing to do so by covering up the circumstances of their deaths.
Being a Foster Parent Doesn't Make Me A Saint
Being a Foster Parent Doesn't Make Me A Saint
"We are ordinary people who actually became licensed foster parents for selfish reasons, so that we could adopt a second child."
A new foster parent blogs about fostering.
"We are ordinary people who actually became licensed foster parents for selfish reasons, so that we could adopt a second child."
A new foster parent blogs about fostering.
Escape from a living hell: The horrifying moment my Jehovah's Witness foster mother handed me over to a sex predator
Escape from a living hell: The horrifying moment my Jehovah's Witness foster mother handed me over to a sex predator
In April 2007, foster mother Eunice Spry was sentenced to 14 years in prison for abusing children in her care. She beat the youngsters with metal bars and made them eat vomit. On Saturday, in our first extract from a new memoir, one of Spry's victims, ALLOMA GILBERT, revealed how she survived her ordeal. Here, in the final part, she describes how Spry allowed her to be sexually abused - and the bitter-sweet moment her tormentor was brought to justice...
In April 2007, foster mother Eunice Spry was sentenced to 14 years in prison for abusing children in her care. She beat the youngsters with metal bars and made them eat vomit. On Saturday, in our first extract from a new memoir, one of Spry's victims, ALLOMA GILBERT, revealed how she survived her ordeal. Here, in the final part, she describes how Spry allowed her to be sexually abused - and the bitter-sweet moment her tormentor was brought to justice...
Foster homes are in short supply
Foster homes are in short supply
Since he entered "the system" a year ago, the 17-year-old has cycled through group homes in Tallulah and Jackson, La.; three separate stays in Boys Town, a shelter for teenage boys in New Orleans; multiple visits to juvenile detention; foster families; his mother's home; and an extended stay with a cousin while on the lam from state custody.
As a result of the shortage, abused and neglected children might be placed in homes hundreds of miles away from their community and the world they know. Children taken into state custody can be held for hours at caseworkers' offices and left for months in emergency shelters because of a dearth of suitable homes. Others, like the 17-year-old at Boys Town, might be bounced from one placement to another until they leave the state system at age 18.
Since he entered "the system" a year ago, the 17-year-old has cycled through group homes in Tallulah and Jackson, La.; three separate stays in Boys Town, a shelter for teenage boys in New Orleans; multiple visits to juvenile detention; foster families; his mother's home; and an extended stay with a cousin while on the lam from state custody.
As a result of the shortage, abused and neglected children might be placed in homes hundreds of miles away from their community and the world they know. Children taken into state custody can be held for hours at caseworkers' offices and left for months in emergency shelters because of a dearth of suitable homes. Others, like the 17-year-old at Boys Town, might be bounced from one placement to another until they leave the state system at age 18.
New focus on foster kids' meds
New focus on foster kids' meds
Children in state foster care who are on psychiatric drugs would receive more oversight under a new plan to make sure they're on the right medications and getting the mental health help they need.
The draft proposal by the Oregon Department of Human Services could affect more than 2,000 foster children who receive psychiatric medications.
Change disrupts children in foster care
Change disrupts children in foster care
There is a movement in Connecticut to allow foster children to stay in the school they attended before being placed in state foster care.
Children who frequently change schools suffer academically, psychologically and socially, studies show. For foster children, who change schools more often than most children, the consequences are more pronounced.
There is a movement in Connecticut to allow foster children to stay in the school they attended before being placed in state foster care.
Children who frequently change schools suffer academically, psychologically and socially, studies show. For foster children, who change schools more often than most children, the consequences are more pronounced.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Top 8 Arguments that Don't Work in Family Court! The Judges have Heard it a Million Times Before!
By David Slepkow
Top 8 arguments that typically do not work in Family Court in Rhode Island (RI). I also seriously doubt that they work anywhere else! Article by a Rhode Island divorce and family law lawyer. This article applies to all family law cases including divorce, child custody, child visitation and paternity cases
#1. If I allow him visitation, he is going to kidnap my children.
This argument typically does not work because the judges have heard it a million times before. This argument is based on rank speculation. If the judge did not alow visitation solely based on an unsubstantiated allegation of hypothetical child kidnapping then it would be too easy to deprive a person of visitation. Furthermore, courts cannot issue orders based on hypotheticals. All that the court can do is issue an order.
The Rhode Island Family court is usually willing to issue an order that the party cannot permanently remove the minor child from the state of Rhode Island. In some instances the court will issue a restraining order against out of state travel for significant periods of time without prior consent.
If there is evidence that the person may take off with the children then this argument might be taken seriously.
#2. The child is so young that the child needs to wake up in my house Christmas morning to open the Christmas presents.
This argument typically does not work because the judges have heard it a million times before. This is an argument based on emotion. Judges typically believe that the parents should alternate Christmas visitation. However some judges may be sympathetic to a very young child between the ages of 3-7 waking up at the house where they live on Christmas morning.
#3. Even though the drug test was negative, he must have taken supplements or drank a lot of water because he is still using drugs.
This argument typically does not work. The Rhode Island Family Court has a drug testing facility. The judges believe that the testing procedure at that facility is accurate and therefore must rely on it.
This argument is usually based on rank speculation. Unless a person has actual evidence that the person is cheating the drug test than this argument will usually fall on deaf ears.
#4. He doesn't even know how to change a diaper.
The judges figure that he will figure it out. Every new parent must learn how to change diapers.
#5. He is seeking visits to get back at me, he does not really want visitation.
This usually cannot be proved and frankly the judges are sick and tired of this argument.
#6. I just use drugs ocasionally and its only marijuana.
Drug are drugs to family Court Judges! Any Illegal drug use is grounds for taking the children from the parent with physical custody and placing them with the other parent. Drug use could also lead the Court to order that all future visitation with the minor children be supervised visits.
#7. The only reason he wants visitation is so his parents can visit with the children
Unless you can prove that he does not spend time with the children and his parents spend all the time with them during visits then this argument will not work!
#8. He has not paid his child support so he should not have visitation with the child!
The Courts are not willing to punish the children by dissallowing visitation because a parent is in arrears in payment of child support. Nonpayment of child support is not a reason to suspend visitation!
Rhode Island Attorneys legal Notice per RI Rules of Professional Responsibility:
The Rhode Island Supreme Court licenses all lawyers in the general practice of law, but does not license or certify any lawyer / attorney as an expert or specialist in any field of practice.
David Slepkow is a Rhode Island lawyer / attorney concentrating in divorce, family law, personal injury, criminal law, restraining orders, child support, custody and visitation. David has been practicing for over 9 years and is licensed in Rhode Island, Massachusetts and Federal Court. Free initial consultations. Credit Cards Accepted.
You can contact attorney David Slepkow by going to Official website of Rhode Island divorce and family law lawyer, David Slepkow or by calling him at 401-437-1100. Also please visit: Information Concerning East Providence Attorney David Slepkow and Rhode Island Divorce, Child Support and Family Law
Also please visit: Rhode Island Child Support law information by a RI Family law attorney
Top 8 arguments that typically do not work in Family Court in Rhode Island (RI). I also seriously doubt that they work anywhere else! Article by a Rhode Island divorce and family law lawyer. This article applies to all family law cases including divorce, child custody, child visitation and paternity cases
#1. If I allow him visitation, he is going to kidnap my children.
This argument typically does not work because the judges have heard it a million times before. This argument is based on rank speculation. If the judge did not alow visitation solely based on an unsubstantiated allegation of hypothetical child kidnapping then it would be too easy to deprive a person of visitation. Furthermore, courts cannot issue orders based on hypotheticals. All that the court can do is issue an order.
The Rhode Island Family court is usually willing to issue an order that the party cannot permanently remove the minor child from the state of Rhode Island. In some instances the court will issue a restraining order against out of state travel for significant periods of time without prior consent.
If there is evidence that the person may take off with the children then this argument might be taken seriously.
#2. The child is so young that the child needs to wake up in my house Christmas morning to open the Christmas presents.
This argument typically does not work because the judges have heard it a million times before. This is an argument based on emotion. Judges typically believe that the parents should alternate Christmas visitation. However some judges may be sympathetic to a very young child between the ages of 3-7 waking up at the house where they live on Christmas morning.
#3. Even though the drug test was negative, he must have taken supplements or drank a lot of water because he is still using drugs.
This argument typically does not work. The Rhode Island Family Court has a drug testing facility. The judges believe that the testing procedure at that facility is accurate and therefore must rely on it.
This argument is usually based on rank speculation. Unless a person has actual evidence that the person is cheating the drug test than this argument will usually fall on deaf ears.
#4. He doesn't even know how to change a diaper.
The judges figure that he will figure it out. Every new parent must learn how to change diapers.
#5. He is seeking visits to get back at me, he does not really want visitation.
This usually cannot be proved and frankly the judges are sick and tired of this argument.
#6. I just use drugs ocasionally and its only marijuana.
Drug are drugs to family Court Judges! Any Illegal drug use is grounds for taking the children from the parent with physical custody and placing them with the other parent. Drug use could also lead the Court to order that all future visitation with the minor children be supervised visits.
#7. The only reason he wants visitation is so his parents can visit with the children
Unless you can prove that he does not spend time with the children and his parents spend all the time with them during visits then this argument will not work!
#8. He has not paid his child support so he should not have visitation with the child!
The Courts are not willing to punish the children by dissallowing visitation because a parent is in arrears in payment of child support. Nonpayment of child support is not a reason to suspend visitation!
Rhode Island Attorneys legal Notice per RI Rules of Professional Responsibility:
The Rhode Island Supreme Court licenses all lawyers in the general practice of law, but does not license or certify any lawyer / attorney as an expert or specialist in any field of practice.
David Slepkow is a Rhode Island lawyer / attorney concentrating in divorce, family law, personal injury, criminal law, restraining orders, child support, custody and visitation. David has been practicing for over 9 years and is licensed in Rhode Island, Massachusetts and Federal Court. Free initial consultations. Credit Cards Accepted.
You can contact attorney David Slepkow by going to Official website of Rhode Island divorce and family law lawyer, David Slepkow or by calling him at 401-437-1100. Also please visit: Information Concerning East Providence Attorney David Slepkow and Rhode Island Divorce, Child Support and Family Law
Also please visit: Rhode Island Child Support law information by a RI Family law attorney
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Child safety fears see thousands more placed in state care
Child safety fears see thousands more placed in state care
MORE Australian children are living away from the parental home than at any other time in the past decade due to concerns for their welfare and safety, a report shows.
MORE Australian children are living away from the parental home than at any other time in the past decade due to concerns for their welfare and safety, a report shows.
Illegal Adoption
Illegal Adoption
Anthony Noble was a 16 year agency veteran of Erie County's child protective services department. According to Erie County D.A. Frank Clark, he tried to illegally adopt a baby girl using the child's birth mother, a client of the agency. "Through the birth mother, Noble was claiming, number one, to be the father in order to gain custody of the child, who he was attempting to adopt." said Clark.
Anthony Noble was a 16 year agency veteran of Erie County's child protective services department. According to Erie County D.A. Frank Clark, he tried to illegally adopt a baby girl using the child's birth mother, a client of the agency. "Through the birth mother, Noble was claiming, number one, to be the father in order to gain custody of the child, who he was attempting to adopt." said Clark.
Letter to Senator Stevens
This is the letter to the former Senator Stevens about what happened to me in the care of the state of Texas. It also tells about my personal oppinion about what George Bush is up to.
Foster care laws attacked
Foster care laws attacked
A well-known child advocate now wants the state to pay for what she says have been numerous wrongs against 17-year-old "Jacob Peters," a pseudonym he is called in a lawsuit filed recently in Hillsborough Circuit Court.
In his 14 years in foster care, the boy was bounced among 45 different foster homes and treatment facilities, was prescribed at least 14 different psychiatric drugs and involuntarily committed at least 16 times for dangerous and violent acts, the suit says.
A well-known child advocate now wants the state to pay for what she says have been numerous wrongs against 17-year-old "Jacob Peters," a pseudonym he is called in a lawsuit filed recently in Hillsborough Circuit Court.
In his 14 years in foster care, the boy was bounced among 45 different foster homes and treatment facilities, was prescribed at least 14 different psychiatric drugs and involuntarily committed at least 16 times for dangerous and violent acts, the suit says.
Former Cop/Foster Parent Sentenced
He was believed to be someone who cared for and even protected children, but 34-year-old Michael Fernsler did the exact opposite.
Friday, January 25, 2008
DCF Failed To Protect Kids Raped In Foster Home
DCF Failed To Protect Kids Raped In Foster Home
Florida's Department of Children and Families is out with a report that confirms what CBS4 News reported last July. A man named Ian Garrick, who was charged with raping a 10-year old child in a North Miami-Dade foster home, was allowed to remain in the home, even after DCF learned of the first case of alleged abuse and he went on to allegedly abuse another child.
Florida's Department of Children and Families is out with a report that confirms what CBS4 News reported last July. A man named Ian Garrick, who was charged with raping a 10-year old child in a North Miami-Dade foster home, was allowed to remain in the home, even after DCF learned of the first case of alleged abuse and he went on to allegedly abuse another child.
Murder trial gets under way for foster mom
Murder trial gets under way for foster mom
Silvia Calzada waited outside the courtroom all day Tuesday, while inside, the woman accused of killing Calzada's baby sat through her first day of trial.
It's been nearly four years since 4-month-old Eduardo Calzada was found dead at his foster home in southwest Bakersfield, the apparent victim of blunt-force trauma to the head.
Silvia Calzada waited outside the courtroom all day Tuesday, while inside, the woman accused of killing Calzada's baby sat through her first day of trial.
It's been nearly four years since 4-month-old Eduardo Calzada was found dead at his foster home in southwest Bakersfield, the apparent victim of blunt-force trauma to the head.
China Spring woman working to help foster children
China Spring woman working to help foster children
She said when a child is taken from his or her home by Child Protective Services, their belongings are put into a trash bag.
She said when a child is taken from his or her home by Child Protective Services, their belongings are put into a trash bag.
Anger over girls' strip searches
Anger over girls' strip searches
Two British girls were sent to an orphanage for 30 hours and strip searched after their mother became ill during a holiday in the US.
British mom gets sick during N.Y. trip, her kids end up in group home
Two teenage girls from the British countryside were searched, photographed and dumped in a group home when their mom got sick during a Christmas week shopping trip in New York City.
Two British girls were sent to an orphanage for 30 hours and strip searched after their mother became ill during a holiday in the US.
British mom gets sick during N.Y. trip, her kids end up in group home
Two teenage girls from the British countryside were searched, photographed and dumped in a group home when their mom got sick during a Christmas week shopping trip in New York City.
Fewer children spending the night at Texas Child Protective Services offices
Fewer children spending the night at Texas Child Protective Services offices
AUSTIN –Texas no longer has scores of abused and neglected children sleeping in Child Protective Services offices each month, the agency said Thursday.
But CPS officials told lawmakers they are not sure why the number has dwindled, almost as dramatically as it soared a year ago.
AUSTIN –Texas no longer has scores of abused and neglected children sleeping in Child Protective Services offices each month, the agency said Thursday.
But CPS officials told lawmakers they are not sure why the number has dwindled, almost as dramatically as it soared a year ago.
Now why would anybody want to do that?
Children's Aid worker attacked
A child-welfare worker was attacked while handling a case Wednesday, Chatham-Kent police say.
A child-welfare worker was attacked while handling a case Wednesday, Chatham-Kent police say.
State law should stand behind foster siblings
State law should stand behind foster siblings
A state bill to help foster kids living in different homes stay in touch with their siblings should be passed into law.
A state bill to help foster kids living in different homes stay in touch with their siblings should be passed into law.
Group Launches Campaign To Ban Adoption, Foster Parenting By Unwed Couples
Group Launches Campaign To Ban Adoption, Foster Parenting By Unwed Couples
LITTLE ROCK - The Family Council Action Committee launched a campaign Thursday to place a measure on November's general election ballot banning unmarried, cohabiting couples from adopting children or becoming foster parents.
LITTLE ROCK - The Family Council Action Committee launched a campaign Thursday to place a measure on November's general election ballot banning unmarried, cohabiting couples from adopting children or becoming foster parents.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Software designer accused of molesting more children
Software designer accused of molesting more children
A British software designer accused of molesting his 9-year-old American foster child on an almost daily basis while living in San Mateo pleaded not guilty Wednesday to new felony charges that he molested two more young boys.
A British software designer accused of molesting his 9-year-old American foster child on an almost daily basis while living in San Mateo pleaded not guilty Wednesday to new felony charges that he molested two more young boys.
Murder trial for foster mom
Murder trial for foster mom
A judge today ordered an Edmonton foster mom to stand trial on a second-degree murder charge for allegedly killing a three-year-old boy in her care.
A judge today ordered an Edmonton foster mom to stand trial on a second-degree murder charge for allegedly killing a three-year-old boy in her care.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
State official uses Web to bash accusers
State official uses Web to bash accusers
On her personal Web site, Cylenthia Clark, who stands accused of beating her daughter with a belt, in turn accuses Fayette County child welfare workers of everything from incompetence to genocide.
She was DFCS' No. 2 administrator in Fulton County when police arrested her in March on charges of child cruelty for allegedly striking her 9-year-old daughter 34 times with a leather belt, leaving bruises on her back, arm and leg. She was then transferred to the state office of the Georgia Department of Human Resources, which oversees DFCS.
Here's Her Website
She want's $50,000 in donations for help with legal expenses.
On her personal Web site, Cylenthia Clark, who stands accused of beating her daughter with a belt, in turn accuses Fayette County child welfare workers of everything from incompetence to genocide.
She was DFCS' No. 2 administrator in Fulton County when police arrested her in March on charges of child cruelty for allegedly striking her 9-year-old daughter 34 times with a leather belt, leaving bruises on her back, arm and leg. She was then transferred to the state office of the Georgia Department of Human Resources, which oversees DFCS.
Here's Her Website
She want's $50,000 in donations for help with legal expenses.
DCF head wants better services for foster kids, mentally ill
DCF head wants better services for foster kids, mentally ill
More recently, the agency spent more than $250,000 and accepted many hours of free legal assistance in its effort to keep a foster child from returning to Cuba with her biological father. Federal and state policies state that families should be kept intact whenever possible, no matter where they live.
More recently, the agency spent more than $250,000 and accepted many hours of free legal assistance in its effort to keep a foster child from returning to Cuba with her biological father. Federal and state policies state that families should be kept intact whenever possible, no matter where they live.
Lawmakers Question DCS About Child Placement Policy
State lawmakers had some questions for the Department of Children's Services Wednesday about how children are placed in foster homes.
Dickson county police release 911 tapes of teenagers accused for the murder of their foster parents.
Dickson county police release 911 tapes of teenagers accused for the murder of their foster parents.
Girl Thriving With Foster Family Must Move
A young girl finally finds a foster family where she can thrive, but state officials say she has to move.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Unknowing twins marry each other
Unknowing twins marry each other
British twins who had been separated at birth learned they were related only after they had become husband and wife, a senior British lawmaker said. The marriage has been annulled.
British twins who had been separated at birth learned they were related only after they had become husband and wife, a senior British lawmaker said. The marriage has been annulled.
Foster-care lawyers dragging state back to court
Foster-care lawyers dragging state back to court
It's part of a landmark 1998 lawsuit that accused the state of bouncing foster kids between homes without adequate services. The state settled the lawsuit in 2004, and promised to make changes.
Lawyers say state is neglecting duty toward foster kids
Foster kids should get a visit from a caseworker every 30 days, but the state still lacks the staff to make that happen, Farris said. In extreme cases, some children have suffered beatings and abuse that such a visit could have detected.
Mental-health services for foster kids are still in short supply, with long waiting lists for treatment, Farris said. Kids with serious mental-health problems are too frequently placed with foster parents who have no idea what they are up against and no special training to handle the child’s problems.
About 70 percent of the state’s foster children have no high school diploma when they leave the foster care system at age 18, Farris said.
It's part of a landmark 1998 lawsuit that accused the state of bouncing foster kids between homes without adequate services. The state settled the lawsuit in 2004, and promised to make changes.
Lawyers say state is neglecting duty toward foster kids
Foster kids should get a visit from a caseworker every 30 days, but the state still lacks the staff to make that happen, Farris said. In extreme cases, some children have suffered beatings and abuse that such a visit could have detected.
Mental-health services for foster kids are still in short supply, with long waiting lists for treatment, Farris said. Kids with serious mental-health problems are too frequently placed with foster parents who have no idea what they are up against and no special training to handle the child’s problems.
About 70 percent of the state’s foster children have no high school diploma when they leave the foster care system at age 18, Farris said.
Foster mom was cited
Foster mom was cited
Amariana Crenshaw, age 4, Died at the hands of a Foster Parent.
The foster mother who cared for the 4-year-old girl killed in an arson attack early Friday had been cited for "unexplained" scars and bruises on the little girl's face, for locking her refrigerator and having deadbolts on all the bedroom and bathroom doors in her North Natomas home, public records show.
The foster family agency that discovered the violations in April – Homes with Heart – was in the process of decertifying Tracy Dossman as a foster mother. However, Dossman stopped communicating with the agency and became certified by another foster family agency, said Jennifer Neutzling, director of Homes with Heart.
Amariana Crenshaw, age 4, Died at the hands of a Foster Parent.

The foster family agency that discovered the violations in April – Homes with Heart – was in the process of decertifying Tracy Dossman as a foster mother. However, Dossman stopped communicating with the agency and became certified by another foster family agency, said Jennifer Neutzling, director of Homes with Heart.
An email I recieved from a parent / former foster child
I came across your blog today and was very interested.
I was in foster care from 13-21 and it was hellish to say the least.
I became a single mother and faced a lot of scrutiny and harassment by child welfare. I successfully fought them off for 4 years, until I fell on hard times.
At my weakest point, I was sexually assaulted and temporarily homeless - I requested a 30 day temporary agreement so that I could gain the resources I needed. It turned into an all out war.
I was accused of child abuse in every shape and form, made out to be a transient drug addicted mental mother. And because I was an ex crown ward, they had more biased info about my youth.
The foster parent involved basically interfered in the case and was given one of my daughters to adopt. My older child was returned to me and the case was closed.
I had a legal aid assigned lawyer during the case - who essentially did very little. She did not tell me my rights. I was told to co-operate fully. And the policy here in Ontario is that you can’t switch lawyers on legal aid.
There was intense pressure and coercion on the part of the foster parent and birth father. I was also verbally promised an open adoption, since I knew the foster parent and her address, and I would know where she went. The visits were cancelled and I was told to take it up with the foster parent. She lives in another province which made that next to impossible.
I complained to the CAS themselves, the law society of Upper Canada and the Ontario ombudsman. All basically said there was nothing to be done. Because they are self regulated and follow government standards, and hide behind the confidentiality - you can’t even go public with your story. You can be jailed for talking about your case. So basically without a substantial amount of money for lawyers, I haven’t been able to fight back.
It has been 7 years since this happened. and I can tell you that I haven’t recovered. I’ve done a lot of advocacy on poverty and homelessness, sat on various boards of directors and helped organize a rally to reform the legislation. I’ve done media and I’ve written a book. As a survivor and victim of this sick system, I've tried to use my anger for good.
If I had it my way, I would like to sue them in civil court and i want at the very least contact with my child. She is now 8 yrs old.
Continually I am promised a letter or photos and then it is never followed through. At some points I am threatened and at other times they are nice. I gave up on getting her back. The most I hope for now is some sort of contact.
I have tried my best to raise my older child and move on despite this grief. We have no had no child welfare involvement since this case. Losing my child affected us both, I will never understand how they say this was "my choice" and in the best interests of the children.
I am starting to see more and more that I am not alone. That I was a good mother and acted in their best interests. My heart needs justice now.
Thanks for listening. I’ve added your blog link to mine.
It's one of those experiences that if you haven’t been through it or touched by it - you might never have known how truly horrifying it is. I mean sure people hear these stats and headlines, but because of the confidentiality shield, you never really fully know.
There were so many kids and teens I lived with thru out the system. They essentially warehoused us and collected their money. If we could be labeled special needs in any way. They would collect a substantial amount more.
I consider myself one of the lucky ones, in that I wasn’t totally stripped of my humanity. I experienced strip searches and restraints that sort of thing. But beyond being neglected by the foster parents and social workers - I never had to deal with full on abuse. What I witnessed though has stayed with me for life.
I consider myself one of the lucky ones, in that I wasn’t totally stripped of my humanity. I experienced strip searches and restraints that sort of thing but beyond being neglected by the foster parents and social workers - I never had to deal with full on abuse. What I witnessed though has stayed with me for life.
I used to think that I was alone. But because of the internet more and more stories are coming to light. They think they rescued my younger daughter. I think I rescued my older daughter. Funny huh?
Erika *****
I came across your blog today and was very interested.
I was in foster care from 13-21 and it was hellish to say the least.
I became a single mother and faced a lot of scrutiny and harassment by child welfare. I successfully fought them off for 4 years, until I fell on hard times.
At my weakest point, I was sexually assaulted and temporarily homeless - I requested a 30 day temporary agreement so that I could gain the resources I needed. It turned into an all out war.
I was accused of child abuse in every shape and form, made out to be a transient drug addicted mental mother. And because I was an ex crown ward, they had more biased info about my youth.
The foster parent involved basically interfered in the case and was given one of my daughters to adopt. My older child was returned to me and the case was closed.
I had a legal aid assigned lawyer during the case - who essentially did very little. She did not tell me my rights. I was told to co-operate fully. And the policy here in Ontario is that you can’t switch lawyers on legal aid.
There was intense pressure and coercion on the part of the foster parent and birth father. I was also verbally promised an open adoption, since I knew the foster parent and her address, and I would know where she went. The visits were cancelled and I was told to take it up with the foster parent. She lives in another province which made that next to impossible.
I complained to the CAS themselves, the law society of Upper Canada and the Ontario ombudsman. All basically said there was nothing to be done. Because they are self regulated and follow government standards, and hide behind the confidentiality - you can’t even go public with your story. You can be jailed for talking about your case. So basically without a substantial amount of money for lawyers, I haven’t been able to fight back.
It has been 7 years since this happened. and I can tell you that I haven’t recovered. I’ve done a lot of advocacy on poverty and homelessness, sat on various boards of directors and helped organize a rally to reform the legislation. I’ve done media and I’ve written a book. As a survivor and victim of this sick system, I've tried to use my anger for good.
If I had it my way, I would like to sue them in civil court and i want at the very least contact with my child. She is now 8 yrs old.
Continually I am promised a letter or photos and then it is never followed through. At some points I am threatened and at other times they are nice. I gave up on getting her back. The most I hope for now is some sort of contact.
I have tried my best to raise my older child and move on despite this grief. We have no had no child welfare involvement since this case. Losing my child affected us both, I will never understand how they say this was "my choice" and in the best interests of the children.
I am starting to see more and more that I am not alone. That I was a good mother and acted in their best interests. My heart needs justice now.
Thanks for listening. I’ve added your blog link to mine.
It's one of those experiences that if you haven’t been through it or touched by it - you might never have known how truly horrifying it is. I mean sure people hear these stats and headlines, but because of the confidentiality shield, you never really fully know.
There were so many kids and teens I lived with thru out the system. They essentially warehoused us and collected their money. If we could be labeled special needs in any way. They would collect a substantial amount more.
I consider myself one of the lucky ones, in that I wasn’t totally stripped of my humanity. I experienced strip searches and restraints that sort of thing. But beyond being neglected by the foster parents and social workers - I never had to deal with full on abuse. What I witnessed though has stayed with me for life.
I consider myself one of the lucky ones, in that I wasn’t totally stripped of my humanity. I experienced strip searches and restraints that sort of thing but beyond being neglected by the foster parents and social workers - I never had to deal with full on abuse. What I witnessed though has stayed with me for life.
I used to think that I was alone. But because of the internet more and more stories are coming to light. They think they rescued my younger daughter. I think I rescued my older daughter. Funny huh?
Erika *****
Missing foster youths, families reunited
Missing foster youths, families reunited
The family reunion is just one of dozens since 2005 when once a runaway from Palmdale, Krystina Kessler, asked county supervisors to investigate why so many children were missing from the nation's largest child-protective system.
The family reunion is just one of dozens since 2005 when once a runaway from Palmdale, Krystina Kessler, asked county supervisors to investigate why so many children were missing from the nation's largest child-protective system.
Adopted boy missing since 2000 may be dead, police say
Adopted boy missing since 2000 may be dead, police say
Police believe one of 11 adopted children whom they say a woman abused and imprisoned in her home while collecting $2 million in subsidies for their care may be dead.
Police believe one of 11 adopted children whom they say a woman abused and imprisoned in her home while collecting $2 million in subsidies for their care may be dead.
Alaska to pay $2.4 million in abuse case
Alaska to pay $2.4 million in abuse case
Alaska has agreed to pay $2.4 million to settle a lawsuit alleging the state's foster care system failed to protect two boys from abuse and neglect.
Alaska has agreed to pay $2.4 million to settle a lawsuit alleging the state's foster care system failed to protect two boys from abuse and neglect.
Case Law Development: Can Delays Caused by Child Protective System Provide Basis for Adoption Outcome?
Case Law Development: Can Delays Caused by Child Protective System Provide Basis for Adoption Outcome?
This is a dependency case in which a drug-addicted mother was arrested in California and extradited to Florida. Her nine-month-old daughter, who tested positive for opiates and cocaine because her mother was breastfeeding her while using drugs, was placed with foster parents. At the mother's request, her sister did everything she could to have the child placed with her in Florida, but the Florida child welfare authorities refused to expedite the process and almost a year elapsed before the Florida family obtained a foster care license. Meanwhile and inevitably, the child (now almost three years old and a complete stranger to her Florida family) bonded with her foster parents who are eager to adopt her. The dependency court, placing the child's best interests first, terminated the mother's parental rights and designated the foster parents as the child's prospective adoptive family.
An interesting blog to say the least.
This is a dependency case in which a drug-addicted mother was arrested in California and extradited to Florida. Her nine-month-old daughter, who tested positive for opiates and cocaine because her mother was breastfeeding her while using drugs, was placed with foster parents. At the mother's request, her sister did everything she could to have the child placed with her in Florida, but the Florida child welfare authorities refused to expedite the process and almost a year elapsed before the Florida family obtained a foster care license. Meanwhile and inevitably, the child (now almost three years old and a complete stranger to her Florida family) bonded with her foster parents who are eager to adopt her. The dependency court, placing the child's best interests first, terminated the mother's parental rights and designated the foster parents as the child's prospective adoptive family.
An interesting blog to say the least.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
There's an elephant in the living room of foster care. It's been there for quite a while. But finally, instead of pretending it isn't there, the release of a landmark federal report is prompting more people to mention it, examine it, describe it and debate it.
There's an elephant in the living room of foster care. It's been there for quite a while. But finally, instead of pretending it isn't there, the release of a landmark federal report is prompting more people to mention it, examine it, describe it and debate it.
Transcript of Social Worker's Phone Calls Seeking Action
Transcript of Social Worker's Phone Calls Seeking Action
These are transcripts of two calls made by school social worker Kathy Lopes after a visit in which she tried to see Brittany Jacks, who had missed several weeks of school beginning last spring. The first call was on the day of the visit, April 27; she placed it to the D.C. Child and Family Services Agency's hotline.
These are transcripts of two calls made by school social worker Kathy Lopes after a visit in which she tried to see Brittany Jacks, who had missed several weeks of school beginning last spring. The first call was on the day of the visit, April 27; she placed it to the D.C. Child and Family Services Agency's hotline.
The Human Family - An Idea Whose Time Has Come
By Julie Redstone
There are pivotal ideas that have changed the destiny of mankind and shaped its future. Many have remained unnoticed within the shadowy corners of history until a bright light has shown on them, illuminating them, and making them relevant to time, place, and circumstance.
Such is the understanding of the oneness of the human family, of mankind - an idea that has been part of human consciousness for ages, yet one that has not attained its full status as being real or relevant until today, when the planetary body itself is in danger, and when new possibilities appear within the hearts of many who are being influenced by expanding spiritual light upon the Earth.
The idea of the human family relates not only to its essential oneness in terms of the basic needs and rights of every individual upon the Earth - the need and right to food, shelter, and a way of life free from fear. The idea of the human family relates also to the understanding that there is a basic kinship among mankind, a basic essence that we share together so that in heart, mind, body, and spirit, there is more that joins us than that separates us.
This perception, when taken to a deeper level of truth and reality, has radical consequences. For it means that we cannot separate the world any longer into those we love and those we hate, those who are with us and those who are against us. Indeed, we must find a way to achieve common ground even with those we hold profound differences with, recognizing their humanity, recognizing, that they, too, have the same underlying structure of needs and desires that define all that is human.
We are in the process of discovering, today, not a new truth about the physical, biological, or chemical structure of what it means to be human - although advances in science are revealing a great deal in these areas as well. Today, we are discovering a truth that emerges from the heart. This truth emanates a sense of compassion, a desire for peace, a longing for honesty and an end to deception, an aversion to all that limits or restricts the rights of individuals to live freely.
These ideals, illuminated by spiritual light, are glowing more brightly within the human heart, so that structures and policies that are detrimental to the right of individual freedom are being questioned, policies that have been long established that have contained hidden motives or agendas are being uncovered, and practices that are restrictive to human liberty are being exposed. These policies and practices may not yet have an immediate substitute at hand. For the vision of the new has not yet fully come into being. Yet the desire for fundamental respect to be accorded to each and every human being because of their humanity, is moving more into the foreground of human consciousness.
An idea whose time has come may have been present in awareness long before this. It may even have been one commonly referred to, yet without understanding the full consequence of its emergence into the light of day. Such is the idea of the 'human family', one in mind, heart, and spirit, waiting to recognize itself as one in body as well. For this 'body' of the human family is nothing other than the essence of Divine life and Divine energy that has lived within each human soul from the beginning of time. It is the essence of truth and of purity that has remained at the core, no matter what the exterior self has displayed. This Divine essence which links all in 'body' as well as in mind and heart, means that there is no longer an 'outsider' or 'other' that we may declare as such. For all are united in a common Source that flows through the spiritual veins of each human being.
This is the new and radical truth whose time has come. It has not yet fully arrived on the human scene, but is waiting in the wings. It is waiting for each one to awaken to the full meaning of being One.
Julie Redstone is a teacher, writer, and founder of Light Omega, a center for healing and transformation in Western Massachusetts. Light Omega is co-sponsor of One World Meditations - a weekly global meditative effort to help heal and transform the Earth through the strengthening of 'lines of light' that connect people. 'One World Meditations' is open to all.
There are pivotal ideas that have changed the destiny of mankind and shaped its future. Many have remained unnoticed within the shadowy corners of history until a bright light has shown on them, illuminating them, and making them relevant to time, place, and circumstance.
Such is the understanding of the oneness of the human family, of mankind - an idea that has been part of human consciousness for ages, yet one that has not attained its full status as being real or relevant until today, when the planetary body itself is in danger, and when new possibilities appear within the hearts of many who are being influenced by expanding spiritual light upon the Earth.
The idea of the human family relates not only to its essential oneness in terms of the basic needs and rights of every individual upon the Earth - the need and right to food, shelter, and a way of life free from fear. The idea of the human family relates also to the understanding that there is a basic kinship among mankind, a basic essence that we share together so that in heart, mind, body, and spirit, there is more that joins us than that separates us.
This perception, when taken to a deeper level of truth and reality, has radical consequences. For it means that we cannot separate the world any longer into those we love and those we hate, those who are with us and those who are against us. Indeed, we must find a way to achieve common ground even with those we hold profound differences with, recognizing their humanity, recognizing, that they, too, have the same underlying structure of needs and desires that define all that is human.
We are in the process of discovering, today, not a new truth about the physical, biological, or chemical structure of what it means to be human - although advances in science are revealing a great deal in these areas as well. Today, we are discovering a truth that emerges from the heart. This truth emanates a sense of compassion, a desire for peace, a longing for honesty and an end to deception, an aversion to all that limits or restricts the rights of individuals to live freely.
These ideals, illuminated by spiritual light, are glowing more brightly within the human heart, so that structures and policies that are detrimental to the right of individual freedom are being questioned, policies that have been long established that have contained hidden motives or agendas are being uncovered, and practices that are restrictive to human liberty are being exposed. These policies and practices may not yet have an immediate substitute at hand. For the vision of the new has not yet fully come into being. Yet the desire for fundamental respect to be accorded to each and every human being because of their humanity, is moving more into the foreground of human consciousness.
An idea whose time has come may have been present in awareness long before this. It may even have been one commonly referred to, yet without understanding the full consequence of its emergence into the light of day. Such is the idea of the 'human family', one in mind, heart, and spirit, waiting to recognize itself as one in body as well. For this 'body' of the human family is nothing other than the essence of Divine life and Divine energy that has lived within each human soul from the beginning of time. It is the essence of truth and of purity that has remained at the core, no matter what the exterior self has displayed. This Divine essence which links all in 'body' as well as in mind and heart, means that there is no longer an 'outsider' or 'other' that we may declare as such. For all are united in a common Source that flows through the spiritual veins of each human being.
This is the new and radical truth whose time has come. It has not yet fully arrived on the human scene, but is waiting in the wings. It is waiting for each one to awaken to the full meaning of being One.
Julie Redstone is a teacher, writer, and founder of Light Omega, a center for healing and transformation in Western Massachusetts. Light Omega is co-sponsor of One World Meditations - a weekly global meditative effort to help heal and transform the Earth through the strengthening of 'lines of light' that connect people. 'One World Meditations' is open to all.
Student absences pit families against Child Protective Services
Student absences pit families against Child Protective Services
Twelve-year-old Kayla Lazar suffers from such severe asthma that her mother on more than one occasion has dreaded the worst - death.
Fearful that an attack could strike while Kayla is in class at the Foxfire School in Yonkers, Stacy Comiskey is prone to keeping her daughter home when she's not feeling entirely healthy.
Twelve-year-old Kayla Lazar suffers from such severe asthma that her mother on more than one occasion has dreaded the worst - death.
Fearful that an attack could strike while Kayla is in class at the Foxfire School in Yonkers, Stacy Comiskey is prone to keeping her daughter home when she's not feeling entirely healthy.
China Expels Children From Christian Orphanage
China Expels Children From Christian Orphanage
Children and their caretakers spent another Sunday, January 13, in uncertainty after they were expelled from their Christian-run orphanage in China's Hubei Province, as part of a crackdown on Christian activities by local authorities, an official said.
Children and their caretakers spent another Sunday, January 13, in uncertainty after they were expelled from their Christian-run orphanage in China's Hubei Province, as part of a crackdown on Christian activities by local authorities, an official said.
DC Mayor to Fire 6 Workers
DC Mayor to Fire 6 Workers
At least six child welfare employees will be fired for improperly handling concerns about a woman's care for her four daughters, who were later found dead in their home, Mayor Adrian M. Fenty said Monday.
They just can't get it right.
At least six child welfare employees will be fired for improperly handling concerns about a woman's care for her four daughters, who were later found dead in their home, Mayor Adrian M. Fenty said Monday.
They just can't get it right.
Holstein Presents Romney with 300 Falsely Accused Fathers' Stories
Holstein Presents Romney with 300 Falsely Accused Fathers' Stories
We've often discussed the way restraining/protection orders based on false allegations of domestic violence are frequently used to separate fathers from their children. At a recent New Hampshire gathering, fatherhood activist Richard Smaglick asked presidential candidate Mitt Romney about the problem.
We've often discussed the way restraining/protection orders based on false allegations of domestic violence are frequently used to separate fathers from their children. At a recent New Hampshire gathering, fatherhood activist Richard Smaglick asked presidential candidate Mitt Romney about the problem.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
State OK'd home in abuse case
State OK'd home in abuse case
A man, accused of sexually assaulting two 13-year-olds, and his wife passed a series of background checks prior to adopting one of the girls.
A man, accused of sexually assaulting two 13-year-olds, and his wife passed a series of background checks prior to adopting one of the girls.
Social worker's perjury trial to start Wednesday
Social worker's perjury trial to start Wednesday
The trial for a Buchanan County social worker charged with three counts of perjury is slated to begin Wednesday.
Marie Mahler, 39, of Cedar Falls, is accused of filing three child welfare reports with the courts between Aug. 27, 2004, and Oct. 7, 2004, that contained false information.
The trial for a Buchanan County social worker charged with three counts of perjury is slated to begin Wednesday.
Marie Mahler, 39, of Cedar Falls, is accused of filing three child welfare reports with the courts between Aug. 27, 2004, and Oct. 7, 2004, that contained false information.
DCF bureaucrats find a way to ignore judge's order, punish couple
DCF bureaucrats find a way to ignore judge's order, punish couple
Five months ago, the saga of a Leesburg couple who won a battle to continue caring for mentally disturbed wards of the state appeared in this column, for what seemed like the last time.
Five months ago, the saga of a Leesburg couple who won a battle to continue caring for mentally disturbed wards of the state appeared in this column, for what seemed like the last time.
Foster sons seek millions from Alaska
Foster sons seek millions from Alaska
Alaska, Jan. 12 A lawsuit against the state of Alaska by two boys placed with an abusive foster mother went to trial this week.
The two boys, identified only as A.J. and D.D., are seeking $10 million each, The Anchorage Daily News reported. Now in their late teens, the plaintiffs are still wards of the state.
Boys abused in foster care sue state
The two boys were born into families messed up by drinking and drug abuse, by violence and neglect.
Then the state agency that is supposed to protect children put the boys with a foster mother who routinely hit and tormented them and things only got worse. Before it was over, the foster mother beat another boy to death in front of them.
Alaska, Jan. 12 A lawsuit against the state of Alaska by two boys placed with an abusive foster mother went to trial this week.
The two boys, identified only as A.J. and D.D., are seeking $10 million each, The Anchorage Daily News reported. Now in their late teens, the plaintiffs are still wards of the state.
Boys abused in foster care sue state
The two boys were born into families messed up by drinking and drug abuse, by violence and neglect.
Then the state agency that is supposed to protect children put the boys with a foster mother who routinely hit and tormented them and things only got worse. Before it was over, the foster mother beat another boy to death in front of them.
Man murdered children to keep them out of foster care
Man murdered children to keep them out of foster care
After killing his estranged wife for dating another man, John Lafleche told police his rage turned to compassion when he bludgeoned his two young children to death with an aluminum baseball bat to spare them the same troubled childhood he endured.
Are Foster Children better off dead?
Did foster care have this kind of effect on this man???
You decide.
After killing his estranged wife for dating another man, John Lafleche told police his rage turned to compassion when he bludgeoned his two young children to death with an aluminum baseball bat to spare them the same troubled childhood he endured.
Are Foster Children better off dead?
Did foster care have this kind of effect on this man???
You decide.
When the system becomes a parent
When the system becomes a parent
"It's really bad because you come from seeing your siblings every day to one time a week for about an hour and a half, and you can only talk about certain things they allow you to talk about," Querida said.
"It's really bad because you come from seeing your siblings every day to one time a week for about an hour and a half, and you can only talk about certain things they allow you to talk about," Querida said.
Garrard mom gets favorable ruling on custody decision
Garrard mom gets favorable ruling on custody decision
A Garrard County mother who claimed she was treated unjustly when her teenage daughter was placed in foster care has records to prove that information about another person with the same name was being used against her.
A Garrard County mother who claimed she was treated unjustly when her teenage daughter was placed in foster care has records to prove that information about another person with the same name was being used against her.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Berkley man accused of incest
Berkley man accused of incest
Human services employee believed to have fathered adopted daughter's child
he accused, Gerald Dale Snapp, 43, worked for the Michigan Department of Human Services, an agency which handles cases involving sexually and physically abused children.
Human services employee believed to have fathered adopted daughter's child
he accused, Gerald Dale Snapp, 43, worked for the Michigan Department of Human Services, an agency which handles cases involving sexually and physically abused children.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Nixmary Brown case fallout ups time kids spend in foster care time - study
Nixmary Brown case fallout ups time kids spend in foster care time - study
Children are languishing longer in foster care since the death of Nixzmary Brown because of a growing backlog in Family Court, a new report says.
Children are languishing longer in foster care since the death of Nixzmary Brown because of a growing backlog in Family Court, a new report says.
Foster parent to pay $70K for tot's injury
Foster parent to pay $70K for tot's injury
A former foster parent agreed today to a $70,000 settlement of a lawsuit that accused her of neglecting her 10-month-old foster daughter who was injured when she was left unattended in a car seat for about 30 minutes in 2003.
A former foster parent agreed today to a $70,000 settlement of a lawsuit that accused her of neglecting her 10-month-old foster daughter who was injured when she was left unattended in a car seat for about 30 minutes in 2003.
Johnstown Man Accused Of Beating 3 Children He Was Trying To Adopt
Johnstown Man Accused Of Beating 3 Children He Was Trying To Adopt
Christopher Ellis, 31, of Sell Street, faces charges of assault and endangering children, a felony.
The three children, who were all younger than the age of 10, are back in foster care.
Christopher Ellis, 31, of Sell Street, faces charges of assault and endangering children, a felony.
The three children, who were all younger than the age of 10, are back in foster care.
Sisters reunited after three decades 01-09-2008
Sisters reunited after three decades 01-09-2008
Misty Garza and her seven siblings — four boys and three girls — grew up in foster homes after Child Protective Services removed them from their mother’s care.
At age 13, she was legally adopted, along with a younger brother, by a family in Houston. Recently, it’s been a family reunion. A sister she had not seen in 33 years called her just before Christmas.
Misty Garza and her seven siblings — four boys and three girls — grew up in foster homes after Child Protective Services removed them from their mother’s care.
At age 13, she was legally adopted, along with a younger brother, by a family in Houston. Recently, it’s been a family reunion. A sister she had not seen in 33 years called her just before Christmas.
Report of the Pediatric death review Committee for Ontario
Report of the Pediatric death review Committee for Ontario
We must act now to save our children from those proclaiming to protect them . This is the actual report of the Pediatric death review Committee for Ontario ..When stage ring numbers increase yearly of children dying while in the care of these agencies known as CAS (Childrens Aid Society ) and yet the CCAS (Catholic Childrens Aid Society) is not included in this report .
We must act now to save our children from those proclaiming to protect them . This is the actual report of the Pediatric death review Committee for Ontario ..When stage ring numbers increase yearly of children dying while in the care of these agencies known as CAS (Childrens Aid Society ) and yet the CCAS (Catholic Childrens Aid Society) is not included in this report .
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Victim settles with DCF in foster care sex abuse case
Victim settles with DCF in foster care sex abuse case
A 15-year-old boy who was sexually abused in foster care has reached a $300,000 settlement in his civil lawsuit against the Florida Department of Children & Families, his former foster parents and two private agencies.
A 15-year-old boy who was sexually abused in foster care has reached a $300,000 settlement in his civil lawsuit against the Florida Department of Children & Families, his former foster parents and two private agencies.
Keep foster parents secret?
Keep foster parents secret?
The Cincinnati Enquirer wants the names of all licensed foster parents in Ohio so that it can check them against criminal and other databases to see whether any offenders slipped through the cracks.
The Ohio Department of Job and Family Services refuses to release the names, saying that revealing foster parents' identities would make it easier for people to commit crimes against them and foster children.
The Cincinnati Enquirer wants the names of all licensed foster parents in Ohio so that it can check them against criminal and other databases to see whether any offenders slipped through the cracks.
The Ohio Department of Job and Family Services refuses to release the names, saying that revealing foster parents' identities would make it easier for people to commit crimes against them and foster children.
CPS hides details about slain girl, 12
CPS hides details about slain girl, 12
After waiting weeks to find out whether Child Protective Services did what it could to protect a 12-year-old Phoenix girl murdered last month, the agency has provided information that clearly, unequivocally shows . . .
After waiting weeks to find out whether Child Protective Services did what it could to protect a 12-year-old Phoenix girl murdered last month, the agency has provided information that clearly, unequivocally shows . . .
Family's case illustrates SRS dilemma
Family's case illustrates SRS dilemma
Since 2004, a Wichita father has contended that the state wrongly took his two daughters, then 14 and 8, and put them in foster care for several months.
Things got worse when his 14-year-old daughter contracted a sexually transmitted disease twice and became pregnant while in foster care, he said.
Since 2004, a Wichita father has contended that the state wrongly took his two daughters, then 14 and 8, and put them in foster care for several months.
Things got worse when his 14-year-old daughter contracted a sexually transmitted disease twice and became pregnant while in foster care, he said.
Statewide problems with child services
Statewide problems with child services
Parents throughout the state were losing children after unfounded
allegations of abuse and neglect, said David Richart, executive director
of the National Institute on Children, Youth and Families.
Parents throughout the state were losing children after unfounded
allegations of abuse and neglect, said David Richart, executive director
of the National Institute on Children, Youth and Families.
Foster kids ill-prepared for adulthood
Foster kids ill-prepared for adulthood
A new survey suggests Florida has done a poor job of equipping foster children for life out of care.
A new survey suggests Florida has done a poor job of equipping foster children for life out of care.
DCF Wastes Money On Cell Phones, High-Grade Gas
DCF Wastes Money On Cell Phones, High-Grade Gas
Department of Children and Families employees have wasted taxpayer money on non-work-related cell phone calls and purchases of premium gasoline for state-owned cars, a state audit has found.
Department of Children and Families employees have wasted taxpayer money on non-work-related cell phone calls and purchases of premium gasoline for state-owned cars, a state audit has found.
Monday, January 07, 2008
SWAT officers invade home, take 11-year-old at gunpoint
SWAT officers invade home, take 11-year-old at gunpoint
Nearly a dozen members of a police SWAT team in western Colorado punched a hole in the front door and invaded a family's home with guns drawn, demanding that an 11-year-old boy who had had an accidental fall accompany them to the hospital, on the order of Garfield County Magistrate Lain Leoniak.
Colorado Raid Angers Family
An armed law enforcement team broke down the door of a family home with a battering ram and took an 11-year-old to a hospital after authorities feared he was not getting proper medical care for what turned out to be a minor head injury.
Nearly a dozen members of a police SWAT team in western Colorado punched a hole in the front door and invaded a family's home with guns drawn, demanding that an 11-year-old boy who had had an accidental fall accompany them to the hospital, on the order of Garfield County Magistrate Lain Leoniak.
Colorado Raid Angers Family
An armed law enforcement team broke down the door of a family home with a battering ram and took an 11-year-old to a hospital after authorities feared he was not getting proper medical care for what turned out to be a minor head injury.
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Improving child services is example of the challenges in tough budget year
Improving child services is example of the challenges in tough budget year
A federal review has found serious holes in Vermont's safety net for children at risk of neglect and abuse, holes that must be repaired even as state government heads into a period of fiscal belt-tightening.
The review found that too few complaints of possible maltreatment were investigated and caseworkers didn't have enough contact with children and families to help them before crises arise. It said that when children were removed from their homes, they too often were bounced around before appropriate placements were found; and new caseworkers and new foster parents haven't always completed their training before being put on the job.
A federal review has found serious holes in Vermont's safety net for children at risk of neglect and abuse, holes that must be repaired even as state government heads into a period of fiscal belt-tightening.
The review found that too few complaints of possible maltreatment were investigated and caseworkers didn't have enough contact with children and families to help them before crises arise. It said that when children were removed from their homes, they too often were bounced around before appropriate placements were found; and new caseworkers and new foster parents haven't always completed their training before being put on the job.
An email I recieved from a father
Today, I recieved this email. Please feel free to offer any comments or advice to this family here.
I can back up every statement by police reports and court documents. Can you please help me make my story public so I can demand an answer from responsible officials. I would have rather to have been dead to have seen my family go though this. My wife already lost her mind and has failed several suicides. She will succeed sooner or later. I don’t know how much longer I can maintain my own sanity.
In 2005 I called DCF for guidance and resources and help; however the result was the most perplexing in justice that I have ever encountered. Some how they became much more interested in my interracial marriage than my children. At first they gave my wife books and movies about abusive middle easterns and Muslims (Not With Out My Daughter as an example) next they resorted to advisement and when that did not work the just flat out threatened us and soon they delivered on their promises.
Time after time with out presenting any factual and credible evidence (and fabricated ones when required), my children were taken from their parents and placed in group homes and foster care, DCF occasionally refused to honor the court order visitations of 1 hour per week. Lack of resources they called it. They made it difficult and virtually impossible for my parents to attempt to take the kids.
Their strategy is simple and very illegal but no one seems to notice. It started with cutting off all my resources, health insurance, food stamps and all types of income. Then they have removed the children as many times as it takes until my resources to challenge them have ran out.
We have never even been given a chance to bring my daughter home from the hospital and she is one year old now. As far as my daughter’s case goes, she was removed from the hospital (2/21/07) because of drug and abandonment allegations. DCF called the police to add to their evidence however the police report hidden by the prosecution clearly indicated that conditions in the house were immaculate and not only no illegal activity or neglect was found; the report proves DCF detective Joanna Hutchinson fabricated her allegation well knowing she was filling out a false report. DCF said we could take our daughter home from the hospital if we were to surrender our rights and sign a case plan but my wife and I refused because once we sign it they could take both our children at their pleasure and we decided to fight and take it to trial. During trial they prosecution ignored all original allegations and did not even mention any wrongdoing; instead they insisted that my daughter Mia needs to remain in medical foster care because she was born with a genetic condition that requires a corrective surgery. The trial was halted (7/17/07) immediately by the judge and he ordered her back in home when her condition has been corrected. State knew very well and withheld evidence that doctors had said any one can take her of her and normally being with natural parents is actually the best for children with special needs. We have been trying to restart the trial so a decision is made so it can be appealed how ever our first attempts were blocked because DCF hired me an attorney who not only would not talk to me but also bashed me in court. One who I did not want and I could not fire. I was forced to find a pro bono attorney to replace her which took precious time away. Now DCF is asking for parental rights to be revoked because she has been in foster care for too long. This was their plan from the start and sadly some old employees have mentioned it as routine practice!
My son has been removed 6 times; we have gotten him back 5 times in two years. Allegation ranged from drug use by parents to father being single. One time after a long stay at the hospital as a surprise I was taken to a strip bar by several friends, and I was attacked in the bar and I called the police.. Being attacked was not the DCF’s problem because I was a victim but DCF stressed in trail that the point that I was seen at such location is wrong doing; ironically the way they knew was the case worker was there too! She never answered about what she was doing there. DCF claimed that whether she worked there or not was irrelevant to the case.
On Christmas day of 2006 DCF rushed into my house, and took my son and put him in a teen group home without adequate care for a one year old. A tipped over Christmas tree was aftermath of a loosing struggle of a 2 year old, probably wandering why daddy wasn’t helping. In court, their reason for their action was that the father is single and a single man should not and can not raise a child. The judge called it pure harassment; the investigator complained that the judge does not know the dependency laws, and they wanted the case to go in front of their own judge, Judge Majeed granted their request but ordered the child to be returned until then. Gabriel was not returned in time per court order and police had to intervene. To build evidence for their own judge protective investigator Joanna Hutchinson-Sterling took a trip to my pain management doctor’s office without having any proper legal releases or any warrants.. She dropped off a year’s old edited hospital record that was modified to show I had tested positive for cocaine. Upon admission (The original document was also illegally obtained by DCF to begin with and even mentioned and dealt with in dependency court). She lied to my doctor that I had been testing positive for numerous illegal narcotics and for their own interest they should kick me off their pain management program. (I passed hundreds of random drug testing). My doctor was drug testing me himself and after reviewing his own test results and the validity of the paper the investigator dropped off, he decided that I was in compliance with the program and wrote a letter to the court indicating that. Thinking her plan worked, Miss Hutchinson stood up in court and under oath testified that I was kicked off pain management for consecutive cocaine use and misusing my medication. Judge took her false testimony as evidence and removed my child from his home. Once judge realized the testimony was a perjury 9 days later he hardly even warned her. He said DCF actions are for other courts to deal with on and only dismissed the case.
DCF made out my wife as such a bad drug attic but she only tested positive for an 8 day period for marijuana in two years. In the beginning I was accused of leaving my child with baby sitter when I was rushed to the hospital. Trusting DCF as a reputable government agency and I agreed to a case plan (1/31/06) and even though I would easily win the case in court. My case plan was designed for failure and successful completion seemed impossible to me. In every aspect. It called for many doctor visits but which the government has to pay for but in my case I was not approved. We had to sell our family home to pay and be incompliance. We dedicated 1 year of our full time attention to completing the case plan. 9 months over due finally a judge declared me in full compliance and against DCF’s wishes ordered my case closed and DCF lost their jurisdiction over me but they kept my wife’s open because of a felony driving charge that accrued 1 day before her closure. Once DCF lost jurisdiction over me, the only way to take my children permanently was to have me arrested and in jail while they proceed with their legal games.
DCF alleged that I threatened to kill them. Special agent Murrell of Florida state police investigated and cleared me of any wrong doing. Next DCF called DEA and told them I was selling my medications, DEA investigated. Several times I was asked if I would allow a surprise midnight search of my house and car per DCF allegations of drugs; that too turned up nothing illegal. Another time right before I was to show up in court for a hearing to have hearing about my case closure, my probation officer was woken up in the middle of the night informed of illegal activity at my house. I granted her and a team of officers who conducted a full search and counted all prescriptions in the house, she too was satisfied and she stated to me that she is refusing to violate my probation per Joanna Hutchinson’s request. Stabbing of my tiers before my court and job appearance, stalking discussing my case openly with general public and general harassment reports have been files with local law enforcement authorities.
. My possible employers were contacted by DCF and were warned not to give me employment. Social Security was contacted and my waif’s disability checks were stopped and I was turned down for disability. Government always pays for tasks (i.e. medical evaluations and treatments) they ask people to do, but they did not pay for ours tasks in our case plan and in order to successfully complete them we had to sell our family home. Once the money ran out I went to court and got permission to leave the state. Judge granted my request. In order to prevent me from leaving and potential arrest for kidnapping, some one edited judge’s order after she had signed it and added expiration. DCF took my son away from me again.
Each time it takes months for me to get the chance to prove my innocence but in dependency case the irreversible sentencing begins with allegations. Last time they removed my son from day care because they felt that he had a black eye. Even though their own forensic doctor said black eye did not exist and he completely ruled out abuse and neglect they used my emotional state of mind which they created as evidence to keep my son away until a full blown trial to revoke my parental rights. In preparation for trial against my attorney’s advice I agreed for a full psychological assessment, I even signed medical and financial releases for DCF so DCF can dig out all they want for trial because I was trying to show the court I had nothing to hide but I made them so they expire after the trial. I won the trial and the case should have been dismissed at that minute and Gabriel returned home but DCF complained that my releases were limited so judge ruled that I can not have my child until I please DCF. Judge must have been confused that they were either court ordered releases or I was on a case plan. Either way, I did not get a chance to respond to the allegations.
During the trial state psychiatrist testified I was an angry and dangerous man but the cross examination proved that not only she did not call the police when I was alone with her during the interview she nether stopped the interview nor left the room or call some one else in to protect her. Obviously I was not that dangerous. And normal people who are scared for their lives like she said she was call the police. As a result, now on, every time I go to see my children the police is called before I even get there. This is so they can document a trend of violence on my behalf. Needless to say, false reports to police is illegal but they have never been punished for their of hundreds of illegal actions and they have no desire to stop now.
So far I stated what my wife and I went though, I have not mentioned that how my son cried every time some one knocked on the door. I have not said how three DCF workers had to hold my shaking son down so they can put him in a car seat to take him. I have not mentioned he was reaching for me when he was trying to scream Daddy but no sound was coming out of his mouth. I have not said about those employees that resigned over my case. At removal on September 4th my son was a happy 31 pounds. 5 months later on November 30th my son was an ill 23 pound child who had multiple bacteria and virus infection who has no obedience and says the words he should not be saying.
Eventually I will get my children back and leave the state legally and start over again even though the emotional scar will remain for ever, but what about other parents left behind with no one to help. I understand that this is standard procedures for DCF. I want and need to put an end to this miss justice and legal kidnapping. How can I leave kidnappers with the power to do it again? I will not rest until these individuals have been exposed to public. I feel that not only they should be punished for what they had done to my family; they should have their prior cases reviewed. Even though they had to cheat, lie and break the law to accomplish their objective, they should have not been able to do so much damage without presenting evidence of wrong doing. I will dedicate the rest of my life to close the legal gap they used.
Sincerely yours,
Mohammad S******
When you posted my letter on the Internet I got a surge of confidence. I started to contact the media including inspector general's office. So far I only managed to get my life threatened by high ranking offcials (DCF program director). I like you to updated my story please and add the list of their wrong doing at the bottom. Just in case I had an accident others know what to look for in court files.
Thank you,

In 2005 I called DCF for guidance and resources and help; however the result was the most perplexing in justice that I have ever encountered. Some how they became much more interested in my interracial marriage than my children. At first they gave my wife books and movies about abusive middle easterns and Muslims (Not With Out My Daughter as an example) next they resorted to advisement and when that did not work the just flat out threatened us and soon they delivered on their promises.
Time after time with out presenting any factual and credible evidence (and fabricated ones when required), my children were taken from their parents and placed in group homes and foster care, DCF occasionally refused to honor the court order visitations of 1 hour per week. Lack of resources they called it. They made it difficult and virtually impossible for my parents to attempt to take the kids.
Their strategy is simple and very illegal but no one seems to notice. It started with cutting off all my resources, health insurance, food stamps and all types of income. Then they have removed the children as many times as it takes until my resources to challenge them have ran out.
We have never even been given a chance to bring my daughter home from the hospital and she is one year old now. As far as my daughter’s case goes, she was removed from the hospital (2/21/07) because of drug and abandonment allegations. DCF called the police to add to their evidence however the police report hidden by the prosecution clearly indicated that conditions in the house were immaculate and not only no illegal activity or neglect was found; the report proves DCF detective Joanna Hutchinson fabricated her allegation well knowing she was filling out a false report. DCF said we could take our daughter home from the hospital if we were to surrender our rights and sign a case plan but my wife and I refused because once we sign it they could take both our children at their pleasure and we decided to fight and take it to trial. During trial they prosecution ignored all original allegations and did not even mention any wrongdoing; instead they insisted that my daughter Mia needs to remain in medical foster care because she was born with a genetic condition that requires a corrective surgery. The trial was halted (7/17/07) immediately by the judge and he ordered her back in home when her condition has been corrected. State knew very well and withheld evidence that doctors had said any one can take her of her and normally being with natural parents is actually the best for children with special needs. We have been trying to restart the trial so a decision is made so it can be appealed how ever our first attempts were blocked because DCF hired me an attorney who not only would not talk to me but also bashed me in court. One who I did not want and I could not fire. I was forced to find a pro bono attorney to replace her which took precious time away. Now DCF is asking for parental rights to be revoked because she has been in foster care for too long. This was their plan from the start and sadly some old employees have mentioned it as routine practice!
My son has been removed 6 times; we have gotten him back 5 times in two years. Allegation ranged from drug use by parents to father being single. One time after a long stay at the hospital as a surprise I was taken to a strip bar by several friends, and I was attacked in the bar and I called the police.. Being attacked was not the DCF’s problem because I was a victim but DCF stressed in trail that the point that I was seen at such location is wrong doing; ironically the way they knew was the case worker was there too! She never answered about what she was doing there. DCF claimed that whether she worked there or not was irrelevant to the case.
On Christmas day of 2006 DCF rushed into my house, and took my son and put him in a teen group home without adequate care for a one year old. A tipped over Christmas tree was aftermath of a loosing struggle of a 2 year old, probably wandering why daddy wasn’t helping. In court, their reason for their action was that the father is single and a single man should not and can not raise a child. The judge called it pure harassment; the investigator complained that the judge does not know the dependency laws, and they wanted the case to go in front of their own judge, Judge Majeed granted their request but ordered the child to be returned until then. Gabriel was not returned in time per court order and police had to intervene. To build evidence for their own judge protective investigator Joanna Hutchinson-Sterling took a trip to my pain management doctor’s office without having any proper legal releases or any warrants.. She dropped off a year’s old edited hospital record that was modified to show I had tested positive for cocaine. Upon admission (The original document was also illegally obtained by DCF to begin with and even mentioned and dealt with in dependency court). She lied to my doctor that I had been testing positive for numerous illegal narcotics and for their own interest they should kick me off their pain management program. (I passed hundreds of random drug testing). My doctor was drug testing me himself and after reviewing his own test results and the validity of the paper the investigator dropped off, he decided that I was in compliance with the program and wrote a letter to the court indicating that. Thinking her plan worked, Miss Hutchinson stood up in court and under oath testified that I was kicked off pain management for consecutive cocaine use and misusing my medication. Judge took her false testimony as evidence and removed my child from his home. Once judge realized the testimony was a perjury 9 days later he hardly even warned her. He said DCF actions are for other courts to deal with on and only dismissed the case.
DCF made out my wife as such a bad drug attic but she only tested positive for an 8 day period for marijuana in two years. In the beginning I was accused of leaving my child with baby sitter when I was rushed to the hospital. Trusting DCF as a reputable government agency and I agreed to a case plan (1/31/06) and even though I would easily win the case in court. My case plan was designed for failure and successful completion seemed impossible to me. In every aspect. It called for many doctor visits but which the government has to pay for but in my case I was not approved. We had to sell our family home to pay and be incompliance. We dedicated 1 year of our full time attention to completing the case plan. 9 months over due finally a judge declared me in full compliance and against DCF’s wishes ordered my case closed and DCF lost their jurisdiction over me but they kept my wife’s open because of a felony driving charge that accrued 1 day before her closure. Once DCF lost jurisdiction over me, the only way to take my children permanently was to have me arrested and in jail while they proceed with their legal games.
DCF alleged that I threatened to kill them. Special agent Murrell of Florida state police investigated and cleared me of any wrong doing. Next DCF called DEA and told them I was selling my medications, DEA investigated. Several times I was asked if I would allow a surprise midnight search of my house and car per DCF allegations of drugs; that too turned up nothing illegal. Another time right before I was to show up in court for a hearing to have hearing about my case closure, my probation officer was woken up in the middle of the night informed of illegal activity at my house. I granted her and a team of officers who conducted a full search and counted all prescriptions in the house, she too was satisfied and she stated to me that she is refusing to violate my probation per Joanna Hutchinson’s request. Stabbing of my tiers before my court and job appearance, stalking discussing my case openly with general public and general harassment reports have been files with local law enforcement authorities.
. My possible employers were contacted by DCF and were warned not to give me employment. Social Security was contacted and my waif’s disability checks were stopped and I was turned down for disability. Government always pays for tasks (i.e. medical evaluations and treatments) they ask people to do, but they did not pay for ours tasks in our case plan and in order to successfully complete them we had to sell our family home. Once the money ran out I went to court and got permission to leave the state. Judge granted my request. In order to prevent me from leaving and potential arrest for kidnapping, some one edited judge’s order after she had signed it and added expiration. DCF took my son away from me again.
Each time it takes months for me to get the chance to prove my innocence but in dependency case the irreversible sentencing begins with allegations. Last time they removed my son from day care because they felt that he had a black eye. Even though their own forensic doctor said black eye did not exist and he completely ruled out abuse and neglect they used my emotional state of mind which they created as evidence to keep my son away until a full blown trial to revoke my parental rights. In preparation for trial against my attorney’s advice I agreed for a full psychological assessment, I even signed medical and financial releases for DCF so DCF can dig out all they want for trial because I was trying to show the court I had nothing to hide but I made them so they expire after the trial. I won the trial and the case should have been dismissed at that minute and Gabriel returned home but DCF complained that my releases were limited so judge ruled that I can not have my child until I please DCF. Judge must have been confused that they were either court ordered releases or I was on a case plan. Either way, I did not get a chance to respond to the allegations.
During the trial state psychiatrist testified I was an angry and dangerous man but the cross examination proved that not only she did not call the police when I was alone with her during the interview she nether stopped the interview nor left the room or call some one else in to protect her. Obviously I was not that dangerous. And normal people who are scared for their lives like she said she was call the police. As a result, now on, every time I go to see my children the police is called before I even get there. This is so they can document a trend of violence on my behalf. Needless to say, false reports to police is illegal but they have never been punished for their of hundreds of illegal actions and they have no desire to stop now.
So far I stated what my wife and I went though, I have not mentioned that how my son cried every time some one knocked on the door. I have not said how three DCF workers had to hold my shaking son down so they can put him in a car seat to take him. I have not mentioned he was reaching for me when he was trying to scream Daddy but no sound was coming out of his mouth. I have not said about those employees that resigned over my case. At removal on September 4th my son was a happy 31 pounds. 5 months later on November 30th my son was an ill 23 pound child who had multiple bacteria and virus infection who has no obedience and says the words he should not be saying.
Eventually I will get my children back and leave the state legally and start over again even though the emotional scar will remain for ever, but what about other parents left behind with no one to help. I understand that this is standard procedures for DCF. I want and need to put an end to this miss justice and legal kidnapping. How can I leave kidnappers with the power to do it again? I will not rest until these individuals have been exposed to public. I feel that not only they should be punished for what they had done to my family; they should have their prior cases reviewed. Even though they had to cheat, lie and break the law to accomplish their objective, they should have not been able to do so much damage without presenting evidence of wrong doing. I will dedicate the rest of my life to close the legal gap they used.
Sincerely yours,
Mohammad S******
When you posted my letter on the Internet I got a surge of confidence. I started to contact the media including inspector general's office. So far I only managed to get my life threatened by high ranking offcials (DCF program director). I like you to updated my story please and add the list of their wrong doing at the bottom. Just in case I had an accident others know what to look for in court files.
Thank you,
Saturday, January 05, 2008
Judge: DCS could be blamed for foster family deaths
Judge: DCS could be blamed for foster family deaths
Slayings prompt questions about foster placements
Slayings prompt questions about foster placements
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Police investigate suspicious death at foster home
Deputies spend the day at a Los Chaves home -- investingating how a Valencia county teenager died. Gadi Schwartz is live in Valencia County with what investigators are saying right now.
Neighbors Concerned After Double Slaying
(1/1/07) - Sherriff's deputies have charged two teenage foster children with the slayings of a woman and her mother-in-law in Dickson County.
(1/2/08) - The husband of a slain foster care mother said he suspected the two teens charged immediately.
Judge: State Could Be To Blame In Foster Parent Slayings
A juvenile court judge said if the initial facts in the slaying of a foster mother and her mother-in-law indicate the state Department of Children's Services could be to blame.
Accused teen killers sent for mental evaluations
(1/2/08) - The husband of a slain foster care mother said he suspected the two teens charged immediately.
Judge: State Could Be To Blame In Foster Parent Slayings
A juvenile court judge said if the initial facts in the slaying of a foster mother and her mother-in-law indicate the state Department of Children's Services could be to blame.
Accused teen killers sent for mental evaluations
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