Fewer children spending the night at Texas Child Protective Services offices
AUSTIN –Texas no longer has scores of abused and neglected children sleeping in Child Protective Services offices each month, the agency said Thursday.
But CPS officials told lawmakers they are not sure why the number has dwindled, almost as dramatically as it soared a year ago.
I was classified as a Ward of the State, and placed into a TYC Contracted facility "Coastal Bend Youth City," which was unusual in and of itself. After living there for 5 years; never once being visited by anyone from the State; my adoptive "and abusive parents" arrived, with no court documentation and took me away from this facility, with only a minor protest from the facility's director. How were they able to do this when I clearly remember standing in front of the Juvenile Judge, and being told I was now a "Ward of the State" and no longer wanted by my adoptive parents. At the very least, they should have been responsible for the costs of my care for those 5 years. I wonder if I was legally kidnapped.