Legally Kidnapped

Shattering Your Child Welfare Delusions Since 2007

Monday, February 07, 2011

Who is in foster care? The lie at the heart of CR’s fundraising campaign

Perhaps Mr Wexler should call it what it is. Fraud!

Who is in foster care? The lie at the heart of CR’s fundraising campaign

Although I do respect his work and would like to thank him for his continuing contribution to Child Welfare Reform as well as the wonderful information that he has shared with us over the years and all of his efforts fighting for the rights of children and families... There are two areas where I totally disagree with Richard Wexler. The first is his take on the State of Maine's child welfare system, the second is his view regarding the "good but misguided intentions or incompetence" of those who work for or in the system.

I will address the latter first. You see, although I honestly believe that no child protective / foster care / adoption worker goes into it thinking "Oh boy, I get to steal children," as most were sold on the same kinds of lies that Mr. Wexler claims Children Rights is trying to sell you. Many do go into it with good intentions. And although Children Rights may have some good intention, they also have something to gain by promoting the view that they do, you know like long-term federal oversight contracts and such. I wouldn't even try to tell you that every single foster parent out there is in it for the money, because that's simply not true. Some really do want to help children and others go into it with the intention of adopting a child and some, of course, are pedophiles who have discovered an easy method of access to children. But not all of them are in it for the money you see.

However, I do think that the number one reason for the high turnover rates in child welfare are due to good and well intentioned people coming to the realization that they were scammed into a child stealing operation that conflicts with their personal morals and values, causing them to get out while there is still a shred of their soul left to save. Those who are in it for the long haul are a totally different breed. Take into consideration the "Queen of Removal" or the "Terminator" and try to convince anybody with half a brain that people like that are well intentioned but misguided or incompetent. Then take into account the fact that such titles are considered an honor in the first place. To me that's just downright sadistic.

So although we must give credit to the harm caused by the well intentioned but incompetent, for reasons which I am about to explain, we can not disregard the fact that not all of their intentions are pure.

Now onto the second issue, unlike Mr Wexler, I speak from the personal experience of of dealing with a sadistic bitch of a worker who got off on the power trip. Oh sure, when she was in front of anybody who mattered, like a judge or her supervisor or our counselors, just to name a few, she played the kind caring worker who just wanted to help. When she would come to our home for a visit however, she was a totally different person engaging in a psychological beat down on my wife, and clearly loving every minute of it. And God forbid I ever tell you that her name was ****** *******, and that she hails in, guess where??? MAINE.

And God forbid I tell you that 10 years after this bitch got my wifes rights terminated, I met my step son for the first time, at the age of 13 and found out just how he had been treated during his 11 years in Maine's foster care system, and that in doing so, I feel that I can also speak with some kind of authority when I say that Maine is far from on the right track. Why? Because Maine's National Model Child Welfare System, long after 2003 became the inspiration for Legally Kidnapped. And Maine's continuing efforts at improvement have not addressed many of key the issues that plague every child welfare system in the country if not the world. Issues such as how to adequately care for the children who ARE in the system so that they can have many of the same chances at life as any other kid.

So while I do agree with the Wex that the State of Maine has made great strides in improving SOME areas of their child welfare system, and I'm not even against pointing out the positive changes that the state has made as I have been posting the articles pertaining to the media's celebration of the 10th anniversary of the death of Logan Marr and their use of this poor innocent child and her mother to exploit the much needed improvements that they have achieved, which was more to shut up people like Mary Callahan who was coming at them from multiple directions than anything else. I would, however like to take this opportunity to explain what the Wex won't tell you.

Maine still treats it's foster children and their families like crap!

Yes folks, they still get bounced around from home to home, and while Maine is improving it's methods of acquisition and gaining national attention as a "National Model" child welfare system, they are still actively engaged in covering up the fraud, waste, mismanagement, and are still psychologically, chemically and physically abusing the children in their care. Yup, they still have no problem separating siblings just to get that little boost to their adoption numbers. No it's not uncommon for a foster child in Maine to experience 14 or 15 different placements. Yes many of these kids still get booted out at the ripe old age of 18 ultimately ending up on the streets or in jail. Yes people, service providers still make their money off of the system. But shhhhh. It's a secret.

And get this. If I tell you all about my step-son's experience in the Maine foster care system which does include sexual and physical abuse and long term institutionalization, multiple placements, physical restraints and lots and lots of little pills, I could get a $500 dollar fine and up to 30 days in jail.

So while I would love to challenge Mr Wexler to go to Maine and talk with some of the families and children who have been directly involved and victimized by Maine's "National Model" child welfare system. It will never happen because he would have to acknowledge my criticism. In fact he rarely acknowledges the work of anybody else who is out there fighting for change. Especially somebody like me simply because some of his readers might be interested in what others have to say. He wouldn't want to share the spotlight as the worlds only national expert on child welfare reform, not that I have ever claimed to be an expert on anything because I'm not.

I'm just a humble blogger doing my thang.

"Well intentioned," my ass. This is redirection. Take the focus of the bad by continuously pumping the good.

Maine Voices: Endangered kids need new approach

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:50 PM

    The child protection agency should be required to post two bonds: one a performance bond to ensure that all the required services will be delivered at convenient times and places to each parent who hasn't criminally abused the child, minimum bond of at least $10K, forfeit if the agency fails to deliver on any service no excuses accepted; two a safety bond of at least $50K per child taken into care not recoverable until the child becomes an adult and refuses to sue. Also every agency should have a worker payouts determined by client (ie parents) evaluations.


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