Legally Kidnapped

Shattering Your Child Welfare Delusions Since 2007

Saturday, February 05, 2011

UCF nabs social work contract

This is new.

When I clicked on this link in my newsreader, not only did I find an article that shows at least where some of the money goes in the child welfare system, but also a very large picture of this half dressed pop tart with her tits half hanging out.

No it's not pornographic.

So yes this girl is absolutely beautiful and I'm sure the guys are going to like this, to which I must admit, I did. But that's not the point. The point is that if the feminists are right, this might just be the Child Protective Industries first crack at making babystealing look, um... sexy?

To be honest, I have no idea of the relationship of this picture to the article, unless this is a happy social work student in an outgrown prom dress, but in this particular case, I actually did read the article. You should too.

UCF nabs social work contract

the Florida Department of Children and Families chose UCF's School of Social Work to be the recipient of its four-year $1.3 million contract to train new child protective investigators and supervisors.

Now watch them take it down just because I said something.

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