Legally Kidnapped

Shattering Your Child Welfare Delusions Since 2007

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Foster care children may not find placement

Foster care children may not find placement

AUSTIN — Foster care children in Texas could face trouble finding placement in foster care homes as a result of funding cuts Texas Senators are proposing to the Department of Family and Protective Services, the commissioner of the department told Senators Tuesday.

Note: This is one of those horror scenarios that the child protective industry likes to conjure up when they're trying to minimize the impact of budget cuts.

Next they'll let some kid die from abuse or neglect, leak it to the media, get the people crying out against them for not doing enough to protect that one child, they'll cry back saying that they are overwhelmed because of budget cuts, then the state government will miraculously pull some cash out of their ass, hire more workers and fosters, and ultimately increase foster care placements by 10% in a year.

See I can do it too.

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