Legally Kidnapped

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Thursday, February 03, 2011

Alleged Hot Sauce Child Abuse Video Goes Viral

Alleged Hot Sauce Child Abuse Video Goes Viral

Alaskan mother Jessica Beagley is facing abuse charges after she was seen punishing her 7-year-old son by making him eat hot sauce and take a cold shower in a homemade video. Betty Nguyen reports.

1 comment:

  1. You have asked for comments: I would never have disciplined my child in this manner. It used to be a bar of soap in the mouth for cursing or lying, perhaps that is better than hot sauce. I also would never administer a cold shower, this is just too alarming. I used to sit, look eye-to-eye & discuss. This works so often. If repeated bad behavior arose, I cannot see how this kind of discipline won't drive distance between parent & child. I would have taken away privileges.
    When my children would act out, I promised them a time out. I delivered that time out during dinner prep time, when one child got to help me in kitchen (which they loved), while the rest got to watch tv (where I was around the corner listening, 1/2 participating/interacting with their tv viewing). The child who had time to serve on a time out, was given a stool and a corner to face (also very close in proximity to me) while the rest of us did our thing during dinner prep time (I might have 2 stools going at 1 time). If a child acted out again, I doubled their time out time. This is very effective. As toddlers they soon learned how time outs could grow exponentially. Occasionally I would have to stand over a child for 15 minutes enforcing & doubling time to make this all happen. But once you've stood over them, they get the point. I have even carried over time-out time to the next day b/c they could not fulfill it all in one day. Being within earshot of all the fun happenings, and forced to not participate was effective.
    I also used to take things away. If we had a trip to the store coming up, I would cancel it, and keep my word. Very effective.
    I think rebellion can stem from physical pain. Delivering pain, or cold showers, was never as effective as making a child think, and choose, thus ‘decide’ to do what's right.
    I find this video is uncomfortable. Does this constitute child abuse? It could, depending on the results for that child. It probably won't. Taking a snapshot of someone's day, and delivering a verdict is a very poor way for all of us to judge one another, and best left to the experts, CPS, who do it so well.


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