Legally Kidnapped

Shattering Your Child Welfare Delusions Since 2007

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Holding Foster Care Agencies Responsible for Abuse and Neglect

Holding Foster Care Agencies Responsible for Abuse and Neglect

For half his life, 8-year-old Marcus Smith has had to wear a helmet . . . . to protect his brain, which has only the healed skin of his scalp to protect the right side of his head. . . . When he was four, Marcus was beaten unconscious, his skull smashed like an eggshell, leaving his brain bruised and permanently damaged. . . . This would have been more than enough for city authorities to crash down doors to get the perpetrator, except for one thing: Marcus was a foster child at the time, taken from his mother and entrusted to the care of the city.

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