Legally Kidnapped

Shattering Your Child Welfare Delusions Since 2007

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Oh, I almost forgot. . .

Are the family rights people being censored by those stealing our children?

Back in September, our beloved Brenda left a comment on this foster contractors blog. The foster contractor responded just a couple days ago. I posted a link in the newsgroup, and know that Brenda and a couple others responded.

Oh, I almost forgot. . .

This person has refused to publish many comments in an effort to hide the truth about why many people become foster parents.

The number 1 reason... For the money.
The number 2 reason... They want your kid of their own.

Those who just want to help are few and far between, but foster parents who suck up to workers and believe every lie a worker tells them and spews the regurgitated bullshit that is nothing more than CPS propaganda and misinformation are many.

This is how they make themselves look good while warehousing children for the states.

1 comment:

  1. I posted what she said and made comments on my own blog. Here's the direct link...


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