Legally Kidnapped

Shattering Your Child Welfare Delusions Since 2007

Monday, January 12, 2009

total reform of Child protective services

total reform of Child protective services

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  1. Anonymous4:05 PM

    An oft forgotten group of children who are misplaced and mistakenly grouped amongst those individuals in need of protective services are those with developmental disability. This is not a Provincially limited dilemma, nor a Canadian one, but National! On May 1st 2007, a letter I wrote was tabled in the Government of Alberta's Hansard, page 732 - 733: The most cost effective way to manage government funding for children with special needs is via support of natural family involvement. Families faced with life-threatening changes when a child is born/develops severe disability are as vulnerable as the children themselves. Natural parents must be encouraged and regarded as valued, responsible care-givers. I did not initially realize that my vision already had a name: Family-Centred Care. I cannot explain how much this concept means to me... how dear to my heart, other than to share the struggles that our family personally faced. The largest accomplishment that I have been able to effect to date is an amendment to the FSCD (Family Services for Children with Disabilities) Act of 2004. Section 2 - 3, dated December 2006, which is accredited to our ^j^ Samantha: "The Family Support for Children with Disabilities (FSCD) Program to have separate legislation from that of child protection services."

  2. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Please email me at aleo966 at if you wish to see some immediate changes in reforming the system.

    You must be a California resident. Thanks.


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