Legally Kidnapped

Shattering Your Child Welfare Delusions Since 2007

Monday, October 06, 2008

Carol Rhodes Author of FOC Enemy of the Family

Former FOC case worker and supervisor tells her story and the story of the FOC.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:12 AM

    To whom it may concern,

    I am James Williams, father of two daughters who deserve better than what they have been given by their mother and the situation they have been forced into by the system.

    Time is running out for both them and I, as I have a pending court date for child support. At issue is the fact that I have ALWAYS supported my daughters, whether court ordered or not. This has never been in question by my daughters or anyone who knows them or me. I have them at my home several days per week, usually two full days and two partial days. Often, though, it is more. During the summer months and school vacations, they are often picked up by me from their mother’s residence the afternoon school lets out and dropped back off at their mother’s the evening before classes resume.

    In spite of paying child support for eight years, I also provided the things child support should have provided for my daughters, both at my own home and for them when at their mother's. Clothing, food, school supplies, birthday and Christmas presents, everything. Meanwhile, my child support dollars went, instead, to buy cell phones, video games, alcohol, tobacco and frequent visits to night clubs or bars for Mrs. Kovach. She obviously views it as my duty to support her, rather than our daughters. She has even gone so far as to nearly demand that I purchase beer for her and her live-in boyfriend on my way to drop the girls off. No mention, however, of anything Jocelynn or Kayleigh might need. Just beer for her and the boyfriend.

    Despite this, upon being laid off last year, I went to the Child Support Agency office in Ravenna where I was told that paying half per month would keep me above board until I could get back on my feet. This, of course, was false and the employee who told me this has denied it since. My driver's license has been suspended, further inhibiting my ability to earn income to replace that lost last year.

    Again, going to the Child Support Agency, I sought to have my payments reduced. Please keep in mind that I was materially supporting my daughters, as well as paying child support to their mother. The financial burden was severe and I sought to ease it while maintaining my support of them. Instead, my payment amount was increased to the agency “feeling” that I was capable of making more money than I currently am. It is not at all comforting to know that governmental offices are run by “feeling”.

    During this time I have been earning money repairing vintage and high-end audio equipment. This has been sufficient to support myself and daughters. It is not enough, however, to support my daughters twice. Once by child support and again directly when the money is spent on other things by their mother.

    While the pressing issue seems to be one of money and child support, that is merely a symptom of being taken to task by the legal system. The true issue has been, and should remain, doing what is best for my daughters. My daughters no longer wish to live with their mother, due to abuse and neglect. I and others have reported incidents to Children's Services, but nothing has been done. When they do show up, it is only after lengthy warning by phone and she is given time to put on a good show for them.

    In spite of Mrs. Kovach having custody and receiving child support, it is I who take them to doctor and dentist appointments, school meetings, Children's Advantage, eye doctor appointments, parent/teacher conferences, etc. There are several reasons for this, including outright refusal on her part to do so, unwillingness of others to deal with her aggressive and unstable behavior and inability of the school to contact her due to her refusal to update emergency contact information.

    This is merely a brief summary of the grief that my girls have been subjected to. Trying to shield them as much as I can from the chaos has worn me down and I am seeking any help you may be able to provide.

    Thank you for any possible assistance,

    James Williams


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