Legally Kidnapped

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Friday, December 04, 2015

Could Sandra Bullock adoption have ripple effect in Alabama?

    OMG!  Sandra Bullock adopted a kid!    

    The media circus of this week comes from Hollywood thanks to the Actress Sandra Bullock who adopted a little girl from foster care.  
    Could Sandra Bullock adoption have ripple effect in Alabama?
    An Oscar award-winning actress with ties to Alabama is bringing awareness to foster care. 
    Sandra Bullock told People magazine that she has adopted a second child, a girl named Laila. Her daughter joins her older son, Louis, who was also adopted. 
    Bullock said she hopes Laila's adoption will help shine a light on the hundreds of thousands of children currently in foster care.
    Now I'm not going to judge Sandra Bullock as her head has obviously been filled with the same kind of bullshit that most normal people have, and nobody in family rights has ever found a way to break through any of those ridiculous notions.  I will however like to point out an important piece of misinformation and state that it's a shame that the media and the Child Protective Industry will use this kid to "shine a light on the hundreds of thousands of children currently in foster care" especially since most of "the hundreds of thousands of children currently in foster care" should and hopefully will go home to their families.

    This is propaganda and they are totally milking it by making it sound like there are hundreds of thousands of kids who are waiting for adoptive homes, when in fact there are not.

    So in 2012 there was just under 400,000 kids in foster care on any given day.  The table above shows how many kids were adopted, (50,000) how many were emancipated, ie aged out (23,000) and 138,000 were reunified with their parents.  

    The point is that phrases like "hundreds of thousands of kids" makes the problem appear much worse than it actually is.  It also makes it appear that adoption is the best possible outcome for a child who is in foster care, when it certainly is not.  The best possible outcome is for that child to safely go back to their parents but nobody wants to put any focus on that.  It is also a tale of happily ever after that takes the focus away the challenges that many adoptive parents and children face after being bounced through the foster care system for years.  And it is an opportunity for them to present the issue through a pair of rose colored glasses.
    See, the problem is that people are generally stupid sheep and will buy this shit just because they saw it on entertainment tonight.  Because of that, somebody will jump on the bandwagon and another one of your kids will be lost forever to adoption.  

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