Legally Kidnapped

Shattering Your Child Welfare Delusions Since 2007

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Submitted By Alison Stevens

One of pain's Children's Panel Solicitors has asked the Legal Aid Board to fund a section 28 Contact Order, for a Grandmother to get to see her Grandchildren, post adoption.

My Co Worker at PAIN, self funded,and represented, himself, at the High Court, for such an order, three years ago, after he had his Children wrongly adopted, the Local Authority, had admitted to getting things wrong, with reference to the adoption, in his Case.

Unfortunately this was a test case, which was unfortunately lost.

In the past, such requests, for this Order,would of been turned down, Legal aid was never granted, for many of my Clients, it is now a step in the right direction, if a Solicitor is willing to try,and get such funding for this cause.

Alison Stevens Parents Against Injustice.
West Midlands Social Services,and Cafcass, have stooped to an all time low, the trauma, that they have put one poor Family through, has brought tears to my eyes.

Mother was diagnosed with MSP.and having a personality disorder by a Paediatrician, she has not had any Psychological referrals, as of yet, the Parents and three Children have never been seen by this Paediatrician, who is not properly qualified to diagnose such a disorder.

Due to this Problem, the Children's names were placed on the Child Protection Register.

Two weeks ago, one of the Boys fell over at a Family Wedding,and was taken to casualty,with no apparent injury.

At Coventry Family Court last week, the Guardian stated that Mums anxieties, were having a detrimental effect on the Children, he had heard about the Hospital visit.

On the Concerns of the Guardian, the Judge ordered the Parents, to hand over all passports to the Court,and a two week holiday,that they had booked over a year ago, costing £3000, would have to be canceled.

The Judge, then ordered the Guardian, to explain, to the Children, why their holiday had to be canceled, they were taken to the Cafcass Offices in Coventry, with no Family Member being present.

The Family were then more or less placed on house arrest, with twice daily visits from Social Services, until the next Court date, which was August 10th.

Social Workers told the Parents, that the Guardian, wanted all three Siblings, placed in different Foster Homes.

At Court today, the Children were placed on a interim Care Order, but could continue living at home.

I want to thank Our wonderful .Children's Panel Solicitors Brendan Fleming, and team, because without his effort , these Children would all be in separate Foster Homes today, other Solicitors would of pandered to Local Authority requests.

It looks like PAIN may have won its 3rd Case in a fortnight.

We await Psychological assessments.

IT IS IN THE BEST INTERESTS OF THE CHILDREN, TO BE PLACED IN DIFFERENT FOSTER PLACEMENTS,and to hear three small boys, crying on the telephone, about their holiday, was to much to bare, even for me, i cried many tears.

We shall be attempting to get advice from a Human Rights Lawyer.

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