Legally Kidnapped

Shattering Your Child Welfare Delusions Since 2007

Thursday, April 02, 2009

False accusation can ruin someone's life

False accusation can ruin someone's life

In a news report related to recent arrests made on Internet child pornography charges, the head of a watchdog group claimed her hotline had received 30,000 tips, leading to 40 arrests. Were there 29,960 false accusations?

Of course not, but it does highlight an issue. Too great a concern to shield whistleblowers may create a new problem. Without consequence, trouble makers can use the law enforcement establishment to attack a target.

1 comment:

  1. A false Allegation of Child Abuse can destroy your life forever.
    I know because it happened to me.
    Although we had our Son returned to us, after twelve agonizing weeks,he was found to have a fractured right tibia, after jumping from the side of the bath,and landing awkwardly.
    The Medics said definite Non Accidental Injury,thus the Care Proceedings, but the powers to be backed down in the end,and said the injury, could of been caused accidentally, he was diagnosed with OI, brittle bone disease.
    Years later, we became Grandparents for the first time, to a beautiful Baby girl Hollie Jade.
    Mother,and baby,were discharged from Hospital several hours later,and with utter delight, we went to see the new arrival.
    During the night, the baby was rushed back into Hospital with feeding problems.
    On going to visit the next day, a state of panic, came over me,Hollie had been placed, on the same Ward,and bed space, of which Social Workers, had taken her Father wrongly into Care, twenty years prior.
    I was in a hysterical state, how my husband, managed to get me off the ward,was beyond comprehension.
    The state of shock,and anxiety was to much to bare, i rang one of PAINS,Children's Panel Solicitors, even Brendan couldn't reassure me , that there would be no reason for concerns, but with my state of mind, there was no reasoning.
    What should of been a a very joyous occasion.was ruined by past experiance.
    My health has been ruined forever, with severe bouts of depression,and Crohns disease.
    Alison Stevens Parents Against Injustice.


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It Could Happen To You