Legally Kidnapped

Shattering Your Child Welfare Delusions Since 2007

Friday, April 03, 2009

CPS aka Child Protective Services Cops, CPS, and Corruption

CPS and cops are supposed to - respectively - protect, and serve and protect.

They do just the opposite - waging war on peaceful religious communities, kidnapping babies and children from good parents, tasering young moms who are holding their babies, arresting parents, throwing parents in jail, lying to the media and claiming that parents are drug addicts, mentally unfit, abusive, neglectful and on and on.

We need to expose these criminals because none of us will escape this tyranny.

The middle class is rapidly being wiped out, which means that when Child Protective Services comes for YOUR child, you won't be able to afford a lawyer. CPS will have a service plan for you, or whatever they call it, requiring you to attend Alcoholics Anonymous, Anger Management, and myriad other classes / programs, none of which may be relevant. But the upshot will be - if you conform to their dictates - that you lose your job, so you'll have no money to fight, and you'll be so beaten down you'll feel like you're going crazy. Then after a year or two of jumping through their hoops, they'll tell you the bond no longer exists between you and your baby/child/children and they are getting adopted out.

Judges don't care, politicians don't care, and your friends and neighbours may be part of the investigation into the allegations of abuse or neglect, so they may - as in the case of Brenda Waudby - think that you are guilty.

Even if your friends and neighbours think you are innocent, anything they say or don't so will be used against you. This isn't democracy anymore. These kidnappers and their hired goons don't care about what's best for the children, they only want to bully you and your children, and then send them to a foster home, where they probably will be abused, and they will definately suffer.

Do something now, because it doesn't get much worse than this in terms of tyranny, brutality, abuse of children, families and human rights. Demand action. Demand change, real change. Change that protects you and your children and all families. When you see other families who have been victims, stand up for them. Don't ask for whom the bell tolls, because sure as hell it's tolling loud and clear, for each and every one of us.

1 comment:

  1. Greenup County Kentucky DCBS/ Social Services Corruption
    If anyone has had any dealings with the Greenup County Social Services please post here or e-mail me . The main social worker I am talking about is Jarrod Richardson. Falsely accusing parents, doctoring paperwork, anything like that I can help you and will point you in the right direction for help and hopefully get your case turned around.

    For your information Jarrod no longer works at the Greenup County Dept for Community Based Services, he was fired/transfered RECENTLY.


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