Legally Kidnapped

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Friday, April 03, 2009

Audit finds Human Services falls short monitoring foster children's prescriptions

Audit finds Human Services falls short monitoring foster children's prescriptions

More than one year ago, child welfare officials pledged better oversight of the psychiatric drugs given to one in five foster children, but an internal state audit shows that isn't happening.

1 comment:

  1. This is an issue that is far-reaching and one that I consider extremely upsetting: First of all, far too many children are over-medicated at the request of schools or families who do not want to deal with more long-term approaches that can modify behaviour. It is simply less of an inconvenience to deliver a medication. While, definitely, some individuals benefit from stimulant and type medications, a frightening and very real potential for death can exist: ALL CHILDREN should be given full cardiac work-ups prior to commencement of these meds. It is simply impossible to determine who has an underlying heart issue without examining the individual first. Monitoring should also include children who are athletic and participating in strenuous sporting activity. One death is too many! We must treat children responsibly and this includes adequate monitoring and testing if medication is involved.


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