Legally Kidnapped

Shattering Your Child Welfare Delusions Since 2007

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Advanced System Suckology Case Study: Painting the Perfect Picture

This is how they sell the sheep on their little scam. By painting the perfect picture of a kind and caring system.

ME foster care system experiences big change

In the past 10 years, the Department of Health and Human Services has had a major change in thinking when it comes to the foster care system.

Note: Of course, what they don't tell you is that Maine still treats most of it's foster kids like shit. The kids still come out feeling like they were nothing but a pay-check. Lots of them still ultimately end up on the street. But yes the state has made improvements. A parent is less likely to have a child stolen in the first place, and the child is given to family much more often then say back in 2001. It's cheaper that way. However the foster kids that they do have are drugged, abused, bounced around from home to home, and put on the adoption block just like in any other state and the state does a great job of covering it all up and making it look like a national model child welfare system.

In this case, this wonderful article which was obviously approved or perhaps even written by the states public relations department, we have the education for the masses, which discusses this great, but rare, and often fictitious case where the real mother absolutely loves the foster parent.

But as the article also states...
Relationships between birth parents and foster parents are not always this smooth,
They'd sure like you to think it is though. And they'll never tell us about the cases where the previous statement would be true. In most cases we have desperate to adopt, child loving parent haters like the foster shrink, who blogs a full psychological beat down of the real mother as if she has the right to do so.

So believe what you want, but trust me, these people are not normal. In fact they are quite the opposite. They are the morons who fall for the lines of the social workers, who lie, omit information, and bounce kids through the system like unwanted puppy dogs.

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