Legally Kidnapped

Shattering Your Child Welfare Delusions Since 2007

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Adoption substidies help the child protective industry to sell your children

and keeps the money flowing for years after the deal is done.

Adoption subsidies help children find a family

Most children removed from their families for their own protection do not get placed with a permanent new family. They are shuffled through various foster homes or, worse still, placed in institutional group homes.


  1. “The clock is ticking for the children... [who are] subject to the whims and pocketbooks of individual [social workers]”. Then this article says if they SPEND and additional $36 million they will save money without any further explanation on how that spending saves money. From the article- “It’s also a bad deal for taxpayers who fund this expensive, ineffective system.” How is it they can do this spending more?!? How is it that children “with severe health and emotional problems .. that require costly services” deserve to be TAKEN and raised by the state? Creative bookkeeping and illogic decision making guide our governments and keep them legally kidnapping our children.

  2. Some children need a home,,where there is physical,emotional,or sexual abuse..But we know for the most part children are taking from good homes,charged with false abuse and sold to the highest bidder..The drugging of children with meds,that makes the child out of touch with reality,and appear as if that child has lost the bond with the Parent. What a outrage for the lives of children and family's..These methods have to be stop,and any substidies who help in this corruption..Aug 12 2011 is a National Protest day for all state's..Please join in your state and protest for the Rights of family's..note--afraid protest will hurt your case?? Send up balloons with protest notes..Please help get the word out in anyway you can..Thanks


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