Legally Kidnapped

Shattering Your Child Welfare Delusions Since 2007

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

How watching child abuse propaganda on television can harm other peoples children

I am a strong believer in the influence of the television mind control device on social conditioning and trend setting. I have come to learn through reading and observation that the sheep will jump whenever a demon word is uttered. Demon words such as "Violence" "Child Abuse" "Welfare" "Spanking" "Terrorism" "Tax Increase" are used as a call to action.

Media created boogie men like Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden, accused parents, etc. are portrayed regularly and in horrific ways. Some of it is justified, some of it is not. All of it is opinionated. And sadly, all too much of it spills over into other areas of reality.

How watching violence on television can be harmful for your child

Some would have you think that only the children are being influenced by television, but that's not true.

We are all subjected to child abuse propaganda.

It sets off emotion. That's usually what people act on.

And what we end up with is an irrational and dumbed down society of emotionally charged puppets all acting without a second thought. All believing everything that they see. And most lacking critical thinking skills. Many crying out against the injustice that was portrayed in a biased and sensationalized way.

And that, my friends is how they manufacture public support for the child protective industry.

So you can cry to your politicians, and so will they. The politicians will support the loudest group. The media will preach their biased, opinionated, exaggerated, and sensationalized bullshit that is designed for nothing more than to capture the attention of as many people as possible, in turn increasing the value of their advertising slots.

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